Books in Browsing: Cooking & Drinking (sorted alphabetically)
grapes of New York U. P. Hedrick
greedy book : A gastronomical anthology Frank Schloesser
Grocers' Goods Frederick B. Goddard
Growing Nuts in the North Carl Weschcke
Guano: A Treatise of Practical Information for Farmers Solon Robinson
Guide to Hotel Housekeeping Mary E. Palmer
guide to modern cookery A. Escoffier
Half-A-Dozen Housekeepers: A Story for Girls in Half-A-Dozen Chapters Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin
Handboek voor den kaasmaker in Nederland (Dutch) Pierre Jean Hollman
Handbook of Cookery for a Small House Jessie Conrad
Handbook of Fish Cookery: How to buy, dress, cook, and eat fish Lucy H. Yates
handbook of invalid cooking : for the use of nurses in training, nurses in private practice, and others who care for the sick Mary A. Boland
Hand-Book of Practical Cookery, for Ladies and Professional Cooks Pierre Blot
Hand-book of Sanitary Information for Householders Roger Sherman Tracy
Handbook of Wool Knitting and Crochet Anonymous
Hand-book on cheese making George E. Newell
Harper's Household Handbook: A guide to easy ways of doing woman's work Martha McCulloch-Williams
Healthy Life Cook Book, 2d ed. Florence Daniel
Healthy Life, Vol. V, Nos. 24-28 Various
High-class cookery made easy Mrs. J. Hart
Hints on cheese-making, for the dairyman, the factoryman, and the manufacturer T. D. Curtis
Hints on Dairying T. D. Curtis
History of Bread: From Pre-historic to Modern Times John Ashton
History of Champagne, with Notes on the Other Sparkling Wines of France Henry Vizetelly
History of Esculent Fish Roger North