Books in Browsing: Performing Arts/Film (sorted by popularity)
Household Gods: A Comedy Aleister Crowley 132 downloads
La tête de Martin: Comédie en un acte (French) Eugène Grangé, Théodore Barrière, and Adrien Decourcelle 131 downloads
A Parody on Patience D. Dalziel 131 downloads
Woman on Her Own, False Gods and The Red Robe Eugène Brieux 131 downloads
Ajas: Szomorujáték (Hungarian) Sophocles 131 downloads
Tutto per bene: Commedia in 3 atti (Italian) Luigi Pirandello 131 downloads
Candida: Ein Mysterium in drei Akten (German) Bernard Shaw 131 downloads
Comme il vous plaira (French) William Shakespeare 131 downloads
Der G'wissenswurm: Bauernkomödie in drei Akten (German) Ludwig Anzengruber 131 downloads
If: A Play in Four Acts Lord Dunsany 131 downloads
The Theory of the Theatre, and Other Principles of Dramatic Criticism Clayton Meeker Hamilton 130 downloads
Representative Plays by American Dramatists: 1765-1819 130 downloads
Lively plays for live people Thomas S. Denison 130 downloads
Gl'ingannati degli accademici intronati di Siena (Italian) Unknown 130 downloads
Mollentrave on Women: A comedy in three acts Alfred Sutro 130 downloads
Adrienne Lecouvreur (French) Eugène Scribe and Ernest Legouvé 130 downloads
Redemption and two other plays graf Leo Tolstoy 130 downloads
Peines d'amour perdues (French) William Shakespeare 130 downloads
Les Deux Gentilshommes de Vérone (French) William Shakespeare 130 downloads
Le bocche inutili: dramma in tre atti (Italian) Annie Vivanti 130 downloads
Un'avventura di viaggio (Italian) Roberto Bracco 129 downloads
The Changed Valentines, and Other Plays for St. Valentine's Day Elizabeth F. Guptill 129 downloads
The Big Drum: A Comedy in Four Acts Arthur Wing Pinero 129 downloads
The Good Hope Herman Heijermans 129 downloads
The photodrama : The philosophy of its principles, the nature of its plot, its dramatic construction and technique, illumined by copious examples, together with a complete photoplay and a glossary, making the work a practical treatise Henry Albert Phillips 129 downloads