Books in Browsing: History - General (sorted alphabetically)
Béarn and the Pyrenees : A legendary tour to the country of Henri Quatre Louisa Stuart Costello
Bear ye one another's burdens." A Plain Sermon on the Lancashire Distress James Galloway Cowan
Beast and Man in India John Lockwood Kipling
Beasts, Men and Gods Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski
Beatrice Cenci: Storia del secolo XVI (Italian) Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi
Beau Brocade: A Romance Baroness Emmuska Orczy Orczy
Beautiful Philippines: A Handbook of General Information Philippine Islands. Commission of Independence
Beauvoir: Jefferson Davis Shrine United Daughters of the Confederacy. Mississippi Division
beaux messieurs de Bois-Doré Vol. 1 (of 2) George Sand
Beaver, Vol. 1, No. 04, January 1921
Beaver, Vol. 1, No. 05, February, 1921 Hudson's Bay Company
Beaver, Vol. 1, No. 10, July, 1921 Hudson's Bay Company
Beethoven and His Forerunners Daniel Gregory Mason
Before and after Waterloo Edward Stanley
Before the War Viscount R. B. Haldane Haldane
Beggars on Horseback; A riding tour in North Wales E. Oe. Somerville and Martin Ross
Beginner's History of Philosophy, Vol. 2: Modern Philosophy Herbert Ernest Cushman
Beginners of a Nation Edward Eggleston
Beginning of the Sea Story of Australia Louis Becke
Beginnings of America, 1607-1763
Beginnings of Libraries Ernest Cushing Richardson
Beginnings of New England John Fiske
Begumbagh: A Tale of the Indian Mutiny George Manville Fenn
Behind the Bungalow Edward Hamilton Aitken
Behind the News: Voices from Goa's Press Various