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Title: Rogers' Directory of Norwich and Neighbourhood

Author: Edmund Dawson Rogers

Release date: December 10, 2020 [eBook #64006]

Language: English

Credits: Transcribed from the c1858 Jarrold and Sons edition, using scans from the British Library, by David Price


Transcribed from the c1858 Jarrold and Sons edition, using scans from the British Library, by David Price.







It is never pleasant to have to make apologies; and yet there are some circumstances under which an apology is a duty, and therefore, whether pleasant or not, should be tendered cheerfully.  The present is a case in point.  The work should have been published earlier, and would have been had it been possible.  The truth is that the “Guide to Streets, &c.,” was a novel experiment, and the compiler—having nobody’s experience to guide him—thought the task an easier one than it turned out to be.  It was at first imagined that the matter for this “Guide” could be obtained simultaneously with the information for the Directory itself.  The attempt proved the mistake.  It was found that to do both well they must be done distinctly and independently.  Hence chiefly came the delay, to say nothing of the fact that for many “local habitations” it was very difficult to find the “name.”  In yards and courts not a few, and in some out-of-the-way streets even, not one of the inhabitants could give his whereabouts a designation!  The task, however, has been achieved at last; and it is trusted that upon the whole the public will think that it has been achieved well.  A few errors have crept in, doubtless; but no labor and no care have been spared to avoid them.  The hope is confidently cherished that the faults of the work will be forgiven for the sake of its excellencies, especially as the compiler promises to “do better next time.”


Norwich, a city and county, situate in the centre of the Eastern Division of Norfolk, consists of 35 parishes and 10 hamlets, covers 6,638 acres, is nearly 14 miles in circumference, and contained, in 1851, 15,000 houses and 68,195 inhabitants.  The undisputed metropolis of the Eastern Counties, it has communication both by water and rail with the seaports of Yarmouth and Lowestoft, while it is doubly connected with London by the Ipswich and Cambridge lines; and has access to the midland and northern counties, by way of Peterborough.  Having thus indicated the locale and dimensions of the “old city,” it is but right that before proceeding further we should give a brief sketch of its history.  And this we the more readily do, inasmuch as Norwich has borne a by no means undistinguished part in those great political and social movements which have made England what she is.

We should, however, only trifle with our readers were we to express any opinion upon the origin and paternity of the East Anglian capital, for it would ill become us to pretend to pierce through the obscurity which surrounds the early history of this, as indeed of all other cities.  It is certainly but natural to suppose that Norwich gradually rose round a military fortress erected on the site which the present Castle partly occupies; but whether that fortress was raised by some British potentate whose very name is mythical, or was the work of Uffa, the first Saxon king of the eastern counties, and whether, it being destroyed by Sweyn, the present structure was founded by Canute, it would profit us little to discuss.  Declining, therefore, these bootless speculations, we find that in the reign of Edward the Confessor, “Northwic” contained 1300 burgesses, boasted of 25 churches, and was already of sufficient importance as to constitute a “hundred;” while in 1085, as appears by the Doomsday Survey, its burgesses had increased in number to over 1500, and its churches to 45.  Shortly before this, William the Conqueror had appointed its first Norman governor, Ralph de Guader, or Waher, who, however, marrying the monarch’s niece, Judith, without his consent, and afterwards conspiring against his sovereign, was obliged to flee to Brittany; his bride, after a three-months’ siege in the castle, during which the city suffered much damage, was compelled to capitulate.  The office, which included the earldom of Norfolk and some considerable estates, was then conferred on Roger Bigod, the founder of a baronial house illustrious p. 2in English history. [2]  In the following reign the city rose in importance by the translation, in 1094, of the Bishop’s See from Thetford—where indeed it had barely been fixed a quarter of a century; having, up to 1070, been located at North Elmham, then a place of note, and subsequently a favorite residence of the diocesans.  The then bishop, Herbert de Lozinga, for having purchased his preferment of William Rufus, and for other simoniacal practices, was required, after the fashion of the times, to prove his contrition by a substantial atonement.  He accordingly purchased a meadow, called Cow Holme, extending from the castle ditches to the river; and in 1096 laid the foundation of a cathedral church, proceeding with such expedition, that in five years he was able to place 60 Benedictine monks in the new priory.  About this period many Jews from Normandy settled in the city; popular prejudice, however, was strong against them, and in 1137, on a charge of crucifying a boy in Thorpe wood, large numbers of them were ruthlessly slaughtered.  Carrow Abbey, we may here mention, dates its origin from the middle of the 12th century, the site being granted by Stephen for a nunnery, where the daughters of the noble and the affluent were wont to be educated.

A century later, and we find the lay and clerical elements in rancorous hostility.  Perpetual animosities between the citizens and the monks rose at last to such a height, that the priory was, in 1234, entirely destroyed; while 38 years subsequently, the cathedral itself was well nigh demolished—an offence for which the city was visited with the terrors of an interdict.  The injury, however, was not irreparable, for with a fine of 3000 marks imposed on the principal inhabitants, and with some liberal donations, the edifice was sufficiently restored as in 1278 to be consecrated by Bishop Middleton, in the presence of Edward the First and his queen, Eleanor—the first royal visit of which we have any reliable evidence.  A wall was, moreover, raised round the Cathedral precincts—St. Ethelbert’s Gate being erected by the citizens; and this seems for a time to have prevented further dissension.  Between the two epochs of contention above-named, arose the first recorded charitable institution in Norwich—Bishop Walter de Suffield founding St. Giles’ (commonly called the Old Man’s) Hospital, for the triple purpose of ensuring masses for his soul’s repose, providing an asylum for superannuated and infirm priests, and furnishing a refuge for 13 aged persons; to the last object only, it is hardly necessary to say, is the building now devoted; and enriched by subsequent benefactions, the hospital accommodates 50 of each sex, who, on admission, must have reached 65 years of age.

Another noticeable feature which must by no means be overlooked while dwelling on this period, is the enclosure of the city, from Conisford p. 3or King street to Pockthorpe, by a wall.  This important work, a testimony to the increasing prosperity of the city, as well as to the turbulence of the times, was commenced in 1294 and completed in 1320; but it was not till two and twenty years afterwards that, through the munificence of one Richard Spynk, the wall was flanked with 40 towers, furnished with 12 gates, and fortified by a broad ditch.  The gates remained up to 1792, and the wall, though now built upon on every side, may yet be traced for almost its entire length, being especially prominent as the southern boundary of Chapel Field, and offers many a study to the antiquarian and the historian.

In 1340 and 1342 Edward the Third held grand tournaments in the city, and in 1348 the heir apparent, the Black Prince, with his mother Philippa, also visited Norwich, and were entertained at a cost of £37 4s. 6d.  A more unwelcome visitor quickly followed; for in seven months 37,000 persons are said to have perished by the plague, by which the city was alarmingly depopulated.  It was about this time that the Castle began to be used as a county prison, which was authorized by an Act of 14 Edward III., though a military governor continued still to be appointed.  In 1381, cotemporaneously with the Wat Tyler rebellion in the south, John de Litester, a dyer, at the head of a large body of the disaffected, pillaged the houses of the wealthy, but was speedily overthrown by the forces of Bishop Spencer.  This very warlike ecclesiastic was a fierce enemy of the Lollards, who had acquired a strong hold in the city, and he imprisoned Sir Thomas Erpingham, who had shown a warm sympathy for the reformed doctrines; but in the parliament of 1400 the king directed them to “shake hands and kiss each other in token of friendship.”  The reconciliation was apparently sincere, for the baronet became a munificent benefactor to the church.  He erected the Erpingham gateway, and rebuilt the monastery of the Black friars, now known as St. Andrew’s Hall.  This noble building was not, however, completed until the time of his son Sir Robert, himself a member of the fraternity.  On the dissolution of the monasteries by our royal Bluebeard, the property was obtained by the Corporation for the sum of £81, and became devoted to the guilds and other secular purposes.

In 1403, in consideration, as it appears, of a gift of 4000 marks, (for most of our ancient liberties were purchased) Henry IV. conferred municipal institutions on the city, and would also have increased its representatives—for Norwich had returned two members since 1296—to four, had not the citizens represented their inability to meet the increased expense which their services would have occasioned.  William Appleyard was the first mayor, and he celebrated his year of office in the fine flint building then just erected, lately used as a Bridewell, and now as a tobacco manufactory.  In 1407 the Guildhall was commenced, on the site of a small thatched erection, called a toll-booth, used for collecting the market tolls.  Henry V., in 1415, visited the city, and, we are told, left his coronet in pawn for 1000 marks, which he doubtless required for his French wars; but 25 years afterwards Norwich was in sad disgrace at court, for as a rebuke for suing Henry VI. for £100 which they had lent, the charters were suspended.  A few years after, however, the city was visited by that unfortunate monarch, and in 1469 p. 4by Edward IV., who, writes John Paston, “hath been worshipfully received into Norwich, and had right good cheer and great gifts”—with which he was so well pleased that he speedily paid another visit, when some grand pageants were performed, though interrupted by “heavy and continuous rain.”

But we now come to a catalogue of disasters: the Cathedral was seriously injured by fire, 1463; the fatal plague ravaged the city, 1479; and in 1505 and 1507 there were great fires, in the latter year 718 houses being consumed, which obliged the corporate authorities to prohibit the erection of thatched buildings.  In 1517, disputes between the citizens and the monks being again rife, Wolsey came over on a mission of mediation, but it was not till several years afterwards that peace was restored by the settlement of the civil and ecclesiastical boundaries and jurisdictions.  We must not forget to notice the burning of the martyr Bilney, after an imprisonment in a dungeon of the Guildhall; and scarcely were the lurid fires of persecution extinguished before a memorable political outbreak exposed the city to the ravages of contending armies, and excited the anxious consideration of the youthful Edward’s ministers.  The details of Kett’s rebellion are too well known to require recapitulation; suffice it to say that after obtaining possession of the city and defeating the Marquis of Northampton in an encounter on Palace Plain, the insurgents were dispersed by the Earl of Warwick—Robert Kett being executed at the Castle, and William at Wymondham.  To close a paragraph of casualties, persecutions, and tumults, we must record the visitation of the sweating sickness, striking down near 1000 victims in 1551, and of the quartan ague six years later; the conviction of several citizens in 1570, for participation in a plot for assassinating the queen, re-establishing Popery, and expelling the strangers “out of the citye and realme,” of whom four suffered death, and others confinement for life; and the imprisonment in the Castle of certain persons apprehended in Suffolk for “refusing to come to the church in time of sermons and common prayer.”

Turning from these saddening scenes, we note the foundation, in 1557, of Caius College, Cambridge, by a Norwich citizen of that name, (but sometimes spelled Keyes, whence, we suppose, the pronunciation of the word,) physician to three sovereigns of the house of Tudor, and a man of learning.  He was one of the first of a long line of distinguished men educated at our Grammar School—an institution of ancient date, but which did not become located in the present venerable structure until the reign of Elizabeth.  And this mention of “Good Queen Bess” reminds us of her visit to the old city in 1578, spending a week in all sorts of festivities, pageantries, and amusements, to the unutterable delight of her loyal subjects.  Nearly a century was destined to elapse ere Norwich was honored with another sight of royalty; and as there is a back-ground to every picture, so all this rejoicing was followed by the dread calamity of the plague—introduced, indeed, it was supposed, by some of the Queen’s attendants—and which slew five thousand victims.

The succeeding half century is chiefly characterised by ecclesiastical commotions, of which the fact that within little more than 60 years p. 5the diocese had twelve bishops, may be taken as one indication.  Of these, the first, John Parkhurst, who died about 1575, was favorably disposed towards the church polity of Calvin, and opposed, as far as he could, a passive resistance to the harsh injunctions of his Primate (Parker, a native of Norwich) against the Puritans; Edmund Freke, his successor, deprived many nonconforming ministers of their livings, and imprisoned Robert Brown, the first separatist from the Establishment, and whose ideas of church government are mainly identical with those of the present Congregationalists; a third—Matthew Wren, father of the famous architect, was censured and imprisoned by the Parliament, on a complaint by the people of Ipswich, that he had, in two years, suspended or deprived fifty ministers, and driven 3000 persons, with their manufactures, to Holland, to the prejudice of the trade of the kingdom; Joseph Hall, the last of the twelve, was a man much esteemed for his mild disposition, and for the purity of his style was termed the English Seneca.  Though at one time harshly treated by the Roundhead soldiers, he was ultimately restored by the Commons to the full possession of his revenues, and spent the latter part of his life in a quiet retreat at Heigham, (now the Dolphin Inn,) in the church of which parish he was interred, though a passage in his will runs thus—“I do not hold God’s house a meet repository for the bodies of the greatest saints.”—(Neale’s History of the Puritans.)  Of the Civil War, the period in which this worthy bishop lived, there is but little to record.  Norwich seems from the first to have given an unhesitating support to the Parliament, and was assessed at £53 yearly towards the maintenance of the Earl of Manchester’s forces.  That there was, however, a party in the city who leaned to the King’s side, is shown by a tragical occurrence in 1648.  John Utting, the mayor, had been complained of for not carrying out the ordinances against images; but upon a poursuivant being sent to require his attendance at the bar of the House to answer the charge, a violent tumult arose; the rioters obtained possession of the military depôt, (whose site the Bethel now occupies,) and 98 barrels of gunpowder being accidentally fired, 200 persons were killed or wounded by the explosion.

Coming down to 1671, we must chronicle the visit of the “Merry Monarch,” with his Queen and brother, who were sumptuously entertained by the Duke of Norfolk, as well as by the civic grandees: an animated description of the city at this period—with its ducal palace, its prosperous manufactures, and the priceless cabinet and botanical gardens of the famous Sir Thomas Browne (whose monument may be seen in St. Peter’s church)—is given by Macaulay.  Ten years later, James, Duke of York, paid a second visit; but in 1687 he had, as king, forfeited all popularity by his arbitrary interference with the corporation; and the representative of the house of Howard, riding into the market at the head of 300 knights and gentlemen, amid the acclamations of the citizens, declared for a free parliament.  It was the son of this duke, who, taking umbrage at the mayor’s forbidding his comedians entering the city with trumpets, demolished the whole of his ancestral palace, said to be the largest town house in the kingdom out of London, and which, from Christmas to Twelfth-night, was wont to be open to all comers.

p. 6Henceforth politics almost disappear, and the remainder of the narrative must be confined to matters of purely local interest, which may be very briefly chronicled.  From 1696 to 1698, a mint was established here, and coined about a quarter of a million of money.  In 1732 the Market and Charing crosses were taken down; in 1731 the St. George’s Company—incorporated 1416, and the principal of the city guilds—resigned their charters to the corporation.  In 1761 a coach was started between Norwich and London, to run the distance in twenty hours, it having hitherto taken two days in summer and three in winter.  An inundation in the following year, flooded nearly 300 houses.  In 1771 the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital was founded, William Fellowes, Esq., of Shotesham, laying the first stone.  In 1776 an act was obtained for making a turnpike to Thetford.  In 1785 the first balloon ascent seen in the city took place, Major Money being the adventurous aeronaut.  In 1791 the barracks were erected, at a cost of £20,000.  In 1824 the first Musical Festival was held, and was conducted by Sir George Smart; its chief promoter was Mr. Edward Taylor, now Gresham Professor.  The same year the City Gaol was built, in lieu of an old building on the site of the Public Library—the Shirehall is of about the same date; the Museum was founded in 1825, and in 1828 the Corn Exchange was erected.  In 1835, June 16, the last guild-day celebration took place, 800 ladies and gentlemen dining in St. Andrew’s Hall; the late Mr. T. O. Springfield was, in the following January, elected the first mayor under the Municipal Reform Act.  In 1837 Dr. Stanley was appointed bishop; this beloved prelate expired in 1849, about two years after the death of the equally beloved and philanthropic Joseph John Gurney.  In 1844 the Yarmouth railway was opened, in the following year the Norfolk, and in 1846 the Ipswich and Colchester line.  In 1854, the mayor, (then Mr. Samuel Bignold) was knighted by her Majesty, on presenting an address from the Corporation, on the war with Russia.  In 1857 the Free Library was opened, and the first stone was also laid of the New Workhouse.

Having thus brought down the political history of the city to the present time, we propose to offer a review of the origin and progress of the manufactures of Norwich, on which its prosperity has so materially depended, and indeed still depends.

As a manufacturing city, Norwich first comes into notice in the reign of Henry I.  In 1108 an inundation in Flanders induced many of the sufferers to try their fortunes in England; some of them settled at Worstead, (whence the name “worsted”) and afterwards at Norwich.  In the following reign more Flemish emigrants came over; and they introduced the weaving of wool.  The weavers, in Henry the Second’s reign, formed themselves into guilds, and obtained charters; but it was not till the time of the third Edward that the next great advance was made.  This wise king invited into the kingdom a large number of the countrymen of his consort, Philippa of Hainault, who were skilled in weaving woollen and worsted.  They were principally located in the eastern counties; Norwich was fixed as the staple for Norfolk and Suffolk; and an act was passed prohibiting the wearing of any but English cloth—a piece of protectionist policy at which we may smile, but which was no doubt then very commendable.  In several following p. 7reigns great complaint was made of the “craft and deceit” practised in the making of serges, says, fustians, &c., and wardens were appointed to supervise the “true making thereof.”  Trade in these articles seems to have declined about the period of the Reformation, and attention began to be paid to dornecks and coverlets; and in the reign of Mary, the manufacture of “light stuffs”—the same fabric as the Naples fustians, and resembling the bombazines of later years—was introduced.  In 1565, however, there was much distress in the city through the decay of the worsted trade, and the corporate body obtained permission to “import” 300 Dutch, but too glad to avoid the persecution of the merciless Alva, who brought with them the art of weaving with a warp of silk or linen, as well as of dyeing and other processes.  In five years their numbers increased to 3000, (in London there were nearly 4000) and in 1575 their elders exhibited to the authorities a mixed fabric of silk and worsted, termed bombazine.  Religious persecution, however, drove many back to their fatherland, now liberated from the intolerant Spaniard; but Cromwell’s policy of liberty of conscience and unfettered trade, remedied the mischief thus occasioned.  In Charles the Second’s reign, the lower west room of the Guildhall (the Criminal Court) was the Cloth Hall, and the chamber over (now Sword-room) was devoted to the sale of wool and yarn.  Wool-combing was now a source of great employment, (it was carried on here until 1808,) and the anniversary of its patron saint, Bishop Blaize, was celebrated with much pomp; while the manufacture was so extensive as to be described as “such as England never knew in any age.”  Shortly afterwards an additional branch of industry was opened, the French refugees introducing the making of crape, which soon became very popular, and under Sir Robert Walpole’s administration, a public mourning was ordered to be in Norwich crape.  About the middle of last century the trade of the city is generally supposed to be at its zenith, its productions being exported to all the continental markets; after this period the increasing use of cotton goods inflicted a heavy blow on the manufacture of woollen fabrics, while even in the latter, Norwich became exposed to the competition of Yorkshire mills, which occupied vantage ground from their proximity to iron and coal mines.  In 1776 there were alarming riots on the part of the weavers, owing to lack of employment and the dearness of provisions.  The American and French wars supervened in rapid succession—the latter closed most of the foreign markets, and thus inflicted incalculable injury on the city.  Broad bombazines, poplins, camlets, fillover and other shawls, have been introduced at different periods since 1780; the bombazines are nearly superseded by paramattas, &c., and bareges, balzarines, &c., in every variety of design, are now manufactured.  Of the yarns chiefly used, the wool is mostly from Australia, the silk from China, (though some from India and Italy) and the mohair from Angora; an inferior description is, however, obtained from Asia Minor.

We must not forget to notice the opening of the shoe manufacture in the city, which gives employment to a considerable number of persons of both sexes: nor must we overlook the starch and mustard works of Messrs. Colman.

Appended is a brief statement of the particular branches to which p. 8the principal factories are devoted:—Messrs. Middleton and Answorth, and Messrs. Bolingbroke, are famed for their poplins, and for the production of crinoline—the material being horsehair from South America.  Messrs. Clabburn, for fillover long shawls, by a patented process, which gained the Paris Exhibition medal.  Messrs. Willett and Nephew—paramattas, and many plain and fancy fabrics.  Messrs. Grout and Co. (also of Yarmouth and Bungay)—silk crape.  Mr. Geary and Mr. Sultzer, cotton fabrics—the latter establishment also carries on the winding of cotton on reels.  Messrs. Blake and Mr. Jay—spinning of woollen and mohair yarns.  Messrs. Towler and Co., and Messrs. Rowling and Allen—plain and fancy fabrics.  Mr. G. Allen—woven silk for gloves.  Messrs. Hinde—bareges and paramattas.

Other important departments of trade, too numerous to be enumerated, are also carried on; such as sacking, tobacco, brushes, egg-flour, artificial manures, &c., &c.



We have already alluded to the fact, that in the reign of William the Conqueror there were 45 city churches; and it appears from an inventory of the ornaments in the churches of the Norwich archdeaconry—commenced by William de Swyneflete in 1368, and continued to about 1419—that at that period there were 55 churches in use, exclusive of the Cathedral and conventual churches, besides the following which had then been desecrated or annexed to other parishes: St. Wyndwall, or Catherine in Newgate, (consolidated with All Saints, the parish being nearly depopulated by the plague in 1349), St. Olave’s Chapel, St. Michael Conisford, St. John the Evangelist, St. Cuthbert, St. Matthew, St. Christopher (united with St. Andrew), and St. Anne.  Of the 55 then in use, the following, however, have long ceased to exist as parish churches; St. Botolph, St. Margaret Newbridge, St. Mary Combust, St. Margaret Colegate, St. Olave, (the two last named were taken down and consolidated with St. George at Colegate), St. Cross, St. Bartholomew (united with St. John at Sepulchre), St. Michael, (Ber Street,) St. Edward, St. Clement Conisford, St. Vedast, and St. Mary Parva (now the French Church).  St. Mary in the Marsh was desecrated in 1653, and the parishioners have since used St. Luke’s Chapel, in the Cathedral.

We append a statement of all the edifices now standing, in connection with the Established Church, commencing of course with


The present structure is considered by some to be mainly the work of Bishop Alnwyck, temp. 1430, and this prelate is generally supposed to have completed the cloisters—one of the finest quadrangles in the kingdom, commenced by Ralph de Walpole in 1297.  The edifice is principally in the Norman style.  The nave is divided into fourteen semi-circular arches; its roof is attributed to Walter Lyhart, the p. 9second bishop after Alnwyck.  The large west window has recently been filled in with stained glass, as a memorial to Bishop Stanley.  The nave itself contains the tombs or monuments of Chancellor Spencer, Bishop Nix, Bishop Parkhurst, Dean Gardiner, Sir James Hobart, (Attorney-General to Henry VIII.) and Bishop Stanley; while in the church are the monuments of Bishops Goldwell (1472) and Bathurst.  Attached to the Cathedral were several chapels, but these have mostly been demolished.  The interior generally suffered much defacement at the hands of the iconoclasts of the 16th and 17th centuries; in 1740 the nave and aisles were repaired, and in 1806 the whole fabric was restored and beautified.

The present bishop—appointed in 1857—is the Right Rev. J. T. Pelham, D.D.  Dean—the Hon. and Very Rev. G. Pellew, D.D.  Archdeacons—Norwich, Ven. R. E. Hankinson; Norfolk, Ven. W. A. Bouverie; Suffolk, Ven. T. J. Ormerod.  Canons—Revs. M. Wodehouse, A. Sedgwick, G. Archdall, and H. Philpott; besides 23 honorary and 4 minor canons.

All Saints, a small structure, with a square tower and three bells, contains an antique font with curiously carved figures of St. Paul and other apostles.  The living is consolidated with St. Julian, and the joint benefices were returned in 1831 at £246 per annum.  The Rev. T. Gurney is rector.

St. Andrew, next to St. Peter Mancroft, the finest church in the city—was rebuilt in 1506.  The font is massive.  In the north aisle is a costly monument, with effigies of Sir John and Lady Suckling, of whom there is an annual commemoration.  The curacy is in the gift of the parishioners; the Rev. A. C. Copeman was elected in 1857.  Out of the proceeds of the sale of the church ornaments at the Reformation, the parish paid £17 towards the repair of the gates and walls, and £20 to that of the Great Hospital—both injured in Kett’s rebellion.

St. Augustine, an unpretending edifice, with a tower and three bells.  Rev. M. J. Rackham, rector.

St. Benedict, a small building with a round tower.  The parishioners are the patrons; perpetual curate—Rev. W. Goodwin.

St. Clement, one of the most ancient fabrics in the city.  In the churchyard is the tomb of the parents of Archbishop Parker, rebuilt over the original, in 1823, by Caius College; and also the “Leper’s tomb.”  Rev. R. Rigg, rector.

St. Edmund, a small structure, founded in the time of the Conqueror, has a tower and one bell.  Among the relics formerly preserved here, was a piece of the shirt of St. Edward the King and Martyr, kept in a box of crystal, and visited with great reverence.  The Rev. G. B. Everett, rector.

St. Etheldred is a small fabric, with a short tower and one bell.  In the burial-ground was formerly an anchorage, which continued till after the Reformation.  Rev. J. Deacon incumbent.

St. George at Colegate is a large, handsome, gothic structure, rebuilt at different periods, and has a lofty tower.  In the chancel is a fine altar tomb to Robert Jannis, a great benefactor to this church; and near it a beautiful mural monument to John Herring, Esq.  The window over the communion table is of stained glass.  In a vault is p. 10buried the elder Crome, the distinguished painter, who died in 1821.  The Rev. A. W. Durdin, incumbent.

St. George at Tombland consists of a nave, chancel, and side aisles, and has a handsome square tower; it was erected by the parishioners in 1445.  In the interior are spacious galleries, and many monumental inscriptions.  Rev. K. Trimmer, incumbent.

St. Giles, founded in the reign of William the Conqueror, by Elwyn the priest, who gave it to the monks of Norwich, was rebuilt in the reign of Richard II., and is now one of the handsomest churches in the city.  The tower, 120 feet high, contains a clock and eight bells, and is surrounded by a cupola and battlement.  The chancel has been demolished since 1581, when the dean and chapter, to quit themselves of the expense of repairing it, gave all the materials to the parish, for “a stock to be put out for the encouragement of poor trades.”  There are many curious old brasses, and several neat mural monuments.  Rev. R. Sedgwick incumbent.

St. Gregory is a lofty gothic structure, consisting of nave, side aisles, and chancel, the latter built in 1395; since which, the whole pile has received many reparations.  The font is very large, having an octagonal top, and on its eight sides the four evangelists, and figures emblematic of the four quarters of the globe.  In the nave is a fine brass reading-desk, in the shape of an eagle with expanded wings.  Among the monuments is one to Sir Francis Bacon, a Judge of the Court of King’s Bench, in the time of Charles II.  Here are also some ancient brass inscriptions.  Rev. W. R. Sharpe, incumbent.

St. Helen—or the Great Hospital, previously mentioned as founded by Bishop Suffield, was originally built like a cathedral, in the form of a cross, with nave, tower, aisles, and transept; the tower is all that remains entire, but the cloisters are still almost perfect.  The men’s apartments occupy the refectory and part of the nave and aisles, while the choir is appropriated to the women’s.  Rev. W. F. Patteson, incumbent.

St. James’ (with Pockthorpe), is a small building, rebuilt in 1743.  The font has some fine panel carvings.  Rev. J. Ross, incumbent.

St. John Maddermarket, a handsome church, consisting of nave, side aisles, and a fine tower, was founded before the survey made in Edward the Confessor’s time.  The lead was removed, and the roof covered with slate in 1835.  It contains many ancient sepulchral inscriptions, with a few brasses and several neat mural tablets.  Lady Margaret, Duchess of Norfolk (second wife of the duke beheaded in Elizabeth’s reign), died at the Duke’s Palace in 1563, and was interred with great pomp on the north side of the choir, where a mural monument was raised to her memory in 1791.  Rev. J. Perowne, rector.

St. John Sepulchre was founded before the Norman conquest.  Rev. T. Calvert, incumbent.

St. John at Timberhill, so called from the timber market formerly held on the plain adjacent, has a small wooden steeple, in place of the tower which fell down in 1784.  Rev. S. Titlow, incumbent.

St. Julian, the smallest church in the city, and one of the oldest, p. 11was founded before the Conquest, and had an anchorage or hermitage in the churchyard.

St. Lawrence is an ancient Gothic fabric, with a fine tower; was rebuilt in 1472.  Over the west door are two ancient carvings, one representing the martyrdom of St. Lawrence.  Rev. P. U. Brown, rector.

St. Margaret has a square tower, in which were five bells till 1830, when four of them were sold to assist in defraying the expense of covering the structure with blue slate.  Rev. J. W. Cobb, rector.

St. Mary at Coslany was built in 1477, and contains six antique stalls.  Rev. C. Morse, incumbent.

St. Martin at Oak derived the latter part of its name from a large oak, formerly standing in the churchyard, with the image of St. Mary in it.  This was much visited in superstitious times, and several legacies were given towards repairing and painting it.  The oak now standing on the site was planted about 60 years ago.  On an alabaster tomb are effigies of Jeremiah Ravens and his wife.  Rev. C. Caldwell, incumbent.

St. Martin at Palace is an ancient structure, where, in early times, a boys’ singing school was kept.  Rev. A. Braddell, incumbent.

St. Michael at Coslany is a handsome structure, with a lofty embattled tower, containing a clock and eight musical bells.  The interior of the church is handsomely decorated.  The altar-piece represents the Ascension, and the four evangelists; and the floor in front is paved with black and white marble, from the domestic chapel of the Earl of Yarmouth, at Oxnead.  On the south side is Thorp chapel, erected in 1508, of flint and freestone, and one of the finest specimens of flint-work in the county.  The church contains a very old font, several mural monuments, and some ancient brasses.  Rev. R. Rigg, rector.

St. Michael at Plea, so named from the Archdeacon of Norwich holding in it his Pleas or Courts, is built in the form of a cross, and has a square embattled tower.  There are some ancient paintings near the pulpit, well worthy of inspection.  Rev. C. Morse, rector.

St. Michael at Thorn—a large thorn tree still grows in the graveyard—is a small structure, with a tower, built in 1436.  Criminals executed at the castle were formerly buried in the churchyard.  Rev. C. T. Rust, incumbent.

St. Paul is a small structure with a round tower, and is in a dilapidated state.  Rev. B. Cook, rector.

St. Peter Hungate, so called from the bishop’s hounds being formerly kept in the parish, is built of flint and stone.  Rev. S. Titlow, rector.

St. Peter of Mancroft, the finest church in the city, was rebuilt of white stone in 1455.  It has a noble tower, 98 ft. high, with a splendid peal of twelve bells, exchanged for the old peal of ten in 1775, at a cost of £800.  The font stands under a canopy supported by pillars, forming a baptistry on a raised platform, which there is room enough to walk round.  The church was greatly beautified about twenty years ago, by the putting in stained glass windows, with figures of the apostles.  Among the church plate is a beautiful large cup cover, on which is represented Abigail bringing presents to David, p. 12presented by Sir Peter Gleane, 1633.  In the vestry is a portrait of Sir Thomas Browne, who was buried here, and whose coffin was accidentally broken open in 1840, when the skeleton was found in a good state of preservation.  Several old books are also preserved in the vestry, including a manuscript bible of 1340, and a beautifully illuminated copy of St. Paul’s Epistles, much more ancient.  In the church are many monuments and inscriptions.  The parishioners are patrons, and the Rev. C. Turner is incumbent.

St. Peter per Mountergate—so named from a gate formerly adjacent—was erected in 1486.  In the chancel are twenty-four stalls, which belonged to a college of secular priests that stood in the churchyard.  South of the altar are the tomb and effigies of R. Berney, Esq., and his wife; and in the nave is interred Thomas Codd, mayor during Kett’s rebellion.

St. Peter of Southgate is an ancient building, with a square tower.  Rev. J. Deacon, rector.

St. Saviour, a small fabric, dedicated to the Transfiguration, has a square embattled tower, and contains several neat mural monuments.  In Bishop Oxford’s time it was appropriated to the almoner of the cathedral convent.  Rev. W. H. Cooke, incumbent.

St. Simon and Jude contains some ancient brasses, and several monuments and effigies of the Pettus’ family, upon one of which is a recumbent figure, in complete armour, of Sir J. Pettus, the first of the family who was knighted.  The church is of great antiquity, and was held by the bishops before the removal of the see to Norwich.  Rev. C. Holloway, rector.

St. Stephen is a commodious gothic structure, with two side chapels, and a square tower at the west end.  The nave is divided from the aisles by fluted columns with pointed arches, and the east window is richly beautified with stained glass.  There are several old brasses and many mural tablets.  In the vestry is a manuscript description of the church, written by Benjamin Mackerell, author of a history of Lynn; also a curious old alabaster carving.  The church has lately undergone repairing and restoration.  Rev. E. Evans, vicar.

St. Swithin is a neat structure, with a square tower and three bells.  During the cleansing of the church in 1834, an ancient portrait of Edward the Confessor was found nailed under one of the seats, where it is supposed to have been placed for security during the civil wars.  The altar-piece is a painting of Moses and Aaron.  On the font are carved emblems of the Trinity, Eucharist, and the Passion, with the arms of East Anglia.  Here are also three stalls.  Rev. R. C. Cavell, rector.

The following are the churches in the hamlets of the city:—

Christchurch (New Catton), which is in the parish of St. Clement, was erected in 1841.  It is built of brick and flint, and cost £2500.  Rev. R. Wade, incumbent.

St. John the Baptist (Old Lakenham), situate on a declivity commanding a fine prospect; has a handsome font.  The vicarage is united to Trowse Newton.  Rev. G. Carter, incumbent.

St. Mark (New Lakenham) was erected in 1844, and has 1000 p. 13sittings.  It cost upwards of £4000; and has a nave, tower, and three bells.  Rev. G. I. Pellew, incumbent.

St. Matthew (Thorpe Hamlet) was built in 1851, of Kentish rag-stone.  Rev. G. W. Grogan, incumbent.

St. Bartholomew (Heigham), a small edifice, contains a mural monument to Bishop Hall, who was buried here.  Rev. G. C. Hoste, rector.

Trinity (or the Episcopal) Chapel, situate in Union place, Heigham, was originally a Baptist place of worship, but was consecrated in 1839.  The rector of Heigham is the officiating minister.

St. Andrew (Eaton) is an ancient edifice, having a thatched roof.  It lies near the river Yare, which separates the county of Norwich from the county of Norfolk.  The father of Henry Kirk White was buried here.  Rev. G. Day, incumbent.

St. Mary (Earlham), also on the Yare, is a picturesque structure, bedecked with ivy.  Rev. J. H. Payne, rector.

St. Mary (Hellesdon) stands just within the city boundary, part of the burial ground being in the county.  The rectory is consolidated with Drayton.  Rev. H. Howell, rector.


The Old Meeting House, Colegate street, was erected in 1693 by the Independents, a congregation of which body had existed in Norwich since the Commonwealth.  They had originally assembled in a brewery in St. Edmund’s, and afterwards in the “west granary” of St. Andrew’s Hall.  The Old Meeting is built of red brick, fronted with four Corinthian pilasters.  The Rev. John Hallett is the minister.

Prince’s Street Chapel, another Independent place of worship, was erected of white brick, with boldly-displayed cornice and pediment, and a Doric portico of four columns.  The cost was upwards of £4500.  The Rev. John Alexander has been the minister ever since its erection.

A third Congregational Chapel, a very handsome building erected in the vicinity of Chapel Field, was opened in 1858.  Rev. Philip Colborne, minister.

The Tabernacle, St. Martin’s at Palace—originally built by the Calvinistic Methodists—was, in 1775, purchased by the Countess of Huntingdon.  Rev. J. J. J. Kempster, minister.

St. Mary’s (Baptist) was rebuilt in 1811 and enlarged in 1839.  Its chief feature is a beautiful vaulted roof.  The Rev. Joseph Kinghorn was for many years the pastor.  Rev. George Gould, minister.

St. Clement’s, another Particular Baptist place of worship, was built in 1814, at a cost of £5000.  Rev. T. A. Wheeler, minister.

Orford Hill Chapel, also Baptist, was opened as a chapel in 1832.  Rev. T. Corbet, minister.

Ebenezer Chapel, Surrey Road, was built in 1854; a gallery was subsequently added.  The congregation had previously assembled in the Bazaar, St. Andrew’s; the minister being the Rev. R. Govett, who, some years since, seceded from the Established Church.

There are several smaller structures in connexion with this denomination.

p. 14The General Baptists, established in the city since 1686, have a chapel in St. James’, erected in 1812 on part of the site of the White Friary.  Rev. Thomas Scott, minister.

The Octagon (Unitarian) Chapel, St. George’s, is a handsome building, of the shape implied by its name.  It is surmounted by a dome, supported by eight Corinthian pillars.  It was erected in 1756, on the site of the old Presbyterian Meeting-house.  Dr. John Taylor, and Dr. Enfield (compiler of the Speaker) preached in this chapel.  Rev. J. H. Hutton, minister.

The Society of Friends have two meeting-houses in Norwich; one of which, in Upper Goat Lane, is a fine white-brick structure, with Doric portico, and lighted by a dome lantern.  It was rebuilt in 1826.  The other is the Gildencroft Meeting House, St. Augustine’s, erected in 1680.  There is a spacious burial-ground attached, in which are deposited the remains of Joseph John Gurney, Mrs. Opie, and other eminent Friends.  This building is supported by two lofty oak pillars, cut out of single trees.

The Roman Catholics have also two chapels.  That in St. John’s Maddermarket is an ancient but plain structure, rebuilt in 1794; that in Willow Lane, called the Chapel of the Apostles, is a handsome building, erected in 1828.  The windows are of stained glass, and the interior decorations are very striking.

The Dutch Church, in St. Andrew’s Hall, originally the Conventual Church of the Black Friars, was granted to the Walloon congregation; but they now have service only once a year, when a sermon is preached in Dutch and afterwards in English.  The building is used as a chapel to the Workhouse, but it is expected that it will be occupied by the Free Christian Church when the New Workhouse, now being erected near the Cemetery, has been completed.

Calvert Street Chapel, built by the Wesleyans in 1811.  Since the recent disruption in that body, it has been held by the Reformers, or United Methodist Free Church; as is also the case with New City Chapel, in Crook’s Place.

St. Peter’s Chapel (Lady’s Lane), held by the Conference Wesleyans, was built in 1824.

The Primitive Methodists have chapels in Heigham (St. Benedict’s Road), Lakenham (St. Catherine’s Plain), Cowgate Street, and New Catton.

The French Church, Queen Street—originally the parochial church of St. Mary Parva, and afterwards a cloth exchange—was granted, in 1637, to the French Protestant refugees.  It is now leased to the receivers of the doctrines enunciated by Emanuel Swedenborg, and the minister is the Rev. David Goyder.

The Free Christian Church, St. Michael at Plea, which is unconnected with any particular denomination, was opened in 1852, upon its pastor, the Rev. Joseph Crompton, quitting the Unitarians, of which denomination he had been minister.

The Jews—who were formerly very numerous in this city—have a handsome synagogue in St. Faith’s Lane.  Rev. S. Caro, minister.


To Archæologists visiting this ancient city, and particularly to those directing their attention to Monumental Brasses, the following list of Brasses in Norwich and the principal villages in the neighbourhood, may be considered useful.  They are classified under their distinctive characters, namely—1st, Ecclesiastics; 2nd., knights; 3rd., civilians and ladies; 4th., miscellaneous.  The list specifies those consisting of effigies generally perfect, with their inscriptions, unless otherwise mentioned.

An alphabetical list of the churches, with the various brasses in each, is also appended.



Richardus Thaseburgh, rector of Hellesdon.



Galfridus Langley, installed Prior of Saint Faith the Virgin, at Horsham, 1401.

St. Lawrence.


John Alnwik, in academic costume.



Roger Clarke, priest.

St. Peter at Southgate.


Walter Goos, priest.

St. Swithin.


John Smyth, priest—chalice.

St. Giles’.


Henry Alikok—chalice.


Thome Coke, rector of Bodham.—Chalice lost, inscription only remaining.

St. Michael at Coslany.

An individual unknown.—Chalice.

Poringland Magna.

Randulphus Pulvertoft; inscription only

The Cathedral, (Jesus’ Chapel),


William Richies, vicar of Bawburgh.



Thome Capp, vicar.

St. Stephen.



John Toddenham.  A small figure, with scroll from the mouth.

St. John in Maddermarket, Norwich.


Thome Heveningham, and Anne, his wife.—This is a beautifully executed brass, and is placed under a canopy upon an altar tomb.  He died 1499.  The blank intended for the date of the death of his wife still remains.



John Corbet, and Jane, his wife.  He died 1470.  The blank left for the date of her death still remains.



Sir Edward Warner.

Plumstead Parva.


Sir Peter Rede.—Discovered to be a Palimpsest, in 1851.

St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich.



Richard de Heylesdone, and Beatrice, his wife.



John de Heylesdon, and Johanna, his wife.  An inscription only.



Walter Moneslee, and Isabella, his wife.

St. John in Maddermarket.


Robert Baxter, and Christiana, his wife.

St. Giles.


Robert Brasyer, and Christiana, his wife.  A celebrated bell-founder.

St. Stephen.

Roberti Brasyer (mutilated).

St. Stephen.


Richard Purdaunce, and Margaret, his wife.

St. Giles.


John Asgar, the younger.

St. Lawrence.


Alice Thorndon.



Thomas Bokenham, and wife.

St. Stephen.


A Lady (unknown).



Jane Corbet, in Brass, of John Corbet, and Jane, his wife—see “Knights.”



William Pepyr, and Joan, his wife, inscription and four shields lost.

St. John in Maddermarket.


William Norwiche, and Alicia, his wife.  A Bracket Brass. Canopy mutilated.

St. George at Colegate.


John Horslee, and Agnes, his wife.

St. Swithin.


Anne Heveningham, in Brass, of Thome Heveningham, and Anne, his wife—see “Knights.”


A Lady (unknown).  There are two Inscriptions, with a figure of a Child, inserted with this Brass, in the wall of the church, which do not relate to it.



Richard Ferrers, Mayor of Norwich, in the years 1473, 1478, 1483, 1493, 1498.  Merchant’s mark and inscription only remaining.

St. Michael at Coslany.


Thomas Cok.

St. Gregory.


Edward Ward.



William Dussing, and Katherine, his wife.  In winding sheets.

Kirby Bedon.


Thome Tyard.  In winding sheets.



Juliane Anyell.



Margaret Pettwode.

St. Clement.


Henrici Scolows, and Alicia, his wife.  In winding sheets, with four evangelical emblems.

St. Michael at Coslany.


A Female Figure, probably of Ann Hoste.  Curious for head-dress and tippet.  Now in private possession; formerly in the church of

St. Edmund.

p. 161524.

John Terri, and Lettys, his wife.  An elaborate Brass, with twenty lines of English verse.

St. John in Maddermarket.


John Gilbert.  Fragments of canopy and inscription only remaining.

St. Andrew.


Edwardus Whyte, and Elizabeth, his wife.

Shottisham St. Mary.


William Layer, and wife.  Inscription lost.

St. Andrew.


Nicholas Suttherton.  An inscription and shield.  A palimpsest, now in the church chest, formerly at east end of nave.

St. John in Maddermarket.


Bel Buttry.

St. Stephen.


Robarte Rugge, and Elizabeth, his wife, Mayor of Norwich.

St. John in Madder market.


Helen Caus, wife of Thomas Caus, Mayor of Norwich.  This is one of three effigies which represented Thomas Caus, Mayor in 1495 and 1503, and Johanna and Helen, his wives, and is a late example of the pedimental head dress.  The other effigies are lost, and this is partly covered by a pew.

St. John in Maddermarket.

A Mayor of Norwich, and his Wife.  Name and date unknown.  Inscription lost.  The figure of the Lady partly covered by a pew.

St. John in Maddermarket.


Anne Rede, wife of Sir Peter Rede (whose Brass lies in St. Peter of Mancroft Church).

St. Margare.


Mary Bussie.  Lost since 1850; formerly in the church of

St. Peter of Mancroft.


Mis Anē Claxton; an inscription and shield.

St. Mary at Coslany.


Clere Talbot, and his wives.



Mary Elizabeth, wife of Edward South Thurlow.  A cross, brass, with a border inscription; laid down within the last few years.

The Cathedral, (north side of Choir).



Thomas Childes.  A skeleton figure, inscription lost.

St. Lawrence, Norwich.

An individual unknown.  A heart with three scrolls.

Kirby Bedon.

A small figure in winding sheet; comparatively modern.



St. Andrew, Norwich.

John Gilbert


William Layer, and wife


The Cathedral, Jesus’ Chapel, Norwich.

Randulphus Pulvertoft


Mary Elizabeth, wife of Edward South Thurlow


St. Clement, Norwich.

Margaret Pettwode


St. Edmund, Norwich.

A female figure, probably of Ann Hoste, now in private possession


St. George at Colegate, Norwich.

William Norwiche


St. Giles, Norwich.

Robert Baxter, and Christiana, his wife


Richard Purdaunce, and Margaret, his wife


John Smyth, priest


St. Gregory, Norwich.

Thomas Cok


St. John in Maddermarket.

Walter Moneslee, and Isabella, his wife


John Toddenham


William Pepyr, and Joan, his wife


A major of Norwich, name unknown

John Terri, and Lettys, his wife


Nicholas Suttherton


Robarte Rugge, and Elizabeth, his wife


Helen Caus


St. Lawrence, Norwich.

John Asgar, the younger


Galfridus Langley


Thomas Childes


St. Margaret, Norwich.

Anne Rede


St. Mary at Coslany, Norwich.

Mis Ane Claxton


St. Michael at Coslany, Norwich.

Richard Ferrers


Henrici Scolows, and Alicia, his wife


Thome Coke

St. Peter of Mancroft, Norwich.

Sir Peter Rede


The Brass of Mary Bussie, date 1600, has been lost since 1850.

St. Peter at Southgate, Norwich.

Roger Clarke


St. Stephen, Norwich.

Robert Brasyer, and Christiana, his wife


Thomas Bokonham and wife


Roberti Brasyer

Thome Capp, vicar


Bel Buttry


St. Swithin, Norwich.

John Horslee, and Agnes, his wife


Walter Goos, priest



Thome Tyard


William Richeis—chalice


A small figure, in winding sheet


Edward Ward



Henry Alikok


Clere Talbot, and his wives



Alice Thorndon


Lady (unknown)



Richard de Heylesdone, and Beatrice, his wife


John de Heylesdone, and Johanna, his wife


Richardus Thaseburgh



Thome Heveningham, and Anne, his wife


Lady (unknown)

Kirby Bedon.

William Dussing, and Katherine, his wife


An individual unknown.  A heart with three scrolls

Plumstead Parva.

Sir Edward Warner


Poringland Magna.

An individual unknown—chalice

Shottisham St. Mary.

Edwardus Whyte, and Elizabeth, his wife



John Alnwick



John Corbet, and Jane, his wife



Juliana Anyell




The letter “h” indicates Private Residence.

Abbott, Edward Jesse, draper and silk mercer, Exchange street

Abbott, William, boot and shoe manufacturer, 22, Magdalen street

Abel, Cain, saddler and whip maker, Golden Ball street

Abel, Daniel, upholsterer and cabinet maker, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s; h Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Abel, Frederick, brush maker, Unthank’s road

Abel, John, horse dealer, Rising Sun, Chapel field road

Abel, Mrs., day school, Unthank’s road

Able, William, green grocer, &c., Oak street, St. Martin’s

Aberdeen, William Charles, coffee and pie house, 3, Dove street

Abraham, Benjamin and S. S., watch and clock makers, 1, Bethel street

Abray, Isaac, Black Horse, St. Giles’ road

Adams, Miss Frances, Seymour place, St. Stephen’s square

Adams, Mrs. Sarah, Earlham road

Adams, William, Plumbers’ Arms, Cowgate street

Adams, William, auctioneer’s clerk, Rupert street, Union place

Adcock, Richard, pork butcher, St. Benedict’s street

Addison, Benjamin, wheelwright and carpenter, Magdalen street

Adkin, William, plasterer, &c., Trory street, Unthank’s road

Aggas, Captain James, (late of the army) Upper Westlegate street

Aikin, Francis, draper and tea dealer, St. Benedict’s road

Ainslie, Charles, jobbing gardener, Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Alborough, Thomas, farmer, Trowse

Alden, Edward, baker, Oak street, St. Martin’s

Alden, James, last and boot-tree maker, Alden’s court, Ber street

Alden, Robert, brazier and tin-plate worker, St. Stephen’s plain

Alden, William, schoolmaster at Norman’s school, Cowgate street

Alden, Wm. Marshall, National school-master, Lothian street, Heigham

Alderson, William Henry, bricklayer and plasterer, St. Andrew’s hill

Alderman, Henry, French polisher, Ber street

Alden, Joseph, shoemaker, St. John’s Maddermarket

Aldham, James, messenger, Tabernacle street

Aldis, Mrs. Jane, stay and corset maker, Prince’s street

Aldis, Miss Rebecca, dressmaker, 1, Unthank’s road

Aldous, John T., Windham Arms, Trory street, Lakenham

p. 18Aldous, James, grocer and draper, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Aldous, John Fuller, joiner and builder, St. Stephen’s street

Aldred, Mr. Robert, 1, Seymour place, St. Stephen’s square

Aldrich, John, grocer and draper, West Pottergate street

Aldhouse, Hannah, furniture broker, St. Augustine’s

Aldridge, Mrs. Susan, lodging-house keeper, 4, Grapes’ hill

Aldridge, Mrs. Susanna, grocer, Church walk, New Lakenham

Alexander, Benjamin, shoemaker, Southgate street

Alexander, Henry, baker, Heigham str.

Alexander, Rev. John, Independent minister, Gildengate street

Alger, John Goldworth, reader for the press, Trory street, Unthank’s road

Allam, Thomas, 4, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Allcock, Trivett, lodging-house keeper, Tombland

Allen, Bryant, dyer, Scole’s green

Allen and Co., woollen drapers, tailors, and hatters, Bank plain

Allen, Francis, market gardener, Dereham road

Allen, George, manufacturer of elastic cloths for gloves, clothing, and silk and lisle webs, St. Stephen’s factory

Allen, Henry, flour dealer, 1, Distillery street

Allen, John, green-grocer, Lower Westwick street, St. Swithin’s

Allen, John Boufield, watch and clock maker, silversmith, jeweller, and optician, 40, London street

Allen, Mrs. Marianne and Co., boot and shoe warehouse, 14, Briggs’ street

Allen, Park, Cadogan place, Cross street, Unthank’s road

Allen, Robert, nurseryman and seedsman, Grove place, Lakenham

Allen, Robert, confectioner, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Allen, Robert, fishmonger, Newbegin’s yard, St. Mary’s plain

Allen, Thomas, shopkeeper, Golden Ball street

Allen, William, stone mason, St. Stephen’s back street

Allen, William, hair dresser, Magdalen street

Allen, William, bill poster, Farnell’s yard, St. John’s Maddermarket

Allman, William, shoemaker, Coburg st.

Allmer, George, green grocer, King street

Allum, James, inspector, Thorpe station, Mousehold

Allison, Mrs. Sophia, working cutler, St. Peter’s steps, Market place

Allured, James, tailor, hatter, and cap manufacturer, Timber hill street

Allwood, Thomas, Lower close

Alven, Frederick, 1, St. Swithin’s villa, Catton road

Ames, Mrs. Edward, milliner, Distillery street

Ames, Mrs. Willow place, Lakenham

Ames, Edward Cooper, photographic artist, Distillery street, Heigham

Ames, Robert, Bear Inn, Market place

Ames, Mrs. Mary, Willow place, Southwell street, Lakenham

Ames, Frances, green-grocer, Dereham road

Amies, Benjamin, hair dresser and glover, St. Catherine’s plain

Amies, John, carpenter and builder, Hall road, Lakenham

Amies, John, carpenter, Southwell street, Lakenham

Amies, John, The Hoop, St. Stephen’s rd.

Amies, John, Old Lobster Inn, Pottergate street

Amies, Mary Ann, tailoress, Timberhill street

Amiss, Stephen, Inspector of Police, Barrack street

Amy, William, cooper, Spitalfields, Thorpe hamlet

Anderson, Joseph, baker, Pump street

Anderson, William, general shopkeeper, Old Church street, New Lakenham

Andrews, Brothers, wholesale druggists, and manufacturers of baking powder, 1 and 2, Colegate street, St. George’s

Andrews, Charles, fishmonger, Crow’s yard, Upper Westwick street

Andrews, Mrs. Emily, milliner and dressmaker, West Pottergate street

Andrews, George, chemist and druggist, 1 and 2, Colegate street, St. George’s

Andrews, James, Two Necked Swan, Upper walk, Market place

Andrews, Richard, wire worker, Coslany street

Angell, Robert, beer retailer, Coburgh street

p. 19Angell, Susannah, milliner and dressmaker, Calvert street

Annison, Robert, general shopkeeper, Little Globe street, Union place

Answorth, William, manufacturer, (see Middleton and Answorth)

Anthony, William, wine and spirit merchant, 12, Upper market

Applegate, James, timber dealer, Pottergate street; h St. Swithin’s

Appleton, Mrs. Anna, day school, St. Augustine’s street

Appleton, Christopher, green-grocer, Gildengate street

Appleton, Thomas, fish dealer, St. Augustine’s street

Appleton, William, fish curer, St. Augustine’s street

Archdall, Rev. George, D.D., The Close

Archer Henry, furniture broker, Ber street

Archer, Jesse, butcher, Pitt street

Archer, Samuel, currier, Peacock street, St. Paul’s

Archer, William, rope, twine, and sacking maker, New Catton

Armes, Daniel, Queen Adelaide, West End street, Heigham

Armes, Frederick Thomas, The Rose and Thistle tavern, Barn road

Armes, Robert, currier and leather cutter, Dove street; h West Pottergate street

Armes, Mrs. Sarah, Cow and Hare, Heigham street

Armes, William, cow keeper, Parry’s buildings, Philadelphia

Armiss, Thomas, shopkeeper, Barrack street, Pockthorpe

Armstrong, Mr. Henry, St. Clement’s hill, New Catton

Armstrong, Henry, draper, &c., St. Andrew’s Broad street

Armstrong, Mrs. Mary, draper, Dereham road

Arnup, Charles, Jolly Gardeners, Paddock, Silver street

Arnold, Edward, wholesale and family chemist and druggist, Orford hill

Arnold, George, and Alfred Robert, brewers, and wine and spirit merchants, agents for Meux and Co., St. Margaret’s plain

Arnold, Mrs. Maria, St. Giles’ road

Andrews, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Andrews, Thomas William, (see Andrews, Brothers) 1 and 2, Colegate street, St. George’s

Andrews, Thomas, shopkeeper, St. Faith’s lane

Andrews, William, soap manufacturer, Fishgate street

Andrews, William, horse breaker, livery stable keeper, and horse clipper, Westlegate street

Andrews, William, soap manufacturer and tallow chandler, &c., Magdalen street

Arnott, Robert, lodging-house keeper, Distillery street

Artis, Francis, baker, Castle meadow

Arundel, Mrs., Albert terrace, Unthank’s road

Ashen, Robert, brazier and tin plate worker, St. Stephen’s street

Ashton, James, whip maker, Ber street

Asker, Elizabeth, the Swan hotel, Upper market

Asker, George Henry, perfumer, &c., 21, The Walk

Asker, George Henry, glove manufacturer and hosier, 20, The Walk

Asker, Samuel Hurry, solicitor, St. Giles’ street; h The Grove, Chapel field

Asker, Mrs., 11, Chapel field

Asker, Mrs., Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Asquith, William, Two Quarts, Pottergate street

Aston, Isaac, fishmonger, St. James street

Athow, Edward John, wine and spirit merchant, Castle street

Atkin, Mr. Kennett M., All Saints green

Atkins, Mrs. Dimmer, St. Catherine’s plain

Atkins, Elizabeth, clothier, Lower Westwick street

Atkins, Henry, Free Trade tavern, St. Augustine’s

Atkins, Richard, builder, 27, Bethel street

Atkins, Thomas, beer retailer, Heigham street

Atkinson, John Goldsmith, solicitor, and agent to the Church of England Fire and Life Office, Post Office street

Atkins, Matthew, Sussex street

Atkinson, James, lay clerk at cathedral, Sussex street

p. 20Attle, Samuel, beer retailer, Ber street

Attle, Hannah, green grocer, Finket street

Atwood, Thomas, writer and grainer, Pottergate street

Augood, Henry, fishmonger, Rising Sun lane, Golden Ball street

Auker, John, boot and shoe maker, 71, St. Stephen’s

Austin, Owen, coal dealer, Oak street

Austin, William, Wheat Sheaf, St. Stephen’s street

Austrin, Mrs. Ann, linen draper, hosier, and haberdasher, 5, Orford hill

Avey, Thomas, grocer and tea dealer, Ber street

Aylmer, John, Black Horse, Wensum street

Ayris, John, manager of City of Norwich Water Works; Office, Surrey st.

Ayton, James, clerk to the Corn Exchange, Little London street

Ayton, John, baker, St. Augustine’s street

Ayris, John, civil engineer, 10, Nelson terrace, Grove road, New Lakenham

Back and Co., grocers, tea dealers and Italian warehousemen, and wine and spirit merchants, 3 and 4, Haymarket

Bacon, Charles, cabinet maker, Muspole street

Bacon, Josiah Newbegin, rope, twine, and sack manufacturer, 3, Davey place

Bacon, Nicholas, Esq., Bracondale

Bacon, Richard Noverre, printer, bookseller, and stationer, and proprietor and publisher of the “Norwich Mercury,” 12, London street; h Intwood hall

Bacon, Thomas, messenger at East of England Bank, Rampant Horse street

Bacon, William, shopkeeper, All Saints’ green

Baddeley, The Misses, Somerleyton street

Bagshaw, George, game dealer, Coslany street

Bagshaw, George, rag merchant, bone crusher, artificial manure manufacturer, poulterer and herring curer, Coslany street

Bagshaw, Joseph, fish merchant and game dealer, St. Stephen’s street

Bailey, Isaac, joiner and builder, West Pottergate street

Bailey, Anthony, cashier at East of England Bank, Heigham cottage, Newmarket road

Bailey, Elijah Crosier, solicitor, clerk to the Corporation of Guardians of the Poor, and secretary to the Norfolk Agricultural Association, Toll’s court, Briggs’ street

Bailey, Mrs. Jemima, Dereham road

Bailey, Simon John, hairdresser, West Pottergate street

Baker, Charles, grocer, and register office for servants, Redwell street

Baker, Henry, accountant, Brazen Doors’ road

Baker, James, Bess of Bedlam, and butcher, Oak street

Baker, John, 16, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Baker, John, Point cottage, Surrey road, St. Catherine’s plain

Baker, Mrs. Maria, Newmarket road

Baker, Mrs. Martha, Newmarket street

Baker, Robert, Carpenters’ Arms, Thorn lane

Baker, Mrs. Susan, corset maker, Willow lane, St. Giles’

Baker, William, beer retailer, Windmill tavern, Mill lane, New Catton

Baker, William, warehouseman, Dereham road

Baker, William Osborn, boot and shoe maker, St. Augustine’s Church alley

Baldry, George, land agent, Newmarket road

Baldry, William, land surveyor and agent, Priest’s buildings, St. Stephen’s road

Baldry, William, Rope Makers’ Arms, Hellesdon road

Baldson, William, blacksmith, Chalk hill, Thorpe hamlet

Baldwin, Charles, and Co., St. Mary’s Grist Mill, Pitt street (see Advertisement, p. 21)

Baldwin, Henry, baker, Oak street

Baldwin, James, Mount Pleasant

Baldwin, William, time keeper, Rose lane

Baldwin, William, wheelwright, Thorpe hamlet

Bale, George, butcher, St. Benedict’s street

Bales, James Cheastney, accountant, Mount Pleasant

p. 21Bales, Mrs. Rebecca, Matron of Girls’ Home, Heigham causeway

Bales, Thomas, commercial traveller, Sussex street, St. Augustine’s

Bales, William, shoemaker, Hall road, Lakenham

Ballard, Edmund, pawnbroker, All Saints’ green

Balls, Hannah, milliner, Pitt street

Balls, Daniel, builder (see Curtis and Balls)

Balls, Frederick, beer retailer, St. Benedict’s street

Balls, Jonas, coal salesman, City road, Heigham fields

Balls, James, tailor, the Green Dragon, Little London street

Balls, Mrs. Rebecca, St. Benedict’s road

Balls, Robert, clothier, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Balls, William, umbrella maker, Bull close

Bancalari, Dominico, shopkeeper, Ber street

Bane, William, auditor to E. C. Railway C., St. Faith’s terrace

Banister, John, coal dealer, Trafalgar street, Lakenham

Bangay, George, chair maker, Oak street; h Sussex street

Banham, Francis, grocer and tea dealer, Old Haymarket

Banham, George, wine and dry cooper, and brewer, King street

Banham, Henry, general smith, Hall’s lane

Banham, John, shoe manufacturer, Botolph street

Banham, Richard, beer retailer, Northumberland street

Banks, Mrs. Mary, 1, Grove road, New Lakenham

Banks, William, West parade, Earlham road

Barber and Sons, corn merchants, Old Haymarket

Barber, Alexander, Crystal Palace, Dereham road

Barber, Alfred Willsea, and Co., general merchants, Duke’s palace

Barber, Mr. Alfred Willsea, Bracondale

Barber, Benjamin, butcher, Adelaide street

Barber, Benjamin, tailor, Lower King street

Barber, Charles James, clerk, Seymour place, St. Stephen’s square

Barber, Mr. George, Thorpe hamlet

Barber, George, tailor, St. John’s terrace, Ber street

Barber Henry, shipping agent and broker, (Robert Waller Pope, agent) Lower Westwick street

Barber, John, Esq., Philadelphia

Barber, John Lee, and Co., cotton manufacturers, St. Martin’s lane

Barber, —, merchant’s clerk, Catton road

Barber, John Lee, (see Barber and Sons) corn merchant, Dereham road

Barber, Joseph, beer retailer, Ber street

Barber, Miss H., 22, Castle meadow

Barber, Miss Sarah, Sussex street

Barber, Samuel, dyer, Timberhill street

Barber, Thomas, shoe manufacturer, No. 6, the General’s buildings, near the Barracks

Barber, William, bricklayer, White Lion, St. Martin’s at Palace plain

Bardwell, Miss Adlian, school-mistress, St. Stephen’s gates

Bardwell, Ann, baker, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Bardwell, Everett, solicitor, Lower close

Bardwell, George, commercial traveller, 4, John street, Rose lane

Bardwell, George Syder, accountant, rent and debt collector, estate agent, agent to the St. George Insurance Company, and St. George Loan Advance Fund, St. Stephen’s road, opposite the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital (see Advertisement, p. 5)

Bardwell, Marcus Gill, printer and bookbinder, Prince’s street

Bardwell, Sarah, baker, Trafalgar street, Lakenham

Barker, Benjamin, and Co., wholesale shoe manufacturer, York Tavern passage, Orford hill: h Lakenham

Barker, Benjamin, shoe manufacturer, Hall road, New Lakenham

Barker, Mrs. Eliza, boarding school, Windsor terrace, Grove road, New Lakenham

Barker, Mr. George, Thorpe hamlet

Barker, Harriet, baker, St. Benedict’s street

Barker, James, tailor, and bottle merchant, Muspole street

Barker, John, beer retailer, Magdalen st.

p. 22Barker, Joseph, surgeon dentist, Bedford street, Unthank’s road

Barker, Mrs. Mary, Chapel field

Barker, Mrs. Mary, register office for servants, Orford hill

Barker, Robert, plumber, Orford hill

Barker, Samuel, baker, Somerleyton street, Unthank’s road

Barker, Samuel, waiter, Grove place, New Lakenham

Barker, Mrs. Sarah, Magdalen street

Barker, Thomas, hotpresser and packer, Rosemary lane, Distillery street

Barley, Mrs. Mary, Fleece Inn, Bridewell alley

Barlow, Richard A., St. Margaret’s street

Barnard, Alfred, grocer, King street

Barnard, Bishop, and Barnard, iron-founders and engineers, and wire netting manufacturers, Norfolk Iron Works, St. Miles’ and Market place

Barnard and Boulton, stove, grate, and range manufacturers, manufacturing, furnishing, and general ironmongers, oil and color merchants, London and Castle streets

Barnard, Charles, Gildengate street

Barnard, Charles, Champion Inn, Chapel field road

Barnard, John, corn and hay merchant, and licensed to let horses, Golden Ball street

Barnard, John, game dealer, Fye Bridge

Barnard, John, last manufacturer, Coslany street

Barnard, John, commercial traveller, St. Benedict’s road

Barnard, John Cuthbert, accountant, Lower Westwick street

Barnard, John Hilling, Upper Surrey st.

Barnard, Miss Maria, St. Stephen’s road

Barnard, Stephen, patten and last maker, Oak street

Barnard, William, inspector of fire brigade, Kimberley street, Unthank’s road

Barnes, Charles, printer and bookbinder, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Barnes, Edward R., baker, Thorn lane

Barnes, Fiddy, farm steward, Earlham road

Barnes, Jacob, bricklayer, West Pottergate street

Barnes, James, cabinet maker, Surrey grove; h Bartholomew street

Barnes, John, iron and brass founder, Hank’s yard, St. Miles’

Barnes, John Edward, West End Retreat, Holl’s lane, Heigham

Barnes, Maria, straw bonnet maker, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Barnes, Mrs. Mary, All Saints’ green

Barnes, Mary, Woolpack, St. George’s plain

Barnes, Robert, green grocer, Foundry bridge

Barnham, Mrs. Elizabeth, 7, Newmarket road

Barnham, James, Grove Cottage, St. Stephen’s road

Barnham, Miss Louisa, 28, Newmarket road

Barnsdale, Ann Frances, tea dealer, Curtis’ buildings, West Pottergate st.

Barrow, Henry, grocer and tea dealer, 24, White Lion street

Barrow, Mr. James, Mount Pleasant

Barstead, Ann and Esther, havel makers, Alms’ lane

Bartram, Henry, market gardener, Cherry street

Barwell and Son, wine, spirit, ale, and porter merchants, No. 7, St. Stephen’s street

Barwell and Son, wine, spirit, ale, and porter merchants, London street and St. Andrew’s hill

Barwell, Mr. John, Surrey street

Base, Samuel, postmaster, Post Office street; h Bixley Lodge

Basey, Mrs. Lydia, infant school, Oak street

Basey, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Calvert street

Bassingthwaighte, William, boot and shoe maker, Upper market

Batchelder, Miss, Bracondale

Batchelder, Thomas, green grocer, Ber street

Batchelor, Rev. T. John, Cook’s lane, King street

Bateman, Benjamin, grocer, Magdalen street

Bateman, Benjamin, and Co., tea and coffee dealers, London street and Lower Goat lane

Bateman, J., and Son, wool, silk, yarn, and cotton merchants, and general commission agents, Gildengate street

Bateman, Frederick, Esq., M.D., 19, St. Giles’ street

p. 23Bateman, James George Joseph, (see Bateman and Son) agent for the Royal Farmers’ Fire and Life Office; h Cringleford

Bateman, Mrs. Mary, day school, St. Stephen’s road

Batley, Charles, timber merchant’s commission agent, Thorpe hamlet

Batley, Richard, confectioner, St. Catherine’s plain, Lakenham

Batley, Mrs. Susan, Thorpe St. Andrew

Batley, William, chair manufacturer, Lower Westwick street, St. Lawrence

Batson, Edward, corn merchant, Magdalen street

Batson, John, shopkeeper, Barrack street

Batterbee, John, shoemaker, St. John’s Maddermarket

Battley, Mrs. Mary, laundress, Trowse Millgate

Baxter, John, cattle dealer, Ber street

Baxter, Mrs. Maria, baker, Brazen Doors road

Baxter, Neville P., firework maker, Brazen Doors road

Baxter, Robert, Wheat Sheaf, Bethel street

Baxter, William, coal merchant, King street

Baxter, Benjamin, dyer, St. Paul’s street

Bayes, Elizabeth, and Sons, clothiers, &c. Orford hill and Red Lion street

Bayes, William, hair dresser and furrier, Oak street, St. Martin’s

Bayfield, Ann, and Sons, ironmongers, oil and color merchants, 34, Magdalen street

Bayfield, Francis, Victoria terrace, Synagogue street

Bayfield, Mrs. John Freeman, register office for servants, 7, Bank street

Bayfield, William Henry, hotpresser, Gildengate street, St. George’s Colegate

Bayfield, William, merchant’s clerk, 6, Richmond place, Lakenham

Bayliss, Andrew, cowkeeper, New Lakenham

Bayne, Alexander D., 4, Portland place, Holl’s lane

Baysby, —, 7, St. Giles’ road

Bealby, Robert, grocer and tea dealer, William street, Heigham

Beales, Mrs. Mary, basket and sieve maker, Wensum street

Bean, Frank, Grapes hill, St. Giles’

Bean, W., commercial traveller, Somerleyton terrace, Unthank’s road

Beaney, John, lath render, Dial yard, Coslany street

Beare, Samuel Shalders, currier and leather merchant, Bridge street, St. George’s; h Town Close, Ipswich road

Beart, Robert Hayward, commercial agent, 26, Bethel street

Beatley and Son, hat and cap manufacturers, 16, London street

Beatley, Henry, accountant, Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Beaton, John, blacksmith, King street

Beauchamp, Miss Ellen, teacher of music, Heigham road

Beaumont, John, pork butcher, Finket street

Beazley, John, commercial traveller, Somerleyton street, Unthank’s road

Beck, Samuel, The Chequers, Castle meadow

Beckham, John Rix, baker, Cowgate street

Beckham, Mrs. Mary, Thorpe hamlet

Beckham, Robert John, coal dealer, Magdalen street

Beckwith, Augustus Adolphus Hamilton, solicitor, Palace street

Beckwith Benjamin, Shoulder of Mutton, St. Stephen’s street

Beddingfield, John, commercial traveller, Newmarket road

Beddingfield, Nelson, hackney master and livery stable keeper, Westlegate street

Bedford, Philip, coppersmith, brazier, and tin-plate worker, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Beecheno, Frederick, grocer, tea dealer, and provision merchant, 38, London street

Beeton, John, the Wild Man, St. Andrew’s hill

Beha, Lickart and Co., watch and clock-makers, silversmiths, and jewellers, St. Stephen’s plain

Belden, Miss Susanna, milliner, Ber street

Belding, William, wholesale grocer and tea dealer, 1, Magdalen street

Belding, William, grocer, Point House, New Catton

Bell, Charles, shoemaker, Botolph street

Bell, George, builder, Peacock street

p. 24Bell, James, shoemaker, Muspole street

Bell, John Crawford, Esq., surgeon, Prince’s street

Bell, John, horticulturist and seedsman, Exchange street and Bracondale; h at the Nursery, Bracondale

Bell, Mary, Cat and Fiddle, Botolph street

Bell, Michael, shoemaker, Botolph street

Bell, Miss Louisa, day school, Mountergate place, Synagogue street

Bell, Mary, beer retailer, Botolph street

Bell, Matthew, Lock and Key, and grocer, Ber street

Bell, Robert, watch and clock maker, silversmith and jeweller, 11, Davey place

Bell, Rebecca, carpenter, Peacock street

Bellamy, William national schoolmaster, Lower close

Bellin, Benjamin, Windsor terrace, Grove road, New Lakenham

Bellman, Rev. Edmund, New Catton

Bellman, Mrs. Fanny, Lower close

Beloe, Henry, silk finisher, Coslany street; h 5, Heigham terrace

Belson, Robert, plumber and glazier, King street

Benest, Edward Everett, city surveyor, Castle Meadow; h Clare House, New Catton

Benest James (see Benest and Newson) h St. Clement’s hill, New Catton

Benest and Newson, architects and surveyors, Bank chambers, Bank place

Bennett, Austin, shoemaker, Cowgate street

Bennett, Edward, Esq., 5, Newmarket road

Bennett, Mrs. Emily, baker and grocer, Mariner’s lane

Bennett, Emily, baker, Ber street

Bennett, Henry, baker, Orford hill

Bennett, Henry, tailor, St. Augustine’s

Bennett, Horace, lay clerk at Cathedral; h Magdalen street

Bennett, Jabez, market gardener, Infirmary road

Bennett, James, grocer and importer of leeches, Tombland

Bennett, John, the Allies’ Tavern, Upper Heigham

Bennett, John, shopkeeper and shoemaker, St. Miles’ Church street

Bennett, Maria, baker, Wellington street

Bennett, Robert, baker, West Pottergate street

Bennett, Robert, baker, City road, Heigham

Bennett, Samuel, baker, Cowgate street

Bensley, John, lodging-house keeper, Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Bensley, John, beer retailer, Oak street

Bensley, Thomas, Thorpe hamlet

Bensley, William, grocer, Union place

Benslyn, Thomas, baker and confectioner, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Bensted, William, agricultural machine maker, Castle meadow

Berry, George John, baker, Ber street

Berry, Josiah, town crier, Pottergate street

Berry, Richard, manufacturer, St. Paul’s Back lane

Berry, Swithin, beer retailer, Brazen Doors’ road

Berry, William Mills, St. Paul’s terrace, Cowgate street

Berwick, Mrs. Mary, lodging-house keeper, Nelson place, Mount Pleasant

Berwick, William, bricklayer and builder, Suffolk street, Union place

Betts, Charles A., Lord John Russell, Dereham road

Betts, Emanuel, Nelson Tavern, Upper market

Betts, Henry, grocer, Southwell street

Betts, James, wheelwright, Julian place; h Bedford street, Unthank’s road

Betts, James George, Two-necked Swan, St. Stephen’s street

Betts, John, bricklayer, 21, West Pottergate street

Betts, John Samuel, baker, Baker’s Arms, Coslany street, St. Mary’s

Betts, John, The Chequers, the Ditches, Castle hill

Betts, John, register office for servants, 63, Bethel street

Betts, John, linen and woollen draper, silk mercer, Market place

Betts, Osborn, willow pill-box manufacturer, Waterloo road, New Catton

Betts, Thomas, hair dresser, French Horn, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Bexfield, Richard, grocer, Trory street, Unthank’s road

Bexfield, Thomas, cabinet maker, Bethel street

Bexfield, James, grocer, Rising Sun lane, Golden Ball street

p. 25Bianchi, Giovanni, figure and model maker, Bridge street, St. George’s

Bidett, Jonathan, Dial, Dereham road

Bidwell, Henry, agent for the National Provident Institution, Atlas Life and Fire Insurance Offices, and agent for Blackmore’s Patent Bolting Cloths, Pitt street

Bidwell, James, shopkeeper, St. Faith’s lane

Bidwell, John, Colegate street

Biggs, Mrs. Mary, 7, St. Stephen’s square

Bignold, Edward Samuel, Esq., (see Field and Bignold) 23, Victoria street

Bignold, Sir Samuel, knt., Surrey street

Bignold, Thomas, Esq., 9, Lakenham terrace, City road

Bilby, Thomas, clerk, and agent to the People’s Provident Life Assurance Guarantee Society, and the Travellers’ and Marine Insurance Company, Lakenham place, St. Catherine’s plain

Bilby, Walter, cattle dealer, Islington house, New Catton

Bilby, William, hairdresser, Pitt street

Bilham, Charles, St. George’s plain

Billham, John, clerk to the Water Works Comp., 3, John street, Rose lane

Bingham, Samuel Hart, engineer, Cross street, Unthank’s road

Bingham, Thomas, tailor and woollen draper, Post Office street

Birch, Benjamin, cabinet maker, Timberhill street; h St. Catherine’s plain

Birch, Isaac, clerk to the Unity Fire Office; King Street gates

Bircham, Mrs. C., Mount Pleasant, Newmarket road

Bircham and Pyle, corn merchants, Wensum street

Bird, Bailey, saw mills, Philadelphia

Bird, Henry, hosier and glover, 3, Briggs’ street; h West Wymer street, Heigham

Bird, Miss Jane, shirt maker, Timberhill street

Bishop, George, linen and woollen draper, 5, Old Haymarket

Bishop, James, property tax collector, Coburg street

Bishop, John, Thorpe hamlet

Bishop, William Amis, builder, Magdalen street

Bishop, Rev. William, 5, Dereham Road terrace, Dereham road

Blackburn, James Berry, currier and leather seller, St. Stephen’s plain

Blackburn, Robert, city missionary, Keyzor’s place, Holl’s lane

Blackburn, Samuel, toll collector, Thorpe hamlet

Blackburn, Edward, shoemaker, Upper walk

Blackburn, James, currier, Castle Meadow

Blackburn, William Berry, Victoria Tavern, St. Stephen’s gates

Blackie and Son, publishers and booksellers, 48, Upper St. Giles’ street—George Wakerley, agent

Blackmore, Alfred, willow pill-box manufacturer, West Wymer street, Heigham

Blake and Everett, hotpressers, Gildengate street, St. George’s Colegate

Blake, Edward, and Robert Wiffin, mohair and worstead-yarn spinners, Fishgate street

Blake, Francis John, solicitor, and commissioner for Administering Oaths in Chancery in England, commissioner for taking acknowledgment of deeds of married women, superintendent registrar for districts of Norwich, clerk and treasurer of the County Lunatic Asylum, at Thorpe, and clerk of St. Faith’s Union, &c., Upper King street

Blake, George, brickmaker, Brazen Doors road; h Newmarket road

Blake, Hannah, St. Benedict’s plain, Pottergate street

Blake, James, Pheasant Cock, Ber street gates

Blake, John Joseph, Esq., solicitor, (see Blake, Keith, and Blake) Theatre st.

Blake, Mrs. Jonathan, 21, Mount Pleasant

Blake, Joseph, The Hermitage, City road, Lakenham

Blake, Keith, and Blake, solicitors, the Chantry

Blake, Mrs. Mary, Lower Close

Blake, Robert, brickmaker, Brazen Doors road; h Golden Dog lane

Blake, Robert, butcher, Lower Westwick street, St. Lawrence

Blake, Samuel, butcher, 3, Bridewell alley

Blakely, the Misses, boarding school, Paragon Lodge, St. Giles’ road

p. 26Blakely, Edward, silk mercer, West Parade, Earlham road

Blakely, William, manufacturer, Pitt street

Blakeney, Joseph, city missionary, Alma place, St. Augustine’s

Blanden, Henry, Morning Mail, Pottergate street

Blandon, Miss Caroline and Matilda, grocers, Ber street

Blazeby, William, portrait painter, Bethel street

Blazeby, James, artist, 16, Bethel street

Blazeby, John, turner, Globe lane, Golden Ball street

Blazeby, Henry, butcher, Westlegate street

Blazeby, William, whitesmith, Scole’s green

Bleakley, Mrs. Elijah, 4, Newmarket road

Blinkinsop, Mrs. Alice, Cadogan place, 2, Bedford street, Unthank’s road

Bliss, Joseph James, chemist and druggist, Magdalen street

Bloch, Israel, jeweller, 47, Pottergate street

Blogg, Mr. Stephen Money, Holl’s lane

Blogg, William (day school) Upper King street

Bloom, Thomas (see Plummer and Bloom); h 2, Paragon street

Bloomfield, Amelia, milliner and dress maker, Botolph street

Bloomfield, George, Norfolk and Norwich chop house, Market place

Blomfield, Mrs. Sarah, 30, Victoria street

Bloy, Mrs. Elizabeth, Mount Pleasant

Blunderfield, Mrs., 11, Newmarket terrace, Newmarket road

Blyth, James, green grocer, Julian street

Blyth, John, bricklayer, John street

Blyth, John, grocer, St. Martin’s gates

Blyth, John, timber and coal merchant, Quay side

Blyth, John, sen., coal merchant, Quay side

Blyth, John, shoemaker, Earlham road

Blyth, Josiah, baker and shopkeeper, Adelaide street, Heigham

Blyth, Sarah, greengrocer, Coslany street

Blyth, William, timber merchant, St. Faith’s lane

Blyth, William, timber merchant, St. Julian’s street

Blyth, William, beer retailer, Ber street

Blyth, William, clothes’ salesman, Coach and Horses road, Union place

Blyth, William Bates, boot and shoe maker, Bethel street

Blythe, Eldred, Nursery Tavern, and painter, plumber and glazier, Nelson street, Heigham

Blythe, Joshua, shopkeeper, World’s End lane

Blythe, Louisa, dress maker, St. Augustine’s

Blythe, Thomas, wheelwright, St. Augustine’s

Boardman, James Theobald, wholesale tea, coffee, and spice dealer, Cundall’s court, Gentleman’s walk

Boardman and Sursham, hop, corn, and coal merchants, Wensum street (see Advertisement, p. 14)

Boardman, Mrs. Mary Ann, Pottergate street

Boatwright, James, joiner, Fishgate street

Boatwright, James, cap maker, St. Saviour’s, Church alley

Boatwright, Richard, pork butcher, Bridge street, St. Lawrence

Bocking, Thomas, builder, St. Benedict’s plain, Pottergate street

Boddy, John, tailor, William street

Body, Elizabeth Murrey, day school, Adelaide street, Heigham

Bolingbroke, Charles and Frederick, manufacturers, St. Clement’s Church alley

Bolingbroke, Charles N., Esq., Upper St. Giles’ street

Bolingbroke, Horatio, Esq. (magistrate) 23, St. Giles’ street

Bolingbroke, Woodrow and Co. (Norwich Wine Company) importers of foreign wines and spirits, Upper St. Giles’ street

Bollison, William, blacksmith, Thorpe hamlet

Botton, Ann Elizabeth, milliner, New Catton

Bolton, William (inspector on E. C. railway) Synagogue House

Bond, Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Duke street

Bond, George, shopkeeper, Quakers’ lane

Bond, Joseph Daynes, tailor, Upper Goat lane

Bond, Mrs. Juliet, Lakenham place, St. Catherine’s plain

p. 27Bond, Thomas William, publisher of the “Norfolk News,” Broad street, St. Andrew’s

Bond, William, tailor and woollen draper, 30, London street

Bone, Francis, baker, St. Benedict’s street

Bone, Nicholas, water bailiff, Lady’s lane

Bone, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, St. Benedict’s street

Booth, Miss Frances, Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Booth, George, accountant, Richmond place, Bracondale

Booth, Thomas Rising, Shakespeare, Colegate street

Booty, John, gardener and seedsman, St. Stephen’s road

Booty, Horace John, British schoolmaster, Thorpe hamlet

Borking, James, boot and shoe maker, Upper Westwick street

Borking, Thomas, tailor, Willow lane

Borking, Thomas Patrick, shopkeeper, Upper Westwick street

Borrett, William, confectioner, Lower Westwick street

Bostock, Edwin and Thomas, boot and shoe top manufacturers, and leather merchants, Swan lane, and 39, Pottergate street

Boston, William, pawnbroker, and boot and shoe manufacturer, Orford hill

Boswell, James Freeman, wine and spirit merchant, Chatham place, St. Augustine’s

Boswell and Bishop, whitesmiths, Luckett’s court, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Boswell, Thomas, perambulator, toy, and invalid’s carriage manufacturer, Birmingham and Sheffield warehouse, 9, St. John’s Maddermarket (see Advertisement, p. 24)

Boswell, William, carver and gilder, and looking-glass manufacturer, Magdalen street

Botwright, the Misses Martha and Eleanor, Theatre street

Boughen, Hugh, chemist and druggist, St. Augustine’s

Boughen, Robert, Cross st., Unthank’s road

Boughen, William, hosier, glover, shirt maker, and general outfitter, Bank plain

Boughton, Richard, greengrocer, St. Stephen’s street

Boughton, Samuel, hairdresser and glove maker, Red Lion street

Boulger, Mr. John Joseph, Heigham rd.

Boulger, Patrick Joseph, surgeon dentist, Willow lane

Boult, Benjamin Grimmer, sail maker, Barge yard, King street

Boult, The Misses, Chalk Hill Cottage, Thorpe hamlet

Boulton, Mr. Benjamin, Paragon street

Boulton, Edward, earthenware dealer and shopkeeper, Gildengate street

Boulton, Robert, Saint Julian’s street, manager to Albion mills, Lower King street

Boulton, William, ironmonger, 9, The Crescent, Chapel-field road

Bourt, John, clothier, Lower Westwick street

Boutelle, Mrs. Harriet, Gloucester place, St. Catherine’s plain, Lakenham

Bowden, James, accountant, Bank street

Bowgen, John Hart, Victoria spirit vaults, Lower Westwick street

Bowgen, John Hart, coal merchant, chimney sweeper, &c., Lower Westwick street

Bowen, Alfred, merchant’s clerk, 2, John street

Bowen, William, plumber, painter and glazier, Pottergate street; h 23, Paragon street

Bower, James, wood carver, Devonshire place, Holl’s lane

Bower, James Garton, accountant, St. Martin’s lane

Bower, John A., 3, Newmarket terrace, Newmarket road

Bowes, William, harness maker, Upper Westwick street

Bowhill, Henry, boot and shoe maker, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Bowhill, O., 39, Pottergate street

Bowles, Caleb, watch manufacturer, Bedford-street, Unthank’s road

Bowthorpe, William, Unthank’s road

Boyce, George, Ship Inn, Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Boyce, Mrs. Harriet, dress maker, Redwell street

Boyden, the Misses Eliza and Charlotte, (boarding and day school) Pottergate street

Bradey, Mrs. Mary, St. Julian’s street

p. 28Brady, Alfred T., painter, plumber and glazier, Hall road, New Lakenham

Bradfield, Frederick, patten and clog manufacturer, Little London street

Bradfield, Mrs. Rose, cloak maker, West Pottergate street

Bramwell Daniel Kellard, stationer, bookseller, news agent, and librarian, 9, Upper St. Giles’ street

Branch, George, manufacturer of surgical and dental instruments, Golden Ball street

Branch, James, accountant, 65, Pottergate street

Brandling, Major John James, Mount Pleasant, Newmarket road

Bradford, Mrs. Elizabeth, Thorpe hamlet

Bray, Charles, plumber, glazier and painter, Timberhill street and Castle hill (see Advertisement, p. 15)

Bray, Mrs. John, Catton road

Bray, Joseph, wool sorter, St. Paul’s terrace, Cowgate street

Bray, Richard, tailor and woollen draper, 30, Pottergate street

Bray, Robert, beer retailer, Ber street

Brazell, Richard, Half Moon Inn, Upper Market

Bream, Charles John, wholesale grocer and tea dealer, Upper Market; h Town close

Breese, Robert, saddler and harness maker, Magdalen street

Breeze, Christmas, dyer, Infirmary road

Breeze, Henry, dyer, Bridge street, St. George’s

Breeze, H. S., Miss, dressmaker, Rupert street, Union place

Breeze, Mrs. Mary, greengrocer, Cross lane, St. George’s

Brett, Alethsa, Portland Arms, Old Church road, Lakenham

Brett, Isaac, boot and shoe manufacturer, Upper King street

Brett, Sophia, dressmaker, Union place

Brett, Thomas, shopkeeper and dealer, Old Church street, Lakenham

Brewster, James, butcher, Upper Heigham

Bridges, John, butcher, Heigham street

Bridges, Robert, Princess Royal, Rampant Horse street

Bridges William, marine store dealer, Coslany street

Bridgeman, William K., surgeon dentist, 69, St. Giles’ street

Briggs William Henry, dyer and beer retailer, New Catton

Briggs, John, The Waterman, St. Margaret’s plain

Briggs, Mrs. Margarette, West Pottergate street

Briggs, Robert, ventriloquist, Ber street

Briggs, Sampson, tailor and secondhand clothes dealer, Golden Ball street

Briggs, William, Queen Caroline, Oak street

Brigham, John, St. Catherine’s plain

Bright, John, coal merchant, Lower Westwick street

Brightwell and Son, solicitors, Surrey street

Brightwell, Thomas, Esq., jun., solicitor, 71, St. Giles’ street

Brightwell, Thomas, medical botanist, Bridge street, St. George’s

Brightwell, Thomas, Esq., sen., solicitor to the Charity Trustees of Norwich, and clerk to the Corn Hall, Surrey st.

Bright, Zachariah, beer retailer, The Hero of the Redan, Thorpe hamlet

Brighten, Charles George, confectioner, St. Stephen’s gates

Brighton, Robert, butcher, Heigham st.

Brinkley, James, Southwell Arms, Front row, Lakenham

Britcher, Charles, plasterer, Pitt street

Britcher, John, boat builder, Carrow Abbey; h Bracondale

Britcher, Thomas, bricklayer, Pottergate street

Brittain, George, collector for the Water Works Compy., Southgate street

Britton, John, pill box manufacturer, Oak street

Brock, George, soap and candle manufacturer, Alma terrace, St. Augustine’s gates

Brock, Samuel, baker and confectioner, St. Augustine’s street

Brock, William, baker, &c., Oak street

Brogden, Thomas, Magdalen road

Brook, Edmund, dyer, King street

Brook, Isaac, Oak street

Brook, Thomas Verlander, tea and coffee dealer and tobacconist, Bethel street

Brooke, William, Grey Friars’ school, Priory lane

Brooks, Anthony and James, coal merchants, Barn road

Brooks, Cooper, leather merchant, St. Stephen’s plain

p. 29Brooks, David, greengrocer, Lower Westwick street

Brooks, Henry, bricklayer and plasterer, Hall road, Lakenham

Brooks, James, carpenter and builder, Tabernacle street

Brooks, John, blacksmith, All Saints’ street; h Magdalen place

Brooks, John, whitesmith and marine store dealer, Golden Ball street

Brooks, Thomas, joiner and builder, Bridge street, St. Andrew’s

Brooks, William, shopkeeper, Oak street

Brownfield, John, surgeon, Magdalen street

Browes, James, green grocer, Lower King street

Browes, Miss Pamela, milliner and dressmaker, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Brown, Mr. Alfred, Tamworth terrace, Unthank’s road

Brown, Miss Ann, dressmaker, Sherbourne place, Mariner’s lane

Brown, Miss Anna Maria, milliner and dressmaker, Muspole street

Brown and Bailey, builders, &c., West Pottergate street

Brown, B., baker, city road, New Lakenham

Brown, Benjamin, dyer, Robson’s yard, St. Martin’s at Oak

Brown, Christopher, bricklayer and plasterer, Hall road, Lakenham

Brown, Eliza, dressmaker, Rochester buildings, Norfolk street

Brown, Elizabeth, butcher, Bishopgate street, St. Helen’s

Brown, Mr. Frederick, Bracondale

Brown, Frederick, corn merchant and malster, Lower King street

Brown, Frederic William, Hope Brewery, joiner and builder, pump maker and well sinker, St. Saviour’s lane

Brown, George, merchant, King street; h Bracondale

Brown, George, tailor, Upper King street

Brown, George, Unicorn, St. Stephen’s street

Brown, Henry, grocer and tea dealer, and agent for the Alliance Fire and Life Assurance office, 14, Gentleman’s walk

Brown, Henry, Ten Bells, wood carver, Upper Westwick street, St. Swithin’s

Brown, Henry, lodging-house keeper, William street

Brown, James, green grocer, Colegate street

Brown, Rev. James Landy, M.A., the Grove, Chapel field

Brown, John, architect and surveyor, county surveyor, and surveyor to the Dean and Chapter, King street

Brown, John, bricklayer, Somerleyton street, Unthank’s road

Brown, John, builder, William street

Brown, John, baker, Muspole street

Brown, John, grocer, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Brown, John, carpenter and builder, Clarence Harbour, Thorpe Hamlet

Brown, Mrs. Maria, milliner and haberdasher, Bridge street, St. George’s

Brown, Maria, baker, Lower Westwick street, St. Margaret’s

Brown, Mary Anne, Royal Oak, St. Augustine’s street

Brown, Peter, carpenter, &c., City road, Heigham fields

Brown, Philip, Esq., Thorpe Hamlet

Brown, Mr. Robert, Grove terrace, Unthank’s road

Brown, Robert, bone crusher, St. Benedict’s lane

Brown, Rose Ann, Corn Exchange tavern, Little London street

Brown, Sophia, baker and shopkeeper, Philadelphia

Brown, Thomas, clerk, Cross street, Unthank’s road

Brown, Thomas, fishmonger, Fishmarket

Brown and Wright, millwrights, engineers, stone builders, and workers of brass, &c., King street, near Rose corner (see Advertisement, p. 14.)

