Books in Browsing: Humour (sorted alphabetically)
Editorial Wild Oats Mark Twain
Ei ole aikaa: Komedia kolmessa näytöksessä (Finnish) Ludvig Holberg
Elbow-Room: A Novel Without a Plot Charles Heber Clark
Electro-episoded in A.D. 2025 E. D. Skinner
Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog Oliver Goldsmith
Elegy on the Glory of Her Sex, Mrs. Mary Blaize Oliver Goldsmith
Életemből (II. rész) (Hungarian) Mór Jókai
Életemből (I. rész) (Hungarian) Mór Jókai
Eliza Barry Pain
Éloge de la paresse (French) Eugène Marsan
Éloge du pet (French) Claude-François-Xavier Mercier de Compiègne
Èl Sgner Pirein (Italian) Antonio Fiacchi
Emma Jane Austen
Emma Jane Austen
Emmanuel Burden, merchant, of Thames St., in the city of London, exporter of hardware : A record of his lineage, speculations, last days and death Hilaire Belloc
English as She is Taught
English as She is Wrote Anonymous
English Jests and Anecdotes, Collected from Various Sources Various
English Satires
English Spy: An Original Work Characteristic, Satirical, And Humorous. C. M. Westmacott
Epistola de Manoel Mendes Fogaça (Portuguese) José Agostinho de Macedo
Epitres des hommes obscurs du chevalier Ulric von Hutten traduites par Laurent Tailhade (French) Ulrich von Hutten
Erewhon Revisited Twenty Years Later, Both by the Original Discoverer of the Country and by His Son Samuel Butler
Eroberer (German) Paul Weidmann
Escape, and Other Essays Arthur Christopher Benson