Books in Browsing: Gender & Sexuality Studies (sorted alphabetically by author)
- Essays in medical sociology, Volume 2 (of 2) Elizabeth Blackwell
- Essays in medical sociology, Volume 1 (of 2) Elizabeth Blackwell
- El paraiso de las mujeres (Spanish) Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
- Mobilizing Woman-Power Harriot Stanton Blatch
- The Sexual Life of Our Time in Its Relations to Modern Civilization Iwan Bloch
- Der Marquis de Sade und seine Zeit. (German) Iwan Bloch
- Life and writings of Amelia Bloomer D. C. Bloomer
- The Priest and the Acolyte John Francis Bloxam
- Yhteiskunnan hylkäämä: Langenneen naisen päiväkirja (Finnish) Margarete Böhme
- Parapilla, poëme en cinq chants (French) Charles Bordes
- Madame Putiphar, vol 1 e 2 (French) Pétrus Borel
- Le parfum de la Dame Noire : Physiologie humoristique de l'amour Africain (French) Paul Bourgette and Louis Sonolet
- Mary Wollstonecraft and the beginnings of female emancipation in France and England Jacob Bouten
- Venere ed Imene al tribunale della penitenza: manuale dei confessori (Italian) J. B. Bouvier
- Vixen, Volume I. M. E. Braddon
- Vixen, Volume III. M. E. Braddon
- Vixen, Volume II. M. E. Braddon
- A Mad Love Charlotte M. Brame
- Vies des dames galantes (French) Pierre de Bourdeille Brantôme
- Die Frauenfrage: ihre geschichtliche Entwicklung und wirtschaftliche Seite (German) Lily Braun
- Agnes Grey Anne Brontë
- Women's Work A. A. Brooke and Margaret Whitley
- A Fool There Was Porter Emerson Browne
- Talks to Freshman Girls Helen Dawes Brown
- The Ethics of George Eliot's Works John Crombie Brown