Brown, William, blacksmith, Lower King street

Brown, William, Lower Close

Brown, William, lodging-house keeper, John street, Rose lane

Brown, Mrs. William, lodging-house keeper, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Browne and Barker, hatters and hosiers, 10, London street

Browne, Charles, provision dealer, 57, St. Stephen’s street

Browne, David, nursery, florist and seedsman, 41, London street, and Sprowston

p. 30Browne, George, Esq., 3, Upper St. Giles’ street

Browne, George, clothier, Orford hill

Browne, Hall, grocer, Ber street

Browne, John, The Adelphi, White Lion street

Browne, John, and Sons, ironmongers and color merchants, 4, Upper market

Browne, Joseph, tobacco-pipe maker, St. Stephen’s street

Browne, Lovick Anstead, Foundry Bridge Tavern, Rose lane

Browne, Samuel, grocer and tea dealer, St. Martin’s at Palace plain

Browne, Mrs. Sarah, dyer and dresser, Tombland

Browne, William, and Co., lithographers, engravers, and copperplate printers, and land surveyors, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Browne, William, Heigham road, Earlham road, (see W. Browne and Co.)

Browne, William John Utten, Esq., barrister, Heigham grove, St. Giles’ road

Brownson, Miss Ann and Sarah, the Chantry

Browsell, William, Pope’s Head, Upper market

Bruce, Mrs. Jane Scott, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Bruff, Robert, Lord Camden, Charing Cross

Brundell, Mrs. Mary Ann, dressmaker, Upper King street

Brunning, John, fly proprietor, St. Catherine’s plain, Lakenham

Brussey, Benjamin, grocer, St. Augustine’s street

Bryant, Samuel, beer retailer, Thorn lane

Buck, Charles Harrison, boot and shoe maker, Back of the Inns

Buck, John, agricultural implement maker, Grove place, New Lakenham

Buck, George, beer retailer, Mill street, Lakenham

Buck, Zachariah, doctor of music, Upper Close

Buckenham, John Charles, watch and clock maker, Tombland

Bugden, Thomas and Edward, wholesale tea dealers and grocers, St. Mary’s plain

Bugden, Thomas, grocer, (see Bugden, Thomas and Edward); h Gildengate street

Bugg, Mrs. Hannah, milliner and dressmaker, St. Augustine’s street

Bugg, Isaac, solicitor, commissioner to administer oaths in Chancery in England, and perpetual commissioner for taking acknowledgements of deeds by married women, (see Miller, Son, and Bugg); h Newmarket road

Bulgin, Henry, wholesale mourning milliner, Freeman’s Villas, Unthank’s road

Bull, Miss Jane, the Crescent, Chapel field

Bull, George, willow pill-box manufacturer, Silver street

Bullard, John, waterman, Lower King street

Bullard, Mrs. John, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Bullard, Maria, shopkeeper, Trowse

Bullard, Richard, brewer, malster, wine and spirit merchant, and corn and coal merchant, Bridge street, St. Miles’; h 24, St. Giles’ street

Bullard, Robert, brewer’s clerk, Trory street, Unthank’s road

Bullard, Robert, fruiterer, Swan lane

Bullard, William, flour dealer, 17, Suffolk street, Union place

Bullard, William, tailor and woollen draper, 14, Exchange street; h Kimberley street, Unthank’s road

Bullen, Miss Elizabeth, eating house, Bridewell alley

Bullen, George, ticket writer, Catton rd.

Bullen, William Vincent, hairdresser, confectioner, and fruiterer, Golden Ball street (see Advertisement, p. 14)

Bullimore, Mary Ann, tailoress, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Bullock, John, bird preserver, Lower Westwick street, St. Swithin’s

Bultitude, Edward, cabinet maker, Charing cross

Bungay, Elizabeth and Ann, grocers and tea dealers, Trowse

Bunn, Charles, bricklayer and plasterer, Vauxhall Tavern, Julian street

Bunn, John, architect and surveyor, 20, Pottergate street

Bunn, Robert, watch and clock maker, Timberhill street

Bunn, Samuel, Heigham grove, St. Giles’ road

Bunnett, Edward, professor of music, the Close

p. 31Bunnett, Thomas C., butcher, Distillery street

Bunting, James, shopkeeper, Coslany street, St. Miles’

Bunting, John, plumber, painter, and glazier, St. Giles’ road

Bunting, Richard, French polisher, Lower Westwick street

Burch, Conrade, fruiterer and green grocer, West End street, Heigham

Burcham, Samuel, corn and coal merchant, Oak street, St. Martin’s

Burdett, Jonathan, The Dial, Dereham road

Burgess, John, artist, Willow Cottage, Lower close

Burgess, Richard, The Eagle tavern, Lower Westwick street

Burgess, Robert, plumber, painter, and glazier, Chapel field; h Rose valley, Unthank’s road

Burgess, William, shoemaker, Coslany street, St. Miles’

Burman, Henry, basket maker, Oak st.

Barrage, Edward, baker, Julian street, Julian place

Burrage, Edwin, confectioner, &c., Church street

Burrage, Frederick Joseph, boarding and day school, Golden Dog lane

Burrage and Jeffries, tailors and outfitters, 2, Davey place

Burrage, John, clothier, Davey place; h Dereham road

Burrage, John Charles, boarding and day school, Castle hill; h 2, Little Orford street

Burrage, Mrs. Joseph James, ladies’ boarding and day school, Golden Dog lane

Burrage, William, Plasterer’s Arms, Cowgate street

Burrell, Benjamin, builder, Lower King street

Burrell, Elizabeth, beer retailer, Church street, St. Miles’

Burrell, Mr. James, Magdalen street

Burrell, John, horsehair manufacturer, Gildengate street

Burrell, Robert, Rose Tavern, St. Martin’s at Oak street

Burrell, William, general shopkeeper, Cowgate street

Burroughes, Randall Ellis, solicitor, (see Foster, Son, Burroughes, and Robberds;) h Thorpe Hamlet

Burroughs, George, shopkeeper, Magdalen street

Burrows, Barnard Lemon, chemist and druggist, Ber street gates

Burrows, Edward, shoemaker, Oak street

Burrows, George, coal merchant, St. Edmund’s square, Water lane, Fishgate street

Burrows, George C., agency office, Post Office street

Burrows, John, The Cock, Upper St. Giles’

Burrows, Lewis, coal dealer, Cowgate street, St. Paul’s

Burrows, Mrs. Mary, beer retailer, Colegate street

Burrows, Robert, clothier, Lower Westwick street

Burrows, William, wholesale boot and shoe manufacturer, St. Clement’s Church alley

Burrows, William, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street, St. Andrew’s

Burrows, William, Duncan Arms, Magdalen street

Burt, Miss Priscilla, Chapel field grove

Burton, Emma, dressmaker, Trafalgar street

Burton, Frederick Charles, professor of music, St. Stephen’s road

Burton, George, coffee and eating house, Castle hill

Burton, Gent, provision merchant, 12, Dove street

Burton, Thomas, hawker, Trafalgar street

Bush, Edward, clock maker, St. Mary’s plain

Bush, George, toy and fancy warehouse, Bridge street, St. Andrew’s

Bush, George W., foreman at Fletcher’s printing office; h Chapel Field road

Bush, John, bricklayer, Union place

Bush, John, beer retailer, Fishgate street

Bush, Mrs. Mary Ann, Princes’ street

Bush, Rebecca, The Alma Tavern, Pottergate street

Bush, Mr. Robert, 2, Earlham Road terrace

Bushell, George, clerk, Gas hill, Thorpe hamlet

Bushell, William, butcher, Norfolk street, Union place

Bushnell, Joseph, wood carver, Suffolk street, Heigham

p. 32Bussey, Henry, reporter for the “Norwich Mercury,” Leicester place, Vauxhall street

Butcher, Brothers, paper manufacturers, St. Martin’s at Palace plain

Butcher, Mr. John M., Mount Pleasant

Butcher, James, Goose and Gridiron, and blacksmith, St. Stephen’s street

Butcher, Jeremiah, Esq., 11, Newmarket road

Butcher, Robert, Crown and Anchor, St. Augustine’s street

Butcher, Robert, and Nephew, wholesale grocers, Bank plain and Queen street

Butcher, Mr. Robert Edward, Theatre street

Butcher, Simon, green grocer, St. Augustine’s street

Butcher, Simon, furniture broker, St. Augustine’s

Butcher, Walter Whitton, Red House, Timberhill street

Butcher, William, green grocer, Elm hill

Butcher, William, and Sons, auctioneers, land agents, and surveyors, Theatre street, and 37, Bedford row, London

Butcher, Mr. William, sen., Theatre street

Butter, Caroline, green grocer, Bull close

Butler, Charles, merchant’s clerk, Kimberley street, Unthank’s road

Butler, Edward, solicitor’s clerk, Ber Street gates

Butler, Henry, tailor, Russell street

Butler, James, clothier, Lower Westwick street

Butler, James, Finket street

Butler, Mary, coal dealer, Lower Westwick street, St. Margaret’s

Butler, John, coal dealer, Lower Westwick street

Butler, Robert, rent collector, Ber street

Butler, Thomas, shopkeeper, Barrack street, Pockthorpe

Butler, Thomas Bulwer, attorney’s clerk, John street, Rose lane

Butler, William, clothes’ dealer, St. Lawrence

Batterbee, James, clothes’ dealer

Buttifant, Davis, hairdresser, Golden Ball street

Buttifant, Henry, ironmonger, Grapes’ hill

Buttifant, Henry and Josiah, ironmongers, and oil and colour merchants, William street, Heigham

Buttifant, John, cabinet maker, and picture-frame maker, 2, St. Ann’s terrace, Synagogue street

Buttifant, Josiah, Conservative Registration Rooms, and secretary to the Provident Building Society, Bethel street

Buttifant, Thomas, shoe manufacturer, Adelaide street, Heigham

Buttle, Richard, coal merchant, and beer retailer, Quay side

Button, Edward John, accountant, 1, Albion place, Mount pleasant

Button, Mr. John, 7, Newmarket terrace, Newmarket road

Buxley, James, Marquis of Gransby, Bishopgate street

Buxton, John, tobacconist, St. Stephen’s street

Buxton, Joseph, (inland revenue office) 3, Heigham road

Buxton, Stephen, baker, Thorpe hamlet

Byles, Robert, “Jubilee,” Ber street

Cadge, William, surgeon, All Saints’ green

Caldwell, Rev. Charles, 3, Heigham terrace, Dereham road

Caley, Albert J., pharmaceutical chemist, London street

Caley, Nathaniel Henry, draper, silk mercer, and shawl manufacturer, London street

Caley, John Thomas, tailor, St. Benedict’s street

Callow, William Julian, brazier, and tin-plate worker, Golden Ball street

Calton, John Dixon, Club-house Tavern, Old Post Office court

Calver, John, boot and shoe maker, Church street, St. Simon’s

Calver, John, harness maker, All Saints’ green

Calver, John French, Old Crown, Oak street

Calver, Josiah, warehouseman, Infirmary road

Calver, Thomas, wholesale and retail boot and shoe manufacturer, St. Giles’ street

Calvert, Rev. Thomas, Upper Surrey street

Campling, Abraham, commercial traveller, St. Saviour’s lane

p. 33Campling, Alfred, dyer, Botolph street

Campling, Miss Ann, laundress, Gildengate street

Campling, Mrs. Eliza Jane, boarding and day school, Castle hill

Campling, George, greengrocer, Magdalen street

Campling, George, Two Brewers, Magdalen street

Campling, James, millwright, engineer, ironfounder, agricultural implement manufacturer, and commission agent; repository, Golden Ball street

Campling, James, engineer, millwright, and boiler maker, Buff Coat lane Iron Works (see also repository, Golden Ball street); h Castle hill, Prospect place

Campling, James, bookbinder, Westlegate street

Campling, Jeremiah, Rifleman tavern, Cross lane

Campling, Jessie, Postman, Chatham street, Sussex street, St. Augustine’s

Campling, John, fishmonger, Magdalen street

Campling, Paul, shopkeeper, West Pottergate street

Campling, Peter, coal dealer, West Pottergate street

Campling, Robert, governor of City gaol, St. Giles’ gates

Campling, Samuel, Fortune of War, Calvert street

Campling, Thomas, plumber, glazier, and gas fitter, Coslany street

Campling, Thomas, Bloomsbury street, Rose lane

Campling, William, Bull (Snow’s chop house) Market place

Candler, Miss Elizabeth, 5, Foundry terrace, Thorpe hamlet

Candler, John, plumber, St. Saviour’s lane

Candler, John, wholesale stationer, and brush manufacturer, 5, Rampant Horse street

Canham, Mrs. Emma, baby linen warehouse, 68½, St. Stephen’s street

Canham, Isaiah, clerk, Heigham road

Canham, Mrs. Margaret, 1, Jay’s terrace, Rose lane

Canham, Sarah, furniture broker, Ber street

Canham, Thomas, assistant draper, Gloucester place, St. Catherine’s plain

Canham, William, boot and shoemaker, Lower Westwick street

Cann, Mrs. Mary, stay maker, Fisher’s lane

Cann, Samuel, Philadelphia saw mills

Cann, Watling, Philadelphia

Cannell, Albert Francis, tailor and woollen draper, Lower Goat lane

Cannell, Benjamin, pork butcher, St. James’ street

Cannell, Elizabeth, lodging-house keeper, Unthank’s road

Cannell, George Symonds, boot and shoe maker, Ber street

Cannell, Hannah, grocer and tea dealer, and ale, porter, and spirit merchant, Unthank’s road

Cannell, Mr. Henry, Newmarket road

Cannell, James, grocer and tea dealer, Upper Westwick street

Cannell, Mr. Nunn, Newmarket road

Cannell, Peter, miller, Mousehold heath

Cannell, Robert, baker, King street

Canner, John, Prince of Wales, Upper Westwick street

Cannon, Goss William S., fish merchant, Fisher’s lane

Capes, George, wholesale and retail tea dealer, Nelson street, Heigham

Capon, James, merchant’s clerk, John street, Rose lane

Caprani, Lewis and Co., hardware dealers, and importers of toys and fancy goods, White Lion street

Capp, Ellen, Napier tavern, Castle hill

Carley, Mrs. C., Douro terrace, Heigham grove, St. Giles’ road

Carpenter, Mrs. Philip Samuel, 3, Langham place, Dereham road

Carpenter, Robert, cooper, Oak street

Carr, Charles, Briton’s Arms, Elm hill

Carr, Mrs. Harriett, matron of “Orphan’s Home,” Pottergate street

Carr, William, clicker, Muspole street

Caro, Rev. Simon, linguist, Ber street

Carter, Rev. George, M.A., (rector of Trowse and Lakenham) Lower Close

Carter, John, commercial traveller, 29, Newmarket road

Carter, John, dyer, All Saints’ street

Carter, John, cowkeeper, Catton road

Carter, John, shoemaker, Peacock street

Carter, Henry, shopkeeper, Cowgate street

Carter, Mrs. Henry, St. Helen’s square, Bishopgate street

p. 34Carter, Miss Sarah, 19, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Carter, Thomas, general shopkeeper, St. James street

Carter, William, Barley Mow, Haymarket

Cartwright, Frederick, bill poster, Broad street, St. Andrew’s

Cartwright, Henry, gunmaker, Rampant Horse street

Cartwright, Mrs., haberdasher, Magdalen road

Carver, Charles, shoemaker, Wellington street

Carver, Miss C. E., teacher of music, Douro terrace, Heigham grove

Carver, Rebecca, general shopkeeper, 12, Surrey terrace, Lakenham

Carver, Mrs. Ruth (ladies’ seminary) West Pottergate street

Carver, William, shopkeeper, Ber street

Carver, William, Bull’s Head tavern, Ber street

Carver, Wm., beer retailer, shopkeeper, and shoemaker, Trowse Millgate

Case, Philip, Esq., the Town Close

Casson, Daniel Bell, Jolly Farmers, St. John’s Maddermarket

Casper, George, and Co., shoe manufacturers, Wensum street; h Lower Close

Castle, W., hairdresser, Upper Market

Castleton, William S., tailor, Howard street, Lakenham

Caston, William, Rose lane

Caston, John, grocer, tea dealer, ale, porter, and spirit merchant, St. Benedict’s gates

Catchpole, John, shopkeeper, and beer retailer, Cowgate street

Catling, Alfred, baker, Carrow hill

Cattermole, David, Coach and Horses, Thorpe road

Cattermole, William, baker, Front row, Lakenham

Cattermoul, Mrs. Esther, lodging-house keeper, St. Benedict’s plain

Cattermoul, Everett, Esq., Pitt street

Cattermoul, James, Eagle tavern, Newmarket road

Cattermoul, John Overton, builder, Pitt street

Cattermoul, Thomas Mathews, Bridge tavern, Wensum street

Cattermoul, William, bookbinder, 22, White Lion street

Cattermoul, William, The Allies, Bedford street, Unthank’s road

Cattermoul, William, Chapel Field road

Cattermoule, Thomas, beer retailer, Ber street

Cavendish, Mrs. Mary, 3, Crescent place, Chapel Field road

Cawdron, Henry, shopkeeper and lodging house, Bethel street

Cawdron, Jonathan, turning lathe and tool maker, and turner in general, Duke street

Cettermer, Isaac, baker, Barrack street, Pockthorpe

Chalker, Elizabeth (day school) Tills’ court, Ber street

Chalker, Mary Ann, beer retailer, Coslany street

Challis, John, Bracondale

Challis, Thomas, boot maker, London street

Chambers, Miss Grace, Upper Close

Chambers, Mrs. Mary, Theatre street

Chambers, Sarah, dressmaker, Ber street gates

Chamberlin, James, grocer and tea dealer, Post Office street

Chamberlin, William, cabinet maker, Calvert street

Chamberlin, Sons and Co., wholesale and retail drapers, silk mercers, Market place

Champlin, George, wool dealer, St. Mary’s Church alley

Chandler, Miss H., dressmaker, St. Stephen’s road

Chandler, Samuel, cowkeeper, St. Stephen’s road

Chapman, Abel, butcher, Magdalen street

Chapman, Mrs. Jane Emery, Pottergate street

Chapman, John, greengrocer, St. Miles’ Church alley

Chapman, John, greengrocer, Union place

Chapman, Luke, market gardener, Dereham road

Chapman, Matthew, fellmonger, Upper Heigham

Chapman, Mrs. Mary Ann, shopkeeper, Palace street

Chapman, Philip, Gardeners’ Arms, Tinkler’s lane

Chapman, Samuel, butcher, Upper St. Giles’ street

p. 35Chapman, Thomas, tea dealer, 4, Keyzor’s terrace, Unthank’s road

Chapman, Thomas Robert, butcher, Market place

Chapham, George Henry, chairmaker, and fancy cane worker, Ber street

Chaplin, George, woolstapler, Muspole street; h St. Mary’s Church alley

Chaplin, George, lodging-house keeper, Lower Close

Chase, Charles, 8, Surrey terrace, Surrey road

Chatfield, Francis Joseph, locomotive engineer, 1, Foundry terrace, Thorpe hamlet

Chesteney, Richard, fruit, and green grocer, Upper St. Giles’ street

Chettleburgh, Henry, lodging house, 55, St. Giles’ street

Chettleburgh, Robert, saddler and harness maker, Tombland

Chettleburgh, Thomas, Kimberley Arms, Trory street, Unthank’s road

Chettleburgh, William, carter, Mousehold

Chettock, S., Mr., Somerset place, Holl’s lane

Chiddick, Francis J., baker and confectioner, Magdalen street

Child, Henry, grocer and tea dealer, St. Benedict’s street

Child, Stephen, blacksmith, Chapel Field road

Childs and Curry, photographers, Golden Ball street

Chilvers, Albert, railway clerk, Thorpe hamlet

Chilvers, James, professor of music, Pitt street

Chipperfield, Charles, flyman, St. Stephen’s gates

Chittock, Mrs. Ann, Portland place, Holl’s lane

Christie, Thomas, pawnbroker, Colegate street

Church, Charles, bill poster, Theatre street

Church, Mrs. Matilda, lodging house, Theatre street

Churchill, William, commission agent, Pitt street

Churchman, Mrs. Elizabeth, matron of the “Stanley Home,” St. Paul’s Back lane

Churchyard, John, greengrocer, Coburg street

Clabburn, James, plumber, glazier, and painter, Oak street

Clabburn, Mrs., Pitt street

Clabburn, Sons, and Crisp, manufacturers of shawls, poplins, paramattas, and every description of fancy dresses, Pitt street

Clabburn and Sparks, wine, spirit, and corn merchants, Magdalen street

Clare, Caroline, straw bonnet maker, Magdalen street

Clark, Ann, greengrocer, Ber street

Clark, Frederick and Son, rope, twine, and sack manufacturers, St. Clement’s

Clark, Maria, grocer, Lower Westwick street

Clark, Mrs. S., dressmaker, Vauxhall street

Clark, William, beer retailer, Timberhill street

Clarke, Mrs. Ann, 7, The Crescent

Clarke, Charles, brewer, maltster, spirit and London porter merchant, Coslany street

Clarke, David, boot and shoe maker, and shopkeeper, Golden Ball street

Clarke, Eliza, dressmaker, King street

Clarke, Eliza M., and C., milliners and dressmakers, Pottergate street

Clarke, Elizabeth, milliner and dressmaker, 37, Pottergate street

Clarke, Frederick, clerk, Rose lane

Clarke, Frederick Edward, tunist, Prince’s street

Clarke, Mrs. Hannah, 3, West End Cottage, Chapel Field road

Clarke, Mrs. Hannah, Coldstream terrace, Bedford street, Unthank’s road

Clarke, Henry and George S., boot and shoe manufacturers, Gildengate street; and Prince’s street, Ipswich

Clarke and Hunter, cabinet makers and upholsterers, carpet warehouse, auctioneers, and undertakers, Dove street and Pottergate street

Clarke, Isaac, butcher, St. Augustine’s

Clarke, James, The Grapes Hotel, St. Giles’ gates

Clarke, John, Infirmary road

Clarke, John, wholesale shoe factor, Distillery street, Heigham

Clarke, John, accountant, Lame Dog road

Clarke, Mr. James, Peacock street

Clarke, John, commercial traveller, Jubilee place, Heigham road

p. 36Clarke, John, market gardener, Heigham causeway

Clarke, John, manufacturer, Calvert street

Clarke, John Friar, solicitor’s clerk, Charles street

Clarke, Mr. John Welham, (see Clarke and Hunter) Town Close road

Clarke, Miss Maria, tuscan and straw bonnet manufacturer, St. Gregory’s Church alley

Clarke, Mary Ann, milliner and dressmaker, Upper King street

Clarke, Matthew, stone and marble mason, Distillery street, Heigham

Clarke and Reeve, wharfingers, carriers, and merchants, Duke’s palace Wharf

Clarke, Richard, blacking manufacturer, Muspole street

Clarke, Robert, city missionary, Infirmary road

Clarke, Robert, commercial traveller, Coach and Horses road, Union place

Clarke, Robert N., shoemaker, Tuns tavern, White Friars’ street, St. Martin’s at Palace

Clarke, Royal, general shopkeeper, William street

Clarke, Samuel, butcher, Unthank’s road

Clarke, Samuel, clerk, Distillery street

Clarke, Samuel, inspector of nuisances, Castle meadow

Clarke, Thomas, British Lion; and shoemaker; Coburg street

Clarke, William, boot closer, St. Benedict’s street

Claxton, Elizabeth, hay and corn dealer, St. Augustine’s

Claxton, George, cowkeeper, Baker’s road, St. Augustine’s

Claxton, Mr. Robert, Prospect place, Horn’s lane

Claxton, George Amond, beer retailer, Fishgate street

Claxton, Louisa, milliner and dressmaker, Fishgate street

Claxton, Walter, baker and shopkeeper, New Catton

Claxton, William and George, skin merchants and furriers, Horn’s lane, King street

Clayton, George, fishmonger, Fishmarket

Clayton, Thomas, beer retailer, Barrack street, Pockthorpe

Cletheroe, James, green grocer, Oak street

Cletheroe, James, painter, plumber, and glazier, City road, Heigham

Clitheroe, William, boot and shoe maker, Botolph street

Clements, John, attorney’s clerk, West Pottergate street

Clements, Robert John, Duke of Wellington, Chapel street, Union place

Clements, William, carter, Nelson street

Clifford, Mrs. Ann, 3, Earlham Road terrace

Clifford, Thomas, tailor, Magdalen street

Climpson, Edward, tailor, Hall road

Clowes, Charles, merchant’s clerk, St. Julian street

Clowes, Francis, (see Clowes and Flowerdew); h Bank place

Clowes and Flowerdew, auctioneers, valuers, and land agents, Bank Chambers, Bank place

Coalman, Mrs. Sarah Ann, Chalk Hill cottage, Thorpe hamlet

Coaks, Richard, Esq., Golden Dog lane Magdalen street

Cobb, Leggatt, Rose inn, St. Augustine’s

Cobb, Rev. John William, Newmarket road

Cobb, Robert Leggatt, butcher, Magdalen street and St. Augustine’s

Cobb, Mrs. Susan, laundress, Essex street, Union place

Cobb, Rev. William, catholic priest, catholic chapel, Willow lane

Coble, the Misses Christiana and Lydia Louisa, dressmakers, Elm hill

Cobin, William, lodging-house keeper, Pottergate street

Cock, William, blacksmith, Ber street gates

Cockburn, Col. James, Bracondale

Cocks, Dennis, tailor and hatter, Magdalen street

Cocks, Mary, tailoress, Elm hill

Codling, Arthur John, boarding and day school, Magdalen street

Coe, Edward, store-keeper to the Cooperative Provision Compy., Lower Goat lane

Coe, George, firework artist, Bull close

Coe, Mark, The Plough, Golden Ball street

Coe, Robert, shoemaker, Philadelphia

Cogman, Benjamin, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Cogman, James, green grocer, Oak street

p. 37Cogman, Mrs. Emma, dressmaker, &c., Prince’s street

Cogman, Frederick, tailor, Prince’s street (see Advertisement, p. 20)

Cohen, Mrs., letter founder, Scole’s green

Cohen, Philip, fruiterer, Swan lane; h Distillery street

Colby, John, boot and shoe manufacturer, King’s buildings, Union place

Colby, Richard, printer and bookbinder, Golden Dog lane

Colby, Samuel, beer retailer, St. Giles’ hill

Coldham, Alfred, wine and dry cooper, Dereham road

Coldham, Henry, butcher, Bridge street, St. George’s

Coldham, James, The Barn tavern, St. Benedict’s

Coldham, John, tailor, Bartholomew street

Coldwell, Miss Amelia, boarding and day school, St. Clement’s Church alley

Cole, Mrs. Ann, Thorpe Hamlet

Cole, Edward, accountant, Douro terrace, Heigham grove, St. Giles’ road

Cole, Elijah, Wheat Sheaf, Castle ditches

Cole, Mrs. Harriet, milliner and straw bonnet maker, Lower King street

Cole, Mrs. James, Thorpe hamlet

Cole, John B., tailor and woollen draper, Post office street

Coleby, Mrs. Elizabeth, 4, St. Stephen’s square

Coleman, Abraham, attorney’s clerk, Bedford street, Unthank’s road

Coleman, Robert, Trowse Eye

Coleman, Mrs. Ruth, linen and woollen draper and silk mercer, London street; h Bracondale

Coleman, George Lovick, wholesale and retail Manchester and Scotch warehouse, opposite the Guildhall, Market place; h Unthank’s road

Coleman, Henry Bevely, draper, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s; h Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Coleman, Mrs. Mary, Ipswich road

Coleman, Samuel, Albert Tavern, Ber street

Coleman, Timothy, beer retailer, White Horse, Trafalgar street, Lakenham

Colman, Charles, fish and game dealer, Fishmarket

Colman, John Daniel, carpenter, Magdalen street

Colman, Sarah, milliner and dressmaker, Bethel street

Collett, Robert George, beer retailer, White Friars’ street, St. Martin’s at Palace

Collier, Mrs. Charlotte, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s

Collins, James, boot and shoe warehouse, 4, Davey place

Collyer, Col. William, Tombland

Colman and Glendenning, furnishing and general ironmongers, Rampant Horse street

Colman, James, Peacock, St. Stephen’s plain

Colman, Jeremiah James, (see Colman and Glendenning); h Carrow house, Carrow Abbey

Colman, J. and J., mustard, starch, and blue manufacturers, Stoke Mills, and Carrow Works, Norwich, and 26, Cannon street, London

Colman, Mrs. James, Town close

Colman, Mrs. Jeremiah, Newmarket road

Colman, Mr. Robert, 9, Newmarket terrace, Newmarket road

Colman, Samuel, merchant’s clerk, Lakenham terrace, City road

Colman, William, farmer, St. Giles’ road

Colsey, Mr. Francis, (see Darken and Colsey); h 25, Victoria street

Coman, Henry, and Co., wholesale and retail grocers, &c., St. Benedict’s street

Comer, Ann, clothier, St. Benedict’s street

Comer, James, glover, Magdalen street

Comer, Robert, shopkeeper, Thorpe hamlet

Compere, Thomas Bond, card maker, Norwich Card Works, St. Martin’s at Palace

Cook, Ann, lodging-house keeper, St. Faith’s lane

Cook, Ann, corn and flour dealer, and livery and bait stables, Pitt street

Cook, Benjamin, warehouseman, Muspole street

Cook, Miss Charlotte, 6, Foundry terrace, Thorpe hamlet

Cook, Charlotte, dressmaker, 59, St. Giles’ street

Cook, Edward, corn merchant, Infirmary road

p. 38Cook, Edward Thomas, boot and shoe maker, 21, White Lion street

Cook, Miss Harriet, Newmarket road

Cook, James, blacksmith, Pitt street; h Calvert street

Cook, James, clerk, 21, Victoria street

Cook, John, blacksmith, Dial yard, Coslany street

Cook, John, beer retailer, Ber street

Cook, John, cooper, Botolph street

Cook, Joseph, gilder, St. Faith’s lane

Cook, Robert, boot and shoe manufacturer, Pottergate street

Cook, Samuel, brush, patten, and clog manufactory, 6, Davey place

Cooke, Rev. Bell, Unthank’s road

Cooke, Edward, leather seller, St. John’s Maddermarket

Cooke, Edward Robert, clerk, St. John’s terrace, Ber street gates

Cooke, Mrs. Eliza, register office for servants, St. Stephen’s gates

Cooke, Rev. George, Upper King street

Cooke, Hannah, dyer, Coslany street, St. Miles’

Cooke, Mrs. Harriet, dyer, St. Augustine’s street

Cooke, Henry, 7, Bedford street, Unthank’s road

Cooke, Henry, boot and shoe maker, Magdalen road

Cooke, Henry John, merchant’s clerk, John street, Heigham

Cooke, James, plumber, glazier, and painter, Blazeby’s buildings, Scole’s green

Cooke, Miss Mary H. (day school) Distillery street, Heigham

Cooke, Philip, boot and shoe maker, Fishgate street

Cooke, William, Church street, St. Miles

Cooke, William, chemist and druggist, St. Giles’ street

Cooke, Rev. William, M.A., Thorpe hamlet

Cooper Carlos, barrister, Orford hill

Cooper, Mr. Daniel, Keyzor’s terrace, Unthank’s road

Cooper, Emanuel, surgeon, Tombland

Cooper, Mrs. Honor, dressmaker, Stepping lane

Cooper, James Daniel, shopkeeper, Rampant Horse street

Cooper, Mr. James George, Unthank’s road

Cooper, Jane, milliner, Magdalen street

Cooper, Jeremiah, Keel and Wherry, Lower King street

Cooper, Mr. John, 4, Richmond place, Lakenham

Cooper, John Norton Valentine, solicitor, 3, The Crescent

Cooper, Miss L., Thorpe hamlet

Cooper, Mrs. Mary, St. Mary’s alley

Cooper, Robert, Orchard tavern, St. Faith’s lane

Cooper, Rev. Robert Henry, 5, Grove Place terrace, Grove road, Lakenham

Cooper, Robert, solicitor, Private Road villas, Unthank’s road

Cooper and Son, silversmiths and jewellers, 20, London street

Cooper, Samuel, Cow inn, Cow hill, St. Giles’

Cooper, Mrs. Sarah, lodging-house keeper, Lower Close

Cooper, Thomas, Gardeners’ Arms, Timberhill street

Cooper, Thomas, grocer, St. Augustine’s

Cooper, William, The Plough (house and furniture painter) St. Benedict’s street

Cooper, William, furniture broker, Baker’s road, St. Augustine’s

Cooper, William N., railway clerk, Albert place, Paragon street

Copeman, Rev. Charles Arthur, M.A., St. Andrew’s Broad street

Copeman and Bell, milliners, and straw bonnet warehouse, St. Gregory’s Church alley

Copeman, Edward, Esq., M.D., St. Giles’ plain

Copeman, Edward, shoemaker and shopkeeper, Union street, Crook’s place

Copeman, Edward Robert, merchant’s clerk, Hall road, New Lakenham

Copeman, George, chimney sweeper, St. Stephen’s plain

Copeman, Mr. John, Surrey grove, Surrey road

Copeman and Sons, grocers and tea dealers, 12, The Walk

Copeman, William, agent to the Legal and Commercial Life, and Manchester Fire offices, 12, The Walk

Copman, William, bootmaker, Lower King street

Copestake, Moore, Crampton, and Co., lace and muslin manufacturers; manager, William Gibson, the Chantry

Copland, William S., solicitor’s clerk, Prince’s street

p. 39Copley, George, greengrocer and shoemaker, Pottergate street

Coppenwheat, Charles, boot and shoe manufacturer, Back Mill street, Crook’s place

Coppin, Edward, shoe manufacturer, 8, York place, Chapel Field road

Corbitt, Rev. John, baptist minister, St. Catherine’s plain

Corbyn, Hartwell, tailor, Duke street

Cordean, William, cabinet and chair maker, 7, Crescent place, Chapel Field road

Cordran, William, cabinet maker, Chapel Field row

Cork, Andrew Thompson, shoemaker, Waddington street, Heigham fields

Cork, Henry, shopkeeper, Magpie road

Cork, John, gardener and florist, Brunswick road, Newmarket road

Cork, Mary Ann, butcher, St. Augustine’s gates

Cork, William, butcher, Botolph street

Corrick, William, cabinet manufacturer, and paper hanger, 62, St. Giles’ street

Corsbie, Mr. Dennis Stoke, accountant, Mount Pleasant

Corsbie, Joseph, accountant, Surrey terrace

Corsbie, Samuel Webster, accountant, Distillery street, Heigham

Cory, Christmas, tailor, Calvert street

Cosgrove, Thomas Rolfe, Old Steam Packet tavern, Rose lane

Cossey, John, estate agent, Gildengate street

Cossey, Robert, beer retailer, Oak street

Cott, Thomas, pawnbroker, Pottergate street

Cott, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Julian street, Julian place

Cottingham, Joseph John, dispensing chemist, and wholesale druggist, 1, St. Giles’ street

Cottom and Brewster, butchers, Market place

Cottom, Thomas, butcher, Upper Heigham

Cousens, James, trunk maker, Fishgate street

Cousens, John, shoemaker, Rising Sun lane, Golden Ball street

Cousins, James, fruiterer, St. Gregory’s Church alley

Cousins, Thomas, shoe manufacturer, 61, Bethel street

Cousins, William, plumber, painter, and glazier, Lady’s lane

Covell, John, ginger beer manufacturer, Elm hill

Cowan, Alexander, travelling draper, Lady’s lane

Cowan, Mrs. Charlotte, Tuns tavern, All Saints’ green

Cox, Alfred, blacksmith, St. Stephen’s; h Chapel street, Crook’s place

Cox, Mrs. Ann, Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Cox, Edmund, Sons of Commerce, Thorn lane

Cox, John, boot and shoe maker, Magdalen street

Cox, Mary, clothier, Lower Westwick street

Cox, Sarah, midwife, Oak street

Cox, Samuel, shoemaker, Wellington street

Cox, William Henry, teacher of music, Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Cozens, James, and Son, maltsters, corn and coal merchants, Upper Westwick street

Cozens, Mary Ann, Pitt street

Cozens, Richard, Esq., Eva Cottages, Catton

Cracknel 1 Richard, Mount Pleasant

Crane, Miss Sophia, Vauxhall street

Crane, Commander Pointer, R.N., 6, Dereham road terrace

Crask, Henry, hair dresser, Coburgh street

Craske, James, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Lower Goat lane

Craske, Josiah John, commercial traveller, 2, Heigham terrace, Dereham road

Craske, William, merchant’s clerk, Keyzor’s place, Holl’s lane

Crawfoot William, cabinet maker, Ber street

Crawford William, boot maker, Bank plain

Creake, Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Coburgh street

Creasby, Edmund, commission agent, and wholesale hosiery, elastic, web, and belt manufacturer, Colegate street

Cremer, Robert, resident medical officer at the Guardians’ dispensary, Elm hill

Cresswell, Harrison John, banker’s clerk, Bracondale

p. 40Crickmay, Edward, surgeon, Magdalen street

Crickmore, Henry, chop house and commercial boarding house, Exchange street

Crickmore, William, furniture broker, Bridge street, St. Lawrence

Crisp, Miss Elizabeth, Newmarket street

Crisp, George, shoe manufacturer, Vauxhall street, Julian place

Crisp, Lieut. James, R.N., Earlham cottage, West parade, Earlham road

Crisp, John, boot lace manufacturer, Heigham causeway

Crisp, John, corn merchant, cinder ovens yard, King street; h Beccles

Crisp, John W., tailor and draper, Castle meadow

Crisp, Thomas Dawson, manufacturer, Pitt street

Crisp, William, chimney sweeper, Lower Westwick street

Critchfield, Samuel, professor of music, Upper King street

Croker, Mr. John, 13, Newmarket road

Crook, John, surgeon, Tombland

Crook, Madame Oury, and Miss Clarissa, professors of dancing and singing, Tombland

Cross, Daniel, solicitor’s clerk, Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Cross, Daniel, shopkeeper, Ber street

Cross, Mrs. Elizabeth, 3, Grove place, St. Giles’ road

Cross, John, solicitor’s clerk, 5, Trafalgar place, Dereham road

Cross, William, butcher, Rose lane

Crosse, Mrs. Dorothy, Orford Hill

Crosse, Thomas William, surgeon and registrar of births and deaths for the Mancroft district, 22, St. Giles’ street

Crosskill Robert, greengrocer, Bridge street, St. George’s

Crosskill, Robert, jun., cork manufacturer, Bridge street, St. George’s

Crosskill William, greengrocer, Oak street, St. Martin’s

Crotch, John, general shopkeeper, Barrack street, Pockthorpe

Crotch, Matthew, hair dresser, St. James’ street

Crotch, William, fowl dealer, Oak street

Crotch, William, beer retailer, Oak street

Crow, Edward, beer retailer and coal merchant, Lower Westwick street

Crowe, Ann, dressmaker, Ten Bell lane

Crowe, Charles, dining rooms, Elm hill

Crowe, Miss Elizabeth, boarding school, Calvert street

Crowe, Elizabeth, general shopkeeper, Elm hill

Crowe, Edward, coal merchant, Balloon, Lower Westwick street

Crowe, John, and Son, cabinet makers and upholsterers, carvers, gilders, and paper hangers, St. Stephen’s street

Crowe, Robert, cabinet maker, St. Stephen’s street, h Newmarket road

Crowfoot, George, baker, Prince’s street

Crowfoot, William, furniture broker, Ber street

Crowther, Rev. Henry Martin, M.A., sub-master of Grammar School, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Croxford, Edward, agent for the London Printing and Publishing Compy., 33, Magdalen street

Croxford, Henry, bookseller, stationer, and fancy repository, hon. sec. to the Art Union of London, and agent for the Westminster and General Life, and Westminster Fire Assurance Compys., Tombland

Cubitt, George, and Son, wholesale and retail chemists and druggists, agents to the Clerical, Medical, and General Life Assurance Society, and the Norwich Equitable Fire Association, 17, The Walk

Cubitt, James, shopkeeper and beer retailer, Lower King street

Cubitt, John, pork butcher, The Royal Exchange, Julian street, Julian place

Cubitt, Samuel Durrant, Wholesale ironmonger, Mitchell’s court, Market place; h 2, Victoria street

Cubitt, Stannard, manufacturer, St. George’s plain

Cubitt, Thomas, glove maker, Coslany street

Cubitt, Thomas, The Jolly Brewers, Magdalen street

Cubitt, Thomas, furniture broker, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Cubitt, William Jary, wine and spirit merchant, Magdalen street

Cudbard, Charles, machine maker, Theatre street

Cudden, Mrs. Ann, The Rifleman, All Saints’ green

p. 41Cullen, Mr. Thomas Barsham, Trory street, Unthank’s road

Culley, John Baldwin, solicitor, Upper King street

Culley and Hart, general merchants, Duke’s palace

Culley, Henry Utting, miller; manager, John Davy, Lower Westwick street

Culley, Richard, Esq., Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Cullingford, Frederick, rag merchant, St. Benedict’s street (see Advertisement, p. 26)

Cullingford, Thomas, rag merchant, Botolph st. (see Advertisement, p. 26)

Cullingford, William, rag merchant, Ber street (see Advertisement, p. 26)

Cullington, Mary Ann, boot and shoe manufacturer, Queen street

Cullington, William, tailor, Lady’s lane

Cullyer, Christmas and George, white and lock smiths and bell hangers, Cow hill

Cullyer, George, whitesmith, St. Benedict’s plain, Pottergate street

Cullyer, William Frederick, glass stainer, &c., Ten Bell lane

Culyer, Mrs. Ann, lodging-house keeper, Grapes’ hill

Culyer, Charles Arthur, cooper, Rampant Horse street

Culyer, Erasmus Stannard, slate works, Lower King street

Culyer, Thomas, ecclesiastical and cabinet carver, 1, Castle meadow

Cundall, Benjamin, and Son, linen drapers, silk mercers, and shawl manufacturers, The Walk

Cundall and Miller, (late Priest) booksellers, stationers, printers, book binders, and engravers, Rampant Horse street

Cundall, Miller, and Leavins, printers and publishers, Rampant Horse street

Cundall, Richard, (see Cundall, Benjamin, and Son) The Walk

Cunningham, Edward, artist, &c., Ber street

Cunningham, Emily, straw bonnet maker, St. Miles’ Church alley

Cunningham, Edwin, shoe manufacturer, Ebenezer street

Cunningham, Mrs. Mary Ann, dressmaker, 4, Duke street

Cunningham, Thomas, Eight Ringers, Coslany street

Cunnington and Co., general wood turners, Cow hill, St. Giles’

Cupper, James, coal merchant, 5, St. Stephen’s Back street

Curle, Robert, shoemaker, King street

Curme, Elizabeth, milliner and dressmaker, Magdalen street

Curme, George, butcher, Magdalen street

Curson, William, The Old Star, Quay side

Curson, William, Steam Packet, St. Catherine’s plain

Curtis and Balls, builders and contractors, West Pottergate street

Curtis, David, carrier and shopkeeper, Philadelphia

Curtis, Francis, builder, West Pottergate street

Curtis, George, bricklayer and plasterer, Scoles’ green

Curtis, Mr. George William, Thorpe hamlet

Curtis, Mr. John T., Islington house, New Catton

Curtis, John, last and boot tree maker, Fishgate street

Curtis, Joseph, carpenter, Botolph street

Curtis, Lambert G., teacher of music and singing, 57, St. Giles’

Curtis, Mrs. Mary, Union place

Curtis, Rebecca, general shopkeeper, Upper Regent street, Union place

Curtis, Sarah, lodging-house keeper, White Friars’ street

Curtis, William, currier and leather seller, Upper Westwick street, St. Lawrence

Curtis, William, police sergeant, Somerleyton street

Cushing, Charles, wood turner, St. Lawrence lane

Cushing, John, basket and sieve maker, Magdalen street

Cushing, William, beer retailer, Magdalen street

Cushing, William, Wellington place, Grove road

Cushion, William, timber dealer, Lothian street

Cushion, Jonathan, carpenter, Magdalen street

Cutting, William, Hampshire Hog, St. Swithin’s Church alley

Dabson, Thomas, ornamental painter, Botolph street

Dack, Jonathan, fishmonger, Fishgate street

p. 42Dade, Charlotte, milliner, 3, Swan lane

Dade, Miss, Somerset place, Holl’s lane

Dady, Daniel, fruiterer and green grocer, St. Stephen’s street

Dady, Mrs., Walnut Tree Shades, wine and spirit merchant, Old Post Office court

Dady, Henry, coal carter, St. Stephen’s back street

Dadson, William, clerk, Thorpe hamlet

Daines, Elizabeth, Coach and Horses, Bethel street

Daines, James, boot and shoe maker, Holl’s lane

Daines, Mrs. Mary, glover, Church street, St. Julian’s

Daines, Richard, sugar boiler, &c., St. Gregory’s church alley

Daines, Robert, carpenter, Hall road, Lakenham

Dakin and Co., wholesale and family tea dealers and coffee roasters, 7, Davey place

Dallinger and Son, engravers, printers, and lithographers, 12, Davey place

Dallinger, Joseph, sen., (see Dallinger and Son) engraver, 12, Davey place

Dallinger, Joseph A., (see Dallinger and Son) engraver, and agent for the Unity Fire and English Widows’ Fund and General Life Offices, 12, Davey place, Norwich

Dalrymple, Arthur, solicitor, St. Giles’ street

Dalrymple and Cadge, surgeons, Surrey street

Dalrymple, Donald, M.D., Surrey street

Dalton, Samuel, solicitor, St. Giles’ terrace

Dambrock, John, musical instrument maker, Jolly Butchers, Ber street

Daniels, Benjamin, butcher, Colegate street, St. Clement’s

Daniels, Miss Hannah, milliner and dressmaker, Magdalen street

Daniels, Joseph, Buff Coat inn, Buff Coat lane

Daniels, Richard, The Grapes inn, Red Lion street

Daniels, Robert, baker, Rosemary lane

Daniels, Robert, general smith, Trowse Newton

Daniels, Thomas, Prince Albert, Dove street

Daplin, Mark, gig builder and carpenter, Lothian street, Heigham

Daplyn, Mrs. Mary, baker, St. Augustine’s

Darken and Colsey, pianoforte and music warehouse, and musical circulating library, 6, London street

Darken, James, news agent, Little London street

Darkins, Canuel, builder, Magdalen street

Darsley, William, hackney master, George inn, St. Stephen’s street

Dann, Thomas Richard, merchant’s clerk, Hall’s road

Dann, Isaac, The Whitefriars’ tavern, Whitefriars’ street, St. Martin at Palace

Dashwood, George, Heigham road

Dashwood, Lancelot, surgeon, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Daveney, Colonel Burton, Heigham grove, St. Giles’ road

Daveney, Charles Burton, solicitor, agent for the Royal Fire and Life Office, Bethel street

Davey, Miss, Magdalen street

Davey, Mrs. Eliza, Union place

Davey, Thomas, and Son, silk merchants, Pitt street

Davidson, William, green grocer, Cowgate street

Davies and Son, wholesale boot and shoe manufacturers, Calvert street

Davis, Rev. David, B.A., (Unitarian) Tamworth terrace, Unthank’s road

Davis, Edward, boot and shoe maker, Youell’s buildings, New Lakenham

Davis, James, fishmonger, Fishgate street

Davis, John, and Co., surgeons, Pottergate street

Davis, Mrs. Harriet, Trafalgar place, Hall road

Davis, Mark, working jeweller, Ber street

Davis, Thomas, shopkeeper, Hall road

Davison, Matthew, Garden street, St. John’s Sepulchre

Davison, Matthew, baker, Rising Sun lane, Golden Ball street

Davy, Miss Jane, milliner, Upper St. Giles’ street

Davy, John, printer, St. Clement’s church alley

Davy, William Purdy, Esq., Thurso place, Dereham road

Dawbarn, James, shipowner, coal and salt merchant, Castle meadow

p. 43Dawdy, Mr. Edward, Kimberley street, Unthank’s road

Dawes, Lawrence, carver and gilder, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Dawes, Lawrence, green grocer, William street

Daws, Charles Willimot, Bedford street, Unthank’s road

Daws, Robert, joiner and builder, Hampden place, Dereham road

Dawson, Edward, tailor, Scoles’ green

Dawson, George, brickmaker and farmer, Brazen Doors’ road

Dawson, George, Black Eagle, grocer and tea dealer, Wellington terrace, Union place

Dawson, George, 4, Kent place, Vauxhall street

Dawson, Jabez, cabinet and chair maker, 17, Distillery street

Dawson, William, city missionary, 16, Distillery street

Dawson, John, tailor, Ber street

Dawson, John, cattle dealer, Magdalen street

Dawson, Jonathan, butcher, Magdalen street

Dawson, Philip, jun., butcher, Magdalen street

Dawson, Robert, shoemaker, Lame Dog road

Dawson, Samuel, grocer, Oak street

Dawson, Sarah, Vauxhall street, Julian place

Dawson, William, baker, St. Martin’s lane

Dawson, William, shopkeeper, Magdalen street

Dawson, William, Punch house, Upper Market

Day and Son, solicitors, Upper Surrey st.

Day, Miss Harriet, Pottergate street

Day, Rev. George, Ber street gates

Day, Thomas Starling, silk merchant, Sussex street

Day, William Hankes, surgeon, All Saints’ green

Day, Mr. William Starling, St. Clement’s hill, New Catton

Day, William, clerk to magistrates; h Trowse

Daynes, George, blacksmith, Oak street

Daynes, John, shoemaker, Lord Nelson, Trafalgar street

Daynes, John, news agent, Back of the Inns

Daynes, John, watch and clock maker, Pitt street

Daynes, Mrs. Maria, Crown and Angel commercial inn, St. Stephen’s street

Daynes, Robert, beer retailer, St. Margaret’s street

Daynes, Samuel, printer, St. Stephen’s street; h Mile End lane

Daynes, William, clerk at telegraph office, St. Paul’s terrace, Cowgate street

Deacon, Rev. James, A.M., Pottergate street

Dean, Alfred, eating and coffee house, Upper market

Dean, James, wholesale shoe manufacturer, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s; h 17, Victoria street

Deane, Thomas Lanley, agent for the British Industry Life Assurance Compy., Duke street

Dearle, George, surgical and mechanical dentist, Exchange street

Dearly, William, boot and shoe maker, Thorpe hamlet

Death, John, cooper, Bishopgate street

Debbage, James, The Fountain, St. Benedict’s gates

Debbage, Miles, wood turner, Charing Cross

De Carle, Henry, stone and marble mason, Chapel Field road

De Carle, William, commercial traveller, 15, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Decaux, David, beer retailer, St. Augustine’s street

Decaux, Shakspeare, shoemaker, St. Augustine’s

Decoe, William, Bell Hotel Tap, Castle meadow

Deeks, Mrs. Christiana, Gildengate street

Deeks, John, watchmaker, George the Fourth, Ber street

Deighan, Peter, travelling draper, Duke street

Deighan, Mrs. Sophia, dressmaker, Duke street

Delf, John, whitesmith, Golden Ball street

Delf, Susan, butcher, Rupert street, Union place

Delf, William Stannard, draper, Tombland house

Delph, Thomas, Flower in Hand, Pitt street

Delph, William, plumber, painter, and glazier, St. Augustine’s

p. 44Delph, William, Prince of Wales, St. Augustine’s

Denham, John, agent for Sir R. J. H. Harvey, bart., Mousehold

Dennington, Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Silver street

Dennis, Charles, whitesmith and bell-hanger, Bull lane, St. Stephen’s gates

Dent, Dowson, butcher, Ber street

Dent, Thomas, butcher, Ber street

Denmark, John, tailor, New Catton

Denmark, Rebecca, milliner and dressmaker, New Catton

Denmark, William, shoemaker, Seven Stars, Barrack street, Pockthorpe

Denny, John, green grocer, Union street, Crook’s place

Denny, Thomas, butcher, Trowse

De Vear, Mrs. Emma D., Cow hill

Devereaux, Edmund, plumber, painter, and glazier, Gildengate street

Devereaux, Cottingham, accountant, 3, Adelaide buildings, Dereham road

Dew, Edmund Britiffe, superintendent of Rosary cemetery, Thorpe hamlet

Dew, Edmund Britiffe, hairdresser, Upper market

Dewing, Edward, Jolly Maltsters, King street

Dewing, Mrs. William, Grove house, St. Giles’ road

Dewing, William, messenger at Gurney’s bank, Prince’s street

Dexter, Mr. Robert, Bracondale

Diamond, Mrs. Mary, Mount Pleasant, Newmarket road

Dickerson, Richard, harness maker, Castle hill

Dickerson, William Benjamin, Thorn Tavern, Ber street

Dickinson, Mrs. Sarah Clarke, milliner and straw bonnet maker, St. Stephen’s road

Didwell, William, house agent, Catton road

Diggens, George, linen and woollen draper, silk mercer, &c., Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Ding, James, baker, 45, Pottergate street

Diver, Mr. Owen Albert, Chapel Field road

Diver, Mrs. Mary Ann, beer retailer, Gildengate street

Dix Miss C., Chapel field

Dix, Mrs. Mary, Calvert street

Dixon, Benjamin, pharmaceutical chemist, Rose corner, King street

Dixon, Edward Lister, linen draper, Magdalen street

Dixon, Fuller, gig-maker, John street, Rose lane

Dixon, Joseph, tonnage collector, Carrow

Dixon, Richard, butcher, Upper Westwick street

Dixon, Thomas, watch and clock maker, optician, gold and silver smith, jeweller, &c., 6, Bridewell alley

Dobson, James, millwright, Calvert street

Dobson, Robert, shoemaker, Rose valley terrace, Unthank’s road

Dobson, Sarah, straw bonnet maker, St. Benedict’s street

Dodd, E. J., governor of the Bethel, Bethel street

Dodd, Miss Harriet, teacher of music, 8, Crescent place, Chapel Field road

Dodman, Mr. John, auctioneer’s clerk, 19, Distillery street

Dodson, William Robert, gold and silversmith, 27, London street

Dodsworth, Thomas, overseer at Chronicle office, Unthank’s road

Don, John, draper, Golding street, Heigham

Donne, Miss Anna Maria, Lower close

Doughty, John, carpenter, Mill street, Union place

Doughty, Richard, King’s Head, Davey place

Douglass, John, gardener and cowkeeper, Silver road

Dove, Anne, dressmaker, Bexfield’s buildings, Rupert street

Dove, Harry, M.D., Tombland

Dover, Charles, Angel, New Catton

Dowde, Mrs. Mary Eve, midwife, St. Margaret’s church alley

Downes, Catherine, milliner, Cowgate street

Downes, Henry, tailor, Cowgate street

Downes, Maria, milliner, &c., Duke street

Downes, Thomas, artist, Bethel street

Downing, Joseph, china, glass, and earthenware warehouse, 22, the Walk

Downman, John Thomas, Barrack master, Mount Pleasant

Dowson, Arthur H., resident surgeon of Norwich Dispensary, St. John’s Maddermarket

p. 45Dowson, Benjamin Utting and Sons, coal and corn merchants, Duke’s palace

Dowson, Edward, writer, grainer, and plumber, Duke street

Dowson, John, tailor and clothier, Ber street

Dowson, John Withers, solicitor; office, Castle meadow; agent to the Sun Fire and Life office; h Priory lane, King street

Drake, Barzillar, Duke of York, Church path, Lakenham

Drake, Charles, surgeon and registrar of births and deaths for the Conisford district, All Saints’ green

Drake Francis, shoemaker, Coslany street

Drake, John, green grocer, Ber street

Drake, Mrs. Caroline, pork butcher, New Catton

Drake, Mrs. Mary, milliner, &c., All Saints’ green

Drake, Mrs. Mary, Chatham place, Chapel Field road

Drake, Mary, shopkeeper, Church path, Lakenham

Drake, Robert, shoemaker, King street

Drake, Samuel, shopkeeper, &c., Lower Westwick street

Drake, Thomas, tailor, Rose lane

Drakes, Benjamin, butcher, New Catton

Draper, Henry, manager of the National and International Telegraph office, The Walk

Drege, William, shopkeeper, World’s End, World’s End lane

Dreury, John Henry, barrister, Mousehold

Drew, Mrs. Mary Ann, St. Martin’s at Palace plain

Drew, William, whitesmith, Twiddy’s court, Ber street

Drew, William and John, steelyard makers, Ber street

Drewell, George Webster, Palace plain

Drewell, Mrs. Mary Ann, All Saints’ green

Driver, Mr. William Charles, banker’s clerk, 6, Heigham terrace, Dereham road

Driver, William, accountant, Valentine street

Ducker, James Frostick, grocer, Lower Westwick street

Duffield, Miss Abigail, fancy repository, Gildengate street

Duffield, Henry, tailor and woollen draper, 12, Exchange street; h Museum court, Broad street, St. Andrew’s

Duffield, John, shoemaker and leather cutter, Timberhill street

Duge, Isaac, Waddington street, Heigham

Duge, John, 1, Trafalgar place, Dereham road

Dugdale, Robert, beer retailer, Cowgate street

Dunham, John, grocer, Trory street, Lakenham

Dunmore, Robert, corn and seed merchant, St. Benedict’s street

Dunmore, Thomas, corn merchant, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Dunn, James, boot and shoe maker, Pitt street

Dunn, James, coal merchant, Quay side

Dunn, James, Queen’s Head, Quay side

Dunn, John, baker, West Pottergate street

Dunn, Richard, painter, plumber, and glazier, Surrey grove

Dunn, Samuel, hairdresser, Magdalen street

Dunn, William, pill-box manufacturer, Silver road

Dunn, William Frederick, collector of water rates, &c., 10, Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Dunnett, Mrs. Mary, boarding and day school, Surrey street

Dunsford, James, surgeon dentist (see Suggate and Dunsford); h Rose Valley terrace, Unthank’s road

Dunthorne, John, Magpie, Magpie road

Dunthorn, William, Sawyer’s Arms, St. Paul’s plain

Durdin, Rev. Alexander W., B.A., rector of St. George’s, Bedford street, Unthank’s road

Durrant and Brock, wholesale soap boilers and tallow chandlers, St. Miles’ soap works, Dial yard, St. Miles’

Durrant, Elizabeth, grocer, &c., Mariner’s lane, King street

Durrant, George, solicitor, and director of Norwich Union Fire and Life office, Surrey street

Durrant, Henry, grocer and tea dealer, Ber street (see Advertisement, p. 10)

Durrant, Mrs. Michael, shopkeeper, Upper King street

p. 46Durrant, Robert, grocer and tallow chandler, Church street, St. Miles’

Durrant, Zachariah, furniture broker and beer retailer, Coslany street

Duxberry, Thomas, Lower close

Dyball, Mrs. Emily, Bracondale

Dye, Christopher, plumber, Barrack street

Dye, George, tailor, &c., Prince’s street

Dye, George Arthur, solicitor, Broad street, St. Andrew’s

Dye, Miss Harriet, school, 5, Grapes’ hill

Dye, Henry, shopkeeper and beer retailer, Upper King street

Dye, Lydia, grocer, St. Augustine’s Church alley

Dye, Mary, tea dealer, &c., Little London street

Dye, William, farm bailiff, Mousehold heath

Dye, William, tanner and fellmonger, St. Martin’s gates

Dyer, John Jephunneh, tobacconist and cane-worker, Ber street

Dyer, Thomas, shopkeeper, Union street, Crook’s place

Eade, Peter, M.D., Queen street

Eagleton, Elizabeth, green grocer, Pump street

Eagleton, George, watch and clock maker, 9, City road, Lakenham

Earle, James, national schoolmaster, Hall road, Lakenham

Earl, John, beer retailer, and shopkeeper, Magdalen street

Eastaugh, Mrs. Mary, York tavern, Castle meadow

Easto, George, Church Style, Upper Market

Eastoe, Mr. Robert, New road, Town close

Easton, Haylett, beer retailer, Magdalen street

Easton, Isaac, Unicorn, St. Mary’s plain

Easton, Isaac, fishmonger, St. James’ street

Eaton, Mr. Thomas D., Chapel field

Edgar, Mrs. Elizabeth, 2, Grove place, St. Giles’ road

Edgar, Thomas, brush manufacturer, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Edwards, Miss Ann, furrier, 22, Castle meadow

Edwards, Benjamin, city missionary, Trory street, Unthank’s road

Edwards, Charles, Earl of Leicester, Brazen Doors road

Edwards, Edward Manning, haircutter and perfumer, 40, London street

Edwards, James, cooper, Infirmary road; h Long row, Catton

Edwards, James, shopkeeper, St. Paul’s plain

Edwards, Miss Mary Ann, St. Stephen’s road

Edwards, William P., linen and woollen draper, and silk mercer, St. Stephen’s street

Egan, Richard, hat and clothes’ cleaner, Ber street

Egmore, Randle, sup. of the Norwich City Mission, 6, Grove road

Eldridge, James Upton, St. Clement’s hill, New Catton

Ellingham, Henry, plumber, glazier, and painter, Elm hill

Elliott, Mr. John, 2, The Crescent

Elliott, Miss Mary, milliner, Bank street

Ellis, Benjamin, the Dove tavern, Lower Westwick street

Ellis, John, joiner and builder, Oak street, St. Martin’s

Ellis, John, land agent and surveyor, Bank plain

Ellis, Mary, green grocer, St. Mary’s

Ellis, Mrs. Mary, All Saints’ green

Ellis, Mrs. Priscilla, lodging-house keeper, 15, and 16, Chapel Field

Ellis, Rev. Robert Stanton, Wesleyan minister, Calvert street

Ellis, Samuel, beer retailer, Oak street, St. Martin’s

Ellis, Thomas, green grocer, Cubitt’s court, Bethel street

Ellis, Thomas Richard, The Wilderness, Bracondale

Ellis, William, green grocer, Oak street

Ellis, William, green grocer, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Ellison, Mrs. Francis, barometer and thermometer maker, and fancy repository, Dove street

Ellison, Robert, wood turner, Upper Goat lane

Ellison, William, beer retailer, King street gates

Elmer, Mrs. Ann, Chapel Field grove

Elmer, Edmund, merchant’s clerk, Hall road, Lakenham

Elmer, John, market gardener, Lower close

p. 47Elmer, John, accountant, St. Catherine’s plain

Elvin, Mary, midwife, Ber street

Elwes, Jonathan, boot and shoe maker, St. Stephen’s road

Ellwood, Francis, Victoria terrace, Synagogue street

Ellwood, Henry, butcher, Timberhill street

Ely, Hannah, grocer, Pitt street

Emery, George, farmer, Coach and Horses’ road, Union place; farm, Eaton

Emms, Charles, Wine Coopers’ Arms, West Pottergate street

Emms, William, Star and Crown, Timberhill street

Empson, Ezra, baker, St. James’ street

Emslie, James and Son, engravers, chromo-lithographers, lithographers, and copperplate printers, Back of the Inns

Engall, Joseph, game dealer, St. Augustine’s street

Engall, Thomas, Fleckered Bull, Ber st.

England, William, coal merchant, St. Ann’s terrace, Synagogue street

English and Son, drapers and silk mercers, London street

English, John, (see English and Son); h 1, London terrace, St. Stephen’s road

English, Joseph, woollen draper and tailor, 45, London street

English, Joseph, chemist and druggist, St. Giles’ street

English, Mr. Richard, Holl’s lane

English, Mrs. Sarah, Albion House, Market place

English, William, (see English and Son) h 1, Lakenham terrace, city road

Espenett, William Henry, architect and surveyor, house and estate agent, Distillery street

Etheridge, Mrs. Elizabeth, Thorpe hamlet

Etheridge, George and William Ellis, watch and clock makers, goldsmiths, silversmiths, and jewellers, 10, The Walk

Etheridge, Thomas William, Carrow road, Thorpe hamlet

Evans, Bernard, solicitor’s clerk, Lower close

Evans, Charles, counsellor, King street

Evans, Rev. Edward, B.A. (vicar of St. Stephen’s) Surrey street

Evans, George, shopkeeper, Barrack street, Pockthorpe

Evans, Misses Lucy and Emma, dressmakers, Lower close

Evans, Mrs. Lacy, Upper Surrey street

Everard, John, commercial traveller, 10, Bedford street, Unthank’s road

Everett, James, drill-master, Coldstream terrace, Bedford street, Unthank’s road

Everett, John, wool warehouse, Thorpe hamlet

Everett, Joseph, wool stapler, Bishopgate street

Everett, Mr. Robert, Mount Pleasant, Newmarket road

Everett, Thomas, merchant, Trory street, Unthank’s road

Everett, William Wilson, tailor and hatter, Red Lion street

Everitt, Miss Ann, Prince’s street

Ewing, John William, nurseryman, seedsman, and florist, and lime burner, Exchange street, and Eaton

Ewing, Mr. William Charles, Post Office street

Fabb, Sarah, Nelson street, Heigham fields

Fair, Thomas, general shopkeeper, Bishopgate street

Fairchild, Mary Ann, linen draper, Spitalfields, Thorpe hamlet

Fairhead, Maria, upholsteress, West Pottergate street

Fairhead, Louisa, dealer in British wines, milliner and dress maker, Pottergate street

Fairman, Thomas, builder, 5, Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Fairman, William, hairdresser, Barrack street, Pockthorpe

Fairweather, Mrs. Lydia, linen-draper, silk mercer, hosier, and haberdasher, London street

Fake, John, the Wrestlers, St. James’ street

Farman, George, general dealer, Blazeby’s buildings, Scole’s green

Farmer, Benjamin, British school-master, Colegate street

Farnell, James Thomas, boarding and day school, Tuck’s court, St. Giles’ street

Farnell, William Keeling, classical and mathematical boarding school, Theatre-street house school

p. 48Farrow Maria, corset and stay maker, Grapes’ hill, St. Giles’

Farrow, Thomas, general shopkeeper, Chapel street, Union place

Farrow, Thomas, market gardener, Newmarket road

Farrow, William, Scripture reader, Oak street

Faulke Robert, baker, Queen street, Crook’s place

Fawcett, Mr. Samuel, Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Fearnside, Benjamin, furniture broker, Coach and Horses, Red Lion street

Featherstone, Thomas, accountant, Distillery street

Feek, William, horse breaker, West Pottergate street

Felstead, Miss Charlotte, straw bonnet maker and furrier, 20, Castle meadow

Felstead, James, grocer, Regent street, Union place

Felstead, Robert, Catherine Wheel, St. Augustine’s

Feltham, Barnabas, miller, New Lakenham

Feltham, Charles, ferry boat owner, Lower close

Fenn, James, French polisher, Cogman’s yard, Ber street

Fenn, John, merchant’s clerk, 5, Langham place, Dereham road

Fenn, Mrs., stay maker, Julian street

Fenn, Mrs., St. Giles’ terrace, Bethel street

Fenn, Robert, grocer and tea-dealer, Magdalen street

Fenn, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, 35, Pottergate street

Fenn, Thomas, Hen and Chickens, St. Mary’s plain

Ferra, John, hairdresser, King street

Ferron, Mrs. Ellen Jane, Unthank’s road

Fickling, Harriet, stationer and haberdasher, Kensington place, St. Catherine’s plain

Fickling Robert, solicitor, Prince’s street

Fiddament, James, green grocer, Ber street

Fidgett, Miss Henrietta, 38, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s

Field and Bignold, solicitors, Upper Surrey street

Field, Edward, (see Field and Bignold) Surrey street

Field, Robert, King street

Field, William C., commercial traveller, Brunswick road, Newmarket road

Fife, James, Inland Revenue officer, Baxter’s gardens, King street

Figg, George, Boar’s Head Inn, Surrey street

Finch, James, chimney sweeper, St. Miles’ church alley

Finch, John, carpenter, Trowse

Finch, Walter, locksmith, Elm hill

Finch, William, horse-hair seating and crinoline manufacturer, Prince Regent, Weaver’s lane

Finch, William, chimney sweeper, St. Miles’ church street

Finch, William H., blacksmith, Wagon and Horses lane, Tombland

Finegan, Mrs. Ann, ladies’ school, Cow hill

Finegan, Thomas William, linguist, Cow hill

Firth, George Warren Watts, surgeon, registrar of births and deaths for the Wymer district, 66, St. Giles’ street

Fish, John, shoemaker, Grout’s thoroughfare, Timberhill street

Fish, Mrs. Lucy, shirt maker, 51, Pottergate street

Fish, Thomas, hosier, glover, and shirt maker, Orford hill

Fish, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, 51, Pottergate street

Fish, William, professor of music, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Fisher, Daniel, school-master, 6, Lakenham terrace, City road, Lakenham

Fisher, Edward, butcher, Fisher’s yard, Ber street

Fisher, Mrs. Elizabeth, 4, Lame Dog road

Fisher, Francis, boot and shoe maker, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Fisher, George, last maker, Union place

Fisher, James, solicitor, Lower close, (see Steward and Fisher)

Fisher, James, boat builder, Oak street

Fisher, James Cracknell, grocer and tea-dealer, 62, St. Stephen’s street

Fisher, Joseph, boot and shoe maker, Lower King street

Fisher, Mary Ann, butcher, Distillery street, Heigham

Fisher, Robert, grocer and tea-dealer, Bridge street, St. George’s

Fisher, Robert, grocer and tea dealer, Sussex street

p. 49Fisher, Mrs. Sarah, shopkeeper, Oak street

Fisher, Thomas, joiner and builder, Museum court, St. Andrew’s; h Crescent, Chapel field

Fisher, William, carpenter, St. Paul’s terrace, Cowgate street

Fishwick, Rev. John, Catholic priest, Catholic chapel, Willow lane

Fisk, Adam, Phœnix brewery, Magdalen street

Fiske, Francis Robert, draper, silk mercer, &c., London street

Fisk, Mrs. Mary Margaret, The Chantry

Fiske, Mrs. Harriet, 3, Foundry terrace, Thorpe hamlet

Fitch and Chambers, dispensing and family chemists, Market place

Fitch, Charles, grocer and tea dealer, Coslany street, St. Miles’

Fitch, Robert, chemist and druggist, (see Fitch and Chambers) Market place

Fitt, Edward, beer retailer, Duke of Wellington, Wellington street

Fitt, Eliza, The Gin Shop, Castle meadow

Fitt, Mr. George, Town close, Newmarket road

Fitt, James, butcher, Ber street

Fitt, Miss Jane, Cowgate street

Fitt, John Mason, baker, Coburg street

Fitt, John, green grocer, Botolph street

Fitt, Nathaniel, tobacco-pipe maker, Cherry street, Lakenham

Fitt, Richard, farmer, Earlham road

Fitt, Robert, tobacco-pipe maker, Ber street

Fitt, William, butcher, Ber street

Fitzgerald, Abraham, coal dealer, Cowgate street

Fitzgerald, Charles, musician, Rose lane

Fitzgerald, Louisa, dressmaker, Cowgate street

Flatt, John, ironmonger, Magdalen st.

Flatt, William, ironmonger, 52, St. Stephen’s street

Flaxman, Martha, Richmond terrace, Bracondale

Fleet, James Robert, commercial traveller, Dereham road

Fletcher, Josiah, printer, publisher, bookseller, binder, and wholesale stationer, and agent for the National Mercantile Life Assurance, 8, The Walk; h Unthank’s road

Fletcher, Joseph, Red Lion, Bridge street, St. Andrew’s

Fletcher, Sarah, furrier, Finket street

Flood, Francis, shopkeeper, St. Martin’s lane

Flood, Harriet, draper, St. Benedict’s st.

Flower, Jonathan, wholesale draper, Wensum street

Flowerdew, Richard J., auctioneer, (see Clowes and Flowerdew); h Heigham grove, St. Giles’ road

Foley, Mrs. Susan, milliner, &c., Union place

Folk, Charles, baker, St. Augustine’s street

Folk, Charles, butcher, Gildengate street

Folkard, George, green grocer, Oak street, St. Martin’s

Ford, Miss Ann, straw bonnet and dress maker, Wellington lane, St. Giles’

Ford, Elizabeth, milliner, Pitt street

Ford, John, gardener, Pitt street

Ford, Mrs., 9, St. Stephen’s square

Ford, Robert, carpenter and builder, St. George’s plain; h St. Helen’s cottages, Thorpe hamlet

Ford, William, and Son, wholesale boot and shoe manufacturers, Colegate street

Ford, William F., (see Ford, William and Son); h Earlham road

Forder, James, blacksmith, Chapel Field road

Forrester, Mr. George, Tombland

Forster, Edward, umbrella maker, Chapel Field road

Forster, John, umbrella, parasol, and straw hat manufacturer, 28, London street

Forster, Samuel, grocer and provision dealer, Pockthorpe

Forster, Thomas, grocer, &c., Queen street, Crook’s place

Foster, Francis Gostling, solicitor, St. Giles’ road

Foster, George, Norfolk Commercial Inn, family hotel and posting house, and omnibus and fly proprietor, St. Giles’ street

Foster, John, shopkeeper, Wellington street

Foster, Joseph, tea dealer, Sussex street

Foster, Samuel, 11, Nelson terrace, Grove road, New Lakenham

Foster, Thomas, general shopkeeper, West Pottergate street

p. 50Foster, (Sir William) Sons, Burroughes, and Robberds, solicitors, Crown Bank plain

Foster, Sir William, bart., 54, St. Giles’ street

Foulger, Horatio, builder and shop-keeper, Chapel Field road

Foulger, Robert, gig maker, Ber street

Foulger, Rev. William, Upper King street

Foulsham, Francis, draper, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Foulsham, Henry, leather merchant, Magdalen street

Foulsham, Mrs. Susan, Lame Dog road

Foulsham, Thomas, auctioneer and appraiser, &c., Westlegate street, (see Advertisement, p. 28)

Foulsham, Thomas, Lame Dog road

Foulsham, William, tobacconist, Orford hill

Fountain, Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Heigham street

Fountain, Mrs. Mary Ann, dining and luncheon rooms, London street

Fountain, Mary Ann, beer retailer, King street

Fountain, Thomas, accountant, Seymour place, St. Stephen’s square

Fox, Edward and William, Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Fox, Frederick, solicitor, Surrey court, Surrey street

Fox, George Washington, accountant, St. Leonard’s hill, Thorpe hamlet

Fox, Henry, tailor, Dereham road

Fox, Henry, Lime Kiln inn, Trowse

Fox, Isaac, The Queen’s Head, Upper St. Giles’

Fox, James, Little John, Alms’ street, Heigham

Fox, Joel, wholesale and retail fur manufacturer, 11, The Walk

Fox, John, surgeon, Upper St. Giles’ street

Fox, John, carpenter and builder, Heigham causeway

Fox, Maria, tailoress, Tinkler’s lane

Fox, Mrs. Mary, baker, Lower Close

Fox, Mr. Samuel Henry, St. Stephen’s gates

Fox, Thomas, carpenter and contractor, Heigham street

Fox, Thomas Colman, solicitor, 22, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Fox, William, baker, Cowgate street, St. Paul’s

Fox, Mr. William, Lame Dog road

Fox, William, shoemaker, Russell street

Foyson, Robert, Pump street

Foyson, Robert B., builder, (see Minns and Foyson); h Pump street

Foyson, William, commercial traveller, Green Hills, Aylsham road

Francis, W. Bransby, surgeon, registrar of births and deaths for the Coslany district, Colegate street

Francis, George, general shopkeeper, Trafalgar street, Lakenham

Francis, Henry Clark, station master, Thorpe station; h Rose lane

Francis, Joseph, general clothier, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Francis, Thomas, estate agent, Newmarket road

Francis, Thomas, green grocer, Timberhill street

Franklin, Mr. Charles, All Saints’ green

Franklin, Charles, wheelwright and blacksmith, Cardigan street, Heigham

Frary, Richard, piece broker, St. Andrews’ hill

Frary, Valentine William, watch and clock maker, Back of the Inns

Fraser, James Edward, solicitor, Bank chambers, Bank place, and Wisbeach, Cambridgeshire; h St. Giles’ road

Fraser, John, linen draper, Dereham road

Fraser, William, woollen cloth and Manchester warehouse man, Exchange street; h Ipswich, Suffolk

Frazer, Charles, saw mills, (see Saul and Frazer); h Golden Ball lane

Freeman, Mrs. Ann, Earlham road

Freeman, Charles J., cabinet manufacturer, London street; h Bracondale, (see Freeman and Wells)

Freeman, Charles Robert, corn and flour cellar, Upper Market; h Eaton

Freeman, Edward, wholesale shoe manufacturer, St. Martin’s lane, St. Martin’s at Oak

Freeman, James, baker, 15, St. Giles’ street

Freeman, Mr. James, Holl’s lane, Heigham fields

Freeman, James, jun., professor of music, Caledonia terrace, Dereham road

Freeman, Mr. James, Caledonia terrace, Dereham road

p. 51Freeman, Jeremiah, blacksmith, Barn road

Freeman, John, bricklayer and builder, Nelson street, Heigham

Freeman and Nash, cheese factors, wholesale grocers and tallow chandlers, Upper market

Freeman, Richard, boot and shoe maker, Upper Westwick street

Freeman, Samuel, beer retailer, Quay side

Freeman and Wells, upholsterers, decorators, and undertakers, cabinet and chair manufacturers, 37, London street

Freeman, William, carver and gilder and artist, St. Benedict’s plain, Pottergate street

Freeman, William, baker and shopkeeper, Chapel street, Union place

Freeman, William, jun., carver, gilder, and photographic artist, Rampant horse street

Freestone, Anthony, baker, Fye bridge

Freestone, Edward, solicitor, Little Orford street

Freestone, Robert, merchant’s clerk, Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Freestone, Samuel, baker, Old Church road, New Lakenham

Freestone, William, Wellington Tavern, Muspole street

French, Robert, (see Kitton, French and Co.); h Tombland

French, Robert, tailor, Tabernacle street

Froggett, Ellen, boarding school, Sussex street

Frohawk, Nicholas, Priest’s buildings, St. Stephen’s road

Fromow, John, clothier, Lower Westwick street

Fromow, Stephen, cattle salesman, 5, Grove place, Surrey road

Frost, Charles, builder and carpenter, Chapel Field road

Frost, George, accountant, St. Faith’s terrace, St. Faith’s lane

Frost, Hezekiah, market gardener, Lower close

Frost, Mrs. Mary, portmanteau, trunk, and carpet bag manufacturer, and stay and corset maker, 15, Davey place

Frost, Mary Ann, shopkeeper, Magdalen street

Frost, Samuel Johnson, agent to the Friend in Need Life and Sick Insurance Compy., Howard street, Grove place, Lakenham

Frost and Son, carpenters, builders, and cabinet makers, 7, Chapel Field road

Frost, Thomas, tallow chandler, Fishgate street

Frost, Rev. William, B.A., Thorpe lodge

Frost, William, coffee and eating house, 2, Upper Walk

Fryer, William, sawyer, Union place

Fryer, William, wholesale boot and shoe manufacturer, Ber street; h Union place

Fulcher, Christmas, watch and clock maker, Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Fulcher, Mr. James, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Fulcher, William, millwright, millstone builder, &c., Mousehold heath (see Advertisement, p. 34)

Fuller, Benjamin, commercial traveller, 37, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s

Fuller, E., dressmaker, Pitt street

Fuller, Edward, tailor, Red Lion street, St. Stephen’s

Fuller, Henry Nicholas, musician, Trafalgar street

Fuller, James, saddler and harness maker, 23, Old Haymarket

Fuller, John, shoemaker, Quay side

Fuller, John, jobbing gardener, Thorpe hamlet

Fuller, Maria, midwife, Ber street

Fuller, Robert, The Trumpet, St. Stephen’s street

Fuller, Thomas Benjamin, printer, bookseller, and stationer, St. Stephen’s street

Fuller, William, tobacconist and news’ agent, Red Lion street

Fuller, William H., confectioner, Theatre street; h Red Lion street

Furse, James Thomas, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Prince’s street

Furse, Mrs. Maria, dyer, St. Augustine’s street

Furse, William, dyer and scourer, Peacock street

Furze, Robert, green grocer, Heigham street

Fussey, Susan, butcher, Ber street

Gadge, Sarah, St. Miles’ Coslany

Gaffer, Samuel, Paul Pry hill, Heigham

p. 52Gallant, George, Mousehold saw mills, Thorpe hamlet

Gandy, George, merchant’s clerk, Thorpe hamlet

Ganly, James, designer for embroidery, trimming, wool, and fancy repository, London street (see Advertisement, p. 34)

Gardiner, Charles, waiter, Rose lane

Gardiner, Maria, green grocer, Upper Westwick street, St. Swithin’s

Gardiner, William, chemist and druggist, Dove street

Gardiner, William, Red Lion, London street

Gardiner, William, rag merchant, St. Paul’s street

Gardner, Maria, pork butcher, Barn road

Gardner, Thompson, boot and shoe maker, Mount Pleasant

Garner, Mrs. Sarah, tailoress, Gildengate street

Garnham, William, grocer, and clerk of St. Mark’s church, Hall road, New Lakenham

Garrett, John, draper, Pottergate street

Garrod, Edward, editor of the “Norfolk Chronicle,” Private Road villas, Unthank’s road

Garrod, Mrs. Mary Sophia, Thorpe hamlet

Garthon, James Slapp, surgeon, Upper St. Giles’ street

Garwood, Mrs. Sarah Ann, St. Clement’s hill, New Catton

Gaul, Edward John, shuttle maker, Magdalen street

Gaul, Mrs. Maria, Prince’s street

Gay and Co., brush, basket, sieve, mat, and matting manufacturers, Upper Market

Gay, Edward, shopkeeper, Heigham street

Gay, James, shoemaker, City road, Heigham fields

Gay, Samuel, green grocer, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Gayford, William George, station master, Trowse station

Gaze, George, timber merchant, Grapes’ hill, St. Giles’

Gaze, James, shoemaker, Playford’s court, Pottergate street

Gaze, Matthew, carpenter and builder, King street

Gaze, Richard, clerk, Golding street, St. Benedict’s road

Gaze, Samuel, hairdresser, Lower Westwick street

Gaze, Susan, 63, St. Giles’ street

Gaze, William, engineer, Pitt street

Gaze, William, merchant’s clerk, Lower Close

Gaze, William Hammond, register office for servants, Wrestlegate street

Gaze, William, millwright and engineer, St. Paul’s Back lane

Gazeley, James, green grocer, Lower Westwick street, St. Margaret’s

Gearing, James, The Bee Hive, St. Stephen’s gates

Geary, William, manufacturer, Gildengate street

Gedge, Edward Peter, shopkeeper, Brazen Doors road

Gedge, Frederick, Caledonia terrace, Dereham road

Gedge, George, dyer, finisher, and hot-presser, Coslany street

Gedge, Robert, plumber, Wounded Hart lane

Gedge, Robert, shoemaker, Ber street

Gedge, William, baker, Chapel street, Union place

Gedge, William, hairdresser, Upper Westwick street

Geldart and Son, wine merchants, Wensum street

Geldart, Herbert D., Esq., Thorpe hamlet

Geldart, Robert, Esq., Thorpe hamlet

Gent, David, St. John’s Head, Coslany street

Gent, Eliza, straw bonnet maker, Muspole street

Gent, George, boot and shoe maker, Coslany street

Gent, George, shopkeeper, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Gent, Thomas William, merchant’s clerk, Dereham road

George, John, tailor, Muspole street, St. Mary’s

George, Michael Richard Dunn, coal merchant, Quay side

George, Robert Mills, bricklayer and plasterer, and shopkeeper, St. Benedict’s street

George, Robert, fish merchant, St. Benedict’s street

George, Robert, builder, Muspole street

p. 53George, William Morris, carpenter and builder, Pottergate street

Gerard, William Sinclair, jeweller, dealer in coins and medals, and hairdresser, Botolph street

Gibbs, Richard, The Rose and Crown, Bishopgate street

Gibbs, Rudd William, butcher, Palace street

Gibbs, William, glass and china mender, Meadows’ yard, Coslany street

Gibson, Alfred, general shopkeeper, Botolph street

Gibson and Bateman, surgeons, 19, St. Giles’ street

Gibson, Charles M., Bethel street (see Gibson and Bateman)

Gibson, George, The White Horse, Crook’s place

Gibson, The Misses, Lower Close

Gibson, Mr. Isaac, Upper Heigham

Gibson, John, boot and shoe maker, and tobacconist, Pitt street

Gibson, Robert, leather merchant and shoe manufacturer, St. Stephen’s street

Gibson, Mrs. Rosamond, Mount Pleasant, Newmarket road

Gibson, Samuel, butcher, Gildengate street

Gibson, William, baker, St. Catherine’s plain

Gibson, William, (see Copestake and Co.) commercial traveller, The Chantry

Giddens, Miss Susanna, circulating library, St. Stephen’s street

Gidney, Frederick, Hospital school, Fishgate street

Gidney, Robert, watch and clock maker, Orford hill

Gidney, Samuel, The Bushel, St. Augustine’s

Gilford, Samuel, general shopkeeper, St. Benedict’s street

Gifford, Thomas, tailor, Magdalen street

Gilbeigh, Mrs. Caroline, Spread Eagle tavern, Old Haymarket

Gilbert, George, coachsmith, patent axle-tree and spring maker, Timberhill street

Gilbert, Mrs., day school, Gildengate street

Gilbert, Samuel James, plumber, painter, and glazier, Grapes’ hill

Gilbert, William, builder, St. Augustine’s

Gill, James, baker and grocer, Lower Westwick street

Gill, John, earthenware dealer, St. Giles’ street

Gilham, Miss Judith, West Pottergate street

Gilman, Charles Rackham, solicitor, secretary to the Norfolk Farmers’ Cattle Insurance Society, and agent to the City of Glasgow Life Insurance Compy., St. Giles’ street; h Unthank’s road

Gilman, Charles Suckling, solicitor and share broker, secretary to the General Hail Storm Insurance Society, secretary to the Chamber of Commerce, and manager of the Norwich and London Accident and Casualty Insurance Association, St. Giles’ street

Gilman, John, carver and gilder, publisher and printseller, gallery of fine arts, 26, London street

Gipson, James, carter, Mousehold

Gipson, Samuel, carter, Mousehold

Girdlestone, Reuben, hair dresser, branch post office, 8, Upper St. Giles’ street

Girdlestone, Thomas, Three Horse-shoes, Palace street

Girling, Elizabeth, baker, (opposite the church) New Catton

Girling, Miss Maria, Kimberley street, Unthank’s road

Girling, Robert, butcher, St. Benedict’s street

Girling, Sherwood, grocer, Lower Westwick street

Girling, William, Golden Ball inn, hay, corn, and straw merchant, Golden Ball street

Glasspoole, Mr. George, Rose valley, Unthank’s road

Glendenning, John Brown, (see Colman and Glendenning); h St. Stephen’s road

Goading, William, milliner, Red Lion street

Goat, Charles, The Old Goat inn, Upper Goat lane

Godbold, Henry, clerk, Paragon street

Goddard, Thomas, Black Prince, Upper Walk

Godfery, Elizabeth, dressmaker, Duke st.

Goffin, Mrs. Mary, dressmaker, &c., Golden Dog lane

Goffin, Mrs. Matilda Elizabeth, boot and shoe warehouse, Palace street

p. 54Goggs, Matthew, Esq., Curfew cottage, Earlham road

Goggs, William, grocer, tea and coffee dealer, foreign fruit, British wine, and provision merchant, St. Giles’ gates

Gold, James Charles, news’ agent, Baker’s road, St. Augustine’s

Golden, William, coal dealer, Twiddy’s court, Ber street

Golder, Edward, grocer, Oak street

Golder, Mrs. Hester, toy dealer, Upper Westwick street

Golding, John, Cellar House, Bridge street, St. George’s

Golding, Mary Ann, day school, St. Paul’s Back lane

Goldsmith, Charles, grocer, &c., Surrey street

Goldsmith, James, grocer and tea dealer, 34, St. Stephen’s street

Goldsmith, James, boot and shoe maker, Back of the Inns

Goldsmith, Mary, tailoress, Upper King street

Goldsmith, Sarah, tailoress, Duke street

Goldsmith, Thomas, corn merchant and confectioner, St. Stephen’s

Goldspring, Mary Ann, dressmaker, William street

Gooch, Mrs. Amelia, Newmarket road

Gooch, George Carver, water-closet manufacturer, and plumber, glazier, and painter, Castle meadow and King street (see Advertisement, p. 21)

Gooch, Henry, harness maker, St. James’ street

Gooch, Joshua, fringe, lace, and damask warehouse, 3, Dove street

Gooch, Henry, Brewery Cottage, King street

Gooch, Noah, Malt and Hop tavern, Charing cross

Gooch, Mrs. Phœbe, milliner and dressmaker, Waddington’s terrace, Thorn lane

Gooch, Robert, secondhand bookseller, White Lion street

Gooch, Samuel Irwin, currier and leather seller, 9, Davey place

Gooch, Thomas, brush manufacturer, 7, Grout’s thoroughfare

Gooch, Thomas Henry, Royal Hotel tap, Back of the Inns

Gooch, William, Unthank’s road

Good, Thomas, boot, shoe, and last maker, Bridge street, St. George’s

Gooderham, Samuel, tunist, &c., Elm hill

Gooderson, Mr. John, West Pottergate street

Gooderson and Moll, linen and woollen drapers, Upper Market

Gooding, Mrs. Harriet, straw bonnet maker, Red Lion street

Goodson, Mr. Robert, Alms’ lane, St. George’s

Goodson, William, butcher, Dereham rd.

