Books in Browsing: Science - Earth/Agricultural/Farming (sorted alphabetically by author)
Die Nutzpflanzen unserer Kolonien und ihre wirtschaftliche Bedeutung für das Mutterland (German) Diedrich Westermann
Crimson Clover: Growing the Crop J. M. Westgate
Remarks on the management, or rather, the mis-management of woods, plantations, and hedge-row timber J. West
Guidebook of Palo Duro Canyon West Texas State University. Geological Society
Canaries : their care and management Alexander Wetmore
Freak trees of the State of New York Gurth Adelbert Whipple
One Thousand Questions in California Agriculture Answered Edward J. Wickson
Dry-Farming : A System of Agriculture for Countries under a Low Rainfall John Andreas Widtsoe
Fruits of the Hawaiian Islands Gerrit Parmile Wilder
Principles and practice of agricultural analysis. Volume 1 (of 3), Soils Harvey Washington Wiley
Principles and practice of agricultural analysis. Volume 2 (of 3), Fertilizers Harvey Washington Wiley
The Nile in 1904 Sir William Willcocks
Preliminary Survey of a Paleocene Faunule from the Angels Peak Area, New Mexico Robert W. Wilson
On the Red Chalk of England Thomas Wiltshire
Gardening for women Viscountess Frances Garnet Wolseley
Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers J. G. Wood
Woodward's Graperies and Horticultural Buildings George E. Woodward and F. W. Woodward
All Afloat: A Chronicle of Craft and Waterways William Wood
The Tomato Paul Work
The Stewardship of the Soil John H. Worst
Poultry diseases E. J. Wortley
On The Affinities of Leptarctus primus of Leidy Jacob Lawson Wortman
The Garden, You, and I Mabel Osgood Wright
The Heart of Nature; or, The Quest for Natural Beauty Sir Francis Edward Younghusband
Hints on Bobcat Trapping Stanley Paul Young