Books in Browsing: Performing Arts/Film (sorted alphabetically)
fanatics : A comedy in three acts Miles Malleson
Fanny and the Servant Problem Jerome K. Jerome
Fanny's First Play Bernard Shaw
fantasmi: Dramma in quattro atti (Italian) Roberto Bracco
fantesca (Italian) Giambattista della Porta
Fantôme de l'Opéra (French) Gaston Leroux
faune des plateaux (French) Tristan Bernard
Faust: A Lyric Drama in Five Acts Charles Gounod, Jules Barbier, and Michel Carré
Female Gamester: A Tragedy Gorges Edmond Howard
Fenris, the Wolf: A Tragedy Percy MacKaye
ferro (Italian) Gabriele D'Annunzio
Festival plays : one-act pieces for New Year's day, St. Valentine's day, Easter, All Hallowe'en, Christmas and a child's birthday Marguerite Merington
fiaccola sotto il moggio (Italian) Gabriele D'Annunzio
fiançailles: Féerie en cinq actes et onze tableaux (French) Maurice Maeterlinck
Fifteen years of a dancer's life : With some account of her distinguished friends Loie Fuller
Fifty Contemporary One-Act Plays
fille du ciel: Drame Chinois (French) Pierre Loti and Judith Gautier
film : Its use in popular education M. Jackson-Wrigley
Film Truth; November, 1920 Anonymous
Fils de Coralie: Comédie en quatre actes en prose (French) Albert Delpit
fine dell'amore (Italian) Roberto Bracco
Fiori d'arancio (Italian) Roberto Bracco
First and the Last: A Drama in Three Scenes John Galsworthy
First Plays A. A. Milne
Five Bachelors