Goodwin, Charles, surgeon, Willow lane

Goodwin, John, solicitor, Willow lane; h Thorpe hamlet

Goodwin, Mrs., Willow lane

Goodwin, Rev. William, M.A., incumbent of St. Benedict’s, 14, Chapel field

Gooke, David, shoemaker, Rose lane

Goose, Agas, solicitor’s clerk, Theatre street

Goose, Mrs. Emma, milliner, 15, Briggs’ street

Goose, Jacob, green grocer, Golden Ball street

Goose, Mrs. Mary, Trowse Newton

Goose, William Henry, artist, No. 15, Briggs’ street

Goose, Mr. Robert, Union place

Goose, Robert, bricklayer and builder, Julian street

Goreham, John, copper and iron-plate worker, William street

Goreham, Henry, County Court bailiff, St. Lawrence lane

Goreham, Sarah, dressmaker, Lothian street

Goreham, William, shopkeeper, Rosemary lane

Gorell, Robert Atkinson, yarn agent, and cotton and silk merchant, Muspole street; h Unthank’s road

Gosnold, Ellen Sarah, dressmaker, Surrey road

Gosnold, Henry George, solicitor’s clerk, Bethel street

Gostling, Francis, shoe manufacturer, (of the firm of Barker Benjamin and Co.); h 9, Bedford street, Unthank’s road

Gostling, Richard, Robin Hood, Dereham load

Gotts, John, solicitor’s clerk, Norfolk street, Union place

Gotts, Miss Sarah, St. Stephen’s gates

Goulty, Charles, lodging-house keeper, 3, Vauxhall terrace, Julian place

p. 55Gould, Rev. George, Baptist minister, Unthank’s road

Gowen, William, beer retailer, Lower Goat lane

Gower, James, carpenter, St. Julian street

Gower, Thomas, lemonade manufacturer, Gun lane

Gowing, Charles, harness maker, Castle hill

Gowing, George, farmer, Trowse Newton

Gowing, Rev. John, Baptist minister, Parry’s buildings, Philadelphia

Gowing, Samuel, butcher and green grocer, St. Benedict’s gates

Grand, Edward, tailor, 13, Upper King street

Grand, George, tailor and hatter, 2, Castle meadow

Grand, Mr. John, St. Giles’ street

Grand, Mr. John, Hall road, New Lakenham

Grand, John Fuller, solicitor’s clerk, Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Grand, John, fish salesman and auctioneer, Lady’s lane

Grand, Richard, Graham’s court, Upper market

Grand, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Duke street

Grand, Robert, merchant’s clerk, Catton road

Grant, Mr. Henry, Heigham road

Grant, Mrs. Sarah, Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Graver, Abraham, fruiterer, Magdalen street

Graver, John, butcher, Lower King street

Graver, Richard, shoemaker, Ber street

Graver, Thomas, baker, St. Paul’s plain

Graves, Mrs., Mount Pleasant

Gravener, Benjamin, shopkeeper, Lower Westwick street

Graves, John, market gardener, Dereham road

Gray, James, hair dresser, Bethel street

Gray, John, hair dresser, Rose lane

Gray, Mr. Joseph, Heigham grove, St. Giles’ road

Gray, Mrs. Rebecca, New road, Town close

Gray, Richard, tailor, Grapes’ hill

Gray, Mary Ann, pork butcher, Upper Westwick street, St. Swithin’s

Gray, Mary Ann, tailoress, Pottergate street

Green, Miss Ann, dressmaker, milliner, and straw bonnet maker, and register office for servants, Post Office street

Green, Edward, clothier, Lower Westwick street

Green, Edward, whitesmith and bell-hanger, Duke street; h Gildengate street

Green, Elizabeth, day school, Palace street

Green, George, cattle inspector, Brazen Doors road

Green, Hannah, dressmaker, St. Catherine’s terrace

Green, Isaac, commercial traveller, Sussex street, St. Clement’s

Green, James, green grocer, Philadelphia

Green, Mr. James, Richmond place, Lakenham

Green, James, clothier, Lower Westwick street

Green, John, market gardener, Asylum lane, Heigham

Green, John, plumber and glazier, Pottergate street

Green, John, City of Norwich inn, Westlegate street

Green, Mary Ann, milliner and dressmaker, Colegate street

Green, Miss, Thorpe hamlet

Green, Mrs. Rachel, St. Giles’ terrace, Bethel street

Green, Robert, basket and sieve maker, Upper Westwick street

Green, Robert, jun., timber merchant, Waddington terrace, Church street, St. Julian’s

Green, Robert, and Son, timber merchants, Garden street, Thorn lane

Green, Miss Rosa, National schoolmistress, Hall road, New Lakenham

Green, Susan, shopkeeper, St. James street

Green, William Dann, Bee Hive, St. Paul’s plain

Green, William, solicitor’s clerk, Thorpe hamlet

Green, William Page, pawnbroker, St. Martin’s at Palace plain

Greene, Charles Jeremiah, tobacconist, Rose lane

Greenhough, Joseph, worstead spinner, St. Saviour’s lane

p. 56Greengrass, John, butcher, West End street

Greengrass, Thomas, bricklayer and plasterer, Elm hill, (see Advertisement, p. 22)

Greenwood, Mr. William, City road, Heigham fields

Greeves, Benjamin Titter, butcher, Market place; h 20, Victoria street

Greeves, Henry, butcher, Market place; h 2, Surrey terrace, Lakenham

Grice, Mrs. Mary Ann, milliner and dressmaker, Gildengate street

Gridley, Mrs., St. Stephen’s gates

Grief, James, White Horse, Trowse

Grief, Jonathan, sub-postmaster and shopkeeper, Trowse Newton

Griffenberg, Joseph, cigar dealer, Coburg street

Griffin, Mrs. Eliza, carver and builder, Cow hill

Griffiths, Hannah, plane, saw, and brace manufacturer, Goat lane and Pottergate street

Griffiths, John, boot and shoe maker, Globe street, Union place

Griggs, Frederick William, pawnbroker, Upper King street

Griggs, William, agent, St. Benedict’s street

Grigor, Mrs. Matilda, Lakenham place, St. Catherine’s plain

Grimmer, Mrs. Ann, Newmarket road

Grimmer, Mr. Frederick, importer of wines and spirits, (see Seaman, Grimmer, and Co.) The Crescent

Grimmer, Honor, St. Clement’s hill, New Catton

Grimmer, Mr. Samuel, importer of wines and spirits, (see Seaman, Grimmer, and Co.); h 3, Albion place, Mount Pleasant

Grimes, Ruth, grocer, &c., Botolph street

Grimwood, Thomas H., tailor and outfitter, 4, Lower Goat lane (see Advertisement, p. 27)

Grinter, Charles Edward, bookbinder, Gildengate street

Grindling, George, accountant, Unthank’s road

Groom, George, dyer, Brazen Doors road

Groom, George, wholesale shoe manufacturer, St. Stephen’s street

Groom, John, shoemaker, St. Lawrence lane

Grout and Co., mourning crape manufacturers; silk works—Lower Westwick street

Grout, George, Esq., Magdalen street

Grove, Richard, boot and shoe maker, Ber street

Gunn, Robert, ornamental painter and coach maker, Brazen Doors road

Gunn, Robert, commission agent, 11, Julian street

Gunton, Alfred, surgeon dentist, Priest’s court, 79, St. Giles’ street

Gunton, Elizabeth, dressmaker, Julian street

Gunton, Henry, watch and clock maker, and jeweller, Briggs’ street

Gunton, John Hamnell, draper, Kimberley street, Unthank’s road

Gunton, Robert, coach trimmer, Hall road, Lakenham

Gunton, Thomas, horse-hair manufacturer, White Lion yard, Oak street

Gurney, Charlotte, fishmonger, Cowgate street

Gurney, Christopher, green grocer, Cherry street, New Lakenham

Gurney, James, shopkeeper, Julian street

Gurney, Rev. Thomas, 10, Newmarket terrace

Gurneys and Birkbecks, bankers, Bank plain

Guyton, John Thomas, butcher, Upper Westwick street

Habberton, Mrs. Elizabeth, Tamworth terrace, Unthank’s road

Hadley William, Lower King street

Haddon, Mrs. Mary Ann, grocer, baker, and confectioner, Rose lane

Hagg, Noah, shoemaker, Sussex street

Haggett, Mr. J., 6, Victoria terrace, Synagogue street

Hagon, George, tailor, Southwell street

Hagon, William, furniture broker, Oak street

Haines Brothers, grocers and tea dealers, 58, St. Stephen’s street (see Advertisement, p. 18)

Haldinstein, Philip, fancy cap and boot and shoe manufacturer, Bridewell alley

Hales, James, cabinet maker, St. John’s street

Hales, Walter, cabinet maker, Wellington terrace, Union place

Hall, Charles, butcher, Upper King street

p. 57Hall, Charles Henry, 18, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Hall, Frederick George, butcher, Chapel Field road

Hall, Miss Harriet, baker and confectioner, Gildengate street

Hall, Henry, baker, Thorn lane

Hall, H., milliner and dressmaker, Cowgate street

Hall and Ilott, linen and woollen drapers, silk mercers, &c., Waterloo house, St. Stephen’s

Hall, James, painter, writer, and grainer, All Saints’ green

Hall, James, grocer and draper, Somerleyton street, Unthank’s road

Hall, James, plumber, painter, and glazier, and gas fitter, 10, Magdalen street

Hall, John Foster, writing master, Charles street, Heigham

Hall, Jonathan, market gardener and shopkeeper, Somerleyton street

Hall, Joseph, hawker, Thorn lane

Hall, Robert, shoemaker, Pottergate street

Hall, Samuel, joiner and builder, Pottergate street

Hall, Samuel, furniture broker, Bridge street, St. George’s

Hall, Samuel, stone and marble mason, Chapel Field road; h Norfolk street, Union place

Hall, Mrs. Sarah, King street

Hall, Timothy Bennett, boot maker, Pottergate street

Hall, Mr. William, Ipswich road

Hall, William, engraver, lithographer, and copperplate printer, White Lion street; h Kimberley street (see Advertisement, p. 10)

Hall, William, White Lion inn, St. Martin’s at Palace plain

Hall, William Henry, picture-frame maker, Pottergate street

Hallett, Rev. John, Independent minister, Grove terrace, Unthank’s road

Hallows, George, harness maker, Rampant Horse street

Hallows, Joseph, hairdresser, Royal Hotel street

Halls, Robert, commercial traveller, Cross street, Unthank’s road

Ham, Mrs. Christine, Red Lion street

Hamley, Osbertus John, commercial traveller, Distillery street

Hammond, John, corn miller, Catton mill

Hammond, John, Victoria tavern and eating house, Market place

Hammond, Jonathan, shoemaker, Bridge street, St. Lawrence

Hammond, William, shoemaker, Cross lane, St. George’s

Hampson, Mr. Daniel, Bracondale

Hannah, Peter, travelling tea dealer, 33, Pottergate street

Hannant, Nathaniel, baker and confectioner, Magdalen street

Hannant, Richard, grocer and tea dealer, King street

Hansell, Henry, solicitor, notary public, deputy registrar of the Archdeaconry of Norfolk, Upper close

Hansell, Peter Edward, solicitor, clerk to Governors of the Free Grammar School, Upper close; h Bracondale

Hansell, Mr. Robert, St. Clement’s Hill cottage, New Catton

Hansell, Sarah, earthenware dealer, St. Augustine’s street

Hansell, William, green grocer, Chapel street, Union place

Hanson, Joseph, commercial traveller, Distillery street

Hanworth, George, commercial traveller, Rose Valley terrace, Unthank’s road

Harbord, Henry, green grocer, St. Stephen’s Back street

Harbord, Joseph Massingham, saddler and harness maker, Upper St. Giles’ street; h Bedford street, Unthank’s rd.

Harcourt, Anthony, carriage manufacturer, Chapel Field road

Harcourt, James, professor of music, Colegate street

Harcourt, Walter, surgeon dentist, 1, St. Giles’ street

Harden, Charles, baker and grocer, Heigham street

Hardesty, Alexander, bookseller and stationer, 4, Davey place; h St. Giles’ road

Hardesty, John, Palace street

Hardesty, Mrs. Phœbe, Cross street, Unthank’s road

Harding, Levi, The Crocodile, Heigham street

Hardingham, William, general shopkeeper, Barrack street

Hardy, Mrs. Ann, lodging-house keeper, 8, St. Stephen’s square

p. 58Hardy, Charles, whip maker, Timberhill street

Hardy, Francis, schoolmaster, Upper Surrey street

Hardy, James, grocer and tea dealer, Rampant Horse street

Hardy, John, shoemaker, Golden Ball square

Hardy, Jonathan, boot and shoe maker, Upper Westwick street

Hardy, Michael, baker, St. Catherine’s plain

Hardy, Susan, 12, St. Giles’ street

Hardy, William, timber dealer, Pitt street

Hardy, William Edward, plumber, glazier, and painter, 5, Little London street

Hardyman, Miss Sarah, boarding school, Bracondale

Hardyment, Jabez, earthenware dealer and general shopkeeper, St. Benedict’s street

Hare, Mrs. Barbara, Upper close

Hare, Charles, cabinet and chair maker, West Pottergate street

Hare, Edward, lay clerk at cathedral, Haymarket

Hare, Mrs. Elizabeth, clothier, Lower Westwick street

Hare, William, fishmonger, Fishmarket, Market place

Harley, John Payne, provision merchant, St. Benedict’s street

Harman, Mrs. John, Holl’s lane

Harman, Leonard and Sons, wine and spirit merchants, St. Andrew’s hill

Harmer, Miss Ann, day school, Distillery street, Heigham

Harmer, Elizabeth, hairdresser, Ber street

Harmer, James, green grocer and fruiterer, Red Lion street

Harmer, Robert, upholsterer, Carrow hill

Harmer, Thomas, warehouseman, &c., Old Post Office court; h West Pottergate street

Harmer, Mrs. William, 4, London terrace, St. Stephen’s road

Harold, Philip, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Harper, Andrews Pask, carpenter and builder, Trafalgar street, Lakenham

Harper, George, dyer and dresser, Calvert street

Harper, Henry, market gardener, Fisher’s lane

Harper, Isaac, brewers’ agent, Lower King street

Harper, James Kersey, brush and patten manufacturer, St. Benedict’s street

Harper, Joseph, silk, cotton, and woollen dyer, St. George’s Bridge street

Harper and Sutton, chemists and druggists, Bank plain

Harpley, Thomas, hairdresser, Cowgate street

Harris, James, green grocer, Ber street

Harris, James Thomas, wholesale shoe manufacturer, Ber street

Harris, Mrs. Mary, 14, Distillery street

Harris, Thomas, gardener and green grocer, King street

Harris, William, The Angel, Trowse

Harris, Zebediah, dyer and scourer, 38, Pottergate street

Harrison, Alfred, shoe manufacturer; h Distillery street, Heigham; warehouse, Bridewell alley

Harrison, Edward, confectioner, &c., Church street

Harrison, Harrod and Co., directory publishers, Somerleyton street

Harrison, Isaac, joiner, John street, Heigham

Harrison, John, grocer and tea dealer, Globe street, Union place

Harrison, John, (see Harrison, Harrod, and Co.) Somerleyton street

Harrison, Mrs. Mary Ann, green grocer, &c., Queen street

Harrison, Mrs., baker, Elm hill

Harrison, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Elm hill

Harrison, Thomas Thurlow, Essex street, Union place

Harrison, William, boot and shoe maker, Bridewell alley

Harrison, William, muffin baker, St. Andrew’s hill

Harrison, William, tailor, Botolph street

Harrison, William Thomas, baker, Golden Ball street

Harrod, John George, (see Harrison, Harrod, and Co.) Somerleyton street

Hart, Miss Catherine, boarding and day school, 14, Victoria street

Hart, John, corn and timber merchant; h St. Giles’ street

Hart, Philip Woodrow, coach builder, Chapel Field road, and Red Lion st.

p. 59Hart, Robert, havel and slaie manufacturer, Golden Dog lane

Hart, William, grocer and draper, St. Benedict’s street

Hart, William George, watch and clock maker, silversmith and jeweller, 46, London street

Hart, Mrs. Sophia, 3, Portland place, Holl’s lane

Hartley, William, hairdresser, Little Orford street

Hartmann, Francis A., physician, Surrey street

Harvard and Co., wholesale and retail confectioners, The Walk

Harvard, Mr. Samuel, Bracondale grove

Harvey, Mr. Charles, 6, Somerleyton street, Unthank’s road

Harvey, Rev. Edward Kerrison, Fernado cottage, Thorpe hamlet

Harvey and Hudson, bankers, Crown bank, King street

Harvey, Isaac, pawnbroker, William street

Harvey, James, baker, Fishgate street

Harvey, Mr. James, 9, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Harvey, John, boot and shoe maker, 11, London street

Harvey, Sir Robert John, knt., Mousehold house, Thorpe hamlet

Harvey, Robert J. H., Esq., Bracondale house

Harvey, Samuel, baker and grocer, Staff of Life, Fishgate street

Harvey, William S., plumber, painter, glazier, and whiting manufacturer, William street; h Wellington place, Wellington street (see Advertisement, p. 32)

Harwin, James, tea dealer, 3, Charles street, Heigham

Hase, Thomas, shopkeeper, Cowgate street

Haslip, James, coal dealer, Abbs’ yard, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Hastings, George, tunist, Somerleyton street, Unthank’s road

Hatcarton, Joseph, confectioner, Bedford street

Hatch, Frederick, baker, William street

Hatch, William, The Express Train, Rose lane

Havers, Charles, wholesale and retail ironmonger, oil and colorman, Charing cross; h West Pottergate street

Havers, Amelia, milliner and dressmaker, Fishgate street

Havers, John Bailey, accountant, Coldstream terrace, Bedford street, Unthank’s road

Havers, George, (see Rogers and Havers); h 6, Chatham place, Chapel Field road

Havers, Mrs. Maria, 6, Chatham place, Chapel Field road

Havers, Robert N., designer, Infirmary road

Havers, Samuel, sugar boiler, St. Miles’ Church alley

Havers, William Henry, pawnbroker, St. Paul’s plain

Haward, The Misses, milliners and dressmakers, Theatre street

Hawes, George, plumber, glazier and painter, Mariners’ lane

Hawes, James, dyer, dresser, and shawl cleaner, Nelson street, Heigham fields

Hawes, Samuel, shoemaker, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Hawkes, Mrs. Amy, Julian street

Hawkes, Robert William, wool merchant, Willow lane, St. Giles

Hawkes, William, bankers’ clerk, 14, Chapel Field

Hawkins, Mrs. Martha, Unthank’s road

Hay, William, surgeon dentist, Post Office street

Hayes, John, wood turner, Magdalen street

Hayhoo, Thomas, green grocer, St., Augustine’s street

Haylett, David, shoemaker, Playford’s court, Pottergate street

Hayne, William, Rainbow tavern, Holl’s lane

Hayward, Carif, tinman and brazier, Ber street

Hayward, James John, working jeweller, Little London street

Hayward, John, gardener, Trowse

Hazlewood, Christmas Adam, beer retailer, and plumber and glazier, Trafalgar street, Lakenham

Hazlewood, Christopher John, corn merchant, Weavers’ lane

Heasell, the Misses Elizabeth and Susan (boarding school) Surrey road

Heaviside, John, drawing master, Church street, St. Saviour’s

Heazle and Co., coal merchants, Lower Westwick street

p. 60Hedgeman, Richard George, inspector of taxes, Cook’s lane, King street

Heffill, Alder, commercial traveller, Lakenham place, St. Catherine’s plain

Hemnell, Johnson, eating and coffee-house, Rose lane

Henderson, John, travelling draper, Caledonia terrace, Dereham road

Henderson, William, butcher, Church street, Lakenham

Hendry, James, beer retailer, Lower Westwick street

Henley, Mrs. Ann, Newmarket road

Henley, Mr. William, 9, Newmarket road

Henney, Charity, haberdasher, Eagle terrace, Newmarket road

Hennery, William, Cat and Fiddle, Magdalen street

Herbert, Mrs. Ann, Somerleyton street, Unthank’s road

Herring, Mrs. Ann, West Pottergate street

Herring, Edward, grocer, Lower King street

Herring, Mrs. Maria, St. Faith’s lane

Heseltine, James, Royal Hotel and posting house, Market place

Hewett, Alfred, grocer and tea dealer, Bedford street, Unthank’s road

Hewett, Charlotte, dressmaker, West Pottergate street

Hewett, Edward Colby, clerk, 2, Adelaide buildings, Dereham road

Hewett, L., dressmaker, Lothian street, St. Benedict’s

Hewing, Joseph, Plumbers’ Arms, Prince’s street

Hewison, Mr. Joseph, Keyzor’s terrace, Unthank’s road

Hewitt, George, brass and iron founder, and Red Lion inn, Orford hill

Hewitt, George, shoemaker, West End street, Heigham

Hewitt, James, builder and carpenter, St. Augustine’s gates

Hewitt, John, land agent and surveyor, corner of Chantry, Theatre street

Hewitt, Thomas, baker, Rising Sun lane, Golden Ball street

Hewitt, Tutell, Cherry Tree, Hall road, Lakenham

Hewitt, William, surgical instrument maker, Somerleyton street, Unthank’s road

Hewitt, William, beer retailer, St. Mary’s Church alley

Hibberd, Amies, stone mason, Chapel Field road; h Julian place

Hibgame, Rev. Edward, Lower close

Hick, Wm., confectioner, St. Andrew’s Hall plain

Hicks, Ann, lodging-house keeper, Pitt street

Hickling, Robert, beer retailer, Duke’s street

Hickman, Mrs. E., 4, Heigham terrace, Dereham road

Higgin, Henry, Bakers’ Arms, and baker, St. Clement’s hill, New Catton

High, George, grocer, New Catton

High, George, Eagle tavern, West Pottergate street

High, Jacob, shoemaker, Tinkler’s lane, Heigham

High, John, beer retailer, and French polisher, St. Benedict’s street

Hill, Mrs. Catherine, sub-postmistress, Thorpe hamlet

Hill, Miss Clara, milliner, Red Lion st.

Hill, Edward Robert, corn merchant, 2, Exchange street

Hill, Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Upper King street

Hill, Mrs. Hannah, St. Stephen’s road

Hill, Hezekiah, shopkeeper, St. Augustine’s

Hill, Horace, professor of music, 46, Pottergate street

Hill, James Frederick, professor of music, St. Giles’ terrace

Hill, John, grocer, Vauxhall street

Hill, John, grocer and tea dealer, Cowgate street

Hill, John, florist, Newmarket road

Hill, John, wholesale grocer and tea dealer, St. Augustine’s

Hill, John, plumber, painter and glazier, Orford hill; h St. Giles’ street

Hill, Lot, news agent, Bridewell alley

Hill, Michael, tailor and draper, Colegate street

Hill, Reuben, baker, King street

Hill, Richard, lemonade manufacturer, Cow hill

Hill, Robert, hairdresser, Red Lion street

Hill, Samuel Secker, bankers’ clerk, 12, Castle meadow

Hill, Mr. Samuel, 4, Waddington street, Heigham

Hills and Underwood, wine and spirit merchants, and vinegar makers and distillers, Saint Faith’s lane

p. 61Hilling, Mrs. Elizabeth, Julian street, Julian place

Hilling, Frederick, merchant’s clerk, 26, Victoria street

Hilling, Mary, The Steam Packet, King street

Hinchley, Samuel, The Duke’s tavern, Tombland

Hinde, Ephraim and Francis, manufacturers, Botolph street

Hinde, Mr. Francis, All Saints’ green

Hindes, Henry and Son, rope, twine and sack manufacturers, Red Lion street and Magdalen street

Hindes, Mr. Henry, Philadelphia (see Hindes, Henry and Son)

Hinds, Robert, hairdresser, St. Benedict’s street

Hindes, William, rope and sack manufacturer, Upper Westwick street

Hindle, Maria, butcher, Pump street

Hines, Charles, engineer, lathe and tool maker, ivory, hardwood, and metal turner, machinist and agent to the Briton Life Association, Muspole street, St. George’s

Hinsbey, Thomas William, architect and surveyor, 18, Castle meadow

Hipper, James, tailor, Rampant Horse street

Hipper, Mary Ann, draper, St. Benedict’s street

Hipper, William, boot and shoe manufacturer, Upper Westwick street

Hipperson and Jennings, Berlin wool and fancy repository and confectioners, Davey place

Hitchman, Robert, city chief constable, Guildhall, Market place

Hupton, Mrs. Francis (day school) Hall road, Lakenham

Hoar, William, inland revenue officer, St. Julian’s street

Hobrough, Henry, river contractor, Mousehold

Hobrough, William, boat builder and general agent, Bishop’s bridge, Thorpe hamlet

Hodds, Catherine, grocer, Ber street

Hodds, Richard Robert, tailor and hatter, Elm hill

Hodds, Richard, tailor, Elm hill

Hodgson, David, artist, Grey Friars’ Priory lane, King street

Hodgson, James Lincolne, solicitor’s clerk, St. Clement’s grove, New Catton

Hogg, Henry, Rose inn, Magdalen st.

Hogg, Mr. James, Distillery street

Hogg, Noah, shoe manufacturer, Sussex street

Holden, James, plasterer, Fox and Hounds’ court, Ber street

Holder, Reuben, fancy repository, St. Stephen’s street

Holl, Alfred Samuel, commercial traveller, Chapel Field road

Holl, Charlotte, general shopkeeper, Peacock street

Holl, George, shoemaker, All Saints’ green

Holl, Mr. Robert Durrant, Mount Pleasant

Holl, William, boot and shoe maker, Castle street

Holl, William Gurney, boot maker, Suffolk street, Union place, Heigham

Holland, Mrs. Catherine, ham and bacon curer, Lower Goat lane

Holland, Edward Christopher, surgeon, St. Stephen’s Villa, St. Stephen’s road

Holland, Mrs. Emily, Kimberley street, Unthank’s road

Holland, Francis, butcher, St. Benedict’s road

Hollaway, Rev. Charles, The Close

Hollis, Robert, Shakespeare tavern, Theatre street

Holman, George, green grocer, King street

Holmes and Sons, engineers, millwrights, and agricultural implement manufacturers, works, Prospect place and Castle hill (see Advertisement, pp. 2, 3)

Holmes, Edmund, beer retailer and carter, Lower Westwick street

Holmes, Edmund, beer retailer, Royal Oak, Upper King street

Holmes, Mrs. Esther (establishment for young ladies) St. Stephen’s road

Holmes, Frederick, engineer, Globe lane

Holmes, George Thomas (see Holmes and Son) All Saints’ green

Holmes, George, green grocer, St. Augustine’s

Holmes, George, clerk at Union Fire and Life Office; h New Lakenham

Holmes, Mr. Henry, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Holmes, James (see Holmes and Son,) Globe lane

p. 62Holmes, James, grocer, draper, and beer retailer, King street

Holmes, Mary Ann, dressmaker, Museum court, St. Andrew’s

Holmes, Richard, town traveller, Bracondale

Holmes, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Rigby’s court, St. Giles’

Holmes, Robert, hairdresser, St. Martin’s at Palace plain

Holmes, William, blacking manufacturer, Coburgh street

Homan and Co., shoe manufacturers, Bethel street

Homes and Son, blacking manufacturers, Anchor court, Surrey street

Homes, John, boot maker, Surrey street

Homewood, Miss Anna, milliner, Brazen Doors road

Hood, John Henry, bricklayer and plasterer, Rupert street, Union place

Hood, Robert, builder, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Hood, William, builder and contractor, Sussex street

Hook, Joseph, butcher, St. Stephen’s street

Hook, Joseph John, grocer, draper, and bricklayer, Brazen Doors road

Hook, Samuel Beckett, tailor, St. George’s plain

Hooper, John, druggist, Hall road, Lakenham

Hopkins, John, Bethel street

Hopkins, Stephen (lodging-house) Lower close

Hopper, Henry William, British schoolmaster, Trafalgar st., New Lakenham

Hopson, Mrs. Charlotte, lodging-house keeper, 14, Castle Meadow

Horne, John, estate agent, Castle Meadow

Horne, Robert, boot and shoe manufacturer, Little London street; h Heigham road

Horner, Charles, land agent and surveyor, Saint Martin’s at Palace

Horner, Mrs., lodging-house keeper, St. Mary’s alley, Pitt street

Hornor, Robert T., ironmonger, &c., Post Office street

Horsley, William, cabinet maker, St. Augustine’s

Horth, William, shoemaker, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Hoste, Rev. George Charles, Grove terrace, Unthank’s road

Hotblack, John and Co., shoe manufacturers and leather merchants, Orford hill; h Bracondale

Hotblack, Mr. John, Bracondale

Hotblack, Mrs. Virtue, Heigham road

Hotson, Wales Christopher, barrister, Grey Friars’, King street

Hough and Son, J., cheese factors, oil refiners, and grease manufacturers, and dealers in rosin, Castle Meadow

Houghton, David, dyer, 4, Upper St. Giles’ street

Houghton, Eliza, dyer, Prince’s street

Houghton, Henry, Wounded Hart, Upper Market

Houghton, Mr. Henry John, All Saints’ green

Houghton, John, dyer, Ten Bell lane

Houghton, Miss Louisa, dressmaker, Upper Market

Houghton, Robert, boat builder, St. Faith’s lane

Houghton, Robert, boat builder, Grout’s Thoroughfare, Orford hill

Houghton, Robert, joiner, builder, and grocer, Ber street

Houghton, Robert E., house steward at Norfolk and Norwich Hospital

Houghton, Thomas, green grocer, Barrack street, Pockthorpe

Houghton, William, merchant’s clerk, Charles street, Heigham

Housego, Jemima, lodging-house keeper, Rose lane

Housego, William, artist, 21, Upper King street

Housedane, Joseph, second-hand clothes dealer, Lower Westwick street

Hovell, Elizabeth, day school, Rupert street, Union place

Hovell, Mrs. R., Distillery street

Hovell, William, basket maker, Charing cross

Howard, Miss Ann, dressmaker, Theatre street

Howard, Ann, beer retailer, Fishgate st.

Howard, Mrs. Ann, private lodging-house keeper, Grove place, Lakenham

Howard, Anna, linen warehouse, St. Stephen’s street

Howard, Miss Anne, ladies’ boarding school, Unthank’s road

Howard, Benjamin, John street, Rose lane

p. 63Howard, Charles, The Duke of York, Thorpe hamlet

Howard, Charles H., builder, bricklayer, &c., Bishopgate street

Howard and Co., wholesale and retail millinery establishment, Victoria house, London street

Howard, Daniel, baker and shopkeeper, Barrack street

Howard, Emanuel Simon, Venetian blind manufacturer, Rose lane

Howard, Mrs. Emily, milliner, St. Faith’s lane

Howard, Everett and Thomas, bricklayers and plasterers, Peacock street

Howard, George, upholsterer, John street, Rose lane

Howard, George, coachsmith and green grocer, Little Orford street

Howard, James, tripe dresser, Thorn lane

Howard, James, shoemaker, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Howard, James, bricklayer and builder, King street

Howard, James, plumber, glazier, and painter, Sardinian tavern, St. Stephen’s street

Howard, John, bricklayer and plasterer, Fishgate street

Howard, John, carver, Bethel street

Howard, Mrs. Mary Ann, Trory street, Unthank’s road

Howard, Riches and Watts, engineers and millwrights, iron and brass founders, &c., Duke’s Palace iron works (see Advertisement, p. 6)

Howard, Robert, grocer, New Catton

Howard, Robert, shoemaker, St. Miles’ Church alley

Howard, Samuel, shoemaker, Peacock street

Howard, Mr. Samuel, St. Saviour’s lane

Howard, Thomas, bricklayer, The Red Lion, Bishopgate street

Howard, William, pork butcher, Catton road

Howard, William, carpenter and builder, Bishopgate street

Howard, Z., baker, &c., near the church, New Catton

Howell, Henry, shopkeeper, Trafalgar street, Lakenham

Howell, Henry, well sinker, Baker’s road, St. Augustine’s

Howell, James, carpenter, St. Augustine’s

Howell, Miss Mary, 25, Paragon street, Heigham

Howell, William, leather seller, Lower Goat lane

Howe, John, carter, Red Lion, Magdalen street

Howes, Abraham, boot and shoe maker, Rampant Horse street

Howes, Mrs. Ann, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Howes, Ann and Son, grocers and tea dealers, and tallow chandlers, St. Giles’ hill; manufactory, Ber street, (see Advertisement, p. 22)

Howes, Charles, boot and shoe maker, and general shopkeeper, Magdalen street

Howes, Deborah, cloak, mantle, and dress maker, Magdalen street

Howes, Mrs. Eliza, Valentine street, Heigham

Howes, George Smith, City Arms, St. Andrew’s Hall plain

Howes, Henry, beer retailer, Lower King street

Howes, James A., printer, (see Howes and Soman) 4, St. Andrew’s hill

Howes, James, market gardener, Magdalen street

Howes, James, White Lion, Magdalen street

Howes, Jeremiah, hotpresser, Howes’ yard, St. Miles’

Howes, John, Esq., 4, The Crescent

Howes, John, Rupert street, Union place

Howes, John, (see Howes, Ann and Son) tallow chandler and grocer, St. Giles’ hill

Howes, John, shopkeeper and lodging house, Bridge street, St. George’s

Howes, Joseph and James, coach and harness makers, Red Lion street

Howes, Richard, boot and shoe maker, Magdalen street

Howes, Richard, hawker, Tinkler’s lane

Howes, Robert Heron, Adam and Eve Gardens, Tabernacle street

Howes, Mrs. Sarah, Upper close

Howes, Thomas, hotpresser, Church street, St. Miles’

Howes, Thomas, shoemaker, Russell st.

Howes, Thomas Self, coach builder, Rose lane and Castle meadow

p. 64Howes, William, green grocer, Cowgate street

Howes, William, shoemaker, Heigham causeway

Howes, William Cooper, writer and grainer, and gas fitter, Boarded court, Ber street; h Newmarket road (see Advertisement, p. 23)

Howlett and Co., furnishing and general ironmongers, oil and colormen, and ironfounders, 6, Old Haymarket

Howlett, Henry, tunist; h St. Benedict’s road

Howlett, Eliza, grocer, Lower Westwick street

Howlett, John W., currier, (see Tillyard and Howlett)

Howlett, Richard, tailor, Bridge street, St. George’s

Howlett, Robert, carpenter, St. Augustine’s

Howlett, Thomas, grocer, Lower Westwick street

Howlett, Walter, tunist, Valentine street, Heigham

Howlett, William, pianoforte and music warehouse, 2, The Walk

Howlett, William, pianoforte tuner, Valentine street

Howman, Samuel, provision dealer, Upper market

Howman, William, White Lion, and horse and gig letter, Oak street, St. Martin’s

Hubbard, Mrs. Hannah, staymaker, Westlegate street

Hubbard, Henry, plumber, glazier, and painter, Westlegate street

Hubbard, Henry, Coopers’ Arms, Prince’s street

Hubbard, James, brewer, and wine, spirit, and porter merchant, Magdalen street

Hubbard, James, cowkeeper, Northumberland street, Heigham

Hubbard, Miss Jane, All Saints’ green

Hubbard, Sarah, dyer, Golden Dog lane

Hubbard, Thomas, Wellington place, Grove road

Huby, Mrs. Elizabeth, 20, Distillery st.

Huby, Richard, cabinet maker, Lower Westwick street

Hudbud and Son, auctioneers and appraisers, Upper Westwick street

Hudson, E., straw bonnet maker, West Pottergate street

Hudson, George Edmund, shoemaker, West Pottergate street

Hudson, John, boot and shoe maker, West Pottergate street

Hudson, Mrs. Mary Ann, 6, Grapes’ hill

Huggins, Charles, beer retailer, King street

Huggins, Edward, cowkeeper, Hall road, Lakenham

Huggins, James, working cutler, Rising Sun lane

Huggins, John, wheelwright and blacksmith, Chapel Field road

Huggins, John, photographic artist, 17, Davey place

Huggins, Miss Maria, upholsterer, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Hughes, Ann, milliner and dress maker, Upper Westwick street

Hughes, William, Bath House, St. Martin’s at Oak

Hull, Mrs. Hannah, Redwell street

Hull, William Henry, baker and confectioner, Coslany street

Hulme, John Hughes, chemist and druggist, St. Andrew’s Hall plain (see Advertisement, p. 11)

Humphrey, John, clerk, Essex street, Union place

Humphery, Susan, beer retailer, Sussex street

Humphery, William, shopkeeper and bricklayer, Pump street

Hunn, Philip, carpenter and shopkeeper, Rising Sun lane

Hunt, Alfred, bookseller and stationer, and circulating library, and agent to the Briton Life Assurance Compy., Orford hill

Hunt, George, branch post-office, Dereham road

Hunt, James, pastrycook and confectioner, 62, St. Stephen’s street

Hunt, John, working cutler and confectioner, Upper Westwick street

Hunt, John, grocer and tea dealer, Quay side

Hunt, Joseph William, shoemaker, Trafalgar street

Hunt, Mrs. H., Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Hunter, William, upholsterer, (see Clarke and Hunter)

Hurn, Daniel, rope manufacturer, Dove street; h Unthank’s road

p. 65Hurn, George, hemp and sack merchant and waterproof cover maker, Dove street; h Mount Pleasant

Hurn, Mary and Elizabeth, milliners, Bunk street

Hurrell, William, fishmonger, Magdalen gates

Hurry, John, shoemaker, Cross lane

Hurry, Thomas, church bell hanger, 2, Bethel street

Huson and Co., lace, velvet, satin, veils, scarfs, shawl, and French and English millinery establishment, London street

Huson, Mrs. Mary, Crescent place, Chapel Field road

Huson, Robert, linen draper, Bridge street, St. George’s

Hussey, William, nurseryman, seedsman, and florist, Horticultural gardens, St. Catherine’s plain

Hutchison, Charles, M.D., Surrey street

Hutchison, G. S., surgeon, Surrey street

Hutson, George, St. Catherine’s plain

Hutton, John, tea dealer, Old Haymarket

Hutton, Mr. John William, Mount Pleasant

Hyams, Emanuel, London and Birmingham warehouse, 5 and 6, St. Andrew’s Hall plain

Ibrook, Mr. Richmond, 8, Newmarket terrace

Ilott, William, (see Hall and Ilott) St. Stephen’s

Ineson, Joseph, rag merchant, Elm hill; h Distillery street

Isaac, Edward, baker, Trafalgar street, Lakenham

Isaacs, John, slipper manufacturer, Magdalen street

Isbell, Miss Maria, milliner and dressmaker, Charles street, Heigham

Isbill, Charles, butcher, Charing cross

Iungius, Mrs. Jemima, printer and stationer, Pottergate street

Iungius, Miss Kate, milliner, Theatre street

Ives, Miss Ann Sarah, boarding school, 13, The Crescent, Chapel Field road

Ives, Charles, butcher, Magdalen street

Ives, Capt. Ferdinand, St. Catherine’s hill

Ives, George, auctioneer, valuer, and estate agent, Crown Bank plain

Ives, John, Bakers’ Arms, Ber street

Ives, John C., commercial traveller, Brazen Doors road

Ives, Richard N., local manager Unity Life and Fire Association, 72, St. Giles’ street; h Lower King street

Iveson, Mrs. Rebecca, butcher, Union street, Crook’s place

Jacobs, John, butcher, St. Catherine’s plain

Jackson, Mrs. Charlotte, Lame Dog road

Jackson, Edward, butcher, Pottergate street

Jackson, Hannah, green grocer, Pump street

Jackson, Henry Charles, musician, Fishgate street

Jackson, James, musician, Cowgate street

Jackson, Joseph, linen draper, All Saints’ green

Jackson, Mrs. Mary, Bracondale

Jackson, Rev. Oliver, Primitive Methodist preacher, Mill hill, New Catton

Jackson, William, musician, Prince’s street

Jackson, William, sen., musician and green grocer, Fishgate street

Jackson, William, general shopkeeper, Coburg street

James, Grace, lodging-house keeper, Rose lane

James, Henry, King’s Arms, Bishop Bridge, Thorpe hamlet

James, Henry, chemist and druggist, Oak street, St. Martin’s

James, John, general shopkeeper, Chapel street, Crook’s place

James, Wallace, beer retailer, St. John’s street

James, William, Imperial Arms, Upper King street

Jarman, Thomas, Royal Oak, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Jarrett, Thomas, dyer and furniture broker, Magdalen street

Jarrold and Sons, booksellers, binders, printers, publishers, and wholesale stationers, London street, and 3, Exchange street

Jarrold, Mr. Samuel; h Bracondale (see Jarrold and Sons)

Jarrold, Mr. Thomas; h The Mount, Thorpe hamlet (see Jarrold and Sons)

Jarrold, Mr. William P., Newmarket road

Jarvis, Mr. Henry, Thorpe terrace, Thorpe hamlet

p. 66Jarvis, Henry, railway and general carrier and carman, Lucas’ wharf, Thorpe hamlet (see Advertisement, p. 35)

Jarvis, John, county court bailiff, Pump street

Jarvis, Joseph, grocer, Fishgate street

Jarvis, Mrs. R., Codogan place, Cross street, Unthank’s road

Jarvis, William, Pine Apple, market gardener and farmer, Trowse

Jarvis, Mr. William, Trafalgar place, Hall road

Jarvis, William, merchant’s clerk, 6, Langham place, Dereham road

Jay, Benjamin, florist, St. Faith’s lane

Jay, Charles, fishmonger, Market place; h Unthank’s road

Jay, George, mohair manufacturer, King street

Jay, George, fish merchant, The Fishmarket; h Fisher’s lane, St. Giles’ street

Jay, Mr. George, Bracondale (see Jay and Pilgrim)

Jay, James, gardener, Upper King street

Jay, Joshua, dyer, &c., Bethel street

Jay, John, window glass, sheet lead, pipe and color merchant, St. Andrew’s hill

Jay, John, baker, 12, West Pottergate street

Jay, Joseph Burcham, shopkeeper, Lower King street

Jay, Mrs. Mary, 3, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Jay and Pilgrim, solicitors, Toll’s court, Briggs’ street

Jay, Mr. Thomas B., Heigham grove, St. Giles’ road

Jeans, Edwin, bookseller, binder, and stationer, White Lion street

Jeary, Robert, bookseller, binder, stationer, &c., 4 and 5, Bridewell alley; h Mount Pleasant

Jeckell, Rev. George, Unthank’s road

Jeckell, George, grocer, Ber Street gates

Jeckell, Thomas, architect, Bank court, Queen street

Jecks, Mrs. Sarah, 2, York place, Chapel Field road

Jecks, William and Charles, timber merchants, St. Faith’s lane

Jefferies, William, beer retailer, Oak street, St. Martin’s

Jeffries, Mrs. Emily, milliner, 56, St. Giles’ street

Jeffries, George, gun and pistol maker, Golden Ball street

Jeffries, Leamon, The Griffin, King street

Jeffries, Robert, grocer and draper, King street

Jeffries, Mr. Samuel, Brazen Doors road

Jeffries, Walter Loud, (see Burrage and Jeffries); h Caledonia terrace, Dereham road

Jennings, Samuel, wholesale shoe manufacturer, Theatre street

Jennings, Samuel, sawyer, Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Jennings, Thomas, hatter, Magdalen street

Jennis, John, gardener, Lower Westwick street

Jermy, Jeremiah, green grocer, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Johnson, Ambrose, pawnbroker, &c., Lower Westwick street

Johnson, Charles, timber dealer, Trowse

Johnson, Mr. Charles, Woodlands, Dereham road

Johnson, Daniel, timber dealer, Trowse

Johnson, Edward, Esq., Pitt street

Johnson, Edwin, brush maker, Devonshire place, Holl’s lane

Johnson, Gilman, and Co., shoe manufacturers, Pottergate street

Johnson, Harriet, dressmaker, Lower Westwick street

Johnson, Jacob, linen draper, (see Lovick and Johnson)

Johnson, James, M.D., The Chantry, Theatre street

Johnson, John, shopkeeper, Ber street

Johnson, John Godwin, surgeon, 64, St. Giles’ street

Johnson, John Sewell, baker and confectioner, Cowgate street

Johnson, Robert, register office for servants, 26, Castle meadow

Johnson, Samuel, medical botanist, Vauxhall street

Johnson, Sarah and Anna, day school, Rose lane

Johnson, Sewell John, baker, &c., Upper Westlegate street

Johnson, Susanna, confectioner, Rampant Horse street

Johnson, Thomas, solicitor’s clerk, Oxford street, Unthank’s road

p. 67Johnson, Mr. William, Lothian street

Johnston, Fergus, agent for Virtue and Co., publishers, 5, Jay’s terrace, Rose lane

Jolly, Charles William, carriage and harness manufacturer, St. Stephen’s gates; h Newmarket road

Jolly, John, King’s Arms, Hall road

Jolly, Robert, stationer, Vauxhall street

Jones, Mrs. Elizabeth, linen draper, &c., Briggs’ street

Jones, James, butcher, Grove place, Lakenham

Jones, Peter, plumber, painter, and glazier, St. Margaret’s Church alley

Jones, Miss Sarah, Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Jones, William, plumber, 1, St. Gregory’s Church passage

Jordan, Mrs. Rachel Elizabeth, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Joseph and Samuel, pawnbrokers, silversmiths, shoe manufacturers, &c., Timberhill street

Joseph, Maurice, (see Joseph and Samuel) Timberhill street

Joy, Mrs. Charlotte, 25, Newmarket road

Joy, Matthew, Calvert street

Joyce, Mrs. Charlotte, St. Giles’ road

Joyce, James, last and boot-tree maker, Ber street

Juba, Edmund, ticket writer and tobacconist, Bridge street, St. George’s

Kahler, John Henry, baker, &c., Rose lane

Kedenton, Samuel, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street, St. Andrew’s

Kedge, Robert, beer retailer, Duke street

Kedge, Thomas, grocer, Ber street

Keeble, Mrs. Harriet, dressmaker, Rose lane

Keeble, James, cabinet maker, John street

Kehle, Joseph, watch and clock maker, Stump cross, Magdalen street

Keith, Mr. Frederick, Bracondale

Keith, Mr. Thomas, Bracondale

Kemp, George Pank, hair cutter and perfumer, 17, Exchange street

Kemp, Henry, proprietor of reading and billiard rooms, Market place

Kemp, Mr. Henry, 8, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Kemp, Isaac, Chapel Field road

Kemp, James, green grocer, St. Lawrence lane

Kemp, James, horse-hair seating and crinoline manufacturer, and furniture broker, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Kemp, Mrs. Mary, tea dealer, Golden Dog lane

Kemp, Thomas, saddler and harness maker, Great Orford street (see Advertisement, p. 26)

Kemp, William and Son, shoe manufacturers, 18, Pitt street

Kemp, William, The Tuns Inn, St. Giles’ gates

Kempster, John, auctioneer, valuer, accountant, and estate agent; agent to the English Widows’ Fund and General Life, the State Fire, Plate Glass, and Accidental Death, and Agricultural Cattle and Hail Storm Insurance Compys., Davey place

Kempster, Rev. John Joseph James, minister at Countess of Huntingdon’s chapel, The Tabernacle; h Westbeech house, St. Benedict’s road

Kempster, Mrs., boarding and day school, Westbeech house, St. Benedict’s road

Kenney, Edmund Thomas, Cabinet-makers’ Arms, Redwell street

Kent, Alfred, rag merchant, Upper Goat lane

Kent, Charles, Bull Inn, St. Paul’s st.

Kent, Henry, hosier and shirt maker, 3, London street

Kent, Mrs. Mary, butcher, St. Benedict’s street

Kent, Robert, boot and shoe maker, 10 and 11, London street

Kent, Thomas, The Light Horseman, Barrack street

Kenyon, John, saw and file manufacturer, Lower Goat lane

Keown, Mr., draper, &c., Valentine street, St. Benedict’s road

Kerr, John, plumber, painter, and glazier, Lower Goat lane

Kerr, Stephen John, printer and bookbinder, All Saints’ green

Kerrison, George, traveller, Chapel Field road

Kerrison, James, grocer and tea dealer, 6, Timberhill street

Kerrison, James, watchmaker and provision dealer, Magdalen street

p. 68Kerrison and Preston, solicitors; office, Bank plain

Kerrison, Roger, solicitor, clerk to Norfolk Justices at the Shirehall, and to Norwich Gas Light Compy., (limited) commissioner for taking acknowledgments of deeds by married women, commissioner to administer oaths in Chancery in England, and agent to the Alliance Fire and Life Assurance Compy., Tombland

Kerrison, Mr. Simon, St. Saviour’s Church alley

Kerridge, Elizabeth, general shopkeeper, St. Benedict’s street

Kerridge, John, Reindeer, St. Benedict’s road

Kerry, George, furniture broker, and rent and debt collector, St. Mary’s

Kerry, George Caythorpe, accountant and debt collector, Elm hill

Kerry, John, cabinet maker, St. Benedict’s street

Kett, Elizabeth, Surrey inn, Grove place, Lakenham

Kett, George, Willow place, Hall road, Lakenham

Kett, Henry Watson, coal merchant, Hall road, Lakenham

Kett, James, coach maker and postmaster, 73, St. Giles’ street

Kett, James Frederick, dealer, The Swan, Magdalen street

Kett, Petter Mullish, butcher, Magpie road

Kett, William Woodhouse, linen draper, silk mercer, &c., London street, and 2, Exchange street

Ketton, John, oilcake manufacturer, Rose lane; h The Close, and Sprowston Grange

Ketton, Mr. John, Upper close

Kew, Louisa, milliner, &c., 45, Upper St. Giles’ street

Key, George, shopkeeper, Oak street

Key, Joseph, whitesmith, Calvert street

Key, Robert, cabinet maker, Holl’s lane, Heigham

Key, Samuel, jun., shopkeeper, Upper Heigham

Key, Samuel, Holl’s lane

Key, Septimus, ginger beer manufacturer, Mansfield’s yard, St. Stephen’s street

Keymer, Thomas, brewer’s clerk, King street

Keyzor, Michael, optician, St. Giles’ street

Kidd, Mrs. Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Cowgate street

Kidd, Walter, jobbing gardener, West Pottergate street

Kiddell, Joshua, ironmonger and earthenware dealer, Timberhill street

Kiddle, Joshua, Calvert street

Kilburn, William, William Tell, Castle hill

Kilburn, William, clothier, St. Benedict’s street

King, Edward, butcher, Southwell street, New Lakenham

King, George, White Lion, Prince’s st.

King, James, Bolingbroke’s stores, Bank plain, London street

King, James, plumber and glazier, Prince’s street; h Grapes’ hill

King, John and James, plumbers, glaziers, and painters, Prince’s street

King, Mrs., curiosity shop, Back of the Inns

King, Leonard, French polisher, Lower King street

King, Mrs., Union place

King, Mrs., Home Cottage, Unthank’s road

King, Matilda and Rachel, dressmakers and milliners, Calvert street

King, Robert, Artichoke inn, Magdalen gates

King, Russell, grocer, Ber street

King, Samuel, 3, Chapel Field road

King, Samuel, Theatre tavern, Bethel st.

King, Samuel Benjamin, Pine Apple, St. Martin’s lane

King, Thomas, clerk and collector for Water Works Company, Alma terrace, Infirmary road

King, Thomas Charles Rackham, plumber, painter, and glazier, Tombland and Elm hill (see Advertisement, p. 22)

King, Tyrrell, umbrella maker, St. Saviour’s lane

King, William Howes, tailor, Trafalgar street

Kingdom, The Misses, dressmakers, 3, Sussex street

Kinnebrook, Mr. William, Earlham road

Kirkham, Dennis, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Redwell street

Kirby, Joseph, hawker, Mill street, New Lakenham

p. 69Kitson, John, solicitor, Thorpe hamlet, clerk to Dean and Chapter, Lower close; h Thorpe hamlet

Kittmer, Miss Charlotte Rice, Queen street

Kitton, Frederic, tobacco and snuff manufacturer, 10, Old Haymarket; h Dereham road

Kitton, George, merchant, St. Faith’s lane

Kitton, Mrs. Lucy, Magdalen street

Kitton, Robert, architect and surveyor, Tuck’s court, St. Giles’ street

Klein, Mrs. A., fancy repository, Bridge street, St. Andrew’s

Klein, Herr Hermann, professor of the German language, Bridge street, St. Andrew’s

Knevett and Hall, dressmakers, Magdalen street

Knevett, Harriet, milliner and dress maker, Upper Westwick street

Knevett, Henry, shopkeeper, 38, Magdalen street

Knevett, Henry, beer retailer, Unthank’s road

Knevett, Jonathan, whitesmith, Upper Westwick street

Knights and Ballord, pawnbrokers, All Saints’ green

Knights, Charlotte, pawnbroker, Ber street

Knights, George, fishmonger, Heigham street

Knights, James, pawnbroker, Upper Westwick street

Knights, Robert, merchant’s clerk, Dereham road

Knights, Robert, shoemaker, Eldon row, Chapel Field road

Knights, Susannah, Boarded House, Castle hill

Knight, Thomas, bird preserver, Upper King street

Knowles, Mrs. Hannah, milliner and dressmaker, Rising Sun lane

Lacey, Esau, baker and shopkeeper, Bishopgate street

Lacey, George Plummer, builder and contractor, Surrey road

Lacey, Horace, builder, Surrey street; h St. Faith’s terrace

Lacey, James William, builder, &c., Surrey street

Lacey, John, plumber, painter, and glazier, St. Margaret’s lane

Lacey, John Greenwood, bricklayer and plasterer, Ber street

Lacey, Robert, commercial traveller, Thorpe hamlet

Lacey, William, White Horse, and bricklayer, Castle hill

Lacey, William Randall, carpenter and builder, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Ladbrooke, John Barney, drawing master, Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Ladell, Sarah, lodging-house keeper, Magdalen street

Ladell, Mr. William, Newmarket road

Ladyman, Joseph Harrison, tea dealer, 6, Gentlemen’s Walk; h New road, Town close

Laflin, Mr. Joseph, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Lain, Edward, bookseller and circulating library, Elm hill

Lake, James, baker, Colegate street

Lake, James, shoemaker and clothier, Red Lion street

Lake, Mr. John, Wellington place, Grove road

Lake, John, shopkeeper, Greyhound lane, St. Benedict’s road

Lake, Samuel, baker and confectioner, Colegate street

Lake, William, grocer, tea dealer, oil and Italian warehouseman, &c., Surrey corner, St. Stephen’s

Lake, William, classical and commercial academy, St. Benedict’s road

Lamb, Andrew, green grocer, Heigham street, St. Benedict’s

Lamb, Benjamin Charles, coal merchant, Magdalen street

Lamb, Mrs. Elizabeth, Castle meadow

Lamb, Frederick, cordwainer, Adelaide street, Heigham fields

Lamb, James, butcher, Market place

Lamb, Leonard, butcher, Ber street

Lamb, Leonard, butcher, Rupert street, Union place

Lamb, Mrs. Sarah, wire worker, wire weaver, and corn dressing, and blowing machine maker, Golden Ball street (see Advertisement, p. 10)

Lamb, Thomas, pork butcher, St. James’ street

Lamb, William, pork butcher, Grapes’ hill

Lambert, Charles, shoemaker, Fishgate street

Lambert, Eliza Mrs., dressmaker, Kimberley street, Unthank’s road

p. 70Lambert, Mr. Francis, Mount Pleasant

Lambert, Francis, tea and coffee merchant, 6 and 7, Lower Goat lane

Lambert, Mr. James, 8, Grove place, St. Giles’ road

Lambert, Martin, Windsor Castle, Pockthorpe

Lambert, Mrs., Queen street

Lamercon, Francis, Dove, St. James’ street

Lammas, Brothers, tea dealers, 1, The Walk

Land, Henry, baker, Rupert street

Land, William, gas fitter, St. Peter’s Mancroft

Landy, Mrs. Charlotte, 6, The Crescent

Lane, James, Three Pigeons, Charing cross

Lane, Joseph, hosier, All Saints’ green

Langley, John, market gardener, Holl’s lane

Langton, Edward, librarian, Little Bethel street

Lanham, Gilbert, boot and shoe maker, Lower King street

Lanham, Gilbert, waterman, Lower King street

Lanham and Sword, hairdressers, perfumers, &c., 4, St. Giles’ street

Lantenant, Camille Louis, teacher of languages, Prince’s street

Large, John, tallow chandler, White Friars’ street

Large, John, tallow chandler and shopkeeper, Julian street, Julian place

Larke, Edward Norman, boot and shoe maker, Ber street

Larkman, Henry, furniture broker, St. Benedict’s street

Larkman, James, shoemaker, Tinkler’s lane, Heigham

Larkman, James, shopkeeper, Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Larkman, Robert, beer retailer, Lower Westwick street

Larkman, William, green grocer, St. Augustine’s gates

Larkman, William, tailor, professor of singing, and inventor of an improved sol-fa system, Gildengate street

Larkman, William, baker and shopkeeper, Lower King street

Larkman, William Augustus, corn merchant, Lower King street

Larn, Samuel, boot maker, Magdalen street

Larn, William, shoemaker, St. Margaret’s Church alley

Laskey, Mary Ann, Gold Beaters’ Arms, Bethel street

Laurence, Michael Calver, St. Julian’s tavern, St. Julian’s street

Lawrence, Mrs. Rebecca, Botolph street

Lawrence, William, upholsterer and paper hanger, 49, Pottergate street

Law, Mrs. Alfred, Unthank’s road

Lawes, Robert Curll, seedsman, Julian street

Lawn, Lubbuck, beer retailer, Upper Westwick street

Lawn, William, The White Lion, St. Benedict’s street

Laws, George, beer retailer, Rising Sun lane, Golden Ball street

Laws, James, Wine tavern, Upper St. Giles’ street

Laws, John, Victoria tavern, Magdalen street

Laws, Robert, blacksmith, Lothian street

Laws, Robert, straw hat manufacturer, Westlegate street

Laws, Robert, The Swiss Cottage, and blacksmith, Dereham road

Laws, William, manager at Mr. Read’s mill, Bracondale

Lawson, William, commercial traveller, Dereham road

Lawter, Ellen, dressmaker, St. Julian’s street, Thorn lane

Laxen, Miss, St. Giles’ terrace, Bethel street

Lay, George, cabinet maker, Bethel street

Lay, William Robert, chemist and druggist, Rupert street, Union place

Layton, Mr. Buxton, Mount Pleasant

Leach, George, gas fitter and bell hanger, Lower Goat lane (see Advertisement, p. 23)

Leach, James, baker, Union street, Crook’s place

Leach, Philip, carpenter and builder, St. Martin’s lane

Leach, Mr. William, Golding street, Dereham road

Leamon, George, green grocer, Bull close

Leamon, Robert, tanner, currier and leather merchant, Upper Market, and Whitwell, Norfolk

Leamon, Thomas, baker, All Saints’ green

p. 71Leath, Thomas Thorne, house and estate agent, Charles street, Heigham

Leavins, Bailey, printer, (see Cundall, Miller, and Leavins); h Cross street, Unthank’s road

Lebbell, Thomas, blacksmith, Heigham street

Lee, George, commercial coffee and eating house, Market place

Lee, William, shoemaker, All Saints’ green

Leech, Jane, stay maker, St. George’s plain

Leeds, Mrs. Julia, 58, St. Giles’ street

Leeds, Mrs., 6, Somerleyton street

Leeds, Miss Sarah, Thorpe hamlet

Leeds, Sarah and Elizabeth, shopkeepers, Tinkler’s lane, Heigham

Le Fevre, Thomas, engineer and boiler maker, St. Stephen’s street

Legood, Elizabeth, Butchers’ Arms, Ber street

Legood, Samuel, hay dealer, Prospect square

Leggett, Daniel, baker, Silver road

Leggatt, John, blacksmith, Scoles’ green; h Ber street

Leggatt, Samuel, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Leggett, John, blacksmith, Thorn Tavern court, Ber street

Leggett, Miss Sarah, straw bonnet maker, 5, Crescent place, Chapel Field road

Le Grys, William, wheelwright and carpenter, Trowse

Leist, James, house carpenter and joiner, and plane maker, Wensum street

Leman, Mrs. Emily, lodging-house keeper, Bethel street

Leman, Robert, manager at Union Office

Lemille, Mrs. Ann, West End place, Grove place, Lakenham

Lemmon, Robert, printer, Willow lane, St. Giles’

Lemon, Thomas, baker and confectioner, All Saint’s street

Lemon, William, horse breaker, 12, St. Stephen’s square

Le Neve, Charles, baker, Fishgate street

Leney, Samuel, merchant, Thorpe hamlet

Le Strange, Thomas, grocer, Pump street

Leveaux and Compy., wine and spirit merchants, Liverpool; principal agent for Norwich and Norfolk. William E. Filbey; office, Stamp Office yard, St. Andrew’s, Broad street

Leverett, George, eating house, St. Benedict’s gates

Levern, James, boot and shoe maker, Calvert street

Levere, Miss, Kimberley street, Unthank’s road

Levine, Joseph, tobacconist, Upper Westwick street

Levine, Moses, cigar merchant, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Lewis, Mrs., 2, Albert place, St. Stephen’s place

Llewfinly, Thomas, general shopkeeper, Cherry street, New Lakenham

Liddelow, Robert, London Tavern, St. Andrew’s hill

Liffen, John, bookbinder, Gildengate street

Lilly, Mrs. Maria, milliner and dressmaker, Bishopgate street

Lincoln, James, baker, Lower King street

Lincoln, James, shoe manufacturer, 14, Pottergate street

Lincoln, James, baker, Thorpe hamlet

Lincoln, John, tobacco pipe and lucifer manufacturer, Pump street

Lincoln, Mrs. Mary Ann, infant schoolmistress, Hall road, Lakenham

Lincoln, Morris, Old Church path, Lakenham

Lincoln, Morris, hairdresser and glover, Chapel street, Union place

Lincoln, Robert, beer retailer, Mill street, Lakenham

Lincolne, Miss Elizabeth (school) Surrey street

Lines, Philip, Somerleyton tavern, Somerleyton street, Unthank’s road

Linford, Robert, watchmaker, Red Lion street

Ling, Abraham, Shirehall tavern, Castle meadow

Ling, Edmund, banker’s clerk, Botolph street

Ling, George, builder and contractor to the Local Board of Health, All Saints’ green

Ling, Harriet, (day school) Bethel street

Ling, Henry (classical and commercial boarding school) Unthank’s road

p. 72Ling, William Samuel, tailor and robe maker, 19, Castle meadow

Ling, Henry, solicitor, Willow lane

Ling, James, lay clerk of the Cathedral, Heigham road

Ling, Mrs. Julia Ann, (day school) 23, Sussex street

Ling, William, Infirmary road

Lingwood, Jeremiah, schoolmaster, St. Faith’s lane

Linstead, Charles, green grocer, Lower King street

Linstead, George, coal dealer, Southwell street, New Lakenham

Linstead, Robert, grocer, Duke street

Lister, John, manufacturing cutler and surgical instrument maker, 10½, Old Haymarket

Littell, Charles, hosier and shoemaker, White Lion street

Littell, Henry, accountant, St. Stephen’s road

Littleproud, James, shopkeeper, Pottergate street

Littleproud, Mrs. Susan, White Rose, Back of the Inns

Littlewood, Ephraim, The Ship, Lower King street

Littlewood, Frederick Burton, professor of music, Colegate street, St. Clement’s

Littleboy, George, solicitor’s clerk, Lower close

Littleboy, John, banker’s clerk, 10, Heigham terrace

Littlewood, Sampson, accountant, St. Stephen’s road

Livingstone, Thomas, shopkeeper, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Livock, Miss Hannah, St. Faith’s terrace, St. Faith’s lane

Livock, James, brush maker, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Livock, Henry Briggs, beer retailer, Lower King street

Livock, Mr. Jonathan, Synagogue street, St. Faith’s lane

Livock, Samuel, bricklayer and shopkeeper, West Wymer street, Heigham

Livock, William Thomas, tailor, woollen draper and hatter, 4, London street

Lloyd, John Adolphus and Co., boot and shoe manufacturers, 20, and 21, Davey place; h Surrey terrace (see Advertisement, p. 4)

Lloyd, Richard, merchant’s clerk, Heigham road

Lloyd, Thomas, ecclesiastical and general mason, Rose lane

Lloyde, Mrs. Frances, Hall road, New Lakenham

Loades, Benjamin, land surveyor and lithographer, 55, Pottergate street

Loads, Henry, shopkeeper, Lower King street

Lock, Charles, confectioner, Exchange street

Lock, Henry, St. Catherine’s plain

Lock, Henry, boot and shoe maker, St. Stephen’s street

Lock, Henry, grocer and tea dealer, St. Augustine’s (see Advertisement, p. 18)

Lock, William, John Bull, Union street, Crook’s place

Lockwood, Lewis, green grocer, St. Miles’ Church alley

Lockwood, Maria, shopkeeper, St. Miles’ Church alley

Lofty James, hairdresser, Colegate street

Lohr, Eliza, Colegate street

Lohr, Mrs. Lydia, ready-made linen warehouse, milliner, &c., 6, Briggs’ street

Lomas, William, saw maker, Bridge street, St. Andrew’s

Lombe, William, boot and shoe maker, St. James’ street

London, William, Free Trade tavern, Rose lane

Lonergan, Francis, The Dove, St. James’ street

Long, John, farmer, Silver road

Long, Joseph Page, baker, St. James’ street

Long, Mrs. Mary, Crescent place, Chapel Field road

Long, Walter, tailor and shopkeeper, Coslany street

Loombe, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Timberhill street

Loose, James, broker, Botolph street

Lord, Mr. Aaron, Unthank’s road

Lord, George, brush maker, Lower Westwick street, St. Swithin’s

Lord, John, wool buyer and yarn agent, Duke street

Lorkin, Mrs. Virtue, clothier, Lower Westwick street

Lound, Thomas, agent for the County Fire and Provident Life Offices, Lower King street

Louth, Robert, Rampant Horse inn, Rampant Horse street

p. 73Love, Miss Amelia, dressmaker, Kimberley street, Unthank’s road

Love, Charles, plumber, painter, and glazier, Palace street

Love, Mrs. Mary Ann, ticket writer, 2, Alma square, Julian place

Love, William, Queen’s Head, Cowgate street, St. Paul’s

Loveday, George, The Bee Hive, St. Martin’s at Palace plain

Lovett, James, grocer, King street, Crook’s place

Lovett and Kidd, fancy repository, Bank street

Lovett, George, carpenter, West End street, Heigham

Lovett, Henry, stationer, toy dealer and general fancy repository, St. Stephen’s street

Lovick and Co., china, glass, and earthenware merchants, St. Andrew’s Broad street and Bridewell alley

Lovick and Johnson, woollen drapers and haberdashers, London street

Lovick, Mary Ann, green grocer, Ber street

Lowe, Alfred, baker, Devonshire place, Holl’s lane

Lowe, Frederick, baker, Ber street gates

Lowe, George, baker, Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Lowe, Joseph, baker and grocer, Gildengate street

Lowne, James, shopkeeper, Cowgate street

Lowne and Shaw, accountants, insurance agents, and agents to the Provident Clerks’ Life Association, Rampant Horse street

Lowne, Mr. William Charles, (see Lowne and Shaw) Rampant Horse street

Lucas, Brothers, builders and contractors, Norwich, Lowestoft, and Belvidere road, London

Luckett, Henry, shopkeeper, Pottergate street, St. Giles’

Ludlow, Henry, banker’s clerk, Town close, Newmarket road

Lulham, Edwin Walter, shoe manufacturer, Bethel street

Lusher, Mrs. Deborah, lodging-house keeper, 36, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s

Lutchford, Henry, manager for Davies and Son, shoe manufacturers, Calvert street

Mace, Elizabeth, draper, Grapes’ hill

Mace, Gilbert, lucifer match manufacturer, Barrack street, Cowgate street

Mace, James, Swan inn, Swan lane

Mace, Mrs., dressmaker, Lothian street

Mace, Mary Ann, The Grapes tavern, Church street, St. Miles’ Coslany

Mace, Robert, farmer, Distillery street

Mace, Robert, farmer, Upper Heigham street

Mackie, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth, Heigham road

Mackley, George William, gold and silversmith and working jeweller, Westlegate street

Mackley, John, The Marquis of Granby, Barrack street, Pockthorpe

Mackley, John Edward, tailor and draper, Westlegate street

Mackley, Maria, grocer and tea dealer, Pottergate street

Mackley, Richard, dealer in birds, The Original Dun Cow, St. Martin’s gates

Mackley, Thomas, The Vine Tavern, St. Gregory’s Church alley

Madders, Anthony, accountant, Thorpe hamlet

Madge, Giles, tuner of musical instruments, Botolph street

Madge, Robert Alexander, teacher of music, Pitt street

Main, Mrs. Susan, stay and corset maker, 4, Briggs’ street

Malbon, Benjamin, glass cutter, St. Faith’s lane

Mallett, Charles, machine maker, Fishgate street

Mallett, Charles, tailor (see Mallet Francis and Charles); h Holly terrace, Unthank’s road

Mallett, Christopher, silk manufacturer, Fishgate street

Mallett, Francis and Charles, tailors and woollen drapers, 2, London street

Mallett, Frederick, general shopkeeper, St. James’ street

Mallett, Henry, brush manufacturer, Cross lane, St. George’s

Mallett, Joseph Henry, mohair spinner, Lower King street

Malster, Mr. Stephen, Botolph street

Maltman, Janet, dressmaker, St. Benedict’s road

Manby, Mrs. Elmira, Grapes’ hill

Mandell, Robert, Model School yard, Prince’s street

p. 74Mann, Cain, Lord Raglan, Pockthorpe

Mann, Charles, tailor, Mount Pleasant

Mann, Rev. John, Wesleyan preacher, Somerleyton street

Mann, Joseph, turner and shopkeeper, St. Benedict’s road

Mann, Joseph, shopkeeper, Oak street, St. Martin’s

Mann, Joseph Matthew, Mischief tavern, St. Paul’s Back lane

Mann, Henry, pork butcher, Elm hill

Mann, Henry, musician, John street, Rose lane

Mann, Samuel, clerk, Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Mann, Samuel, boot and shoe maker, Magdalen street

Manning, George, tool manufacturer, Westlegate street

Manning, Miss M. and C., dressmakers, Wellington street, Union place

Manning, Prentice Squirrell, 2, Robinson’s terrace, Rose lane

Manning, Mr. William, William street

Manser, William, grocer and timber merchant, Thorn lane

Mansfield, James, plumber, glazier, and painter, St. Stephen’s street; h Brunswick road

Manthorpe, James, butcher, cabinet maker, branch post-office, Lower King street

Margarson, Mrs. Ann, dressmaker, Alma square, Julian place

Margerson, Mrs. Hannah, stay maker, St. Andrew’s Hall plain

Markham, John, hatter and hosier, West Pottergate street

Marner, Mr. William, Distillery street

Marris, John, baker, Golding street, St. Benedict’s road

Harrison, John, beer retailer, Bridge street, St. Andrew’s

Marrison, Robert, gun maker and ornamental engraver, Great Orford street

Marrison, Samuel Ray, gun maker, Great Orford street

Marsh, Edward, hairdresser, Lower King street

Marshall, Edward, artist, Timberhill st.

Marshall and Goffin, boot and shoe maker, Palace street

Marshall, Joseph, Queen Adelaide, Pitt street

Marshall, Joseph, tailor and woollen draper, Rampant Horse street

Marshall, Peter, shopkeeper, Ber street

Marshall, Robert, baker, Regent street, Crook’s place

Marshall, Robert, baker, Magdalen street

Marshall, Robert, green grocer, Lower Westwick street

Marsham, Edward, carver and gilder, Church alley, St. Stephen’s

Marsham, John, market gardener, Upper Heigham

Marston, Alfred Abraham, currier and leather seller, Timberhill street; h All Saints’ green

Marston, Richard, confectioner and pastry-cook, 13, Gentlemen’s walk

Martin, Benjamin Abednego, wholesale and export shoe manufactory, and leather warehouse, St. Gregory’s Church alley; h 4, Earlham road terrace

Martin, George and Richard, boot and shoe manufacturers, St. Gregory’s Church alley

Martin, Mrs. Rebecca, West Pottergate street

Martin, Robert, furniture broker, Quay side

Martin, Robert Rowland, clerk, Trory street, Unthank’s road

Martin, Robert, sheriff’s officer, St. Peter’s at Mancroft, Market place

Martin, Thomas, decorative artist and heraldic painter, Museum court, St. Andrew’s

Martin, Thomas L., umbrella and parasol manufacturer, 39, London street

Martin, William, Mariners’ lane

Martineau, Miss Fanny Ann, Bracondale Hall

Martins Josiah, carpenter, &c., Trowse

Martins, Sarah, midwife, St. Martin’s lane

Mase, Henry, grainer (see Pullen, Mase and Furse)

Mason, George, commercial traveller, 20, Distillery street

Mason, Henry, hairdresser, Ber street

Mason, Henry John, auctioneer, appraiser and estate agent, Pottergate street; h Bethel street

Mason, Henry, Sir John Barleycorn, Orford hill

Mason, John, butcher, Golden Ball street (see Advertisement, p. 23)

Mason, John, plumber, glazier, and painter, Elm terrace, New Catton

p. 75Mason, Peter, green grocer, Infirmary road

Mason, Robert, cabinet maker, Alma terrace, Infirmary road

Mason, Robert Staff, Dereham road

Mason, Samuel, basket and sieve maker, Ber street

Mason, Samuel Cutriss, butcher, Norfolk street, Union place

Mason, Miss Sophia, 3, London terrace, St. Stephen’s road

Mason, Thomas, shoemaker, Long row, Hall road, New Lakenham

Mason, William, White Horse, Magdalen street

Massingham, Arthur, clerk at Gurney’s bank; h Windsor terrace, Grove road, Lakenham

Massingham, Henry A., clerk at Gurney’s bank; h Sprowston

Massingham, Robert, baker, Bethel street; h Holl’s lane

Master, Alfred, surgeon, Bethel street

Matchett, Rev. Jonathan Chase, minor canon of Norwich cathedral, Lower close

Matchett and Stevenson, publishers of the Norfolk Chronicle, and printers, bookbinders and stationers, Market place

Matchett, William, Surrey road (see Matchett and Stevenson)

Matthews, George, William the Fourth, Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Matthews, John, Tabernacle street, St. Martin’s at Palace

Matthews and Son, botanists, Dereham road

Matthews, Samuel, accoucheur, Dereham road

Matthews, William, Cupid and Bow, and dealer in hay and corn, St. Martin’s Palace plain

Maxwell, Thomas, The Dolphin, Upper Heigham

May, Eleanor, infant school, St. Mary’s plain

May, James, boot and shoe maker, Upper St. Giles’ street

Maydwell, James, boot maker, Bethel street

Mayfield, James, boot and shoe manufacturer, Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Mayhew, George, grocer, and furniture broker, Dereham road

Mayhew, James, livery-stable keeper, Hale’s court, Chapel field

Mays, Mrs. Charlotte, day school, Magdalen road

Mays, George, solicitor’s clerk, 3, Grove Place terrace, Grove road

Mayston, Edward, tea dealer, Distillery street

Mc’Ilmorrow, John, draper, Coslany street

Mc’Keown, Henry, travelling draper, St. Lawrence lane

Meadows, Cornelius, earthenware dealer, Magdalen street

Meachen, George, carpenter and builder, Barn road, Heigham

Meachen, John, builder, West Pottergate street

Meachen, Stephen Howlett, builder, &c., William street

Meadows, George, china, glass, and earthenware dealer, Westlegate street

Meadows, Jonathan, coach builder, Bridge street, St. Andrew’s; h St. Miles’

Meadows, Jonathan, grocer, Coslany street

Mealing and Mills, maltsters and coal merchants, Lower King street

Mealing, Samuel Woodcock, merchant, Ipswich road (see Mealing and Mills)

Mear, The Misses, Chapel loke

Mear, Mr. William, architect, Surrey house, Surrey road

Meek, Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Tinkler’s lane, Heigham

Meek, Joseph, chair maker, Charing cross

Meen, Henry Percy, butcher, St. Stephen’s street

Meens, William, tailor, Bartholomew st.

Meers, William, lay clerk, Calvert street

Melton, Frederick, chemist, druggist, &c., St. Benedict’s street

Mendham, Wace Lockett, solicitor, town clerk, 8, St. Andrew’s Broad street; h Unthank’s road

Menton, Mrs. Mary Ann, King’s Head, Gildengate street

Merris, William, shopkeeper, New Catton

Merry, John, cooper, Pottergate street

Merry, Robert, merchant, Eastern Union wharf; h Earlham road

Merry, Robert John, boot and shoe maker and shopkeeper, King Street gates

p. 76Metcalf, Edward J., merchant’s clerk, Somerleyton street

Metcalf, Francis, hot-presser and dyer, Colegate street

Metcalf, John, tobacco-pipe maker, Coslany street

Metcalf, Simon, clothier, St. Benedict’s street

Metcalf, William, estate agent, Cadogan place, Bedford street, Unthank’s road

Metcalfe, Joseph, chintz glazer, Peacock street

Metteringham, Mr., Hall road, Lakenham

Mickleburgh, John Henry, general clothier, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Mickleburgh, Robert, coal dealer, Nelson street, Upper Heigham

Mickleburgh, Mrs. Phœbe, King street

Mc’Michael, Mr., tea dealer, Valentine street

Middleton, Alfred, carpenter, Trowse

Middleton and Answorth, manufacturers, St. George’s mill, Calvert street

Middleton, George, manufacturer, Calvert street; h The Grove, Ipswich road

Middleton, George, Wellington place, Grove road

Middleton, James, Hope Tavern, Calvert street

Middleton, James, banker’s clerk, New road, Town close

Middleton, Jeremiah, The Crown, St. George’s Bridge street

Middleton, John, boot and shoe manufacturer, St. Augustine’s street

Middleton, John, King’s Head, Magdalen street

Middleton, John, tobacco manufacturer, Nelson street, Dereham road

Middleton, Mrs. John, Surrey street

Middleton, Mrs. Maria, dressmaker, Bishopgate street

Middleton, Matthew, tea dealer, Oak street

Middleton, Robert, fruiterer, and pork butcher, Cherry street, Lakenham

Middleton, Thomas, beer retailer, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Middleton, Thomas, beer retailer, Albion tavern, Heigham street

Middleton, Thomas, lodging-house keeper, St. Stephen’s gates

Middleton, William, beer retailer, Coslany street

Miles, Charles, chemist and druggist, St. Stephen’s street

Miles, Mrs. Elizabeth, milliner and dressmaker, 5, Theatre street

Miles, Francis, straw bonnet maker, Magdalen street

Miles, Henry, commercial traveller, 15, Theatre street

Miles, John, shopkeeper, Heigham Causeway

Miles, Stephen, manufacturer, St. Augustine’s street

Miles, Susan, grocer, Oak street

Miles, Mr. William, Dereham road

Millard, Charles William (see Millard and Son); h Prince’s street and Bradestone

Millard, Mrs. Jane, Lower close

Millard, William S. and Son, land agents and surveyors, Prince’s street

Millard, William S., (see Millard and Son); h Old Catton

Miller, Alfred, baker, St. Stephen’s gates

Miller, Mrs. Amelia, tobacconist, and importer of cigars, 5, London street

Miller, Arthur Russell, merchant’s clerk, Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Miller, Miss Elizabeth, milliner, Westlegate street

Miller, George Mingay, butcher, St. Catherine’s plain, Lakenham

Miller, George Robert, carver, gilder, and cabinet maker, St. Andrew’s hill; h Kimberley street, Unthank’s road

Miller, Henry, registrar of the Guildhall court, Bank chambers, Bank plain; h Newmarket road

Miller, Henry Blake, clerk to the Board of Health, Bank chambers, Bank plain; h Ipswich road

Miller, John, solicitor’s clerk, Freeman’s villas, Unthank’s road

Miller, Samuel, bookseller, (see Cundall and Miller)

Miller, Son, and Bugg, solicitors, Bank chambers, Bank plain

Miller, Walter, baker, Upper King street

Miller, Wallace S., Golden Dog lane

Miller, William, green grocer, Heigham street

Miller, William, tailor, Grapes’ hill

Mills, Miss Ann, preparatory school for young gentlemen, Unthank’s road

Mills, Charlotte, glove maker, Golden Ball street

p. 77Mills, George Thomas, plasterer, St. Benedict’s street

Mills, Mary Ann, beer retailer, Lower Goat lane

Mills, Mr. Edward, Lakenham terrace, St. Catherine’s plain

Mills, Mr. Jacob, Mount Pleasant

Mills, James, yeast manufacturer, Oak street

Mills, James, coal merchant, brick, tile, pipe, and pottery works, Castle meadow, and Chalk hill, Thorpe

Mills, James, dyer, Coslany street

Mills, Jeremiah, The Fighting Cocks, Coslany street

Mills, Mr. Robert, Bracondale

Milnes, Charles, manager for Mr. Lloyd, mason, Rose lane; h Castle meadow

Mingay, Frederick, French polisher and furniture broker, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Mingay, George Nelson, ladies’ London shoe warehouse and fancy repository, 7, Old Haymarket

Minns, David, butcher, St. Benedict’s street

Minns, Edward, assistant collector to Board of Health, Trory street, Unthank’s road

Minns and Foyson, builders, Castle meadow

Minns, Isaac, grocer, King street

Minns, Mr. George William, Tombland (see Minns and Foyson)

Minns, Jesse, dresser, St. Clement’s Church alley; h Sussex street, St. Augustine’s

Minns, John, The Queen’s Arms, Magdalen street

Minns, Robert, master of Doughty’s Hospital, Calvert street

Minns, Robert, beer retailer, Cowgate street

Minns, Robert, brass turner, Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Minns, Samuel William, tailor, St. Benedict’s street

Minns, Susanna, The Eagle, St. Gregory’s Church alley

Minns, William, shoemaker, Rising Sun lane

Mitchell and Clarke, solicitors, Toll’s court, Briggs’ street

Mitchell, Frederick, baker, &c., Palace st.

Mitchell, John, (see Mitchell and Clarke); h Wymondham

Mitchell, Robert, basket maker, Pitt street

Mitchell, Mr. Samuel, Unthank’s road

Mitchell, William, travelling draper, 4, Dereham Road terrace

Mitson, James, bricklayer, Pump street

Moll, Christopher, collector of market dues, Castle hill

Moll, George, cab proprietor, St. Giles’ street; h Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Moll, Richard, furniture broker, St. John’s Maddermarket

Moll, Robert, Black Horse, St. Giles’

Moll, William, draper, (see Gooderson and Moll); h Heigham grove, St. Giles’ road

Moll, William, jun., at Gooderson and Moll’s, Upper Market

Mollett, Alexander, beer retailer, Colegate street

Mollett, Rizen, coal merchant, Magdalen street

Money, Charlotte Ann, 5, St. Catherine’s terrace

Money, James, grocer, Bethel street

Mousey, James, cooper, Thorn lane

Monument, Miss, St. Stephen’s road

Moon, Robert, green grocer, Waterloo, New Catton

Moore, Abraham, green grocer, Barrack street

Moore and Co., haberdashers and button factors, 81, St. Giles’ street

Moore, Charles, watch and clock maker, Coslany street, St. Mary’s

Moore, Daniel William, The Cock inn, Upper King street

Moore, Elizabeth, beer retailer, Lower Westwick street

Moore, Foster Grand, soda water manufacturer, Colegate street, St. George’s; h Mount Pleasant

Moore, George, Brazen Doors tavern, Lame Dog road

Moore, Isaac, hairdresser, West Pottergate street

Moore, James, hairdresser, Ber street

Moore, James, green grocer, City road, Heigham fields

Moore, James Brett, chemist, 4, Robinson terrace, Rose lane

Moore, John, Globe tavern, Globe lane

Moore, John George, haberdasher, &c., Pier cottage, Coach and Horses’ road, Union place

p. 78Moore, Luke, shoemaker, Upper Heigham

Moore, Mrs. Maria Emily, dressmaker, Coburgh street

Moore, Mary, New City, Crook’s place

Moore, Mrs. Mary Ann, Bento Cottage, Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Moore, Robert, market gardener, Bishopgate street

Moore, Mrs. Sarah, milliner, Grapes’ hill

Moore, William, builder, King street

Moore, William, beer retailer, and hairdresser, Ber street

Morgan, Arthur Foster, surgeon, &c., Tuck’s court, St. Giles’ street

Morgan, Edward Charles, stock and share broker, 82, St. Giles’ street

Morgan, Mr. Richard, Newmarket road

Morgan, John B. and Henry, brewers, spirit merchants, and maltsters, King street

Morgan, Robert Pratt, land agent, (see Pratt, Hornor and Morgan;) h 4, Newmarket terrace

Morgan, William Robert, pawnbroker, St. Saviour’s lane

Morgan, William Robert, pawnbroker, St. Paul’s

Morris, George, coach and gig manufacturer, Magdalen street; h Catton road

Morris, John, slate merchant, Lower King street

Morris, Mr. Robert, Point House, Thorpe hamlet

Morris, William, grocer and tea dealer, Bishopgate street

Morrish, Miss Emily, lodging-house keeper, 3, Windsor terrace, Grove road

Morrison and Co., wine, spirit, and ale and porter merchants, opposite Guildhall

Morse, Rev. Anthony South, curate of St. Mark’s, Lakenham; h Bracondale

Morse, Rev. Charles, M.A., rector of St. Michael’s, and incumbent of St. Mary’s, Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Morse, Joshua, green grocer, Prince’s street

Morse, Miss Mary Ann, Lower close

Morter, Meshach, shopkeeper, Ber street

Morter, Robert, the Norfolk Tavern, grocer and tea dealer, Rupert street, Union place

Morter, William, boot and shoe maker, Ber street

Mortimer, John Thursby, Lilly tavern, Ber street

Mortimer, John Thursby, Railway and Commercial hotel, 72, St. Giles’ street

Mortimer, Miss, dressmaker, Willow lane

Mortimer, William, shopkeeper, Gildengate street

Moss, Robert, fire-wood dealer, Oak street

Motts, John, butcher, West End street, Heigham

Moughton, John, Waterman’s Arms, St. Ann’s lane, King street

Mounser, William, travelling cutler, Rising Sun lane

Mounsear, William, paper hanger, Pottergate street

Mower, Henry, tailor, West Pottergate street

Moxon, Timothy, book-keeper, Vauxhall street

Moy, Francis, St. Giles’ road

Moy, George, fishmonger, St. Margaret’s Church alley

Moy, James, Tiger inn, Fishgate street

Moy, John, shoe mender, Fishgate street

Moy, William, fishmonger, Cowgate st.

Moy, William, King of Prussia, Ipswich road

Muirhead, Hannah, shopkeeper, Colegate street

Munday, Thomas, shopkeeper, Mill lane, New Catton

Mundy, William, milkman, St. Faith’s lane

Munford, George, Nelson tavern, shopkeeper, Nelson street, Heigham fields

Munford, Samuel, shoemaker, Mount St. Helen, Thorpe hamlet

Multitude, Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Cherry street, Lakenham

Muriel, Charles Evans, surgeon, 64, St. Giles’ street

Murnane, John, Bell Commercial and Family Hotel, and wine and spirit merchant, Orford hill, and Castle hill

Murray, James, tailor, Russell street

Murray, Joseph, carpenter and builder, Prospect place, Lakenham

Murrell, George, Crown Point tavern, Trowse

Murrell, Gibbs H., brick, tile and drainpipe maker, Duke’s Palace; h Saxlingham

Murrell, Henry Timothy, solicitor’s clerk, Kimberley street, Unthank’s road

p. 79Murrell, James, china, glass, and earthenware dealer, Chapel Field road

Murrell, James, Rose lane

Murrell, Miss Mary Ann, dressmaker, Trowse

Murrell, Owen, iron founder, Brunswick road

Murrell, Owen, tailor, St. Augustine’s

Murrell, Mrs. Sarah, Trowse

Murrell, Mr. William, London terrace, Newmarket road

Murrell, William, iron founder, patent plough and share manufacturer, Crook’s place; entrance, St. Stephen’s gates

Murrell, William, The Lord Nelson, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Musk, William Faviour, baker, Oak street

Muskett, Mrs. Emily, Thorpe hamlet

Muskett, James, tea dealer, 2, Charles street, Heigham

Muskett, Mrs. Mary, New Catton

Myers, Rev. John, United Methodist Free Church minister, St. Clement’s hill, New Catton

Myhill, Ann, baker, &c. The Bakers’ Arms, St. Martin’s at Palace

Myston, Samuel, Lower close

Nash, Joseph, cheese and bacon factor, Post Office street

Nash, Robert, general agent, West End street, Holl’s lane, Heigham

Nash, Robert Smith, Norfolk Railway House, Foundry bridge

Nash, William Spooner, paper manufacturer, Lower Westwick street

Neale, James Frederick, grocer and tea dealer, 1, and 2, Hall plain, St. Andrew’s

Neave, Miss Matilda, 12, Newmarket terrace

Neep, Edward, surgical and mechanical dentist, Post Office street; h Mount Pleasant

Neeve, Frederick, tallow chandler, grocer and tea dealer, St. Stephen’s street

Nelson, — coffin maker, Barracks, Pockthorpe

Nelson, William (day school) William street

Nettleton, Mrs. Ann, New road, Town close

Neve, Charles and Jonathan, cabinet makers, Ber Street gates

Neve, Mary Ann, grocer, St. Martin’s gates

Neve, Mrs. Martha, Chapel Field road

Nevill, George, Esq., Heigham grove, St. Giles’ road

Newbegin, James, and Edward Joseph, manufacturers of tobacco, snuff and cigars, Bridewell alley and Market place

Newby, John, Valentine street, William street

Newby, James, Horse and Groom, Back of the Inns

Newby, William, William the Fourth, Coburgh street

Newham, John, carpenter and builder, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Newham, Miss Maria, dressmaker, William street

Newhouse, Elizabeth, Maid’s Head Tap, Pig lane, Palace plain

Newhouse, Miss Sarah, milliner, St. Paul’s Back lane

Newland, William, The Factory tavern, St. Martin’s at Palace

Newman, George Frederick, rag merchant, King street

Newman, John, Cherry Tree, birch broom maker, Gildengate street, and Pitt street

Newman, Henry, grocer and market gardener, Oak street, St. Martin’s

Newman, Henry Richard, baker, Ber st.

Newman, Mrs. Mary, 7, Heigham terrace, Dereham road

Newman, Richard, Saracen’s Head, West Pottergate street

Newman, Robert, painter, Ber street gates

Newman, Samuel, bookseller, stationer, and fancy repository, 7, St. Giles’ st.

