Books in Browsing: Business/Management (sorted alphabetically)
- Railroad Reorganization Stuart Daggett
- Random Reminiscences of Men and Events John D. Rockefeller
- Rapport au Ministre des Finances sur l'Administration des Postes (French) Édouard Vandal
- rational wages system : some notes on the method of paying the worker a reward for efficiency in addition to wages Henry Atkinson
- Readings in Money and Banking Chester Arthur Phillips
- Recent discussions on the abolition of patents for inventions in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and the Netherlands : Evidence, speeches, and papers in its favour
- Recipes Used in the Cooking Schools, U. S. Army United States. Army
- réforme postale en France (French) François-Guillaume Barrillon
- Reminiscences of a Stock Operator Edwin Lefevre
- Report of Governor's Representatives for California at Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Commission J. A. Filcher, Frank Wiggins, and California. Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition commission
- Retail Shoe Salesmanship George F. Hamilton, Frank Butterworth, H. T. Conner, and A. H. Geuting
- Rigby's reliable candy teacher and soda and ice cream formulas W. O. Rigby
- Rights of Labor William H. Taft
- Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau Honoré de Balzac
- Roast Beef, Medium: The Business Adventures of Emma McChesney Edna Ferber
- Robinson Telegraphic Cipher Stephen L. Robinson
- Romance and Tragedy of a Widely Known Business Man of New York William Ingraham Russell
- Romance of a Great Store Edward Hungerford
- Romance of Industry and Invention
- Royal Railways with Uniform Rates Whately C. Arnold
- Rural Motor Express United States. Council of National Defense. Highways Transport Committee
- Salt and the salt industry Albert Frederick Calvert
- Sam Lambert and the New Way Store: A Book for Clothiers and Their Clerks Unknown
- Scamping Tricks and Odd Knowledge Occasionally Practised upon Public Works John Newman
- Science of Getting Rich W. D. Wattles