Books in Browsing: Performing Arts/Film (sorted alphabetically)
Enrico IV (Italian) Luigi Pirandello
Ensimmäinen rakkaus: Komedia yhdessä näytöksessä (Finnish) Eugène Scribe
Epäilijä: Kuvaus neljässä näytöksessä (Finnish) Kalle Aho
Epicoene; Or, The Silent Woman Ben Jonson
Esmeralda (French) Victor Hugo
essayeuse : pièce en un acte (French) Pierre Veber
Essays on the Stage Thomas D'Urfey
Esther (French) Jean Racine
Étourdi ou les contre-temps (French) Molière
Etudes sur Aristophane (French) Emile Deschanel
evergreen tree Percy MacKaye
Every Man in His Humour Ben Jonson
Everyman," with other interludes, including eight miracle plays
Evolution of Expression, Volume 2—Revised Charles Wesley Emerson
Exhibition Drama George M. Baker
Exiles: A Play in Three Acts James Joyce
Exits and Entrances Eva Moore
Fair Margaret: A Portrait F. Marion Crawford
Fairy Tale in Two Acts Taken from Shakespeare (1763) William Shakespeare, George Colman, and David Garrick
Faithful Shepherdess Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher
Faith Healer: A Play in Three Acts William Vaughn Moody
False One: A Tragedy Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher
Familie Selicke: Drama in drei Aufzügen (German) Johannes Schlaf and Arno Holz
Family Man : in three acts John Galsworthy
Famous Prima Donnas Lewis Clinton Strang