Newman, Mrs. Sarah, The Pigeons, Fishgate street

Newman, William, bricklayer and plasterer, Raglan street, Heigham

Newman, William H., beer retailer, Heigham street

Newson, Mrs. Ellen, Seymour place, St. Stephen’s square

Newson and Co., grocers and tea dealers, Stump cross, Magdalen street

Newson, Samuel, baker, Trowse

Newstead, William, linen draper, &c., 5, Lower Goat lane

Newton, Alfred, fruiterer, Lower Goat lane

p. 80Newton, Clement, harness maker, Suffolk street, Union place

Newton, Edward John, land agent and surveyor, Bethel street

Newton, James and Clement, harness makers, Lame Dog road

Newton, William, land agent, and agent for the Royal Exchange Fire and Life Office, Tombland

Newton, William, fruiterer, Swan lane

Nicholds, Charles, dyer, Somerleyton street, Unthank’s road

Nichols, Edward, attorney’s clerk, Nelson street, Dereham road

Nichols, Edward, brazier, Flower Pot, Oak street

Nichols, Henry, cap manufacturer, Pottergate street

Nichols, William, Curriers’ Arms, Pottergate street

Nichols, William Peter, surgeon, Surrey street

Nicholls, Edward, Distillery inn, Dereham road

Nicholls, Miss Hannah, 3, Chatham place, Chapel Field road

Nicholls, George Valentine, Rose tavern, St. Stephen’s street

Nicholls, John, the Rose, and shop keeper, City road

Nicholls, John, The Old Friends, and bird dealer, Ber street

Nicholls, John, (dining rooms) Market place

Nicholls, Richard, rope and twine maker, 11, City road, New Lakenham

Nickols, Elizabeth, clothes’ dealer, Upper Goat lane

Nickalls, William, tailor, St. Augustine’s

Nickalls, Mr. William, St. John’s terrace

Nicholson, Miss Catherine (boarding and day school) The Chantry

Nightingale, Robert Wilson, grocer and tea dealer, St. Stephen’s street

Nightingale, William Royal, tea and coffee dealer, Pitt street

Ninham, Henry, artist, 12, Chapel Field

Ninham, John, agent, The Cottage, Mousehold

Ninham, William Henry, Prospect House, Philadelphia

Nixon, John Hindson, solicitor, Bracondale

Nobbs, Edward, Perseverance tavern, Oak street

Nobbs, Edward Frederick, coach plater, King street

Nobbs, James, hairdresser, Oak street

Nobbs, James, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street, St. George’s

Nobbs, John, beer retailer, Chapel Field road

Nobbs, Henry, beer retailer, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Nobbs, Robert, green grocer, Heigham street

Nobbs, Samuel, coal dealer, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Noble, Mark, organ builder, Pottergate street

Nockalds, Frederick William, warehouseman, Trory street, Unthank’s road

Nockall, Mrs. Emma, stationer and news agent, 2, Lower Goat lane

Nockall, John, tailor, Elm hill

Nockall, Robert, merchants’ clerk, Golden Dog lane

Nockolds, Hannah, general shopkeeper, Barrack street

Nockolds, Henry, commission agent and rent collector, Fox and Hounds’ court, Ber street

Nockolds, Thomas, beer retailer, Lower King street

Norgate and Co., importers of wines and spirits, and ale and porter agents; sole agents, for Norwich and Norfolk, for Thorley’s food for cattle, St. Stephen’s street; h Surrey street (see Advertisement, p. 1)

Norman, Benjamin, printer and bookbinder, Old Haymarket

Norman, Elizabeth Maria, blacksmith, King street

Norman, Emerson, commercial traveller, Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Norman, Robert, plumber, painter and glazier, and house agent, 6, York place, Chapel Field road

Norris, Mrs. James, cabinet manufacturer, Charing cross; h Newmarket road

Norris, Mrs. Lucy, Thorpe hamlet

Norris, Samuel, cabinet maker, Elm hill

North, Samuel, British schoolmaster, Palace street

North, Thomas, shoe maker, Ber street

Norton, Francis James, tailor and hatter, Back of the Inns

Norton, George, boot and shoe maker, St. Stephen’s street

p. 81Norton, Henry, joiner and builder, Chapel Field road; h Somerleyton street

Norton, Henry, carpenter, John street, Union place

Norton, Henry, Rampant Horse, Fishgate street

Norton, Mr. Henry, Unthank’s road

Norton, James, boot and shoe maker, Brazen Doors road

Norton, Mrs. Jane, Bracondale

Norton, John C., Westbourne terrace, Unthank’s road

Norton, Mrs. Maria, The Curriers’ Arms, Union street, Crook’s place

Norton, Mrs. Phœbe, dressmaker, Lower Goat lane

Norton, Robert, grocer and tea dealer, tobacconist and provision merchant, Fye bridge

Norton, William, carpenter, Upper Heigham

Noverre, Frank, professor of dancing, Theatre square; Dene side, Great Yarmouth; and the Athenæum, Lynn (see Advertisement, p. 36)

Noverre, Miss Josephine, professor of singing and the concertina, Theatre square

Noverre, Miss Sophia, professor of the pianoforte and harp, Theatre square

Nowack, Edward, tobacconist, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Nudds, William, carpenter and builder, Chatham place, Chapel Field road

Nunn, John, hairdresser and seedsman, St. Augustine’s

Nunn, Jonathan, grocer, &c., Heigham street

Nunn, Mary, beer retailer, Greyhound opening, Tinkler’s lane, Heigham

Nunn, William, schoolmaster, St. James’ school, Pockthorpe

Nurse, Robert, carver, gilder, and cabinet maker, Castle street

Nursey, Claude L., head master of Government School of Art, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Oakes, James, dealer in firewood, Botolph street

Oakes, Mrs. E., Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Oakley, Robert, farrier Palace street

Oakley, Simon, clerk, Thorpe hamlet

Orford, James S., surgical and mechanical dentist, Theatre street

Oliver, Elizabeth, Old Music House, Lower King street

Oliver, John, 7, Grove road, Lakenham

Ollett, Matthew, carpenter, Trafalgar street, Lakenham

Olley, George, smith, Charles street, Heigham

Olley, William and Co., engineers, Dereham road

Olley, Stephen Benjamin, iron and tin-plate worker, St. Benedict’s street

Onley, William Daniel, The Golden Lion, earthenware merchant, Brazen Doors road

Ord, William, photographic artist, Westlegate street and Rose lane

Orfeur, John, timber merchant, Fishgate street

Orfeur, Mr. John, Lower close

Orris, George, chemist and druggist, St. James’ street

Orris, Frederick, surgeon, Magdalen street

Orsborn, Robert, Carrow inn, Carrow road

Orsborne, Edward, coal dealer, Quay side

Osborn, Charles, corn merchant, Ber street

Osborn, John, tailor, Little London street; h Wellington place, Grove road

Osborn, Richard Norman, chair maker, Muspole street

Osborn, William, green grocer and gardener, New Catton

Osborne, Charles, The Anchor, Ten Bell lane

Osborne, Rev. John Francis, New road, Town close

Osborne, Kerrison Samuel, carpenter and joiner, Southwell street, Lakenham

Osborne, Samuel, clerk of the Savings’ Bank; h Caledonia terrace, Dereham road

Ostler, Charles Henry, beer retailer, Pump street

Ostler, John, paper hanger, 20, Suffolk street, Heigham

Otty, Philip, printer and bookbinder, Orford hill

Oughton, William, draper, Kimberley street, Unthank’s road

Overy, Mrs., Seymour place, St. Stephen’s square

p. 82Owen, Thomas, pawnbroker, Colegate street

Owles, Mr. William, Surrey grove, Surrey road

Oxborough, Barrington, shoe manufacturer, Richmond hill

Oxley, Richard, hosier, glover, and shirt maker, 6, London street

Padget, John, coach and cab proprietor, Rampant Horse street

Page, Mr. Edmund, 15, Newmarket road

Page, George and Son, curriers and leather sellers, Magdalen street

Page, George, currier, Magdalen street; h Westbourne terrace, Unthank’s road

Page, James, upholsterer, Pottergate street

Page, Jeremiah, bricklayer and builder, Rising Sun road

Page, James Calton, wheelwright, Bartholomew street

Page, Joseph, tailor, shirt maker, hosier, and glover, 13, Briggs’ street

Page, Mrs. J. H., dress and mantle maker, 4, Jay’s terrace

Page, Mary, baker, St. John’s Timberhill street

Page, Samuel Deyns and Son, wholesale stationers, printers, paper-bag, and brush and patten manufacturers, 23, Old Haymarket

Page, Samuel, joiner, West Pottergate street

Paine, Mrs. Mary, lodging house, Elm hill

Pallant, Robert, The Ship, Thorn lane, Ber street

Palmer, Miss Catherine, 8, Bedford street, Unthank’s road

Palmer, Edmund, fishmonger, King street

Palmer, Mrs. Elizabeth, Mount Pleasant

Palmer, George, manager of brick and tile works, Duke’s palace

Palmer, John and William, blacksmiths, and mill-bill makers, St. Augustine’s

Palmer, Jonathan, box manufacturer, Lower Westwick street

Palmer, Philip, hawker, Hall road, Lakenham

Palmer, Richard and James Hardman, wholesale shoe manufacturers, Manchester buildings, Union place

Palmer, Robert, whitesmith and bell-hanger, St. Saviour’s lane

Palmer, Robert, shoemaker, Rose Valley terrace, Unthank’s road

Palmer, Sophia, milliner, Ber street

Palmer, Thomas, shopkeeper, Union place

Palmer, Thomas Hitchen, clerk to County Court, Princes street; h Thorpe

Palmer, William, wood carver, St. Lawrence lane

Palmer, William, banker’s clerk, Surrey terrace

Palmer, William, last and boot-tree maker, Timberhill street

Pank, Abraham, gas fitter and bell hanger, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s (see Advertisement, p. 19)

Pank, James, blacksmith, King street

Parish, James, provision dealer, Mill lane, New Catton

Parfitt, Cornelius, landscape gardener, Sussex street

Parfitt, Mrs. Martha, milliner and dressmaker, Trafalgar street, Lakenham

Parke, George, Dereham terrace, Dereham road

Parke, Joseph, Esq., The Villa, Mount Pleasant

Parker, Benjamin, dyer, Twiddy’s court, Ber street

Parker, Clare, sen., bricklayer, Oak street

Parker, Clare, baker, Oak street

Parker, Francis, tailor, Southwell street, Lakenham

Parker, Frederick, grocer and tea dealer, Ber street

Parker, James, draper, &c., St. Catherine’s plain

Parker, Miss Mary, milliner, Bethel street

Parker, Mrs. Mary, Bethel street

Parker, Oliver, tailor, Thorpe hamlet

Parker, Mr. Robert, Brunswick road

Parker, Thomas, fish and manure merchant, St. Stephen’s

Parker, William, tea and coffee merchant, corner of Valentine street, Dereham road

Parker, William, pill-box manufacturer, Sussex street

Parker, William, inspector, Thorpe station, Thorpe hamlet

Parkerson, Jude, Elephant and Castle, King street

Parkerson, Robert, Bull inn, Bull close

p. 83Parkinson, John W., engraver and printer, Globe street, Union place

Parlour, Henry Edward, ironmonger and bell hanger, 15, London street

Parnell, Richard, plasterer, Coachmakers’ Arms, Bethel street

Parnell, William, hairdresser, Oak street

Parr, Caroline, milliner and dressmaker, Ber street

Parr, James, green grocer, King street

Parr, John, baker and confectioner, Upper St. Giles’ street

Parr, Thomas, shopkeeper, Ber street

Parr, William Burrell, 50, Upper St. Giles’

Parr, William Miles, Adelaide street

Parsley, Maria, dressmaker, Grapes’ hill

Parsons, Miss Juliet, straw hat maker, Brazen Doors road

Partridge, John Jonathan Beesouth, furniture broker, Ber street

Pashley, Miss Henrietta, 29, Victoria street

Paston, Benjamin, musician, Till’s court, Ber street

Paston, Caroline, milliner and dressmaker, Grapes’ hill

Paston, Charles, lodging-house keeper, Ber street

Paston, Thomas, plumber, glazier, &c., Magdalen street

Paston, William, Paul Pry tavern, Grapes’ hill

Patman, George, chemist and druggist, Ber street

Patrick, Charles, butcher, St. Margaret’s plain

Patrick, James Fitz, St. Miles’ saw mills, Coslany street

Patteson, Rev. Frederick William, M.A., chaplain of St. Helen’s, St. Helen’s square

Paul, Richard, ham and beef shop, 12, Bridewell alley

Paul, William Francis, boarding school, Bracondale

Pay, William, commercial traveller, 16, Distillery street

Payne, Miss Elizabeth, milliner and dressmaker, 64, Bethel street

Payne, John, All Saints’ tavern, All Saints’ green

Payne, Sarah, The Bee Hive, Cowgate street

Payne, Mr. Sturley, surgeon, Duke street

Peacock, James, grocer, Pottergate street

Pearce, Philip, lime burner and whiting manufacturer, The Compasses, Upper King street

Pearce, Thorne, lucifer match manufacturer, St. Clement’s hill, New Catton

Pearce, William, beer retailer and marine store dealer, Grapes’ hill

Pearce, William, chair manufacturer, World’s End lane

Pearson, Edward, builder and plasterer, Bank street

Pearson, Miss Harriet, milliner and dressmaker, St. Andrew’s hill

Pearson, James, cutler, and truss maker, St. Andrew’s hill (see Advertisement, p. 18)

Pearson, John, brazier and tin-plate worker, St. Augustine’s

Pearson, Robert, shopkeeper, Cowgate street

Peck, Edward, inspector of police, Dereham road

Peed, Frederick, Golden Can, Gildengate street

Pegg, George, Norwich Arms, Ber street

Pegg, Martha, shopkeeper, Fisher’s lane

Peggs, James Orissa, dispensing chemist, oil and color merchant, Golden Ball street (see Advertisement, p. 12)

Pellew, Hon. and Rev. George, D.D., (Dean,) The Close

Pellew, Rev. George Israel, M.A., The Parsonage, Lakenham

Penrice, David, surgeon, Tombland

Pentin, James, furniture broker, Chapel Field road

Pentney, Mrs. Mary, Prince’s street

Penton, James, furniture broker, Magdalen street

Pepworth, James, manager at Victoria coal depôt, Brazen Doors road; h Southwell road, Lakenham

Perfect, Joseph, green grocer and beer retailer, Lower Westwick street

Perowne, James Joseph, manufacturer, 1, William street

Perowne, Rev. John, M.A., Chapel Field grove

Perowne, Joseph John, tailor, Heigham place

Perowne, Robert, clerk, Botolph street

Perowne, Sarah, shopkeeper, Nelson street, Heigham fields

p. 84Perry, Mrs. Mary, dressmaker, Bethel street

Perryman, William, boot closer, 4, Charles street, Heigham

Pert, James, shopkeeper, Magdalen street

Petch, Hannah, The Horse Barracks, Barrack street

Petch, William, boat builder, Barrack street

Pettingill, Mr. Richard Fabb, Somerleyton street

Pettingill, Mrs. Sarah, Cross street, Unthank’s road

Phill, Ambrose, shoemaker, Willow lane

Phillippo, Mr. Matthias, Newmarket road

Phillips, Miss Elizabeth (boarding and day school) Chatham place, Chapel Field road

Phillips, Francis, fishmonger, Finket street

Phillips, Mr. Frederick, Garden terrace, Freeman’s villas

Phillips, John, brewer and porter merchant, Eagle and Child brewery, Golden Ball street (see Advertisement, p. 14)

Phillips, Robert, merchant, White Lion street; h 6, London terrace

Phillips, Mr. Samuel, watch and clock maker, Chatham place, Chapel Field road

Phillips, William, currier and leather seller, All Saints’ street

Phillips, William, Lord Nelson, Timberhill street

Philo, Joseph, saddler, harness, and whip maker, 44, London street

Pickford and Co., carriers by rail to all parts of the kingdom (Spencer D. Rudrum, agent) Duke’s Palace wharf

Philpott, Rev. Henry, The Close

Pickers, Alfred Howard, tailor, 34, Bartholomew street

Pigg, Arthur, (see S. Pigg and Sons) Haymarket

Pigg, Edmund, furnishing and general ironmonger, St. Stephen’s street

Pigg, Edward, ironmonger (see Piper and Pigg); h 1, Heigham terrace

Pigg, Mrs. Eliza, milliner and dressmaker, William street, Heigham

Pigg, Frederick, mahogany and deal merchant, St. George’s bridge wharf

Pigg and Greenwood, general furnishing and shop fitting warehouse, 14, London street

Pigg, Henry, bookseller, stationer, and printer, and sole agent for the government survey ordnance maps, 7, London street; h 8, Lakenham terrace, City road

Pigg, Horace, Bracondale

Pigg, James, Cellar House, Pockthorpe

Pigg, John, commercial traveller, Surrey terrace

Pigg, Mr. Joseph, York place, Chapel Field road

Pigg, Robert, (see Pigg and Greenwood) London street

Pigg, Samuel, (see S. Pigg and Sons); h Old Lakenham

Pigg, Samuel and Sons, woollen and Manchester warehousemen, Old Haymarket

Piggin and Dyball, watch and clock makers, opticians, and spectacle manufacturers, jewellers, and silversmiths, Post Office street (see Advertisement, p. 29)

Piggin, Miss Mary Ann, milliner and dressmaker, Surrey street

Piggott, John Henry, linen draper, hosier, and laceman, St. Stephen’s street

Pilgrim, Frances, laundress, St. Augustine’s

Pilgrim, John, solicitor, Chapel Field

Pilgrim, Mrs. Mary Ann, dressmaker, Pottergate street

Pinching, William, baker and confectioner, Bethel street

Pinnick, Robert, brick maker and lime burner, Silver road

Pinson, George, governor of castle, Castle hill

Pinson, Henry, ironmonger, Bank plain, (see Advertisement, p. 39)

Piper, Austin, commercial traveller, All Saints’ green

Piper, John Daniel, ironmonger (see Piper and Pigg); h West parade, Earlham road

Piper and Pigg, furnishing and general ironmongers, oil and colourmen, 5, London street

Piper, William, draper and family linen warehouse, London street

Pitcher, Henry, pawnbroker, St. John’s Maddermarket

p. 85Pitcher, Thomas, green grocer, and register office for servants, Rose lane

Pitman, Mrs., Newmarket road

Pitt, John Ballard, surgeon, St. Stephen’s street

Pitts, Robert Christopher, pharmaceutical and family chemist, St. Giles’ street; h Thorpe villa

Plane, Richard, Excise Coffee-house, Lower Goat lane

Plant, James, farmer, Trowse Newton

Platford, William, baker, Heigham street

Platten, Mrs. Mary, Eva Cottages, Magdalen road

Platten, Mrs. Mary, livery stables, Upper Surrey street

Playford, Arminger, bricklayer, and beer retailer, St. George’s Bridge street

Playford, William, Rising Sun, Buff Coat lane

Pleasents, Benjamin, Calvert street

Plummer and Bloom, builders, &c., Bethel street (see Advertisement, p. 21)

Plummer, Mr. Charles Taylor, 12, Nelson terrace, Grove road, Lakenham

Plummer, Miss Elizabeth, teacher of music, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Plummer, Neville, turner, Lower Westwick street

Plummer, Susan (preparatory school) Plummer’s yard, St. Martin’s

Plumsted, Frederick, hairdresser, Magdalen street

Plumsted, Robert, hairdresser and perfumer, Wensum street

Plumstead, Samuel James, cooper, and furniture broker, Coslany street

Plumstead, Samuel, Three Tuns, Coslany street

Plumptre, Mrs. Elizabeth, Lower close

Plunkett, David, marine store dealer, St. Martin’s walls

Plunkett, John, beer retailer, St. Augustine’s

Pointer, Thomas, shopkeeper, Magpie road

Pointer, William, artificial manure manufacturer, Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Poll, David, beer retailer, Bridge street, St. George’s

Poll, John, carpenter, &c., Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Poll, Robert, lime burner, Dereham road

Poll, Samuel, house agent, Magdalen street

Pollard, William, tobacconist, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Pond, James, shoe manufacturer, Barrack yard, St. Miles’

Pond, James, shoemaker, Adelaide street

Pond, Margaret, green grocer, Ber street

Pontifex, Sidney, surveyor, &c., 5, Dereham Road terrace

Poole, Mrs. M., Theatre street

Poole, Mr. Thomas, 5, The Crescent

Pooley, Samuel, cabinet maker, St. John’s street

Pooley, William, cabinetmaker, Charing cross

Pope, Rev. George, St. Martin’s at Palace plain

Pope, John, beer retailer, Barrack street

Pope, Robert Waller, merchant, &c., St. Benedict’s street

Pope, Mrs. William, milliner and dressmaker, 23, Bethel street

Pope, William, draper, 23, Bethel street

Porritt, Mr. David, 12, Newmarket road

Porter, James, Bowling Green hotel, Chapel field

Porter, The Misses, Thorpe hamlet

Porter, Robert, pork butcher, Lower King street

Porter, Robert, coal merchant, 2, West End terrace, Grapes’ hill

Porter, Samuel, commercial traveller, 7, Dereham road terrace

Porter, Thomas, Key and Castle, St. Martin’s at Oak

Postle, William, Esq., Chapel field

Potter, Mrs. Ann, Newmarket road

Potter, George, White Horse, Old Haymarket

Potter, Mrs. Harriet, dressmaker, 4, Little London street

Potter, James, manufacturer, 2, Grove Place terrace, Grove road, Lakenham

Potter, Robert, shopkeeper, St. Peter’s Southgate

Potter, Thomas and Co., hatters and furriers, 5, The Walk

Poulter, Mrs. Maria, clothier, Lower Westwick street

Powell, Edward, greengrocer, Chapel Field road

Powell, Mrs. Edward, Bricklayers’ Arms, Union place

Powell, Mrs. Hannah, Theatre street

p. 86Powell, John, hairdresser, St. Benedict’s street

Powell, Robert, family linen warehouse, 36, London street

Powell, Sarah, Bricklayers’ Arms, Union place

Powell, Mr., 5, Portland place, Holl’s lane

Powell, William, superphosphate works, Oak street

Powley, Mrs. Catherine, 12, Richmond place, Lakenham

Powley, Mrs. Mary, down boa maker, Golden Dog lane

Powley, Robert, Jolly Farmers, Castle hill

Powley, William, lodging-house keeper, Theatre street

Pratt, Hornor, and Morgan, land agents and surveyors, and agents to the Norwich Union Fire Office, Queen street

Pratt, James, Cross Keys, Magdalen street

Pratt, John, shoemaker, Coslany street

Pratt, John, Jolly Skinners, Oak street

Pratt, Richard Jeremiah, farrier and horse breaker, Northumberland street, Heigham

Pratt, Robert, land agent and surveyor, Queen street; h 23, Newmarket road

Pratt, Thomas, shoemaker, Union place

Pratt, William, farmer, St. Clement’s hill, New Catton

Pratt, William, watch and clock maker, St. Benedict’s street

Pratt, William, fishmonger, Market place

Pratt, William, wholesale grocer, cheese factor, and tallow chandler, Wensum street; h Sprowston lodge

Prentice, John Smith, turner, St. Augustine’s street

Prentice, Samuel, saddler and harness maker, Magdalen street

Presents, Philip, bricklayer, Magpie road

Press, Edward, solicitor, commissioner for taking oaths in chancery in England, commissioner for taking acknowledgments of deeds by married women, coroner for the county, (Norwich district) clerk to the Trustees of the Norwich and Watton turnpike roads, and agent to the Norwich Union Fire office, Tombland

Press, Frederick George, shopkeeper, Philadelphia

Press, Miss Sarah, dressmaker, Rupert street, Union place

Preston, Mr. Arthur, solicitor, Bank plain

Price, John, Palace tavern, Palace street

Price, Joseph, shopkeeper, Coslany street

Price, Samuel Walter, shawl and dress printer, Chatham place, Sussex street

Priest, George, upholsterer, Coach and Horses road, Union place

Priest, Mr. George, Priest’s buildings, St. Stephen’s road

Priest, George, watch and clock maker, silversmith and jeweller, 3, Briggs’ street

Priest, Henry Raven, wine merchant, Pottergate street

Priest, Henry, wine and spirit merchant, (see Priest, Pilgrim, and Co.) 1, St. Giles’ street

Priest, Mrs. Henry, boarding school for young gentlemen, Pottergate street

Priest, Mr. Richard, 78, St. Giles’ street

Priest, Pilgrim, and Co., wine, spirit, and porter merchants, 1, St. Giles’ street

Priest, Mrs. S., York place, Chapel Field road

Priest, Mr. Thomas, Rampant Horse st.

Priestly, James, manager at Mr. Sparks’ foundry, Scoles’ green

Prior, Robert, shopkeeper, St. Martin’s at Oak

Pritty, William, Half Moon, Dereham road

Proudfoot, Elizabeth and Ann, bakers and grocers, Trowse

Provart, William, agent to Steward, Patteson, Finch, and Co., brewers, &c., Green hills

Provart, Edgar, sheriffs’ officer, West Pottergate street

Prowne, Mr. James J., William street

Pryse, Miss Sarah, Upper Surrey street

Puxley, Mrs., All Saints’ green

Pulgrave, Mrs. Ann, Hall road, Lakenham

Pulham, William, grocer, tea dealer, and tallow chandler, St. Mary’s plain

Pulham, William, grocer, Oak street

Pull, Elizabeth Mary, provision dealer, Bull close

p. 87Pullen, Mase, and Furse, writers, grainers, and decorative painters, St. Lawrence lane (see Advertisement, p. 26)

Pulley, Henry, solicitor, Surrey street

Pulley, Mrs., Surrey street

Pummell, James, baker, Ten Bell lane

Punched, William, bookseller, Bank street

Puncher, William, second-hand bookseller, White Lion street

Purdy, Mrs. Hannah, Hall road, Lakenham

Puxley, James, Marquis of Gransby, Bishopgate street

Pycroft, Mrs. Ann, butcher, 53, St. Stephen’s street

Pycroft, Nathaniel, butcher, Red Lion st.

Pye, Mrs. Ann Rebecca, day school, Alma terrace, St. Augustine’s gates

Pye, Jabez, beer retailer, Queen’s Arms, Pump street

Pye, Robert, Shakespeare, 63, Pottergate street

Pye, William Martin, grocer and tea dealer, St. Augustine’s street

Pye, William, bricklayer, St. Andrew’s hill

Pyle, Miss Harriet, 1, Nelson street, Heigham

Pymar, John, wool and silk merchant, and cotton and yarn agent, Castle meadow; h Mile End

Quadling, Henry, plumber, glazier, and painter, Lower King street

Quantrill, Robert, shopkeeper, Mousehold

Quantrell, Sarah, general shopkeeper, Chapel street, Union place

Quantrell, William, bricklayer, Leonard’s buildings, Unthank’s road

Quin, James, supervisor of inland revenue, Hall road, New Lakenham

Quintin, Charles St., Somerleyton street, Unthank’s road

Quintin, Jane St., beer retailer, Barrack street

Quinton, Benjamin, hairdresser, Thorn lane, Ber street

Quinton, Mrs. Elizabeth (preparatory school) Charles street, Heigham

Quinton, Mrs. Hannah, dress maker, Grout’s Thoroughfare, St. John’s Timberhill

Quinton, John, bookbinder, 36, Pottergate street

Quinton, John, librarian to the Literary Institution, h 18, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Quinton, Joseph, merchant’s clerk, Newmarket road

Quinton, William Benjamin, commercial traveller, Somerleyton street, Unthank’s road

Raby, William, green grocer, Fishgate street

Rackham, Mrs. Hannah, lodging-house keeper, Mount Pleasant

Rackham, Mr. James, Calvert street

Rackham, John, Bee Hive, St. Benedict’s street

Rackham, Mr. Matthew, Thorpe hamlet

Rackham, Matthew Robert, solicitor and agent for the Imperial Fire and Life Office, Surrey street

Rackham, Rev. Matthew John, rector of St. Augustine’s, Sussex street

Rackham and Cook, solicitors, Tuck’s court, St. Giles’ street

Rackham, Thomas, relieving officer, Elm hill

Rackham, William, chemist and druggist, Upper Market

Rackham, Mr. William Simon, Unthank’s road

Radford, Mrs. Charlotte, The Chequers, Cowgate street

Radford, William, Black Chequers, Cowgate street

Rainger, George Henry, solicitor’s clerk, St. Giles’ road

Rainger, Mrs., 1, Vauxhall terrace

Ralph, John, boot and shoemaker, King street, Crook’s place

Rainbird, Jonathan, hairdresser, Market place

Rainbird, Samuel, carpenter, Elm hill

Ramm, Robert, Rose tavern, Palace street

Ramm, William, tailor, 6, John street, Rose lane

Ramsey, James, beer retailer and shoemaker, Ber street

Randall, Mr. Henry, St. Benedict’s road

Randall, James, boot and shoe maker, Magdalen street

Randall, Thomas, hairdresser, Union place

Randall, William, Union terrace, Union place

Rand, William Fell, surgeon, Sampson court, Tombland

p. 88Randle, William, corn miller, malt, flour, rice, and biscuit dealer, 10, Upper Market (see Advertisement, p. 23)

Ranking, William Harcourt, physician, St. Giles’ street

Ransom, Mrs. Susan, Bracondale

Ransome, George, shopkeeper, Bridewell alley

Ransome, Harriet, Berlin wool and fancy repository, 18, The Walk

Ransome, James, watchmaker, Bridge street, St. Andrew’s

Ransome, Mrs., Hampden place, Dereham road

Rant, Jonathan, Ribs of Beef, Wensum street

Ratcliffe, William, tailor, 18, Distillery street

Rattee, Charles, shopkeeper, Grapes’ hill

Raven, Edward, Queen Anne, St. Miles’ Church street

Raven, Robert, green grocer, Tinkler’s lane

Rawling, Henry, shopkeeper, West Pottergate street

Ray, Mr. John, West End cottages, Chapel Field road

Ray, John Anthony, hairdresser, Bridge street, St. Lawrence

Ray, Orlando Dennis, auctioneer, Upper King street (see Advertisement, p. 31)

Ray, Robert, Front row, New Lakenham

Raymes, Robert, basket maker, Rupert street, Union place

Rayner, James, butcher, Bartholomew street

Rayner, James, butcher, Nelson terrace, Dereham road

Rayner, John, solicitor’s clerk, St. Catherine’s plain

Raynes, Mr. Michael James, St. Giles’ road

Rayson, Mrs. Ann, St. Catherine’s plain

Read, Charles, bricklayer, Globe street, Union place; h Somerleyton street

Read, Charles Thomas, bookbinder, Graham’s court, Upper market

Read, Charles Thomas, grocer, Eaton Cottage, Unthank’s road

Read, Mrs. Charlotte, dressmaker, 23, Alma square, Julian place

Read, George, plumber, glazier, and painter, Bartholomew street

Read, Gurney, coal merchant, Badding lane, Quay side

Read, James, joiner and builder, Prince’s street

Read, Joseph John, painter, Union cottages, Julian street

Read, Randall, miller, Magdalen street

Read, Robert, coal agent for E. C. Compy., Lower close

Read, Thomas William and Co., corn millers, maltsters, and coal merchants, Trowse mills, and Cannon wharf, King street

Read, Mr. Trivett, Newmarket road

Read, William Dring, grocer and wine merchant, Orford hill

Read, William, coal merchant, Elm hill

Redgrave, Joseph, corn merchant and maltster, St. Miles’ Church street; h The Close

Redgrave, The Misses, ladies’ school, The Priory, St. Stephen’s

Redgment, Kirby, butcher, Rupert street, Union place

Reeder, William, toll collector, Carrow gate

Reeve, Alfred, merchant’s clerk, 6, John street

Reeve, Charles, confectioner, Upper Westwick street

Reeve, Edward, whitesmith, Gildengate street

Reeve, Edward, whitesmith, Duke street

Reeve, Miss Eliza Susanna, day school, Kimberley street, Unthank’s road

Reeve, Frederick, carpenter, &c., Lower Westwick street

Reeve, James, dyer, Duke street

Reeve, Horace, pianoforte tunist, Calvert street

Reeve, Louisa, milliner, Lower Westwick street

Reeve, Mr. Richard, Unthank’s road

Reeve, Simms, barrister, 18, St. Giles’ street

Reid, John Cowan, draper and tea dealer, Douro terrace, Heigham grove, St. Giles’ road

Reid, Samuel, linen and woollen draper, and silk mercer, St. Andrew’s Hall plain

Restieaux, Joseph, registrar of marriages, and agent for the Law Union Life and Fire office, Lady’s lane

Reynolds, Mr. Edward, Tamworth terrace, Unthank’s road

p. 89Reynolds, Edward, manure manufacturer, Pockthorpe hamlet; h Unthank’s road

Reynolds, Edward and Compy., St. Ann’s oil mills, King street

Reynolds, Mrs. Jemima, day school, Saw Mill yard, Coslany street

Reynolds, Joseph James, general shopkeeper, Rupert street, Union place

Reynolds, Mr. Josiah, miller and farmer, Philadelphia

Reynolds, Laban, shoemaker, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Reynolds, Lorenzo, shoe manufacturer, Alder’s buildings, St. Catherine’s plain

Reynolds, William, butcher, Ber street

Reynolds, William, nurseryman and seedsman, Hall road, Lakenham

Reynoldson, Mrs. Mary Lavender, lodging-house keeper, St. Lawrence lane

Rice, James, Free Trade tavern, William street

Rice, Joseph, telegraph clerk, John street, Rose lane

Rice, William Herbert, teacher of music, Somerleyton street

Richards, Rev. John, Magdalen road, New Catton

Richardson, James, wheelwright, Timberhill street

Richardson, Samuel, schoolmaster at City gaol; h Fox and Hounds’ court, Ber street

Richardson, Thomas Joseph, banker’s clerk, 1, Oxford street, Unthank’s rd.

Richardson, William, tailor, 21, Bartholomew street

Riches, Mrs. Ann, lodging-house keeper, Brunswick road

Riches, Edward, hairdresser, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Riches, Eliza, grocer, Church street, St. Julian’s

Riches, Miss Frances, Infirmary road

Riches, Mrs. Hannah, St. Saviour’s lane

Riches, Henry, Golden Lion, St. John’s Maddermarket

Riches, Henry, hairdresser, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Riches, Henry C., tailor, Castle meadow

Riches, John, Three Kings tavern, St. Benedict’s street

Riches, Lucy, milliner and dressmaker, Queen street

Riches, Robert, hairdresser and tobacconist, Timberhill street

Riches, Simon, Ship inn, St. Peter’s Southgate

Riches and Skoyles, tailors and outfitters, Davey place

Riches, Miss Susannah, straw hat maker, Queen street

Riches, Thomas, Earl of Leicester arms, Dereham road

Riches, Thomas, beer retailer, Pump street

Riches, Thomas, tailor, 32, Victoria street

Riches, Mr. Thomas, 7, Richmond place, Lakenham

Riches, Thomas, tailor, Grapes’ hill

Riches, William, wheelwright and blacksmith, Barn road

Riches, William, wheelwright, Charles street, Heigham

Rider, Samuel, tailor, &c., St. Margaret’s Church alley

Rigg, Rev. Richard, M.A., rector of St. Clement’s and St. Michael’s Coslany, Bethel street

Riley, Francis, Waggon and Horses, Tombland

Ringer, Mrs. Elizabeth, Paragon street

Ringer, Mrs. Susanna, St. Catherine’s plain

Ringer, William, Berlin wool and fancy repository, 7, The Walk; h Tharston

Riseborough, Elizabeth Francis, Point House cottage, Ipswich road

Rivett, Francis, warehouseman, &c., Old Post Office court; h Richmond Hill house, Ber street gates

Rivett, John, Two Quarts, Bridge street, St. George’s

Rivett and Harmer, wholesale clothiers, and Manchester warehousemen, Old Post Office court

Rix, Charles Edward, grocer, Dereham road

Rix, George, temperance house, Golden Ball street

Rix, Henry, wholesale brush manufacturer, 53, Duke street

Rix, Mrs. Mary, Thorpe hamlet

Rix, Robert, King’s Head, Upper St. Giles’ street

Rix, William, White Horse, Bridge street, St. Lawrence

Rix, William, draper, Pump street

Rix, William, Black Horse, Finket st.

Roach, Edward, rent collector and accountant, Southwell road

p. 90Robberds, Charles Leicester, paper manufacturer, (see Robberds and Money) Lyng

Robberds, John Mann, solicitor, Ber Street gates

Robberds and Money, paper manufacturers and millers, Lyng mills; office, Chapel Field road

Roberts, Henry, medical botanist, Rising Sun road

Roberts, James, shoemaker, Timberhill street

Roberts, Mr. Joseph, Holl’s lane

Roberts, Mrs. Susan, Thorpe hamlet

Roberts, William Peter, tailor, Chapel loke, Surrey road

Robertson, Henry, upholsterer and cabinet maker, Grove road, Lakenham

Robbins, Mrs. Ann, 3, York place, Chapel Field road

Robbins, Mrs., straw bonnet maker, West Pottergate street

Robins, George, clerk, 2, Trafalgar place, Dereham road

Robinson, Christopher, carver and gilder, Pottergate street

Robinson, Mr. George, Chapel field

Robinson, James, horse dealer, 5, Victoria street

Robinson, John, cork manufacturers, Cork Cutters’ Arms, Bridge street, St. George’s

Robinson, Mrs. Mary, Chapel Field road

Robinson, Thomas, green grocer, St. Benedict’s street

Robinson, Mr. William Henry, St. Faith’s lane

Robison, Mr. Charles Morley, Pitt street

Robison, John (of the firm of Grout and Co.) Unthank’s road

Roe, Mr. Bartholomew, St. Paul’s Back lane

Roe, Charlotte, Queen Victoria, Pottergate street

Roe, Isaac, chimney sweeper, Magdalen street

Roe, John, cabinet maker, Ber street

Roe, John C., merchant, St. George’s plain

Roe, Samuel, tailor and shopkeeper, Distillery street

Roe, Sarah, Bank street

Rogers, Charles, tailor, 47, Bethel street

Rogers, Edmund Dawson, reporter for the Norfolk News, West parade, Earlham road

Rogers and Havers, photographic artists and dealers in photographic materials, Davey place

Rogers, Mr. Henry, Thorpe hamlet

Rogers, John, blacksmith, Muspole street

Rogers, Joseph, clerk, 27, Victoria street

Rogers and Page, wholesale brush and clog manufacturers, Wensum street

Rogers, Samuel, shoe manufacturer, Gun lane

Rolfe, Mrs. Harriet, Lower close

Roll, Robert, Globe inn, Globe street, Union place

Roll, Robert, Dove tavern, Muspole street

Rolling, Edmund, carpenter, Grove hill, St. Giles’ road

Rolls, Edward, bricklayer, Holl’s lane

Roofe, Ann, baker, Thorpe hamlet

Root, Christiana, Boy and Cup, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Root, Robert, carver and gilder, Golden Dog lane

Rope, Charles, whitesmith, Surrey street

Rope, Robert William, wharfinger, St. Benedict’s street

Rope, William, green grocer, Rising Sun lane

Roper, Agnes, dressmaker, Ten Bell lane

Rose, George, cork manufacturer, 68, St. Stephen’s street

Rose, James, beer retailer, King street

Rose, John, general dealer, 5, Golden Ball street

Rose, Philip, baker, Coslany street

Rose, Mr. Philip William, St. Giles’ road

Rose, Robert, Hotpressers’ Arms, Coslany street

Rose, Mrs. Sarah, fancy repository, Castle street

Rose, Thomas, baker and confectioner, St. Benedict’s street

Rose, William, Red Lion, Magdalen street

Rose, William, brazier and tin-plate worker, Gildengate street

Ross, Rev. John, M.A., Thorpe hamlet

Ross, Mrs. Priscilla Sarah, 4, Vauxhall terrace, Julian place

Rossi, George, watch and clock maker, silversmith, and jeweller, Market place; h Eaton

p. 91Roulston, Mr. Thomas, 10, Richmond Place, Lakenham

Roundtree, Charles, fishmonger, Crow’s yard, Westwick street

Roundtree, Charles, fishmonger, Barrack street

Rouse, Harriet, grocer and tea dealer, St. Stephen’s street

Rouse, James, horse clipper, &c., Currier’s Arms, St. Giles’ street

Rouse, Richard, hawker, Globe lane

Rout, George, grocer, Cowgate street

Row and Bridges’ chemists, &c., St. Stephen’s street

Row and Co., manufacturing chemists, Surrey grove

Rowland, Daniel, The Raven, King st.

Royall, Daniel, tailor, Upper King street

Royall, Mr. Daniel, Palace street

Royall, James, shopkeeper, Elm hill

Ruburt, Justus, secondhand boot and shoe seller, Lower Westwick street

Rudd, Edward F. G., accountant, 10, St. Stephen’s square

Rudd, Elizabeth, The Little Buck, Oak street

Rudd, Francis Robert, tailor, 4, St. Julian street’s

Rudd, George John, tailor, Surrey street

Rudd, Mrs. Hannah, box maker, St. Stephen’s Back street

Rudd, Henry, professor of music, Duke street

Rudd, James, grocer, St. Catherine’s plain

Rudd, John, turner, Thorn lane, Ber street

Rudd, John, chemist, St. George’s plain

Rudd, Joseph, currier, &c., (see Rudd and Paston) Grapes’ hill

Rudd, Mary Ann, dressmaker, Calvert street

Rudd, Noah, butcher, Duke street

Rudd and Paston, curriers, Grapes’ hill

Rudd, Robert, grocer, Coslany street, St. Miles’

Rudd, Thomas, furniture broker, cabinet and chair maker, Ber street

Rudd, William, turner, Ber street

Rudling, James, coach builder, Palace street

Rudling, William, butcher, Ber street

Ruddock, Thomas, post office clerk, 48, Pottergate street

Rudrum, Christopher, butcher, Lower King street

Rudrum, Isaac Samuel, beer retailer, Pottergate street

Rudrum, Spencer Drake, inspector of weights, St. Faith’s terrace

Rumball, John George, news agent, Vauxhall street, Julian place

Rumbold, John, grocer, Grapes’ inn, Howard street, Lakenham

Rump, Mr. James, 33, Victoria street

Rump, John, hosier, haberdasher, and fancy repository, 8, Old Haymarket

Rump, Robert and James, builders and contractors, Colegate street

Rump, Thomas, grocer, Golden Ball street

Runacres, William, solicitor’s clerk, Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Rushbrook, Robert, shopkeeper, St. Julian’s street

Russell, Benjamin, watchmaker, Magdalen street

Russell, George Robert, bricklayer and plasterer, Southwell street

Russell, Henry, piano-forte manufacturer, Magdalen street

Russell, William, baker, 16, Row, Old Church street, Lakenham

Rust, James Barrow, tailor and draper, Bethel street

Rust, Mrs. Hannah, hosier, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Rust, Rev. Cyprian Thomas, L.L.B., 12, The Crescent, Chapel Field road

Rust, Joseph, wood turner, Charing cross

Rust, Robert, Elm tavern, Prince’s street

Rust, Samuel, wood turner, Bee Hive yard, St. Benedict’s

Rutherford, Walter, schoolmaster, Nelson street, Heigham fields

Sacret, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Magdalen street

Sadd, Mr. William, Coslany street

Sadd, David, grocer and draper, Gloucester place, St. Catherine’s plain

Sadd, William, solicitor, Theatre street; h 1, Heigham road

Sadler, James, sen., horse-hair manufacturer, Oak street

Sadler, James, jun., horse hair manufacturer, Oak street

Sadler, John, Roebuck, Church Walk, New Lakenham

Saint, Samuel, mathematician, John street, Heigham

p. 92Sainty, Mary, lodging-house keeper, Bethel street

Salkind, Simon, travelling jeweller, Gildengate street

Salmons, John, green grocer, Lower King street

Salmon, John, Nelson tavern, and tailor, West Pottergate street

Salmon, Thomas, tailor, Rupert street, Union place

Salter, William, Mitre tavern, Briggs’ street and Rampant Horse street

Sampson, H., boot and shoe maker, Charles street, Heigham

Sampson, William, boot and shoe maker, 24, Bethel street

Samuel, Mrs. Emma, pawnbroker (see Joseph and Samuel)

Sandell, Edward Harrison, The Cinder Ovens, King street gates

Sanderson, Ann, tobacconist, Magdalen street

Sands, Anthony, artist, Grapes’ hill

Sands, John, Free Masons’ Arms, Southwell street, Lakenham

Sapey, John, lodging-house keeper, St. Stephen’s Church lane

Sapey, Thomas, London Coffee House, Rampant Horse street

Saul, Miss Elizabeth, Grapes’ hill

Saul and Frazer, city saw mills, St. Martin’s at Palace plain

Saul, John, Windmill, Ber street

Saul, Joseph, box manufacturer, West Pottergate street

Saul, Sarah Ann, lodging-house keeper, Surrey road, St. Michael at Thorn

Saul, William Staff, timber merchant, 61, and 62, Pottergate street

Saunders, Mr. James, 4, York place, Chapel Field road

Saunders, Mrs. Julia, tailoress, Grout’s thoroughfare

Savage, Mrs. Mary, butcher, Cowgate street

Savage, Robert, butcher, Bridge street, St. Andrew’s

Savary, David, green grocer, Rupert street, Wellington street, Union place

Sawford, Ann Maria, milliner and dress maker, Cow hill, St. Giles’

Sawyer and Co., cutlers, opticians, and dealers in photographic goods, 42, London street

Sawyer, John (see Sawyer and Co.) Chapel field

Say, Mrs. Sarah, plumber, painter, and glazier, 14, St. Giles’ street

Sayer, Benjamin, Heart’s Ease, Thorpe hamlet

Sayer, Daniel, brick and tile maker, Oak street

Sayer, Daniel, veterinary surgeon, Pottergate street

Sayer, John, bird and animal preserver, Upper St. Giles’ street

Sayer, The Misses (boarding school) New road, Town close

Sayer, The Misses Ann and Charlotte, West Pottergate street

Sayer, Richard Henry, draper, Unthank’s road

Sayer, William, currier and leather seller, Upper Westwick street

Scales, Jeremiah, timber dealer, Chapel Field road, and Oxford street, Unthank’s road (see Advertisement, p. 30)

Scales, Mary Ann, Trafalgar tavern, Trafalgar street

Scarles, Charles, solicitor’s clerk, 9, Heigham terrace, Dereham road

Scarlett, Robert, Surrey tavern, Surrey road

Scofield, Susan, straw bonnet and dress maker, 52, Upper St. Giles’ street

Scott, Benjamin, cooper, Chapel Field road

Scott, Mr., commercial traveller, Heigham road

Scott, Charles Turner, sofa, couch, chair, and mattress manufacturer, Gildengate street

Scott, Miss Eliza, dressmaker, 6, Crescent place, Chapel Field road

Scott, Mrs. Elizabeth, St. Giles’ terrace

Scott, Mrs. Emily, furniture broker, Charing cross

Scott, Francis, tailor and clothes’ cleaner, Magdalen street

Scott, George James, furniture broker, 9, Timberhill street

Scott, James, cutler, &c., register office, St. Andrew’s hill, corner of London street

Scott, John, professor of languages, Bank street

Scott, John Turtle, boot and shoe maker, Magdalen street

Scott, John, grocer and boot maker, Ber street gates

Scott, Levi, wheelwright, Brunswick road

p. 93Scott, Peter Thomas, brush and patten maker, White Lion street

Scott, Mr. Robert, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Scott, Robert Bagg, cabinet maker and upholsterer, 18, Charing cross and St. John’s street; h St. Andrew’s Broad street

Scott, Rev. Thomas, Baptist minister, Grove house, Thorpe hamlet

Scott, William, draper, &c., St. Stephen’s street

Scott, William, grocer, &c., Magdalen gates

Scott, William, wholesale and retail lead and window glass dealer, plumber, glazier, and painter, Bedford street; h Pottergate street (see Advertisement, p. 40)

Scott, Mr. William, Hall road, Lakenham

Scott, William John, furniture and mangle warehouse, Bridge street, St. George’s

Scotter, Henry, 5, Charles street, Heigham

Scotton, Mary, confectioner, 2, Red Lion street

Scowen, John, Saracen’s Head, St. Giles’ street

Scrutton, Henry, grocer, Bethel street

Seager, Elizabeth and Son, glovers and hair dressers, St. John’s street

Seager, Robert, hairdresser, Castle meadow

Seaman, Coriolanus, furniture broker, St. James’ street

Seaman, David, horse dealer, Chapel Field road

Seaman, Elizabeth, shopkeeper, St. Martin’s at Palace street

Seaman, Mr. George, Caledonia terrace, Dereham road

Seaman, Grimmer and Co., importers of foreign wines and spirits, and sole agents for Truman, Hanbury and Co.’s London stout porter, St. John’s Maddermarket

Seaman, Henry, grocer and draper, Old Church path, New Lakenham

Seaman, Mrs. Martha, beer retailer, St. James’ street

Seaman, Martha (day school) West End street, Holl’s lane, Heigham

Seaman, Richard, grocer and tea dealer, Gildengate street

Seaman, Robert, Esq., Bracondale

Seaman, Samuel, fishmonger, Bull close

Seaman, Walter, woodman, Waterloo place, New Catton

Searby, Wright, and William Martin, dispensing and family chemists, White Lion street

Searles, George, engraver, Trory street, Unthank’s road (see Advertisement, p. 30)

Secker, Mr. John, Sussex street

Sedgwick, Rev. Professor, Lower close

Sedgwick, Rev. Richard, Lower close

Seed, Henry, woolstapler, Muspole street; h Eaton Hill House

Seeley, Elizabeth and Hannah (commercial boarding house) St. Stephen’s plain

Seeley, William, station master at Victoria station, St. Stephen’s

Seeley, John, beer retailer, and musician, St. Augustine’s street

Seeley, William, pork butcher, Pottergate street

Seeley, William, Priest’s buildings, St. Stephen’s road

Seer, William George, shoemaker, Botolph street

Selby, Charles James, grocer, Pitt street

Self, James, The Duke of Wellington, St. Stephen’s street

Self, Mrs. Mary, butcher, Tombland

Self, Thomas, gas fitter, painter, &c., Tombland

Self, Thomas, beer retailer, Red Lion street

Self, Thomas, grocer, &c., Oak street

Self, Thomas, gas fitter and bell hanger, Pottergate street (see Advertisement, p. 20)

Seppings, William, grocer, West End street, Heigham

Severn and Blackwell, dressmakers, Botolph street

Severn, James, shoemaker, Calvert street

Severn, Samuel, St. Paul’s tavern, Cowgate street, St. Paul’s

Sexton, Edward, Whalebone inn, and maltster and brewer, New Catton

Sexton, Horace, bricklayer and plasterer, Lower Westwick street

Sexton, John, pig dealer, St. Catherine’s plain, Lakenham

Sexton, John, grocer, &c., Scoles’ green

Sexton, Joseph, dyer and dresser, Calvert street

p. 94Sexton, Robert William, plasterer, Calvert street

Shalders, Albert, Cadogan place, Cross street, Unthank’s road

Shalders, Mrs. Charlotte, milliner, Bethel street

Shalders, Edward, grocer, St. Benedict’s street, St. Lawrence

Shalders, John, hydraulic engineer, and gutta percha depôt, Bank plain (see Advertisement, p. 17)

Shalders, Mr. John, Bethel street

Shalders, Noah, pawnbroker, silversmith, and jeweller, Westlegate street

Shalders, Thomas, blacksmith, Hay hill, Market place

Sharman, Mr. Henry, Green hills, Aylsham road

Sharman, Miss Rachel, dressmaker, Eldon row, Chapel Field road

Sharon, Anthony, engineer and machinist, Pottergate street

Sharon, Mrs. Rebecca, dressmaker, 37, Pottergate street

Sharp, Daniel, solicitor, Surrey street; h 7, Lakenham terrace, City road

Sharp, Frederick, solicitor’s clerk, Surrey place, Lakenham

Sharp, Mrs. Leonora, lodging-house keeper, Chapel Field road

Sharpe, Benjamin Thomas, solicitor, manager of the Norwich and East of England Permanent Mutual Benefit Building Society, and agent to the Star and British Empire Life, Manchester and General Fire, and County Hailstorm Insurance Compys., York house, Chapel Field road

Sharpe, Henry, tailor, Somerleyton street, Unthank’s road

Sharpe, Rev. William Robert, M.A., 8, Chapel field

Shaw, Miss Elizabeth, dressmaker, Douro terrace, Heigham grove, St. Giles’ road

Shaw, William, banker’s clerk, Grapes’ hill

Shearing, Miss Sophia, baby linen establishment, Rampant Horse street

Sheedy, Mrs., Rachel, Rosary, Thorpe hamlet

Shenfield, Mrs., Upper St. Giles’

Shephard, Isaac, cooper and measure maker, Magdalen street

Shephard, William, shoemaker, Mill lane, New Catton

Sheppard, Mrs. Ann, ladies’ boarding school, St. Benedict’s plain

Sheppard, Elizabeth, baker, Upper market

Sheppard, Robert, hop and seed merchant, Weston’s court, Upper market; h St. Benedict’s plain, Pottergate street

Sheward, William, pawnbroker, Lower King street

Shibley, William, house and land agent, York terrace, Chapel Field road

Shickle, Mrs. Ann, 15, The Crescent

Shickle, Robert, Greyhound Gardens, Ber street

Shields, Daniel, hoop and rim manufacturer, Prospect square, Scoles’ green

Shields, Joseph William, accountant, Trafalgar street, Lakenham

Shields, William, tallow chandler, St. Stephen’s Church alley

Shildrake, Thomas, banker’s clerk, Bracondale

Shildrake, William, watch and clock maker, silversmith and jeweller, 34, London street

Shires, James, gun-flint cutter, Alma terrace, St. Augustine’s road

Shirley, Mr. Thomas, 6, Surrey terrace, Lakenham

Short, Edmund Barker, (at Grout and Co.’s) 3, Dereham Road terrace

Short, Henry, wine and dry cooper, Middle street, St. George’s

Short, John Edmund, cashier at Grout and Co.’s, 8, Dereham road terrace

Short, Mrs., milliner and dressmaker, Trory street, Unthank’s road

Short, Mrs., 2, Dereham Road terrace

Short, Miss Mary, milliner and dressmaker, 4, Gildengate street

Shorten, James, fly proprietor, Bull inn, Magdalen street

Shorting, Mrs. Mary, Chapel field

Shreeve, George, baker and grocer, Tinkler’s lane, Heigham

Shreeve, John, shoeing smith, Magdalen street

Sibel, Mrs. Averill, Pottergate street

Sibley, Mrs. Rudd, milliner, &c., Fisher’s lane

Sidney and Armes, curriers and leather cutters, 5, Dove street

Sidney and Ladyman, wholesale tea dealers, 6, Gentleman’s walk, and 8, Ludgate hill, London

p. 95Sidney, Thomas, (see Sidney and Ladyman); h Bow’s manor, London

Sillett, Mr. James B., All Saints’ green

Silvey, William, confectioner, White Lion street

Simpson, Charles, wood turner, St. Lawrence lane; h Charing cross

Simpson, Mr. Frederic, York villa, Chapel Field road

Simpson, Mrs. Frederick, Mount Pleasant, Newmarket road

Simpson, George, master of the Great Hospital, St. Helen’s square

Simpson, George Elward, solicitor, clerk to the Visiting Justices of the Castle, at Norwich, and agent to the London Fire and European Life offices, &c., Tombland

Simpson, Matthias, wood turner, Bear and Staff yard, Fisher’s lane

Simpson, Robert, grocer and tea dealer, Magdalen street

Simpson, Thomas, butcher, Charles street, Heigham

Singleton, Mrs. J., 13, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Sinkler, John, builder, Magdalen street

Sissen, Miss Louisa, dressmaker, Rose lane

Sizeland, Adam, Bethel street

Skelton, John Smith, tailor and woollen draper, 16, St. Giles’ street

Skelton, Joseph, dyer, Gildengate street

Skelton, John, manufacturer, Fishgate street; h Palace plain

Skerritt, George, baker, Upper Regent street, Union place

Skillings, William, shoemaker, St. George’s plain

Skipper, Henry, confectioner, and register office for servants, Magdalen street

Skipper, John, solicitor, and secretary to the Equitable Fire Office, Bank street; h Thorpe hamlet (see Skipper and Son)

Skipper, Mrs. Rachel, dressmaker, Surrey road

Skipper and Son, solicitors, Bank street

Skipper, Mr. William, (see Skipper and Son); h Thorpe hamlet

Skippon, James, jun., clerk to Commissioners of Income Tax, schedule E; agent for the Lancashire Insurance Compy.; secretary to Norwich and Norfolk Angler’s Society; 3, St. Faith’s terrace, St. Faith’s lane

Skippon, William, the Locomotive tavern, Rupert street, Union place

Skoyles, C. (see Riches and Skoyles); h Castle meadow

Skoyles, William, furniture broker, St. Benedict’s street

Skoyles, Samuel, shopkeeper, Barrack street

Slack, Mrs. Elizabeth (day school) Grove place, New Lakenham

Slack, Jacob Henry, engineer, &c., Grapes’ hill

Slack, Robert Hugh, machinist, Cow hill, St. Giles’

Slade and Rapier, homœopathic chemists, 7, London street

Slater, John, bookseller, Castle hill

Slater, Joseph, tailor and woollen draper, Tombland

Slaughter, Christopher, shopkeeper, St. Augustine’s street

Slipper, Charles, carpenter, and toy maker, Pig lane

Slipper, Elizabeth, green grocer, Grove place, New Lakenham

Slonitz, Leopold, professor of languages, 26, Bethel street

Sloper, John, Lame Dog tavern, Lame Dog road

Sloper, John, fruiterer, Queen street

Smith, Alfred, shopkeeper, Fishgate street

Smith, Benjamin, Cattle Market inn, and horse and gig letter, Cattle Market

Smith, Benjamin, furniture broker, Upper Westwick street

Smith, Mr. Charles, City road, Lakenham

Smith, Mr. David, Catton road

Smith, Edward, chemist and druggist, Calvert street

Smith, Edward, Waterloo tavern, and wine and spirit merchant, Market place

Smith, Edward, market gardener, Dereham road

Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth, The Coach and Horses, Union place

Smith, George, coach maker, 3, St. Stephen’s square

Smith, George, Greyhound, Rampant Horse street

Smith, Mrs. George William, St. Giles’ street

Smith, George, linen draper, hosier, &c., 10, Ber street

p. 96Smith, George, clerk, 22, Paragon street

Smith, George Lincoln, merchant’s clerk, Trory street, Unthank’s road

Smith, Miss Helena, Nelson terrace, Grove road

Smith, Henry, shoemaker, and shopkeeper, Ber street

Smith, Henry George, Victoria tavern, Adelaide street, Heigham fields

Smith, Henry, grocer, King street, Crook’s place

Smith, James, dealer, Prospect place, Aylsham road

Smith, Mr. James, 24, Newmarket road

Smith, James, shopkeeper, Botolph st.

Smith, James Wilkin, baker, Stump cross, Magdalen street

Smith, John, yeast manufacturer, St. Augustine’s street

Smith, Mr. John, West End terrace, Earlham road

Smith, John, Bear and Staff, Fisher’s lane

Smith, John, tea dealer, and Birmingham and Staffordshire warehouse, Timberhill street

Smith, John, cheese factor, Stamp Office yard, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Smith, John Joseph, baker and confectioner, Ber street

Smith, John and Samuel, cigar, snuff, and tobacco warehouse, 7, Gentleman’s Walk

Smith, John Watson, Rose tavern, Upper King street, and Rose lane

Smith, John William, baker and confectioner, Dove street

Smith, Jonas, pork butcher, Rising Sun lane

Smith, Mrs. Joseph, Paragon street

Smith, Joseph, King’s Arms, and boat builder and bath house, Oak street, St. Martin’s gates

Smith, Joseph De Carle, Magdalen street (see Smith and Sons)

Smith, Miss Lydia, shopkeeper, Botolph street

Smith, Mrs., 9, Surrey terrace, Lakenham

Smith, Miss Mary, 4, Langham place, Dereham road

Smith, Mary Ann, milliner and dress maker, Rigby’s court, St. Giles’

Smith, Mrs. Neave, Priest’s buildings, St. Stephen’s road

Smith, Richard Buck (see Smith and Sons); h Market place

Smith and Sons, dispensing and family chemists, Market place, and Magdalen street

Smith, Samuel E., carpenter, &c., City road, Lakenham

Smith, Samuel James, draper, Magdalen street

Smith, Samuel Howard, working jeweller, Royal Hotel street, Back of the Inns; h St. Benedict’s road

Smith, Samuel, jobbing smith, St. Martin’s gates

Smith, Samuel, fowl dealer, Scoles’ green

Smith, Mrs. Sarah, glover, Magdalen street

Smith, Mrs. Susan, 11, St. Stephen’s square

Smith, Mr. Thomas, Hall road, Lakenham

Smith, Thomas, umbrella and parasol maker, St. Benedict’s street

Smith, William, cattle dealer, Newman’s yard, Ber street

Smith, William, haberdasher and general warehouseman, 11, Lower Goat lane

Smith, William, shoemaker, Chapel loke

Smith, William, fowl dealer, Coburgh street

Smith, William, veterinary surgeon, Pottergate street

Smith, Mr. William L., Mount Pleasant

Smith, William, nursery and seedsman, Nelson Cottage, Nelson st., Heigham

Smith, William, tin plate worker, St. Benedict’s street

Smith, William, boat builder, Oak street

Smith, William Richard, baker, &c., St. Benedict’s street

Smith, William Richard, confectioner, Palace street

Smith, William Wilson, shoemaker, Trory street, Lakenham

Smithdale, Thomas, millwright, engineer, iron, and brass founder, St. Ann’s foundry, King street (see Advertisement, p. 9)

Smyth, William, repairer of musical instruments, Union place

Snape, Mrs. Jane, 68, St. Giles’ street

Snelling, James Gage, confectioner and fruiterer, Rampant Horse street

Snelling, John, Yarmouth Arms, Pudding lane, Market place

Snelling, Robert, paper pill box manufacturer, Hawthorn row, Heigham

p. 97Snelling, Thomas, grocer and tea dealer, 42, and 43, Magdalen street

Snelling, Thomas, beer retailer, King street

Snelling, William, boot and shoemaker, and gutta percha warehouse, Orford hill

Snowdon, Henry, linen and woollen drapers, silk mercer, &c., Bridge street, St. George’s

Snowdon, John Christopher and Co., linen and woollen drapers, and silk mercers, Market House, 9, The Walk

Snowling, John, Duke’s Palace Inn; postmaster, Duke’s Palace street

Soman, David, wholesale boot and shoe manufacturer, Muspole street

Soman and Howes, printers, 4, St. Andrew’s hill

Soman, Philip (see Soman and Howes) 4, St. Andrew’s hill

Sommerville, Joseph, John, and Robert, drapers and hatters, Magdalen street

Soons, John, seedsman and florist, St. Augustine’s

Sothern, Mr. Samuel, St. Martin’s at Palace plain

South, Mr. George, Unthank’s road

Southgate, Benjamin, saw sharper, St. Martin’s lane

Southgate, John G., baker, Upper Heigham

Southon, Edmund, cap maker, St. James’ street

Sowells, Mrs. Charlotte, 5, Chapel Field road

Sowels, John, Paragon street, St. Giles’ road

Sowels, Mrs. Mary, William street, Heigham

Sowels, William, West Pottergate street

Sowter, Abraham, clerk, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Spalding, James, French polisher, St. Andrew’s hill

Spanton, Francis Humphrey, dealer in hay and corn, King’s Arms, Ber street

Sparham, Mrs. Julia, 5, Newmarket terrace, Newmarket road

Sparke, Alfred, engineer, (see Sparke and Co.); h Trowse

Sparke and Co., general engineers, iron and brass founders, and agricultural implement manufacturers, Thorn lane foundry and Castle hill (see advertisement, pp. 36, 37, 38)

Sparke, Miss Elizabeth, milliner, Chapel Field road

Sparkhall, Emily, lodging-house keeper, 2, Jay’s terrace, Rose lane

Sparkhall, John, market gardener, Nelson street, Heigham

Sparks, Edward, wine and spirit merchant, (see Clabburn and Sparks) St. Giles’ street; h Aylsham road

Sparks, Francis William, wine and spirit merchant, auctioneer and valuer, 5, St. Giles’ street

Sparks, William, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Fye Bridge, Magdalen st.

Sparrow, Charles, Anchor of Hope, Bracondale

Spatchett, James, chemist, St. John’s Maddermarket

Spaul, Fidelis Joseph, carver, Prince’s street

Spaul, William B., builder, and wood and stone carver, Lower close

Spelman, George, accountant, Pottergate street

Spelman, Mr. Henry, Unthank’s road

Spelman, Mrs. William, Unthank’s road

Spelman, William and Sons, auctioneers, valuers, and land agents, and agents to the Argus Life office, St. Giles’ street, and Great Yarmouth

Spence, George, circulating library and tobacconist, Bridge street, St. George’s

Spence, George William, banker’s clerk, Somerleyton street, Unthank’s road

Spencer, Daniel, solicitor’s clerk, The Chantry

Spencer, Christopher J. M., surgeon, Lower King street

Spencer, Miss Harriet, Duke street

Spencer, Rev. Henry, Grove terrace, Unthank’s road

Spencer, Isaac, grocer, St. Mary’s Church alley

Spencer, Isaac, Duke of Wellington, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Spencer, Jonathan, carpenter and joiner, Trowse Newton

Spencer, Mrs., Lady’s lane

Spencer, Robert, Elm tavern, Catton road

Spice, Thomas, flour dealer, Duke street; h Sussex street

Spink, James, bricklayer and builder, Jubilee place, Heigham road

Spinks, James, grocer and draper, St. Augustine’s gates

p. 98Spinks, James, livery stables, and horses and carriages for hire, Surrey street

Spinks, John, manager of the District Visiting society, Pottergate street

Spinks, Samuel, bricklayer and plasterer, King Street gates

Spinks, Samuel, Calvert street

Spooner, Edward, beer retailer, Barrack street, Pockthorpe

Spooner, Edward Frederick, upholsterer and paper hanger, St. Margaret’s plain

Spooner, Maria, green grocer, Ber street

Spratt, Mrs. Emma, Albert terrace, Unthank’s road

Spratt, Miss Sarah, academy, Bethel street

Spratt, William, hay and corn dealer, Market place

Spratt, William, coach and harness manufacturer, Chapel field

Springall, Benjamin, grocer, St. Clement’s hill, New Catton

Springall, James, wholesale and retail grocer, and agent to the British Equitable Life and Imperial Fire offices, Tombland

Springfield, Mrs., St. Mary’s Church alley

Springfield, Osborn, silk merchant, St. Martin’s lane; h Catton

Springfield, Son and Nephew, silk merchants, St. Martin’s lane

Springfield, Thomas, drill master, Kimberley street, Unthank’s road

Spurgeon, Emily, dressmaker, Suffolk street, Union place

Spurling, William, The Trowel and Hammer, St. Stephen’s road

Squires, James, butcher, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Stacey, Anthony, cooper, Thorpe hamlet

Stacey, Edward, house and land agent, 1, Point house, Newmarket road

Stacey, Mrs. William, Theatre street

Stacy, Henry Walter, bookseller, printer, publisher, stationer, and bookbinder, 2, Old Haymarket

Staff, Charles, green grocer, Ber street

Staff, Frederick, Nelson tavern, Bedford street

Staff, John, congreve maker, St. Martin’s at Oak

Staff, Matthias, pig dealer, Trafalgar street, Lakenham

Stafford, Robert, Mariners’ Arms, Mariners’ lane

Stafford, Thomas, grocer and tea dealer, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Stafford, William, baker, Vauxhall street

Stafford, William, baker, Brazen Doors road

Stageman, Miss Susanna, day school, Brazen Doors road

Staines, Mrs. Angelina, grocer, St. Stephen’s gates

Stallard, Joseph William, tailor and outfitter, Orford hill

Stalweather, Frederick, green grocer, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Stammers, Robert, whitesmith, Castle hill

Stamp, William, coffee-house keeper, and tailor, Colegate street

Stamp, W., rent and debt collector, Luckett’s court, St. Andrew’s

Stangroom, Caroline, straw bonnet maker, Ber street

Stangroom, Henry, furniture broker, Gildengate street

Stangroom, John, Duke of Sussex, St. Augustine’s street

Stangroom, Robert, grocer, Fishgate street

Stanley, George, scale, beam, weight, weighing machine, and steelyard maker, Elm hill

Stanley, Joseph, statuary and mason, St. Stephen’s street

Stanley, Thomas, Essex street, Union place

Stanley, William, stone and marble mason, St. Catherine’s plain

Stannard, Alfred, artist, King street, Crook’s place

Stannard, Cubitt, manufacturer, St. George’s plain

Stannard, Miss Emily, boarding school, Rose lane

Stannard, Mrs., Willow lane, St. Giles’

Stannard, Harriet, milliner and straw bonnet maker, Infirmary road

Stannard, John, shopkeeper, Magdalen street

Stannard, Robert John, baker, Little London street

Stannard, Mrs. Sarah, matron of Jenny Lind Infirmary for Sick Children, Pottergate street

Stanshaw, Mr. George, 20, St. Giles’ street

Stanton, Robert, beer retailer, King street

p. 99Stapleton, Robert, boot and shoe manufacturer, corner of Pottergate street, and St. John’s street

Stark, Mr. William, St. George’s plain

Stark, William and Co., agricultural chemists and merchants, dyers, dressers, and hot pressers, Duke’s Palace bridge

Stark, Mr. John Michael, 10, Chapel field

Starkey, Mrs. Mary, mistress of St. Lawrence’s District National School, St. Benedict’s street

Starland, George and Edward, plumbers, glaziers, and painters, Surrey street

Starling, Charles Grey, linen draper, hosier, &c., White Lion street

Starling, Edmund A., fancy warehouseman, West Pottergate street

Starling, Mrs. Sophia, dressmaker, Chapel street, Union place

Starling, Miss Rebecca, milliner and dressmaker, West Pottergate street

Starling, Thomas, accountant, 12, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Starr, Frank, merchant’s clerk, Portland place, Holl’s lane

Steadman, Mr. Charles, Heigham road

Stearman, Eliza, dressmaker and milliner, Whitefriars’ street

Stearne, Thomas, city missionary, Sussex street, St. Augustine’s

Stebbings, Mrs. Sarah, lodging-house keeper, Rose lane

Steel, Henry, commercial traveller, West End Cottages, Chapel Field road

Steel and Rix, fancy repository, Queen street

Steele, The Misses, Unthank’s road

Stevens, Charles Frederick, brazier, and tin-plate worker, Magdalen street

Stevens, Gardner Christopher, furnishing and general ironmonger, Orford hill

Stevens, Mr. George, Poplar Cottage, Hellesdon road

Stevens, John, tobacconist, Back of the Inns

Stevens, Mrs. Mary (day school) Kimberley street, Unthank’s road

Stevens, John Thomas, law stationer, &c. Castle meadow

Stevens, William Horace, printer, &c., Upper Goat lane; h Trory street, Unthank’s road

Stevens, William, solicitor, Close; h St. Faith’s lane

Stevenson, Henry, Esq., Newmarket road (see Matchett and Stevenson)

Steward and Fisher, solicitors, and agents for the Norwich Union Fire Office, King street

Steward, Edward, solicitor (see Steward and Fisher)

Steward, George, baker, Bull close

Steward, Henry, shopkeeper and tailor, Bull close

Steward, James, merchant tailor, and general outfitter, Tombland; h Thorpe

Steward, Mrs. James, Bracondale

Steward, Mrs. Lucy, Heigham Lodge, Unthank’s road

Steward, Mary, green grocer, St. Benedict’s street

Steward, Miss Mary Ann, dressmaker and milliner, St. Martin’s at Palace

Steward, Miss Mary, milliner and dressmaker, Little Globe street, Union place

Steward, Patteson, Finch and Co., maltsters, brewers, and spirit merchants, Anchor brewery, Pockthorpe

Steward, Robert and Co., timber merchants, King street

Steward, Samuel, bookbinder, &c., Prince’s street

Steward, William, bricklayer and plasterer, East End, Thorpe hamlet

Stewards, Matthew, butcher, St. James’ street

Stewardson, Mr. Edward, 6, St. Giles’ road

Stewardson, Nathaniel Thomas, shopkeeper, St. James’ street

Stewardson, William Henry, printer, Little London street

Stewart, Charles Keith, fringe manufacturer, St. Giles’ street

Stigles, Daniel, hairdresser and herbalist, Fishgate street

Stimpson, James, furniture broker, Orford hill

Stirgess, George, bricklayer, Dingle’s row, New Catton

Stockings, Jonathan, baker, Eagle terrace, Newmarket road

Stockings, Mark, butcher, St. Stephen’s street

Stocks, Alfred Joseph, linen draper, silk mercer, hosier, glover, and laceman, 12, Briggs’ street; h St. Stephen’s rd.

Stocks, George William, commercial traveller, St. Benedict’s street

p. 100Stocks, Mrs. Maria (boarding and day school) St. Benedict’s gates

Stone, Edward, beer retailer, King st.

Stone, Henry, plane maker, Magdalen street

Stone, Mr. James, Castle street

Stonex, James, grocer, Tinkler’s lane, Heigham

Stonex, William, farmer, Hall road, Lakenham

Storey, David, Black Swan, Upper Market

Storey, James, shopkeeper, St. Augustine’s

Storey, William, Bricklayers’ Arms, grocer, Bull close

Stowers, James, tobacconist, 4, Red Lion street, St. Stephen’s

St. Quintin, Edward H., R.N., Thorpe, hamlet

St. Quintin, Capt. James, R.N., Lower close

Strachan, James, Guildhall tavern, Market place

Strangways, Walter Fox, Capt. R.H.A., The Lower close

Stratford, Edmund, scripture reader, Cowgate street

Stringer, Charles, surveyor of taxes, Orford hill; h 2, Newmarket road

Stroyan, Robert, cattle salesman, Bracondale

Stubbs, Charles, poulterer, Golden Ball street

Stubbs, Edward, White Horse tavern, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Stubbs, George, carter, &c., St. Andrew’s Broad street

Stubbs, Hugh, carter, Stamp Office yard, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Stubbs, Maria, general shopkeeper and beer retailer, Barrack street

Studwell, Mrs. Sarah, lodging house keeper, St. Benedict’s road

Sturley, Charles, cabinet maker, Pottergate street

Stygals, William, green grocer, Ber street

Suckling, Mr. Nelson Morris, Distillery street, Heigham

Suffolk, Edward, coal dealer, King street, Crook’s place

Suffolk, George, wholesale shoe manufacturer, Fountain square, Union place

Suffolk, Mrs., Rising Sun road

Suffolk, William, carpenter, Ber street

Suggett and Dunsford, surgical and mechanical dentists, 17, St. Giles’ street

Sullivan, Stephen, baker, St. Margaret’s plain

Sultzer, John and Co., manufacturers, St. Augustine’s street

Sumner, David, pork butcher, Elm hill

Surflin, William, plumber and glazier, Bank tavern, Bank street

Sursham, Henry David, boot and shoe maker, Ten Bell lane

Sursham, John, corn and coal merchant, Fishgate street (see Boardman and Sursham)

Sussams, William Stevenson, grocer, Heigham street

Sutton, Francis, analytical chemist, (see Harper and Sutton) Bank plain; h 2, Lakenham terrace (see Advertisement, p. 7)

Sutton, James, (Bennett’s hotel and boarding house) Exchange street

Sutton, John, market gardener, Lower King street

Sutton, John Thompson, commercial traveller, Unthank’s road

Sutton, Henry Marrison, draper, &c., St. Augustine’s

Sutton, Marrison Daniel, tailor and draper, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Sutton, Robert, furniture broker, Magdalen street

Sutton, Samuel, working cutler, Royal Hotel street

Swann, Mrs. Ann, St. Martin’s at Palace plain

Swann, James, boot and shoe manufacturer, Magdalen street

Swann, Joshua, (of the firm of Willett and Co.) The Grove, Chapel field

Swash, Maria, Turkey Cock, St. Simon’s Church street

Swash, Robert, green grocer, St. Mary’s plain

Swash, Sarah Ann, hairdresser, St. James’ street

Sweatman, Mrs. Elizabeth, Red Rose tavern, and tobacconist, Back of the Inns

Swinden, John, fancy repository, Magdalen street

Swinton, Mr. William, West Pottergate street

p. 101Sword, John, livery and bait stables, Rose lane

Sword, John, hairdresser, (see Lanham and Sword) St. Giles’

Syder, Mr. James, 2, St. Swithin’s villa, Catton road

Symonds, Rev. Henry, M.A., Lower close

Syrett, James, bailiff, Lower Westwick street

Tadman, Mr. William, gas works, Thorpe hamlet

Talbot, George, tailor and woollen draper, Bridge street, St. Andrew’s

Talbot, Hannah, Lower close

Tallowin, Samuel, cow keeper, Rope Makers’ Arms lane, Hellesdon road

Talmedge, Miss Lydia, mistress of Industrial School, King street

Taney, William, fishmonger and photographer, Timberhill street

Tann, Mrs. Hannah, baker, Charing cross

Tann, Mary Ann, lodging-house keeper, Hall road, Lakenham

Tann, Samuel Wiseman, cabinet maker, &c., Upper Westwick street

Tarte, William, paper hanger, carver, and gilder, Botolph street

Tate, George, confectioner, Coslany street

Tatham, Mr. Charles, Distillery street

Tattam, Richard, cab proprietor, Lady’s lane

Tayler, Mrs. Eleanor, boarding and day school, 5, Grove place, Lakenham

Tayler, Francis George, teacher of music, 5, Grove place, Lakenham

Taylor, Adam and Clement, solicitors, and deputy under-sheriffs of Norfolk, and agents to the Palladium Life Insurance office, Orford place

Taylor, George, green grocer, Rupert street, Union place

Taylor, George, truss maker, 13, Upper St. Giles’

Taylor, Mr. C., cemetery, Earlham road

Taylor, Lieut. Edward, R.N., Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Taylor, Elizabeth, dressmaker, Prince’s street

Taylor, Elizabeth, stay and elastic bandage maker, 13, Upper St. Giles’ st.

Taylor, George, green grocer, Rose lane

Taylor, Henry, shoemaker, Boarded court, Ber street

Taylor, James William, builder and contractor, measure maker, and bowl turner, White Friars’ street, St. Martin’s at Palace

Taylor, Mrs. John, Surrey street

Taylor, John Martin, baker, St. Mary’s plain

Taylor, John Oddin, solicitor, solicitor to Eastern Counties and Norfolk Railways, registrar of marriages, solicitor to the Lowestoft Marine Parade Building Society, Lowestoft Harbour Building Society, and the Wellington Esplanade Building Society, and commissioner for acknowledgments of deeds by married women, 21 and 22, St. Giles’ street

Taylor, John William, cooper and measure maker, Upper Westwick street

Taylor, Mrs. Jane, Somerleyton street, Unthank’s road

Taylor, Mrs. Mary, Castle hotel and Commercial inn, Castle hill

Taylor, William, chemist and druggist, Magdalen street

Taylor, Mrs. William, cement agent, King street

Taylor, William Aaron, tailor, Jay’s square, Rose lane

Taylor, William Brown, tobacconist, 1, St. Stephen’s street

Taylor, William Henry, surgeon, Prince’s street

Taylor, William Henry and Co., wholesale grocers, Old Haymarket

Taylor, William James, grocer, plumber, and glazier, Bird in Hand, Mill lane, New Catton

Taylor, Mr. William, Carrow Abbey

Taylor, William Samuel, tailor and draper, Prince’s street

Taylor, William, coal dealer, Coslany street

Tebble, Mr. Thomas, Hall road, Lakenham

Temple, Robert, grocer, Ber street

Tench, James, shopkeeper and shoemaker, Spitalfields, Thorpe hamlet

Terrington, William, boot maker, Bloomsbury street, Rose lane

Testar, Charles, Cirque Unique tavern, Upper Westwick street

Thaxter, John, blacksmith, Barrack street

Thayne, Edward, basket manufacturer Upper Westwick street

p. 102Theobald, Mr. John, 6, Newmarket terrace

Theobald, Thomas and Son, hosiers and glovers, London street

Thetford, William, pork butcher, Trowse

Thirkettle, —, cabinet maker, Scole’s green

Thirkettle, Mrs. Harriet, feather dresser, Dereham road

Thirkettle, Mrs. Mary Ann, milliner and dressmaker, Timberhill street

Thirkettle, Robert, tailor, Wheelhouse’s court, St. Giles’ road

Thirkettle, William, whitesmith and bell hanger, Timberhill street

Thirtle, Mrs. Elizabeth, 11, Heigham terrace

Thirtle, James, boot and shoe maker, Lower Westwick street

Thirtle, James, whitesmith, Thorn lane

Thirtle, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, practical corn extractor, and estate and commission agent, 2, Bridewell alley

Thomas, John, coal merchant, Quay side, St. Martin’s at Palace

Thompson, Alfred William, commercial traveller, Chapel Field road

Thompson, Benjamin, shopkeeper, Rose tavern, Thorn lane

Thompson, Christopher, brazier and tin-plate worker, Rampant Horse street

Thompson and Corrick, milliners and dressmakers, 60, St. Giles’ street

Thompson, Daniel, shoemaker, Upper King street

Thompson, Mrs. Eliza, dressmaker, Suffolk street, Union place

Thompson, Mrs. Elizabeth, Blue Anchor, Silver road

Thompson, George, Canteen, Barracks, Pockthorpe

Thompson, Henry, chemist and druggist, St. Stephen’s plain

Thompson, Henry, brazier, St. Julian’s street

Thompson, Mr. Jabez, 10, Newmarket rd.

Thompson, James, boot closer, St. Catherine’s plain

Thompson, James, grocer, Cross lane, St. George’s

Thompson, John, boot and shoe maker and gutta percha factor, St. Peter’s steps, Market place

Thompson, John, green grocer, King street, Crook’s place

Thompson, Joseph, grocer and tea dealer, St. Stephen’s street

Thompson, Miss Maria, furniture broker, Oak street

Thompson, Martin, The Griffin, Barrack street

Thompson, Mrs., Dereham road

Thompson, Mrs., Chapel loke

Thompson, Philip, general shopkeeper, &c., Cherry street, New Lakenham

Thompson, Robert, jun., Phœnix iron works, St. Clement’s

Thompson, Robert, surgeon, Theatre street

Thompson, Robert, The Three Tuns, King street

Thompson and Son, iron merchants, ironmongers, oil and colourmen, ironfounders, boiler makers, and general smiths, Castle street and Colegate street

Thompson, Mrs. Sarah, bricklayer, St. Augustine’s

Thompson, Thomas, shoemaker, Botolph street

Thompson, William, beer retailer, Lower King street

Thorn, Charles, coach builder, St. Giles’ gates

Thorn, William, green grocer, Magdalen street

Thorndick and Co., printers and paper-bag manufacturers, Prince’s street

Thorns, Robert and Co., wholesale ironmongers, oil and colormen, Exchange street

Thornton, Mrs. H., Bracondale

Thornton, William, working cutler, Grapes’ hill

Thorold, Mr. William, Thorpe hamlet

Thorpe, Thomas, hairdresser, Coslany street

Thorpe, Thomas Edward, furniture broker, Sun and Anchor, Colegate street

Thorpe, William, hairdresser, St. Stephen’s street

Thouless, James, grocer, Lothian street, Heigham

Thouless, William, Bartholomew Tavern, Thorn lane

Thrower, Maria, Woolpack inn, Golden Ball street

Thurgar and Co., mustard manufacturers and patentees of the condensed egg, Albion mills, King street

p. 103Thurgar, Christopher Walter, surgeon, St. Catherine’s plain

Thurgar, William T., portrait painter, Unthank’s road

Thurling, James, Coachmakers’ Arms, St. Stephen’s gates

Thurlow, Mrs. Elizabeth, Post Office Tavern, Post Office street

Thurlow, Henry, Bricklayers’ Arms, Castle hill

Thurlow, John, baker and grocer, &c., Trowse

Thurlow, William, grocer, Prospect House, Philadelphia

Thurst, James, Venetian blind manufacturer, Castle meadow

Thurston, Daniel, Bull inn, St. Stephen’s street

Thurston, Samuel W., Chatham place, Chapel field road

Thurston, William, furniture broker, Oak street

Thurtell, Henry, green grocer, King street

Thurtell, James, whitesmith, Thorn lane

Thurtell, Mr. Thomas, Hall road, Lakenham

Thwaites, Mr. Henry, Holl’s lane

Thwaites, Isaac Mower, plumber, painter, and glazier, Willow cottage, Thorn lane

Thwaites, John, beer retailer, Rainbow, Lower King street

Tibbenham, William, cowkeeper, Newmarket road

Tidd, Robert, grocer and tea-dealer, Oak street

Tidman, Robert, Bridge House, Thorpe hamlet

Tidman, Robert, machinist and boiler maker, Thorpe hamlet

Tillett, Mr. Jacob, Quay side

Tillett, Jacob Henry, solicitor, and agent to the General Life and Fire Insurance Company, St. Andrew’s Broad street; h Town close

Tillett, James, wheelwright, St. Augustine’s gates

Tillett, Leonard, bricklayer and plasterer, Lower Westwick street

Tillett, William, coachbuilder, St. Augustine’s

Tilley, Alfred, upholsterer, Lothian street

Tills, Benjamin, grocer and tea dealer, Magdalen street

Tillyard and Howlett, curriers, leather merchants, and shoe manufacturers, St. George’s plain

Tillyard, Isaac, shoe manufacturer, St. George’s plain; h Bracondale

Tillyard, Mr. Robert, Grove, St. Giles’ road

Tillyard and Son, boot and shoe makers, Elm hill

Tillyard, Abraham, boot and shoe maker, (see Tillyard and Son)

Tilney, Henry, beer retailer, Magdalen street

Tink, William, jobbing gardener, Trafalgar street

Tinkler, George, clerk to the Commissioner of Taxes, and Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths for East Wymer District, Magdalen street

Tinkler, George, green grocer, Magdalen street

Tinkley, Mrs. Esther, boot and shoe maker, Rampant Horse street

Tiptod, Benjamin, green grocer, Coburgh street

Titlow, Rev. Samuel, A.M., 16, The Crescent

Todd, Miss Catherine, 3, Heigham place

Todd, John, and Son, tailors and woollen drapers, Queen street

Todd, William, clerk to the Norwich Union Insurance Society, Lower King street

Todd, William Austin, tailor, habit maker, woollen draper, and hatter, 16, London street

Toll, Elizabeth, 57, St. Giles’ street

Toll, William, shoemaker, Ber street gates

Tolladay, Joseph, horse-hair seating and mattress manufacturer, Lower Westwick street

Tolson, Mrs. Martha, 5, London terrace, St. Stephen’s road

Tomlinson, Miss Ann, milliner, Bishopgate street

Tomlinson and Co., hatters, hosiers, and glovers, Castle street

Tomlinson, Mr. George, City road, Heigham fields

Tomlinson, Hannah, lodging-house keeper, 2, Bank plain

Tompson, Charles, schoolmaster and shopkeeper, Pitt street

Toogood, William, shoemaker, Aylsham road

p. 104Tooke, Mrs. Mary, Nelson place, Mount Pleasant, Newmarket road

Tooke, Michael, tailor, Vauxhall street

Tooley, Peter, saddler and harness maker, Upper King street

Towell, Mrs. Ann, White Cottage, Philadelphia

Towell, William, seed merchant, 2, Upper King street

Towler, Mr. Abel, Heigham grove, Unthank’s road

Towler, Edward William Robert, grocer and tea-dealer, Magdalen street

Towler, Miss Hannah, linen draper and haberdasher, Fye bridge, Magdalen street

Towler, John Burrows, fish salesman, Lady’s lane

Towler, Rowling and Allen, manufacturers’, Elm hill, and 46, Friday street, Cheapside, London

Towler, Richard Burrows, The Ostrich tavern, Plumstead road

Townley, Mr. Jonathan, treasurer of County Court, Surrey road

Townshend, Charles, furniture broker, St. Martin’s at Palace plain

Townshend, George, Crown inn, Elm hill

Townshend, John, house agent, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Townshend, Robert, clerk, 7, Synagogue street

Townshend, Samuel, herring curer, 32, Pottergate street

Townshend, Samuel Thomas, jun., carver, gilder, and looking-glass and picture-frame manufacturer, 13, Charing cross

Townshend, Miss Sarah, milliner and dressmaker, Botolph street

Townshend, William, bricklayer, King’s Arms, Bethel street

Trackson, James, travelling draper, Bedford street, Unthank’s road

Travis, Samuel, Bowling Green tap, Theatre street

Traxton, Edward, tailor, Lower close

Trevor, Mr. Frederick Francis, Trory street, Unthank’s road

Trevor, Henry, cabinet, upholstery, paper hanging, and carpet warehouse, 5, Post Office street; h Earlham road

Trimmer, Rev. Kirby, B.A., Upper close

Tripp, John, whitesmith, Golden Ball street

Trollop, George, gardener and green grocer, Southwell road, New Lakenham

Trory, John, professor of music, Elm hill, St. Peter’s Hungate

Trory, William, green grocer, Bethel street

Trory, Mr. William, Unthank’s road

Trowse, Christopher, tailor, Ten Bell lane

Trowse, John, parish clerk to St. Peter’s Mancroft, Bethel street

Trowse, William and Charles, builders, St. Julian street

True, Samuel, stationer, St. Augustine’s street

True, William John, Jolly Gardeners, Brunswick road

Truman, James, shoe manufacturer, Pottergate street

Trumbetta, William, Market House, Weaver’s lane

Tubb, William Henry, original Berlin wool and fancy warehouse, London street

Tuck, Charles Edward, solicitor, St. Giles’ street

Tuck, James Stannard, lodging-house keeper, Surrey street

Tuck, Robert, baker, Vauxhall street

Tuck, Robert, confectioner, Wensum street

Tuck, Robert Alexander, baker and confectioner, Lower Goat lane

Tuddenham, Edward, tailor, Duke’s street

Tuddenham, Henry, tailor, St. Augustine’s

Tuddenham, John, The Swan, Cowgate street

Tuffield, William, fishmonger, Badding lane, St. Martin’s at Palace

Tuffs, William, beer retailer, Botolph street

Tungate, William, Somerleyton street, Unthank’s road

Turner, Charles, shoemaker, Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Turner, Mr. Charles, Lower King street

Turner, Charles, Rev., M. A., 17, The Crescent

Turner, Edmund, commercial traveller, Grove, Surrey road

Turner, James Mangles, iron founder, Norwich foundry, St. Martin’s at Palace

p. 105Turner, James, carver and gilder, Charles street, Heigham

Turner, John, house and furniture painter, St. Lawrence lane

Turner, John Joseph, painter, &c., Barn road, Heigham

Turner, Joseph, The Anchor, Surrey street

Turner, Sarah, shopkeeper, Adelaide street, Heigham

Turner, Sarah, grocer, John street, Heigham

Turner, Thomas, green grocer, Ber street

Turner, William, jun., boot and shoemaker, Palace street

Turner, William, green grocer, St. James’ street

Turner, William, tailor, St. Stephen’s Church lane

Turner, William Nicholas Harwin, solicitor, Lower close; h Newmarket road

Turrell, James, grocer, Ber street

Turrell, Josiah, furniture broker, and general shopkeeper, Coburgh street

Turtle, Francis Gilling, throwster and stover, Botolph street

Tuttell, Ann Maria, baker, and shopkeeper, Trafalgar street, Lakenham

Tuttell, Henry, general shopkeeper, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Tuttle, John, grocer, Mill street, Lakenham

Tuxford, William, trunk maker, Back of the Inns

Tyce, George, cabinet maker, 16, Charing cross

Tye, Jemima, milliner and straw bonnet maker, Ber street

Tyler, Mrs. Adelaide (day school) Lothian street, Heigham

Tyzack, William Valentine, haircutter, wig maker, and perfumer, 13, London street

Ulph, Frederick, carpenter and builder, St. John’s terrace, Ber street gates

Ulph, Henry William, billiard table keeper, Old Post Office court; h Dereham road

Ulph, James, The Three Tubs, Barrack street, Pockthorpe

Ulph, Thomas, shoe mercer, leather warehouseman, &c., 1, Dove street

Ulph, William, dyer and dresser, Lower Westwick street

Underwood, Charles, butcher, West Pottergate street

Underwood and Gaze, lime burners and brick makers, Chalk hill, Thorpe hamlet

Underwood, Henry, bricklayer and plasterer, St. Margaret’s plain; h Somerleyton street

Underwood, John, bricklayer, King street

Upcroft, James, Jack of Newbury tavern, Magdalen street

Upcroft, William, printer and bookbinder, Fishgate street

Utting, Charles, bankers’ clerk, Holl’s lane, Heigham fields

Utting, John, boot and shoe maker, Gildengate street

Utting, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Ber street

Utting, Mr. Robert, Sussex street, St. Augustine’s

Valentine, Elizabeth, green grocer, St. Swithin’s

Varley, John, cabinet and chair maker, Ropes’ yard, Surrey street

Varvill, James, lime burner, Trowse Newton

Vassar, John, grocer and tea dealer, West End street, Heigham

Venning, Mrs. Julia, Surrey House, Surrey street

Venteman, George Deanes, inland revenue officer, Lower King street

Vincent, Elizabeth, milliner, St. Miles’ Church alley

Vincent, Henry, furniture broker, St. Gregory’s Church alley

Vincent, Henry, tin-plate worker, Lower Westwick street

Vincent, Henry and Son, furniture brokers, and tin-plate workers, Upper Westwick street

Vincent, James, hat manufacturer, furrier, and feather maker, Red Lion street

Vincent, John, salesman, Leonard’s buildings, Unthank’s road

Vincent, Rev. John Charles Frederick, A.M. and LL.D., Upper close

Vlieland, Jerome N., professor of languages, Redwell street

Vyall, Daniel, parish clerk, and coal merchant, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Vyall, Henry Manning, coal merchant, Chapel Field road

p. 106Wade, Elizabeth, tailoress, St. John’s Maddermarket

Wade, Mrs. Frances, woollen cloth warehouse, Redwell street

Wade, James, furniture broker, Fishgate street

Wade, Robert, hairdresser, &c., Bank street

Wade, Rev. Robert, B.A., incumbent of Christ church, New Catton

Wade, Thomas, wood turner, Pitt street

Wade, Thomas, beer retailer, Pitt street

Waddington, James, estate agent, St. Julian’s street, Ber street

Waight, Thomas, White Hart, Ber street

Waite, George, gas fitter and brazier, 4, Redwell street

Wakerley, George, agent to Blackie and Son, publishers, Upper St. Giles’ street

Wallace, Thomas, Whip and Nag, Pitt street

Wales, John, carpenter and builder, Kimberley street, Unthank’s road

Wales, Mr. William, Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Walker, Amos, baker, Infirmary road

Walker, Mrs. Ann, milliner, and straw bonnet maker, Peacock street

Walker and Bird, writers and grainers, Surrey street (see Advertisement, p. 19)

Walker, Clement Henry, grainer, (see Walker and Bird); h Victoria place

Walker, Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Ber street

Walker, George, Cardinal Cap, Upper Westwick street

Walker, James, butcher, Coslany street

Walker, John, green grocer, Ber street

Walker, John, Castle tavern, Thorpe hamlet

Walker, Richard, fancy repository, St. George’s Bridge street

Walker, Robert, printer and news’ agent, Church street, St. Miles’ Coslany

Walker, Theresa, Calvert street

Walker, Thomas, joiner and builder, Upper Westwick street

Walker, William Steward, accountant, 7, Surrey terrace, Surrey road

Wallace, James, Two Brewers, St. John’s Maddermarket

Waller, Elizabeth, dressmaker, Calvert street

Waller, John Gamble, haberdasher, Peacock street

Waller, Martha, shopkeeper, St. Paul’s opening

Waller, Robert Pitts, Christian Knowledge Society repository, 15, Castle meadow

Waller, Thomas, baker, Cowgate street

Walmsley, George William, carpenter, West Pottergate street

Walne, Mr. William B., 53, Pottergate street

Walters, William, grocer, Ber street

Want, Frederick, stone and marble mason, Dereham road

Ward, Charles Palmer, hairdresser, White Lion street

Ward, Elizabeth, green grocer, St. Benedict’s street

Ward, George, baker, Little Orford street

Ward, Isaac, hairdresser, West Pottergate street

Ward, James, carpenter, St. Andrew’s hill

Ward, Mrs. Maria, dressmaker, Albemarle street, Crook’s place

Ward, Thomas William, boot and shoe maker, St. Benedict’s street

Ward, William, William the Fourth, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Ward, William, The Bird in Hand, Barrack street

Wardle, Sarah, draper and milliner, St. Mary’s plain

Warlett, Mrs. Phœbe, clothier, Coslany street

Warman, Zachariah W., haberdasher, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Warner, George G., merchant’s clerk, Paragon street

Warner, Henry, George inn, Old Haymarket

Warner, James, blacksmith, Trafalgar street

Warner, Walter Waite, tea dealer, All Saints’ green

Warne, Samuel, shoemaker, Russell street

Warner, William and Co., brass founders, coppersmiths, and agents to copper mines, 2, St. Giles’ street

Warnes, Charles, Orchard Tavern gardens, Heigham street

Warnes, Elizabeth, Eastern Counties Railway tavern, Foundry bridge

Warnes, Henry, merchant’s clerk, 6, St. Stephen’s square

p. 107Warnes, Robert, coal merchant, Foundry bridge; h 7, John street, Rose lane

Warnes, Thomas, beer retailer, Cowgate street, St. Paul’s

Warnes, Thomas, brush manufacturer, City road, Heigham

Warner, William Waite, Theatre street

Warnett, Charles, bricklayer and builder, Lower King street

Warnett, Phœbe, shopkeeper, &c., Bridge street, St. Miles’

Warren, Reuben, carpenter, Russell st.

