Books in Browsing: Performing Arts/Film (sorted alphabetically)
Comédie des Méprises (French) William Shakespeare
Comedies by Holberg : Jeppe of the Hill, The Political Tinker, Erasmus Montanus Ludvig Holberg
Comedies of Carlo Goldoni Carlo Goldoni
Comediettas and Farces John Maddison Morton
Comedy of Errors William Shakespeare
Comedy of Errors William Shakespeare
Comedy of Errors William Shakespeare
Comedy of Errors William Shakespeare
Comedy of Errors William Shakespeare
Come prima meglio di prima: Commedia in tre atti (Italian) Luigi Pirandello
Comic Tragedies Louisa May Alcott and Anna Bronson Alcott Pratt
Comme il vous plaira (French) William Shakespeare
Complete Plays of Gilbert and Sullivan W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan
Complete Plays of John Galsworthy John Galsworthy
Comte Ory: Opéra en deux actes (French)
condemnado, drama em tres actos e quatro quadros; (Portuguese) Camilo Castelo Branco
Confidences et Révélations: Comment on devient sorcier (French) Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin
Conquest; Or, A Piece of Jade; a New Play in Three Acts Marie Carmichael Stopes
Constant Couple; Or, A Trip to the Jubilee: A Comedy, in Five Acts George Farquhar
Contemporary One-Act Plays
Continental stagecraft Kenneth Macgowan
Contrast Royall Tyler
convolvulus: a comedy in three acts Allen Norton
Coq d'Or (The Golden Cock): An Opera in Three Acts (French)
cor del poble : Drama en tres actes (Catalan) Ignasi Iglesias