Books in Browsing: Language & Communication (sorted alphabetically)
Book of Exposition Homer Heath Nugent
Botistoj (Esperanto) Aleksis Kivi
Boy Blue and His Friends Etta Blaisdell McDonald and Mary Frances Blaisdell
boy nihilist : or, Young America in Russia Allan Arnold
Boy with the U. S. Weather Men Francis Rolt-Wheeler
Brain Heinrich Hauser
Briefe an Ludwig Tieck (1/4) (German) Ludwig Tieck
Briefe an Ludwig Tieck (2/4) (German) Ludwig Tieck
Briefe an Ludwig Tieck (4/4) (German) Ludwig Tieck
Brief History of the English Language and Literature, Vol. 2 J. M. D. Meiklejohn
Brooks's Readers: First Year Stratton D. Brooks
Brooks's Readers, Third Year Stratton D. Brooks
Brought Home Hesba Stretton
Bulalakaw ng Pag-asa (Tagalog) Ismael A. Amado
Bunte Steine: Ein Festgeschenk (German) Adalbert Stifter
Buntong Hininga (Tagalog) Pascual de Leon
Burgess Unabridged: A new dictionary of words you have always needed Gelett Burgess
Business English: A Practice Book Rose Buhlig
Cabinet des Fées (French)
Cabos sueltos: Literatura y lingüística (Spanish) Julio Cejador y Frauca
Cadet de Famille, v. 1/3 (French) Edward John Trelawny
Cahangahangang Buhay ni Santa Margarita de Cortona (Tagalog) Cleto R. Ignacio
Calling the Empress George O. Smith
Camões e a Fisionomia Espiritual da Pátria (Portuguese) Leonardo Coimbra
Campaner Thal, and Other Writings Jean Paul