Beneficiary Features of American Trade Unions
James Boyd Kennedy
Beurs Lacht (Dutch)
Heinrich Heine
Book of Business Etiquette
Nella Braddy Henney
Books and bidders : The adventures of a bibliophile
A. S. W. Rosenbach
Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Assistant and Guide.
Borzoi 1920 : Being a sort of record of five years' publishing
Inc. Alfred A. Knopf
Bound to Succeed; or, Mail Order Frank's Chances
Allen Chapman
Boy Wanted": A Book of Cheerful Counsel
Nixon Waterman
Bread Overhead
Fritz Leiber
Brief Account of the Educational Publishing Business in the United States
William Edmond Pulsifer
British Manufacturing Industries: Pottery, Glass and Silicates, Furniture and Woodwork.
Léon Arnoux, Frederick Settle Barff, and John Hungerford Pollen
British State Telegraphs
Hugo Richard Meyer
Building of a Book
Business Administration: Theory, Practice and Application. [Vol. 1] Business Economics
business career in its public relations
Albert Shaw
Business Correspondence, Vol. 1: How to Write a Business Letter
Business English: A Practice Book
Rose Buhlig
Business Hints for Men and Women
A. R. Calhoun
Business Library: What it is and what it does
Louise B. Krause
Business of Being a Housewife
Leona A. Malek
Business of Mining
Arthur J. Hoskin
Butchers', Packers' and Sausage Makers' Red Book (German)
George Jacob Sayer
California, 1849-1913; Or, The Rambling Sketches and Experiences of Sixty-four Years' Residence in that State
L. H. Woolley
Californische Skizzen (German)
Friedrich Gerstäcker
Captains of Industry; or, Men of Business Who Did Something Besides Making Money
James Parton