Books in Browsing: History - Religious (sorted alphabetically)
- mesi dell'anno ebraico (Italian) Pinhas Refa'el Baki
- Metlakahtla and the North Pacific Mission of the Church Missionary Society Eugene Stock
- Minerva oscura (Italian) Giovanni Pascoli
- Miraculous Medal: Its Origin, History, Circulation, Results Jean-Marie Aladel
- mirror for witches : in which is reflected the life, machinations, and death of famous Doll Bilby, who, with a more than feminine perversity, preferred a demon to a mortal lover; here is also told how and why a righteous and most awfull judgement befell her, destroying both corporeal body and immortal soul Esther Forbes
- missionnaires français au Thibet (French) Prince Henri d' Orléans
- Missouri Persecutions B. H. Roberts
- Monastery Walter Scott
- monastery of Petschenga : Sketches of Russian Lapland (from historical and legendary sources) J. A. Friis
- Monks, Popes, and their Political Intrigues John Alberger
- Moon of Israel: A Tale of the Exodus H. Rider Haggard
- Mordred and Hildebrand: A Book of Tragedies Wilfred Campbell
- More Italian Yesterdays Mrs. Hugh Fraser
- Mormon Battalion, Its History and Achievements B. H. Roberts
- Mormon Menace: The Confessions of John Doyle Lee, Danite Alfred Henry Lewis and John Doyle Lee
- Mormons: A Discourse Delivered Before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania Thomas L. Kane
- Moses and Aaron: Civil and Ecclesiastical Rites, Used by the Ancient Hebrews Thomas Goodwin
- Moses, not Darwin B. G. Johns
- Moslem and Frank; G. L. M. Strauss
- Moslem seeker after God : showing Islam at its best in the life and teaching of al-Ghazali, mystic and theologian of the eleventh century Samuel Marinus Zwemer
- Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick
- Mother of St. Nicholas: A Story of Duty and Peril Grant Balfour
- Mr. Gladstone and Genesis Thomas Henry Huxley
- Music in the History of the Western Church Edward Dickinson
- My First Mission George Q. Cannon