Warren, Mrs. Susan, 4, Grove place, St. Giles’ road

Warren, Mr. William, Bracondale

Watching, Thomas, green grocer, Heigham street

Watering, Jeremiah, boot and shoe maker, Southwell street, Lakenham

Watering, John, shopkeeper, Mill lane, New Catton

Watering, Mr., Douro terrace, Heigham grove, Earlham road

Waters, John, fishmonger, Ber Street gates

Waterson, Joseph, coal merchant, Quay side

Waterton, Mr. Edward, The Cottage, Silver road

Watling, Francis, wood turner, Oak street

Watling, Robert Shingles, corn merchant, Cinder Ovens yard, King street; h Yarmouth

Watling, Simon, shoe manufacturer, Cowgate street

Watson, Ann and Son, stone merchants and masons, St. Faith’s lane and Castle meadow; h Thorpe hamlet

Watson, Daniel Filby, carver and gilder, All Saints’ green

Watson, Edward Charles, carpenter and joiner, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Watson, Frederick Elwin, solicitor, clerk to the Commissioners of taxes, and agent to the Yorkshire Fire and Life office, Rampant Horse street; h 5, Lakenham terrace

Watson, George, Alma terrace, Infirmary road

Watson, Gilbert Pickering, chemist and druggist, King street

Watson, James, carpenter and builder, Philadelphia

Watson, James, chemist and druggist, Lower King street

Watson, James, tea dealer and lodging-house keeper, Calvert street

Watson, James Crane, carpenter and builder, John street, Rose lane

Watson, James Harvey, tailor and clothier, 2, Charing cross

Watson, John, Star Commercial inn and posting house, Old Haymarket

Watson, John Ferra, surgeon, Heigham hill, Heigham

Watson, Miss Mary Ann, day school, John street, Rose lane

Watts, Mrs. Elizabeth, 8, The Crescent

Watts and Graham, drapers and tea-dealers, Thurso place, Dereham road

Watts, Sarah, Lord Nelson, Dereham rd.

Watts, Harriet, beer retailer, Lower King street

Watts, Henry, tailor, Devonshire place, Heigham

Watts, James, engineer, &c., Bishopgate street

Watts, James, engineer, Bloomsbury street, Rose lane

Watts, John, Kett’s Castle, Spitalfields, Thorpe hamlet

Watts, Mrs. Sarah, Earlham road

Watts, Thomas, butcher, Willow lane, St. Giles’

Watts, Thomas, clerk, 1, St. Stephen’s square

Weavers, Elizabeth, lodging-house keeper, 1, Pottergate street

Weavers, Mrs. Fanny Mary, dressmaker, 5, John street, Rose lane

Weavers, Robert, beer retailer, Heigham street

Weavers, William, fishmonger, Austin court, Bethel street

Webb, Goldsmith, cattle dealer, Julian street, Julian place

Webb, John, photographic artist, Cowgate street

Webb, William, jun., rope manufacturer, Magdalen street

Webber, Joseph, brazier, Pitt street

Websdale, Mrs. Frances, Lamb inn, Old Haymarket

Websdale, Miss Harriet, milliner and dressmaker, Surrey street

Websdale, James, grocer and beer retailer, Lower King street

Webster, Benjamin, merchant’s clerk, Grove place, New Lakenham

Webster Emma, dressmaker, Philadelphia

p. 108Webster, Henry, shopkeeper, Golden Ball street

Webster, James, carver, Ber street

Webster, John, hairdresser, Ber street

Webster, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Lower Westwick street

Webster, Robert, second-hand clothes dealer and shoemaker, St. Lawrence steps

Webster Stephen, boot and shoe maker, 14, Timberhill street

Webster, Mrs. Sarah Ann, dressmaker, Botolph street

Webster, William, Maid’s Head inn and Posting house, Wensum street

Webster, William, brewer and beer retailer, Ber street

Webster, William, builder, Golden Ball street

Websdale, William, upholsterer and paper hanger, Surrey street

Weeds, Mary Ann, grocer, Bishopgate bridge, Thorpe hamlet

Weeks, Henry, The Jolly Gardeners’ tavern, Infirmary road

Weeks, William, plumber, painter, and glazier, St. Augustine’s street

Wegg, Christopher, blacksmith, Fishgate street

Welch, James R. J., baker, Lower King street

Wells, Jeremiah, beer retailer, Botolph street

Wells, Peter, Oxford tavern, Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Wells, Mr. Robert, Queen street

Wells, Thomas, veterinary surgeon, Castle meadow

Wells, William, butcher, 1, Norfolk terrace, Union place,

Wells William, cabinet manufacturer, Castle meadow

Wells, William Harrison, corn miller, New Mills; h Hellesdon

Welton, Edward, wheelwright, &c., Brazen Doors road

Wenn, William, Jolly Maltsters, and marine store dealer, Cowgate street

West, Mr. Charles, 3, St. Stephen’s back street

West, John, the Royal Standard, Chapel street, Union place

Weston, Charles, maltster and brewer, St. George’s Bridge street; h Thorpe

Whaites, Mrs. Hannah, lodging-house keeper, Surrey street

Whaites, Mr. Charles, solicitor, Samson’s Court, Tombland

Whaites, Mr. Robert, Newmarket terrace

Whales, Mark, bricklayer, Distillery yard, Coslany street

Whall, Ann, gun maker, Little London street

Whall, Jeremiah, tunist, Julian street, Julian place

Whall, John, beer retailer, Cowgate street

Whall, Robert, grocer, King street, Crook’s place

Whall, William, whitesmith, St. Stephen’s back street

Whall, William, hairdresser, Mill lane, New Catton

Wheeler, Francis, pharmaceutical chemist and druggist, 2, Swan lane, London street

Wheeler, Rev. Thomas Archibald, Baptist minister, Golden Dog lane

Wheelhouse, Mr. William, St. Giles’ road

Whincop, George Garwood, banker’s clerk, Newmarket road

White, Anna and Drusilla, Berlin wool and millinery warehouse, No. 8, London street

White, Frederick, ironmonger, St. Faith’s lane

White, George, shoemaker, Upper Goat lane

White, Jeremiah, carpenter and builder, Thorn lane

White, Mrs., 1, Grove place, St. Giles’ road

White, Robert, ticket writer, St. Benedict’s street

White, Richard, green grocer, Palace street

White, Richard, surgeon dentist, Tuck’s court, St. Giles’; h Unthank’s road

White, William, furniture broker and estate agent, St. Gregory’s church alley

Whitehead, Mrs. Ann, servants’ registry office, 12, Grapes’ hill, St. Giles

Whitehead, George, stone mason, Grapes’ hill, St. Giles’

Whitehead, Mary, midwife, Sussex street

Whitehead, William, Two-necked Swan, Oak street, St. Martin’s

Whitelock, Mrs. Anna, Timberhill street

p. 109Whiting, Mrs. Elizabeth Lawrence, Grout’s thoroughfare, St. John’s Timberhill

Whiting, George Jones, tailor, Heigham street

Whitlam, Thomas, cutler, West Pottergate street

Whitlan, Henry, shoe manufacturer, Adelaide street, Heigham

Whitrick, James, grocer, West Pottergate street

Whitaker, William, grocer, &c., Lower King street

Wick, Mr. Thomas, St. Catherine’s plain

Wicks, Benjamin, Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Wicks, Robert, grocer and tailor, Ber street

Wicks, Thomas, wire worker, Tombland

Wicks, William, clerk to the guardians of Heigham, Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Widows, Francis, manufacturer, St. Paul’s terrace, Cowgate street

Widdows, Charles, teacher of music, 8, John street, Rose lane

Widdows, Mark, Shoulder of Mutton, St. Andrew’s hill

Wigg, Edward, Stag inn, St. Benedict’s street

Wigg, John, cow-keeper, Vauxhall street

Wigg, Sarah, lodging-house keeper, 6, Jay’s terrace, Rose lane

Wigger, John Henry A., picture dealer, Bethel street

Wigger, John, The Dog, St. Paul’s plain

Wiggett, Henry, wood turner, Oak street

Wiggett, Mrs. Mary, Somerleyton street, Unthank’s road

Wigham, Mrs. Elizabeth, Lower close

Wilby, Caroline, day school, Lower King street

Wilch, Harriet, baker and shopkeeper, Lower King street

Wilch, Mary Ann, baker and shopkeeper, Lower King street

Wild, Edward, grocer, tea-dealer, &c., 11, Old Haymarket

Wild, Elizabeth, milliner, Cowgate street

Wilde, John, collector of Inland Revenue stamps and taxes, office, Orford hill; h 6, Newmarket road

Wilde, Frederic, plumber, glazier, and painter, St. Stephen’s street

Wilde, John, coal seller, Lower King street

Wilde, Matthew, Eastern Union Railway tavern, St. Stephen’s gates

Wilde and Son, parliamentary agents, St. Stephen’s street

Wilde, Mr. Stephen, Unthank’s road

Wilde, William, auctioneer, Post Office street

Wilde, William, coroner for the city, St. Stephen’s street

Wilding, Henry, hairdresser and perfumer, 42, London street

Wiles, Mary Ann, linen and woollen draper, silk mercer, &c., St. Stephen’s street

Wiley, Samuel Hall, general shopkeeper, The General Windham, Cowgate street

Wilkin, Charles, carver and gilder, Wensum street

Wilkins, John, bricklayer, St. Martin’s lane

Wilkins, Mr. Robert Frederick, Bethel street

Wilkinson, Mr. Benjamin, Newmarket road

Wilkinson, Henry Joseph, saddler and harness maker, St. Giles’ street

Wilkinson, Joseph, solicitor, Prince’s street

Wilkinson, William, Suffolk Arms, Oak street

Willement, George, green grocer, Coburg street

Willement John, shoemaker, Dereham road

Willement, Mrs. Maria, shopkeeper, St. Augustine’s street

Williment Richard, manufacturer, 1, Calvert street

Willett, Mr. Charles J., Eaton Willow, Newmarket road

Willett, Charles, manure and agricultural implement makers’ agent, 5, Great Orford street

Willett, Mr. Edward, Eaton Grove, Newmarket road (of the firm of Willett and Co.)

Willett, Nephew, and Co., manufacturers, Pottergate street; London warehouse, 62, Friday street

Williams, Elizabeth, baby linen warehouse, 9, London street

Willett, Mr. Henry, Thorpe House

Williams, Henry, beer retailer, King street gates

Williams, Josiah, grocer and tea-dealer, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

p. 110Williamson, Henry William, corn, flour, and seed merchant, 56, St. Stephen’s street

Williamson, Mrs. Mary Ann, boot and shoe warehouse, St. Stephen’s street

Williamson, William, William the Fourth, and cheesemonger, St. Augustine’s street

Willgrass, John, butcher, Ber street

Williams, Benjamin, collector of taxes, 3, Calvert street

Williams, Case, and Potter, manufacturers, Calvert street

Williams, Mr. Isaac, Calvert street (see Williams, Case, and Potter)

Williams, Josiah, grocer, &c., Globe street, Union place

Williams, John, corn traveller, City road, Heigham

Williams, John Henry, grocer, &c., Duke street

Williams, Mrs. Mary Ann, Moon and Stars, Duke’s Palace street

Williams, Thomas, green grocer, Crook’s place

Williamson, John Austin, corn and seed factor, Duke’s Palace street

Williamson, Mrs. Temperance, dress maker, Duke’s Palace

Willins, Mrs. E., Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Willins, the Misses, Mount Pleasant

Willis, Reuben, shopkeeper, Oak street, St. Martin’s

Willins, William, solicitor, Castle meadow

Wills, Anthony, parish clerk, West end street

Wills, Anthony Frederick, Gibraltar gardens and bowling green, Upper Heigham

Wills, George Edward, draper, Heigham street

Wills, William, tanner and fellmonger, Heigham street

Willsea, Mrs. Harriet, news agent and tobacconist, Orford hill

Wilsea, John, Waggon and Horses, and furniture broker, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Wilson, Alexander, cab proprietor, St. Stephen’s square

Wilson, George, bookseller, Castle street

Wilson, George, confectioner, Queen street, Tombland

Wilson, James, Railway Inn, Trowse Millgate

Wilson, Miss Jane, straw bonnet maker, St. Paul’s

Wilson, James, supervisor of inland revenue, 34, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s

Wilson, Mrs. Maria, grocer, &c., Bridge street, St. Miles

Wilson, Miss Maria, Unthank’s road

Wilson, the Misses E. & C., boarding school, Grove house, Newmarket road

Wilson, Robert, Marquis of Lothian, Lothian street, St. Benedict’s

Wilson, Sarah, general shopkeeper, Barrack street

Wilson, Thomas, cork manufacturer, Golden Ball street

Wilson, Thomas, boat letter, Crown yard, St. Martin’s at Oak

Wilson, William S., manager of East of England Bank, Old Haymarket; h Newmarket road

Wilson, William, firework maker, Church walk, New Lakenham

Wilson, William, solicitor, 7, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Wimperis, William, earthenware dealer, Cowgate street

Winkle, John, engineer and machinist, St. Benedict’s gates

Winter, Ambrose, Heigham road

Winter, Charles, wholesale shoe manufacturer and leather merchant, 7, 8, and 9, Upper market; h Heigham Grove House, St. Giles’ road

Winter, George, baker and confectioner, Timberhill street

Winter, James, solicitor, and treasurer to Carrow bridge com. and guardian, St. Giles’ street; h Rose Cottage, Heigham

Winter, James John, solicitor, St. Giles’ street; h Lower Close

Winter, John Green, clerk, Valentine street

Winter, John, beer retailer, Barrack street

Winter, Robert, baker, Coburg street

Winter and Rowland, carpenters, King street

Winter Robert, relieving officer and parish clerk, 4, Victoria terrace, Synagogue street

Winter, Samuel, baker, Pitt street

p. 111Winter, Mrs. Thomas, Greenhill gardens, St. Augustine’s

Winter, William, plumber, painter, and glazier, Timberhill street

Winter, William, wholesale brush manufacturer, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Wiseman, Mr. Alfred, 1, Earlham Road terrace

Wiseman, Isaac, wine and spirit merchant, Post Office street; h Newmarket road

Wiseman, Robert, bricklayer and plasterer, Muspole street

Wiseman, Mr. Samuel, Gildengate street

Wiseman, William, West Pottergate street

Wisker, Robert Newton, grocer and tea dealer, Tinkler’s lane

Wittrick, Henry, lodging-house keeper, Priest’s buildings, St. Stephen’s road

Wittrick, Samuel, coal dealer, Vauxhall street

Wodderspoon, Mr. John, Lower close

Wodehouse, Miss Elizabeth, Lower close

Wodehouse, William, agent for the Liverpool Friendly Society, 21, Upper King street

Wolsey, Henry, merchant’s clerk, 4, Surrey terrace

Wolton, Durrant, and Co., grocers and tea dealers, 47, London street

Wolton, Mr. John Hyam, Castle meadow

Womack, George, wholesale clothier, outfitter, woollen draper, tailor, and hatter, 10, 11, 12, White Lion street, and 13, 14, Davey place; h Surrey street

Womack, Mr. George, Grapes’ hill

Wood, George, Morgan’s Cellar House, Lower King street

Wood, George James, leather seller, Sussex street, St. Augustine’s

Wood, John, carpenter, Union place

Wood, Mr. John, Fisher’s lane

Wood, John Samuel, whitesmith, brazier, and tin-plate worker, Magdalen street

Wood, Mr. Robert, 25, Bethel street

Wood, Robert, Cricketers’ Arms, Red Lion street

Wood, William, general shopkeeper, Union street, Crook’s place

Woodard, Henry, hairdresser, Lower King street

Woodcock, Mr. Henry, 70, St. Giles’ street

Woodcock, Samuel, pork butcher, Palace street

Woodcock, Thomas, solicitor, Surrey road, All Saints

Woodcraft, Charles, St. Faith’s lane

Woodcraft, James, news agent, Fishgate street

Woodgate, Philip, shoe warehouse, Castle street; h St. Giles’ road

Woodhouse, George, accountant, 6, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Woodhouse, Mr. George, 66, Pottergate street

Woodhouse, Joshua, Curriers’ Arms, St. Stephen’s Back street

Woodhouse, William, surgeon at Infirmary, St. Augustine’s

Woodron, Mr. John, 2, London terrace, St. Stephen’s road

Woodrow, Mrs. Hannah Maria, Bracondale

Woodrow, James Samuel, merchant’s clerk, Somerleyton street, Unthank’s road

Woodrow, Mr. Joseph, Unthank’s road

Woodrow, Robert, watch and clock maker, Gloucester place, St. Catherine’s plain

Woodrow, Thomas, pawnbroker, St. Miles; h 3, Trafalgar place, Dereham road

Woodrow, William, wholesale shoe manufacturer, Church walk, Lakenham

Woods, Mr. Alexander, Holl’s lane

Woods, George John, leather seller and currier, St. Gregory’s Church alley

Woods, James, merchants’ clerk, Kimberley street, Unthank’s road

Woods, James Matthias, linen draper, 67, St. Stephen’s street

Woods, John, tailor, West Pottergate street

Woods, John Robert, cabinet maker, Red Lion street

Woods, John, tailor, Tinkler’s lane

Woods, Robert, tailor, John street, Rose lane

Woods, William, green grocer and coal dealer, Union place

Woodward, Charles, baker and confectioner, Trory street, Julian place

Woodward, Mrs. Elizabeth, St. Stephen’s road

Woodward, Mrs. Jane, 17, Distillery st.

Woodyard, James, boot and shoe manufacturer, Oak street

p. 112Woolbright, Robert, gardener, Lower close

Woollistone, Samuel, baker, and timber dealer, Cherry street, Lakenham

Woollinger, John, green grocer, St. Augustine’s street

Woolmer, Clement Amies, boot and shoe maker, and parish clerk, Bridge street, St. George’s

Woolnough, Martha, corn dealer, Ber street

Woolnough, Theophilus, stationer, Prince’s street

Woolsey, Samuel, White Hart family and commercial hotel and posting house, St. Peter’s

Woolterton, Robert, surgeon, Tombland

Wordingham, Robert, painter, plumber, and glazier, Rose tavern, Hall’s road, Lakenham

Wordingham, William, joiner and builder, St. Catherine’s plain

Worledge, John, fishmonger, Gildengate street

Worman, James, builder, Castle meadow

Worman, Robert, carter, Grapes’ hill

Wortley, Mrs. John, Bracondale

Wortley, Miss Martha, milliner and dressmaker, 5, Briggs’ street

Wortley, Thomas, shoe manufacturer, William street

Wright and Base, boot and shoe makers, London street

Wright, Daniel, tin-plate worker, Pitt street

Wright, Eliza, tailoress, Lower King st.

Wright, George, green grocer, Upper Westwick street

Wright, Mrs. Harriet, Upper close

Wright, Miss Harriet, school mistress, Prospect place, Philadelphia

Wright, Jacob, St. Mary’s foundry, Muspole street

Wright, James, bricklayer and plasterer, Ber street

Wright, James, linen draper and milliner, Ber street

Wright, James, and Son, land agents, surveyors, and valuers, Bank chambers

Wright, Mr. James, senr., Mount Pleasant

Wright, Mr. James, junr., Mount Pleasant

Wright, James, Goat Tavern, Upper Goat lane

Wright, John, and Son, manufacturers, Elm hill; h St. Helen’s, Bishopgate street

Wright, Mr. John, St. Helen’s place

Wright, John, millwright, Alma terrace, St. Augustine’s road

Wright, John, fishmonger, Oak street

Wright, Robert John, land agent, Queen street; h Lower close

Wright and Son, plumbers, painters, and glaziers Mission place, King street (see Advertisement, p. 34)

Wright, Thomas, butcher and beer retailer, Long row, New Catton

Wright, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Pump street

Wright, Mr. Thomas Frederick, Mount pleasant

Wright, Walter, plumber, painter, and glazier, Surrey place

Wright, Mrs. Warner, Gildengate street

Wright, William, joiner and builder, Richmond hill, Lakenham

Wright and Woodrow, land agents and surveyors, Queen street

Wurr and Page, bricklayers and plasterers, Grapes’ hill

Wyatt, David, tailor, Paragon street, St. Giles’ road

Wyatt, Esdaile, clerk, Grove road, New Lakenham

Wyatt, Henry, boot and shoe manufacturer, Upper King street

Wyatt, John, The Spear in Hand, Julian place, Heigham

Wymer, Mrs. Elizabeth, Bartholomew street

Yallop, William, Somerset tavern, Union street, Crook’s place

Yarington, Mrs. Mary Ann, ladies’ seminary, Gildengate street

Yates, William, china, glass, and earthenware warehouse, Davey place

Yaxley, Henry, King’s Arms, St. Augustine’s street

Yeames, Samuel, The Waterman, King street

Yellop, Robert, Golden Can, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Yexley, William, accountant, Jubilee Place, Heigham road

Youell, Catherine, dressmaker, Globe street, Union place

Youels, William, hairdresser and glover, St. Catherine’s plain

Young, Mrs. Elizabeth, Unthank’s road

p. 113Young, James, bricklayer and builder, Dereham road

Young, John, commercial traveller, 11, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Young, Thomas, baker and grocer, Magdalen street

Youngman, John, accountant, Grove place, Lakenham

Youngman, Harold, merchant’s clerk, and agent for the Scottish Union Fire and Life Assurance Society, Vauxhall street

Youngman, Samuel Wood, commercial traveller, 10, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Youngs, Crawshay and Youngs, brewers, maltsters, and spirit merchants, King street

Youngs, Mr. John, West End street, Holl’s lane, Heigham

Youngs, Mr. John, (see Youngs, Crawshay, and Youngs); h 11, Richmond hill

Youngs, Mary Ann, baker, St. Stephen’s street

Youngs, Peter, Richmond tavern, Richmond hill

Youngs, Robert C., (see Youngs, Crawshay, and Youngs) Lower King street

Youngs, William, Carpenters’ Arms, Trowse

Zipfel, Charles, watch and clock maker, Magdalen street

Zipfel, John, watchmaker, Lower King street

Zipfel, Matthew, watch and clock maker, Bridge street, St. George’s

Zobel, Mrs. Margaret, dressmaker, Rupert street, Union place


Academies and Schools (For Public Schools, see under Public Information)

Abel, Mrs., (day) Unthank’s road

Appleton, Mrs. Anna, (day) St. Augustine’s

Bardwell, Miss Adlian, (day) St. Stephen’s gates

Barker, Mrs. Eliza, (boarding) Grove road, Lakenham

Bateman, Mrs. Mary, (day) St. Stephen’s road

Bell, Miss L., (day) Synagogue street

Blakely, The Misses, (boarding and day) St. Giles’ road

Blogg, W., (day) Upper King street

Body, Elizabeth M., (day) Adelaide street, Heigham

Boyden, The Misses, (boarding and day) Pottergate street

Brook, William, (boarding) Grey Friar’s Priory, King street

Burrage, Frederick J., (boarding and day) Golden Dog lane

Burrage, John Charles, (boarding and day) Castle hill

Campling, Mrs. Eliza Jane, (boarding and day) Castle hill

Carver, Mrs. Ruth, West Pottergate street

Chalker, Elizabeth, (day) Till’s court, Ber street

Codling, Arthur John, (boarding and day) Magdalen street

Coldwell, Amelia, (boarding and day) St. Clement’s Church alley

Cooke, Miss Mary H., (day) Distillery street, Heigham

Crowe, Miss Elizabeth, (boarding) Calvert street

Dunnett, Mrs. Mary, (boarding and day) Surrey street

Dye, Miss Harriet, 5, Grapes’ hill

Farnell, James Thomas, (boarding and day) St. Giles’ street

Farnell, William Keeling (boarding) Theatre street

Finegan, Mrs., Cow hill

Froggett, Ellen, (boarding) Sussex st.

Gilbert, Mrs., (day) Gildengate street

Golding, Mary Ann, (day) St. Paul’s Back lane

Green, Elizabeth, (day) Palace street

Hardyman, Miss Sarah, (boarding) Bracondale

Harmer, Miss Ann, (day) Distillery street, Heigham

Hart, Miss Catherine, (boarding) 14, Victoria street

Heasell, the Misses, (boarding) Surrey road

Holmes, Mrs. Esther, St. Stephen’s rd.

Hovell, Elizabeth, (day) Rupert street

Howard, Miss Anne, (boarding) Unthank’s road

Hupton, Mrs. Frances, (day) Hall road, Lakenham

Ives, Miss Ann Sarah, (boarding) 13, the Crescent

Johnson, S. and A., (day) Rose lane

Kempster, Mrs., (boarding) Westbeech house, St. Benedict’s road

Lake, William, (classical and commercial) St. Benedict’s road

p. 115Lincoln, Mrs. Mary Ann, (infant) Hall road, Lakenham

Lincolne, Miss Elizabeth, (boarding) Surrey street

Ling, Harriet, (day) Bethel street

Ling, Henry, (classical & commercial) Unthank’s road

Ling, Mrs. J. A., (day) 23, Sussex st.

May, Eleanor, (infant) St. Mary’s pln.

Mays, Mrs. C., (day) Magdalen road

Mills, Miss Ann, (for young gentlemen) Unthank’s road

Nelson, William, (day) William street

Nicholson, Miss C., the Chantry

Paul, Wm. F., (boarding) Bracondale

Phillips, Miss E., Chatham place, Chapel Field road

Plummer, Susan, (preparatory) Plummer’s yard, St. Martin’s

Priest, Mrs. Henry, (boarding, young gentlemen) Pottergate street

Pye, Mrs. Ann Rebecca, (day) Alma terrace, St. Augustine’s gates

Quinton, Mrs. E., (preparatory) Charles street

Redgrave, Misses, (boarding) Priory, St. Stephen’s

Reeve, Miss E. S., (day) Kimberley st.

Reynolds, Mrs. J., (day) Coslany st.

Sayer, the Misses, (boarding) New road, Town close

Seaman, Martha, (day) West End street, Holl’s lane

Sheppard, Mrs. Ann, (boarding) St. Benedict’s plain

Slack, Mrs. E., Grove pl., Lakenham

Spratt, Miss Sarah, Bethel street

Stageman, Miss S., (day) Brazen Doors road

Staines, Mrs. A., St. Stephen’s gates

Stannard, Miss E., (boarding) Rose lane

Stevens, Mrs. M., (day) Kimberley st.

Stocks, Mrs. Maria, (day and boarding) St. Benedict’s gates

Tayler, Mrs. E., (day and boarding), Grove place, Lakenham

Tyler, Mrs. Adelaide, (day) Lothian street, Heigham

Watson, Miss M. A., (day) John str., Rose lane

Wilson, Misses E. and C., (boarding) Grove house, Newmarket road

Wright, Mrs. M. A., (day and boarding) Gildengate street


Bardwell, G. S., St. Stephen’s road, (see Advertisement, p. 5)

Kempster, John, Davey place

Kerry, George Caythorpe, Elm hill

Roach Edward, Southwell road

Shields, Joseph W., Trafalgar street, Lakenham

Starling, Thomas, Victoria street


Baldry, George, (land) Newmarket rd.

Baldry, Wm., (land) St. Stephen’s rd.

Bardwell, George Syder, (estate and insurance) St. Stephen’s road (see Advertisement, page 5)

Bateman, J., and Son, (general commission) Gildengate street

Beart, R. H., (commercial) Bethel st.

Butcher, William, and Sons, (land) Theatre street

Campling, J., (commission) Castle hill

Churchill, Wm., (commission) Pitt st.

Clowes and Flowerdew, (land) Bank chambers, Bank place

Cossey, John, (estate) Gildengate str.

Creasby, Edmund, (commission) Colegate street

Croxford, Edward, (for the London Printing and Publishing Company) 33, Magdalen street

Didwell, William, (house) Catton road

Ellis, John, (land) Bank plain

Esperett, William Henry, (house and estate) Distillery street

Francis, Thos., (estate) Newmarket rd.

Gorell, Robert A., (yarn) Muspole st.

Griggs, William, St. Benedict’s street

Gunn, R., (commission) 11, Julian st.

Hewitt, John, (land) Theatre street

Hobrough, William, (general) Thorpe hamlet

Horne, John, (estate) Castle meadow

Horner, C., (land) St. Martin at Palace

Ives, Geo., (estate) Crown Bank plain

Johnston, F., agent for Virtue & Co., publishers, Jay’s terrace, Rose lane

Kempster, John (estate) Davey place

Leath, Thomas Thorne, (house and estate) Charles street, Heigham

Mason, H. J., (estate) Pottergate st.

Metcalf, William, (estate) Bedford street, Unthank’s road

Millard & Son, (land) Prince’s street

Nash, Robert, (general) West End street, Heigham

p. 116Nelson, J. W., (for Blackie and Son, publishers) Upper St. Giles

Newton, Edward J., (land) Bethel st.

Newton, William, (land) Tombland

Ninham, J., The Cottage, Mousehold

Nockolds, Henry, (commission) Fox and Hounds’ court, Ber street

Norman, Robert, (house) 6, York place, Chapel Field road

Paterson, Charles, (for Fullarton and Co., publishers) 5, Davey place

Poll, Samuel, (house) Magdalen street

Pratt, Hornor, and Morgan, (land) Queen street

Pymar, John, (wool, silk, cotton, and yarn), Castle meadow

Slubley, William, (house and land) Chapel Field road

Sparks, F. W., (estate) St. Giles’

Spelman, William, and Sons, (land) St. Giles’ street, and Yarmouth

Stacey, Edward, (house and land) Newmarket road

Thirtle, Thomas, (estate and commission) 2, Bridewell alley

Townshend, J., (house) Trafalgar str.

Waddington, Jas., (estate) St. Julian’s street, Ber street

White, William, (estate) St. Gregory’s Church alley

Willett, Charles, (manure and agricultural implements) 5, Great Orford street

Wright, James and Son, (land) Bank chambers

Wright, Robt. J., (land) Queen street

Wright and Woodrow, (land) Queen street

Agricultural Implement Makers (see also Engineers)—

Barnard, Bishop, and Barnards, Market place

Bensted, William, Castle meadow

Blyth, R. and F., Ber street

Buck, John, Grove place, Lakenham

Campling, James, Golden Ball street

Cudbard, Charles, Theatre street

Hewitt, George, Orford hill

Holmes and Sons, Prospect Place works, Globe lane

Howard, Riches, and Watts, Duke’s palace (see Advertisement)

Mallett, Charles, Fishgate street

Murrell, W. and Co., Crook’s place

Slack, Jacob H., Grapes’ hill

Sparke and Co., Thorn lane and Castle hill (see Advertisement, pp. 36, 37, 38)

Turner, James Mangles, St. Martin’s at Palace

Ale and Porter Merchants

Barwell and Sons, St. Stephen’s st., London st., and St. Andrew’s hill

Cannell, Hannah, Unthank’s road

Caston, John, St. Benedict’s gates

Hubbard, James, Magdalen street

Morrison and Co., Market place

Norgate and Co., St. Stephen’s street

Phillips, John, Eagle and Child, Golden Ball street

Seaman, Grimmer, and Co., St. John’s Maddermarket

Architects (see also Surveyors)—

Benest, E. E., (and Surveyor to the Corporation) Board of Health offices, Castle meadow

Benest and Newson, Bank Chambers

Brown, John, King street

Bunn, John, 20, Pottergate street

Esperett, William H., Distillery street

Hinsbey, T. W., 18, Castle meadow

Jeckell, Thomas, Queen street

Kitton, Robert, Tuck’s court, St. Giles’

Mear, Wm., Surrey house, Surrey rd.

Artists (see also Professors and Photographic Artists)—

Blazeby, William, Bethel street

Blazeby, James, Bethel street

Burgess, John, Willow Cottage, Lower close

Cunningham, Edward, Ber street

Downes, Thomas, Bethel street

Freeman, William, Pottergate street

Goose, Wm. H., 15, Briggs’ street

Hodgson, David, Grey Friars, Priory lane, King street

Housego, Wm., 21, Upper King street

Ladbrooke, J. B., Thorpe hamlet

Marshall, Edward, Timberhill street

Ninham, Henry, 12, Chapel field

Sands, Anthony, Grapes’ hill

Stannard, A., King street, Crook’s pl.

Thurgar, Willm. T., Unthank’s road

Attornies (see Solicitors)—p. 117Auctioneers and Appraisers

Butcher, Wm. and Sons, Theatre str.

Clarke and Hunter, Dove street

Clowes and Flowerdew, Bank Chambers, Bank place

Foulsham, Thomas, Westlegate street, (see Advertisement, page 28)

Grand, John, Lady’s lane

Hudbud and Son, Charing cross

Ives, George, Crown Bank plain

Kempster, John, Davey place

Mason, Henry John, Pottergate street

Ray, Orlando D., Upper King street

Sparks, Francis W., St. Giles’ street

Spelman, Wm. and Sons, St. Giles’ street and Yarmouth

Wilde, William, Post Office street

Axletree and Spring Maker

Gilbert, George, Timberhill street

Baby Linen Warehouses

Canham, Mrs. Emma, 68½, St. Stephen’s street

Shearing, Miss S., Rampant Horse st.

Williams, Elizabeth, 9, London street

Bakers (see also Confectioners)—

Alden, Edward, Oak st., St. Martin’s

Alexander, Henry, Heigham street

Anderson, Joseph, Pump street

Artis, Francis, Castle meadow

Ayton, John, St. Augustine’s street

Baldwin, Henry, Oak street

Bardwell, Ann, Trafalgar street, Lakenham

Barker, Harriet, St. Benedict’s street

Barker, Samuel, Somerleyton street

Barnes, Edward R., Thorn lane

Baxter, Mrs. Maria, Brazen Doors rd.

Beckham, John Rix, Cowgate street

Bennett, Emily, Ber street

Bennett, Henry, Orford hill

Bennett, Maria, Wellington street

Bennett, Robert, West Pottergate st.

Bennett, Robert, City road, Heigham

Bennett, Samuel, Cowgate street

Benslyn, Thomas, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Berry, George John, Ber street

Betts, John Samuel, Coslany street

Blyth, Josiah, Adelaide str., Heigham

Bone, Francis, St. Benedict’s street

Brock, Samuel, St. Augustine’s street

Brock, William, Oak street

Brown, B., City road, Lakenham

Brown, John, Muspole street

Brown, Maria, Lower Westwick street

Brown, Sophia, Philadelphia

Burrage, Edward, Julian street, Julian place

Buxton, Stephen, Thorpe hamlet

Cannell, Robert, King street

Catling, Alfred, Carrow hill

Cattermole, W., Front Row, Lakenham

Cettermer, Isaac, Barrack street

Chiddick, Francis J., Magdalen street

Claxton, Walter, New Catton

Crowfoot, George, Prince’s street

Daniels, Robert, Rosemary lane

Daplyn, Mrs. Mary, St. Augustine’s

Davison, Matthew, Rising Sun lane

Dawson, William, St. Martin’s lane

Ding, James, 45, Pottergate street

Dunn, John, West Pottergate street

Empson, Ezra, St. James’ street

Faulke, Robt., Queen st., Crook’s place

Fitt, John Mason, Coburg street

Folk, Charles, St. Augustine’s street

Fox, Mary, Lower Close

Fox, William, Cowgate street

Freeman, James, 15, St. Giles’ street

Freeman, W., Chapel st., Union place

Freestone, Anthony, Fye Bridge

Freestone, Samuel, Old Church road, Lakenham

Gedge, Wm., Chapel st., Union place

Gibson, Wm., St. Catherine’s plain

Gill, James, Lower Westwick street

Girling, Elizabeth, New Catton

Graver, Thomas, St. Paul’s plain

Haddon, Mary Ann, Rose lane

Hall, Harriet, Gildengate street

Hall, Henry, Thorn lane

Hannant, Nathaniel, Magdalen street

Harden, Charles, Heigham street

Hardy, Michael, St. Catherine’s plain

Harrison, Mrs., Elm hill

Harrison, Wm., (muffin) St. Andrew’s hill

Harrison, William T., Golden Ball st.

Harvey, James, Fishgate street

Harvey, Samuel, Fishgate street

Hatch, Frederick, William street

Hewitt, Thomas, Rising Sun lane

Higgin, Henry, St. Clement’s hill, New Catton

Hill, Reuben, King street

Howard, Daniel, Barrack street

Howard, Z., New Catton

p. 118Hull, William Henry, Coslany street

Isaac, E., Trafalgar street, Lakenham

Jay, John, 12, West Pottergate street

Johnson, John Sewell, Cowgate street

Kahler, John Henry, Rose lane

Lacey, Esau, Bishopgate street

Lake, James, Colegate street

Lake, Samuel, Colegate street

Land, Henry, Rupert street

Larkman, William, Lower King street

Leach, Jas., Union st., Crook’s place

Leggett, Daniel, Silver road

Leman, Thomas, All Saints’ street

Le Neve, Charles, Fishgate street

Lincoln, James, Thorpe hamlet

Lincoln, James, Lower King street

Long, Joseph Page, St. James’ street

Lowe, Alfred, Holl’s lane

Lowe, Frederick, Ber street gates

Lowe, George, Mousehold

Lowe, Joseph, Gildengate street

Marris, J., Golding st., Dereham road

Marshall, R., Regent st., Crook’s place

Marshall, Robert, Magdalen street

Massingham, Robert, Bethel street

Miller, Alfred, St. Stephen’s gates

Miller, Walter, Upper King street

Mitchell, Frederick, Palace street

Musk, William F., Oak street

Myhill, Ann, St. Martin’s palace

Newson, Henry Richard, Ber street

Newman, Samuel, Trowse

Page, Mary, Timberhill street

Parker, Clare, Oak street

Parr, John, Upper St. Giles’ street

Pinching, William, Bethel street

Platford, William, Heigham street

Proudfoot, Elizabeth and Ann, Trowse

Pummell, James, Ten Bell lane

Roofe, Ann, Thorpe hamlet

Rose, Philip, Coslany street

Rose, Thomas, St. Benedict’s street

Russell, W., Old Church st., Lakenham

Sheppard, Elizabeth, Upper Market

Shreeve, George, Tinkler’s lane

Skerritt, George, Upper Regent street, Union place

Smith, James W., Stump cross

Smith, John Joseph, Ber street

Smith, John William, Dove street

Smith, William R., St. Benedict’s st.

Southgate, John G., Upper Heigham

Stafford, William, Vauxhall street

Stafford, William, Brazen Doors road

Stannard, Robt. J., Little London st.

Steward, George, Bull Close

Stockings, Jonathan, Newmarket rd.

Sullivan, Stephen, St. Margaret’s plain

Tann, Mrs. Hannah, Charing cross

Taylor, John Martin, St. Mary’s plain

Tuck, Robert D., Vauxhall street

Tuck, Robert, Wensum street

Tuck, Robert A., Lower Goat lane

Tuttell, A. M., Trafalgar st. Lakenham

Walker, Amos, Infirmary road

Waller, Thomas, Cowgate street

Ward, George, Little Orford street

Welch, James R. J., Lower King st.

Welch, Harriet, Lower King street

Welch, Mary Ann, Lower King street

Winter, George, Timberhill street

Winter, Robert, Coburg street

Winter, Samuel, Pitt street

Woodward, Charles, Trory street, Unthank’s road

Wollistone, S., Cherry st., Lakenham

Young, Thomas, Magdalen street

Youngs, Mary Ann, St. Stephen’s st.


Gurneys and Birkbecks, Bank plain

Harvey and Hudson, Crown bank, King street

East of England, Haymarket (W. S. Wilson, manager)

Savings’ Bank, Haymarket (W. C. Hotson, superintendent)

Barometer and Thermometer Maker

Ellison, Mrs. Frances, Dove street


Brown, William J. U., St. Giles’ road

Cooper, Carlos, Orford hill

Drewry, John Henry, Mousehold

Evans, Charles, King street

Hotson, W. C., Grey Friars, King st.

Reeve, Simms, 18, St. Giles’ street

Basket Makers

Beales, Mrs., Wensum street

Burman, Henry, Oak street

Cushing, John, Magdalen street

Gay and Co., Upper market

Green, Robert, Upper Westwick st.

Hovell, William, Charing cross

Mason, Samuel, Ber street

Mitchell, Robert, Pitt street

Raymes, Robert, Rupert street

Thayne, Edward, Upper Westwick st.

p. 119Beer Retailers (see also Publicans)—

Angell, Robert, Coburg street

Atkins, Thomas, Heigham street

Attle, Samuel, Ber street

Balls, Frederick, St. Benedict’s street

Banham, R., Northumberland street

Barber, Joseph, Ber street

Barker, Benjamin, Orford hill

Barker, John, Magdalen street

Bell, Mary, Botolph street

Bensley, John, Oak street

Berry, Swithin, Brazen Doors road

Blyth, William, Ber street

Bray, Robert, Ber street

Briggs, William Henry, New Catton

Bryant, Samuel, Thorn lane

Buck, George, Mill street, Lakenham

Burrell, E., Church street, St. Miles’

Burrows, Mrs. Mary, Colegate street

Bush, John, Fishgate street

Carver, William, Trowse

Catchpole, John, Cowgate street

Cattermoule, Thomas, Ber street

Chalker, Mary Ann, Coslany street

Clark, William, Timberhill street

Claxton, George A., Fishgate street

Clayton, Thomas, Barrack street

Colby, Samuel, St. Giles’ hill

Collett, Robert G., White Friars’ st.

Cook, William, Ber street

Cossey, Robert, Oak street

Crotch, William, Oak street

Cubitt, James, Lower King street

Cushing, William, Magdalen street

Daynes, Robert, St. Margaret’s street

Decaux, David, St. Augustine’s street

Diver, Mrs. Mary Ann, Gildengate st.

Dugdale, Robert, Cowgate street

Durrant, Zachariah, Coslany street

Dye, Henry, Upper King street

Earl, John, Magdalen street

Easton, Haylett, Magdalen street

Ellis, Samuel, Oak street

Ellison, William, King Street gates

Fountain, Mary Ann, King street

Freeman, Samuel, Quay side

Gower, William, Lower Goat lane

Hazlewood, Christmas A., Trafalgar st.

Hendry, James, Lower Westwick st.

Hewitt, W., St. Mary’s Church alley

Hickling, Robert, Duke street

High, John, St. Benedict’s street

Holmes, Edmund, Lower Westwick st.

Holmes, Edmund, Upper King street

Howard, Ann, Fishgate street

Howes, Henry, Lower King street

Huggins, Charles, King street

Humphery, Susan, Sussex street

James, Wallace, St. John’s street

Jefferies, W., Oak street, St. Martin’s

Kedge, Robert, Duke street

Knevett, Henry, Unthank’s road

Larkman, Robert, Lower Westwick st.

Lawn, Lubbock, Upper Westwick st.

Lincoln, R., Mill street, Lakenham

Livock, Henry Briggs, Lower King st.

Marrison, J., Bridge st., St. Andrew’s

Middleton, T., Bridge st., St. Miles’

Middleton, William, Coslany street

Mills, Mary Ann, Lower Goat lane

Minus, Robert, Cowgate street

Mollett, Alexander, Colegate street

Moore, Elizabeth, Lower Westwick st.

Moore, William, Ber street

Newman, William H., Heigham street

Nobbs, H., Bridge street, St. Miles’

Nobbs, John, Chapel Field road

Nockolds, Thomas, Lower King st.

Nunn, Mary, Greyhound opening, Tinkler’s lane, Heigham

Ostler, Charles Henry, Pump street

Pearce, William, Grapes’ hill

Perfect, Joseph, Lower Westwick st.

Playford, A., St. George’s Bridge st.

Plunkett, John, St. Augustine’s

Poll, David, St. George’s Bridge st.

Pope, John, Barrack street

Quintin, Jane St., Barrack street

Ramsey, James, Ber street

Riches, Thomas, Pump street

Rose, James, King street

Rudrum, Isaac S., Pottergate street

Seaman, Mrs. M., St. James’ street

Seeley, John, St. Augustine’s street

Self, Thomas, Red Lion street

Snelling, Thomas, King street

Spooner, Edward, Barrack street

Stanton, Robert, King street

Stone, Edward, King street

Stubbs, Maria, Barrack street

Thompson, William, Lower King str.

Tilney, Henry, Magdalen street

Tuffs, William, Botolph street

Wade, Thomas, Pitt street

Warnes, Thomas, Cowgate street

Watts, Harriet, Lower King street

Weavers, Robert, Heigham street

Websdale, James, Lower King street

Webster, William, Ber street

Wells, Jeremiah, Botolph street

Whall, John, Cowgate street

p. 120Williams, Henry, King Street gates

Winter, John, Barrack street

Wright, Thos., Long row, New Catton

Bell-hangers (see Whitesmiths, &c.)—Berlin Wool and Fancy Repositories

Duffield, Miss A., Gildengate street

Ellison, Mrs. Frances, Dove street

Ganley, James, London street

Hipperson and Jennings, Davey place

Holder, Stephen, St. Stephen’s street

Klein, Mrs. A., Bridge street, St. Andrew’s

Lovett and Kidd, Bank street

Ransome, Harriet, 18, The Walk

Ringer, William, 7, The Walk

Rump, John, 8, Old Haymarket

Tubb, William Henry, London street

White, A. and D., 8, London street

Spauls, M. A., 7, Briggs’ street

Warman, Z., Bedford street

Billiard Rooms

Kemp, Henry, Market place

Ulph, Henry, W., Old Post-office yard

Bird and Animal Preservers

Bullock, John, Lower Westwick street

Knight, Thomas, Upper King street

Sayer, John, Upper St. Giles’

Birmingham and Sheffield Warehouses

Boswell, Thomas, (and perambulator maker), St. John’s Maddermarket

Caprani, L., and Co., White Lion st.

Hyams, E., St. Andrew’s Hall plain

Blacking Manufacturers

Clarke, Richard, Muspole street

Holmes, William, Coburg street

Homes and Son, Anchor court, Surrey street


Baldson, William, Chalk hill, Thorpe hamlet

Banham, Henry, Holl’s lane

Beaton, John, King street

Bollison, William, Thorpe hamlet

Brooks, John, All Saints’ street

Brown, William, Lower King street

Child, Stephen, Chapel Field road

Cock, William, Ber Street gates

Cook, James, Pitt street

Cook, John, Dial yard, Coslany street

Cox, Alfred, St. Stephen’s

Daniels, Robert, Trowse

Daynes, George, Oak street

Finch, William, Wagon and Horses lane, Tombland

Forder, James, Chapel Field road

Franklin, C., Cardigan st., Heigham

Freeman, Jeremiah, Barn road

Laws, Robert, Lothian street

Laws, Robert, Dereham road

Lebbell, Thomas, Heigham street

Leggatt, John, Scoles’ green

Norman, Elizabeth Maria, King st.

Pank, James, King street

Palmer, John and W., St. Augustine’s

Riches, William, Barn road

Rogers, John, Muspole street

Shalders, T., Hay hill, Market place

Shreeve, J., (shoeing) Magdalen st.

Thaxter, John, Barrack street

Warner, James, Trafalgar street

Wegg, Christopher, Fishgate street

Blind Makers (see Venetian Blind Makers)—Boat Builders

Britcher, John, Carrow abbey

Fisher, James, Oak street

Hobrough, William, Bishop’s bridge

Houghton, Robert, St. Faith’s lane

Houghton, Robert, Orford hill

Petch, William, Barrack street

Smith, Joseph, Oak street

Smith, William, Oak street

Boiler Makers

Campling, James, Golden Ball street

Le Fevre, Thomas, St. Stephen’s str.

Sharon, Anthony, Pottergate street

Thompson, Robert, Castle street, and Colegate street

Thompson, Robt., jun., St. Clement’s

Tidman, Robert, Thorpe hamlet

Bone Crushers (see also Manure Manufacturers)—

Bagshaw, George, Coslany street

Brown, Robert, St. Benedict’s lane

Parker, Thomas, St. Stephen’s street


Bardwell, Marcus Gill, Prince’s street (see Advertisement)

p. 121Barnes, C., Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Campling, James, Westlegate street

Cattermoul, Wm., 22, White Lion str.

Colby, Richard, Golden Dog lane

Cundall and Miller, (late Priest) Rampant Horse street

Fletcher, Josiah, 8, The Walk

Grinter, Charles E., Gildengate street

Jarrold and Sons, London and Exchange streets

Kerr, Stephen John, All Saints’ green

Liffen, John P., Gildengate street

Norman, Benjamin, Old Haymarket

Otty, Philip, Orford hill

Pigg, Henry, London street

Quinton, John, 36, Pottergate street

Read, Charles Thomas, Graham’s court, Upper market

Stacy, Henry W., Haymarket

Steward, Samuel, Prince’s street

Upcroft, William, Fishgate street

Booksellers and Stationers

Bacon, Richard N., 12, London street

Bramwell, Daniel Kellard, Upper St. Giles’ street

Croxford, Henry, Tombland

Cundall and Miller, (late Priest) Rampant Horse street

Fletcher, Josiah, 8, The Walk

Fuller, Thos. B., St. Stephen’s street

Gooch, Robert, (second-hand) White Lion street

Hardesty, Alexander, 4, Davey place

Hunt, Alfred, Orford hill

Jarrold and Sons, London and Exchange streets

Jeans, Edwin, White Lion street

Jeary, Robert, Bridewell alley

Jolly, Robert, (stationer) Vauxhall st.

Lain, Edward, Elm hill

Matchett and Stevenson, Chronicle office, Market place

Newman, Samuel, St. Giles’ street

Pigg, Henry, 7, London street

Puncher, William, Bank street, and White Lion street

Slater, John, Castle hill

Stacy, Henry W., Haymarket

True, S., (stationer) St. Augustine’s

Wilson, George, Castle street

Boot Lace Manufacturers

Crisp, John, Heigham Causeway

Cullington, Mary Ann, Queen street

Boot and Shoe Makers (see also Boot and Shoe Manufacturers)—

Abbott, William, 22, Magdalen street

Alden, J., St. John’s Maddermarket

Alexander, Benjamin, Southgate st.

Allen, Mrs. Marianne and Co., (ready-made) 14, Briggs’ street

Allman, William, Coburg street

Andrews, Robert, Chapel st., Crook’s place

Auker, John, 71, St. Stephen’s

Baker, William Osborn, St. Augustine’s Church alley

Bales, William, Hall road

Basey, Robert, Calvert street

Bassingthwaighte, W., Upper market

Batterbee, John, St. John’s Maddermarket

Bell, Charles, Botolph street

Bell, James, Muspole street

Bell, Michael, Botolph street

Bennett, Austin, Cowgate street

Bennett, John, St. Miles’ Church st.

Blyth, John, Earlham road

Blyth, William Bates, Bethel street

Bone, Thomas, St. Benedict’s street

Borking, James, Upper Westwick st.

Bowhill, Henry, St. Andrew’s Broad st.

Buck, Charles Harrison, Back of the Inns (see Advertisement, p. 19)

Burgess, William, Coslany street

Burrows, Edward, Oak street

Burrows, William, Bridge street, St. Andrew’s

Calver, John, Church st., St. Simon’s

Calver, Thomas, St. Giles’ street (see Advertisement, p. 16)

Canham, W., Lower Westwick street

Cannell, George Symonds, Ber street

Carter, John, Peacock street

Carver, Charles, Wellington street

Carver, William, Trowse

Challis, Thomas, London street

Clark, Thomas, Coburg street

Clarke, David, Golden Ball street

Clarke, Robert N., White Friars’ st.

Cletheroe, William, Botolph street

Coe, Robert, Philadelphia

Cogman, B., Bridge street, St. Miles’

Collins, James, 4, Davey place

Cook, Edward T., 21, White Lion st.

Cook, Henry, Magdalen road

Cook, Philip, Fishgate street

Copeman, E., Union st., Crook’s place

Copeman, William, Lower King street

Copley George, Pottergate street

p. 122Cork, Andrew Thompson, Waddington street, Heigham

Cott, Robert, Julian st., Union place

Cousins, John, Rising Sun lane, Golden Ball street

Cox, John, Magdalen street

Cox, Samuel, Wellington street

Crawford, William, Bank plain

Carle, Robert, King street

Daines, James, Holl’s lane

Davis, Edward, Youell’s buildings, New Lakenham

Dawson, Robert, Lame Dog road

Daynes, J., Lord Nelson, Trafalgar st.

Dearly, William, Thorpe hamlet

Decaux, Shakespeare, St. Augustine’s

Denmark, William, Barrack street

Dobson, Robert, Rose valley terrace, Unthank’s road

Drake, Francis, Coslany street

Drake, Robert, King street

Dunn, James, Pitt street

Elwes, Jonathan, St. Stephen’s road

Fenn, Thomas, 35, Pottergate street

Fish, John, Grout’s thoroughfare, Timberhill street

Fish, Thomas, 51, Pottergate street

Fisher, F., Chapel street, Crook’s place

Fisher, Joseph, Lower King street

Fox, William, Russell street

Freeman, R., Upper Westwick street

Fuller, John, Quay side

Gardner, Thompson, Mount Pleasant

Gay, James, City road, Heigham fields

Gaze, James, Pottergate street

Gedge, Robert, Ber street

Gent, George, Coslany street

Gibson, John, Pitt street

Goffin, Mrs. M. E., Palace street

Goldsmith, James, Back of the Inns

Good, Thomas, Bridge street, St. George’s (see advertisement, page 13)

Gooke, David, Rose lane

Grand, Robert, Duke street

Graver, Richard, Ber street

Griffiths, John, Globe st., Union place

Groom, John, St. Lawrence lane

Grove, Richard, Ber street

Hagg, Noah, Sussex street

Haldinstein, Philip, Bridewell alley

Hall, Robert, Pottergate street

Hall, Timothy Bennet, Pottergate st.

Hammond, Jonathan, Bridge street, St. Lawrence

Hammond, William, Cross lane

Hardy, John, Golden Ball square

Hardy, Jonathan, Upper Westwick st.

Harold, Philip, Bridge st., St. Miles’

Harrison, Robert, Elm hill

Harrison, William, Bridewell alley

Harvey, John, 11, London street

Hawes, Samuel, Bridge st., St. Miles’

Haylett, David, Pottergate street

Hewitt, G., West End st., Heigham

High, Jacob, Tinkler’s lane

Holl, George, All Saints’ green

Holl, William, Castle street

Holl, W. G., Suffolk st., Union place

Holmes, Robert, St. Giles’

Homes, John, Surrey street

Horth, William, Bridge st., St. Miles’

Howard, James, Bridge st., St. Miles

Howard, R., St. Miles’ church alley

Howard, Samuel, Peacock street

Howes, Abraham, Rampant horse st.

Howes, Charles, Magdalen street

Howes, Richard, Magdalen street

Howes, Thomas, Russell street

Howes, William, Heigham Causeway

Hudson, G. E., West Pottergate street

Hudson, John, West Pottergate street

Hunt, Joseph William, Trafalgar st.

Hurry, John, Cross lane, St. George’s

Jordan, Mrs. R. E., Bridge street, St. Miles’

Kedenton, S., Bridge st., St. Andrew’s

Kent, Robert, London street

Knights, Robert, Eldon row, Chapel field road

Lake, James, Red Lion street

Lamb, Frederick, Adelaide street

Lambert, Charles, Fishgate street

Lanham, Gilbert, Lower King street

Larke, Edward Norman, Ber street

Larkman, James, Tinkler’s lane, Dereham road

Larn, Samuel, Magdalen street

Larn, W., St. Margaret’s church alley

Lee, William, All Saints’ green

Levern, James, Calvert street

Littell, Charles, White Lion street

Lock, Henry, St. Stephen’s street

Lombe, William, St. James’ street

Loombe, Thomas, Timberhill street

Mann, Samuel, Magdalen street

Marshall and Goffin, Palace street

Mason, Thomas, Long row, Hall road

May, James, Upper St. Giles’

Maydwell, James, Bethel street

Merry, Robert John, King street gates

p. 123Minns, William, Rising Sun lane

Moore, Luke, Upper Heigham

Morter, William, Ber street

Munford, S., Mount St. Helen, Thorpe

Nobbs, James, St. George’s Bridge st.

North, Thomas, Ber street

Norton, George, St. Stephen’s street

Norton, James, Brazen Doors road

Palmer, Robert, Rose Valley terrace, Unthank’s road

Phill, Ambrose, Willow lane

Pond, James, Adelaide street

Pratt, John, Coslany street

Pratt, Thomas, Union place

Ralph, John, King st., Crook’s place

Ramsey, James, Ber street

Randall, James, Magdalen street

Reynolds, Laban, Chapel st., Crook’s place

Roberts, James, Timberhill street

Ruburt, Justus, Lower Westwick st.

Sacret, Thomas, Magdalen street

Sampson, H., Charles street, Heigham

Sampson, William, 24, Bethel street

Scott, John T., Magdalen street

Scott, John, Ber Street gates

Seer, William George, Botolph street

Severn, James, Calvert street

Shephard, W., Mill lane, New Catton

Skilling, William, St. George’s plain

Smith, Henry, Ber street

Smith, W., Chapel loke, Surrey road

Smith, W. W., Trory st., Lakenham

Snelling, William, Orford hill

Sursham, Henry D., Ten Bell lane

Taylor, Henry, Boarded court, Ber st.

Tench, James, Spitalfields

Terrington, W., Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Thirtle, James, Lower Westwick st.

Thirtle, Thomas, Bridewell alley

Thompson, Daniel, Upper King st.

Thompson, John, St. Peter’s steps, Market place

Thompson, Thomas, Botolph street

Tinkley, Mrs. E., Rampant Horse st.

Toll, William, Ber Street gates

Toogood, William, Aylsham road

Turner, Charles, Mousehold

Turner, William, jun., Palace street

Utting, John, Gildengate street

Utting, Robert, Ber street

Ward, Thomas W., St. Benedict’s st.

Warne, Samuel, Russell street

Watering, Jeremiah, Southwell street

Webster, Robert, Lower Westwick st.

Webster, S., 14, Timberhill street

White, George, Upper Goat lane

Willement, John, Dereham road

Williamson, Mrs. M. A., St. Stephen’s street

Woolmer, Clement A., St. George’s Bridge street

Wright and Base, London street

Wright, Thomas, Pump street

Boot and Shoe Manufacturers (wholesale) see also Boot and Shoe makers

Abbott, William, 22, Magdalen street

Banham, John, Botolph street

Barber, Thomas, 6 General’s buildings, near the Barracks

Barker, Benjamin, & Co., York Tavern passage, Orford hill

Barker, B., Hall road, Lakenham

Bostock, E. and T. (top makers), Swan lane and Pottergate street

Boston, William, Orford hill

Brett, Isaac, Upper King street

Burrows, W., St. Clement’s church alley

Buttifant, T., Adelaide st., Heigham

Caspar, George, & Co., Wensum street

Clarke, Henry and George S., Gildengate street

Clarke, John, Distillery street

Colby, John, King’s buildings, Union place

Cook, Robert, Pottergate street

Copperwheat, Charles, Back Mill st., Crook’s place

Coppin, Edward, 8, York place, Chapel Field road

Cousins, Thomas, 61, Bethel street

Crisp, George, Vauxhall street

Cunningham, Edwin, Ebenezer street

Davies and Son, Calvert street

Dean, James, Bedford st., St. Andrew’s

Ford, William, & Son, Colegate street

Freeman, Edward, St. Martin’s lane

Fryer, William, Ber street

Gibson, Robert, St. Stephen’s street

Groom, George, St. Stephen’s street

Harris, James Thomas, Ber street

Harrison, Alfred, Bridewell alley

Hipper W., Upper Westwick street

Hogg, Noah, Sussex street

Homan and Co., Bethel street

Horne, Robert, Little London street

Hotblack, John, & Co., Orford hill

p. 124Jennings, Samuel, Theatre street

Johnson, Gilman, and Co., Pottergate street

Joseph and Samuel, Timberhill

Kemp, William and Son, Pitt street

Lincoln, James, 14, Pottergate street

Lloyd, J. A. and Co., Davey place

Lulham, Edwin W., Bethel street

Martin, Benjamin A., St. Gregory’s Church alley

Martin, G. and R., St. Gregory’s Church alley

Mayfield, James, Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Middleton, John, St. Augustine’s st.

Oxborough, B., Richmond hill

Palmer and Hardman, Manchester buildings, Union place

Pigg, Samuel and Sons, Haymarket

Pond, James, Barrack yard, St. Miles’

Reynolds, L., St. Catherine’s plain

Rogers, Samuel, Gun lane

Soman, David, Muspole street

Stapleton, Robert, corner of Pottergate street and St. John’s street

Suffolk, G., Fountain square, Union sq.

Swann, James, Magdalen street

Tillyard and Howlett, St. George’s pl.

Tillyard and Son, Elm hill

Trueman, James, Pottergate street

Watling, Simon, Cowgate street

Whitlan, Henry, Adelaide street

Winter, Charles, Upper market

Woodgate, Philip, Castle street

Woodrow, W., Church walk, Lakenham

Woodyard, James, Oak street

Wortley, Thomas, William street

Wyatt, Henry, Upper King street

Box Manufacturers

Palmer, J., Lower Westwick street

Rudd, Mrs. H., St. Stephen’s Back st.

Saul, Joseph, West Pottergate street

Brass Founders (see also Iron and Brass Founders)—

Warner, William and Co., St. Giles’ street

Brass Turners

Minns, Robert, Mousehold

Braziers, Tin-plate Workers, &c.

Alden, Robert, St. Stephen’s plain

Ashen, Robert, St. Stephen’s street

Bedford, P., Bedford st., St. Andrew’s

Callow, W. J., Golden Ball street

Goreham, John, William street

Hayward, Carif, Ber street

Pearson, John, St. Augustine’s

Olley, Stephen B., St. Benedict’s st.

Rose, William, Gildengate street

Smith, William, St. Benedict’s street

Stevens, Charles F., Magdalen street

Thompson, C., Rampant Horse street

Thompson, Henry, St. Julian’s street

Vincent, Henry, Lower Westwick st.

Vincent, Henry and Son, Upper Westwick street

Waite, George, Redwell street

Webber, Joseph, Pitt street

Wood, John, Magdalen street

Wright, Daniel, Pitt street


Arnold, George and Alfred Robert, St. Margaret’s plain

Banham, George, King street

Bullard, R., Bridge street, St. Miles’

Clarke, Charles, Coslany street

Hubbard, James, Magdalen street

Morgan, J. B. and H., King street

Phillips, John, Eagle and Child, Golden Ball street

Sexton, Edward, Whalebone inn, New Catton

Steward, Patteson, Finch, and Co., Pockthorpe

Webster, William, Ber street

Weston, C., St. George’s Bridge street

Youngs, Crawshay, and Youngs, King street

Bricklayers and Plasterers

Adkin, W., Trory st., Unthank’s road

Alderson, W. H., St. Andrew’s hill

Barber, W., St. Martin’s Palace plain

Barnes, Jacob, West Pottergate street

Berwick, W., Suffolk st., Union place

Betts, John, West Pottergate street

Blyth, John, John street

Britcher, Charles, Pitt street

Britcher, Thomas, Pottergate street

Brooks, H., Hall road, Lakenham

Brown, C., Hall road, Lakenham

Brown, John, Somerleyton street, Unthank’s road

Bunn, Charles, Julian street

Bush, John, Union place

p. 125Curtis, George, Scoles’ green

Freeman, J., Nelson street, Heigham

George, Robert M., St. Benedict’s st.

Goose, Robert, Julian street

Greengrass, Thomas, Elm hill (see Advertisement, p. 22)

Holden, James, Ber street

Hood, J. H., Rupert st., Union place

Hook, Joseph John, Brazen Doors rd.

Howard, Charles H., Bishopgate st. (see Advertisement, p. 32)

Howard, Everett and Thomas, Peacock street

Howard, James, King street

Howard, John, Fishgate street

Howard, Thomas, Bishopgate street

Humphery, William, Pump street

Lacey, John Greenwood, Ber street

Lacey, William, The White Horse, Castle hill

Livock, Samuel, West Wymer street

Mills, George Thomas, (plasterer) St. Benedict’s street

Mitson, James, Pump street

Newman, W., Raglan st., Heigham

Page, Jeremiah, Rising Sun road

Park, Clare, sen., Oak street

Parnell, Richard, Coachmakers’ Arms, Bethel street

Pearson, Edward, Bank street

Playford, A., St. George’s Bridge st.

Pleasants, Philip, Magpie road

Pye, William, St. Andrew’s hill

Quantrell, William, Unthank’s road

Read, Chas., Globe street, Union place

Rolls, Edward, Holl’s lane

Russell, George Robt., Southwell st.

Sexton, Horace, Lower Westwick st.

Sexton, Robert Watling, Calvert st.

Spink, J., Jubilee place, Heigham rd.

Spinks, Samuel, King Street gates

Steward, W., East End, Thorpe ham.

Stirgess, G., Dingle’s row, New Catton

Thompson, Mrs. S., St. Augustine’s

Tillett, Leonard, Lower Westwick st.

Townshend, William, Bethel street

Underwood, H., St. Margaret’s plain

Underwood, John, King street

Warnett, Charles, Lower King street

Whales, M., Distillery yd., Coslany st.

Wilkins, John, St. Martin’s lane

Wiseman, Robert, Muspole street

Wright, James, Ber street

Wurr and Page, Grapes’ hill

Young, James, Dereham road

Brick, Tile, and Pipe Makers

Blake, George, Brazen Doors road

Blake, Robert, Brazen Doors road

Dawson, George, Brazen Doors road

Mills, James, (brick, tile, and pipe works) Castle meadow and Thorpe

Murrell, Gibbs H., Duke’s palace

Pinnick, Robert, Silver road

Sayer, Daniel, Oak street

Underwood and Gaze, Chalk hill, Thorpe

Brokers (see Furniture Brokers)Brush Makers

Abel, Frederick, Unthank’s road

Candler, John, Rampant Horse street

Cooke, Samuel, 6, Davey place

Edgar, Thos., Chapel st., Crook’s pl.

Gay and Co., Upper market

Gooch, Thos., 7, Grout’s thoroughfare

Harper, Jas. K., St. Benedict’s street

Johnson, Edwin, Devonshire place, Holl’s lane

Livock, James, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Lord, George, Lower Westwick street

Mallett, H., Cross lane, St. George’s

Page, S. D., and Son, (wholesale) 23, Old Haymarket

Rix, Henry, Duke street

Rogers and Page, (wholesale) Wensum street

Scott, Peter Thomas, White Lion str.

Warnes, Thomas, City road, Heigham

Winter, Wm., Chapel st., Crook’s pl.


Aldous, J. F., St. Stephen’s street

Amies, John, Hall road, Lakenham

Atkins, Richard, 27, Bethel street

Bell, George, Peacock street

Berwick, Wm., Suffolk street, Union place

Bishop, Wm. A., Magdalen street

Booking, Thomas, St. Benedict’s plain, Pottergate street

Brooks, James, Tabernacle street

Brooks, T., Bridge st., St. Andrew’s

Brown & Bailey, West Pottergate st.

Brown, John, William street

Brown, John, Thorpe Hamlet

Burrell, Benjamin, Lower King street

Cattermoul, J. O., Pitt street

Curtis and Balls, West Pottergate str.

p. 126Darkins, Canuel, Magdalen street

Dawes, Robert, Dereham road

Ellis, John, Oak street

Fairman, Thomas, 5, Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Fisher, Thomas, Museum court, St. Andrew’s

Ford, Robert, St. George’s plain

Foulger, Horatio, Chapel field road

Fox, John, Heigham Causeway

Freeman, J., Nelson street, Heigham

Frost and Son, 7, Chapel field road

Gaze, Matthew, King street

George, Robert, Muspole street

George, W. M., Pottergate street

Gilbert, William, St. Augustine’s

Goose, Robert, Julian street

Griffin, Eliza, Cow hill

Hall, Samuel, Pottergate street

Harper, A. P., Trafalgar st., Lakenham

Hewitt, James, St. Augustine’s gates

Hood, Robert, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Hood, William, Sussex street

Houghton, Robert, Ber street

Howard, Charles H., Bishopgate st. (see Advertisement, p. 32)

Howard, James, King street

Lacey, George Plummer, Surrey rd.

Lacey, Horace, Surrey street

Lacey, James, Surrey street

Lacey, W. R., St. Andrew’s Broad st.

Leach, Philip, St. Martin’s lane

Ling, George, All Saints’ green

Lucas, Brothers, Thorpe Railway station

Meachen, George, Barn road

Meachen, John, West Pottergate st.

Meachen, Stephen H., William street

Minns and Foyson, Castle meadow

Moore, William, King street

Murray, Joshua, Prospect place, Lakenham

Newham, John, Hall lane, Lakenham

Norton, Henry, Chapel Field road

Nudds, William, Chatham pl., Chapel Field road

Page, Jeremiah, Rising Sun road

Pearson, Edward, Bank street

Plummer and Bloom, Bethel street

Read, James, Prince’s street

Rump, Robert and James, Colegate st.

Sexton, Horace, Lower Westwick st.

Sexton, Robert Watling, Calvert st.

Sinclair, John, Magdalen street

Spaul, William B., Lower close

Spink, J., Jubilee pl., Heigham road

Taylor, James W., Whitefriars’ street

Trowse, W. and C., St. Julian’s street

Ulph, Frederick, Ber Street gates

Wales, John, Kimberley street

Walker, Thomas, Upper Westwick st.

Warnett, Charles, Lower King street

Watson, James, Philadelphia

Watson, James Crane, John street, Rose lane

Webster, Wm., Golden Ball street

White, Jeremiah, Thorn lane

Wordingham, Wm., St. Catherine’s pl.

Worman, James, Castle meadow

Wright, William, Richmond hill

Young, James, Dereham road


Adcock, R., (pork) St. Benedict’s st.

Archer, Jesse, Pitt street

Baker, James, Oak street

Bale, George, St. Benedict’s street

Barber, Benjamin, Adelaide street

Beaumont, John (pork) Finket st.

Blake, Robert, Lower Westwick street

Blake, Samuel, Bridewell alley

Blazeby, William, Scole’s green

Boatwright, Richard, (pork) Bridge street, St. Lawrence

Brewster, James, Upper Heigham

Bridges, John, Heigham street

Brighton, Robert, Heigham street

Brown, Elizabeth, Bishopgate street

Bunn, Thomas C., Distillery street

Bushel, W., Norfolk st., Union place

Cannell, B. (pork), St. James’ street

Chapman, Abel, Magdalen street

Chapman, S., Upper St. Giles’ street

Chapman, Thomas R., Market-place

Clarke, Isaac, St. Augustine’s

Clarke, Samuel, Unthank’s road

Cobb, Robert L., Magdalen street

Coldham, H., Bridge st., St. George’s

Cork, Mary Ann, St. Augustine’s gates

Cottam and Brewster, Market-place

Cottam, Thomas, Upper Heigham

Cross, William, Rose lane

Cubitt, John (pork), Julian street

Curme, George, Magdalen street

Dawson, Jonathan, Magdalen street

Dawson, Philip, jun., Magdalen street

Delf, Susan, Rupert street

Dent, Dowson, Ber street

Dent, Thomas, Ber street

p. 127Denny, Thomas, Trowse

Dixon, Richard, Upper Westwick st.

Drake, Caroline (pork), New Catton

Drakes, Benjamin, New Catton

Ellwood, Henry, Timberhill street

Fisher, Edward, Ber street

Fisher, Mary Ann, Distillery street

Fitt, William, Ber street

Folk, Charles, Gildengate street

Fussey, Susan, Ber street

Gardner, Maria (pork), Barn road

Gibbs, Rudd William, Palace street

Gibson, Samuel, Gildengate street

Girling, Robert, St. Benedict’s street

Goodson, William, Dereham road

Gowing, Samuel, St. Benedict’s gates

Graver, John, Lower King street

Gray, Mary Ann (pork), Upper Westwick street

Greengrass, John, West End street

Greeves, Benjamin T., Market-place

Greeves, Henry, Market-place

Guyton, J. T., Upper Westwick street

Hall, Charles, Upper King street

Hall, Frederick G., Chapel field road

Harley, J. P., St. Benedict’s street

Henderson, W., Church st., Lakenham

Hindle, Maria, Pump street

Holland, Francis, St. Benedict’s road

Hook, Joseph, St. Stephen’s street

Howard, William (pork), Catton road

Isbill, Charles, Charing cross

Ives, Charles, Magdalen street

Iveson, Mrs. Rebecca, Union street, Crook’s place

Jacobs, John, St. Catherine’s plain

Jackson, Edward, Pottergate street

Jones, James, Grove place, Lakenham

Kent, Mary, St. Benedict’s street

Kett, P. M., Magpie road

King, Edward, Southwell street, Lakenham

Lamb, James, Market place

Lamb, Leonard, Ber street

Lamb, L., Rupert street, Union place

Lamb, Thomas, (pork) St. James’ st.

Lamb, William, (pork) Grapes’ hill

Mann, Henry, (pork) Elm hill

Manthorpe, James, Lower King street

Mason, John, Golden Ball street

Mason, Samuel, Norfolk street, Union place

Meen, Henry P., St. Stephen’s

Middleton, Robert, (pork) Cherry street, Lakenham

Miller, Geo. M., St. Catherine’s plain

Minns, David, St. Benedict’s street

Motts, John, West End st., Heigham

Patrick, Charles, St. Margaret’s plain

Porter, Robert, (pork) Lower King st.

Pycroft, Mrs. A., 53, St. Stephen’s st.

Pycroft, Nathaniel, Red Lion street

Rayner, James, Bartholomew street

Rayner, James, Nelson terrace, Dereham road

Redgment, K., Rupert street, Union place

Reynolds, William, Ber street

Rudd, Noah, Duke street

Rudling, William, Ber street

Rudrum, Christopher, Lower King st.

Savage, Mrs. Mary, Cowgate street

Savage, R., Bridge street, St. Andrew’s

Seeley, William, (pork) Pottergate st.

Self, Mrs. Mary, Tombland

Simpson, T., Charles st., Heigham

Smith, Jonas, (pork) Rising Sun lane

Squires, J., Chapel st., Crook’s place

Steward, Matthew, St. James’ street

Stockings, Mark, St. Stephen’s street

Summer, David, (pork) Elm hill

Thetford, William, (pork) Trowse

Underwood, C., West Pottergate st.

Walker, James, Coslany street

Watts, Thomas, Willow lane

Wells, W., 1, Norfolk terrace, Union pl.

Willgrass, John, Ber street

Woodcock, Samuel, (pork) Palace str.

Wright, T., Long row, New Catton

Butter Factors (see Cheese and Butter Factors)—Button Factor

Moore and Co., 81, St. Giles’ street

Cab Proprietors (see Fly Proprietors)—Cabinet Makers

Abel, Daniel, Bedford st., St. Andrew’s

Bacon, Charles, Muspole street

Barnes, James, Surrey grove

Bexfield, Thomas, Bethel street

Birch, Benjamin, Timberhill street

Bultitude, Edward, Charing cross

Buttifant, John, St. Ann’s terrace, Synagogue street

Chamberlin, William, Calvert street

Clarke and Hunter, Dove street and Pottergate street

p. 128Cordran, William, Chapel field road

Corrick, William, St. Giles’ street

Craske, James, Lower Goat lane

Crawfoot, William, Ber street

Crowe, J., and Son, St. Stephen’s st.

Dawson, Jabez, 17, Distillery street

Freeman and Wells, 37, London street

Furse, James, Prince’s street

Hales, James, St. John’s street

Hales, Walter, Wellington terrace, Union place

Hare, Charles, West Pottergate street

Horsley, William, St. Augustine’s

Huby, Edward, Lower Westwick st.

Keeble, James, John street

Kerry, John, St. Benedict’s street

Key, Robert, Holl’s lane, Dereham rd.

Kirkham, Dennis, Redwell street

Lay, George, Bethel street

Manthorpe, James, Lower King street

Mason, Robert, Infirmary road

Miller, George R., St. Andrew’s hill

Neve, Charles and J., Ber street gates

Norris, Mrs. James, Charing Cross

Norris, Samuel, Elm hill

Nurse, Robert, Castle street

Pooley, Samuel, St. John’s street

Pooley, William, Charing Cross

Pigg and Greenwood, 14, London st.

Robertson, H., Grove rd., Lakenham

Roe, John, Ber street

Rudd, Thomas, Ber street

Scott, R. B., Charing cross and St. John’s street

Sparks, William, Fye bridge

Sturley, Charles, Pottergate street

Tann, S. W., Upper Westwick street

Thirkettle, —, Scoles’ green

Trevor, Henry, Post Office street

Tyce, George, 16, Charing cross

Varley, John, Rope’s yard, Surrey st.

Wells, William, Castle meadow

Woods, John Robert, Red Lion street

Candle Manufacturers (see also Tallow Chandlers)—

Brock, George, St. Augustine’s gates

Howes, Ann and Son, Grapes’ hill

Cane Workers

Chapham, George Henry, Ber street

Dyer, John J., Ber street

Cap Makers

Allured, James, Timberhill street

Boatwright, J., St. Saviour’s Church alley

Haldinstein, Philip, Bridewell alley

Nichols, Henry, Pottergate street

Southon, Edmund, St. James’ street

Card Makers

Compere, Thomas Bond, St. Martin’s at Palace


Gibson, J., Mousehold heath

Jarvis, Henry, (railway and general) Lucas’ wharf, Thorpe hamlet (see Advertisement, p. 35)

Pickford and Co., (S. D. Rudrum) Duke’s Palace wharf

Stubbs, G., St. Andrew’s Broad street

Stubbs, Hugh, Stamp Office yard, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Worman, Robert, Grapes’ hill

Carpenters and Joiners (see also Builders)—

Addison, Benjamin, Magdalen street

Aldous, John F., St. Stephen’s street

Amies, John, Hall road, Lakenham

Bailey, Isaac, West Pottergate street

Bell, Rebecca, Peacock street

Boatwright, James, Fishgate street

Brooks, James, Tabernacle street

Brown, John, Thorpe hamlet

Brown, P., City road, Heigham fields

Colman, John D., Magdalen street

Curtis, Joseph, Botolph street

Custance, Jonathan, Magdalen street

Daines, Robert, Hall road, Lakenham

Daplin, Mark, (and gig builder) Lothian street

Daws, Robert, Dereham road

Doughty, John, Mill st., Union place

Ellis, John, Oak street

Finch, John, Trowse

Fisher, Thomas, Museum court, St. Andrew’s

Fisher, William, St. Paul’s terrace, Cowgate street

Ford, Robert, St. George’s plain

Fox, John, Heigham Causeway

Fox, Thomas, Heigham street

Frost and Son, 7, Chapel Field road

Gaze, Matthew, King street

George, William M., Pottergate street

Gower, James, St. Julian street

Hall, Samuel, Pottergate street

p. 129Harper, Andrews Pask, Trafalgar st., Lakenham

Harrison, Isaac, John street, Heigham

Hewitt, James, St. Augustine’s gates

Hood, William, Sussex street

Houghton, Robert, Ber street

Howard, William, Bishopgate street

Howell, James, St. Augustine’s

Howlett, Robert, St. Augustine’s

Hunn, Philip, Rising Sun lane

Lacey, W. R., St. Andrew’s Broad st.

Leach, Philip, St. Martin’s lane

Le Grys, William, Trowse

Leist, James, Wensum street

Lovett, Geo., West End st., Heigham

Martins, Josiah, Trowse

Meachen, George, Barn rd., Heigham

Middleton, Alfred, Trowse

Murray, J., Prospect place, Lakenham

Newham, J., Hall lane, Lakenham

Norton, Henry, Chapel Field road

Norton, William, Upper Heigham

Norton, Henry, John st., Union place

Nudds, William, Chatham place, Chapel Field road

Ollett, Mat., Trafalgar st., Lakenham

Osborne, K. S., Southwell street, Lakenham

Page, Samuel, West Pottergate street

Poll, John, Oxford st., Unthank’s road

Rainbird, Samuel, Elm hill

Read, James, Prince’s street

Reeve, Fred., Lower Westwick street

Rolling, E., Grove hill, St. Giles’ rd.

Slipper, Charles, Pig lane

Smith, S. E., City road, Lakenham

Spencer, Jonathan, Trowse

Suffolk, William, Ber street

Taylor, James W., Whitefriars’ street

Ulph, Frederick, Ber Street gates

Wales, John, Kimberley street

Walker, Thomas, Upper Westwick st.

Walmsley, G. W., West Pottergate st.

Ward, James, St. Andrew’s hill

Warren, Reuben, Russell street

Watson, James, Philadelphia

Watson, E. C., Chapel st., Crook’s pl.

Watson, Jas. C., John st., Rose lane

White, Jeremiah, Thorn lane

Winter and Rowland, King street

Wood, John, Union place

Wordingham, Wm., St. Catherine’s pl.

Wright, William, Richmond hill

Carriers (see Carmen)—Carters (see Carmen)—Carvers and Gilders

Boswell, William, Magdalen street

Cook, Joseph, St. Faith’s lane

Culyer, Thomas, (ecclesiastical and cabinet), Castle meadow

Dawes, Lawrence, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Freeman, William, Pottergate street

Freeman, W., jun., Rampant Horse st.

Gilman, John, 26, London street

Howard, John, Bethel street

Marsham, Edward, St. Stephen’s Church alley

Miller, George R., St. Andrew’s hill

Nurse, Robert, Castle street

Robinson, Christopher, Pottergate st.

Root, Robert, Golden Dog lane

Tarte, William, Botolph street

Townshend, S. T., jun., Charing cross

Watson, Daniel F., All Saints’ green

Wilkin, Charles, Wensum street

Cattle Dealers

Baxter, John, Ber street

Bilby, Walter, New Catton

Dawson, John, Magdalen street

Fromow, S., Grove place, Surrey road

Smith, W., Newman’s yard, Ber street

Stroyan, R., (salesman) Bracondale

Webb, G., Julian street, Julian place

Cement Dealers

Colman and Glendenning, Rampant Horse street

Taylor, Mrs. William, King street

Chair Makers

Bangay, George, Oak street

Batley, William, Lower Westwick st.

Chapham, George Henry, Ber street

Cordean, William, 7, Crescent place, Chapel Field road

Dawson, Jabez, 17, Distillery street

Hare, Charles, West Pottergate street

Meek, J., Charing cross

Osborne, Richard N., Muspole street

Pearce, William, World’s End lane

Scott, Charles T., Gildengate street

Varley, John, Rope’s yard, Surrey st.

Cheese and Butter Factors

Butcher, Robert and Nephew, Queen street

Freeman and Nash, Upper market

p. 130Hough, J. and Son, Castle meadow

Nash, Joseph, Post Office street

Pratt, William, Wensum street

Smith, John, Stamp Office yard, St. Andrew’s Broad street


Sutton, Francis, Bank plain (see Advertisement)

Chemists and Druggists

Andrews, Brothers, (and wholesale) Colegate street

Arnold, Edward, (and wholesale) Orford hill

Bliss, Joseph James, Magdalen street

Boughen, Hugh, St. Augustine’s

Burrows, Barnard L., Ber Street gates

Caley, Albert J., London street

Cooke, William, St. Giles’ street

Cottingham, Joseph J., 1, St. Giles’ st.

Cubitt, George and Son, 11, the Walk

Dixon, Benjamin, King street

English, Joseph, St. Giles’ street

Fitch and Chambers, Market place

Gardiner, William, Dove street

Harper and Sutton, Bank plain

Hooper, John, Hall road, Lakenham

Hulme, John Hughes, St. Andrew’s Hall plain (see Advertisement, p. 11)

James, Henry, Oak street

Lay, William Robert, Rupert street

Melton, Frederick, St. Benedict’s street

Miles, Charles, St. Stephen’s street

Moore, James B., Robinson’s terrace, Rose lane

Orris, George, St. James’ street

Patman, George, Ber street

Peggs, James O., Golden Ball street

Pitts, Robert Christopher, St. Giles’ st.

Row and Bridges, St. Stephen’s

Row and Co., (manufacturing) Surrey grove

Rudd, John, St. George’s plain

Searby, Wright and W. Martin, White Lion street

Slade and Rapier, (homœopathic) London street

Smith and Sons, (and wholesale) Market-place, and Magdalen street

Spatchett, James, St. John’s Maddermarket

Stark and Company, (agricultural) Duke’s Palace bridge

Taylor, William, Magdalen street

Thompson, Henry, St. Stephen’s plain

Watson, Gilbert P., King street

Wheeler, F., Swan lane, London st.

Chimney Sweepers

Bowgen, J. H., Lower Westwick str.

Copeman, George, St. Stephen’s plain

Crisp, William, Lower Westwick str.

Finch, James, St. Miles’ Church alley

Finch, William, St. Miles’ Church st.

Roe, Isaac, Magdalen street

China, Glass, and Earthenware Dealers, &c.

Downing, Joseph, 22, The Walk

Gill, John, St. Giles’ street

Hansell, Sarah, St. Augustine’s street

Hyams, Emanuel, St. Andrew’s plain

Kiddell, Joshua, Timberhill street

Lovick and Co., St. Andrew’s Broad st.

Meadows, Cornelius, Magdalen street

Meadows, George, Westlegate street

Murrell, James, Chapel Field road

Onley, William Daniel, Golden Lion, Brazen Doors road

Smith, John, Timberhill street

Wimperis, William, Cowgate street

Yates, William, Davey place

Yexley, W., Jubilee pl., Dereham rd.

Circulating Libraries (for Public Libraries see under Public Information)—

Giddens, Mrs. S., St. Stephen’s street

Lain, Edward, Elm hill

Spence, G., Bridge street, St. George’s

Clothiers and Dealers

Atkins, Elizabeth, Lower Westwick st.

