Books in Browsing: Performing Arts/Film (sorted by popularity)
Moisasurs Zauberfluch (German) Ferdinand Raimund 118 downloads
The Battle of Hexham; or, Days of Old: a play in three acts George Colman 118 downloads
Please pass the cream: A comedy Charles Nevers Holmes 117 downloads
Theatro de João d'Andrade Corvo - I (Portuguese) João de Andrade Corvo 117 downloads
Sappho : Viisinäytöksinen murhenäytelmä (Finnish) Franz Grillparzer 117 downloads
Electra (Spanish) Benito Pérez Galdós 117 downloads
Murtuneita : Nelinäytöksinen näytelmä (Finnish) Kaarle Halme 117 downloads
The Squire: An Original Comedy in Three Acts Arthur Wing Pinero 116 downloads
The fanatics : A comedy in three acts Miles Malleson 116 downloads
Talitha: evangelho em tres actos (Portuguese) Pinto da Rocha 116 downloads
Alcibiade, la critica e il secolo di Pericle (Italian) Felice Cavallotti 116 downloads
Stories of the Wagner Opera H. A. Guerber 116 downloads
The Love-chase James Sheridan Knowles 116 downloads
Theft: A Play In Four Acts Jack London 116 downloads
Morituri: Three One-Act Plays Hermann Sudermann 115 downloads
Peggy Plays Off-Broadway Virginia Hughes 115 downloads
Esther (French) Jean Racine 115 downloads
Touch and Go: A Play in Three Acts D. H. Lawrence 115 downloads
Heart Bowed Down: Aria from The Bohemian Girl 115 downloads
Three Plays by Granville-Barker Harley Granville-Barker 115 downloads
Un año en quince minutos: pieza en un acto (Spanish) Manuel García González 114 downloads
The Romancers: A Comedy in Three Acts Edmond Rostand 114 downloads
Coriolan (French) William Shakespeare 114 downloads
Second Plays A. A. Milne 114 downloads
Der Fliegende Hollaender (German) Richard Wagner 114 downloads