Books in Browsing: Performing Arts/Film (sorted by popularity)
The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 11 (of 11) Henrik Ibsen 128 downloads
Fotografia senza.... - Notte di neve - La chiacchierina (Italian) Roberto Bracco 127 downloads
Representative Plays by American Dramatists: 1856-1911: The New York Idea Langdon Elwyn Mitchell 127 downloads
A Treatise on the Art of Dancing Giovanni-Andrea Gallini 127 downloads
Yuletide entertainments : Christmas recitations, monologues, drills, tableaux, motion songs, exercises, dialogues and plays Ellen M. Willard 127 downloads
The Master of Mrs. Chilvers: An Improbable Comedy Jerome K. Jerome 127 downloads
Redemption and two other plays graf Leo Tolstoy 127 downloads
Le Voyage de Monsieur Perrichon: Comédie en quatre actes (French) Eugène Labiche and Édouard Martin 127 downloads
Caliban by the Yellow Sands: A Community Masque of the Art of the Theatre Percy MacKaye 127 downloads
Ajas: Szomorujáték (Hungarian) Sophocles 127 downloads
The photodrama : The philosophy of its principles, the nature of its plot, its dramatic construction and technique, illumined by copious examples, together with a complete photoplay and a glossary, making the work a practical treatise Henry Albert Phillips 127 downloads
By Force of Impulse: A Drama in Five Acts Harry V. Vogt 126 downloads
Le théâtre japonais (French) André Lequeux 126 downloads
Le chef d'orchestre: théorie de son art (French) Hector Berlioz 126 downloads
Liliom : Egy csirkefogó élete és halála (Hungarian) Ferenc Molnár 126 downloads
Les Deux Gentilshommes de Vérone (French) William Shakespeare 126 downloads
Il tamburo di fuoco: Dramma africano di calore, colore, rumori, odori (Italian) F. T. Marinetti 126 downloads
Théâtre de Hrotsvitha (French) Hrotsvitha 125 downloads
The Stolen Heiress; or, The Salamanca Doctor Outplotted. A Comedy Susanna Centlivre 125 downloads
Moral Ludwig Thoma 125 downloads
La sposa di Mènecle: Comedia in un prologo e tre atti, con note (Italian) Felice Cavallotti 125 downloads
Die ungleichen Schalen: Fünf einaktige Dramen (German) Jakob Wassermann 125 downloads
Comme il vous plaira (French) William Shakespeare 125 downloads
Der Neffe als Onkel (German) Friedrich Schiller 124 downloads
Yllätys: Yksinäytöksinen näytelmä (Finnish) Kaarlo Asp 124 downloads