Balls, Robert, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Bayes and Sons, Orford hill and Red Lion street

Blyth, William, Coach and Horses’ road, Union place

Bourt, John, Lower Westwick street

Browne, George, Orford hill

Burrows, R., Lower Westwick street

Butler, James, Lower Westwick street

Butler, William, St. Lawrence

Batterbee, James, St. Benedict’s street

Comer, Ann, St. Benedict’s street

Cox, Mary, Lower Westwick street

Dowson, John, Ber street

Francis, Joseph, Bridge st., St. Miles’

Fromow, John, Lower Westwick street

Green, Edward, Lower Westwick st.

p. 131Green, James, Lower Westwick street

Hare, Mrs. E., Lower Westwick street

Housedane, J., Lower Westwick street

Kilburn, William, St. Benedict’s street

Lake, James, Red Lion street

Lorkin, Mrs. V., Lower Westwick st.

Metcalf, Simon, St. Benedict’s street

Mickleburgh, J. H., Bridge street, St. Miles’

Poulter, Mrs. M., Lower Westwick st.

Nichols, Elizabeth, Upper Goat lane

Riches and Skoyles, (tailors and outfitters) Davey place

Rivett and Harmer, (wholesale) Old Post Office yard

Stallard, Joseph William, (tailor and outfitter) Orford hill

Steward, James, (tailor and outfitter) Tombland

Warlett, Mrs. Phœbe, Coslany street

Watson, James H., 2, Charing cross

Webster, Robert, St. Lawrence steps

Womack, George, (wholesale) White Lion street and Davey place

Coach and Gig Builders

Harcourt, A., Chapel Field road

Hart, Philip Woodrow, Chapel Field road and Red Lion street

Howes, Joseph and James, Red Lion street

Howes, Thomas Self, Castle meadow and Rose lane

Jolly, Charles W., St. Stephen’s gates

Kett, James, St. Giles’ street

Meadows, J., St. Andrew’s Bridge st.

Morris, George, Magdalen street

Rudling, James, Palace street

Smith, George, St. Stephen’s square

Spratt, William, Chapel field

Thorn, Charles, St. Giles’ gates

Tillett, William, St. Augustine’s

Coal Merchants and Dealers (see also Merchants)—

Austin, Owen, Oak street

Balls, Jonas, (salesman) City road, Heigham fields

Banister, J., Trafalgar st., Lakenham

Baxter, William, King street

Beckham, Robert John, Magdalen st.

Blyth, John, sen., Quay side

Blyth, John, Quay side

Boardman and Sursham, Wensum st.

Bowgen, J. H., Lower Westwick st.

Bright, John, Lower Westwick street

Brooks, Anthony and James, Barn rd.

Burcham, Samuel, Oak street

Burrows, George, Water lane, Fishgate street

Burrows, Lewis, Cowgate street

Butler, Mary, Lower Westwick street

Buttle, Richard, Quay side

Campling, Peter, Pottergate street

Cozens, James and Son, Upper Westwick street

Crowe, Edward, Lower Westwick st.

Cupper, J., St. Stephen’s Back street

Dawbarn, James, Castle meadow

Dunn, James, Quay side

Eastern Counties’ Compy., London st.

England, William, Synagogue street

Fitzgerald, Abraham, Cowgate street

George, Michael R. D., Quay side

Gibson, G., Chapel street, Crooks pl.

Golden, William, Ber street

Haslip, J., Bridge street, St. Miles’

Heazle and Co., Lower Westwick st.

Kett, Henry W., Hall rd., Lakenham

Lamb, Benjamin C., Magdalen street

Linstead, George, Southwell street

Mealing and Mills, Lower King st.

Merry, R., Victoria Railway Station

Mickleburgh, Robert, Nelson street

Mills, James, Castle meadow

Mollett, Rizen, Magdalen street

Nobbs, S., Chapel street, Crook’s place

Orsborne, Edward, Quay side

Pepworth, James, Victoria station

Porter, Robert, 2, West End terrace, St. Giles’ hill

Read, G., Badding lane, Quay side

Read, Thomas W. and Co., Trowse mills, and Cannon wharf, King st.

Read, William, Elm hill

Suffolk, E., King street, Crook’s place

Taylor, William, Coslany street

Thomas, John, Quay side

Vyall, Daniel, St. Andrew’s Broad st.

Vyall, Henry M., Chapel Field road

Warnes, Robert, Foundry bridge

Waterson, Joseph, Quay side

Wilde, John, Lower King street

Wittrick, Samuel, Vauxhall street

Woods, William, Union place

Coffee and Eating Houses, Boarding Houses, &c.

Aberdeen, William Charles, (and Pie house) 3, Dove street

p. 132Bullen, Miss E., Bridewell alley

Burton, George, Castle hill

Crowe, Charles, Elm hill

Dean, Alfred, Upper Market

Fountain, Mrs. M. A., London street

Frost, William, 2, Upper Walk

Hemnell, Johnson, Rose lane

Lee, George, Market place

Leverett, George, St. Benedict’s gates

Nicholls, John, Market place

Rix, George, Golden Ball street

Seeley, E. and H., St. Stephen’s plain

Stamp, William, Colegate street

Sutton, J., (late Bennett’s) Commercial Boarding House, Exchange st.

Condensed Egg Manufacturers

Thurgar and Co., King street


Allen, Robt., Bridge street, St. Miles’

Batley, Richard, St. Catherine’s plain

Benslyn, Thomas, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Borrett, Wm., Lower Westwick street

Brighten, C. G., St. Stephen’s gates

Brock, Samuel, St. Augustine’s street

Bullen, William Vincent, Golden Ball street (see Advertisement, p. 14)

Burrage, Edwin, Church street

Chiddick, Francis J., Magdalen street

Daines, Richard, (sugar boiler) St. Gregory’s Church alley

Fuller, William H., Theatre street

Goldsmith, Thomas, St. Stephen’s

Haddon, Mrs. M. A., Rose lane

Hall, Miss Harriet, Gildengate street

Hannant, Nathaniel, Magdalen street

Harrison, Edward, Church street

Harvard and Co., (wholesale and retail) the Walk

Hatcarton, Joseph, Bedford street

Havers, Saml., St. Miles’ Church alley

Hick, William, St. Andrew’s hall pln.

Hipperson and Jennings, Davey place

Hunt, James, St. Stephen’s street

Hunt, John, Upper Westwick street

Johnson, John Sewell, Cowgate street

Johnson, S., Rampant Horse street

Kahler, John Henry, Rose lane

Lake, Samuel, Colegate street

Lemon, Thomas, All Saints’ street

Lock, Charles, King street

Marston, Rd., 13, Gentlemen’s Walk

Parr, John, Upper St. Giles’ street

Pinching, William, Bethel street

Reeve, Charles, Upper Westwick st.

Rose, Thomas, St. Benedict’s street

Scotton, Mary, Red Lion street

Silvey, William, White Lion street

Skipper, Henry, Magdalen street

Smith, John Joseph, Ber street

Smith, John William, Dove street

Smith, William R., Palace street

Snelling, Jas. G., Rampant Horse st.

Tate, George, Coslany street

Tuck, Robert, Wensum street

Tuck, Robert D., Vauxhall street

Tuck, Robert A., Lower Goat lane

Wilson, G., Queen st. (and wholesale)

Winter, George, Timberhill street

Woodward, C., Trory st., Unthank’s rd.


Amy, W., Spitalfields, Thorpe hamlet

Banham, George, King street

Carpenter, Robert, Oak street

Coldham, Alfred, Dereham road

Cook, John, Botolph street

Culyer, Charles A., Rampant Horse st.

Death, John, Bishopgate street

Edwards, James, Infirmary road

Merry, John, Pottergate street

Mousey, James, Thorn lane

Plumstead, Samuel J., Coslany street

Scott, Benjamin, Chapel Field road

Shepherd, Isaac, Magdalen street

Short, H., St. George’s Middle street

Stacey, Anthony, Thorpe hamlet

Taylor, James W., White Friars’ str.

Taylor, John W., Upper Westwick st.

Copper-plate Printers

Brown, Wm. and Co., St. Andrew’s Broad street

Dallinger and Son, 12, Davey place

Emslie, James and Son, Back of the Inns (see Advertisement, page 15)

Hall, William, White Lion street


Warner, Wm. and Co., 2, St. Giles’ st.

Cork Manufacturers

Crosskill, Robert, jun., Bridge street, St. George’s

Robinson, J., Bridge st., St. George’s

Rose, George, 68, St. Stephen’s

Wilson, Thomas, Golden Ball street

p. 133Corn Merchants and Dealers (see also Merchants)—

Boardman and Sursham, Wensum street

Claxton, Elizabeth, St. Augustine’s

Freeman, Charles R., Upper market

Goldsmith, Thomas, St. Stephen’s

Larkman, W. A., Lower King street

Matthews, William, (and hay) St. Martin’s Palace plain

Osborn, Charles, Ber street

Randle, William, Upper market

Spanton, F. H., (and hay) Ber street

Spratt, W., (and hay) Market place

Watling, Robert, Cinder Ovens yard, King street

Williamson, H. W., St. Stephen’s street

Williamson, John A., (and seed) Duke’s Palace street

Woolnough, M., Ber street

Corn Millers

Baldwin, Charles and Co., St. Mary’s Grist Mill, Pitt street

Cannell, Peter, Mousehold heath

Culley, Henry Utting, Lower Westwick street

Feltham, Barnabas, New Lakenham

Hammond, John, Catton hill

Randle, William, Upper market

Read, Randall, Magdalen street

Read, Thomas W. and Co., Trowse mills, and Canon wharf, King street

Reynolds, John, Philadelphia

Wells, William Harrison, New mills

Corset Makers (see Stay and Corset Makers)—Cow Keepers

Arms, William, Parry’s buildings, Philadelphia

Bayfield, Andrew, Lakenham

Carter, John, Catton road

Chandler, Samuel, St. Stephen’s rd.

Claxton, George, Baker’s road, St. Augustine’s

Douglass, John, Silver road

Hubbard, James, Northumberland st., Heigham

Huggins, Edward, Hall road

Tallowin, Samuel, Hellesdon road

Tibbenham, William, Newmarket rd.

Wigg, John, Vauxhall street

Cutlers (Manufacturing)—

Allison, Mrs. S., St. Peter’s

Branch, George, Golden Ball street

Lister, John, 10½, Old Haymarket

Sawyer and Co., 42, London street

Scott, James, St. Andrew’s hill, corner of London street

Cutlers (Working)—

Allison, Mrs. Sophia, St. Peter’s steps

Huggins, James, Rising Sun lane

Hunt, John, Upper Westwick street

Pearson, James, St. Andrew’s hill

Scott, James, St. Andrew’s hill, corner of London street

Southgate, Benjamin, St. Martin’s lane

Sutton, Samuel, Royal Hotel street

Thornton, William, Grapes hill

Whitlam, Thos., West Pottergate str.

Curriers (see also Leather Merchants)—

Archer, S., Peacock street, St. Paul’s

Armes, Robert, Dove street

Beare, Samuel Shalders, Bridge street

Blackburn, James, Castle meadow

Blackburn, J. B., St. Stephen’s plain

Curtis, William, Upper Westwick str.

Gooch, Samuel Irwin, 9, Davey place

Leamon, Robert, Upper Market (and Whitwell)

Marston, A. A., Timberhill street

Page, George, and Son, Magdalen str.

Phillips, William, All Saints’ street

Rudd and Paston, Grapes’ hill

Sayer, Wm., Upper Westwick street

Sidney and Armes, Dove street

Tillyard and Howlett, St. George’s pl.

Woods, George John, St. Gregory’s Church alley

Debt Collectors (see Rent and Debt Collectors)—Dentists

Barker, J., Bedford st., Unthank’s road

Boulger, Patrick Joseph, Willow lane

Bridgeman, William K., 69, St. Giles’

Brownfield, John, Magdalen street

Dearle, George, Exchange street

Gunton, Alfred, 79, St. Giles’ street

Harcourt, Walter, St. Giles’ street

Hay, William, Post-office street

Neep, Edward, Post-office street

Offord, James S., Theatre street

Suggett and Dunsford, St. Giles’ street

White, Richard J., St. Giles’

p. 134Drapers

Abbott, Edward J., Exchange street

Aikin, Francis, St. Benedict’s road

Aldous, James, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Aldrich, John, West Pottergate street

Allen & Co., (woollen) Bank plain

Armstrong, H., St. Andrew’s Broad street

Armstrong, Mary, Dereham road

Austria, Anne, 5, Orford hill

Barker, B., (woollen) Orford hill

Betts, John, Market-place

Bishop, George, Old Haymarket

Bond, William, (woollen) London st.

Bullard, William (woollen) 14, Exchange street

Caley, Nathaniel Henry, London st.

Cannell, Albert F., Lower Goat lane

Chamberlin, Sons, & Co., (wholesale and retail) Market-place

Coleman, Mrs. Ruth, London street

Coleman, George Lovick (wholesale and retail) Market-place

Coleman, Henry Bevely, Bedford st., St. Andrew’s

Cowan, A., (travelling) Lady’s lane

Crisp, J. W., (woollen) Castle meadow

Cundall, Benjamin and Son, The Walk

Deigham, Peter, (travelling) Duke st.

Delf, William Stannard, Tombland

Diggins, G., Bedford st., St. Andrew’s

Dixon, E. L., (linen) Magdalen street

Don, John, Golding street

Duffield, H., (woollen) 12, Exchange street (see Advertisement, page 13)

Edwards, William P., St. Stephen’s st.

English and Son, London street

English, J., (woollen) 45, London st.

Fairchild, Mary Ann, Spitalfields

Fairweather, Lydia, (linen) London st.

Fiske, Francis R., London street

Flood, Harriet, St. Martin’s lane

Flower, Jonathan, Wensum street

Foulsham, Francis, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Fraser, John, (linen) Dereham road

Frazer, W., Exchange st. (wholesale)

Garrett, John, Pottergate street

Gooderson and Moll, Upper Market

Gunton, John Hamnell, Kimberley street, Unthank’s road

Hall and Ilott, Waterloo house, St. Stephen’s

Hall, James, Somerleyton street

Hart, William, St. Benedict’s street

Henderson, John, (travelling) Dereham road

Hill, Michael, Colegate street

Hipper, Mary Ann, St. Benedict’s street

Hook, Joseph, Brazen Doors’ road

Howard, Anna, St. Stephen’s street

Huson, R., Bridge street, St. George’s

Jackson, Joseph, All Saints’ green

Jeffries, Robert, King street

Jones, Mrs. E., (linen) Briggs’ street

Keown, Mr., Valentine street

Kett, William Woodhouse, (linen) London and Exchange streets

Livock, W. T., (woollen) London st.

Lovick and Johnson, (woollen) London street

Mace, Elizabeth, Grapes hill

Mallett, F. and C., (woollen) London street

Marshall, Joseph, (woollen) Rampant Horse street

Mc’llmorrow, John, (travelling) Coslany street

Mc’Keown Henry, (travelling) St. Lawrence lane

Mitchell, William, (travelling) Dereham road terrace

Newstead, William, (linen) Lower Goat lane

Oughton, W., Kimberley street, Unthank’s road

Parker, James, St. Catherine’s plain

Pigg, Samuel, and Sons, (woollen) Haymarket (wholesale)

Piggott, John Henry, (linen) St. Stephen’s street

Piper, William, (linen) London street

Pope, William, (linen) 23, Bethel st.

Powell, Robert, (family linen) 36, London street

Reid, John C., (travelling) Douro terrace, Heigham road

Reid, Samuel, (linen and woollen) St. Andrew’s hall plain

Rix, William, Pump street

Rust, James B., Bethel street

Sayer, Richard H., Unthank’s road

Scott, William, St. Stephen’s

Skelton, John S., (woollen) St. Giles’

Slater, Joseph, (woollen) Tombland

Smith, George, (linen) Ber street

Smith, Samuel J., Magdalen street

Snowdon, Henry, (linen and woollen) Bridge street, St. George’s

p. 135Snowdon, J. C. and Co., (linen and woollen) 9, The Walk

Sommerville, J. J. and R., Magdalen street

Starling, C. G., (linen) White Lion st.

Stocks, Alfred J., (linen) Briggs’ st.

Sutton, Henry M., St. Augustine’s

Sutton, M. D., (woollen) St. Andrew’s Broad street

Talbot, George, (woollen) Bridge st., St. Andrew’s

Taylor, Wm. S., (woollen) Prince’s st.

Todd, J. and Son, (woollen) Queen st.

Todd, W. A., (woollen) 16, London st.

Towler, Miss H., (linen) Fye Bridge

Trackson, James, (travelling) Bedford street, Unthank’s road

Wade, Mrs. F., (woollen) Redwell st.

Wardle, Sarah, (linen) St. Mary’s pl.

Watts and Graham, (travelling) Dereham road

Wills, George E., Heigham street

Womack, George, (woollen) White Lion street and Davey place

Woods, James M., (linen) 67, St. Stephen’s street

Wright, James, (linen) Ber street


Gedge, George, Coslany street

Minns, J., St. Clement’s Church alley

Sexton, Joseph, Calvert street

Stark and Co., Duke’s Palace bridge

Ulph, William, Lower Westwick str.


Allen, Bryant, Scoles’ green

Barber, Samuel, Timberhill street

Baxter, Benjamin, St. Paul’s street

Breeze, Henry C., Bridge street, St. George’s (see Advertisement, p. 13)

Briggs, William Henry, New Catton

Brook, Edmund, King street

Brown, Benjamin, Robson’s yard, St. Martin’s at Oak

Brown, Mrs. Sarah, Tombland

Campling, Alfred, Botolph street

Carter, John, All Saints’ green

Cooke, Hannah, Coslany street

Cooke, Harriet, St. Augustine’s

Furse, Mrs. Maria, St. Augustine’s

Furse, William, Peacock street

Gedge, George, Coslany street

Groom, George, Brazen Doors road

Harper, George, Calvert street

Harper, Joseph, St. George’s Bridge st.

Harris, Zebediah, 38, Pottergate st.

Hawes, James, Nelson street

Houghton, D., 4, Upper St. Giles’ st.

Houghton, John, Ten Bell lane

Hubbard, Sarah, Golden Dog lane

Jarrett, Thomas, Magdalen street

Jay, Joshua, Bethel street

Metcalf, Francis, Colegate street

Mills, James, Coslany street

Nicholds, Charles, Somerleyton street, Unthank’s road

Parker, B., Twiddy’s court, Ber street

Reeve, James, Duke street

Sexton, Joseph, Calvert street

Stark and Co., Duke’s Palace bridge

Skelton, Joseph, Gildengate street

Ulph, William, Lower Westwick st.

Earthenware Dealers (see China, Glass, and Earthenware Dealers)—Embroidery Designer

Ganley, James, London street

Engineers (see also Agricultural Implement Makers)—

Campling, James, Golden Ball street

Cudbard, Charles, Theatre street

Gaze, William, Pitt street

Gaze, William, St. Paul’s Back lane

Hines, Charles, Muspole street

Holmes and Sons, Prospect place and Castle hill (see Advertisement, pp. 2 and 3)

Howard, Riches, and Watts, Duke’s Palace Iron Works (see Advertisement, p. 6)

Le Fevre, Thomas, St. Stephen’s st.

Olley, William and Co., Dereham rd.

Parkinson, John W., Globe st., Union place

Shalders, J., (hydraulic) Bank plain (see Advertisement, page 17)

Sharon, Anthony, Pottergate street

Slack, Jacob H., Grapes’ hill

Slack, Robert H., Cow hill

Smithdale, Thomas, King street (see Advertisement, p. 9)

Sparke and Co., Thorn lane and Castle hill (see Advertisement, pp. 36, 37, 33)

Turner, J. M., St. Martin’s at Palace

Watts, James, Bishopgate street

Winkle, John, St. Benedict’s gates

p. 136Engravers

Brown, W., Broad st., St. Andrew’s

Dallinger and Son, 12, Davey place

Emslie, James and Son, Back of the Inns (see Advertisement, p. 15)

Hall, William, White Lion street

Marrison, Robert, Great Orford street

Searles, G., Trory st., Unthank’s road


Alborough, Thomas, Trowse

Colman, William, St. Giles’ road

Dawson, George, Brazen Doors road

Emery, George, Coach and Horses rd.

Fitt, Richard, Earlham road

Gowing, George, Trowse

Jarvis, William, Trowse

Long, John, Silver road

Mace, Robert, Distillery street

Mace, Robert, Upper Heigham street

Plant, James, Trowse

Pratt, William, St. Clement’s hill, New Catton

Reynolds, Joshua, Philadelphia

Stanhaw, George, St. Giles’ street

Stonex, W., Hall road, Lakenham


Chapman, Matthew, Upper Heigham

Dye, William, St. Martin’s gates

Wills, William, Heigham street

Figure and Model Makers

Bianchi, Giovanni, Bridge street

Firework Makers

Baxter, Neville P., Brazen Doors rd.

Coe, George, Bull close

Wilson, W., Church street, Lakenham

Fish Curers

Appleton, William, St. Augustine’s

Townshend, Samuel, Pottergate street


Allen, Robert, Newbegin’s yard, St. Mary’s plain

Andrews, Charles, Crow’s yard, Upper Westwick street

Appleton, Thomas, St. Augustine’s

Aston, Isaac, St. James’ street

Augood, Henry, Rising Sun lane

Bagshaw, Joseph, St. Stephen’s street

Brown, Thomas, Fishmarket

Campling, John, Magdalen street

Cannon, Goss W. S., Fisher’s lane

Clayton, George, Fishmarket

Colman, Charles, Fishmarket

Dack, Jonathan, Fishgate street

Davis, James, Fishgate street

Easton, Isaac, St. James’ street

George, Robert, St. Benedict’s street

Grand, John, (salesman) Lady’s lane

Gurney, Charlotte, Cowgate street

Hare, William, Fishmarket

Hurrell, William, Magdalen street

Jay, Charles, Market-place

Jay, George, Fishmarket

Knights, George, Heigham street

Moy, G., St. Margaret’s Church alley

Moy, William, Cowgate street

Palmer, Edmund, King street

Parker, Thomas, St. Stephen’s

Phillips, Francis, Finket street

Pratt, William, Market-place

Roundtree, Chas., Crow’s yard, Westwick street

Roundtree, Charles, Barrack street

Seaman, Samuel, Bull close

Taney, William, Timberhill street

Towler, John Burrows, Lady’s lane

Tuffield, William, Badding lane, St. Martin at Palace

Waters, John, Ber Street gates

Weavers, William, Austin’s court, Bethel street

Worledge, John, Gildengate street

Wright, John, Oak street

Flour Dealers

Bollard, William, Suffolk st., Union place

Cook, Ann, Pitt street

Freeman, Charles R., Upper market

Randle, William, Upper market

Spice, Thomas, Duke street

Woolnough, M., Ber street

Fly Proprietors

Brunning, John, St. Catherine’s plain

Darsley, William, (hackney master) St. Stephen’s street

Foster, G., Norfolk hotel, St. Giles’

Kett, James, St. Giles’ street

Moll, George, St. Giles’ street

Padgett, John, Rampant Horse street

Shorten, Jas., Bull inn, Magdalen st.

Snowling, John, Duke’s Palace street

Tattam, Richard, Lady’s lane

Wilson, Alexander, St. Stephen’s square

p. 137Fowl Dealers (see also Poulterers)—

Crotch, William, Oak street

Smith, Samuel, Scoles’ green

Smith, William, Coburg street

French Polishers

Alderman, Henry, Ber street

Bunting, R., Lower Westwick street

Fenn, James, Ber street

High, John, St. Benedict’s street

King, Leonard, Lower King street

Mingay, F., Chapel st., Crook’s place

Spalding, James, St. Andrew’s hill

Fringe, Lace, and Damask Warehouses

Gooch, Joshua, 3, Dove street

Stewart, Charles Keith, (manufacturer) St. Giles’ street

Fruiterers (see also Green Grocers)—

Bullard, Robert, Swan lane

Bullen, W. V., Golden Ball street

Cohen, Philip, Swan lane

Cousins, James, St. Gregory’s Church alley

Dady, Daniel, St. Stephen’s street

Graver, Abraham, Magdalen street

Middleton, R., Cherry st., Lakenham

Newton, Alfred, Lower Goat lane

Newton, William, Swan lane

Sloper, John, Queen street

Snelling, J. G., Rampant Horse st.

Furniture Brokers

Aldhouse, Hannah, St. Augustine’s

Archer, Henry, Ber street

Butcher, Simon, St. Augustine’s

Canham, Sarah, Ber street

Cooper, William, Baker’s road, St. Augustine’s

Crickmore, William, Bridge street, St. Lawrence

Crowfoot, William, Ber street

Cubitt, Thomas, Bridge st., St. Miles’

Durrant, Zachariah, Coslany street

Hagon, William, Oak street

Hall, S., Bridge street, St. George’s

Jarrett, Thomas, Magdalen street

Kemp, James, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Kerry, George, St. Mary’s

Larkman, Henry, St. Benedict’s street

Loose, James, Botolph street

Martin, Robert, Quay side

Mayhew, George, Dereham road

Mingay, Fred., Chapel st., Crook’s pl.

Moll, Richd., St. John’s Maddermarket

Partridge, John J. B., Ber street

Pentin, James, Chapel Field road

Penton, James, Magdalen street

Plumstead, Samuel J., Coslany street

Rudd, Thomas, Ber street

Scott, Mrs. E., Charing cross

Scott, George J., Timberhill street

Scott, W. J., Bridge st., St. George’s

Seaman, Coriolanus, St. James’ street

Skoyles, William, St. Benedict’s st.

Smith, Benjamin, Upper Westwick st.

Stangroom, Henry, Gildengate street

Stimpson, James, Orford hill

Sutton, Robert, Magdalen street

Thompson, Miss M., Oak street

Thorpe, Thomas E., Colegate street

Thurston, William, Oak street

Townshend, C., St. Martin’s plain

Turrell, Josiah, Coburg street

Vincent, H., St. Gregory’s Church alley

Vincent, H. and Son, Upper Westwick street

Wade, James, Fishgate street

White, W., St. Gregory’s Church alley

Wilsea, John, Bridge st., St. Miles’


Bayes, Wm., Oak street, St. Martin’s

Claxton, Wm. and Geo., Horn’s lane, King street

Edwards, Miss Ann, Castle meadow

Fletcher, Sarah, Finket street

Fox, J., (manufacturer) 11, The Walk

Potter, Thomas and Co., 5, The Walk

Vincent, James, Red Lion street

Game Dealers, Poulterers, &c.

Bagshaw, George, Coslany street

Bagshaw, Joseph, St. Stephen’s street

Barnard, John, Fye bridge

Colman, Charles, Fishmarket

Engall, Joseph, St. Augustine’s street

Smith, S., (poulterer) Scoles’ green

Stubbs, C., (poulterer) Golden Ball st.


Ainslie, Charles, (jobbing) Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Allen, Francis, Dereham road

Bartram, Henry, Cherry street

Bennett, Jabez, Infirmary road

Booty, John, St. Stephen’s road

Chapman, Luke, Dereham road

Clarke, John, Heigham causeway

p. 138Cork, John, Brunswick road

Douglass, John, Silver road

Elmer, John, Lower close

Farrow, Thomas, Newmarket road

Ford, John, Pitt street

Frost, Hezekiah, Lower close

Fuller, John, Thorpe hamlet

Graves, John, Dereham road

Green, John, Asylum lane, Heigham

Hall, Jonathan, Somerleyton street

Harper, Henry, Fisher’s lane

Harris, Thomas, King street

Hayward, John, Trowse

Howes, James, Magdalen street

Jarvis, William, (market) Trowse

Jay, James, Upper King street

Jennis, John, Lower Westwick street

Langley, John, (market) Holl’s lane

Marsham, J., (market) Upper Heigham

Moore, R., (market) Bishopgate street

Newman, Henry, Oak street

Osborn, William, New Catton

Parfitt, C., (landscape) Sussex street

Smith, Edward, Dereham road

Sparkhall, John, Nelson street

Sutton, John, Lower King street

Trollop, George, Southwell road

Woolbright, Robert, Lower close

Gas Fitters

Campling, Thomas, Coslany street

Hall, James, 10, Magdalen street

Howes, William C., Ber street

Land, William, St. Peter’s Mancroft

Leach, George, (and bell hanger) Lower Goat lane

Pank, A., Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Self, Thomas, Tombland

Self, Thomas, Pottergate street

Waite, George, Redwell street

Gig Makers (see also Coach and Gig Builders)—

Dixon, Fuller, John street, Rose lane

Foulger, Robert, Ber street

Ginger Beer, Lemonade, Soda Water, &c., Manufacturers

Covell, John, Elm hill

Gower, Thomas, Gun lane

Hill, Richard, Cow hill

Hunt, James, 62, St. Stephen’s street

Key, S., Mansfield’s yd., St. Stephen’s

Moore, Foster G., Colegate street, St. George’s

Glass Dealers (see China, Glass, and Earthenware Dealers)—Glass Stainers

Cullyer, William F., Ten Bell lane

King, John and James, Prince’s st.


Amies, Benjamin, St. Catherine’s pln.

Asker, George Henry, 20, The Walk

Bird, Henry, Briggs’ street

Boughen, William, Bank plain

Boughten, Samuel, Red Lion street

Comer, James, Magdalen street

Cubitt, Thomas, Coslany street

Daines, Mrs. Mary, Church street, St. Julian’s

Lincoln, Morris, Chapel st., Union pl.

Mills, C., (maker) Golden Ball street

Oxley, Richard, 6, London street

Seager, Elizabeth and Son, St. John’s Maddermarket

Smith, Mrs. Sarah, Magdalen street

Stocks, Alfred Joseph, Briggs’ street

Theobald, T. and Son, London street

Tomlinson and Co., Castle street

Youels, William, St. Catherine’s plain

Grainers and Decorative Painters

King, J. and J., Prince’s street

Martin, Thomas, Museum court, St. Andrew’s

Pullen, Mase, and Furse, St. Lawrence lane

Walker and Bird, Surrey street

Glass, Stone, and China Mender

Malbon, Benjamin, St. Faith’s lane

Grease Manufacturer

Hough, Joseph, Castle meadow

Green Grocers

Able, William, Oak street, St. Martin’s

Allen, John, Lower Westwick street

Allmer, George, King street

Ames, Frances, Dereham road

Appleton, Christopher, Gildengate st.

Attle, Hannah, Finket street

Barnes, Robert, Foundry Bridge

Batchelder, Thomas, Ber street

Blyth, James, Julian street

Blyth, Sarah, Coslany street

Boughton, Richard, St. Stephen’s st.

Breeze, Mary, Cross lane, St. George’s

Brooks, David, Lower Westwick street

p. 139Browes, James, Lower King street

Brown, James, Colegate street

Butcher, Simon, St. Augustine’s street

Butcher, William, Elm hill

Butter, Caroline, Bull close

Campling, George, Magdalen street

Chapman, J., St. Miles’ church alley

Chapman, John, Union place

Chesteney, R., Upper St. Giles’ street

Churchyard, John, Coburg street

Clark, Ann, Ber street

Cletheroe, James, Oak street

Cogman, James, Oak street

Copley, George, Pottergate street

Crosskill, R., Bridge st., St. George’s

Crosskill, William, Oak street

Dady, Daniel, St. Stephen’s street

Davidson, William, Cowgate street

Dawes, Lawrence, William street

Denny, J., Union street, Crook’s place

Drake, John, Ber street

Eagleton, Elizabeth, Pump street

Ellis, Mary, St. Mary’s

Ellis, Thos., Cubitt’s court, Bethel street

Ellis, William, Oak street

Ellis, William, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Fiddament, James, Ber street

Fitt, John, Botolph street

Folkard, George, Oak street

Francis, Thomas, Timberhill street

Furze, Robert, Heigham street

Gardiner, Maria, Upper Westwick st.

Gay, Samuel, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Gazely, James, Lower Westwick street

Gowing, Samuel, St. Benedict’s gates

Green, James, Philadelphia

Gurney, C., Cherry street, Lakenham

Hansell, W., Chapel st., Union place

Harbord, H., St. Stephen’s back street

Harmer, James, Red Lion street

Harris, James, Ber street

Harris, Thomas, King street

Harrison, Mrs. M. A., Queen street

Hayhoo, Thomas, St. Augustine’s st.

Holman, George, King street

Holmes, George, St. Augustine’s

Houghton, Thomas, Barrack street

Howard, George, Little Orford street

Howes, William, Cowgate street

Jackson, Hannah, Pump street

Jermy, J., Bedford st., St. Andrew’s

Kemp, James, St. Lawrence lane

Lamb, Andrew, Heigham street

Larkman, Wm., St. Augustine’s gates

Leamon, George, Bull close

Linstead, Charles, Lower King street

Lockwood, L., St. Miles’ Church alley

Lovick, Mary Ann, Ber street

Marshall, Robert, Lower Westwick street

Mason, Peter, Infirmary road

Miller, William, Heigham street

Moon, Robert, New Catton

Moore, Abraham, Barrack street

Moore, James, City road, Heigham

Morse, Joshua, Prince’s street

Nobbs, Robert, Heigham street

Osborn, William, New Catton

Parr, James, King street

Perfect, Joseph, Lower Westwick str.

Pitcher, Thomas, Rose lane

Powell, Edward, Chapel Field road

Pond, Margaret, Ber street

Raby, William, Fishgate street

Raven, Robert, Tinkler’s lane

Robinson, Thomas, St. Benedict’s st.

Rope, William, Rising Sun lane

Salmons, John, Lower King street

Savary, David, Rupert street

Slipper, E., Grove pl., New Lakenham

Spooner, Maria, Ber street

Staff, Charles, Ber street

Stalweather, Frederick, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Steward, Mary, St. Benedict’s street

Stygals, William, Ber street

Swash, Robert, St. Mary’s plain

Taylor, George, Rupert street

Taylor, George, Rose lane

Thompson, John, King street, Crook’s place

Thorn, William, Magdalen street

Thurtell, Henry, King street

Tinkler, George, Magdalen street

Tiptod, Benjamin, Coburg street

Trollop, George, Southwell street

Trory, William, Bethel street

Turner, Thomas, Ber street

Turner, William, St. James’ street

Valentine, Elizabeth, St. Swithin’s

Walker, John, Ber street

Ward, Elizabeth, St. Benedict’s street

Watching, Thomas, Heigham street

White, Richard, Palace street

Willement, George, Coburg street

Williams, Thomas, Crook’s place

Woods, William, Union place

Woollinger, John, St. Augustine’s str.

Wright, George, Upper Westwick str.

p. 140Grocers and Tea Dealers

Aldous, J., Trafalgar st., Lakenham

Aldrich, John, West Pottergate street

Aldridge, Mrs. Susanna, Church walk, Lakenham

Avey, Thomas, Ber street

Back and Co., 3 and 4, Haymarket

Baker, Charles, Redwell street

Banham, Francis, Old Haymarket

Barnard, Alfred, King street

Barrow, Henry, White Lion street

Bateman, Benjamin, Magdalen street

Bateman and Co., (tea and coffee dealers) London st. and Swan lane

Bealby, Robert, William street

Beecheno, Frederick, London street

Belding, William, (and wholesale) 1, Magdalen street

Belding, William, New Catton

Bell, Matthew, (Lock and Key) Ber st.

Bennett, Mrs. Emily, Ber street

Bennett, James, (and importer of leeches) Tombland

Bensley, William, Union place

Betts, Henry, Southwell street

Bexfield, James, Rising Sun lane, Golden Ball street

Bexfield, R., Trory st., Unthank’s road

Blyth, John, St. Martin’s gates

Boardman, James T., (wholesale) Cundall’s court, Gentleman’s walk

Bream, Charles John, (wholesale) Upper market

Brook, Thomas Verlander, (tea and coffee) Bethel street

Brown, Henry, 14, The Walk

Brown, John, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Brown, Hall, Ber street

Browne, Samuel, Palace plain

Brussey, Benjamin, St. Augustine’s st.

Bugden, Thomas and Edward, (wholesale) St. Mary’s plain

Bungay, Elizabeth and Ann, Trowse

Butcher, Robert, and Nephew (wholesale) Bank plain and Queen street

Cannell, Hannah, Unthank’s road

Cannell, James, Upper Westwick st.

Capes, George, (tea only) Nelson street, Heigham

Caston, John, St. Benedict’s gates

Chamberlin, James, Post Office street

Chapman, Thomas, (tea) 4, Keyzor’s terrace, Unthank’s road

Clark, Maria, Lower Westwick street

Coman, H. & Co., St. Benedict’s street

Cooper, Thomas, St. Augustine’s

Copeman and Sons, 12, The Walk (and wholesale)

Dakin & Co. (tea & coffee) Davey place

Dawson, George, Vauxhall street

Dawson, Samuel, Oak street

Ducker, J. F., Lower Westwick street

Dunham, John, Trory st., Lakenham

Durrant, Elizabeth, Mariners’ lane

Durrant, Henry, Ber street (see advertisement, page 10)

Durrant, Robt., Church st., St. Miles’

Dye, L., St. Augustine’s church alley

Dye, M., (tea dealer) Little London st.

Ely, Hannah, Pitt street

Felstead, Jas., Regent st., Union place

Fenn, Robert, Magdalen street

Fisher, James C., 62, St. Stephen’s st.

Fisher, Robt., Bridge st., St. George’s

Fisher, Robert, St. Martin’s gates

Fitch, Charles, Coslany street

Forster, Samuel, Pockthorpe

Forster, T., Queen st., Crook’s place

Foster, Joseph, (tea) Sussex street

Freeman and Nash, (wholesale) Upper market

Garnham, W., Hall road, Lakenham

Gill, James, Lower Westwick street

Girling, S., Lower Westwick street

Goggs, William, St. Giles’ gates

Golder, Edward, Oak street

Goldsmith, Charles, Surrey street

Goldsmith, Jas., 34, St. Stephen’s st.

Grimes, Ruth, Botolph street

Haddon, Mrs. Mary Ann, Rose lane

Haines, Brothers, 58, St. Stephen’s (see advertisement, page 18)

Hall, James, Somerleyton street

Hannah, Peter (tea dealer) 33, Pottergate street

Hannant, Richard, King street

Harden, Charles, Heigham street

Hardy, James, Rampant Horse street

Harrison, J., Globe st., Union place

Hart, William, St. Benedict’s street

Harvey, Samuel, Fishgate street

Harwin, James, (tea) 3, Charles street, Heigham

Herring, Edward, Lower King street

Hewett, Alfred, Bedford street, Unthank’s road

High, George, New Catton

Hill, John, Vauxhall street

Hill, John, Cowgate street

Hill, John, St. Augustine’s

p. 141Hodds, Catherine, Ber street

Holmes, James, King street

Hook, Joseph J., Brazen Doors road

Howard, Robert, New Catton

Howes, Ann, and Son, St. Giles’ hill

Howlett, Eliza, Lower Westwick str.

Howlett, Thomas, Lower Westwick st.

Hunt, John, Quay side

Hutton, John, (tea) Old Haymarket

Jarvis, Joseph, Fishgate street

Jeckell, George, Ber street gates

Jeffries, Robert, King street

Kedge, Thomas, Ber street

Kemp, Mary, (tea) Golden Dog lane

Kerrison, James, Timberhill street

King, Russell, Ber street

Ladyman, Joseph Harrison, (tea) Market-place

Lake, William, St. Stephen’s

Lambert, Fras., (tea) Lower Goat lane

Lammas, Brothers, (tea) Market-place

Le Strange, Thomas, Pump street

Linstead, Robert, Duke street

Lock, Henry, St. Augustine’s (see Advertisement, page 18)

Lovett, James, King st., Crook’s place

Lowe, Joseph, Gildengate street

Mackley, Maria, Pottergate street

Manser, William, Thorn lane

Mayhew, George, Dereham road

Mayston, Edward, (tea) Distillery st.

Meadows, Jonathan, Coslany street

Mc’Michael, Jas., (tea) Valentine st.

Middleton, Matthew, (tea) Oak street

Miles, Susan, Oak street

Minns, Isaac, King street

Money, James, Bethel street

Morris, William, Bishopgate street

Muskett, James, (tea) Charles street, Heigham

Neale, Jas. F., St. Andrew’s hall plain

Neve, Mary Ann, St. Martin’s gates

Newman, Henry, Oak street

Newson and Co., Stump cross

Nightingale, R. W., St. Stephen’s str.

Nightingale, W. R., (tea-dealer) St. Augustine’s

Norton, Robert, Fye bridge

Nunn, Jonathan, Heigham street

Parker, Frederick, King street

Parker, William, (tea and coffee) Valentine street, Dereham road

Peacock, James, Pottergate street

Pratt, William, Wensum street

Proudfoot, Elizabeth and Ann, Trowse

Pulham, William, St. Mary’s plain

Pulham, William, Oak street

Pye, Wm. M., St. Augustine’s street

Read, Charles T., Unthank’s road

Read, William Dring, Orford hill

Reid, John C., (tea) Douro terrace, St. Giles’ road (travelling)

Riches, E., Church street, St. Julian’s

Rix, Charles Edward, Dereham road

Rouse, Harriet, St. Stephen’s street

Rout, George, Cowgate street

Rudd, James, St. Catherine’s plain

Rudd, Robt., Coslany street, St. Miles’

Rumbold, J., Howard st., Lakenham

Rump, Thomas, Golden Ball street

Sadd, David, Gloucester place, St. Catherine’s plain

Scott, John, Ber street gates

Scott, William, Magdalen gates

Scrutton, Henry, Bethel street

Seaman, Richard, Gildengate street

Selby, Charles James, Pitt street

Self, Thomas, Oak street

Seppings, W., West End st., Heigham

Sexton, John, Scoles’ green

Shalders, Edward, St. Benedict’s street

Shreeve, George, Tinkler’s lane

Sidney and Ladyman, (tea, wholesale) The Walk; and Ludgate hill, London

Simpson, Robert, Magdalen street

Smith, Henry, King st., Crook’s place

Smith, John, (tea) Timberhill street

Snelling, Thomas, Magdalen street

Spencer, I., St. Mary’s Church alley

Springhall, Benjamin, New Catton

Springall, James, (and wholesale) Tombland

Stafford, T., Chapel st., Crook’s place

Stangroom, Robert, Fishgate street

Stonex, James, Tinkler’s lane

Storey, William, Bull close

Sussams, William S., Heigham street

Taylor, W. H. and Co., (and wholesale) Haymarket

Taylor, W. J., Mill lane, New Catton

Temple, Robert, Ber street

Thompson, James, Cross lane, St. George’s

Thompson, Joseph, St. Stephen’s st.

Thouless, J., Lothian st., Heigham

Thurlow, William, Philadelphia

Tidd, Robert, Oak street

Tills, Benjamin, Magdalen street

Towler, Edward W. R., Magdalen st.

p. 142Turner, Sarah, John street, Heigham

Turrell, James, Ber street

Tuttle, John, Mill street, Lakenham

Vassar, J., West End st., Heigham

Walters, William, Ber street

Warner, Walter Waite, (tea) All Saints’ green

Watson, James, (tea) Calvert street

Watts and Graham, (tea) Dereham road (travelling)

Websdale, James, Lower King street

Weeds, Mary Ann, Bishopgate street

Whall, R., King st., Crook’s place

Whitrick, J., West Pottergate street

Whitaker, William, Lower King st.

Wicks, Robert, Ber street

Wild, Edward, 11, Old Haymarket

Williams, Josiah, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Williams, J., Globe st., Union place

Williams, John H., Duke street

Wilson, Mrs. M., Bridge st., St. Miles’

Wisker, Robert N., Tinkler’s lane

Wolton, Durrant, and Co., 47, London street

Young, Thomas, Magdalen street

Gun Flint Cutter

Sires, James, Alma terrace, St. Augustine’s road

Gun and Pistol Makers

Cartwright, H., Rampant Horse str.

Jeffries, George, Golden Ball street

Marrison, Robert, Great Orford street

Marrison, S. Ray, Great Orford street

Whall, Ann, Little London street

Gutta Percha Depots

Shalders, John, Bank plain

Snelling, William, Orford hill

Thompson, John, St. Peter’s steps, Market-place


Brown, M., Bridge street, St. George’s

Cartwright, Mrs., Magdalen road

Fairweather, Mrs. Lydia, London str.

Fickling, Harriet, St. Catherine’s pln.

Henney, Charity, Eagle terrace, Newmarket road

Lovick and Johnson, London street

Moore and Co., 81, St. Giles’

Rump, John, 8, Old Haymarket

Smith, William, 11, Lower Goat lane

Spauls, M. A., 7, Briggs’ street

Towler, Miss Hannah, Fye bridge

Waller, Elizabeth, Calvert street

Warman, Zachariah W., Bedford st., St. Andrew’s


Allen, William, Magdalen street

Amies, Benjamin, St. Catherine’s pln.

Bailey, S. John, West Pottergate str.

Bayes, Wm., Oak street, St. Martin’s

Betts, T., Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Bilby, William, Pitt street

Boughton, Samuel, Red Lion street

Bullen, William Vincent, Golden Ball street (see Advertisement)

Buttifant, Davis, Golden Ball street

Castle, W., Upper market

Crask, Henry, Coburg street

Crotch, Matthew, St. James’ street

Dew, Edmund B., Upper market

Dunn, Samuel, Magdalen street

Edwards, Edward, M., 40, London st.

Fairman, William, Barrack street

Ferra, John, King street

Gaze, Samuel, Lower Westwick street

Gedge, Wm., Upper Westwick street

Gerard, William S., Botolph street

Girdlestone, R., 8, Upper St. Giles

Gray, James, Rose lane

Hallows, Joseph, Royal Hotel street

Harmer, Elizabeth, Ber street

Harpley, Thomas, Cowgate street

Hartley, William, Little Orford street

Hill, Robert, Red Lion street

Hinds, Robert, St. Benedict’s street

Holmes, Robert, St. Martin’s at Palace plain

Kemp, George Pank, Exchange street

Lanham and Sword, 4, St. Giles’

Lincoln, M., Chapel st., Union place

Lofty, James, Colegate street

Marsh, Edward, Lower King street

Mason, Henry, Ber street

Moore, Isaac, West Pottergate street

Moore, James, Ber street

Moore, William, Ber street

Nobbs, James, Oak street

Nunn, John, St. Augustine’s

Parnell, William, Oak street

Plumstead, Frederick, Magdalen str.

Plumstead, Robert, Wensum street

Powell, John, St. Benedict’s street

Quinton, Benjamin, Thorn lane

Rainbird, Jonathan, Market-place

p. 143Randall, Thomas, Union place

Ray, J. A., Bridge street, St. Lawrence

Riches, Edward, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Riches, H., Chapel street, Crook’s place

Riches, Robert, Timberhill street

Seager, Elizabeth and Son, St. John’s

Seager, Robert, Castle meadow

Stigles, Daniel, Fishgate street

Swash, Sarah Ann, St. James’ street

Thorpe, Thomas, Coslany street

Thorpe, William, St. Stephen’s street

Tyzack, William, V., 13, London str.

Wade, Robert, Bank street

Ward, Charles P., White Lion street

Ward, Isaac, West Pottergate street

Webster, John, Ber street

Whall, Wm., Mill lane, New Catton

Wilding, Henry, 42, London street

Woodward, Henry, Lower King street

Harness Makers (see Saddlers and Harness Makers)—Hatters

Allured, James, Timberhill street

Beatley and Son, London street

Brown and Barker, London street

Everett, William W., Red Lion st.

Jennings, Thomas, Magdalen street

Livock, William Thomas, London st.

Markham, John, West Pottergate st.

Norton, Francis J., Back of the Inns

Potter, Thomas and Co., 5, The Walk

Sommerville, J. J. and R., Magdalen street

Todd, John and Son, Queen street

Todd, William A., 10, London street

Tomlinson and Co., Castle street

Vincent, James, Red Lion street

Womack, George, White Lion street and Davey place

Havel Makers

Barstead, Ann and Esther, Alms’ lane, Gildengate street

Hart, Robert, Golden Dog lane

Herbalists (see Medical Botanists)—Hoop Maker

Shields, D., Prospect square, Scoles’ green

Horse Breakers

Abel, John, Chapel Field road

Andrews, William, Westlegate street

Feek, William, West Pottergate street

Lemon, William, St. Stephen’s square

Pratt, Richard Jeremiah, Northumberland street, Heigham

Horse Dealers

Abel, John, Chapel Field road

Andrews, William, Westlegate street

Feek, William, West Pottergate street

Robinson, James, Victoria street

Seaman, David, Chapel Field road

Horse and Gig Letters

Beddingfield, Nelson, Westlegate str.

Howman, Wm., White Lion, Oak street

Kett, James, St. Giles’ street

Padget, John, Rampant Horse street

Spinks, James, Surrey street

Horse-hair Manufacturers

Burrell, John, Gildengate street

Finch, William, (and crinoline) Prince Regent, Weaver’s lane

Gunton, Thomas, Oak street

Kemp, James, Bridge street, St. Giles’

Sadler, James, sen., Oak street

Sadler, James, jun., Oak street

Tolladay, Joseph, Lower Westwick street


Asker, George Henry, 20, The Walk

Austrin, Mrs. Ann, 5, Orford hill

Bird, Henry, Briggs’ street

Boughen, William, Bank plain

Fairweather, Mrs. Lydia, London str.

Kent, Henry, 3, London street

Lane, Joseph, All Saints’ green

Littell, Charles, White Lion street

Markham, John, West Pottergate st.

Oxley, Richard, 6, London street

Page, Joseph, 13, Briggs’ street

Piggott, John H., St. Stephen’s street

Rump, John, 8, Old Haymarket

Rust, Mrs. H., Bridge street, St. Miles’

Smith, George, Ber street

Starling, Charles G., White Lion street

Stocks, Alfred Joseph, Briggs’ street

Theobald, T., and Son, London street

Tomlinson and Co., Castle street

Hotels (see Publicans)—p. 144Hotpressers

Barker, T., Rosemary lane, Distillery street

Bayfield, William H., Gildengate str.

Blake and Everett, Gildengate street

Gedge, George, Coslany street

Howes, James, St. Miles’

Howes, T., Church street, St. Miles’

Metcalf, Francis, Colegate street

Stark and Co., Duke’s palace

Iron and Brass Founders

Barnard, Bishop, and Barnards, Market place and St. Miles’

Barnard and Boulton, London street and Castle street

Barnes, John, Hank’s yd., St. Miles’

Blyth, R. and F., Ber street

Campling, James, Golden Ball street

Hewitt, George, Orford hill

Howard, Riches, and Watts, Duke’s Palace Iron Works

Murrell, W. and Co., Crook’s place

Smithdale, Thomas, King street (see Advertisement, page 9)

Sparke and Co., Thorn lane and Castle hill (see Advertisement, p. 36, 37, 38)

Thompson, Robert, jun., Phœnix Iron Works, St. Clement’s

Turner, James Mangles, St. Martin’s at Palace

Wright, Jacob, St. Mary’s foundry, Muspole street


Barnard, Bishop, and Barnards, (manufacturing and general) St. Miles’ and Market place

Barnard and Boulton, (manufacturing and general) London street and Castle street

Bayfield, Ann and Sons, 34, Magdalen street

Browne, J. and Sons, 4, Upper market

Buttifant, Henry, Grapes’ hill

Buttifant, Henry and Josiah, William street, Heigham

Colman and Glendenning, Rampant Horse street

Cubitt, Samuel Durrant, (wholesale) Mitchell’s court, Market place

Flatt, John, Magdalen street

Flatt, William, 52, St. Stephen’s st.

Havers, Charles, Charing cross

Hornor, Robert T., Post Office street

Howlett and Co., 6, Old Haymarket

Kiddell, Joshua, Timberhill street

Parlour, Henry E., 15, London street

Pigg, Edmund, (furnishing and general) St. Stephen’s

Pinson, Henry, Bank plain

Piper and Pigg, 5, London street

Stevens, Gardner C., Orford hill

Thompson, Robert, Castle street and Colegate street (and wholesale)

Thorns, Robert and Co., Exchange street (and wholesale)

White, Frederick, St. Faith’s lane

Italian Warehousemen (see also Grocers)—

Back and Co., 3 and 4, Haymarket

Belding, W., Magdalen street

Butcher, R. and Nephew, Bank plain

Copeman and Sons, The Walk

Hardy, James, Rampant Horse street

Lake, W., Surrey corner, St. Stephen’s

Newson and Co., Stump cross

Wolton, Durrant and Co., London st.

Ivory Turner

Hines, Charles, Muspole street

Jewellers (see Silversmiths and Jewellers)—Jewellers (working)—

Davis, Mark, Ber street

Hayward, J. J., Little Loudon street

James, B., St. Andrew’s Broad street

Smith, Samuel H., Back of the Inns

Land Surveyors (see Surveyors)—Last and Boot-tree Makers

Alden, James, Ber street

Barnard, John, Coslany street

Barnard, Stephen, (and patten maker) Oak street

Curtis, John, Fishgate street

Fisher, George, Union place

Good, T., Bridge street, St. George’s (see Advertisement, p. 13)

Joyce, James, Ber street

Palmer, William, Timberhill street

Lath Benders

Beaney, John, Dial yard, Coslany str.

Law Stationer

Stevens, John Thos., Castle meadow

p. 145Leather Merchants and Cutters (see also Curriers)—

Armes, Robert, Dove street

Beare, Samuel Shalders, Bridge street, St. George’s

Blackburn, J. B., St. Stephen’s plain

Bostock, Edwin and Thomas, Swan lane and Pottergate street

Brooks, Cooper, St. Stephen’s plain

Cooke, E., St. John’s Maddermarket

Curtis, Wm., Upper Westwick street

Foulsham, Henry, Magdalen street

Gibson, Robert, St. Stephen’s street

Gooch, Samuel Irwin, 9, Davey place

Hotblack, John and Co., Orford hill

Howell, William, Lower Goat lane

Leamon, Robert, (and tanner) Upper market, and Whitwell

Marston, A. A., Timberhill street

Martin, Benjamin A., St. Gregory’s Church alley

Martin, G. and R., St. Gregory’s Church alley

Page, George and Son, Magdalen str.

Phillips, William, All Saints’ street

Sayer, William, Upper Westwick str.

Sidney and Armes, Dove street

Tillyard and Howlett, St. George’s plain

Ulph, Thomas, 1, Dove street

Winter, Charles, Upper market

Wood, George James, Sussex street

Woods, George John, St. Gregory’s Church alley

Letter Founder

Cohen, Mrs., Scole’s green

Lime Burners

Cattermoul, John O., Pitt street

Ewing, John W., Exchange street and Eaton

Pearce, Philip, The Compasses, Upper King street

Pennick, Robert, Silver road

Poll, Robert, Dereham road

Underwood and Gaze, Chalk hill, Thorpe

Varvil, James, Trowse Newton

Linen Drapers (see Drapers)Lithographers

Browne, William and Co., St. Andrew’s Broad street

Dallinger and Son, 12, Davey place

Emslie, James and Son, Back of the Inns (see Advertisement)

Hall, William, White Lion street

Loades, Benjamin, 55, Pottergate st.

Livery Stable Keepers

Beddingfield, Nelson, Westlegate st.

Cook, Ann, Pitt street

Mayhew, J., Hales’ court, Chapel field

Platten, Mrs. Mary, Upper Surrey st.

Spinks, James, Surrey street

Sword, John, Rose lane

Locksmiths (see Whitesmiths, &c.)—Lodging House Keepers

Aldridge, Mrs. Susan, 4, Grapes hill

Allcock, Trivett, Tombland

Arnott, Robert, Distillery street

Bensley, John, Mousehold

Berwick, Mary, Mount Pleasant

Brown, Henry, William street

Brown, Wm., John street, Rose lane

Brown, Mrs., Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Cannell, Elizabeth, Unthank’s road

Cattermoul, Mrs. E., St. Benedict’s pl.

Cawdron, Henry, Bethel street

Chaplin, George, Lower close

Chettleburgh, Henry, 55, St. Giles’ st.

Church, Mrs. M., Theatre street

Cobin, William, Pottergate street

Cook, Ann, St. Faith’s lane

Cooper, Mrs. Sarah, Lower close

Culyer, Mrs. Ann, Grapes hill

Curtis, Sarah, White Friars’ street

Ellis, Mrs. Priscilla, 15 and 16, Chapel Field

Goulty, Charles, 3, Vauxhall terrace, Julian place

Hardy, Mrs. Ann, 8, St. Stephen’s sq.

Hicks, Ann, Pitt street

Hopkins, Stephen, Lower close

Hopson, Mrs. C., 14, Castle meadow

Horner, Mrs., St. Mary’s alley

Housego, Jemima, Rose lane

Howard, A., Grove place, Lakenham

Howes, J., Bridge street, St. George’s

James, Grace, Rose lane

Ladell, Sarah, Magdalen street

Leman, Mrs. Emily, Bethel street

Lusher, Mrs. D., 36, Victoria street

Middleton, Thos., St. Stephen’s gates

Morrish, Emily, Windsor terrace, Grove road

p. 146Paine, Mrs. Mary, Elm hill

Paston, Charles, Ber street

Powley, William, Theatre street

Rackham, Mrs. H., Mount Pleasant

Reynoldson, Mrs. M. L., St. Lawrence lane

Riches, Mrs. Ann, Brunswick road

Sainty, Mary, Bethel street

Sapey, J., St. Stephen’s Church lane

Saul, Sarah Ann, Surrey road

Seeley, E. and H., St. Stephen’s plain

Sharp, Mrs. L., Chapel Field road

Sparkhall, Emily, Jay’s terrace, Rose lane

Stebbings, Mrs. Sarah, Rose lane

Studwell, Mrs. S., St. Benedict’s road

Tann, Mary A., Hall road, Lakenham

Tomlinson, Hannah, Bank plain

Tuck, James Stannard, Surrey street

Weavers, Elizabeth, 1, Pottergate str.

Whaites, Mrs. H., Surrey street

Wigg, Sarah, Jay’s terrace, Rose lane

Wittrick, Henry, Priest’s buildings, St. Stephen’s road

Lucifer Match Manufacturers

Lincoln, John, Pump street

Mace, Gilbert, Barrack street

Pearce, Thorne, St. Clement’s hill, New Catton

Staff, John, St. Martin’s at Oak

Dunn, William, Silver road

Maltsters (see also Brewers)—

Arnold, G. and A. R., St. Margaret’s

Browne, F., King street

Bullard, R., Bridge street, St. Miles’

Clarke, Charles, Coslany street

Cozens, J. and Son, Upper Westwick street

Mealing and Mills, Lower King st.

Morgan, J. B. and H., King street

Read, Thomas W. and Co., Trowse mills, and Cannon wharf, King street

Redgrave, J., St. Miles’ Church street

Sexton, E., Whalebone inn, New Catton

Steward, Patteson, Finch and Co., Pockthorpe

Weston, C., St. George’s Bridge st.

Youngs, Crawshay, and Youngs, King street

Masons (see Stone and Marble Masons)—Manufacturers

Allen, George, St. Stephen’s factory

Barber, John Lee and Co., (cotton) St. Martin’s lane

Berry, Richard, St. Paul’s Back lane

Blakely, William, Pitt street

Bolingbroke, Charles and Frederick, St. Clement’s Church alley

Caley, Nathaniel Henry, London st.

Clabburn, Sons, and Crisp, Pitt street

Clarke, John, Calvert street

Colman, J. and J., (mustard, starch, and blue) Stoke mills and Carrow works

Copestake, Moore, Crompton and Co., (lace and muslin); manager, Mr. William Gibson, The Chantry

Creasby, Edmund, (hosiery, elastic web and belt) Colegate street

Crisp, Thomas Dawson, Pitt street

Cubitt, Stannard, St. George’s plain

Cundall, Benjamin and Son, (shawl) The Walk

Day, Thomas S., (silk) Sussex street

Geary, William, Gildengate street

Grout and Co., (silk and mourning crape) Lower Westwick street

Hinde, E. and F., Botolph street

Jay, George, (mohair) King street

Kemp, James, (crinoline) Bridge st., St. Miles’

Mallett, C., (silk) Fishgate street

Mallett, Joseph H., (mohair) Lower King street

Middleton and Answorth, Calvert st.

Miles, Stephen, St. Augustine’s street

Perowne, James J., 1, William street

Skelton, John, Fishgate street

Stannard, Cubitt, St. George’s plain

Sultzer, J. and Co., St. Augustine’s st.

Thurgar and Co., (mustard and condensed egg) King street

Towler, Rowling, and Allen, Elm hill

Widdows, Francis, Cowgate street

Willement, Richard, Calvert street

Willett, Nephew and Co., Pottergate street

Williams, Case, and Potter, Calvert street

Wright, John and Son, Elm hill

Manure Manufacturers

Bagshaw George, Coslany street

Parker, Thomas, St. Stephen’s

Pointer, William, Mousehold

Powell, William, Oak street

p. 147Reynolds, E., Pockthorpe hamlet

Stark and Co., Duke’s palace (works at Rockland St. Mary)

Marine Store Dealers

Bridges, William, Coslany street

Brooks, John, Golden Ball street

Cullingford, F., St. Benedict’s street

Cullingford, Thomas, Botolph street

Cullingford, William, Ber street

Gardiner, William, St. Paul’s street

Ineson, Joseph, Elm hill

Pearson, William, Grapes hill

Plunkett, David, St. Martin’s walls

Wenn, William, Cowgate street

Mattress Makers

Conyers, M., St. Benedict’s churchyard

Tolladay, J., Lower Westwick street

Medical Botanists

Brightwell, Thomas, Bridge street, St. George’s

Johnson, Samuel, Vauxhall street

Matthews and Son, Dereham road

Roberts, Henry, Rising Sun road

Stigles, Daniel, Fishgate street


Barber and Son, (corn) Old Haymarket

Barber, Alfred Wilsea, and Co., (general) Duke’s palace

Barnard, John, (corn and hay) Golden Ball street

Bateman, J. and Son, (wool, silk, yarn, and cotton) Gildengate street

Batson, Edward, (corn) Magdalen st.

Bircham and Pyle, (corn) Wensum st.

Boardman and Sursham, (hop, corn, and coal) Wensum street

Brown, Frederick, (corn) Lower King street

Brown, George, King street

Bullard, Richard, (corn and coal) Bridge street, St. Miles’

Barcham, Samuel, (corn and coal) Oak street

Clabburn & Sparks, (corn) Magdalen street

Clarke and Reeve, Duke’s palace wharf

Claxton, William and George, (skin) Horn’s lane, King street

Cook, Edward, (corn) Infirmary road

Cozens, James and Son, (corn and coal) Upper Westwick street

Crisp, John, (corn) Cinder Ovens yard, King street

Culley and Hart, (general) Duke’s palace

Davey, Thos., and Son, (silk) Pitt st.

Dawbarn, James, (coal and salt) Castle meadow

Dowson, Benjamin Utting, (corn and coal) Duke’s palace

Dunmore, Robert, (corn and seed) St. Benedict’s street

Dunmore, Thomas, (corn) Bridge street, St. Miles’

Eastern Counties’ Company., (coal) London street

Everett, Thomas, Trory street, Unthank’s road

Girling, William, (corn, hay, and straw) Golden Ball street

Gorell, Robert Atkinson, (cotton and silk) Muspole street

Hart, John, (corn and timber) St. Giles’ street

Hawkes, Robert, (wool) Willow lane

Hazlewood, C. J., (corn) Weaver’s lane

Hill, E. R., (corn) 2, Exchange street

Jecks, William and Charles, (timber) St. Faith’s lane

Kerry, Henry Watson, (coal) Hall road, Lakenham

Ketton, James, (oil cake) Rose lane

Kitton, George, St. Faith’s lane

Lamb, Benjamin Charles, (coal) Magdalen street

Larkman, William Augustus, (corn) Lower King street

Legood, Samuel, (hay) Prospect square

Leney, Samuel, Thorpe hamlet

Leveux and Co., (wine and spirit) agent, W. E. Filbey, Stamp Office yard

Lord, John, (wool and yarn) Duke street

Manser, William, (timber) Thorn lane

Mealing and Mills, (coal) Lower King street

Merry, Robert, (coal) Victoria Railway station

Mills, James, (coal) Castle meadow

Mollett, Rizen, (coal) Magdalen street

Morris, John, (slate) Lower King str.

Osborn, Charles, (corn) Ber street

Orfeur, John, (timber), Fishgate street

Pepworth, J., (coal) Victoria station

Phillips, Robert, White Lion street

p. 148Pigg, Frederick, (mahogany and deal) St. George’s Bridge wharf

Pope, Robert, W. St. Benedict’s street

Porter, Robert, (coal) 2, West-end terrace, Grapes hill

Pymar, John, (wool and silk) Castle meadow

Read, Gurney, (coal) Badding lane, Quay side

Read, Thomas W. and Co., (corn and coal) Trowse mills and Cannon wharf, King street

Read, William, (coal) Elm hill

Redgrave, Joseph, (corn) St. Miles’ Church street

Reynolds, E. and Co., (oil) King str.

Roe, John C., St. George’s plain

Saul, Wm. S., (timber) Pottergate str.

Scales, Jeremiah, (timber) Chapel Field road and Oxford street

Sheppard, Robert, (hop and seed) Weston’s court, Upper market

Springfield, Son, and Nephew, (silk) St. Martin’s lane

Stark, Wm. and Co., Duke’s Palace bridge

Steward, Robert and Co., (timber) King street

Towell, Wm., (seed) Upper King str.

Watling, Robert, (corn) Cinder Ovens yard, King street

Williamson, Henry, (corn, flour, and seed) St. Stephen’s street

Wolton, Durrant, and Co., (hops) London street


Cox, Sarah, Oak street

Dowde, Mary Eve, St. Margaret’s Church alley

Elvin, Mary, Ber street

Fuller, Maria, Ber street

Martins, Sarah, St. Martin’s lane

Whitehead, Mary, Sussex street

Millers (see Corn Millers)—Milliners, Dressmakers, &c.

Ames, Mrs. Edward, Distillery street

Andrews, Mrs. E., West Pottergate st.

Angell, Susannah, Calvert street

Balls, Hannah, Pitt street

Belden, Miss S., Ber street

Bloomfield, Amelia, Botolph street

Blythe, Louisa, St. Augustine’s

Botton, Ann Elizabeth, New Catton

Boyce, Harriet, Redwell street

Bradfield, Mrs. R., West Pottergate st.

Breeze, Miss H. S., Rupert street

Brett, Sophia, Union place

Browes, Miss Pamela, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Brown, Miss Ann, Mariners’ lane

Brown, Miss A. M., Muspole street

Brown, Eliza, Norfolk street

Brown, Maria, Bridge st., St. George’s

Brundall, Mrs. M. A., Upper King st.

Bugg, Mrs. H., St. Augustine’s street

Bulgin, H., (wholesale mourning milliner) Freeman’s villas, Unthank’s rd.

Burton, Emma, Trafalgar street

Chambers, Sarah, Ber street gates

Chandler, Miss H., St. Stephen’s road

Clark, Mrs. S., Vauxhall street

Clarke, Eliza, King street

Clarke, Eliza M. and C., 37, Pottergate street

Clarke, Mary Ann, Upper King street

Claxton, Louisa, Fishgate street

Coble, The Misses, Elm hill

Cogman, Mrs. Emma, Prince’s street

Cole, Mrs. Harriet, Lower King street

Colman, Sarah, Bethel street

Cook Charlotte, 50, St. Giles’ street

Cooper, Mrs. Honor, Stepping lane

Cooper, Jane, Magdalen street

Copeman and Bell, St. Gregory’s Church alley

Crowe, Ann, Ten Bell lane

Cunningham, Mrs. M. A., 4, Duke st.

Curme, Elizabeth, Magdalen street

Dade, Charlotte, 3, Swan lane

Daniels, Miss Hannah, Magdalen st.

Davy, Miss Jane, Upper St. Giles’ st.

Deigham, Mrs. Sophia, Duke street

Denmark, Rebecca, New Catton

Dickinson, Mrs. S. C., St. Stephen’s rd.

Dove, Ann, Rupert street

Downes, Catherine, Cowgate street

Downes, Maria, Duke street

Drake, Mrs. Mary, All Saints’ green

Elliott, Miss Mary, Bank street

Evans, Misses Lucy and Emma

Fairhead, Louisa, Pottergate street

Fitzgerald, Louisa, Cowgate street

Foley, Mrs. Susan, Union place

Ford, Ann, Wellington lane, St. Giles’

Ford, Elizabeth, Pitt street

Fuller, E., Pitt street

Goading, William, Red Lion street

p. 149Godferey, Elizabeth, Duke street

Goffin, Mrs. Mary, Golden Dog lane

Goldspring, Mary Ann, William street

Gooch, Phœbe, Thorn lane

Goose, Mrs. Emma, 15, Briggs’ street

Goreham, Sarah, Lothian street

Gosnold, Ellen Sarah, Surrey road

Green, Miss Ann, Post Office street

Green, Hannah, St. Catherine’s terrace

Green, Mary Ann, Colegate street

Grice, Mrs. Mary Ann, Gildengate st.

Gunton, Elizabeth, Julian street

Hall, H., Cowgate street

Havers, Amelia, Fishgate street

Haward, The Misses, Theatre street

Hewitt, Charlotte, West Pottergate st.

Hewitt, L., Lothian st., Dereham rd.

Hill, Miss Clara, Red Lion street

Holmes, Mary Ann, Museum court, St. Andrew’s

Homewood, Miss Anna, Brazen Doors road

Houghton, Miss L., Upper Market

Howard, Miss Ann, Theatre street

Howard, Mrs. Emily, St. Faith’s lane

Howes, Deborah, Magdalen street

Hughes, Ann, Upper Westwick street

Hurn, Mary and Elizabeth, Bank st.

Isbell, Miss Maria, Charles street

Iungus, Miss Kate, Theatre street

Jeffries, Mrs. Emily, 56, St. Giles’

Johnson, Harriet, Lower Westwick st.

Keeble, Mrs. Harriet, Rose lane

Kew, Louisa, 45, Upper St. Giles’

King, Matilda and Rachel, Calvert st.

Kingdom, The Misses, Sussex street

Knevett and Hall, Magdalen street

Knevett, Harriet, Upper Westwick st.

Knowles, Mrs. H., Rising Sun lane

Lambert, Mrs. Eliza, Kimberley st.

Lawter, E., St. Julian’s street, Thorn lane

Lilly, Mrs. Maria, Bishopgate street

Lohr, Mrs. Lydia, 6, Briggs’ street

Love, Miss Amelia, Kimberley street

Mace, Mrs., Lothian street

Maltman, Janet, St. Benedict’s road

Manning, The Misses M. and C., Wellington st., Union place

Margarson, Mrs. Ann, Alma square, Julian place

Middleton, Mrs. M., Bishopgate st.

Miles, Mrs. E., 5, Theatre street

Miller, Mrs. E., Westlegate street

Moore, Mrs. M. E., Coburg street

Moore, Mrs. Sarah, Grapes’ hill

Mortimer, Miss, Willow lane

Murrell, Miss M. A., Trowse

Newham, Miss M., William street

Newhouse, Miss S., St. Paul’s Back lane

Norton, Mrs. P., Lower Goat lane

Page, Mrs., 4, Jay’s terrace, Rose lane

Palmer, Sophia, Ber street

Parfitt, Mrs. Martha, Trafalgar street, Lakenham

Parker, Miss Mary, Bethel street

Parr, Caroline, Ber street

Parsley, Maria, Grapes’ hill

Paston, Caroline, Grapes’ hill

Payne, Miss E., 64, Bethel street

Pearson, Miss H., St. Andrew’s hill

Perry, Mrs. Mary, Bethel street

Pigg, Mrs. E., William st., Heigham

Piggin, Miss Mary Ann, Surrey st.

Pilgrim, Mrs. M. A., Pottergate street

Potter, Mrs. H., Little London street

Pope, Mrs. William, 23, Bethel street

Press, Miss Sarah, Rupert st., Union place

Quintin, Mrs. H., Grout’s thoroughfare, Timberhill street

Read, Mrs. C., 23, Alma square, Julian place

Reeve, Louisa, Lower Westwick st.

Riches, Lucy, Queen street

Roper, Agnes, Ten Bell lane

Rudd, Mary Ann, Calvert street

Sawford, Ann Maria, Cow hill

Scofield, Susan, Upper St. Giles’

Scott, Miss E., Crescent place, Chapel Field road

Severn and Blackwell, Botolph street

Shalders, Mrs. C., Bethel street

Sharman, Miss Rachel, Eldon row, Chapel Field road

Sharon, Mrs. R., Pottergate street

Shaw, Miss E., Douro terrace, St. Giles’ road

Short, Mrs., Trory st., Unthank’s road

Short, Miss Mary, 4, Gildengate st.

Sibley, Mrs. R., Fisher’s lane

Sissen, Miss L., Rose lane

Skipper, Mrs. R., Surrey road

Smith, M. A., Rigby’s court, St. Giles’

Sparke, Miss E., Chapel Field road

Spurgeon, E., Suffolk st., Union place

Stannard, Harriet, Infirmary road

Starling, Mrs. S., Chapel st., Union place

p. 150Starling, Miss R., West Pottergate st.

Stearman, Eliza, Whitefriars’ street

Steward, Miss M. A., St. Martin at palace

Steward, Miss Mary, Little Globe street, Union place

Thirkettle, Mrs. M. A., Timberhill st.

Thompson and Corrick, 60, St. Giles’ street

Tomlinson, Miss A., Bishopgate street

Townshend, Miss Sarah, Botolph str.

Tye, Jemima, Ber street

Vincent, E., St. Miles’ Church alley

Walker, Mrs. Ann, Peacock street

Waller, Elizabeth, Calvert street

Ward, Mrs. Maria, Albemarle street, Crook’s place

Wardle, Sarah, St. Mary’s plain

Weavers, Miss F. M., John st., Rose la.

Websdale, Harriet, Surrey street

Webster, Emma, Philadelphia

Webster, Mrs. S. A., Botolph street

Wild, Elizabeth, Cowgate street

Williamson, Mrs. T., Duke’s palace

Wortley, Miss Martha, 5, Briggs’ str.

Youell, C., Globe street, Union place

Youels, William, St. Catherine’s plain

Zobel, Mrs. M., Rupert street

Millinery Establishments (see also Milliners and Dressmakers)—

Fairweather, Mrs. L., London street

Howard and Co., London street

Huson and Co., London street

Jones, Elizabeth, Briggs’ street

Lohr, Lydia, Briggs’ street

White, Anna and D., London street


Brown and Wright, King street

Campling, James, Golden Ball street

Dobson, James, Calvert street

Fulcher, William, Mousehold heath

Gaze, William, St. Paul’s Back lane

Holmes and Sons, Prospect place works, Globe lane

Howard, Riches, and Watts, Duke’s Palace iron works

Smithdale, Thomas, King street, (see Advertisement, page 9)

Wright, John, Alma terrace, St. Augustine’s road

Music Warehouses (see Pianoforte and Music Warehouses)—Musical Instrument Makers and Repairers

Dambrock, John, Ber street

Gooderham, Samuel, Elm hill

Madge, Giles, Botolph street

Smyth, William, Union place

Mustard Manufacturers

Colman, J. and J., Carrow and Stoke Holy Cross

Thurgar and Co., King street

News Agents

Bramwell, D. K., 9, Upper St. Giles’ street

Darken, James, Little London street

Daynes, John, Back of the Inns

Hill, Lot, Bridewell alley

Jeary, Robert, Bridewell alley

Nockall, Mrs. E., 2, Lower Goat lane

Rumball, J. G., Vauxhall st., Union place

Walker, R., Church street, St. Miles’

Willsea, Mrs. H., Orford hill

Woodcraft, James, Fishgate street

Woolnough, T., Prince’s street

Nurserymen, Seedsmen, Florists, &c.

Allen, Robert, Grove place, Lakenham

Bell, J., Exchange st. and Bracondale

Booty, John, St. Stephen’s road

Brown, David, 41, London street (see Advertisement)

Ewing, J. W., Exchange st. and Eaton

Hill, John, Newmarket road

Hussey, Wm., St. Catherine’s plain

Jay, Benjamin, St. Faith’s lane

Lawes, Robt. C., (seedsman) Julian st.

Nunn, John, St. Augustine’s

Reynolds, W., Hall road, Lakenham

Smith, Wm., Nelson street, Heigham

Soons, John, St. Augustine’s

Steward, John, Exchange street

Oil Cake Manufacturer

Ketton, John, Rose lane

Oil and Colormen (see Ironmongers)—Opticians

Allen, John B., London street

Dixon, Thomas, 6, Bridewell alley (see Advertisement, p. 8)

Keyzor, Michael, St. Giles’ street

Piggin and Dyball, Post Office street

Sawyer and Co., 42, London street

p. 151Organ Builder

Noble, Mark, bazaar, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Out-fitters (see Clothiers and Tailors)—Painters (see Plumbers, Glaziers and Painters, and also Grainers, &c.)—Paper Bag Makers

Page, S. D. and Son, 23, Old Haymarket

Thorndick and Co., Prince’s street

Paper Hangers (see also Upholsterers)—

Kirkham, Dennis, Redwell street

Mounsear, William, Pottergate street

Tarte, William, Botolph street

Paper Manufacturers

Butcher, Brothers, Palace plain

Nash, W. S., Lower Westwick street

Robberds and Money, Chapel Field road (mills at Lyng)

Patten and Clog Makers

Bradfield, Frederick, Little London st.

Cook, Samuel, 6, Davey place

Harper, James K., St. Benedict’s st.

Rogers and Page, Wensum street

Scott, Peter Thomas, White Lion st.


Ballord, Edmund, All Saints’ green

Boston, William, Orford hill

Christie, Thomas, Colegate street

Cott, Thomas, Pottergate street

Green, W. P., St. Martin’s at Palace pl.

Griggs, F. W., Upper King street

Harvey, Isaac, William street

Havers, William, St. Paul’s plain

Johnson, A., Lower Westwick street

Joseph and Samuel, Timberhill

Knights and Ballord, All Saints’ green

Knights, Charlotte, Ber street

Knights, James, Upper Westwick st.

Morgan, W. R., St. Saviour’s lane

Owen, Thomas, Colegate street

Pitcher, H., St. John’s Maddermarket

Shalders, Noah, Westlegate street

Sheward, William, Lower King street

Woodrow, Thomas, St. Miles’

Perambulator and Invalid’s Carriage Maker

Boswell, T., St. John’s Maddermarket


Asker, George Henry, The Walk

Edwards, Edward M., 40, London st.

Lanham and Sword, St. Giles

Plumsted, Robert, Wensum street

Tyzack, Wm. V., 13, London street

Wilding, Henry, 42, London street

Photographic Artists

Ames, Edward Cooper, Distillery st.

Boswell, — Magdalen street

Childs and Curry, Golden Ball street

Freeman, W., jun., Rampant Horse street

Huggins, John, 17, Davey place

Ord, William, Westlegate street and Rose lane

Rogers and Havers, (and dealers in photographic apparatus, &c.) 5, Davey place

Sawyer and Co., (and dealers in photographic goods) 42, London st.

Taney, William, Timberhill street

Webb, John, Cowgate street


Copeman, Edward, St. Giles’ plain

Dalrymple, Donald, Surrey street

Dove, Harry, Tombland

Eade, Peter, Queen street

Hartman, Francis A., Surrey street

Hutchison, Charles, Surrey street

Johnson, James, The Chantry

Ranking, William H., St. Giles’ st.

Pianoforte and Music Warehouses

Darken and Colsey, 6, London street

Fish, Wm., Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Howlett, William, 2, The Walk

Pianoforte Makers

Russell and Son, Magdalen street

Pianoforte Hammer Rail Maker

Cary, J. H., St. James’ factory

Picture Dealer

Wigger, J. H. A., Bethel street

Pill Box Manufacturers

Betts, Osborne, Waterloo road, New Catton

Blackmore, A., West Wymer street, Heigham

Britton, John, Oak street

Bull, George, Silver street

p. 152Dunn, William, Silver road

Lincoln, John, Pump street

Parker, William, Sussex street

Saul, J., West Pottergate street

Snelling, Robert, (paper) Hawthorn row, West End street, Holl’s lane

Plane Makers (see also Tool Makers)—

Griffiths, Hannah, Lower Goat lane

Leist, James, Wensum street

Stone, Henry, Magdalen street

Plasterers (see Bricklayers and Plasterers)—Plumbers, Painters, Glaziers, &c.

Atwood, Thomas, Pottergate street

Barker, Robert, Orford hill

Belson, Robert, King street

Blythe, Eldred, (Nursery tavern) Nelson street, Heigham

Bowen, William, Pottergate street

Brady, Alfred T., Hall rd., Lakenham

Bray, Charles, Timberhill street and Castle hill (see Advertisement, p. 15)

Bunting, John, St. Giles’ road

Burgess, Robert, Chapel Field road

Campling, Thomas, Coslany street

Candler, John, St. Saviour’s lane

Clabburn, James, Oak street

Cletheroe, James, City road, Heigham

Cooke, James, Scoles’ green

Cooper, William, (Plough inn) St. Benedict’s street

Cousins, William, Lady’s lane

Dabson, Thomas, Botolph street

Delph, William, St. Augustine’s

Devereaux, Edmund, Gildengate st. (see Advertisement, p. 27)

Dawson, Edward, Duke street

Dunn, Richard, Surrey grove

Dye, Christopher, Barrack street

Ellingham, Henry, Elm hill

Gilbert, Samuel James, Grapes’ hill

Gooch, George Carver, King street, (see Advertisement, p. 21)

Green, John, Pottergate street

Hall, James, All Saints’ green

Hall, James, 10, Magdalen street

Hardy, W. E., 5, Little London st.

Harvey, William, William street

Hawes, George, Mariner’s lane

Hazelwood, C. A., Trafalgar street

Hill, John, Orford hill

Howard, James, St. Stephen’s street

Homes, William C., Ber street

Hubbard, Henry, Westlegate street

Jay, John, St. Andrew’s hill

Jones, Peter, St. Andrew’s hill

Jones, W., St. Gregory’s Church alley

Kerr, John, Lower Goat lane

King, John and James, Prince’s street

King, Thomas Charles R., Tombland and Elm hill

Lacey, John, St. Margaret’s lane

Love, Charles, Palace street

Mansfield, James, St. Stephen’s street

Mason, J., Elm terrace, New Catton

Norman, Robert, 6, York place, Chapel Field road

Paston, Thomas, Magdalen street

Quadling, Henry, Lower King street

Read, George, Bartholomew street

Read, Joseph J., Julian street

Say, Mrs. Sarah, 14, St. Giles’

Scott, W., Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Self, Thomas, Tombland

Starland, George and E., Surrey street

Surflin, William, Bank street

Taylor, William James, New Catton

Thwaites, Isaac M., Thorn lane

Turner, J., (painter) St. Lawrence lane

Turner, John J., (painter) Barn road

Weeks, William, St. Augustine’s street

Wilde, Frederick, St. Stephen’s street

Winter, William, Timberhill street

Wordingham, Robert, Rose tavern, Hall road, Lakenham

Wright and Son, Mission place, King street (see Advertisement, p. 34)

Wright, Walter, Surrey place

Printers (letter-press)—

Bacon, Richard N., 12, London street

Bardwell, Marcus G., Prince’s street

Barnes, Charles, Bedford street

Colby, Richard, Golden Dog lane

Cundall, Miller, and Leavins, Rampant Horse street

Davy, John, St. Clement’s Church alley

Daynes, Samuel, St. Stephen’s

Fletcher, Josiah, 8, The Walk

Iungius, Mrs. Jemima, Pottergate str.

Jarrold and Sons, London and Exchange streets

Kerr, Stephen John, All Saints’ green

Lemmon, Robert, Willow lane

Matchett and Stevenson, Chronicle office, Market place

p. 153Norfolk News’ Proprietors, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Norman, Benjamin, Old Haymarket

Otty, Philip, Orford hill

Page, S. D. and Son, 23, Old Haymarket

Parkinson, John W., Globe street, Union place

Pigg, Henry, 7, London street

Soman and Howes, St. Andrew’s hill

Stacy, Henry W., Haymarket

Stevens, Wm. H., Upper Goat lane

Stewardson, W. H., Little London st.

Thorndick and Co., Prince’s street

Upcroft, William, Fishgate street

Walker, R., Church street, St. Miles’

Professors and Teachers

Beauchamp, Miss, (music) Heigham road

Buck, Zachariah, (doctor of music) Upper close

Bunnett, Edward, (music) The Close

Burton, Frederick C., (music) St. Stephen’s road

Caro, Rev. Simon, (languages) Ber st.

Carver, Miss C. E., (music) Douro terrace, Heigham grove

Chilvers, James, (music) Pitt street

Clarke, Frederick Edward, (tunist) Prince’s street

Cox, William Henry, (music) Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Critchfield, S., (music) Upper King st.

Crook, Madame Oury and Miss Clarissa, (dancing and singing) Tombland

Curtis, Lambert G., (music and singing) 57, St. Giles’ street

Dodd, Miss Harriet, (music) Chapel Field road

Finegan, Thomas W., (languages) Cow hill

Fish, William, (music) Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Fitzgerald, Charles, Rose lane

Freeman, James, jun., (music) Caledonia terrace, Dereham road

Fuller, H. N., (music) Trafalgar st.

Gaul, E. J., (music) Magdalen street

Gooderham, Samuel, (tunist) Elm hill

Harcourt, James, Colegate street

Hastings, G., (music) Somerleyton st.

Heaviside, J., (drawing and painting) Church st., St. Simon’s

Hill, Horace, (music) 46, Pottergate street

Hill, J. F., (music) St. Giles’ terrace

Howlett, H., (music) St. Benedict’s road

Howlett, Walter, (music) Valentine street

Howlett, William, (music) The Walk

Jackson, H. C., (music) Fishgate st.

Jackson, James, (music) Cowgate st.

Jackson, W., (music) Prince’s street

Jackson, William, sen., (music) Fishgate street

Klein, Herr Hermann, (German)—German Master at the Grammar School—Bridge st., St. Andrew’s

Ladbrooke, John Barney, (drawing) Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Lantenant, Camille Louis, (languages) Prince’s street

Larkman, W., (singing) Gildengate st.

Littlewood, F. B., (music) Colegate st.

Madge, Robert A., (music) Pitt street

Mann, H., (music) John st., Rose lane

Noverre, F., (dancing) Theatre square

Noverre, Miss Josephine, (singing and the concertina) Theatre square

Noverre, Miss Sophia, (pianoforte and harp) Theatre square

Nursey, Claude L., (drawing) Government School of Art

Paston, B., (music) Till’s court, Ber street

Plummer, Miss Elizabeth, (music) St. Andrew’s

Pace, W. H., (music) Somerleyton st.

Rudd, Henry, (singing) Duke street

Scott, John, (languages) Bank street

Slonitz, Leopold, (languages) Bethel street

Springfield, Thomas, (calisthenics) Kimberley street

Tayler, Francis G., (music) Grove place, Lakenham

Thurgar, A. H., (languages) St. Catherine’s plain

Trory, John (music) Elm hill

Vlieland, Jerome N., (languages) Redwell street

Widdows, Charles, (music) John st., Rose lane

Provision Dealers

Brown, Charles, 57, St. Stephen’s st.

Burton, Gent, 12, Dove street

p. 154Harley, John P., St. Benedict’s street

Howman, Samuel, Upper Market

Kerrison, James, Magdalen street

Nash, Joseph, (and cheese and bacon factor) Post Office street

Norton, Robert, Fye bridge

Parish, J., Mill lane, New Catton

Pull, Elizabeth Mary, Bull close

Publicans (see also Beer Retailers)—

Adam and Eve, Howes, R. H., Tabernacle street

Adelphi, Browne, J., White Lion st.

Albert Tavern, Coleman, S., Ber st.

Albion House, English, Mrs. Sarah, Market place

Albion Tavern, Middleton, Thomas, Heigham

All Saints, Payne, John, All Saints’ green

Allies, Cattermoul, William, Bedford street, Unthank’s road

Allies Tavern, Bennett, John, Upper Heigham

Alma Tavern, Bush, Rebecca, Pottergate street

Anchor, Turner, Joseph, Surrey st.

Anchor, Osborn, C., Ten Bell lane

Anchor of Hope, Sparrow, Charles, Bracondale

Angel, Dover, Charles, New Catton

Angel, Harris, William, Trowse

Artichoke, King, R., Magdalen gates

Bakers’ Arms, Myhill, Ann, St. Martin’s at Palace

Bakers’ Arms, Ives, John, Ber street

Bakers’ Arms, Betts, J., Coslany st.

Bakers’ Arms, Higgins, Henry, St. Clement’s hill, New Catton

Balloon, Crowe, E., Lower Westwick street

Bank Tavern, Surflin, W., Bank st.

Barley Mow, Carter, W., Haymarket

Barn Tavern, Coldham, James, St. Benedict’s

Bartholomew Tavern, Thouless, W., Thorn lane

Bath House, Hughes W., St. Martin’s at Oak

Bear Inn, Ames, R., Market place

Bear and Staff, Smith, J., Fisher’s la.

Bee Hive, Gearing, James, St. Stephen’s gates

Bee Hive, Green, William Dann, St. Paul’s plain

Bee Hive, Loveday, George, St. Martin’s Palace plain

Bee Hive, Payne, Sarah, Cowgate st.

Bee Hive, Rackham, John, St. Benedict’s street

Bess of Bedlam, Baker, J., Oak street

Bell Hotel, Murnane, J., Orford hill and Castle hill

Bell Hotel Tap, Decaux, William, Castle meadow

Bird in Hand, Taylor, William J., New Catton

Bird in Hand, Ward, W., Barrack st.

Black Chequers, Radford, William, Cowgate st.

Black Eagle, Dawson, George, Vauxhall street

Black Horse, Abray, I., St. Giles’ rd.

Black Horse, Aylmer, J., Wensum st.

Black Horse, Moll Robert, St. Giles’

Black Horse, Rix, W., Finket street

Black Prince, Goddard, Thomas, Upper walk

Black Swan, Storey, David, Upper market

Boarded House, Knights, Susannah, Castle hill

Boar’s Head Hotel, Figg, George, Surrey street

Bolingbroke’s Stores, King, James, Bank plain, London street

Bowling Green, Porter, James, Chapel field

Bowling Green Tap, Travis, Samuel, Theatre street

Boy and Cup, Root, Christiana, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Brazen Doors Tavern, Moore, George, Lame Dog road

Bricklayers’ Arms, Powell, Sarah, Union place

Bricklayers’ Arms, Storey William, Bull close

Bricklayers’ Arms, Powell, Mrs., Union place

Bricklayers’ Arms, Thurlow, Henry, Castle hill

Bridge House, Tidman, Robt., Thorpe hamlet

Bridge Tavern, Cattermoul, Thomas Matthews, Wensum street

British Lion, Clarke, T., Coburg str.

Britons’ Arms, Carr, Charles, Elm hill

Buff Coat Inn, Daniels, Joseph, Buff Coat lane

p. 155Bull, (Snow’s Chop House) Campling, William, Market place

Bull, Parkerson, Robert, Bull close

Bull, Thurston, Daniel, St. Stephen’s

Bull, Shorten, James, Magdalen street

Bull, Kent, Charles, St. Paul’s street

Bull’s Head Tavern, Carver, William, Ber street

Butchers’ Arms, Legood, E., Ber str.

