Books in Browsing: Performing Arts/Film (sorted by popularity)
Plays by August Strindberg: Creditors. Pariah. August Strindberg 291 downloads
Certain Noble Plays of Japan: From the manuscripts of Ernest Fenollosa 291 downloads
As You Like It William Shakespeare 291 downloads
How He Lied to Her Husband Bernard Shaw 290 downloads
One Day More: A Play In One Act Joseph Conrad 287 downloads
My Double Life: The Memoirs of Sarah Bernhardt Sarah Bernhardt 285 downloads
L'Avare (French) Molière 285 downloads
The Seven Lively Arts Gilbert Seldes 285 downloads
Hamburgische Dramaturgie (German) Gotthold Ephraim Lessing 284 downloads
Molière - Œuvres complètes, Tome 1 (French) Molière 283 downloads
Becket and other plays Baron Alfred Tennyson Tennyson 281 downloads
Hernani (French) Victor Hugo 281 downloads
The Art of Ballet Mark Edward Perugini 278 downloads
Garside's Career: A Comedy in Four Acts Harold Brighouse 274 downloads
Plays by August Strindberg, Second series August Strindberg 272 downloads
The Taming of the Shrew William Shakespeare 270 downloads
Le Roi s'amuse (French) Victor Hugo 268 downloads
The Recruiting Officer George Farquhar 268 downloads
The Elizabethan Stage, Vol. 3 E. K. Chambers 267 downloads
La Folle Journée ou le Mariage de Figaro (French) Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais 267 downloads
Die Familie Selicke: Drama in drei Aufzügen (German) Johannes Schlaf and Arno Holz 267 downloads
The Little Man: A Farcical Morality in Three Scenes John Galsworthy 267 downloads
Le retour de l'exilé: Drame en cinq actes et huit tableaux (French) Louis Honoré Fréchette 266 downloads
Heroines of the Modern Stage Forrest Izard 265 downloads
Second sight secrets and mechanical magic Herman Pinetti 264 downloads