Books in Browsing: History - Religious (sorted alphabetically)
Myth of the "Manuscript Found," or the Absurdities of the "Spaulding Story"
Mythology among the Hebrews and Its Historical Development Ignác Goldziher
Myths & Legends of Babylonia & Assyria Lewis Spence
nazarénusok (Hungarian) Károly Eötvös
Nederlandse kerken en de joden, 1940-1945 (Dutch) Johan M. Snoek
New Conspiracy Against the Jesuits Detected and Briefly Exposed Robert Charles Dallas
New England and the Bavarian Illuminati Vernon Stauffer
nipotismo di Roma, or, The History of the Popes Nephews Gregorio Leti
Noorsche mythen uit de Edda's en de sagen (Dutch) H. A. Guerber
Not Paul, but Jesus Jeremy Bentham
Nunnery life in the Church of England; or, Seventeen years with Father Ignatius O.S.B. Sister Mary Agnes
Obedience to the Articles and Rubrics of the Church of England Edwin Proctor Denniss
Obras selectas de la celebre monja de Mejico, sor Juana Ines de la Cruz : precedidas de su biografia y juicio crítico sobre todas sus producciones (Spanish) Sister Juana Inés de la Cruz
Old Franciscan Missions Of California George Wharton James
old paths, or the Talmud tested by Scripture Alexander McCaul
Old Testament in the Light of the Historical Records and Legends of Assyria and Babylonia Theophilus G. Pinches
Omnia Opera Sancti Patricii (Latin) Saint Patrick
On the Architectural History of Chester Cathedral Thomas Rickman
On the Duties of the Clergy Bishop of Milan Saint Ambrose
Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism Franz Cumont
Origin and Development of Christian Dogma: An essay in the science of history Charles A. H. Tuthill
Origin and Permanent Value of the Old Testament Charles Foster Kent
Outline of the History of Christian Thought Since Kant Edward Caldwell Moore
Outlines of Ecclesiastical History B. H. Roberts
Outlines of Jewish History from B.C. 586 to C.E. 1885 Lady Katie Magnus