Bushel, Gidney, S., St. Augustine’s

Cabinet-makers’ Arms, Kenney, E. Thomas, Bedwell street

Canteen, Thompson, George, The Barracks, Pockthorpe

Cardinal’s Cap, Walker, George, Upper Westwick street

Carpenters’ Arms, Baker, Robert, Thorn lane

Carpenters’ Arms, Youngs, W., Trowse

Carrow Inn, Orsborn, R., Carrow rd.

Castle Hotel, Taylor, Mrs. Mary, Castle hill

Castle Tavern, Walker, John, Thorpe hamlet

Cat and Fiddle, Hennery William, Magdalen street

Cat and Fiddle, Bell, M., Botolph str.

Catherine Wheel, Felstead, Robert, St. Augustine’s

Cattle Market, Smith, Benjamin, Cattle Market

Cellar House, Golding, John, Bridge street, St. George’s

Cellar House, Pigg, J., Pockthorpe

Champion Inn, Barnard, J., Golden Ball street

Chequers, Betts, John, Castle ditches

Chequers, Radford, Mrs. C., Cowgate street

Chequers, Beck, S., Castle meadow

Cherry Tree, Hewitt, Tutell, Hall road, Lakenham

Cherry Tree, Newman, John, Gildengate street

Church Style, Easto, G., Upper market

Cinder Ovens, Sandall, Edward H., King Street gates

Cirque Unique, Testar, Charles, Upper Westwick street

City Arms, Howes, George Smith, St. Andrew’s Hall plain

City of Norwich Inn, Green, John, Westlegate street

Club House Tavern, Calton, John D., Old Post Office court

Coach and Horses, Smith, Mrs. E., Union place

Coach and Horses, Fearnside, Benj., Red Lion street

Coach and Horses, Cattermole, D., Thorpe road

Coach and Horses, Daines, Elizabeth, Bethel street

Coachmakers’ Arms, Parnell, Richard, Bethel street

Coachmakers’ Arms, Thurling, Jas., St. Stephen’s gates

Cock, Burrows, J., Upper St. Giles’

Cock, Moore, D. W., Upper King st.

Commercial Boarding House, Crickmore, Henry, Exchange street

Compasses, Pearce, P., Upper King street

Coopers’ Arms, Hubbard, H., Prince’s street

Cork Cutters’ Arms, Robinson, John, Bridge street, St. George’s

Corn Exchange Tavern, Brown, Rose Ann, Little London street

Cow and Hare, Armes, S., Heigham street

Cow Inn, Cooper, Samuel, Cow hill, St. Giles’

Cricketers’ Arms, Wood, Robert, Red Lion street

Crocodile, Harding, L., Heigham st.

Cross Keys, Pratt, J., Magdalen st.

Crown, Middleton, J., St. George’s Bridge street

Crown and Angel, Daynes, Mrs. M., St. Stephen’s street

Crown and Anchor, Butcher, Robert, St. Augustine’s street

Crown Inn, Townshend G., Elm hill

Crown Point Tavern, Murrell, G., Trowse

Crystal Palace, Barber, A., Dereham road

Cupid and Bow, Matthews, William, St. Martin’s Palace plain

Curriers’ Arms, Norton, Maria, Union street, Crook’s place

Curriers’ Arms, Woodhouse, Joshua, St. Stephen’s Back street

Curriers’ Arms, Rouse, J., St. Giles’ street

Curriers’ Arms, Nichols, W., Pottergate street

Dial Inn, Burdett, J., Dereham road

Distillery, Nicholls, E., Dereham road

p. 156Dog, Wigger, John, St. Paul’s plain

Dolphin, Maxwell, T., Upper Heigham

Dove, Lovergan, F., St. James’ street

Dove, Roll, Mrs., Muspole street

Dove, Ellis, B., Lower Westwick st.

Duke of Sussex, Stangroom, J., St. Augustine’s

Duke of Wellington, Clements, R., Chapel street

Duke of Wellington, Self, James, St. Stephen’s street

Duke of Wellington, Spencer, Isaac, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Duke of Wellington, Fitt, Edward, Wellington street

Duke of York, Drake, B., Church path, Lakenham

Duke of York, Howard C., Thorpe hamlet

Duke’s Palace, Snowling, J., Duke’s Palace street

Duke’s Tavern, Hinchley, Samuel, Tombland

Duncan Arms, Burrows, William, Magdalen street

Eagle, Minns, Susanna, St. Gregory’s Church alley

Eagle, High, G., West Pottergate str.

Eagle, Burgess, R., Lower Westwick st.

Eagle, Cattermoul, J., Newmarket rd.

Earl of Leicester, Riches, Thomas, Dereham road

Earl of Leicester, Edwards, Charles, Brazen Doors’ road

Eastern Counties’ Railway Tavern, Warnes, Elizabeth, Foundry bridge

Eastern Union Railway Tavern, Wilde, Matthew, St. Stephen’s

Eight Ringers, Cunningham, Thomas, Coslany street

Elephant and Castle, Parkerson, Jude, King street

Elm Tavern, Rust, Robt., Prince’s st.

Elm Tavern, Spencer, R., Catton rd.

Excise Coffee House, Plane, Richard, Lower Goat lane

Express Train, Hatch, W., Rose lane

Factory Tavern, Newland, William, St. Martin’s at Palace

Fighting Cocks, Mills, J., Coslany st.

Fleckered Bull, Engall, T., Ber street

Fleece Inn, Barley, Mrs., Bridewell alley

Flower in Hand, Delph, T., Pitt street

Flower Pot, Nichols, Edward, Oak st.

Fortune of War, Campling, Samuel, Calvert street

Foundry Bridge Tavern, Browne, L. Anstead, Rose lane

Fountain Inn, Debbage, James, St. Benedict’s gates

Freemasons’ Arms, Sands, John, Southwell street, Lakenham

Free Trade Tavern, Atkins, Henry, St. Augustine’s

Free Trade Tavern, London, William, Rose lane

Free Trade Tavern, Rice, James, William street

French Horn, Betts, Thomas, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Gardeners’ Arms, Arnup, Charles, Pockthorpe

Gardeners’ Arms, Chapman, Philip, Tinkler’s lane

Gardeners’ Arms, Cooper, Thomas, Timberhill street

General Windham, Wiley, S. H., Cowgate street

George Inn, Warner, H., Old Haymarket

George the Fourth, Decks, J., Ber st.

Gibraltar, Wills, Anthony F., Upper Heigham

Gin Shop, Fitt, Eliza, Castle meadow

Globe Inn, Roll Robert, Globe street, Union place

Globe Tavern, Moore, J., Globe lane

Goat, Newman, W. H., Upper Goat lane

Gold Beaters’ Arms, Laskey, Mary A., Bethel street

Golden Ball, Girling, William, Golden Ball street

Golden Can, Peed, F., Gildengate st.

Golden Can, Yellop, Robert, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Golden Fleece, Copley, J., Fishgate street

Golden Lion, Onlay, William D., Brazen Doors’ road

Golden Lion, Riches, Henry, St. John’s Maddermarket

Goose and Gridiron, Butcher, James, St. Stephen’s street

Grapes Hotel, Clarke, J., St. Giles’ gates

Grapes, Rumbold, J., Howard street, Lakenham

Grapes Tavern, Mace, Mary Ann, Church street, St. Miles’

p. 157Grapes, Daniels, Richd., Red Lion street

Green Dragon, Balls, James, Little London street

Greenhill Gardens, Winter, Mrs. T., St. Augustine’s

Greyhound, Smith, George, Rampant Horse street

Greyhound Gardens, Shickle, Robert, Ber street

Griffin, Jeffries, Leamon, King street

Griffin, Thompson, M., Barrack street

Guildhall, Strachan, J., Market place

Half Moon, Pretty, W., Dereham rd.

Half Moon, Brazell, R., Upper market

Hampshire Hog, Cutting, William, St. Swithin’s Church alley

Heart’s Ease, Sayer, Benj., Thorpe hamlet

Hen and Chickens, Fenn, Thomas, St. Mary’s plain

Hero of the Redan, Bright, Zachariah, Thorpe hamlet

Hoop Inn, Amies, J., St. Stephen’s rd.

Old Lobster Inn, Amies, John, Pottergate street

Hope Brewery, Brown, Frederick William, St. Saviour’s lane

Hope Tavern, Middleton, J., Calvert st.

Horse Barracks, Petch, H., Barrack st.

Horse and Groom, Newby, James, Back of the Inns

Hotpressers’ Arms, Rox, R., Coslany st.

Imperial Arms, James, Wm., Upper King street

Jack of Newbury, Upcroft, James, Magdalen street

John Bull, Lock, William, Union street, Crook’s place

Jolly Brewers, Cubitt, T., Magdalen st.

Jolly Butchers, Dambrock, J., Ber st.

Jolly Farmers, Powley, R., Castle hill

Jolly Farmers, Casson, Daniel Bell, St. John’s Maddermarket

Jolly Gardeners, Arnup, Charles P., Silver street

Jolly Gardeners, True, William J., Brunswick road

Jolly Gardeners, Weeks, Henry, Infirmary road

Jolly Maltsters, Dewing, E., King st.

Jolly Maltsters, Wenn, William, Cowgate street

Jolly Skinners, Pratt, John, Oak str.

Jubilee, Byles, Robert, Ber street

Keel and Wherry, Cooper, Jeremiah, Lower King street

Key and Castle, Porter, Thomas, St. Martin at Oak

Kimberley Arms, Chettleburgh, T., Trory street, Unthank’s road

King’s Arms, Yaxley, Mrs., St. Augustine’s

King’s Arms, Townshend, William, Bethel street

King’s Arms, James, Henry, Bishop bridge

King’s Arms, Jolly, John, Hall road, Lakenham

King’s Arms, Smith, Joseph, Oak st.

King’s Arms, Spanton, F. H., Ber st.

King’s Head, Doughty, R., Davey pl.

King’s Head, Rix, R., Upper St. Giles’

King’s Head, Middleton, John, Magdalen street

King’s Head, Menton, Mrs. Mary A., Gildengate street

King of Prussia, Moy, W., Ipswich road

Lamb, Websdale, Mrs. F., Old Haymarket

Lame Dog, Sloper, J., Lame Dog rd.

Light Horseman, Kent, T., Barrack street

Lily Tavern, Mortimer, J. T., Ber st.

Lime Kiln Inn, Fox, Henry, Trowse

Little Buck, Rudd, Elizabeth, Oak st.

Little John, Fox, James, Alma street, Heigham

Lock and Key, Bell, Matthew, Ber st.

Locomotive, Skippon, W., Rupert st.

London Coffee House, Sapey, T., Rampant Horse street

London Tavern, Liddelow, Robert, St. Andrew’s hill

Lord Camden, Bruff, Robert, Charing cross

Lord John Russell, Betts, Charles A., Dereham road

Lord Nelson, Murrell, W., Trafalgar street, Lakenham

Lord Nelson, Phillips, W., Timberhill street

Lord Nelson, Tuck, J., Market place

Lord Nelson, Watts, S., Dereham road

Lord Raglan, Mann, C., Pockthorpe

Magpie, Dunthorne, J., Magpie road

Maid’s Head, Webster, W., Wensum street

p. 158Maid’s Head Tap, Newhouse, E., Pig lane, Palace plain

Malt and Hop Tavern, Gooch, Noah, Charing cross

Market House, Trumbetta, William, Weaver’s lane

Mariners’ Arms, Stafford, Robert, Mariners’ lane

Marquis of Gransby, Puxley, James, Bishopgate street

Marquis of Gransby, Mackley, John, Barrack street

Marquis of Lothian, Wilson, Robert, Lothian street

Mischief Tavern, Mann, Joseph M., St. Paul’s Back lane

Mitre Tavern, Salter, Wm., Rampant Horse street

Moon and Stars, Williams, Mary Ann, Duke’s Palace street

Morgan’s Cellar House, Wood, Geo., Lower King street

Morning Mail, Blanden, Henry, Pottergate street

Napier Tavern, Capp, E., Castle hill

Nelson Tavern, Staff, Frederick, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Nelson Tavern, Salmon, John, West Pottergate street

Nelson Tavern, Munford, George, Nelson street, Dereham road

Norfolk Hotel, Foster, G., St. Giles’ st.

Norfolk and Norwich Chop House, Bloomfield, George, Market place

Norfolk Railway House, Nash, R. S., Foundry bridge

Norfolk Tavern, Morter, Robt., Rupert street, Union place

Norwich Arms, Peggs, G., Ber street

Nursery Tavern, Blythe, Eldred, Nelson street, Heigham

Old Crown, Calver, John F., Oak str.

Old Friends, Nichols, John, Ber street

Old Goat, Goat, C., Upper Goat lane

Old Music House, Oliver, Elizabeth, Lower King street

Old Star, Curson, William, Quay side

Old Steam Packet Tavern, Cosgrove, Thomas Rolfe, Rose lane

Orchard, Gardens, Warnes, Charles, Heigham street

Orchard Tavern, Cooper, Robert, St. Faith’s lane

Original Dun Cow, Mackley, Richard, St. Martin’s gates

Ostrich, Towler, R. B., Plumstead rd.

Oxford Tavern, Wells, Peter, Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Palace Tavern, Price, John, Palace st.

Paul Pry, Paston, Wm., Grapes’ hill

Peacock, Colman, J., St. Stephen’s pl.

Pelican, Sands, Isaac, Colegate street

Perseverance Tavern, Nobbs, Edwd., Oak street

Pheasant Cock, Blake, James, Ber Street gates

Phœnix Brewery, Fisk, Adam, Magdalen street

Pigeons, Newman, Mrs. S., Fishgate st.

Pine Apple, King, S. B., St. Martin’s la.

Pine Apple, Jarvis, William, Trowse

Plasterers’ Arms, Burrage, William, Cowgate street

Plough, Coe, Mark, Golden Ball street

Plough, Cooper, W., St. Benedict’s st.

Plumbers’ Arms, Adams, William, Cowgate street

Plumbers’ Arms, Hewing, Joseph, Prince’s street

Pope’s Head, Browsell, Wm., Upper market

Portland Arms, Brett, Alethsa, Old Church road, Lakenham

Post Office Tavern, Thurlow, Mrs. E., Post Office street

Prince Albert, Daniels, T., Dove str.

Prince Regent, Finch, W., Weavers’ la.

Prince of Wales, Delph, William, St. Augustine’s

Prince of Wales, Canner, John, Upper Westwick street

Princess Royal, Bridges, Robert, Rampant Horse street

Punch House, Dawson, William, Upper market

Queen Adelaide, Marshall, J., Pitt st.

Queen Adelaide, Armes, Daniel, West End street, Heigham

Queen Anne, Raven, Edward, St. Miles’ Church street

Queen’s Arms, Pye, Jabez, Pump str.

Queen’s Arms, Minns J., Magdalen st.

Queen, Caroline, Briggs, W., Oak str.

Queen’s Head, Dunn, Jas., Quay side

Queen’s Head, Love, William, Cowgate street, St. Paul’s

Queen’s Head, Fox, I., Upper St. Giles’

Queen Victoria, Roe, C., Pottergate st.

Railway and Commercial Hotel, Mortimer, John Thursby, St. Giles’

p. 159Railway Inn, Wilson, James, Trowse

Rainbow, Thwaites, J., Lower King st.

Rainbow, Hayne, Wm., Holl’s lane

Rampant Horse, Louth, Robert, Rampant Horse street

Rampant Horse, Norton, Henry, Fishgate street

Raven, Rowland, Daniel, King street

Red House, Butcher, Walter Whitton, Timberhill street

Red Lion, Fletcher, Joseph, Bridge street, St. Andrew’s

Red Lion, Gardiner, William, London street

Red Lion, Rose, Wm., Magdalen str.

Red Lion, Hewitt, George, Orford hill

Red Lion, Howe, John, Magdalen st.

Red Lion, Howard, T., Bishopgate st.

Red Rose, Sweatman, Mrs. E., Back of the Inns

Ribs of Beef, Rant, J., Wensum street

Richmond Tavern, Youngs, Peter, Richmond hill

Rifleman, Cudden, Mrs. A., All Saints’ green

Rifleman, Campling, Jeremiah, Cross lane, Gildengate street

Reindeer, Kerridge, J., St. Benedict’s road

Rising Sun, Abel, J., Chapel Field rd.

Rising Sun, Playford, William, Buff Coat lane

Robin Hood, Gostling, R., Dereham rd.

Rope-makers’ Arms, Tallowin, Saml., Hellesdon road

Rope-makers’ Arms, Baldry, William, Hellesdon road

Rose, Hogg, Henry, Magdalen street

Rose, Wordingham, Robt., Hall road, Lakenham

Rose, Nicholls, G. V., St. Stephen’s st.

Rose, Thompson, Benj., Thorn lane

Rose, Nicholls, John, City road

Rose, Cobb, Leggatt, St. Augustine’s

Rose, Smith, John W., corner of King street and Rose lane

Rose, Burrell, Robert, Oak street

Rose Tavern, Ramm, Robt., Palace st.

Rose and Crown, Gibbs, R., Botolph st.

Rose and Thistle Tavern, Armes, Frederick Thomas, Barn road

Royal Exchange, Cubitt, J., Julian st.

Royal Hotel, Heseltine, J., Market pl.

Royal Hotel Tap, Gooch, Thomas H., Back of the Inns

Royal Oak, Jarman, Thomas, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Royal Oak, Brown, Mary Ann, St. Augustine’s street

Royal Standard, West, John, Chapel street, Union place

Saracen’s Head, Newman, Richard, West Pottergate street

Saracen’s Head, Scowen, John, St. Giles’ street

Sardinian Tavern, Howard, James, St. Stephen’s street

Sawyers’ Arms, Dunthorn, William, St. Paul’s plain

Seven Stars, Denmark, W., Barrack street

Shakespeare, Pye, R., 63, Pottergate street

Shakespeare, Booth, T. R., Colegate st.

Shakespeare, Hollis, R., Theatre st.

Ship, Littlewood, E., Lower King st.

Ship, Pallant, Robert, Thorn lane

Ship, Riches, S., St. Peter’s Southgate

Ship, Boyce, George, Mousehold

Shirehall Tavern, Ling, Abraham, Castle meadow

Shoulder of Mutton, Beckwith, B., St. Stephen’s street

Shoulder of Mutton, Widdows, Mark, St. Andrew’s hill

Sir John Barleycorn, Mason, Henry, Orford hill

Somerset Tavern, Yallop, William, Union street, Crook’s place

Somerleyton Tavern, Lines, Philip, Somerleyton street

Sons of Commerce, Cox, E., Thorn ln.

Southwell Arms, Brinkley, James, Front row, Lakenham

Spear-in-Hand, Wyatt, J., Julian place

Sportsman, Betts, R., Pockthorpe

Spread Eagle Tavern, Gilbeigh, Mrs. Caroline, Old Haymarket

Staff of Life, Harvey, S., Fishgate st.

Stag, Wigg, E., St. Benedict’s street

Star Commercial Inn, Watson, John, Old Haymarket

Star and Crown, Emms, William, Timberhill street

Steam Packet, Hilling, M., King st.

Steam Packet, Curson, William, St. Catherine’s plain

St. Julian’s Tavern, Lawrence, M. C., St. Julian’s

St. John’s Head, Gent, D., Coslany st.

p. 160St. Paul’s Tavern, Severn, Samuel, Cowgate street

Suffolk Arms, Wilkinson, W., Oak st.

Sun and Anchor, Thorpe, Thomas E., Colegate street

Surrey Inn, Kett, Elizabeth, Grove plate, Lakenham

Surrey Tavern, Scarlett, R., Surrey rd.

Swan Hotel, Asker, Mrs. Elizabeth, Upper market

Swan, Tuddenham, J., Cowgate street

Swan, Kett, James F., Magdalen st.

Swan, Mace, James, Swan lane

Swiss Cottage, Laws, R., Dereham rd.

Ten Bells, Brown, H., Upper Westwick street

Theatre Tavern, King, S., Bethel st.

Thorn Tavern, Dickerson, William Benjamin, Ber street

Three Horse Shoes, Girdlestone, Thos., Palace street

Three Kings, Riches, J., St. Benedict’s street

Three Pigeons, Lane, J., Charing cross

Three Tubs, Ulph, James, Barrack st.

Three Tuns, Thompson, R., King st.

Three Tuns, Plumstead, S., Coslany st.

Tiger, Moy, James, Fishgate street

Trafalgar Tavern, Scales, Mary Ann, Trafalgar street

Trowel and Hammer, Spurling, Wm., St. Stephen’s road

Trumpet, Fuller, R., St. Stephen’s st.

Tuns, Kemp, William, St. Giles’ gates

Tuns, Clarke, R. N., Whitefriars’ st.

Tuns, Cowan, Mrs. C., All Saints’ grn.

Turkey Cock, Swash, M., St. Simon’s Church street

Two Brewers, Wallace, Jas., Maddermarket

Two Brewers, Campling, George, Magdalen street

Two-Necked Swan, Whitehead, Wm., Oak street, St. Martin’s

Two-Necked Swan, Betts, James Geo., St. Stephen’s street

Two Necked Swan, Andrews, James, Upper Walk, Market place

Two Quarts, Asquith, William, Pottergate street

Two Quarts, Rivett, John, Bridge street, St. George’s

Unicorn, Brown, G., St. Stephen’s st.

Unicorn, Easton, Isaac, St. Mary’s pl.

Vauxhall Tavern, Bunn, C., Julian st.

Victoria Spirit Vaults, Bowgen, John Hart, Lower Westwick street

Victoria Tavern, Laws J., Magdalen st.

Victoria Tavern, Hammond, John, Market place

Victoria Tavern, Smith, Henry George, Adelaide street

Victoria Tavern, Blackburn, William Berry, St. Stephen’s gates

Vine Tavern, Mackley Thomas, St. Gregory’s Church alley

Waggon and Horses, Riley, Francis, Tombland

Waggon and Horses, Wilsea, John, Bridge street, St. Miles’

Walnut Shades, Dady, Mrs., Old Post Office court

Waterloo Tavern, Smith, Edward, Market place

Waterloo, Moon, Robert, New Catton

Waterman, Yeames, Samuel, King st.

Waterman, Briggs, J., St. Margaret’s plain

Waterman’s Arms, Moughton, John, St. Ann’s lane, King street

Wellington Tavern, Freestone, Wm., Muspole street

West End Retreat, Barnes, John Edward, Holl’s lane, Heigham

Whalebone Inn, Sexton, Edward, New Catton

Wheat Sheaf, Austin, William, St. Stephen’s street

Wheat Sheaf, Baxter, R., Bethel str.

Wheat Sheaf, Cole, E., Castle ditches

Whip and Nag, Wallace, T., Pitt street

Whitefriars’ Tavern, Dann, Isaac, Whitefriars’ street

White Hart, Woolsey, S., St. Peter’s

White Horse, Lacey, Wm., Castle hill

White Horse, Mason, W., Magdalen st.

White Horse, Grief, James, Trowse

White Horse, Gibson, G., Crook’s pl.

White Horse, Rix, William, Bridge street, St. Lawrence

White Horse, Potter, George, Old Haymarket

White Horse, Stubbs, Edward, St. Andrew’s Broad street

White Horse, Coleman, Timothy, Trafalgar street, Lakenham

White Lion, Howes, J., Magdalen street

White Lion, Lawn, William, St. Benedict’s street

p. 159White Lion, Barber, William, St. Martin’s at Palace plain

White Lion, Howman, William, Oak street, St. Martin’s

White Lion, King, G., Prince’s street

White Lion, Hall, Wm., St. Martin’s at Palace plain

White Rose, Littleproud, Mrs. Susan, Back of the Inns

Wild Man, Beeton, J., St. Andrew’s hill

William the Fourth, Matthews, Geo., Mousehold

William the Fourth, Ward, William, Chapel street, Crook’s place

William the Fourth, Newby, Wm., Coburg street

William the Fourth, Williamson, W., St. Augustine’s street

William Tell, Kilburn, W., Castle hill

Windham Arms, Aldous, John T., Trory street, Lakenham

Windmill, Saul, John, Ber street

Windmill Tavern, Baker, William, Mill lane, New Catton

Wine Tavern, Laws, James, Upper St. Giles’

Windsor Castle, Lambert, Martin, Pockthorpe

Woolpack, Thrower, M., Golden Ball st.

Woolpack, Barnes, M., St. George’s pl.

World’s End, Drege, William, World’s End lane

Wounded Hart, Houghton, Henry, Upper market

Wrestlers, Fake, John, St. James’ st.

Yarmouth Arms, Snelling, John, Pudding lane, Market place

York Tavern, Eastaugh, Mrs. Mary, Castle meadow

Publishers (see also Booksellers and Stationers)—

Blackie and Son, Upper St. Giles’ st. (John W. Nelson, agent)

Fullarton and Co., 5, Davey place, (Paterson, Charles, agent)

Harrison, Harrod, and Co., (directories) Somerleyton street

Jarrold and Sons, London and Exchange streets

London Printing and Publishing Co., (agent, Croxford, E., Magdalen st.)

Virtue and Co., Jay’s terrace, Rose lane (F. Johnson, agent)

Pump Maker

Shalders, J., (patent fountain) Bank plain (see Advertisement, p. 17)

Rag Merchants

Bagshaw, George, Coslany street

Cullingford, F., St. Benedict’s street

Cullingford, Thomas, Botolph street

Cullingford, William, Ber street

Gardiner, William, St. Paul’s street

Kent, Alfred, Upper Goat lane

Newman, George F., King street

Register Offices for Servants

Baker, Mrs. C., Redwell street

Barker, Mrs. Mary, Orford hill

Bayfield, Mrs. J. F., 7, Bank street

Betts, John, Bethel street

Cooke, Mrs. Eliza, St. Stephen’s gates

Gaze, William H., Westlegate street

Green, Miss Ann, Post Office street

Johnson, Robert, Castle meadow

Pitcher, Thomas, Rose lane

Skipper, Henry, Magdalen street

Whitehead, Mrs. A., Grapes’ hill

Rent and Debt Collectors

Bardwell, George S., St. Stephen’s rd.

Kerry, George, St. Mary’s

Kerry, George Caythorpe, Elm hill

Nockolds, Henry, Fox and Hounds’ court, Ber street

Roach, Edward, Southwell road

Stamp, W., Luckett’s court, St. Andrew’s

Rope, Twine, and Sacking Makers

Archer, William, New Catton

Bacon, Josiah N., 3, Davey place

Clark, F. and Son, St. Clement’s

Hindes, Henry and Son, Red Lion street and Magdalen street

Hindes, W., Upper Westwick street

Hurn, Daniel, Dove street

Hurn, George, Dove street

Nicholls, R., 11, City road, Lakenham

Webb, William, jun., Magdalen street


Read, W. S., Elm hill

Smith, W., Alden’s court, St. Stephen’s plain

Steward, Samuel, Prince’s street

Saddlers and Harness Makers

Abel, Cain, Golden Ball street

p. 160Bowes, William, Upper Westwick st.

Breese, Robert, Magdalen street

Calver, John, All Saints’ green

Chettleburgh, Robert, Tombland

Dickerson, Richard, Castle hill

Fuller, James, 23, Old Haymarket

Gooch, Henry, St. James street

Gowing, Charles, Castle hill

Hallows, George, Rampant Horse st.

Harbord, J. M., Upper St. Giles

Howes, J. and J., Red Lion street

Kemp, Thomas, Great Orford street

Newton, J. and C., Lame Dog road

Philo, Joseph, 44, London street

Prentice, Samuel, Magdalen street

Spratt, William, Chapel field

Tooley, Peter, 3, Upper King street

Wilkinson, Henry J., St. Giles’ street

Sail Maker

Boult, Benjamin G., Barge yard, King street

Saw Mills

Bird, Bailey, Philadelphia

Cann, Samuel, Philadelphia

Fitz-Patrick, James, Coslany street

Gallant, George, Mousehold

Saul and Frazer, St. Martin’s Palace plain


Fryer, William, Union place

Jennings, Samuel, Mousehold

Saw Makers (see also Cutlers)—

Griffiths, Hannah, Lower Goat lane

Kenyon, John, Lower Goat lane

Lomas, William, Bridge street, St. Andrew’s

Scale, Beam, and Steelyard, Maker

Stanley, George, Elm hill

Shawl and Dress Printers

Price and Co., Bath House, St. Martin’s

Skipping Agent

Barber, Henry, Lower Westwick st.

Shirt Makers

Bird, Miss J., Timberhill street

Boughen, William, Bank plain

Fish, Mrs. Lucy, 51, Pottergate street

Shirt Makers (continued)—

Kent, Henry, 3, London street

Oxley, Richard, 6, London street

Page, Joseph, 13, Briggs’ street

Shoe (Ladies) and Fancy Warehouse

Mingay, Geo. N., 7, Old Haymarket

Shopkeepers (General)—

Allen, Thomas, Golden Ball street

Anderson, William, Old church street, Lakenham

Andrews, Thomas, St. Faith’s lane

Annison, Robert, Little Globe street, Union place

Armiss, Thomas, Barrack street

Bacon, William, All Saints’ green

Bancarlari, Dominico, Ber street

Batson, John, Barrack street

Bennett, John, St. Miles’ Church st.

Bidwell, James, St. Faith’s lane

Blyth, Josiah, (and baker,) Adelaide street, Heigham

Blythe, Joshua, World’s End lane

Bond, Elizabeth, Duke street

Bond, George, Quaker’s lane

Borking, T. P., Upper Westwick street

Boulton, Edward, Gildengate street

Brett, Thomas, Old Church street, Lakenham

Brooks, William, Oak street

Brown, Sophia, Philadelphia

Bullard, Maria, Trowse

Bunting, James, Coslany street

Burrell, William, Cowgate street

Burroughes, George, Magdalen street

Butler, Thomas, Barrack street

Campling, Paul, West Pottergate st.

Carter, Henry, Cowgate street

Carter, Thomas, St. James’ street

Carver, Rebecca, 12, Surrey Terrace, Lakenham

Carver, William, Ber street

Carver, William, Trowse

Catchpole, John, Cowgate street

Cawdron, Henry, Bethel street

Chapman, Mary Ann, Palace street

Clarke, Royal, William street

Claxton, Walter, New Catton

Comer, Robert, Thorpe hamlet

Cooper, J. D., Rampant horse street

Copeman, E., Union st., Crook’s place

Cork, Henry, Magpie road

Creake, Elizabeth, Coburg street

Cross, Daniel, Ber street

Crotch, John, Barrack street

p. 161Crowe, Elizabeth, Elm hill

Cubitt, James, Lower King street

Curtis, David, Philadelphia

Curtis, Rebecca, Upper Regent street, Union place

Davis, Thomas, Hall road

Dawson, William, Magdalen street

Dennington, Elizabeth, Silver street

Drake, Mary, Church path, Lakenham

Drake, Samuel, Lower Westwick st.

Drege, William, World’s End lane

Durrant, Mrs. M., Upper King street

Dye, Henry, Upper King street

Dyer, T., Union street, Crook’s place

Earl, John, Magdalen street

Edwards, James, St. Paul’s plain

Evans, George, Barrack street

Fair, Thomas, Bishopgate street

Farrow, T., Chapel street, Union place

Fisher, Mrs. Sarah, Oak street

Flood, Francis, St. Martin’s lane

Foster, John, Wellington street

Foster, Thomas, West Pottergate st.

Fountain, Elizabeth, Heigham street

Francis, G., Trafalgar st., Lakenham

Freeman, W., Chapel st., Union place

Frost, Mary Ann, Magdalen street

Gay, Edward, Heigham street

Gedge, E. P., Brazen Doors road

Gent, George, Bridge street, St. Miles’

George, Robert Mills, St. Benedict’s st.

Gibson, Alfred, Botolph street

Gifford, Samuel, St. Benedict’s street

Goreham, William, Rosemary lane

Gravener, B., Lower Westwick street

Green, Susan, St. James’ street

Grief, Jonathan, Trowse

Gurney, James, Julian street

Hall, Jonathan, Somerleyton street

Hardingham, William, Barrack street

Hardyment, J., St. Benedict’s gates

Hase, Thomas, Cowgate street

Hill, Elizabeth, Upper King street

Hill, Hezekiah, St. Augustine’s

Holl, Charlotte, Peacock street

Howell, Henry, Trafalgar street

Howes, John, Bridge st., St. George’s

Humphery, William, Pump street

Hunn, Philip, Rising Sun lane

Jackson, Wm., Coburg street

James, John, Chapel st., Crook’s place

Jay, Joseph, Lower King street

Johnson, John, Ber street

Kerridge, Elizabeth, St. Benedict’s st.

Key, George, Oak street

Key, Samuel, jun., Upper Heigham

Kidd, Elizabeth, Cowgate street

Knevett, Henry, Magdalen street

Lacey, Esau, Bishopgate street

Lake, John, Greyhound lane, St. Benedict’s road

Large, John, Julian st., Julian place

Larkman, James, Mousehold, Thorpe hamlet

Larkman, William, Lower King st.

Leeds, Sarah and Elizabeth, Tinkler’s lane, Heigham

Llewfinly, Thomas, Cherry street, Lakenham

Littleproud, James, Pottergate street

Livingstone, Thomas, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Livock, Samuel, West Wymer street

Loads, Henry, Lower King street

Lockwood, M., St. Miles’ Church alley

Long, Walter, Coslany street

Lowne, James, Cowgate street

Luckett, Henry, Pottergate street

Mallett, Frederick, St. James’ street

Mann, Joseph, St. Benedict’s road

Mann, J., Oak street, St. Martin’s

Marshall, Peter, Ber street

Meek, Elizabeth, Tinkler’s lane

Merris, William, New Catton

Merry, Robert J., King Street gates

Miles, John, Heigham Causeway

Mortimer, William, Gildengate street

Muirhead, Hannah, Colegate street

Munday, T., Mill lane, New Catton

Munford, G., Nelson st., Heigham

Multitude, E., Cherry st., Lakenham

Nockolds, Hannah, Barrack street

Palmer, Thomas, Union place

Parr, Thomas, Ber street

Pearson, Robert, Cowgate street

Pegg, Martha, Fisher’s lane

Perowne, S., Nelson st., Heigham fields

Pert, James, Magdalen street

Pointer, Thomas, Magpie road

Potter, Robert, St. Peter’s Southgate

Press, Frederick G., Philadelphia

Price, Joseph, Coslany street

Prior, Robert, St. Martin’s at Oak

Quantrell, Robert, Mousehold

Quantrell, S., Chapel st., Union place

Ransome, George, Bridewell alley

Rattee, Charles, Grapes’ hill

Rawling, Henry, West Pottergate st.

Reynolds, Joseph J., Rupert street

p. 162Roe, Samuel, Distillery street

Royall, James, Elm hill

Rushbrook, Robert, St. Julian’s st.

Seaman, E., St. Martin’s at Palace

Seaman, Henry, Old Church path, Lakenham

Skoyles, Samuel, Barrack street

Slaughter, C., St. Augustine’s street

Smith, Alfred, Fishgate street

Smith, Henry, Ber street

Smith, James, Botolph street

Smith, Miss L., Botolph street

Spinks, James, St. Augustine’s gates

Stannard, John, Magdalen street

Steward, Henry, Bull close

Stewardson, N. T., St. James’ street

Storey, James, St. Augustine’s

Stubbs, Maria, Barrack street

Tench, James, Spitalfields

Thompson, Benjamin, Thorn lane

Thompson, Philip, Cherry street, Lakenham

Tompson, Charles, Pitt street

Turner, Sarah, Adelaide street

Turrell, Joseph, Coburg street

Tuttell, Anna Maria, Trafalgar street, Lakenham

Tuttell, H., Trafalgar st., Lakenham

Walker, Elizabeth, Ber street

Waller, Martha, St. Paul’s opening

Watering, J., Mill lane, New Catton

Welch, Harriet, Lower King street

Welch, Mary Ann, Lower King street

Wiley, Samuel H., Cowgate street

Willement, Mrs. Maria, St. Augustine’s street

Willins, William, Castle meadow

Wilson, Sarah, Barrack street

Wood, Wm., Union street, Crook’s pl.

Shorthand Writers

Algar, John G., (Norfolk News) Trory street, Unthank’s road

Bayne, A. D., Portland place, Holl’s lane

Bussey, H. E., (Mercury) Vauxhall st.

Hanly J. Laffan, (Chronicle) Jubilee place, Heigham road

Rogers, E. D., (Norfolk News) West parade, Earlham road

Stafford, Hewley, (Chronicle) Mount Pleasant

Shuttle Maker

Gaul, Edward John, Magdalen street

Silk Finisher

Beloe, Henry, Coslany street

Silk Mercers (see also Drapers)—

Abbot, Edward Jesse, Exchange st.

Betts, John, Market place

Blakely, E., West parade, Earlham rd.

Caley, Nathaniel Henry, London st.

Chamberlin, Sons and Co., Market place

Coleman, Mrs. Ruth, London street

Coleman, George L., Market place

Cundall, Benjamin and Son, The Walk

Edwards, Wm. P., St. Stephen’s st.

Fairweather, Mrs. Lydia, London st.

Fiske, Francis Robert, London street

Kett, Wm. Woodhouse, London and Exchange streets

Piper, William, London street

Reid, Samuel, St. Andrew’s Hall plain

Snowdon, H., Bridge st., St. George’s

Snowdon, J. C. and Co., 9, The Walk

Stocks, Alfred Josh., Briggs’ street

Silversmiths and Jewellers

Allen, John Bonfield, 40, London st.

Beha, Lickart and Co., St. Stephen’s plain

Bell, Robert, Davey place

Bloch, Israel, 47, Pottergate street

Cooper and Son, 20, London street

Dixon, Thomas, 6, Bridewell alley (see Advertisement, p. 8)

Dodson, Wm. Robert, 27, London st.

Etheridge, George, and William Ellis, 10, The Walk

Gerard, William S., Botolph street

Gunton, Henry, Briggs’ street

Joseph and Samuel, Timberhill street

Mackley, George Wm., Westlegate street

Piggin and Dyball, Post Office street

Priest, George, 3, Briggs’ street

Rossi, George, Market place

Salkind, S., (travelling) Gildengate st.

Shalders, Noah, Westlegate street

Shildrake, William, London street

Slate Merchants

Culyer, E. S., Lower King street

Morris, John, Lower King street

Soap Manufacturers

Andrews, William, Fishgate street

Brock, George, St. Augustine’s gates

Durrant and Brock, St. Miles’

p. 163Soda Water Manufacturers (see Ginger Beer, Lemonade, and Soda Water Manufacturers)—Solicitors

Asker, Samuel Hurry, St. Giles’ street

Atkinson, John G., Post Office street

Bailey, E. C., Toll’s court, Briggs’ st.

Bardwell, Everett, Lower close

Beckwith, A. A. H., Palace street

Blake, Francis John, Upper King st.

Blake, John Joseph, Theatre street

Blake, Keith, and Blake, The Chantry

Brightwell and Son, Surrey street

Cooper, John N. V., 3, The Crescent

Cooper, Robert, Private Road villas, Unthank’s road

Cullen, John B., Upper King street

Dalrymple, Arthur, St. Giles’ street

Dalton, Samuel, St. Giles’ terrace

Daveney, Charles Burton, Bethel st.

Day and Son, Upper Surrey street

Dowson, John Withers, The Priory, Upper King street

Durrant, George, Surrey street

Dye, G. A., Broad street, St. Andrew’s

Fickling, Robert, Prince’s street

Field and Bignold, Upper Surrey st.

Foster, Francis Gostling, St. Giles’ road

Foster, (Sir Wm.) Sons, Burroughes, and Robberds, Crown Bank plain

Fox, Frederick, Surrey street

Fox, Thomas Colman, Victoria street

Fraser, J. E., Bank chambers, Bank plain

Freestone, Edward, Little Orford st.

Gilman, Charles R., St. Giles’ street

Gilman, Charles S., St. Giles’ street

Goodwin, John, Willow lane

Hansell, Henry, Upper close

Hansell, Peter Edward, Upper close

Jay and Pilgrim, Toll’s court, Briggs’ street

Kerrison and Preston, Bank plain

Kitson, John, Lower close and Thorpe hamlet

Ling, Henry, Willow lane

Mendham, Wace L., 8, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Miller, Son, and Bugg, Bank Chambers

Mitchell and Clarke, Toll’s court, Briggs’ street

Nixon, John Hindson, Bracondale

Press, Edward, Tombland

Pulley, Henry, Surrey street

Rackham and Cooke, Tuck’s court, St. Giles’

Robberds, John M., Ber street gates

Sadd, William, Theatre street

Sharp, Daniel, Surrey street

Sharpe, Benj. T., Chapel Field road

Simpson, George Elward, Tombland

Skipper and Son, Bank street

Stevens, William, The Close

Steward and Fisher, King street

Taylor, Adam and C., Orford place

Taylor, John Oddin, St. Giles’ street

Tillett, J. H., St. Andrew’s Broad str.

Tuck, Charles E., St. Giles’ street

Turner, Wm. N. H., Lower close

Watson, F. E., Rampant Horse street

Whaites, C., Samson’s crt, Tombland

Wilkinson, Joseph, Prince’s street

Willins, William, Castle meadow

Wilson, William, 7, Victoria street

Winter, James and Son, St. Giles’

Woodcock, Thomas, Surrey road

Spirit Merchants (see Wine and Spirit Merchants, and Brewers)—Starch Manufacturers

Colman, J. and J., Carrow and Stoke Holy Cross

StationersWholesale (see also Booksellers and Stationers)—

Candler, John, Rampant Horse street

Fletcher, Josiah, The Walk

Jarrold and Sons, London street

Page, S. D. and Son, 23, Old Haymarket

Stay and Corset Makers

Aldis, Mrs. Jane, Prince’s street

Baker, Mrs. S., Willow lane, St. Giles’

Cann, Mrs. Mary, Fisher’s lane

Farrow, Maria, Grapes’ hill

Fenn, Mrs., Julian street

Hubbard, Mrs. H., Westlegate street

Leech, Jane, St. George’s plain

Main and Norton, Mesds., Briggs’ st.

Margerson, Mrs. H., St. Andrew’s hall plain

Taylor, Elizabeth, (and elastic bandages) Upper St. Giles’

Steelyard Makers

Drew, William and John, Ber street

Stanley, George, Elm hill

p. 164Stock and Share Brokers

Gilman, Charles S., St. Giles’ street

Morgan, Edward C., 82, St. Giles’ st.

Stone and Marble Masons

Allen, Wm., St. Stephen’s Back street

Clarke, M., Distillery street, Heigham

De Carle, Henry, Chapel Field road

Hall, Samuel, Chapel Field road

Hibberd, Amies, Chapel Field road

Lloyd, Thomas, Rose lane

Stanley, Joseph, St. Stephen’s street

Stanley, Wm., St. Catherine’s plain

Want, Frederick, Dereham road

Watson, Ann and Sons, St. Faith’s lane and Castle meadow

Whitehead, George, Grapes hill

Straw Bonnet Makers

Barnes, Maria, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Clare, Caroline, Magdalen street

Clarke, Miss Maria, St. Gregory’s Church alley

Cunningham, Emily, St. Miles’ Church alley

Dobson, Sarah, St. Benedict’s street

Felstead, Miss C., 20, Castle meadow

Ford, Miss Ann, Wellington lane, St. Giles’

Gent, Eliza, Muspole street

Gooding, Mrs. Harriet, Red Lion st.

Green, Miss Ann, Post Office street

Hudson, E., West Pottergate street

Leggett, Miss Sarah, 5, Crescent place

Miles, Francis, Magdalen street

Parsons, Miss J., Brazen Doors road

Robbins, Mrs., West Pottergate street

Scofield, Susan, Upper St. Giles’

Stangroom, Caroline, Ber street

Stannard, Harriet, Infirmary road

Tye, Jemima, Ber street

Walker, Mrs. Ann, Peacock street

Wilson, Miss Jane, St. Paul’s

Straw Hat Manufacturers

Laws, Robert, Westlegate street

Riches, Miss S., Queen street


Bell, John Crawford, Prince’s street

Cadge, William, All Saints’ green

Cooper, Emanuel, Tombland

Cremer, Robert, Guardians’ dispensary, Elm hill

Crickmay, Edward, Magdalen street

Crook, John, Tombland

Crosse, Thomas W., 22, St. Giles’ st.

Dalrymple and Cadge, Surrey street

Dashwood, L., St. Andrew’s Broad st.

Davis, John and Co., Pottergate st.

Day, William H., All Saints’ green

Dowson, Arthur H., Norwich dispensary, St. John’s Maddermarket

Drake, Charles, All Saints’ green

Firth, George W. W., 66, St. Giles’ st.

Fox, John, Upper St. Giles’ street

Francis W. Bransby, Colegate street

Garthon, James S., Upper St. Giles’ st.

Gibson and Bateman, 19, St. Giles’ st.

Goodwin, Charles, Willow lane

Holland, Edward C., St. Stephen’s rd.

Hutchison, G. S., Surrey street

Johnson, John Godwin, 64, St. Giles’

Master, Alfred, Bethel street

Morgan, Arthur Foster, St. Giles’ st.

Muriel, Charles E., 64, St. Giles’ st.

Nichols, William Peter, Surrey street

Orris, Frederick, Magdalen street

Payne, Sturley, Duke street

Penrice, David, Tombland

Pitt, John Ballard, St. Stephen’s st.

Rand, William Fell, Tombland

Spencer, C., jun., Lower King street

Taylor, William Henry, Prince’s st.

Thompson, Robert, Theatre street

Thurgar, C. W., St. Catherine’s plain

Watson, John F., Heigham

Woodhouse, William, surgeon to Norwich Dispensary

Woolterton, Robert, Tombland

Surgical Instrument Makers

Allison, Mrs. S., Market place

Branch, George, Golden Ball street

Hewitt, William, Somerleyton street

Lister, John, 10½, Old Haymarket

Sawyer and Co., 42, London street

Surveyors (see also Architects)—

Baldry, William, Priest’s buildings, St. Stephen’s road

Benest, E. E., (City Surveyor) Board of Health Offices, Castle meadow

Benest and Newson, Bank chambers

Brown, John, (County Surveyor) King street

Browne, William and Co., St. Andrew’s Broad street

Bunn, John, 20, Pottergate street

Butcher, Wm. and Sons, Theatre str.

p. 165Ellis, John, Bank plain

Espenett, W. H., Distillery street

Hewitt, John, Theatre street

Hinsbey, T. W., 18, Castle meadow

Kitton, Robt., Tuck’s court, St. Giles’

Loades, Benjamin, 55, Pottergate str.

Millard and Son, Prince’s street

Newton, Edward John, Bethel street

Pontifex, S., 5, Dereham road terrace

Pratt, Hornor, and Morgan, Queen st.

Wright, J. and Son, Bank chambers

Wright and Woodrow, Queen street


Allen and Co., Bank plain

Allured, James, Timberhill street

Balls, James, Little London street

Barber, Benjamin, Lower King street

Barber, George, St. John’s terrace, Ber street

Barker, James, Muspole street

Bennett, Henry, St. Augustine’s

Bingham, Thomas, (and woollen draper) Post Office street

Boddy, John C., William street

Bond, Joseph D., Upper Goat lane

Bond, William, (and woollen draper) London street

Borking, Thomas, Willow lane

Bray, Richard, 30, Pottergate street

Briggs, Sampson, Golden Ball street

Brown, George, Upper King street

Bullard, William, 14, Exchange st.

Burrage and Jeffries, (and outfitters) 2, Davey place

Butler, Henry, Russell street

Caley, John T., St. Benedict’s street

Cannell, Albert F., Lower Goat lane

Castleton, William S., Howard st., Lakenham

Clifford, Thomas, Magdalen street

Climpson, E., Hall road, Lakenham

Cocks, Dennis, Magdalen street

Cogman, Frederick, Prince’s street (see Advertisement, p. 20)

Colman, John, Bartholomew street

Cole, John B., Post Office street

Corbyn, Hartwell, Duke street

Cory, Christmas, Calvert street

Crisp, John W., Castle meadow

Cullington, William, Lady’s lane

Dawson, Edward, Scoles’ green

Dawson, John, Ber street

Denmark, John, New Catton

Downes, Henry, Cowgate street

Dowson, John, Ber street

Drake, Thomas, Rose lane

Duffield, Henry, 12, Exchange street (see Advertisement, p. 13)

Dye, George, Prince’s street

English, Joseph, 45, London street

Everett, William W., Red Lion street

Fox, Henry, Dereham road

French, Robert, Tabernacle street

Fuller, Edward, Red Lion street

George, John, Muspole street

Gifford, Thomas, Magdalen street

Grand, E., 13, Upper King street

Grand, George, Castle meadow

Gray, Richard, Grapes’ hill

Grimwood, Thomas H., 4, Lower Goat lane (see Advertisement, p. 27)

Hagon, George, Southwell street

Harrison, William, Botolph street

Hill, Michael, Colegate street

Hipper, James, Rampant Horse street

Hodds, Richard, Elm hill

Hook, Samuel B., St. George’s plain

Howlett, R., Bridge st., St. George’s

King, William H., Trafalgar street

Larkman, William, Gildengate street

Ling, William S., 19, Castle meadow

Livock, William T., London street

Long, Walter, Coslany street

Mackley, John E., Westlegate street

Mallett, F. and C., London street

Mann, Charles, Mount Pleasant

Marshall, Joseph, Rampant Horse st.

Meens, William, Bartholomew street

Miller, William, Grapes’ hill

Minns, S. W., St. Benedict’s street

Mower, Henry, West Pottergate st.

Murray, James, Russell street

Murrell, Owen, St. Augustine’s

Nickalls, William, St. Augustine’s

Nockall, John, Elm hill

Norton, Francis J., Back of the Inns

Osborn, John, Little London street

Page, Joseph, 13, Briggs’ street

Parker, F., Southwell st., Lakenham

Parker, Oliver, Thorpe hamlet

Perowne, Joseph J., Heigham place

Pickers, A. H., 34, Bartholomew st.

Ramm, W., John street, Rose lane

Ratcliffe, William, Distillery street

Richardson, William, Bartholomew st.

Riches, Henry C., Castle meadow

Riches and Skoyles, (and outfitters) Davey place

Riches, Thomas, Victoria street

p. 166Riches, Thomas, Grapes’ hill

Rider, S., St. Margaret’s Church alley

Roberts, W. P., Chapel loke, Surrey road

Roe, Samuel, Distillery street

Rogers, Charles, Bethel street

Rudd, Francis R., 4, St. Julian’s st.

Rudd, George John, Surrey street

Rust, James, Bethel street

Royall, Daniel, Upper King street

Salmon, John, West Pottergate street

Salmon, Thomas, Rupert street

Scott, Francis, Magdalen street

Sharpe, Henry, Somerleyton street

Skelton, John S., St. Giles’ street

Slater, Joseph, Tombland

Stallard, Joseph W., Orford hill

Stamp, William, Colegate street

Steward, Henry, Bull close

Steward, James, Tombland

Sutton, M. D., St. Andrew’s Broad st.

Talbot, G., Bridge st., St. Andrew’s

Taylor, W. A., Jay’s terrace, Rose ln.

Taylor, William S., Prince’s street

Thirkettle, Robert, Wheelhouse’s crt., St. Giles’ road

Todd, John and Son, Queen street

Todd, William A., 16, London street

Tooke, Michael, Vauxhall street

Traxton, Edward, Lower close

Trowse, Christopher, Ten Bell lane

Tuddenham, Edward, Duke street

Tuddenham, Henry, St. Augustine’s

Turner, W., St. Stephen’s Church lane

Watson, James H., 2, Charing cross

Watts, H., Devonshire place, Heigham

Whiting, George Jones, Heigham st.

Wicks, Robert, Ber street

Womack, George, White Lion street and Davey place

Woods, John, West Pottergate street

Woods, John, Tinkler’s lane

Woods, Robert, John st., Rose lane

Wyatt, Taylor, Paragon street

Tallow Chandlers

Durrant and Brock, St. Miles’

Durrant R., Church street, St. Miles’

Freeman and Nash, Upper market

Frost, Thomas, Fishgate street

Large, John, Whitefriars’ street

Large, John, Julian street, Julian place

Neeve, Frederick, St. Stephen’s

Pratt, William, Wensum street

Pulham, William, St. Mary’s plain

Shields, W., St. Stephen’s Church alley

Tanners (see Felmongers)—Taverns (see Publicans)—Ticket Writers

Bullen, George, Catton road

Love, Mrs. M. A., 2, Alma square, Julian place

White, Robert, St. Benedict’s street

Timber Merchants and Dealers (see also Merchants)—

Applegate, James, Pottergate street

Batley, Chas., (agent) Thorpe hamlet

Blyth, John, Quay side

Blyth, William, St. Faith’s lane

Blyth, William, St. Julian’s street

Cushion, William, Lothian street

Gaze, George, Grapes’ hill, St. Giles’

Green, Robert and Son, Garden street, Thorn lane

Hardy, William, Pitt street

Hart, John, St. Giles’ street

Jecks, W. and C., St. Faith’s lane

Johnson, Charles, Trowse

Johnson, Daniel, Trowse

Mauser, William, Thorn lane

Orfeur, John, Fishgate street

Pigg, F., St. George’s Bridge wharf

Saul, William Staff, Pottergate street

Scales, Jeremiah, Chapel Field road and Oxford street

Steward, Robert and Co., King street

Wollistone, S., Cherry st., Lakenham

Tinmen (see also Braziers)—Tobacconists

Adcock, D., West lane, Aylsham road

Brook, Thomas V., Bethel street

Buxton, John, St. Stephen’s street

Dyer, John J., Ber street

Foulsham, William, Orford hill

Fuller, William, Red Lion street

Gibson, John, Pitt street

Greene, Charles Jeremiah, Rose lane

Griffenberg, Joseph, Coburg street

Juba, E., St. George’s Bridge street

Kitton, Frederick, Old Haymarket

p. 167Levine, Joseph, Upper Westwick st.

Levine, M., Bridge street, St. Miles’

Miller, Mrs. Amelia, London street

Newbegin, James and Edward J., Bridewell alley and Market place

Norton, Robert, Fye bridge

Nowack, Edward, Lower Goat lane

Pollard, W., Bridge street, St. Miles’

Riches, Robert, Timberhill street

Sanderson, Ann, Magdalen street

Smith, John and S., 7, The Walk

Spence, G., Bridge st., St. George’s

Stevens, John, Back of the Inns

Stowers, James, Red Lion street

Sweatman, Mrs. E., Back of the Inns

Taylor, W. B., St. Stephen’s gates

Willsea, Mrs. H., Orford hill

Tobacco Manufacturers

Kitton, Frederick, (and snuff) 10, Old Haymarket

Middleton, John, Dereham road

Newbegin, James and Edward J., (and snuff and cigar) Bridewell alley

Stevens, John, (cigars only) Back of the Inns

Tobacco Pipe Makers

Browne, Joseph, St. Stephen’s st.

Fitt, N., Cherry street, Lakenham

Lincoln, John, Pump street

Metcalf, John, Coslany street

Tool Makers (see also Plane Makers, Saw Makers, Wood Turners, &c.)—

Cawdron, J., Duke street

Griffiths, Mrs. H., Lower Goat lane and Pottergate street

Hines, Charles, Muspole street

Manning, George, Westlegate street

Tripe Dressers

Howard, James, Thorn lane

Juba, E., Bridge street, St. George’s

Toy Dealers

Bush, G., Bridge st., St. Andrew’s

Caprani, Lewis, and Co., White Lion street

Ellison, Mrs. Frances, Dove street

Golder, Mrs. H., Upper Westwick st.

Lovett, Henry, St. Stephen’s street

Rose, Mrs. Sarah, Castle street

Slipper, Charles, (maker) Pig lane

Smith, William, Lower Goat lane

Steel and Rix, Queen street

Swinden, John, Magdalen street

Walker, R., St. George’s Bridge street

Trunk, Portmanteau, and Carpet Bag Manufacturers

Frost, Mrs. Mary, 15, Davey place

Tuxford, William, Back of the Inns

Truss Makers

Allison, Mrs. S., St. Peter’s

Goreham, W., Holl’s lane

Taylor, George, Upper St. Giles’

Umbrella and Parasol Makers

Balls, William, Bull close

Forster, Edward, Chapel Field road

Forster, John, 28, London street

King, Tyrrell, St. Saviour’s lane

Martin, Thomas L., 36, London st.

Smith, Thomas, St. Benedict’s street

Upholsterers, Paper Hangers, &c.

Abel D., Bedford st., St. Andrew’s

Clarke and Hunter, Dove street

Corrick, William, St. Giles’ street

Craske, James, Lower Goat lane

Crowe, J. and Son, St. Stephen’s st.

Fairhead, Maria, West Pottergate st.

Freeman and Wells, 39, London st.

Furse, James, Prince’s street

Harmer, Robert, Carrow hill

Howard, George, John st., Rose lane

Huggins, Miss Maria, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Kirkham, Dennis, Redwell street

Lawrence, William, 49, Pottergate st.

Ostler, John, 20, Suffolk st. Heigham

Page, James, Pottergate street

Pigg and Greenwood, 14, London st.

Priest, George, Coach and Horses rd., Union place

Robertson, H., Grove rd., Lakenham

Scott, Charles T., Gildengate street

Scott, R., Charing crs. and St. John’s st.

Sparks, William, Fye bridge

Spooner, E. F., St. Margaret’s plain

Tilley, Alfred, Lothian street

Trevor, Henry, Post Office street

Websdale, William, Surrey street

Venetian Blind Makers

Furse, James Thomas, Prince’s street

Howard, E. S., Rose lane

Thurst, James, Castle meadow

p. 168Veterinary Surgeons

Pratt, Richard, Northumberland st.

Sayer, Daniel, Pottergate street

Smith, William, Pottergate street

Wells, Thomas, Castle meadow

Vinegar Makers and Distillers

Hills and Underwood, St. Faith’s lane


Barker, Benjamin, Orford hill

Chamberlin, Sons, and Co., Market place

Coleman, George L., Market place

Diggens and Co., Swan lane, and Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Frazer, W., Exchange street

Pigg, Samuel and Sons, Haymarket

Rivett and Harmer, Old Post Office yard, Market place

Snowdon, Henry, Bridge street, St. George’s

Snowdon, J. C. and Co., 9, The Walk

Wade, Mrs. Frances, Redwell street

Woodgate, Philip, Castle street

Watch and Clock Makers

Abraham, B. and S. S., 1, Bethel st.

Allen, John B., 40, London street

Beha, Lickart, and Co., St. Stephen’s plain

Bell, Robert, Davey place

Bowles, Caleb, Bedford street, Unthank’s road

Buckenham, John C., Tombland

Bunn, Robert, Timberhill street

Bush, Edward, St. Mary’s plain

Daynes, John, Pitt street

Dixon, Thomas, 6, Bridewell alley (see Advertisement, p. 8)

Eagleton, G., 9, City road, Lakenham

Etheridge, George and William Ellis, 10, The Walk

Frary, V. W., Back of the Inns

Fulcher, Christmas, Mousehold

Gidney, Robert, Orford hill

Gunton, Henry, Briggs’ street

Hart, W. G., 46, London street

Kehle, Joseph, Stump cross

Kerrison, James, Magdalen street

Linford, Robert, Red Lion street

Moore, C., Coslany street, St. Mary’s

Phillips, Samuel, Chatham place, Chapel Field road

Piggin and Dyball, Post Office street

Pratt, William, St. Benedict’s street

Priest, George, 3, Briggs’ street

Ransome, J., St. Andrew’s Bridge st.

Rossi, George, Market place

Russell, Benjamin, Magdalen street

Shildrake, William, London street

Woodrow, Robert, St. Catherine’s pl.

Zipfel, Charles, Magdalen street

Zipfel, John, King street

Zipfel, Matthew, Bridge street, St. George’s

Well Sinker

Howell, Henry, Baker’s road


Clarke and Reeve, Duke’s Palace wharf

Rope, Robert W., St. Benedict’s st.


Addison, Benjamin, Magdalen street

Baldwin, William, Thorpe hamlet

Betts, James, Julian place

Blythe, Thomas, St. Augustine’s

Franklin, C., Cardigan st., Heigham

Huggins, John, Chapel Field road

Le Grys, William, Trowse

Page, James C., Bartholomew street

Richardson, James, Timberhill street

Riches, William, Barn road

Scott, Levi, Brunswick road

Tillett, James, St. Augustine’s gates

Welton, Edward, Brazen Doors road

Whip Makers (see also Saddlers and Harness Makers)—

Ashton, James, Ber street

Hardy, Charles, Timberhill street

Philo, Joseph, 44, London street

Whitesmiths, Locksmiths, Bell-hangers, &c.

Blazeby, William, Scole’s green

Boswell and Bishop, Luckett’s court, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Brooks, John, Golden Ball street

Cullyer, C. and G., Cow hill

Delf, John, Golden Ball street

Dennis, Charles, St. Stephen’s gates

Drew, W., Twiddy’s court, Ber street

Finch, Walter, Elm hill

Green, Edward, Duke street

Key, Joseph, Calvert street

Knevett, J., Upper Westwick street

Palmer, Robert, St. Saviour’s lane

p. 169Pank, Abraham, Bedford street, St. Andrew’s

Reeve, Edward, Gildengate street

Reeve, Edward, Duke street

Rope, Charles, Surrey street

Self, Thomas, Pottergate street

Stammers, Robert, Castle hill

Thirkettle, William, Timberhill street

Thirtle, James, Thorn lane

Tripp, John, Golden Ball street

Waite, George, Redwell street

Whall, W., St. Stephen’s Back street

Wood, John, Magdalen street

Whiting Manufacturers

Harvey, W. S., Wellington street

Pearce, Philip, The Compasses, Upper King street

Window Glass Merchants (see also Plumbers, Glaziers, &c.)—

Jay, John, St. Andrew’s hill

King, James and John, Prince’s st.

Scott, W., Bedford st., St. Andrew’s

Wine and Spirit Merchants

Anthony, W., 12, Upper Market

Arnold, George and Alfred Robert, St. Margaret’s plain

Athow, Edward John, Castle street

Back and Co., 3 and 4, Haymarket

Barwell and Sons, St. Stephen’s st., London st., and St. Andrew’s hill

Bolingbroke, Woodrow, and Co., Upper St. Giles’ st.

Boswell, James F., St. Augustine’s

Bullard, Richard, (brewer and spirit merchant) Bridge street, St. Miles’

Cannell, H., (spirit) Unthank’s road

Caston, John, St. Benedict’s gates

Clabburn and Sparks, Magdalen st.

Clarke, Charles, (brewer and spirit merchant) Coslany street

Cubitt, William J., Magdalen street

Dady, Mrs., Old Post Office court

Geldart and Son, Wensum street

Harman, Leonard and Sons, St. Andrew’s hill

Hills and Underwood, St. Faith’s lane

Hubbard, James, Magdalen street

Morgan, J. B. and H., (brewers and spirit merchants) King street

Morrison and Co., Market place

Norgate and Co., St. Stephen’s street

Read, William Dring, Orford hill

Seaman, Grimmer, and Co., St. John’s Maddermarket

Sparkes, Francis W., St. Giles’ street

Steward, Patteson, Finch, and Co., Pockthorpe

Wiseman, Isaac, Post Office street

Youngs, Crawshay, and Youngs, (brewers and spirit merchants) King street

Wire Workers

Andrews, Richard, Coslany street

Lamb, Sarah, Golden Ball street (see Advertisement, p. 10)

Wicks, Thomas, Tombland

Wood Turners

Cawdron, Jonathan, Duke street

Cunningham and Co., Cow hill, St. Giles’

Cushing, Charles, St. Lawrence lane

Debbage, Miles, Charing cross

Ellison, Robert, Upper Goat lane

Ellison, Mrs., Dove street

Hayes, John, Magdalen street

Hines, C., (and metal) Muspole street

Mann, Joseph, St. Benedict’s road

Plummer, N., Lower Westwick street

Prentice, J. S., St. Augustine’s street

Rudd, John, Thorn lane

Rudd, James, Ber street

Rust, Joseph, Charing cross

Rust, Samuel, Beehive yard, St. Benedict’s street

Simpson, Charles, St. Lawrence lane

Simpson, Matthias, Fisher’s lane

Wade, Thomas, Pitt street

Watling, Francis, Oak street

Wiggett, Henry, Oak street

Wood Carvers

Bower, James, Holl’s lane

Brown, Henry, Upper Westwick st.

Bushnell, Joseph, Suffolk street

Palmer, William, St. Lawrence lane

Spaul, Fidelis J., Prince’s street

Spaul, William B., (and stone) Lower close

Webster, James, Ber street

Wool Dealers and Staplers (see also Merchants)—

Champlin, G., St. Mary’s Church alley

Chaplin, George, Muspole street

p. 170Everett, John, Thorpe hamlet

Everett, Joseph, Bishopgate street

Hawkes, Robert W., Willow lane

Seed, Henry, Muspole street, St. Mary’s

Woollen Drapers (see Drapers and also Tailors)—Worstead Spinner

Greenhough, J., St. Saviour’s lane

Writers and Grainers (see Grainers and Decorative Painters)—Yeast Manufacturers

Mills, James, Oak street

Smith, John, St. Augustine’s street



Postmaster—SAMUEL BASE.

Box closes at 10.15 a.m. for London; letters are received, with an extra stamp affixed, till 10.30 a m.  For evening mail for London, box closes at 9 p.m.; letters received with an extra stamp till 9.30 p.m.  There are three deliveries each day—morning at 7, afternoon at 2.15 p.m., and a local delivery at 7.5 p.m.

Money orders are granted and paid here.




2.28 a.m.


10.35 a.m.

1.45 p.m.


9.40 p.m.

6.25 a.m.


5.35 a.m.

1.45 p.m.

7.20 p.m.

10.45 a.m.


6.45 a.m.

6.20 p.m.

1.10 p.m.

10.0 p.m.

9.40 p.m.

6.45 p.m.


6.10 a.m.

6.45 p.m.


6.20 p.m.


6.45 a.m.

6.20 p.m.


6.20 p.m.

North Walsham.

6.20 p.m.



Charles George Brighten, St. Stephen’s gates.

James Manthorpe, Lower King street.

John Cox, Magdalen street.

Mrs. Catherine Hill, Thorpe Hamlet.

Reuben Girdlestone, 8, Upper St. Giles’ street.

George Hunt, Dereham road.

H. Fickling, New Lakenham.


Norwich—Writ suspended.

For East Norfolk—Major Wenman C. Coke / Edward Howes, Esq.

For West Norfolk—G. Bentinck, Esq. / Brampton Gurdon, Esq.


Mayor—George Middleton, Esq.

Deputy Mayor—Edward Field, Esq.

Sheriff—H. S. Patteson, Esq.

Town Clerk—W. L. Mendham, Esq.


The Mayor for the time being (ex offieio).

P. T. O’Malley, Esq., Q. C. (Recorder)

Sir Samuel Bignold, Knt.

Sir Robert John Harvey, Knt.

John Hilling Barnard, Esq.

Samuel Shalders Beare, Esq.

John Betts, Esq.

Robert Wiffen Blake, Esq.

Horatio Bolingbroke, Esq

Henry Browne, Esq.

Robert Chamberlin, Esq.

William Collyer, Esq.

Edward Copeman, Esq., M.D.

Charles Evans, Esq.

William Freeman, Esq.

John Henry Gurney, Esq.

Robert John Harvey Harvey, Esq.

John Godwin Johnson, Esq.

John Marshall, Esq.

Philip John Money, Esq.

Nathaniel Palmer, Esq.

Osborn Springfield, Esq.

John Sultzer, Esq.

Abel Towler, Esq.

Charles Turner, Esq.

Edward Willett, Esq.

Charles Winter, Esq.

Henry Woodcock, Esq.

John Wright, Esq.

William John Utten Browne, Esq.,

Frederick Browne, Esq.

Robert Fitch, Esq.

Addison John Cresswell, Esq.

Robert Seaman, Esq.

Henry Willett, Esq.

Charles Edward Bignold, Esq.


Governor—J. G. Johnson, Esq.

Deputy Governor—William Wilde, Esq.

Treasurer—R. J. H. Harvey, Esq.

Clerk—E. C. Bailey, Esq.


Bishop—The Hon. and Right Rev. John Thomas Pelham, D.D.

Dean—The Hon. and Very Rev. George Pellew, D.D.

Archdeacon—The Venerable R. E. Hankinson.

Canons—Revds. C. N. Wodehouse, A.M.; A. Sedgwick, M.A.; G. Archdall, D.D.; H. Philpott, D.D.

Minor Canons—Revds. George Carter, M.A.; George Day, M.A.; J. C. Matchett, M.A.; H. Symonds, M.A.

Chancellor—C. Evans, Esq., M.A.

Bishop’s Chaplains—Revds. C. N. Wodehouse and J. J. S. Perowne, M.A.

Bishop’s Secretary—John Kitson, Esq.

Proctor for the Chapter—Henry Philpott, D.D.; for Archdeaconry of Norfolk, A. M. Hopper, M.A.

p. 173BANKERS.

Style of Firm.


Draw on in London.

Limit of Note Circulation.

Gurneys and Birkbeck, Bank plain

Daniel Gurney, John Henry Gurney, Henry Birkbeck, Francis Hay Gurney, William Birkbeck, and Charles Henry Gurney

Barclay, Bevan and Co.


Harveys and Hudsons, (Crown Bank) King street

Sir Robert John Harvey, Knt., and Robert John Harvey Harvey

Hankey & Co.


East of England Bank, Haymarket

William Stitt Wilson, manager

London & Westminster Bank


Savings Bank, Haymarket, Edward Hare, actuary


Assembly Rooms, Theatre street.  James Woods, conductor.

Agricultural Association, Little Orford street.  E. S. Bailey, secretary.

Chamber of Commerce Offices, St. Giles’ street.  Charles S. Gilman, secretary.

City Jail, St. Giles’ gates.  Robert Campling, governor.

Clerical Reading Rooms, Upper Close.  Rev. J. L. Browne, and Revd. W. F. Patteson, secretaries.

County Court Office, Redwell street.  T. J. Birch, Esq., judge; T. H. Palmer, registrar; W. Wilde, junr., high bailiff.

Corn Exchange, Exchange street.  Didwell, bailiff.

County Jail, Castle hill.  Robert Pinson, governor.

Electric and International Telegraph Office, The Walk.  Henry Draper, superintendent.

Free Library, St. Andrew’s (corner of Duke street), John Harper, librarian.

Horticultural Society.  E. S. Bignold, Esq., honorary secretary.

Inland Revenue Office.  J. Wild, receiver; John Quin, supervisor.

Local Board of Health.  H. B. Miller, clerk; E. E. Benest, surveyor; Samuel Clarke, inspector.

Norfolk and Norwich Literary Institution, St. Andrew’s.  John Quinton, librarian.

Norfolk and Norwich Museum, St. Andrew’s.  Henry Stevenson, Esq., hon. sec.

Public Library, Market place.  Edward Langton, librarian.

Saint Andrew’s Hall, St. Andrew’s plain.  William Dunn, keeper

School of Art, St. Andrew’s.  C. L. Nursey, bead master; F. T. Keith, Esq., honorary secretary.

Stamp Office, Bank street.  F. Foster, distributor.

Subscription Reading Rooms and Billiard Rooms, Market place.  Henry Kemp, proprietor.

Tax Office, Orford hill.  Michael Kelly, and Charles Stringer, surveyors.

Theatre Royal, Theatre street.  William Sidney, lessee.

Young Men’s Christian Association, St. Giles’ street.  S. True, secretary.


These are very numerous; the following are the principal:

Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, St. Stephen’s gates.  E. Houghton, house steward and secretary.

Bethel, Bethel street.  James Dodd, master.

Great Hospital, Bishopgate street.  George Simpson, governor.

Doughty’s Hospital, Calvert street.  Robert Minns, master.

Eye Infirmary, Pottergate street.  Mrs. Bennett, matron.

District Visiting Society, Pottergate street.  E. Watson, J. C. Barnham, and J. N. Waite, Esqs., hon. secs.

Norwich Dispensary, St. John’s Maddermarket.  Mr. W. Wodehouse, resident surgeon.

Homœopathic Hospital, Orford hill.  Mrs. H. Gray, matron.

Indigent Blind Institution.  E. W. Yarington, secretary; Mrs. De Carle, matron.

Jenny Lind Infirmary for Sick Children, Pottergate street.  Mrs. Stannard, matron.

Norwich Lying-in Charity, Pottergate street.  Mrs. Stannard, matron.

Orphan’s Home, Pottergate street.  Mrs. Carr, matron.

Workhouse, Dereham road.  William Tallack, master.  (In connection with the Workhouse are Boys’ and Girls’ Homes, Dispensary, Asylum, &c.)


Recorder—P. F. O’Malley, Esq., Q.C.

Judge of Borough Court of Record—N. Palmer, Esq.

Registrar of Borough Court—Henry Miller.

Town Clerk—W. L. Mendham.

Clerk of the Peace—A. Dalrymple.

City Treasurer—F. Simpson.

Coroner—William Wilde, St. Stephen’s.

Coroner for the County of Norfolk—Edward Press, All Saints’ green.

Coroner for the liberty of the Dean and Chapter—Charles Evans, Esq.

Governor of Castle—George Pinson.

Governor of City Jail—Robert Campling.

Clerk to Income Tax Commissioners—J. H. Tillett, St. Andrew’s.

Clerk to City Magistrates—William Day.


Norwich Grammar School, The Close.  Rev. A. Jessopp, head master; Rev. H. M. Crowther, M.A., sub-master.

Model, for Boys, Prince’s street.  William Bellamy, master.

Model, for Girls, St. Andrew’s.  Miss M. A. Barnacle, mistress.

Model, for Infants, Post Office street.  Mrs. Hannant, mistress.

Normal, Cowgate street.  William Alden, master.

Diocesan Training Institution for School Mistresses, St. George’s plain.  Rev. W. C. Davey, M.A., principal; Miss H. A. Le Mesuriér, matron.

Presbyterian, King street.  H. Booty, master.

Hospital, Fishgate street.  F. J. Gidney, master; Mrs. M. Gidney, mistress.

Blind.  Magdalen street.  Mrs. M. A. Elmer, matron; Miss A. Harrill, school-mistress.

p. 175Stanley Home and Training School for Servants.  Mrs. E. Churchman, governess; Miss H. Critton, school-mistress; Mrs. Brown, infant nursery.

Infant, Lakenham.  Mrs. Lincolne, mistress.

St. Mark’s, Hall lane, Lakenham.  Mr. Earl, master.

Government School of Art.  F. T. Keith, Esq., Hon. Secretary; C. L. Nursey, head master.

Industrial School (under government inspection).  Miss L. Talmedge, mistress.

Free, (Episcopal) Union place.  Miss Taylor, mistress.

Catholic, Maddermarket.  P. White, master; Miss M. A. Cannell, mistress.

Lancasterian (British), College court, St. Martin’s at Palace.  S. North, master.

Congregational, Colegate street.  B. Farmer, master; Miss E. Hicklenton, mistress; Miss B. Cooke, infants’ mistress.

National, St. Paul’s.  William Whiting, master; Miss E. Chettle, mistress.

National, St. James’, Pockthorpe.  William Nunn, master.

National, Heigham.  William Alden, master; Mrs. M. A. Honey, and Miss A. Platten, mistresses.

National, Mixed, Bishopgate.  Miss E. Johnson, mistress; Miss M. Steward, assistant.

National, Trowse.  Miss Stageman, mistress; Miss A. Dent, infants’ mistress.

National, St. Peter’s Mancroft.  F. Phillips, master.

National, St. Martin’s at Oak.  James Garwood, master; Miss E. Elmore, mistress.

National, Thorpe hamlet.  G. R. Braid, master; Miss A. Stacey, mistress, Miss A. Weeds, infants’ mistress.

District, Gurneys, Surrey mews.  Mrs. E. Greenwood, mistress.

District, Geary’s, St. Augustine’s.  E. Starling, master; Miss S. Davis, mistress.

District, For St. Stephen’s, All Saints’ Timberhill, and Thorn.  F. Hardy, master; Miss S. Burrage and Miss E. Fodder, mistresses.

District, For St. Peter’s Mancroft, Maddermarket, Gregory, Lawrence, Giles, and Margaret.  James Bilby, master; Mrs. M. A. Starkey, mistress.

British, Heigham Causeway.  Mr. Rutherford, master; Miss Maria Newton, mistress of infants’ school.

British, Independent, Coslany street.  Miss Lydia Anthony, mistress.

British, Unitarian, Calvert street.  Miss Mary Ann Starling, mistress; Miss Rachel Howe, infants’ mistress.

British, New City Infantile, Union place.  Miss Mary Wilson, mistress.

British, Pockthorpe, Silver road.  Edwin Steel, master; Mrs. Steel, mistress.

British, Trowse.  Miss E. J. Tomkins, mistress.

British, New Lakenham.  Mr. Hopper, master; Miss Warne, mistress.


Head Quarters—Castle Meadow.

Chief Constable—Captain George Black.

Deputy Chief Constable—Henry Atthill.

Chief Superintendent—Bernard Andrews.

Sergeants—(who take rank as detective officers) James Carter and Edward Robert Garrod.


Chief Constable—Robert Hitchman.

Superintendents—E. Peck, S. Amis.

Inspectors—Barnard, Steward (detective), and Curtis.

Sergeants—Ireland, Minns, Fransham, Osborne, Hayhow, Smith, Nary, and Bedford

Summoning Officer—John Morter.


Superintendent Registrar—Francis John Blake, King street.

Registrar of Births, Deaths, &c., for the Conisford District—Charles Drake, All Saints’ green.

„ „ East Wymer District—J. Brownfield, Magdalen street.

„ „ West Wymer District—L. Dashwood, St. Andrew’s.

„ „ Mancroft District—T. W. Crosse, St. Giles’.

„ „ Coslany District—W. B. Francis, Colegate street.

Registrars of Marriages—I. O. Taylor, St. Giles’; J. Restieaux, Lady’s lane.


Norfolk Chronicle (conservative)—Matchett and Stevenson, proprietors, Market place.

Norfolk News (liberal)—Proprietary; Thomas William Bond, publisher, Exchange street.

Norwich Mercury (whig)—Richard Noverre Bacon, proprietor, London street.


Thorpe—H. B. Sproul, station-master.

Victoria—William Seeley, station-master.

Trowse—William George Gay ford, station-master.


Right and left are given in the direction from the Market place, except where otherwise expressedThe following abbreviations are used:—bef. before, ch. church, ct. court, fr. from, l left, la. lane, nr. near, op. opposite, pl. place, r right, rd. road, s side, st. street, yd. yard, &c.

Adelaide buildings—r s Dereham rd., adjoining Adelaide st.

Adelaide street—r s Dereham rd., first turn past Holl’s lane and Dial inn

Albemarle street—fifth turn on l fr. Union st.

Albert place—St. Stephen’s sq.

Aleck’s yard—l s Lower King street, nearly op. the Three Tuns

Alefounders’ yard—r s Lower Westwick, op. The Drum

Alden’s court—r s Ber st., op. St. Michael’s at Thorn church

Alderson’s buildings—l s St. Catherine’s plain, op. Gloucester place

All Saints’ green—extending from the top of Westlegate st. to Upper Surrey st.

All Saints’ street—First turn to r at top of Timberhill st., leading to All Saints’ green

All Saints’ Tavern yard—r s All Saints’ green, nr. All Saints’ tavern

Alma square—first turn to r in Vauxhall st.

Alma street—r s Dereham rd., just before reaching Distillery inn

Alma terrace—l s Bishopgate st., nr. Rose and Crown

Alms lane—l s Gildengate st., leading into Muspole st.

Anchor yard—l s Surrey st., nr. Anchor inn

Andrews’ yard—l s St. Stephen’s st.

Angel street or Royal Hotel street—back of Royal Hotel yd., leading to Castle meadow

Angel yard—r s Oak st., op. Suffolk arms

Apollo buildings—Norfolk st., Union pl.

Arabian Horse yard—r s Oak st., just beyond St. Martin’s eh.

Arnold’s court—l s Gildengate st., nearly op. Crown and Anchor

Arundel place—row of white houses, r s Dereham rd., nearly op. Swiss Cottage tavern

Assembly rooms—Theatre st., op. Lady’s la.

Asylum road (see Private rd.)

Austin court—first court l s Bethel st.

Back of the Walls—leading fr. St. Augustine’s gates to Magdalen gates

Badding’s lane—l s Palace plain, leading to Quay side

Baddy’s yard—op. Barrack loke, Barrack st.

Bailey’s buildings—l s West Pottergate st., nearly op. Lawrence st.

Bailey’s yard—l s Magdalen st., nr. the Jolly Brewers

Bakers’ Arms yard—r s Ber st., nr. Bakers’ Arms

Baker’s road—leading fr. St. Martin’s gates to St. Augustine’s

Baker’s row—l s World’s End lane

Baker’s yard—l s Barrack st., nr. Kossuth tavern

Baldwin’s buildings—l s Dereham rd.

Baldwin’s yard—r s Oak st., second yd. past Fellmonger’s Arms

Bank Chambers (in Bank place)

Bank place—leading fr. Gurney’s bank to Castle meadow

Bank plain—op. Gurney’s bk., top of London st.

Bank street—over Bank plain, to the r leading to King st., op. Harvey and Hudson’s bank

Barnes’ yard—r s Magdalen st., op. White Horse

Barnes’ yard—r s St. Augustine’s, nearly op. St. Augustine’s ch.

Barn road—St. Benedict’s gates, r s opposite Paul Pry hill

Barracks—l s Barrack st., at foot of Mousehold

Barrack loke—l s Barrack st., nearly op. the Light Horseman

Barrack street—continuation of St. James’ st., leading to Mousehold

Barrack yard—r s Coslany st., op. Waggon and Horses

p. 178Bartholomew street—first st. r s Thorn lane, fr. Ber st.

Bath House yard—Oak st., next Bath House inn

Baxter’s gardens—r s Lower King st., nr. the Steam Packet

Baxter’s yard—King st. (see Page’s yd.)

Bayfield’s yard—r s Stump Cross, Magdalen st.

Bazaar court—St. Andrew’s Broad st.

Bear and Staff yard—Fisher’s lane

Bear yard—on the Gentleman’s walk

Beckham’s yard—r s Cowgate st., fr. Palace plain, op. Queen’s head

Beckham’s yard—l s Magdalen st., op. Cowgate st.

Bedford street (St. Andrew’s)—leading fr. juncture of Exchange and Post-office sts. to St. Andrew’s hill and London st.

Bedford street—first st. l s Unthank’s rd.

Bee Hive yard—r s St. Benedict’s st., next Beehive inn

Bell yard—l s Bethel st., op. Gold-beaters’ Arms

Bennett’s court—Upper market

Ber street—from junction of Golden Ball and Timberhill sts. to Richmond hill

Bethel street—entrance from Upper Market near St. Peter’s ch.

Bethel street opening—second turn l s Bethel st., leading into Chapel Field

Betts’ buildings—l s West Pottergate st., nr. Eagle Tavern

Bishopgate street—over Tombland, thro’ Palace plain and Tabernacle st.—leads to Mousehold

Black Boy yard—r s Barrack st. nr. Black Boy inn

Black Boy yard—round Colegate st. nearly op. entrance to Calvert st.

Black Horse yard—r s Lower Westwick st., just past Bridge st.

Blake’s yard—r s Heigham st., just bef. reaching Orchard tavern

Blackfriars’ bridge—between St. Andrew’s and St. George’s

Blaze yard—l s Cowgate st. fr. Palace plain, by General Windham’s Arms

Blazeby’s buildings—in Prospect sq., r s Scoles’ green

Blazeby’s court—second ct. r s Bethel st.

Bloomsbury place—third turn r s Rose lane

Bloomsbury place—l s Dereham rd., just past City rd.

Boarded entry—l s Ber st., just before reaching Royal Oak

Boarded House lane—nr. Boarded House inn, Cattle market

Botolph street—from Stump cross to St. Augustine’s st.

Bracondale—fr. Richmond hill (Ber st. gates) to Trowse

Brazen Door road (or Lame Dog road)—l s St. Stephen’s gates, leading into Upper Surrey st.

Brewhouse yard—Coslany st.

Bridewell alley—first thoroughfare on the l in Bedford st., St. Andrew’s

Bridge street, St. Andrew’s—fr. St. Andrew’s pl. to Blackfriars’ bridge

Bridge street, St. George’s—over Blackfriars’ bridge

Bridge street, St. Lawrence—fr. Lower Westwick st. on the r op. St. Lawrence ch.

Bridge street, St. George’s—past the end of St. Andrew’s hall, leading to Colegate st.

Bridge street, St. Miles’—first turn on r s Lower Westwick st., leading to Coslany st.

Briggs’ lane—l s Lower King st., (nearly op. St. Julian’s ch.) leading down to the river

Briggs’ street—short st. leading fr. Haymarket, on a line with the Gentlemen’s walk

Briggs’ yard—l s Cowgate st. fr. Palace plain, nearly op. Black Chequers

Broad st., St. Andrew’s—r and l at bottom of Post Office st.

Brownfield’s court—r s Magdalen st. bef. reaching St. Saviour’s ch.

Browne’s court—St. Stephen’s st.

Brown’s buildings—St. Faith’s la.

Brown’s yard (see Cockey yd.)

Brundell’s court—l s Redwell st.

Brunswick road (or Waterloo st.)—first turn to r on Newmarket rd., leading to Union pl.

Buck’s yard—l s Coslany st.

Buff Coat lane—l s Golden Ball st., leading to Pump st.

Bull close—r s Cowgate st. fr. Palace pl., just bef. reaching Magdalen st.

Bull lane—l s St. Stephen’s st., op. Coburg st.

Bull’s Head yard—r s Ber st., nr. the Forrester’s Arms

Bunn’s yard—St. Benedict’s Church alley

Burrell’s yard—r s Magdalen st., op. King’s Head

Burfield place—Heigham rd., r s from Dereham rd.

Butter hills—run fr. top of Bracondale to Carrow bridge

Cadogan place—Bedford st., Unthank’s rd.

Caledonian terrace—r s Dereham rd., op. Charles st.

Calvert street—thro’ Bridge st. to the r and then to the l, leads fr. Colegate st. to Botolph st.

Cambrian place—r s Heigham rd. fr. St. Giles’ rd.

Cannell’s court—St. Giles’, op. Unity offices

Cannell’s court—l s Ber st., just past King Arms

Carlisle terrace—l s Rupert st., just bef. reaching Essex st.

Carrow hill—l s Richmond hill, leading down to Carrow bridge

Castle court—l s Oak st., next Key and Castle inn

Castle meadow and Castle hill—open space round the Castle

Castle street—first turn r s London st., leading to Davey pl.

Chapel field—open space at end of Theatre st., and back of Bethel and Upper St. Giles’ sts.

Chapel Field grove—in Chapel field, nr. the new Congregational chapel

Chapel Field road—fr. St. Stephen’s gates to St. Giles’ gates

p. 179Chapel loke—narrow thoroughfare l s Surrey rd. leading into Ber st.

Chapel st. (Union place)—fourth turn l s Vauxhall st.

Chapel street, Lakenham—first turn to r in Ch. pathway, fr. Southwell rd.

Chapel street, Crook’s pl.—first turn to r fr. Crook’s pl. entrance

Chapel yard—r s Botolph st., nr. Old Globe inn

Chapel yard—l s Oak st., joining Suffolk Arms

Chapman’s court—St. Giles’, op. Ch. door

Chantry—Theatre st., nr. Assembly room pl.

Chantry yard—St. Miles’ ch. alley

Charing cross—fr. corner of Duke’s palace st. (by Free Library) to the junction of Upper and Lower Westwick sts.

Charles street—fourth turn on l s, past St. Benedict’s gates

Chatham place—Chapel Field road, on the r fr. St. Stephen’s gates

Chequers’ passage—St. George’s Middle st.

Cherry lane—r s Pitt st., leading into Gildengate st.

Cherry street—r s Hall rd., op. National school

Cherry street (short)—back of Cherry st.

Cherry Tree yard—l s Gildengate st., nr. Cherry Tree inn

Church pathway—r s Hall rd., leading to Southwell rd.

Church street, New Catton—r s New Catton rd., just before reaching Christ-ch.

Church street, St. Miles’—bottom of Duke st. to the l

Church street, St. Julian’s—leading fr. St. Julian’s Ch. alley to Garden st., Thorn la.

Church walk, St. Michael’s at Plea—by the side of the ch., Redwell st.

Cinder Ovens yard—l s King st. gates, between the Cinder Ovens and Ship Inns

City road, Heigham fields—Dereham rd. l s, next turn to Distillery st.

City road, Lakenham—leading off Richmond hill to the r

Clabburn’s yard—last yard l s Magdalen st.

Clement court—l s Redwell st., fr. plain, op. Queen st.

Clifton cottages—Suffolk st., Union pl.

Close (upper and lower)—precincts of cathedral, reached fr. Market pl., through London st. and Queen st., and across Tombland

Coach and Horses road—first turn to r in Union st., Union pl.

Coach and Horses’ yard—l s Bethel st. next C. and H. inn

Coburg street—r s St. Stephen’s gates, running at the Back Chapel Field rd.

Cock yard—l s Cowgate st. fr. Palace plain, just past Queen’s Head

Cock yard—l s Upper St. Giles’, just past Cock inn

Cockey lane—l s Lower King st., op. the Waterman

Cockey yard (or Brown’s yard)—r s Lower Westwick st. nr. Drum inn

Coe’s yard—r s St. Benedict’s st., op. Lord Howe inn

Cogman’s yard—r s Ber st. op. Thorn lane

Coldstream terrace—r s Bedford st. from Unthank’s rd.

Coleby place—Lower Westwick st.

Colegate street—bottom of Bridge st., St. George’s, r and l

College court (or Lancasterian school yard)—l s Palace st., nr. Rose tavern

Compass street—l s Mariners’ lane, fr. King st., nr. Mariners’ tavern

Cook’s lane—l s Upper King st., between Crown Bank and Rose la. corner

Corain plain—r s Church st., New Catton

Coslany street—down Lower Westwick st., and over St. Miles’ bridge

Cow hill—St. Giles’, first turn on the r past the ch.

Cossey’s yard—r s Botolph st.

Cove terrace—r s Rupert st.

Cowgate street—first st. on the r in Magdalen st. after passing Stump Cross

Creak’s yard—r s Fishgate st., op. Pigeon inn

Cremorne buildings—r s Vauxhall st., op. Globe st.

Cremorne place—back of Cremorne buildings, Vauxhall st.

Crescent The—on the Chapel Field road l s fr. St. Stephen’s

Crick’s buildings—Fishgate st.

Crocodile yard—r s Heigham st., op. Crocodile inn

Crook’s place entrance—first turn to left on Chapel Field rd. fr. St. Stephen’s

Crook’s yard—St. George’s pl.

Cross lane—r s Gildengate st. leading into Calvert st.

Cross street—Unthank’s rd., connects Bedford and Trory sts.

Crown and Anchor yard—r s Gildengate st., leading into Calvert st.

Curriers’ Arms yard—adjoining Curriers’ Arms, l s St. Giles’ st.

Curtis’ buildings—l s West Pottergate st.

Dabson’s court—Stump cross

Daplyn’s buildings—r s West Pottergate st., op. Paragon st.

