Books in Browsing: History - General (sorted alphabetically by author)
- Four Years in France Henry Digby Beste
- The Book of Gallant Vagabonds Henry Beston
- A Volunteer Poilu Henry Beston
- The Wardens of Cape Cod : The achievements of the Coast Guard Patrol Henry Beston
- Full Speed Ahead: Tales from the Log of a Correspondent with Our Navy Henry Beston
- Tijdtafel der geschiedenis van het vaderland (Dutch) Pieter Best
- A Voyage Round the World William Betagh
- Suma y narracion de los Incas, que los indios llamaron Capaccuna, que fueron señores de la ciudad del Cuzco y de todo lo á ella subjeto (Spanish) Juan de Betanzos
- Holidays in Eastern France Matilda Betham-Edwards
- Through Spain to the Sahara Matilda Betham-Edwards
- Memoria sobre a descoberta das ilhas de Porto Santo e Madeira 1418-1419 (Portuguese) Emiliano Augusto de Bettencourt
- Memória sobre a plantação dos algodões (Portuguese) José de Sá Bettencourt
- Terremoto : storia del secolo XVI (Italian) Parmenio Bettòli
- The Towns of Roman Britain J. O. Bevan
- Sand and Canvas: Narrative of adventures in Egypt with a sojourn among the artists in Rome Samuel Bevan
- Sea-dogs all! : a tale of forest and sea Tom Bevan
- The world's leading conquerors : Alexander the Great, Cæsar, Charles the Great, the Ottoman sultans, the Spanish conquistadors, Napoleon Wilson Lloyd Bevan
- The History of Virginia, in Four Parts Robert Beverley
- The History of the 51st (Highland) Division 1914-1918 F. W. Bewsher
- "Green Balls" : The Adventures of a Night-Bomber Paul Bewsher
- Germany before the war baron Beyens
- With Kelly to Chitral Sir William George Laurence Beynon
- Anzeiger des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, Jg. 1900 (German) Gustav von Bezold
- Della guerra nazionale d'insurrezione per bande, applicata all'Italia (Italian) Carlo Bianco
- Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Henry Bibb, an American Slave, Written by Himself Henry Bibb