Books in Browsing: History - Warfare (sorted by release date)
New York Times Current History: The European War, Vol. 8, Pt. 2, No. 1, July 1918 Various May 27, 2014
Up and Down E. F. Benson May 24, 2014
The Boy Aviators with the Air Raiders: A Story of the Great World War John Henry Goldfrap May 23, 2014
The Blocking of Zeebrugge Alfred Francis Blakeney Carpenter May 22, 2014
De Leeuw van Modderspruit (Dutch) L. Penning May 20, 2014
Seeteufel: Abenteuer aus meinem Leben (German) Graf von Felix Luckner May 17, 2014
History of Company K of the 140th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers (1862-'65) Benjamin F. Powelson and Alexander Sweeney May 10, 2014
The Story of the Munsters at Etreux, Festubert, Rue du Bois and Hulloch Jessie Louisa Moore Rickard May 10, 2014
Scapa and a Camera C. W. Burrows May 4, 2014
The Song of the Rappahannock: Sketches of the Civil War Ira Seymour Dodd May 3, 2014
La guerra dei pirati e la marina pontificia dal 1500 al 1560, vol. 1 (Italian) Alberto P. Guglielmotti May 2, 2014
Deeds of a Great Railway G. R. S. Darroch May 2, 2014
The History of the Fifty-ninth Regiment Illinois Volunteers David Lathrop May 1, 2014
Eighteen months in the war zone : the record of a woman's work on the western front Kate John Finzi Apr 30, 2014
Roster and Statistical Record of Company D, of the Eleventh Regiment Maine Infantry Volunteers Albert Maxfield and Robert Brady Apr 26, 2014
The Wonder of War on Land Francis Rolt-Wheeler Apr 23, 2014
Gun running for Casement in the Easter rebellion, 1916 Karl Spindler Apr 22, 2014
Mosby's War Reminiscences; Stuart's Cavalry Campaigns John Singleton Mosby Apr 18, 2014
The North Pacific: A Story of the Russo-Japanese War Willis Boyd Allen Apr 16, 2014
New Zealanders at Gallipoli Fred Waite Apr 9, 2014
A Maid and a Million Men James G. Dunton Apr 8, 2014
Inventions of the Great War A. Russell Bond Apr 3, 2014
The Cause of the Charge of Balaclava Thomas Morley Apr 2, 2014
Sota ja rauha IV (Finnish) graf Leo Tolstoy Apr 1, 2014
Sota ja rauha III (Finnish) graf Leo Tolstoy Apr 1, 2014