Books in Browsing: Performing Arts/Film (sorted by popularity)
A Book of Operas: Their Histories, Their Plots, and Their Music Henry Edward Krehbiel 112 downloads
The Inventor. Introducing the Wishing Box. A Christmas Play Elsie Duncan Yale 111 downloads
La mort de César: Tragédie (French) Voltaire 111 downloads
Life Is a Dream Pedro Calderón de la Barca 111 downloads
Anttonius Putronius eli Antto Puuronen: Ilveilys viidessä näytelmässä (Finnish) Ludvig Holberg 111 downloads
Die Kringhäusler: Drama in drei Akten (German) Alma M. Karlin 111 downloads
Sir Henry Irving—A Record of Over Twenty Years at the Lyceum Percy Fitzgerald 111 downloads
Aarne Kalske : Nelinäytöksinen näytelmä (Finnish) T. E. Kivipelto 111 downloads
Lucky Pehr August Strindberg 111 downloads
The Love-Tiff Molière 110 downloads
Maternità: Dramma in quattro atti (Italian) Roberto Bracco 110 downloads
That Marvel—The Movie Edward S. Van Zile 110 downloads
Den bergtagna: En kärlekens tragedi (Swedish) Victoria Benedictsson and Axel Lundegård 110 downloads
La Tempête (French) William Shakespeare 110 downloads
The Footlights, Fore and Aft Channing Pollock 110 downloads
Vekkulit ja kekkulit: Leikki-näytelmä kahdessa näytöksessä (Finnish) Antero Warelius 110 downloads
Graft: A Comedy in Four Acts Harold Brighouse 109 downloads
De Ridders (Dutch) Aristophanes 109 downloads
The Art of Iugling or Legerdemaine Samuel Rid 109 downloads
Punch and Judy, with Instructions How to Manage the Little Wooden Actors Thomas A. M. Ward 109 downloads
The Brass Bottle: A Farcical Fantastic Play in Four Acts F. Anstey 109 downloads
Der Sturm, oder Die bezauberte Insel (German) William Shakespeare 109 downloads
De Hogerveldt's: Oorspronkelijk Tooneelspel in 3 Bedrijven (Dutch) P. A. Daum and Johan Jacob Estor 109 downloads
Aspects of Modern Opera: Estimates and Inquiries Lawrence Gilman 109 downloads
Heliogabalus: A Buffoonery in Three Acts H. L. Mencken and George Jean Nathan 109 downloads