Books in Browsing: Language & Communication (sorted alphabetically)
Bashful Lover (Novels of Paul de Kock Volume XIX) Paul de Kock
Batalo pri la Domo Heikkilä (Esperanto) Johannes Linnankoski
Bath Keepers; Or, Paris in Those Days, v.1 Paul de Kock
Beadle's Dime National Speaker, Embodying Gems of Oratory and Wit, Particularly Adapted to American Schools and Firesides
Beginners' Book in Language. A Book for the Third Grade Harry Jewett Jeschke
belle que voilà... (French) Louis Hémon
Besuch im Carcer. (German) Ernst Eckstein
Bet, and other stories Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
Between You and Me Sir Harry Lauder
Beyträge zur Kenntniss der altdeutschen Sprache und Litteratur. Erster Band. Theil 1. (German) Georg Friedrich Benecke
Biblia en España, Tomo I (de 3) (Spanish) George Borrow
Bisayan grammar and notes on Bisayan rhetoric and poetics and Filipino dialectology Norberto Romuáldez
Blanche: The Maid of Lille Ossip Schubin
Blaubart und Miss Ilsebill (German) Alfred Döblin
Blind Esperantist's Trip to Finland and Sweden, to Attend the Fourteenth International Esperanto Congress W. Percy Merrick
Bobby and Betty with the workers Katharine Elizabeth Dopp
Boeventaal (Dutch) W. L. H. Köster Henke
Bohemian Grammar Jaroslav Victor Nigrin
Bolanyo Opie Percival Read
Bom senso e bom gosto : resposta à carta que o sr. Antero de Quental dirigiu ao sr. Antonio Feliciano de Castilho (Portuguese) barão de Roussado Manuel Rousaddo
Book About Words G. F. Graham
booke called the Foundacion of Rhetorike Richard Rainolde
Book of Brave Old Ballads
Book of Delight, and other papers Israel Abrahams
Book of English Prose Percy Lubbock