Books in Browsing: History - General (sorted alphabetically)
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Wells Percy Dearmer
Belshazzar: A Tale of the Fall of Babylon William Stearns Davis
Bélteky ház: Tanregény (1. kötet) (Hungarian) András Fáy
Bélteky ház: Tanregény (2. kötet) (Hungarian) András Fáy
Ben-Hur: A tale of the Christ Lew Wallace
Ben-Hur: A tale of the Christ Lew Wallace
Ben-Hur: Kertomus Kristuksen ajoilta (Finnish) Lew Wallace
Ben Hur: Una storia di Cristo (Italian) Lew Wallace
Benjamin Constant (French) Hippolyte Castille
Benjamin of Ohio: A Story of the Settlement of Marietta James Otis
Bentley's Miscellany, Volume I Various
Beretning om Folke-Høiskolen i Rødding (Danish) Christian Flor
bergland van den Roewenzori (Dutch) duca degli Abruzzi Luigi Amedeo di Savoia
Berkshire Horace Woollaston Monckton
Berlin — Panorama einer Weltstadt (German) Karl Gutzkow
Bernardino Luini James Mason
Bertha, Our Little German Cousin Mary Hazelton Blanchard Wade
Beschrijving van het Rijks-Planetarium te Franeker (Dutch) W. Eekhoff and Jan Hendrik van Swinden
Bessbrook and Its Linen Mills: A Short Narrative of a Model Temperance Town J. Ewing Ritchie
Bess of Hardwick and Her Circle Maud Stepney Rawson
Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to prose. Volume I (of X) - Greece
Best o' luck: How a fighting Kentuckian won the thanks of Britain's King Alexander McClintock
Best Stories of the 1914 European War Various
Betrayed Armenia Diana Agabeg Apcar
Betrothed Alessandro Manzoni