Books in Classical Antiquity (sorted by popularity)
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The Odyssey Homer 19906 downloads
The Iliad Homer 18276 downloads
The Confessions of St. Augustine Bishop of Hippo Saint Augustine 14395 downloads
The Ethics of Aristotle Aristotle 8650 downloads
Lysistrata Aristophanes 8137 downloads
The Consolation of Philosophy Boethius 5932 downloads
The Iliad Homer 5285 downloads
The Poetics of Aristotle Aristotle 5053 downloads
The Aeneid Virgil 4046 downloads
Cicero's Tusculan Disputations Marcus Tullius Cicero 2922 downloads
The Argonautica Rhodius Apollonius 2691 downloads
The Aeneid of Virgil Virgil 2560 downloads
The Odyssey Homer 2400 downloads
Politics: A Treatise on Government Aristotle 2320 downloads
Aeneidos (Latin) Virgil 2259 downloads
The Germany and the Agricola of Tacitus Cornelius Tacitus 1841 downloads
The Iliad of Homer Homer 1831 downloads
Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns, and Homerica Hesiod 1650 downloads
The Birds Aristophanes 1627 downloads
The Agamemnon of Aeschylus Aeschylus 1385 downloads
"De Bello Gallico" and Other Commentaries Julius Caesar 1224 downloads
The Works of Horace Horace 1130 downloads
The Odyssey of Homer Homer 1078 downloads
Tacitus on Germany Cornelius Tacitus 1060 downloads
The Golden Asse Apuleius 940 downloads
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