Books in Browsing: History - Religious (sorted alphabetically)
- Christology of the Old Testament: And a Commentary on the Messianic Predictions, Vol. 1 Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg
- Christology of the Old Testament: And a Commentary on the Messianic Predictions. Vol. 2 Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg
- Christ's Journal Paul Alexander Bartlett
- Chronicle of Jocelin of Brakelond: A Picture of Monastic Life in the Days of Abbot Samson active 1173-1215 de Brakelond Jocelin
- Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta Family Elizabeth Rundle Charles
- Chronological Table of the Catholic Primates of Ireland John Murphy
- Church and State as Seen in the Formation of Christendom T. W. Allies
- Church History, Volume 1 (of 3) J. H. Kurtz
- Church History, Volume 2 (of 3) J. H. Kurtz
- Church History, Volume 3 (of 3) J. H. Kurtz
- Church History (Volumes 1-3) J. H. Kurtz
- Church of England cleared from the charge of Schism T. W. Allies
- Church, the Schools and Evolution J. E. Conant
- Churchwardens' Manual George Henry Sumner
- Cities of Refuge: or, The Name of Jesus John R. Macduff
- City of God, Volume I Bishop of Hippo Saint Augustine
- city of Jerusalem C. R. Conder
- Class-Book of Biblical History and Geography H. S. Osborn
- Class-Book of New Testament History G. F. Maclear
- Class-Book of Old Testament History G. F. Maclear
- Codex Junius 11 Unknown
- Colección de Documentos Inéditos Relativos al Descubrimiento, Conquista y Organización de las Antiguas Posesiones Españolas de Ultramar. Tomo 3, De Las Islas Filipinas, II (Spanish)
- Collected Essays, Volume V Thomas Henry Huxley
- Collection of Rare and Curious Tracts on Witchcraft and the Second Sight
- Comento alla Divina Commedia, e gli altri scritti intorno a Dante, vol. 1 (Italian) Giovanni Boccaccio