Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted alphabetically)
- Frederick the Great and the Rise of Prussia William Fiddian Reddaway
- Frederick the Great and the Seven Years' War Ferdinand Schrader
- Free Russia William Hepworth Dixon
- French & English : A comparison Philip Gilbert Hamerton
- French in Algiers Clemens Lamping and Ernest Alby
- French life in town and country Hannah Lynch
- French Revolution Sir Charles Edward Mallet
- French Revolution Hilaire Belloc
- French Revolution 1789-1795 Bertha Meriton Gardiner
- French Revolution: A History Thomas Carlyle
- French Revolution: A Short History R. M. Johnston
- French Revolution of 1789, as Viewed in the Light of Republican Institutions John S. C. Abbott
- French Revolution - Volume 1 Hippolyte Taine
- French Revolution - Volume 2 Hippolyte Taine
- French Revolution - Volume 3 Hippolyte Taine
- French Ways and Their Meaning Edith Wharton
- frère de Nicolas Foucquet: François, Archevêque de Narbonne; Exilé à Alençon (French) Louis François Marin Duval
- Friend Mac Donald Max O'Rell
- friend of Marie-Antoinette (Lady Atkyns) Frédéric Barbey
- Friesland (Dutch) Jac. P. Thijsse
- From Aldershot to Pretoria : A story of Christian work among our troops in South Africa William E. Sellers
- From a Terrace in Prague B. Granville Baker
- From Convent to Conflict; Or, A Nun's Account of the Invasion of Belgium Sister Marie Antoine
- From Memory's Shrine: The Reminscences of Carmen Sylva Carmen Sylva
- From October to Brest-Litovsk Leon Trotsky