Davey place—leading fr. Gentlemen’s Walk (op. Duke of Wellington statue)

Dawson’s yard—r s Coslany st., up a passage just before reaching Sun inn

Dayle’s lane—first la. r s Charing Cross

Day’s court—first ct. r s Bethel st., principal entrance from Upper Market

Denmark place—Kimberley st., Unthank’s rd.

Dereham road—straight out St. Benedict’s gates

Dereham road terrace—row of 8 red-br. houses r s Dereham rd. just past entrance to Adelaide st.

Devonshire place—r s Holl’s la.

Dial yard—r s Barrack st., just past the Cellar House

Dial yard—l s Coslany st., op. St. Michael’s of Coslany ch.

Distillery street—second st. past jail, r s St. Giles’ rd., leading thro’ into Dereham rd.

Distillery yard—l s Coslany st., op. Greenland Fishery

District Visiting Society, 104, Pottergate st.

p. 180Dix’s buildings—Coslany st.

Dixon’s court—r s Bethel st., op. Coach and Horses

Dog yard—r s Oak st., op. Jolly Skinners

Dolphin yard—first yd. r s. of Oak st. next Dolphin inn

Doughty’s or Old Man’s hospital—Calvert st.

Douro terrace—in Heigham grove

Dove street—adjoining Messrs. Chamberlin’s shop, leads fr. north side Market-place into Pottergate st.

Drake’s court—3rd ct. l s Gildengate st.

Duck lane—last la. r s Pottergate st., just before reaching Grapes’ hill

Duke’s palace—commencement of Duke st.

Duke st.—leading fr. corner of St. Andrew’s Broad st. and Charing Cross, to Pitt st.

Duke terrace—Kimberley st., Unthank’s rd.

Eagle lane—r s Newmarket rd., just before reaching Eagle tavern

Eagle terrace—r s Newmarket rd., just past Eagle tavern

Eagle yard—first yd. r s Heigham st.

Earlham road—continuation of St. Giles’ rd.

Earlham road terrace, row white houses r s just past entrance to Heigham rd. or Hangman’s la.

Eldon row—r s Chapel Field rd. (fr. St. Giles’), just before reaching Julian st.

Elephant yard—l s Magdalen st., near Stump Cross

Elm hill—runs out of l s of Prince’s st. into Wensum st.

Elm terrace—r s New Catton rd., op. Elm tavern

Emms’ court—l s Ber st., op. All Saints’ st.

Essex street—third turn to l fr. Rupert st., Union pl.

Eva cottages—l s New Catton rd., just past entrance to Sprowston rd.

Exchange street—lower corner of Market pl., on a line with The Walk

Eye Infirmary—r s Pottergate st.

Factory yard—r s Barrack st., op. Bird in Hand

Fair Flora yard—second yard r s Lower Westwick st.

Farnell’s court—in St. John’s Maddermarket Ch. alley

Fellmongers’ Arms yard—r s Oak st., op. the Old Crown

Ferry yard—l s Lower King st., just past Half Moon inn

Finket street—last turn r s Ber street, before reaching St. John’s Sepulchre ch.

Fisher’s lane—third turn r s St. Giles’, leading into Pottergate street

Fisher’s yard—Fishgate st.

Fishgate street—first st. to the r in Magdalen st., just over Fye bridge

Fleckered Bull yard—l s Ber st., nr. Fleckered Bull inn

Florence’s court—r s Ber st., op. Greyhound

Flower-in-Hand yard—l s Heigham st.

Foundry Bridge—bottom of Rose la., nr. Thorpe railway station

Foundry yard—r s Thorn la., nr. Sparke’s foundry

Fountain yard—r s St. Benedict’s st., adjoining Fountain inn

Fox and Hounds yard—r s Ber st., nr. Fox and Hounds inn

Fox’s yard—l s Cowgate st. fr. Palace plain, op. St. James’ ch.

Fountain square, Union place—r s Union st., by Coach and Horses

Free Library—corner of St. Andrew’s and Duke sts., adjoins the Museum

Friars’ lane—l s Upper King st., just past Crown Bank (Harveys and Hudson’s)

Front row—row of red-br. cottages, l s Hall’s rd., next Southwell Arms

Fuller’s hole—St. Martin’s gates, leads to the river

Fye bridge—bridge dividing Wensum st. fr. Magdalen st.

Fye Bridge street—(see Wensum st.)

Garden street—second st. r s Thorn la., fr. Ber st.

Gas-house Hill—leading fr. Bishop bridge to Mousehold heath

Gedge’s yard—l s Coslany st., next Waggon and Horses inn

Gentleman’s walk—the east side of the market-place

George yard—l s Barrack st., just past Griffin inn

Gildencroft—l s St. Augustine’s st., leading past St. Augustine’s ch.

Gildengate street—leading from bottom of St. George’s Bridge st. into Botolph st.

Gilling’s yard—Magdalen st.

Globe lane—l s Rising Sun la., fr. Golden Ball st.

Globe street—5th turn l s Vauxhall st.

Globe street—r s Heigham st., op. Crocodile inn

Globe yard—r s Botolph st., nr. Old Globe inn

Gloucester place—r s St. Catherine’s plain, nr. entrance to Hall rd.

Goat lane (lower)—first turn on the r in St. Giles’, leading into Pottergate st.

Goat lane (upper)—second turn on the r in St. Giles’, leading into Pottergate st.

Goat yard—r s Oak st., nearly op. the Jolly Skinners

Golden Ball street—leading fr. Castle ditches to Ber st.; Golden Ball inn at the entrance

Golden Dog lane—first turn r s Calvert st., leading into Magdalen st.

Golden Fleece yard—l s Fishgate st., nr. the Golden Fleece

Golding street—l s Dereham rd., second turn past St. Benedict’s gates

Gooch’s yard—r s Charing cross, joining Malt and Hop tavern

Goodwin’s yard—l s Tabernacle st.

Goreham’s yard—first yd. l s Heigham st. fr. Barn rd.

Gowing’s passage—St. Stephen’s st.

Graham’s court-—Upper Market, second ct. fr. St. Giles’ corner

Grapes’ hill or St. Giles’ hill—3rd turn on the r past St. Giles’ eh.

Green Dragon yd.—l s Bishopgate st. nr. Red Lion

Great hospital—Bishopgate st.

p. 181Great Orford street—l s Orford hill, leading to Castle hill

Great yard—World’s-end la.

Greenhills—St. Augustine’s gates

Greenland Fishery yard—r s Coslany st., next G. F. inn

Green’s lane—r s Gildengate st. leading into Calvert st.

Green yard—l s Barrack st., just before reaching The Robin Hood

Greyfriars’ priory—Upper King st., nr. Harvey and Hudson’s bank

Griffin yard—l s Barrack st., joining Griffin inn

Grimes’ yard—l s Botolph st.

Grout’s thoroughfare—narrow passage l s Timberhill st., leading to Golden Ball st.

Grove place—row of houses r s St. Giles’ rd., just past Distillery st.

Grove place—r s of Grove rd., top of Victoria st. to the r

Grove road—rd. crossing the top of Victoria st., leading on the r round to St. Stephen’s rd.

Grove terrace—r s Unthank’s rd., nearly op. Oxford st.

Guildhall—north-west corner of Market-place

Gun lane—connects top of Haymarket with Theatre st., directly opposite St. Stephen’s ch.

Gunhouse yard—Jail hill

Gunton’s yard—l s Oak st., next White Lion

Hales’ court—St. Giles’, op. ch. door

Half Moon yard—l s Lower King st., op. Half Moon inn

Hall road—fr. r s St. Catherine’s plain, leading to Lakenham

Hampden place—r s Dereham rd., just past Dial inn

Hamlet place—l s Grapes’ hill, fr. St. Giles’

Hampshire Hog yard—l s Lower Westwick st., just past St. Swithin’s alley

Hangman’s lane (see Heigham rd.)

Hanover place—l s Earlham rd., just past Black Horse, and op. Earlham rd. terrace

Harman’s court—r s St. Stephen’s st., op. Crown and Angel

Harmer’s court—last ct. l s St. Giles’, before reaching Jail

Harrison’s court—r s Upper St. Giles’, op. Queen’s Head

Harrison’s yard—leads out of Pump st. to Castle meadow

Hart’s yard—r s Botolph st.

Haw’s place—Hall rd., Lakenham

Hawthorn row—r s West End st., op. Waddington st.

Haymarket—Opposite the top part of Gentlemen’s walk

Hayward’s yard—r s Ber st., just past St. John’s Sepulchre ch.

Heigham causeway—continuation of Heigham st., leading to Heigham ch.

Heigham grove—second turn l s St. Giles’ rd., past jail

Heigham Lower—Heigham causeway, Heigham st., &c.

Heigham place—last turn to r on Dereham rd., before reaching Holl’s lane; leads to West End Retreat gardens

Heigham road (or Hangman’s lane)—r s St. Giles’ rd., next turn past Distillery st., leading to Dereham rd.

Heigham st.—continuation of Lower Westwick st., at juncture of Barn rd.

Heigham terrace—row of white houses on r s Dereham rd., nearly op. Hangman’s lane

Heigham, Upper—beyond Heigham causeway, nr. the ch.

Herring’s row—r s West Pottergate st., op. Eagle tavern

Heywood’s yard—r s Magdalen st., nr. White Lion inn

High street—turn to the r at top of Union st., op. Brunswick rd.

Hind’s yard—r s St. Augustine’s st., op. St. Augustine’s ch.

Hill’s yard—l s Coslany st., op. Red Lion

Hinde’s yard—last yard l s Botolph st.

Hole-in-the-wall lane—first turn l s Bedford st., St. Andrew’s, leading round into Post Office st.

Holkham lane—nr. Shirehall tavern, Castle ditches

Holl’s brewery—r s Hall rd., adjoining King’s Arms

Holl’s lane—r s Dereham rd., nearly op. Hangman’s lane

Holly terrace—l s Unthank’s rd., just bef. reaching Somerleyton st.

Horn’s lane—second turn l s Ber st., leads to King st.

Houghton’s yard—r s Ber st., op. Fleckered Bull

Howard street—round top of Victoria st. to the r and then second st. to the r

Huggin’s row—St. Benedict’s gates

Hungarian yards—r s St. Benedict’s st., just past St. Margaret’s ch.

Hutchinson’s court—first ct. l s Surrey st.

Infirmary road—just beyond St. Augustine’s gates to the r

Inkerman terrace—l s Bishopgate st., near Marquis of Gransby inn

Jay’s court—third ct. r s Bethel st.

Jay’s square—first turn to r in Rose lane

Jay’s terrace—row of white houses r s Rose lane, near Free-trade tavern

Jenny Lind Infirmary—l s Pottergate st., just before reaching Ten Bell lane

Jilling’s yard—r s Magdalen st., just before reaching White Lion inn

Jinkin lane—r s Oak st. near the gates, leading into Gildencroft

John street—second turn to r in Rose lane

John street (Dereham road)—third turn l s past St. Benedict’s gates

John street, Union place—first turn to r in Norfolk st. fr. Somerleyton st.

John Bull street—r s Union st., near John Bull inn

Jolly Butchers’ yard—r s Ber st., nr. Jolly Butchers’ inn

Jolly Farmers’ yard—r s Charing cross, nr. Jolly Farmers

Jubilee place—l s Heigham rd. fr. St. Giles’ rd.

Jubilee yard—r s Ber st., nr. Jubilee inn

p. 182Jubilee street—second turn to r of Chapel Field rd. fr. St. Giles’, or second turn to l fr. Vauxhall st.

Julian place—r s Chapel Field rd., fr. St. Giles’ gates

Julian street—second turn to l in Vauxhall st., or second turn to r on Chapel Field rd. fr. St. Giles’ gates

Keel and Wherry yard—r s Lower King st., op. Read’s granaries

Kensington buildings—in a yd. at back of Kensington pl.

Kensington place—r s St. Catherine’s pl., just past entrance to Hall rd.

Kent place—r s Vauxhall st., just past turn to Julian st.

Keppell’s court—Fisher’s lane

Kerrison’s yard—l s Tombland fr. Queen st.

Keyzor’s place—l s Holl’s lane

Keyzor’s terrace—r s Unthank’s rd., just past entrance to Private or Asylum lane

Kimberley street—running across top of Bedford, Oxford, and Trory sts., and parallel to Unthank’s rd.

King st. (Lower)—continuation of Upper King st.

King street (Upper)—turn to the r at bottom of Queen st., leading fr. Tombland to Rose lane corner

King street (Crook’s place)—second turn to r thro’ Crook’s pl. entrance

King’s Head lane—r s Gildengate st., leading into Calvert st.

King’s Head yard—l s Magdalen st., next King’s Head inn

Lady lane—first turn l s Bethel st.

Lakenham place—r s St. Catherine’s pl.

Lakenham terrace—nr. St. Mark’s ch., Lakenham

Lamb yard—on the Gentleman’s Walk, Haymarket

Lame Dog road—(see Brazen doors rd.)

Lancasterian school yard (see College ct.)

Langham place—l s Dereham rd., just past City rd.

Lawrence street—first st. leading r s West Pottergate st., leading into William st.

Lawston’s yard—l s Gildengate st.

Leicester place—r s Vauxhall st., nr. Chapel Field rd.

Le Neve’s yard—r s Fishgate st., just past the Jolly Dyers

Lewis’ yard—l s lower King st., just past The Hay Trusser

Leyton’s row—nr. Lord Nelson, Trafalgar st. (Lakenham), l s fr. Hall rd.

Life’s green—east end of Cathedral

Lifford’s yard—l s Lower King st., adjoining Bird in Hand

Light Horseman yard—r s Barrack st., nr. Light Horseman inn

Limekiln hill—first turn l side St. Giles’ rd., just past jail

Ling’s yard—r s Magdalen st., next Duncan Arms

Lion and Castle yard—r s Timberhill st., by Lion and Castle inn

Little Buck yard—l s Oak st., just past Sussex st.

Little London street—first turn l s London st.

Little Orford street—leads fr. the top of Gentleman’s Walk, round Savings’ Bank corner, to Orford hill

Little Star and Crown yard—l s Timberhill st., op. Baptist chapel

Little White Horse yard—r s Botolph st.

Lobster lane—see Pottergate st.

Lockett’s court—l s St. Andrew’s Broad st. fr. Charing cross, just past Post-office st.

Lock and Key yard—r s Ber st., nr. Lock and Key inn

London street—lower corner of market-place, nearly op. Guildhall

London terrace—l s St. Stephen’s rd., just beyond Norfolk and Norwich Hospital

Long lane—r s Charing cross, just before reaching Lower Westwick st., leads down to river

Long yard—l s Bishopgate st., nr. Bishop bridge

Long yard—r s Fishgate st., op. The Pigeons

Lord Campden’s yard—r s of Charing cross, next Lord C. inn

Lothian street—l s Barn road fr. Dereham rd.

Lowen’s yard—l s Cowgate st., op. the Black Chequers, nr. Whitefriars’ bridge

Lower square—Thorn lane, op. Garden st.

Lying-in charity—l s Pottergate st., just before reaching Ten Bell la.

Magpie road—r s St. Augustine’s gates, leading to Magdalen gates

Malthouse lane—r s St. Stephen’s st., leading into St. Stephen’s Back st.

Malthouse yard—last yd. l s World’s End lane

Manchester buildings, Union pl., nr. Duke of Wellington

Mansfield’s yard—St. Stephen’s, op. Duke of Wellington

Market lane—leading fr. Scole’s green into Thorn lane

Marquis of Gransby yard—op. the barracks, Barrack st.

Mariners’ lane—third turn l s Ber st., leads to King st.

Mason’s court—l s Ber st., nearly op. Bakers’ Arms

Middle row—r s Chapel Field rd. fr. St. Giles’, second row past Rising Sun

Militia barracks—Upper Surrey st.

Mill street, Lakenham—first turn to the left in Church pathway, (Peafields) fr. Hall rd.

Mill street, Union place—top of Union st. to the r leading into Essex st.

Mill yard (or New Mills’ yard)—a thoroughfare leading fr. r s Lower Westwick st. (nearly the bottom) into St. Martin’s at Oak

Mission place—l s Lower King st., op. Barge inn

Mitchell’s court—north side Market pl., adjoining Chronicle office

Mount Pleasant—first turn to l past Somerleyton st., Unthank’s rd., leads to Newmarket rd., op. Town close

Mousehold heath—thro’ Bishopgate st., on each side of Gas-house hill

p. 183Murrell’s yard—l s Lower King st., op. the Nelson Monument public house

Museum (Norfolk and Norwich)—St. Andrew’s Broad st.

Museum court—St. Andrew’s Broad st., nearly op. Post Office st., and adjoining Museum and Norfolk News’ printing offices

Muspole street—r s Duke st., leading into Colegate street

Nailor’s lane—r s Charing cross, just bef. reaching Jolly Farmers

Napier buildings—l s Somerleyton st., Unthank’s road

Neal’s square—entrance r s Pottergate st., just beyond St. Benedict’s plain, leads into St. Benedict’s Ch. alley

Nelson street—second turn to r off Dereham rd., after passing Holl’s lane and Dial inn

Nelson terrace—Grove rd. or Night Cap la.

New Catton road—out of Magdalen gates

New city—comprises Crook’s pl., Union pl., Julian pl., &c.

Newman’s yard—r s Ber st., op. George IV.

Newmarket street—l s Brunswick rd. fr. Newmarket rd.

Newmarket terrace—r s Newmarket rd.

New mills—bottom of Lower Westwick st., on the r

New Mill yard—by New Mills, leads fr. Lower Westwick st. to St. Martin’s at Oak

Nightcap lane (sometimes called Grove road)—l s St. Stephen’s rd., second turn past Victoria station

Ninham’s court—last ct. l s Bethel st., leading into Chapel field

Noah’s Ark yard—l s Heigham st., back of Flower-in-Hand inn

Norfolk and Norwich Hospital—r s St. Stephen’s rd.

Norfolk street—first turns r and l fr. Rupert st., Union place

Norgate’s court—r s St. Stephen’s st., op. Surrey st.

Northumberland street—third turn to r off Dereham rd., after passing Holl’s lane and Dial inn

Norwich Public Dispensary—St. John’s Maddermarket

Nowhere yard—second yd. past St. Lawrence ch., on l s Lower Westwick st.

Oak street—continuation of Coslany st., commencing just past St. Mary’s pl.

Oak yard—r s Oak st., next Royal Oak

Obey’s yard—l s Lower King st., op. Swan inn

Old Barge yard—l s Lower King st., next the Old Barge inn

Old Barrack yard—l s Gildengate st., op. King’s Head

Old Blacksmith’s yard—r s Ber st. gates, nearly op. King’s Arms

Old Brew yard—r s Oak st., nearly op. Key and Castle

Old Cat and Fiddle yard—l s Botolph st., near Old Cat and Fiddle inn

Old Chequers yard—l s Coslany st., near the bridge

Old Crown yard—l s Oak st., next Old Crown inn

Old Fountain yard—r s Botolph st., op. end of Calvert st.

Old Man’s Hospital—Calvert st.

Old Post Office yard—l s Bedford st., St. Andrew’s, near Nelson tavern

One-post passage—St. Stephen’s st.

Opie street—second turn r s London st., leading to Castle meadow

Orchard street—continuation of John st., Rose la., leading into St. Faith’s la.

Orford hill—open space reached from the Market, through White Lion st.

Orphan’s Home—54, Pottergate st.

Osborne’s yard—r s Oak st., just past the Bess of Bedlam

Oxford street—second st. l s Unthank’s rd.

Page’s yard (or Baxter’s)—r s Lower King st., near The Rainbow

Palace plain—bottom of Palace st.

Palace street—leading fr. bottom of Tombland, on the right to Palace plain

Paradise place—large square r s Market la. fr. Scole’s green

Paradise place—a yard on r s Magdalen st., just past White Lion

Paradise row—Hall rd., Lakenham

Paragon buildings—Castle meadow

Paragon street—first st. past jail, on r s St. Giles’ road

Patteson’s yard—l s Magdalen st., near Queen’s Arms

Paul Pry hill—at St. Benedict’s gates, l s leading up to Grapes’ hill

Peacock street—l s Fishgate street, op. St. Edmund’s ch., leading into St. Paul’s Back la.

Peafield—very large district between Southwell rd. and Lakenham Hall rd.

Pegg’s court—r s Ber st., just past George the Fourth

Peel’s yard—first yard l s Lower Westwick st., after passing St. Margaret’s st.

Philadelphia—r s Aylsham rd., out St. Augustine’s gates

Pigeons yard—l s Fishgate st., near the Pigeons inn

Pigg lane—l s Palace st., leading to Quay side

Plantation—l s St. Giles’ road, just past jail

Playford’s court—r s Pottergate st., first passage past Eye Infirmary

Plummers’ yard—l s Oak st., joining Key and Castle inn

Pockthorpe—adjoining the Barracks

Porter’s yard—r s World’s End la.

Portland place—r s Vauxhall st., Union pl.

Portland place and Portland square—l s Ch. path (Peafield) fr. Hall rd., op. Duke of Norfolk

Portland place—r s Holl’s lane, just before reaching West End Retreat

Post-office street—continuation of Exchange st. and leading into St. Andrew’s Broad st.

Pottergate street—bottom of Exchange st. to the left, the first hundred yds. frequently known as Lobster la.

p. 184Pottergate street (West)—continuation of Pottergate st., at juncture of Grapes’ hill and Paul Pry hill

Priest’s buildings—op. Norfolk and Norwich hospital

Priest’s court—Rampant Horse st., nearly op. Briggs’ st.

Prince’s street—from St. Andrew’s plain to Tombland

Priory yard—r s Cowgate st. fr. Palace plain, nr. Rose inn

Private road—turn through a gateway r s Unthank’s rd., just past pillar letter-box, leads into Earlham rd.

Private Road villas—just into Private road, fr. Unthank’s rd.

Prospect place—r s King st. gates, op. Ship inn

Prospect place—l s Horn’s la. fr. Ber st.

Prospect place—l s Hall rd., just past King’s Arms

Prospect place—at junction of Heigham, and Heigham rd.

Prospect square—r s Scole’s green

Providence place—West End st., Holl’s la.

Public library—op. north side Guildhall

Pudding lane—connects the Upper walk with the Upper market

Pump street—r s King st., op. entrance to Rose la.

Pump yard—first yard r s Trafalgar st., Lakenham, fr. Hall rd.

Pump yard—first yard past St. Lawrence’s ch. on l s Lower Westwick st.

Purland’s yard—r s Cowgate st. fr. Palace pl., just past entrance to St. James’

Pye’s yard—l s Palace pl., under an archway nr. the ch.

Quakers’ lane—r s St. Martin’s la.

Quay side—r s Fye bridge, along the river

Queen Caroline yards—both sides of Queen Caroline inn, op. St. Martin’s ch.

Queen’s Head yard—l s Cowgate st. fr. Palace plain, by Queen’s Head inn

Queen street—leading fr. Bank plain and London st. to Tombland

Queen street (Crook’s place)—fourth turn to l fr. Union st.

Raglan street—r s Dereham rd., op. Golding st.

Railway station (Thorpe or Eastern Counties)—through Rose la., and just over Foundry bridge

Railway station (Victoria or Eastern Union)—l s at top of St. Stephen’s st.

Rainbow yard—r s Lower King st., op. Rainbow inn

Rampant Horse street—top of Briggs’ st., r and l

Rampant Horse Back street—fr. top of Gentleman’s walk, round Savings’ Bank corner, leading to Orford hill and Red Lion st.

Rampant Horse yard—l s Fishgate st., next Rampant Horse inn

Raven’s row—a yard on l s Trafalgar st. fr. Hall’s rd., Lakenham

Red Lion street—fr. Orford hill to St. Stephen’s plain

Red Lion yard—r s Magdalen st., just before reaching the gates, near Red Lion inn

Redwell street—l s Bank plain, leading into Prince’s st.

Reeve’s yard—l s Coslany st., next Bakers’ Arms

Regent street—first turn to the l in Union st.

Richmond place—r s Richmond hill

Richmond hill—just outside Ber st. gates, leading to Bracondale

Rifleman yard—l s All Saints’ green, nr. Rifleman inn

Rigby’s court—l s St. Giles’, just before reaching the ch., leads into top of Bethel st.

Rising Sun lane—l s Golden Ball st., leading to Scole’s green

Rising Sun road (part of Chapel Field rd.)—entrance op. Grapes’ inn, St. Giles

Rising Sun row—r s Chapel Field rd. fr. St. Giles’, first row past Rising Sun inn

Roach’s court—Elm hill

Robinson’s yard—l s Oak st., nearly op. Royal Oak

Roche’s court—Fisher’s la.

Rochester buildings—Norfolk st., Union pl.

Roe’s yard—l s Ber st., nr. the Recruiting Sergeant

Rose lane—first st. on l s King st., leading to Thorpe railway station, reached fr. the Market by passing through lower part of London st., Opie st., and across Castle meadow

Rosemary lane—by St. Mary’s ch.

Rose valley—Unthank’s rd., just past entrance to Asylum rd.

Rose yard—r s St. Augustine’s, adjoining Rose la.

Royal Hotel street—back of Royal Hotel yard, leading to Castle meadow

Royal Oak yard—r s Heigham st., near Royal Oak inn

Rupert street—continuation of Vauxhall st., Union pl.

Russell street—back of St. John’s buildings, through the opening l s Ber st., op. St. John’s Sepulchre ch.

Sadd’s yard—Coslany st.

Sadler’s yard—l s Oak st., op. Jolly Toper’s inn

Sampson and Hercules’ court—l s Tombland, op. Erpingham gate

Sandling’s Ferry—bottom of Lower close

Sardinian court—r s St. Stephen’s st., just before reaching Duke of Wellington

Sawmill yard—r s Fishgate st., next Sawmill tavern

Sawmills’ yard—l s Coslany st., adjoining Hotpressers’ Arms

Saver’s buildings—in a lane leading out of Tinkler’s la. into Heigham causeway

Scole’s green—at the end of Rising Sun la. fr. Golden Ball st.

Scott’s yard—r s Ber st., near Butcher’s Arms

Seaman’s yard—op. Museum, St. Andrew’s Broad st.

Seven Stars yard—r s Barrack st., near Sportman inn

Seymour place—St. Stephen’s sq.

Sherbourne place—r s Mariners’ la. fr. King st.

Ship yard—l s Lower King st., next Ship inn

Ship yard—l s Thorn la. fr. Ber st., nr. Ship inn

p. 185Shoulder of Mutton yard—r s St. Stephen’s, by Shoulder of Mutton inn

Sickle yard—Heigham st.

Silver road—l s St. James’ st., leading to Sprowston rd.

Sixteen row—lot of cottages l s of Church path fr. Southwell rd. (Peafield), nr. Portland Arms

Smith’s yard—l s Oak st., second yard past Suffolk Arms

Somerleyton street—third st. on l s Unthank’s rd.

Somerleyton terrace—l s Somerleyton st., Unthank’s rd.

Somerset buildings—Union place

Somerset place—l s Holl’s la., op. West-end Retreat

Sotheron’s buildings—r s Lady’s la.

Soup Office yard—Fishgate st.

Southgate lane—Lower King st.

Southgate street—l s Duke st., leading to St. Mary’s pl.

Southwell street—the first part of Hall rd. (wh. see), r s St. Catherine’s pl.

Spencer’s court—l s Lower King st., just past St. Etheldred’s ch.

Spitalfields—just beyond the barracks

Sportsman yard—r s Barrack st., nr. Sportsman inn

St. Andrew’s Broad st.—leading fr. Charing cross to St. Andrew’s Hall pl., past the bottom of Post office st.

St. Andrew’s hall—St. Andrew’s pl., at juncture of St. Andrew’s Broad st., St. George’s Bridge st., and Prince’s st.

St. Andrew’s hill—narrow st. nearly op. St. Andrew’s hall, leading up to London st.

Stanley Home—Peacock st., St. Saviour’s

St. Ann’s staithe—l s Lower King st., op. Elephant and Castle

St. Anne’s Staithe lane—l s King st., next turn past St. Faith’s la.

Starling place—Coburg st., nr. William IV.

St. Augustine’s church alley—narrow la. by St. Augustine’s ch.

St. Augustine’s street—leading fr. the ends of Botolph and Pitt sts.

St. Benedict’s church alley—leading through the ch. yd. fr. St. Benedict’s pl. to Upper Westwick st.

St. Benedict’s gates—at juncture of Paul Pry hill and Barn rd., end of St. Benedict’s or Upper Westwick st.

St. Benedict’s lane—r s St. Benedict’s st., nr. the gates

St. Benedict’s plain—Pottergate st., just beyond Ten Bell la., foot of Cow hill

St. Benedict’s road—see Dereham rd.

St. Benedict’s street—see Upper Westwick st.

St. Catherine’s plain—top of Surrey rd. and Brazen Doors rd.

St. Catherine’s terrace—l s St. Catherine’s pl., op. Hall rd.

St. Clement’s church alley—round the ch., at corners of Magdalen st. and Colegate st.

St. Clement’s thoroughfare—r s Magdalen st., just past Bull inn, leads into Fishgate st.

St. Edmund’s square—r s Fishgate st., nr. St. Edmund’s ch.

St. Faith’s lane—fr. St. Etheldred’s gate, Tombland, to the bottom of Rose la., and thence to Lower King st.

St. George’s church alley—l s Gildengate st., leading past St. George’s ch.

St. George’s plain—r s Duke st., leading into Colegate st.

St. Giles’ hill—see Grapes’ hill

St. Giles’ road—out of St. Giles’ gates to the r of the jail

St. Giles’ street—leads out of Market-place at the back of Guildhall

St. Giles’ terrace—thro’ arched gateway r s Bethel st., nearly op. Coach and Horses

St. Gregory’s Church alley—passage thro’ St. Gregory’s ch. yd., Pottergate st.

St. Helen’s square—Bishopgate st.

St. James’ palace—lot of cottages r s St. James’ st., op. Dove inn

St. James’ street—r s Cowgate st. fr. Palace plain, leading into Barrack st.

St. John’s buildings—row of houses down the opening l s Ber st., op. St. John’s Sepulchre ch.

St. John’s Head yard—second yd. r s Coslany st., nr. the Bridge

St. John’s Maddermarket—in a line with Dove st., fr. the Market

St. John’s Maddermarket Church alley—thro’ an archway under the tower of the ch., fr. Pottergate st.

St. Julian’s alley—r s Lower King st., by St. Julian’s ch., leading into Ber st.

St. Julian street—third turn r s Thorn lane, fr. Ber st.

St. Julian’s terrace—r s Julian st., fr. Thorn ln.

St. Lawrence lane—r s Pottergate st., nearly op. bottom of Fisher’s lane

St. Lawrence steps (great and little)—r s St. Benedict’s st., at either end of St. Lawrence ch., leads into Lower Westwick st.

St. Margaret’s alley—r s St. Benedict’s st., next St. Margaret’s ch.

St. Margaret’s (or Three King) lane—l s Upper Westwick st., op. St. Margaret’s ch.

St. Margaret’s plain—Upper Westwick st., by St. Margaret’s ch.

St. Margaret’s street—r s St. Benedict’s st., past St. Margaret’s ch.

St. Margaret’s wharf—r s Lower Westwick st., just past St. Margaret’s ch.

St. Martin’s lane—r s of Oak st., leading past ch. into Pitt street

St. Martin’s walls—la. leading fr. St. Martin’s gates on r s, to St. Augustine’s gates

St. Mary’s alley—l s Pitt st., adjoining St. Mary’s ch. yd.

St. Mary’s plain—r s Coslany st., by St. Mary’s ch.

St. Paul’s Back lane—continuation of Peacock st., leading to Cowgate st., St. Paul’s

St. Paul’s Church alley—leading round the back of St. Paul’s ch.

St. Paul’s plain-by St. Paul’s ch., St. Paul’s st.

p. 186St. Paul’s street—l s of Cowgate st., fr. Palace plain, op. St. James’ st.

St. Paul’s thoroughfare—l s Cowgate st. fr. Palace plain, leading to St. Paul’s ch.

St. Peter’s Southgate lane—r s Lower King st., leading past St. Peter’s Southgate ch.

St. Saviour’s Church alley—r s Magdalen st., next St. Saviour’s ch.

St. Saviour’s lane—r s Magdalen st., by St. Saviour’s ch.

St. Simon’s Church street—l s Wensum st., leading to Elm hill

St. Stephen’s street—from the Market, through Brigg’s st., to the l, and then to the r

St. Stephen’s Back street—back of St. Stephen’s to the r; reached through the Church alley, Stockings’ court, or Coburg st.

St. Stephen’s Church alley—leads out of Rampant Horse st., by the side of the ch., into Malthouse la.

St. Stephen’s plain—open space, juncture of Rampant Horse, Red Lion, Westlegate, and St. Stephen’s streets; reached fr. the Market, through Briggs’ st., and turn to the l

St. Stephen’s square—first turn to l on Chapel Field rd. fr. St. Stephen’s gates, leading round into St. Stephen’s rd.

St. Swithin’s alley—by St. Swithin’s ch., r s of St. Benedict’s st., op. Ten Bell la.

Staff of Life yard—l s Fishgate st., op. St. Edmund’s ch.

Stafford terrace—l s Church st., New Catton

Stamp Office yard—St. Andrew’s Broad st., nearly op. Bridewell alley

Star and Crown yard—l s Timberhill st., just past Star and Crown inn

Starling’s yard—l s Botolph st., through Old Cat and Fiddle yard

Stepping lane—leads from Scoles’ green to King street

Steward and Patteson’s Cut yard—op. Steward and Patteson’s brewery, Pockthorpe

Stockings’ Court—r s St. Stephen’s st., just past entrance to Surrey st.

Stone-entry yard—l s Oak st., op. Royal Oak

Stonemason’s buildings, or square—second yard l s Gildengate st.

Strike’s yard—r s Thorn la. fr. Ber st., nr. Sparkes’ foundry

Stump cross—at juncture of Magdalen and Botolph streets

Suffolk street—second turn to r and l fr. Rupert st., Union pl.

Surrey court—first court on the l in Surrey st.

Surrey grove—through first opening on l s Surrey rd.

Surrey place—Brazen Doors rd.

Surrey Mews—Upper Surrey st., adjoining Militia barracks

Surrey road—on a line with Surrey st., leading to St. Catherine’s pl.

Surrey street—first st. l s St. Stephen’s st.

Sun yard—r s Coslany st., next Sun inn

Surrey street—first turn l s St. Stephen’s st.

Surrey street (Upper)—top of Surrey st., to r and l

Surrey terrace—l s Grove road, op. Surrey inn

Sussex street—leading fr. l s St. Augustine’s st., near the gates, into Oak st.

Swan lane—second turn l s London st.

Swan yard—r s Lower King st., adjoining Swan inn

Tabernacle street—leading fr. Palace pl. on the right to Bishopgate st.

Tallow-chandler’s yard—l s Timberhill st., op. Orford hill chapel

Tamworth terrace—l s Unthank’s rd., just past entrance to Bedford st.

Ten Bell lane—r s Pottergate st., leading fr. foot of Cow hill into St. Benedict’s st.

Theatre street—leads fr. Rampant Horse st. to Chapel field

Thirteen row—l s Trafalgar st., fr. Hall rd., just past Lord Nelson

Thompson’s yard—l s Fishgate st., nr. Rampant Horse inn

Thorold’s buildings—r s Rose la., just before reaching Foundry bridge

Thorn lane—first turn l s Ber st., leads to King st.

Thoroughfare yard—r s Fishgate st., next Duke of Marlborough

Three King lane—(see St. Margaret’s la.)

Three Tuns yard—first yard past Rose la. corner, r s King st.

Thurso place—r s Dereham rd., just past Dial inn

Tidd’s yard—l s Oak st.

Till’s court—r s Ber st., just before reaching Lock and Key

Timberhill street—leading fr. top of Orford hill to Ber st.

Tinkler’s lane—last turn r s Dereham rd. before reaching Holl’s la., leads into Heigham st.

Toll’s court—entrance through a passage l s Briggs’ st.

Tombland—open space at the end of Queen st.

Town close—lying between Newmarket and Ipswich rd., entered on Newmarket rd. by first turn to l

Trafalgar place—r s Dereham rd., joining further end of Dereham rd. terrace

Trafalgar place—r s Hall rd., op. Southwell Arms

Trafalgar street—first st. r s Hall rd., leading to Southwell rd.

Trory street—round top of Victoria st. to the r, and then first st. to the r

Trory street—second turn to r fr. Vauxhall st., Julian pl.

Tuck’s court—l s St. Giles’, nearly op. Norfolk hotel

Tuns yard—l s Coslany st., op. St. Miles’ ch. alley

Twenty-one row—second turn to the r in Church path fr. Southwell rd. (Peafield)

Two Brewers’ yard—r s Magdalen st. next Two Brewers’ inn

Two-necked Swan yard—r s St. Stephen’s st., nr. Two-necked Swan inn

Unicorn yard—r s St. Stephen’s st., nr. Unicorn inn

Unicorn yard—l s Coslany st., next Unicorn inn

p. 187Union place—reached by any of the openings on r s Chapel Field rd. fr. St. Giles’

Union square—r s Union st., by Coach and Horses

Union street (Union pl.)—third turn to the r off Chapel Field rd. fr. St. Giles’ gates

Union terrace—l s Union st., Union pl.

Upper Market—row of houses behind upper side of Market-place

Upper walk—upper side of Market pl.

Unthank’s road—out of St. Giles’ gates to the l of the jail

Valentine street—l s Dereham rd., first st. past St. Benedict’s gates

Vauxhall street—first turn r s Chapel Field rd. fr. top of St. Giles’

Vauxhall terrace—r s Vauxhall st., op. Julian st.

Victoria place—r s top of Union st., op. Brunswick rd.

Victoria street—l s St. Stephen’s rd., just past Victoria station

Vyall’s yard—St. Andrew’s Broad st., nearly op. model school

Waddington street (Heigham)—second turn to r in West End st. fr. Holl’s la.

Waddington terrace—l s Church st., St. Julian’s fr. Garden st., Thorn la.

Wagon and Horses lane—Elm hill

Waite’s court—in lower part of Upper Goat la.

Wall’s yard—l s Ber st., op. St. John’s Sepulchre ch.

Water lane—Colegate st., op. St. George’s ch.

Water lane, St. Edmund’s—r s Fishgate st., leading past St. Edmund’s ch.

Water lane, St. James’—r s St. James’ st., just past Dove inn

Waterloo—l s New Catton rd., op. the ch.

Waterloo street (see Brunswick rd.)

Watson’s buildings—Distillery st., nearly op. West Wymer st.

Watson’s court—r s King st., second yd. past Rose la. corner

Watson’s yard—l s Lower King st., op. St. Peter’s per Mountergate ch.

Watts’ court—last ct. but one l s Bethel st.

Wayland terrace—in Prospect sq., r s Scoles’ green

Weaver’s lane—narrow passage leading fr. Upper walk into Haymarket

Webb’s yard—l s Magdalen st., op. Red Lion

Wellington court—r s St. Stephen’s, nr. Duke of Wellington inn

Wellington pl.—r s Wellington st. fr. St. Giles’

Wellington street—r s Upper St. Giles’, second turn past ch., leads into Pottergate st.

Wellington terrace—Grove rd.

Wellington terrace—r s Vauxhall st.

Wensum or Fye Bridge street—leading fr. Tombland, on the left, to Magdalen st.

Westbourne terrace—l s Unthank’s rd., just past Somerleyton st.

West End place—r s Grove rd., top of Victoria st.

West End street—l s Holl’s la., fr. Dereham rd.

West End terrace—r s Grapes’ hill, fr. St. Giles’ gates

Western terrace—l s Earlham rd., just past entrance to West parade

Westlegate street—fr. St. Stephen’s plain, past City of Norwich Arms, to All Saints’ green

West Pottergate street—leading off Grapes’ hill to the r fr. St. Giles’, nearly op. Pottergate st.

Weston’s court—Upper market, first ct. fr. St. Giles’ corner

West parade—Earlham rd., nearly op. Earlham Rd. terrace

West Wymer street—last turn l s Distillery st., fr. St. Giles’ rd.

Westwick street (Lower)—leading fr. Charing cross on the r, to Heigham

Westwick street (Upper)—leading fr. Charing cross on the l, to Dereham rd.

Whale’s buildings—St. Augustine’s gates

Wheat Sheaf yard—l s St. Stephen’s st., nr. Wheat Sheaf inn

Wheelhouse’s court—r s St. Giles’ rd., just past Paragon st.

Whitefriars’ bridge—over St. Martin’s palace pl. to the l

Whitefriars’ street—l s Palace plain, op. St. Martin’s ch.

White Hart yard—l s Ber st., between White Hart and King’s Arms

White Horse yard—r s Barrack st., just past the Seven Stars

White Horse yard—l s Magdalen st., by White Horse inn; leads into Botolph st.

White Lion street—leading from top part of Gentlemen’s walk to Orford hill

White Lion yard—r s Magdalen st., next White Lion inn

Wickham’s yard—l s Lower King st., near Steam Packet inn

Wigg’s buildings—row of cottages at back of r s of Distillery st. (fr. St. Giles’); entrance nearly op. West Wymer st.

William street—first turn r s off Paul Pry hill, fr. St. Benedict’s gates

William street—turn to the r bottom of John st., Rose la.

Willow lane—last turn r s St. Giles’, before reaching the ch.

Windsor place—Southwell st.

Windsor terrace—Grove rd.

Wiseman’s yard—Muspole st.

Wooden entry—Pottergate st.

Woolpack yard—second yard l s Botolph street

Workhouse—on the Dereham rd., up the la. on the loft, leading past the Cemetery

World’s End la—at bottom of Palace plain, l s

Wounded Hart lane—Upper market, nr. the Wounded Hart

Wrestlers’ yard—l s St. James’ st., nr. Wrestlers’ inn

Yarington’s court—r s Wensum st., nr. Fye bridge

York place—row red brick houses r s Chapel Field rd. fr. St. Stephen’s gates

York Tavern passage—l s Orford hill, leading to Castle hill

Youell’s buildings—l s Hall rd., nr. Freemasons’ Arms


The following is a Directory of the Villages within a circuit of five miles.

ARMINGHALL, a small parish in Henstead hundred, 2½ miles from Norwich, contained, in 1851, 56 inhabitants.  It comprises 630 acres, which belong to the Dean and Chapter of Norwich, who are lords of the manor, patrons of the living, and impropriators of the tithes.  The living is a perpetual curacy, held by the Rev. Thomas John Batcheler, B.D., who resides at Norwich.


Hammond, John, market gardener

Parker, George William, farmer

Saul, Robert, blacksmith

Waters, Edward, farmer and poor rate collector, The Hall

Spink, William, parish clerk


BAWBURGH, or BABUR, in Forehoe hundred, 5 miles from Norwich, contains 1400 acres, and the population, in 1851, was 460.  Lord Stafford is lord of the manor, and the chief landowners are J. S. Muskett, Esq., of Eaton, and Sir W. Parish, Knt.  The living is a vicarage, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich.  The Rev. G. Carter, of Norwich, is the incumbent, and the Rev. J. H. Payne, of Colney, the curate.


Browne, Daniel, blacksmith

Buxton, Samuel, King’s Head

Candler, Edward, superintendent of paper mills

Child, John William, baker

Cole, Jas., wheelwright and blacksmith

Cross, Thomas, farmer

Davey, James, bricklayer

Delane, Magnay and Co., paper mills (and at Taverham)

Dunham, James, shoemaker

Dunnell, William, shoemaker

Forster, William, The Cock

Hart, Thomas, farmer

Harvey, George, butcher

Matthews, Robert, parish clerk

Reeve, Thomas, butcher

Smith, Timothy, farmer

Sturgess, Elizabeth, school-mistress

Sturgess, William, school-master

Tann, Samuel, wheelwright

Tyler, John, shopkeeper


BEESTON ST. ANDREW, in Taverham hundred.  3 miles north of Norwich, contains three farms and a few cottages.  The Old Hall was built in 1610, and is still standing.  The chief part of the land belongs to the Rev. J. N. Micklethwait and O. Barnes, Esq.  Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart., is lord of the manor.  There is no church, but a sinecure rectory, in the patronage of the Rev. Henry Banfather, who is also the incumbent.  The population, in 1851, was 41.

Barnes, Orlando, farmer

Bowen, Thomas, farmer

Howlett, Harcourt, farmer

Gowen, Abraham, gardener


p. 189BIXLEY is a pretty village, in the hundred of Henstead, about 3 miles from Norwich.  It consists of 634 acres of land, chiefly the property of the Earl of Rosebery, who is lord of the manor.  The population, in 1851, was 128.  The living is a rectory, with that of Earl Framingham annexed, in the gift of the Rev. Charles David Brereton, M.A., who is also the incumbent.


Base, Samuel, Esq., Lodge

Martin, Mrs., Hall


Clare, Charles and Son, millers and merchants

Jarmay, Charles, farm bailiff

Parker, Arthur, farmer

Parker, Charles, farmer

Parker, George, yeoman

Seaman, William, farmer, and poor’s rate collector

Sowter, James, yeoman

Sowter, John, farmer


BRAMERTON, situate in the hundred of Henstead, 4½ miles from Norwich, contains 230 inhabitants and 728 acres of land.  The living is a rectory in the gift of Robert Fellowes, Esq: the Rev. Edmund Blake is the incumbent.  The parish school is attended by between 40 and 50 children.


Blake, Rev. Edmund, M.A., Rectory

Blake, John Joseph, Esq.

Blake, Mrs. Sophia


Beaumont, Henry, sen., carpenter

Beaumont, Robert, farmer and parish clerk

Crisp, William, farm bailiff

Forder, John, grocer and poor’s rate collector

Frost, Samuel, market gardener

Green, John, corn miller

Miller, Mrs. Mary, farmer

Moore, John, postmaster

Nobbs, J., butcher and pig dealer

Nobbs, John, shopkeeper

Osborne, J., farmer and cattle dealer

Rudd, Robert Gray, farmer

Todd, David, blacksmith

Turner, Miss Harriet, schoolmistress

Turner, Samuel, Woods End Ferry, and plumber and painter


BOWTHORPE, 3 miles from Norwich, has but about 30 inhabitants, and 600 acres of land, belonging to R. Frank, Esq., and all farmed by Mr. Howlett.  The church is in ruins, and the curacy is consolidated with Earlham.


CAISTOR ST. EDMUND, a village in Henstead hundred, 3 miles from Norwich, contains 154 inhabitants, and 1045a. 1r. 10p. of land.  The living is a rectory, consolidated with that of Markshall, in the gift of Mrs. Dashwood, of Caistor Hall, who is also lady of the manor; the incumbent is the Rev. John Arthy.  Caistor is supposed to have been the capital of the Iceni, a Belgic tribe, and was by the Romans called Venta Icenorum, and for distinction, Castrum, the camp, whence the East Angles, on their conquest of the country, called it Caistor.  Many Roman antiquities and coins, preserved at Norwich, have been found here of various emperors.


Arthy, Rev. John, M.A., rector

Dashwood, Mrs. Harriet, the Hall


Cogman, John, blacksmith and parish clerk

Culling, Thomas Norman, farmer

Davy, A., wheelwright and carpenter

King, James, farmer

Spurrell, John, farmer

Williamson, Thomas, farmer, and poor rate collector


p. 190CARLETON ST. MARY, or East Carleton, in Humbleyard hundred and Henstead union, is distant from Swainsthorpe station 2 miles, and Norwich 5.  It contained 284 inhabitants in 1851, and 1213 acres of land.  East Carleton anciently formed two parishes, and had two churches, which are now united for parochial, but separated for ecclesiastical purposes.  The church of St. Peter went to ruins in 1550, but its discharged rectory still remains as a sinecure, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and incumbency of the Rev. Samuel Barker, of Lakenheath, in Suffolk.  The living of the church of St. Mary is a rectory, in the gift of the Norwich Charity Trustees, who are lords of one of the manors, and the Rev. Robert John Francis, of Beccles, is the incumbent.  The chief landowners are the Rev. John Henry Steward, M.A., who is also lord of the manor of Carleton, late Townshend’s, and Sir John Peter Boileau, Bart.


Denison, Stephen Charles, Esq., The Lodge

Francis, Mrs. Letitia

Steward, Rev. John H., M.A., Manor house


Albrough, William, market gardener

Bailey, Robert, butcher

Baldwin, Richard, market gardener

Bunting, John, wheelwright

Cooper, John, parish clerk

Edwards, John Green, farmer

Fairman, James, market gardener

Forster, William, blacksmith

Heard, George, farmer

Huggins, William, farmer and collector of taxes

Land, Mrs. Sarah, shopkeeper

Smith, Matthew, farmer and collector of rates

Swann, John, land bailiff

Thrower, Isaac, boot and shoe maker


CATTON (OLD) is a picturesque village, about 2½ miles from Norwich, with 900 acres of land, and, in 1851, a population of 618.  The living is a vicarage, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich, who are also lords of the manor, and the vicar is the Rev. Richard Hart, B.A.  The Hall is occupied by John Henry Gurney, Esq., M.P.  NEW CATTON is a suburb of Norwich.


Barnes, Miss Jane, Old hall

Blake, Robert Wiffen, Esq.

Chamberlin, Robert, Esq.

Cooke, Henry, Esq.

Cubitt, William Jary, Esq.

Gedge, George, Esq.

Gurney, John Henry, Esq., M.P., Hall

Hart, Rev. Richard, B.A., Vicarage

Heath, Charles, Esq.

Long, Edmund Slingsby, Esq.

Massingham, Joseph, Esq.

Millard, William Salter, Esq.

Minty, Miss

Morse, Mrs. George

Rackham, Thomas Hanworth, Esq., The Cottage

Rackham, Thomas John Carter, Esq., The Grove

Springfield, Osborn, Esq.

Waite, John Newman, Esq.


Attoe, John, lime burner

Badcock, William, blacksmith

Broad John, boot maker

Dennington, Thomas, gardener

Dixon, Owen, farmer

p. 191Guymer, Joseph, wheelwright

Guymer, Richard, parish clerk and carpenter

Guymer, William, carpenter

Hinde, Ephraim, farmer

Hipper, Robert, Maid’s Head inn

Howeld John, boot and shoe maker

Jackson, Mrs. Harriet, mistress of the Free School

Lambert, Edward, market gardener

Minns, John, farmer

Neale, William, blacksmith

Newman, Mrs. Mary A., laundress

Oakley, John, tailor

Orsborn, Mark, woodman and bricklayer

Paul, William, George and Dragon inn, and boot and shoe maker

Plowman, Robert, Magpie inn, and saddler and harness maker

Rackham, Elijah, farmer

Rackham, Elisha, market gardener

Rackham, Thomas H., solicitor

Rippingale, Mrs. Sarah, shopkeeper

Scott, Samuel, farmer

Walker Thomas, baker and postmaster


COLNEY, 3 miles from Norwich, contains about 90 inhabitants and nearly 1000 acres of land, belonging to Joseph Scott, Esq.  The living is a rectory in the gift of Mr. Scott.  The Rev. E. Postle, M.A., is the incumbent, and, the Rev. J. H. Payne, M.A., the curate.


Payne, Rev. John Hervey, M.A.

Scott, Joseph, Esq., The Hall


Bone, Mrs. Hannah, sub-postmistress

Bone, Thomas, boot and shoe maker

Gayford, Luke, blacksmith

Meen, Samuel, farmer

Utting, John, farmer

Wilson, John, boot and shoe maker


COSTESSEY, or Cossey, is a scattered but pleasant village, 4 miles from Norwich, in the Forehoe hundred and union, with a population of about 1100.  The Hall is the seat of Lord Stafford, who is lord of the manor, and the principal landowner.  The living is a perpetual curacy, in the gift of the Great Hospital, at Norwich, and enjoyed by the Rev. James William Evans, M.A.  There are a National school, a British school, a large Roman Catholic school, and Baptist and Roman Catholic chapels.


Evans, Rev. James W., Cottage

Husenbeth, Right Rev. F. C., D.D., (Catholic)

Ivory, Rev. John, Baptist minister

Kidd, Mr. Thomas

Martin, Mr. Edmund


Banham, James, well sinker

Banham, William, farmer and butcher

Barker, Robert, farmer

Bealey, Thomas, shopkeeper and wheelwright

Blowers, John, land agent, Hall

Cannell, Jacob, butcher

Carr, John, farmer

Coe, John, police constable

Cole, William, gardener

Culley, Henry Utting, corn miller

Culley, John, farmer

Cushion, William, shoemaker

Fairman, Benjamin, basket maker

Grant, Joseph, glass stainer

Frost, Rose, National schoolmistress

Gunton, Edward, Red Lion

Gunton, George, brickmaker

Hall, Horatio, druggist and grocer

Harman, Henry, farmer

Hastings Edward, carpenter

Hastings, Elizabeth, farmer

p. 192Hastings, William, carpenter

Howard, Peter, farmer

Hudson, James, The Falcon

Jewell, Samuel, veterinary surgeon

Kidd, Mrs., bricklayer

Lavender, John, farmer, Park

Laws, Mark, shoemaker

Norman, John, bricklayer and lime burner

Perry, John L., grocer and draper

Rising, Robert C., farmer, Lodge

Sadler, John, shoemaker

Savage, George, saddler

Sidney, Robert C., shopkeeper

Sisson, Henry, Black Swan

Smith, Charles, registrar of marriages

Sparks, Mary, British school

Spaul, John, tailor

Spaul, Miss Betsey, shopkeeper

Taylor, John, The Bush, and watchmaker

Taylor, Mrs. William, farmer

Watcham, Charles, butcher and farmer

Wighton, John, gardener

Wighton, Mrs., White Hart

White, John, gamekeeper, Park

White, Richard, gamekeeper and woodman


CRINGLEFORD, in Humbleyard hundred and Henstead union, is situated about 2½ miles from Norwich, and 3 from the Hethersett railway station.  The parish contains nearly 1000 acres of land and about 200 inhabitants.  The Trustees of the Great Hospital, (St. Helen’s) Norwich, are impropriators of the tithes and patrons of the living, which is a perpetual curacy, now held by the Rev. Edward Priest, B.A., with a stipend of £100 per annum.  A large school-room for this and the adjoining parishes, with a capital residence for the master, has been erected here by subscription.


Bateman, James, Esq.

Davie, Rev. William Cufaude, M.A., curate of Intwood, Intwood rectory, in Cringleford

Girdlestone, Mrs. Mary Ann

Patteson, Mrs.

Priest, Rev. Edward, B.A., incumbent, Parsonage

Tyler, William, Esq.


Candler, Horatio, miller and farmer

Cannell, Abraham, sen., farmer

Cannell, Abraham, jun., farmer

Cracknell, John, wheelwright and blacksmith

Drane, William, farmer

George, George, farmer

Land, John, schoolmaster

Reynolds, John, farmer


CROSTWICK, in the Taverham hundred, 4 miles from Norwich, contains a population of 140, and 700 acres of excellent land, the property of John Longe, Esq., of Spixworth, and Lieut. Col. Stracey.  The living is a rectory in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and the Rev. E. J. Bell is the incumbent.  There is a National school for between 40 and 50 children.


Bell, Rev. Edward John, M.A.


Benseley, John, farmer

Crowe, Alfred, wheelwright

Money, John, carpenter

Towler, Frederick, farmer

Woodcock, William, farmer

Woodhouse, Betsey, White Horse, and shopkeeper


p. 193DRAYTON, in Taverham hundred and in the union of St. Faith’s, is situated about 4½ miles north-west of Norwich station.  The principal object of interest is the ruin of old Drayton Lodge, situated on an acclivity half a mile south-west of the church, near the residence of Frederick Magnay, Esq.  Its walls are composed of yellow brick.  Here is also an entrenchment field of battle, called Bloodsdale, and the ruins of an ancient cross.  The church of St. Margaret is a plain building, with thatched roof and square tower.  The living, in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich, is a rectory consolidated with Hellesdon, joint gross annual value £649.  The Rev. Hinds Howell, B.A., is the incumbent, and resides at the Rectory.  There is a National School recently opened for boys and girls; and there is also a Baptist Chapel in the village.  The parish contains 1284 acres, and in 1851, the population was 472.


Bradshaw, Capt. Francis Green

Bradshaw, Francis Weston, Esq.

Howell, Rev. H., B.A., (rector) Rectory

Magnay, Frederick Arthur, Esq.


Adcock, Edmund, farmer

Adcock, Henry, Cock inn, and farmer

Adcock, William, bootmaker

Arger, John, pork butcher

Bell, William, wheelwright

Bessey, John, bootmaker

Blyth, Matthew, brewer

Bunn, Samuel, farmer

Buttle, Henry, postmaster and shopkeeper

Cannell, John, blacksmith

Eke, Everett, blacksmith

Fenn, Robert, shoemaker, and collector of rates and taxes

French, Miles, farmer

Fuller, Daniel, parish clerk

Hipper, Robert, butcher

Howard, Jeremiah, saw and corn mills

Howard, William, Red Lion

March, John, shopkeeper

Norton, Hammond, landowner and farmer


DUNSTON, in Humbleyard hundred and Henstead union, distant from Swainsthorpe station 1½ mile, and from Norwich 4 miles, contained, in 1851, 126 inhabitants, and 613 acres of land, principally the property of Robert Kellett Long, Esq., of Dunston Hall, who is lord of the manor.  The church of St. Remigius is a small building with square tower; it has a brass in the chancel, with effigies of Clere Talbot and his two wives.  The living is a perpetual curacy, and the present incumbent is the Rev. H. C. Long, and his curate the Rev. J. W. Wenn, who resides at Mangreen Hall.  There is a school, supported by the lord of the manor.


Fish, John

Long, Robert K., Esq., Dunston Hall

Moy, John


Dady, John, parish clerk

Le Neve, — farmer

Lincoln, Jeremiah, steward to R. K. Long, Esq.

Stimpson, Miss Mary A., schoolmistress


EARLHAM is a romantic little village, 2 miles from Norwich.  The Hall—the birthplace and early residence of Elizabeth Fry—is now occupied by the Rev. William Ripley, M.A.  The living is a vicarage, with Bowthorpe consolidated, enjoyed by the Rev. J. H. Payne, who resides at Colney.


Beauchamp, Mrs. Augusta

Ripley, Rev. William Nottidge, M.A., Earlham hall


Bone, Mrs. Hannah, post-office

Bright, Edward, property and income tax collector

Bright, John, carpenter

Colman, William, farmer

Cross, Mrs. Mary Ann, farmer

Kett, James, farmer


EATON, 2 miles from Norwich, population nearly 800.  The Dean and Chapter of Norwich are lords of the manor, and the living is a vicarage, in their gift.  The Rev. George Day is the incumbent.


Beddingfield, Mr. Nelson, Newmarket road

Bedford, Mrs., Fern Hill cottage

Blythe, Miss Rhoda, Mile End lane

Button, Mrs., Mile End lane

Chamberlin, Mr. James, Mile End lane

Crooke, Mrs., Mile End lane

Davis, Mr. Samuel S., Mile End lane

Day, Peter, Esq., Beech lodge

Fickling, Miss Caroline, Mile End lane

Flowers, Mrs., Unthank’s road

Hill, Mr. Samuel S., Mile End lane

Jeckell, George, Esq., Eaton road

Muskett, Joseph, S., Esq.

Rossi, George, Esq., Eaton villa

Seed, Mr. Henry

Steward, Edward, Esq., Eaton hall

Stocks, Rev. Edward, M.A., Newmarket road

Sudbury, Mr. Thomas, Mile End lane

Taylor, Clement, Esq., Mile End lane

Taylor, Mrs., Mile End lane

Thorns, Mr. Robert, Eaton park


Dix, William James, farmer

Fish, John, The Cellar House inn

Ewing, John W., nurseryman, seedsman, and lime burner

Freeman, Charles R., wholesale grocer

George, Thomas W., farmer and brewer

Matthew, John, drillman

Newman, Henry, farmer, North farm

Nixon, Robert, Lamb inn

Stannard, James, Red Lion

Stannard, Thomas, cattle dealer

Stocks, Rev. Edward, M.A., academy

Stubbs, George, farmer, Mile end

Thirkettle, William, blacksmith

Webb, W., shopkeeper and postmaster


FRAMINGHAMS, two pretty and neatly-wooded parishes, called Framingham Pigot and Framingham Earl, the latter seated 4 miles south-east of Norwich, and the former extending one mile further south-eastward.  They are agricultural villages, possessing separate churches, both dedicated to St. Andrew.  The Earl of Roseberry is lord of the manor.  The land belongs to several owners, of whom G. B. Leak Knight, Esq., W. Jecks, Esq., and G. H. Christie, Esq., are the largest.  The living of Framingham Pigot is in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and the incumbent is the Rev. William Henry Plume, B.A.  Framingham Earl is a rectory, annexed to that of Bixley, joint annual value £608, in the gift of the incumbent, the Rev. Charles David Brereton, M.A.; his curate is the Rev. Godfrey John Bird.  There is a small Baptist chapel in Framingham Pigot, and a National school in Framingham Earl; also a Wesleyan chapel.  The population of Framingham Earl, in 1851, was 111, and Framingham Pigot, 345.  The old church at Framingham Pigot is now replaced by a handsome edifice in the Early English style, from designs by Mr. Thomas Loyd, of Norwich.



Bird, Rev. Godfrey John, curate

Black, Capt. George

Knight, George Brown Leak, Esq.


Barker, William, Railway tavern

Barker, William, carpenter

Blyth, Samuel, parish clerk

Blyth, Samuel, farm bailiff

Chaplin, Josiah, master of National school and postmaster

Gedge, John, farmer and poor’s rate collector

Utting, George, farmer



Christie, George Henry, Esq.

Hawkins, John, Esq.

Jecks, William, Esq.

Plume, Rev. William H., B.A., Rectory


Alexander, David, farmer

Barker, Thomas, farmer

Barker, William, Feathers

Beaumont, John, shoemaker

Beaumont, Robert, shoemaker

Ewing, John, bricklayer

Ewing, Robert, shoemaker and parish clerk

Grint, Miss Ruth, parochial schoolmistress

Hawkes, John, jun., market gardener

Holmes, William, market gardener

Ives, Thomas, farmer

Kirby, John, farmer

Lawrence, William, shopkeeper and carpenter

Long, George, market gardener and poor’s rate collector

Nunn, William, grocer and baker

Read, Charles, carpenter

Riches, Henry, cowkeeper

Sales, William, The Fox, and blacksmith

Spinks, — farmer and butcher

Wilkinson, Pinkingham, market gardener

Yallop, James, market gardener

Youngs, William, The Gull


GREAT AND LITTLE PORINGLANDGreat or East Poringland, 4½ miles from Norwich, is in Henstead union and hundred.  The Earl of Roseberry is lord of the manor.  The living is a rectory, with residence; the Rev. S. Brereton is the patron and incumbent, and the Rev. L. C. Wallich, M.A., is the curate.  Little Poringland is chiefly the property of the Rev. J. Holmes, who is also lord of the manor.  It is united with Great Poringland for the support of the poor, but not with regard to the roads.  The church is in ruins.  The living is a curacy consolidated with the rectory of Howe.  The population of the joint parishes in 1851, was 605.



Wallich, Rev. Leonard Calder, M.A., curate


Aylmer, William, The Dove

Beverly, Thomas, corn miller and farmer

Beverly, Tobias, farmer

Beverly, William, yeoman

Bullen, John, carpenter

Bullen, Thomas, wheelwright and carpenter

Case, William Drackett, blacksmith

Chalker, Mrs. Sarah, dressmaker

Critoph, Joseph, shopkeeper

Edwards, James, beer retailer and well sinker

Fransham, Mrs. Susannah, farmer

Goodrum, Benjamin, blacksmith

King, Charles, farmer

Lake, James, cattle dealer

Lawrence, James, White Hart, and well sinker and pump maker

Laws, R., White Swan, and bricklayer

Lincoln, John, blacksmith

Matthews, Norman, farmer

Palmer, Herbert, wheelwright and shopkeeper

Parker, John, miller and poor’s rate collector

p. 196Taylor, Joseph, shoemaker

Thetford, Robert Johnson, farmer

Todd, David, cattle dealer

Todd, J., cattle dealer, farmer and butcher

Utting, James, parish clerk

Utting, Mrs. Lydia, pork butcher

Wright, Jonathan, shopkeeper



Burrell, John, farmer

Hubbard, Charles, farmer

Seago, Thomas, farmer

Shortins, James, farmer


GREAT MELTON, in Humbleyard hundred and union of Henstead, is 3 miles from Hethersett station, and 6 from Norwich.  The Hall is a plain mansion, the seat of Charles Lombe, Esq., lord of the manor and chief owner.  The living is a rectory, with residence, in the gift of Caius College, Cambridge, and the incumbent is the Rev. Charles Eyres, M.A.  The village school-room, a very handsome building, was erected in 1850, at the sole expense of Charles Lombe, Esq.  The school, which is for boys and girls, is conducted on the National system, and supported by the lord of the manor and the Rev. Charles Eyres, with a small weekly payment from the scholars.


Eyres, Rev. Charles, M.A., rector

Rose, Mr. Thomas


Barber, Miss, schoolmistress

Barker, James, shopkeeper

Bloom, Thomas, farmer, College farm

Burrell, John, farmer

Child, J., beer retailer and blacksmith

Cunningham, James, shopkeeper

Dodd, Robert, farmer, Church farm

Howard, Matthew, farmer

Howlett, William, market gardener

Pearson, George, farmer, Whong farm

Pearson, James, farmer, Chapel farm

Reynolds, John, farmer

Rose, Phillip, farmer, High House and Rail farms

Sutton, William, farmer

Woodcock, John, parish clerk


HELLESDEN, or HELLESDON, is situated in Taverham hundred, about 2 miles from Norwich.  In 1851 the population was 467, but a great part is at Hellesdon hamlet, in the county of the city of Norwich.  The church of St. Mary is small but neat: it is square built, without a tower, but has a wooden belfry and spire.  The living is a rectory, consolidated with that of Drayton (see Drayton).  A National school was erected in 1852, by Government grant and subscriptions.


Bleakley, Mrs., Fir house

Delane, William, Esq.


Baldrey, John, market gardener, fruit, potatoe, and pea salesman, Upper Hellesden

Batson, Edward, miller, and postmaster, Upper Hellesden

Bleakley, Page, farmer, Fir house

Blyth, James, wheelwright

Cooper, John, farmer, Upper Hellesden

Cox, James, market gardener, Upper Hellesden

Cross, George, farmer

Dennington, Job, market gardener, Upper Hellesden

Gowing, George, farmer, Old Hall

Greenfield, Mrs. Clara, market gardener, Upper Hellesden

Holman, George, blacksmith

Orris, Alfred, farmer, Upper Hellesden

Larkman, Robert, market gardener, Upper Hellesden

Reynolds, Joshua, miller and guardian, Upper Hellesden

Tallowin, Joseph, Old Mile Cross, Upper Hellesden

Wells, William Harrison, miller

Wright, Miss Harriet, National schoolmistress, Upper Hellesden


p. 197HETHERSETT has a railway station on the Eastern Counties’ Railway.  This village is in Humbleyard hundred; 3 miles from Wymondham, and 6 from Norwich.  There is a chapel for Wesleyans; also a National and British school for boys and girls, which are both well attended.  The living is a rectory, with that of Canteloffe annexed, in the gift of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.  The present incumbent is the Rev. William Reynolds Collett, M.A.  The Oak of Reformation, under which the two Ketts and their associates took a solemn oath in 1549 to reform the abuses of Church and State, is still to be seen on the road from Wymondham to Hethersett.  The population is 1209.  John Henry Gurney, Esq., M.P., and Henry Back, Esq., are the chief landowners.  The station is in Ketteringham, about a mile distant.


Andrew, Rev. William Wayte, M.A., incumbent of Ketteringham, Wood hall

Back, Alfred, Esq.

Back, Henry, Esq.  Hethersett hall

Baker, Mr. Benjamin, Lynch green

Brown, The Misses

Collett, Rev. William Reynolds, M.A., Rectory

Cook, Mr. Thomas

Dickman, Mr. John

Langford, Capt. George

Norgate, Col. Charles


Bailey, Jonathan, boot and shoe maker

Bailey, Robert, bricklayer

Bale, Mrs. S., butcher and brickmaker

Barber, William, hairdresser

Buckingham, Nicholas, farmer

Buckingham, William, farmer

Bush, Robert, farmer, Dairy farm

Clarke, Mrs. Julia, shopkeeper

Clarke, Rowland, baker

Cunningham, W., boot and shoe maker

Curson, John, boot and shoe maker

Curson, John, builder and brickmaker

Eldridge, James, schoolmaster

Eldridge, Mrs. Maria, schoolmistress

Emms, Mrs. Mary, straw bonnet maker, Miller’s row

Fisk, Ed., saddler and harness maker

Ford, William, King’s Head

Fox, James, Greyhound

Harvey, J., agricultural machine maker

Herne, Thomas, blacksmith

Hickling, T., saddler and harness maker

Hood, John, jun., farmer

Howard, David, butcher

Ireland, Robert, carpenter, Lynch green


HOLVERSTONE, in Henstead hundred and union, 5 miles from Norwich, contains 345 acres of land, which mostly belongs to the executors of the late John Marcon, Esq., of Swaffham.  The church of St. Mary was dilapidated some centuries ago, and no part of it now remains.  The rectory is in three medieties, united to Rockland St. Marys, Bergh Apton, and Hillington.  The population, in 1851, was 30.


Andrews, Jesse, farmer and poor’s rate collector, The Hall

Andrews, William, farmer

Sussams, Darius, market gardener


HORSFORD is a scattered village and parish, between 4 and 5 miles from Norwich, belonging principally to Viscount Ranelagh, and Sir Thomas B. Lennard, Bart., who is lord of the manor.  The population is about 700.  The living is a vicarage, held by the Rev. William Atthill M.A.


Armes, Mrs. Sarah

Atthill, Rev. William, M.A., Vicarage

Day, James, Esq.

Gill, John Brooke, Esq.

Mc’Donald, Mrs.

Sambourne, Miss


Andrews, Alfred, boot and shoe maker

Andrews, Robert, farmer

Armes, Mrs. Rachel, dressmaker

Armes, Robert, parish clerk

Baker, Charles, farmer

Baker, Henry, farm bailiff

Baker, John, farmer

Barrett, Mrs. Elizabeth, farmer

Barrett, Samuel, farmer

Blyth, Philip, farmer

Bowles, Benjamin Robert, farmer

Bunn, John, bricklayer

Bunn, Mrs. Sarah, farmer

Bunn, William, joiner

Canham, John, farmer and landowner

Chapman, James, beer retailer

Chubbock, Henry, Spotted Dog inn

Chubbock, Robert, butcher

Cole, James, The Crown inn

Crome, Samuel, farmer

French, Wallace, butcher and grocer

Frost, John, farmer

Greaves, Thomas and James, farmers

Greaves, John Snelling, farm bailiff

Greaves, William, farm bailiff

Harsent, Samuel, market gardener

Harvey, William, boot and shoe maker

Howe, William, bricklayer

Hutton, John and William, farmers

Lacy, Pamela, day school

Lacy, Virtue, dressmaker

March, James, farmer

March, Jeremiah, carpenter

Oliver, Mrs. Mary, beer retailer

Pratt, William, farmer

Punt, Abraham, farmer

Punt, Elijah, farmer

Pye, Theophilus, baker and shopkeeper

Reeve, Edmund, farmer

Rice, Richard, coachmaker

Springle, Elijah, bricklayer

Wade, John, blacksmith

Wade, Walter, shoemaker

Walker, Mrs. Elizabeth, shopkeeper

Williamson, Frederick, farmer

Williamson, Mrs. Martha, dressmaker

Wortley, Robert, farmer


HORSHAM ST. FAITH and NEWTON ST. FAITH are two villages forming one parish, generally known as “St. Faith’s,” from 4 to 5 miles from Norwich, in Taverham hundred.  There were, in 1851, 923 inhabitants in Horsham, and 288 in Newton.  The parish comprises 2700 acres, belonging to several proprietors, the largest of whom is Viscount Ranelagh, who is lord of the manor and patron of the living, a perpetual curacy, held by the Rev. William Atthill, M.A., of Horsford.  The Wesleyans have a chapel in each village.



Priestley, William Stanton, Esq.


Barker, Edmund, veterinary surgeon

Blyth, John, boot maker

Bridger, John, boot maker

Cable, Robert, King’s Head

Carman, Philip, farmer, and superintendent registrar

Cook, James, farmer

Cook, William Warner, farmer

Cooper, James, market gardener

Cox, Mrs. Charlotte Maria, schoolmistress to Union

Cox, William Salisbury, schoolmaster to Union

Dickerson, Mrs. Ann, matron of Union

Dickerson, James, master of Union

Eglinton, Richard, farmer and miller

Harper, Miss Elizabeth, shopkeeper

Leamon, Edmund, market gardener

Livock, Thomas, farmer

Lovick, John, beer retailer, and farmer

Lovick, Samuel, shopkeeper

Newton, William, boot maker

p. 199Norm, Mrs. Eve Elizabeth, market gardener, and beer retailer

Pearce, John, blacksmith

Priestley, William Stanton, surgeon

Randall, H., saddler and harness maker

Ryner, Allen, tailor

Reynolds, Edward, farmer, Elm farm

Reynolds, Jas., corn and seed merchant

Reynolds, Mrs. Kerenhappuch, farmer

Reynolds, Samuel, farmer

Rice, James, Black Swan, butcher and postmaster

Rice, James, jun., butcher and dealer

Richards, Robert, relieving officer, and registrar of births and deaths

Scarnett, John, farmer, builder, and registrar of marriages

Scarnett, John, junr., blacksmith and grocer

Scarnett, John, senr., carpenter

Turner, Edward, farmer

West, John, farmer

Webb, Benjamin, shopkeeper and basket maker

Woodcock, Samuel, The Crown

Yarrington, Henry, market gardener



Batley, Stephen, chair maker

Bullard, R., jun., shopkeeper and butcher

Bullard, Robert, senr., farmer

Cooper, John, shopkeeper

Newton, Richard, boot maker

Palmer, Benjamin, licensed hawker

Pointer, Edmund, The Crown

Pointer, George, shopkeeper

Reynolds, James, farmer

Reynolds, Joshua, farmer

Smith, John, shoemaker

Woodcock, Joseph, farmer

Woodcock, Mark, cattle dealer


INTWOOD, a small village, near Hethersett station, 3½ miles from Norwich, containing upwards of 600 acres of land, all the property of Joseph Salisbury Muskett, Esq., of Eaton.  The living is a rectory, consolidated with that of Keswick, of the joint annual value of £350, in the gift of J. S. Muskett, Esq.; the Rev. Edmund Saul Dixon is the incumbent, and the Rev. William Cufaude Davie, M.A., of Cringleford, curate.  Hudson Gurney, Esq., is lord of the manor.


Bacon, Richard, Noverre, Esq., Intwood hall


Allden, William Spratt, farmer

Cannell, Henry, parish clerk


KESWICK, a small parish in Humbleyard hundred and Henstead union, 3 miles from Norwich.  The population, in 1851, was 126.  The parish, which contains 722 acres of land, belongs principally to Hudson Gurney, Esq., who is lord of the manor, and occupies the New hall.  Of the church nothing remains but part of the round tower.  The rectory is consolidated with that of Intwood.


Birkbeck, Mrs., Old Hall

Gurney, Hudson, Esq., New Hall


Beezer, John, postmaster

Blomfield, Miles, miller

Edwards, T., farmer and land agent


KIRBY BEDON, in Henstead hundred, 3 miles from Norwich, contains 300 inhabitants and 1360 acres of land, belonging to the lords of the manor, Sir H. J. Stracey, Bart., and Charles Lombe, Esq., and to Mrs. Woolsey.  The living is a rectory, annual value £200, with residence in the gift of Henry Muskett, Esq., and is now held by the Rev. E. Day.


Day, Rev. Edward, A.B., Rectory

Harvey, William, Esq.

Woolsey, Mrs. Maria


Bird, William, farmer

Butcher, James, farm bailiff

Clare, Charles, farmer

Crowe, Charles Bunn, carpenter and wheelwright

Crowe, Simon R., carpenter and wheelwright

Horne, Robert, Stracey Arms

Mallett, James, parish clerk

Money, William F., farmer

Neave, Richard, shopkeeper and market gardener

Varvill, James, bricklayer

Varvill, James, sen., farmer


LITTLE MELTON, a scattered parish, with 379 inhabitants, principally small farmers and agricultural labourers, is in Humbleyard hundred, and Henstead union.  The lord of this manor is Charles Lombe, Esq.  The living is a vicarage, of the annual value of £110, with residence, in the patronage of Emanuel College, Cambridge; the incumbent is the Rev. John Charles Barkley, M.A.  There is a village school for boys and girls, supported by voluntary contributions.


Barkley, Rev. John Charles, M.A., incumbent, Parsonage


Aldred, Thomas Dove, farmer

Aves, John, farmer

Blyth, William, market gardener

Drane, William Tuttell, surveyor and valuer, and manufacturer of cattle food, and at Norwich

Eden, Edmund, market gardener

Fisher, Thomas, farmer

Forster, Tho., parish clerk and farmer, Corporation farm

Fox, Edmund, plumber, painter and glazier

Girling, The Misses Elizabeth and Juliana, shopkeepers

Goward, Mary Ann, schoolmistress

Hipperson, S., bricklayer and farmer

Kemp, John, market gardener

Lovett, John, shopkeeper

Reynolds, Miss Maria, beer retailer and shopkeeper

Ringer, Daniel, farmer, Low common

Thompson, James, market gardener

Wright, Frederick, miller


MARKSHALL, or Mattishall Heath, 2½ miles from Norwich, contains but 4 houses and 26 inhabitants.  The land belongs chiefly to Mrs. H. Dashwood, of Caistor St. Edmund, with which, the church having been desecrated, the parish has long been consolidated in ecclesiastical matters.


Gillett, Mrs.


Gillett, Thomas, farmer


MULBARTON, in Humbleyard hundred, and Henstead union, 5 miles from Norwich, contains 587 inhabitants, and 1350 acres of land.  The living is a rectory, with that of Kenningham annexed, joint annual value £606, in the gift of the Rev. J. H. Steward, and the Rev. Richard Gay Lucas, B.A., the incumbent.  The Rev. J. H. Steward, M.A., and Sir William Bellairs, Knt., are the chief landowners; the former being lord of the manor.  There is a school on the National system.


Bellairs, Capt. Edmund Hook Wilson, Mulbarton lodge

Lucas, Rev. Richard Gay, B.A., J.P., Rectory

Squires, Mr. Paul


Banham, Joshua, carpenter

Barrell, Mrs. Charlotte, shopkeeper

Barrell, William, miller

Blake, John, butcher

Blake, Robert, butcher and farmer

Blomfield, Dennis, miller

Catchpole, John, boot and shoe maker

Fiddymont, Samuel, farmer

Forster, Charles, farmer

Francis, George, plumber, painter and glazier

Girling, Robert, pork butcher

King, Randall, farmer

Lain, John, farmer

Mitchell, Mrs. Mary Ann, shopkeeper

Rice, James, blacksmith

Petchell, Mark Bean, boys’ school, and registrar of births and deaths

Rice, John, baker

Rice, R., beer retailer and wheelwright

Spratt, Andrew, parish clerk

Todd, Miss Harriett, shopkeeper and postmistress

Todd, William, World’s End inn, and collector of taxes

Turner, James, landowner, farming his own land

Turner, John, farmer

Youngman, Miss Fanny, schoolmistress


NEWTON ST. FAITH—see Horsham St. Faith.


PLUMSTEAD (GREAT), a small parish in Blofield hundred, distant from Norwich 5 miles.  The population, in 1851, was 359.  The living is a perpetual curacy, annual value £100, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich; the incumbent is the Rev. Edward Cole, M.A.


Campbell, Alexander, F., Esq.

Cole, Rev. Edward, M.A.


Barker, Peter, farmer

Browne, Robert, farmer

Crow, Frederick, carpenter

Forster, Francis, farmer

George, William, wheelwright

Goose, William, farmer

Gosling, John, farmer

Lond, John, shoemaker

Maidstone, R., parish clerk, and postmaster

Newman, Robert, farmer

Pyle, Henry, Hare inn

Scott, Jonathan, farmer

Simmons, Francis, shoemaker

Sutton, Francis, blacksmith

Tills, John, farmer


PLUMSTEAD (LITTLE), in Blofield hundred, distant 5 miles from Norwich, contains about 300 inhabitants.  The living is a rectory, and the Rev. John Leatherdale is the incumbent.


Gaze, Mr. Charles

Leatherdale, Rev. John

Moss, Charles


Boast, Moses, farmer

Boughton, John, farmer

Bunn, Samuel, Bookmakers’ Arms

Chamberlain, Charles, shoemaker

Crow, Robert, farmer

Dye, George, farmer

Harmer, William, carpenter

Nicholls, Fitt, carpenter and wheelwright

Read, Clare Sewell, farmer

Stevens, William John, farmer


p. 202POSTWICK, a small village in Blofield hundred, 2 miles from Brundall station, and 4 from Norwich, contains 271 inhabitants.  The Earl of Rosebery is lord of the manor and patron of the benefice.  The living is a rectory, held by the Rev. Charles Ford, M.A., who resides here.  The whole parish belongs to the Earl of Rosebery, except the detached marshes.


Ford, Rev. Charles, M.A., Rectory

Gostling, Mrs. Ann


Attoe, G., wheelwright and postmaster

Attoe, Miss Mary, mistress of National school

Edwards, James, shopkeeper

Gillett, Cyrus, farmer, Hall

Goose, William Norman, farmer

Hood, Peter, blacksmith

Parker, James, farmer

Parker, John William, farmer

Pummell, James, parish clerk

Seeley, John, farmer


RACKHEATH, in the Taverham hundred, 4½ miles from Norwich, has a population of nearly 200 inhabitants, and 2000 acres of land.  Sir H. J. Stracey, Bart., who resides at the Hall, is lord of the manor and patron of the living.  There is a village school supported by Sir H. J. Stracey.


Hodgson, Rev. Frederick, M.A., rectory

Stracey, Sir Henry, Bart., the Hall


Barnes, George, farmer

Clarke, John, Green Man

Forder, Joseph, blacksmith

Gillingwater, Edward, farmer

Kemp, William, farmer

Jones, Mrs. Catherine, mistress of free school

Utting, Henry, farmer

Watts, Robert, farmer


SHOTTESHAM ALL SAINTS, or High Shottesham, a village 2 miles from Swainsthorpe station, and 6 from Norwich, is in Henstead hundred and union.  The area of the parish is 1591 acres, nearly all of which belong to Robert Fellowes, Esq., the lord of the manor and patron of the vicarage, to which those of Shottesham St. Mary, St. Botolph, and the rectory of St. Martin, are annexed.  The Rev. Charles Fellowes, M.A., is the present incumbent.  The two parishes have the privilege of sending eight poor people to the East Greenwich Hospital.  There is a school in the parish, supported by R. Fellowes, Esq., and the Rev. C. Fellowes.


Fellowes, Rev. Charles, M.A., vicar, Vicarage

Merry, Francis William, Esq.


Barnes, William, pork butcher

Baxter, Robert, market gardener

Baxter, Thomas, farmer

Boyce, Francis, maltster and farmer

Burgess, Thomas, farmer

Burgess, Thomas, jun., farmer

Cutts, William, Duke’s Head inn, and blacksmith

Cutts, William and Co., artificial manure manufacturers

Godfrey, Thomas, farmer

Gooch, James, shopkeeper, agent for British Economical manure, and postmaster

Harvey, Mrs. Maria, shopkeeper

Herne, Miss Mercy, shopkeeper

Huggins, Thomas, farmer

Huggins, William, farmer

King, G., Crown, and market gardener

Martins, Charles, shoemaker and carrier

Merry, Francis William, surgeon

p. 203Mitchell, John, shopkeeper

Nicholls, Mrs. Anderlinda, milliner and dressmaker

Parfitt, Robert, butcher; and at Brooke

Purday, H., tailor and woollen draper

Riches, G., shoemaker and parish clerk

Riches, Jeremiah, beer retailer and market gardener

Sayer, James, rat destroyer

Tyrell, Abraham, butcher

White, T., carpenter and wheelwright

White, Mrs. M. A., parish schoolmistress

Whiting, Samuel, shoemaker

Wilson, Philip, shopkeeper

Winter, John, farmer, and poor’s rate collector


SHOTTESHAM ST. MARY, or Low Shottesham, comprises the parishes of St. Mary, St. Martin, and St. Botolph, and is situated 5 miles from Norwich, in Henstead hundred and union.  The parish contained, in 1851, a population of 352.  The church of St. Mary is a small edifice, in good condition; but St. Martin’s and St. Botolph’s have been in ruins for several centuries.  Their benefices, with the rectory of St. Martin, were consolidated with Shottesham All Saints soon after the Reformation.  Charles Fellowes, M.A., is the incumbent.  Shottesham Park is the seat of Robert Fellowes, Esq., who is lord of the manor.  A small school was established in 1852, by Mrs. Fellowes, the average attendance at which is 52.


Fellowes, Robert, Esq., Shottesham park


Boyce, F., plumber, painter and glazier

Brighton, Henry, machine thrasher

Grice, Saul, farmer

Lee, Walter, farmer

Martin, J., shoemaker and shopkeeper

Miles, John Wakelin, corn miller, merchant, and farmer

Raven, William Beverley, farmer

Sayer, Mrs. Mary, farmer

Smart, — land agent

Warmoll, John, farmer

Welley, Mrs. Mary, mistress of parish school


SPIXWORTH, in Taverham hundred, 4 miles north of Norwich, contains about 2000 acres of land, and in 1851, the population was 41.  The church of St. Peter, a neat building, with chancel, one aisle, and small tower, contains a large handsome monument to the memory of the Pecks, and several to the Longes and others.  The living is a rectory, annual value £362, with residence, in the gift of John Longe, Esq., and held by the Rev. Henry Howes, M.A.


Howes, Rev. Henry, M.A., Parsonage

Longe, John, Esq., The Hall


Eaton, George, farmer

Graver, William, blacksmith

Holmes, Benjamin, farmer

Porter, Mrs. Jane, farmer, The Grange


SPROWSTON is an extensive village in the Taverham hundred, 3 miles from Norwich, with a population of upwards of 1300.  The living is a curacy, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich, and the present incumbent is the Rev. H. Banfather.


Aldridge, John

Anderson, William

Banfather, Rev. Henry, B.D.

Chambers, John William, Esq.

Cobb, Mrs.

Gale, Mr. William

Harman, Leonard

Hastings, Edmund, Esq.

Kitton, John, Esq.

Loose, Charles, Esq.

Massingham, Henry Alpe, Esq.

Pratt, William, Esq.

Riches, Robert, Esq.

Rushmare, William, Esq.

Slade, Daniel Davis, Esq.

Stewart, Isaac, Esq.

Stracey, Edward, The Lodge


Andrews, F., blacksmith, wheelwright, carpenter, and postmaster

Atkinson, Robert, farmer

Austin, Edward, wind saw mills

Bacon, C., brickmaker, steam sawing mills, and farmer

Bacon, Thomas, market gardener

Barker, John, market gardener

Barnes, George, farmer

Blake, Benjamin, butcher

Blake, George, brickmaker

Bond, Henry, miller

Browne, David, seedsman and florist

Burrows, John, baker and grocer

Burrows, P., Norfolk and Norwich Arms

Burrows, Thomas, yeoman, The Ship

Catton, Richard, market gardener

Chambers, John William, farmer

Chilvers, John, blacksmith

Crumpton, William, farmer

Cutler, John, market gardener

Durrant, William, relieving officer, and registrar of births and deaths

Easton, Isaac, baker

Edwards, William, lime burner

Edwards, T., lime burner and postmaster

Edwards, Thomas P., agent to the British Life Insurance Society

Everett, John, steward to Col. Stracey

Fitt, John, market gardener

Fox, John, carpenter

Gale, Mrs. Miriam, midwife

George, George, butcher

Gilbert, James, plumber and glazier

Goodson, Henry, hurdle maker

Harrison, Edmund, farmer

Hudson, Charles, beer retailer

Jarmy, Thomas, brickmaker

Lloyd, Mrs. Hannah, farmer

Ludkins, David, farmer

Ludkins, Richard, farmer

Olyott, Thomas, Blue Boar and farrier

Pearce, Miss Ann, straw bonnet maker

Peart, William, tailor

Perowne, Miss Mary Ann, farmer, Denmark farm

Poll, David, brickmaker

Read, John, steward to Mr. Kitton

Robertson, George, flour miller

Rolfe, Matthew, shoemaker

Sidney, Mrs. Emily, shopkeeper

Sursham, Miss Susan, shopkeeper

Tooley, Jeremiah, cow keeper

Walker, Thomas, baker

Wiley, Jeremiah Cozens, farmer, Oak lodge

Yallop, William, farmer


ST. FAITH’S—see Horsham St. Faith.


STOKE HOLY CROSS, 2 miles from Swainsthorpe station and 5 from Norwich, in Henstead hundred and union, contained, in 1851, 451 inhabitants.  The land belongs chiefly to Sir R. J. Harvey, Knt., H. Birkbeck, and R. K. Long, Esqrs.  The living is a vicarage, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich, now held by the Rev. John Bailey, A.M.  There is a small Baptist chapel, built by Messrs. Colman; and a weekday and Sunday school, supported by Mrs. Birkbeck and the Vicar.


Bailey, Rev. John, M.A., vicar, surrogate and chaplain to Henstead union

Birkbeck, Henry, Esq., The Hall

Cremer, Mr. Charles

Miles, The Misses


Barnes, Fiddy, parish clerk

Bush, Mrs. Mary Ann, lime burner

Castleton, Elijah, farmer

p. 205Claxton, William, farmer

Colman, Henry, manager at Messrs. J. and J. Colman’s mustard and starch manufactory

Dix, Joshua, farmer

Drake, John, farmer

Dunt, Robert, blacksmith

Gunn, Daniel, farmer

Hazell, William, Rummer inn

Hearne, Matthew, farmer

Horne, W., shopkeeper, and postmaster

Lincoln, Robert, bricklayer

Lincoln, Robert, jun., bricklayer

Pearce, Joshua, The Lion

Seago, Jeremiah, farmer

Tillett, John, farmer

Webster, David, farmer

Westrup, Philip, farmer


SWARDESTON, in Humbleyard hundred and Henstead union, near the Swainsthorpe station, and 4 miles from Norwich, contains 950 acres of land, and, in 1851, a population of 381.  The living is a vicarage; the Rev. John Henry Steward, M.A., of East Carleton, is patron and incumbent, and the Rev. Henry Steward, B.A., curate.  There is a chapel for the Wesleyans; and a village school for boys and girls, under the superintendence of the clergy.  The Rev. J. H. Steward, M.A., and Robert Palmer Kemp, Esq., of Coltishall, are the chief landowners.


Featherston, Thomas, Esq., Rectory

Steward, Rev. Henry, B.A., curate

Wenn, Rev. James William, M.A., curate of Dunston, Mangreen hall


Arundell, Samuel, cooper

Barrett, Mrs. Elizabeth, shopkeeper

Barrett, William, thatcher

Bayley, Edward, farmer

Bond, Robert, farmer

Brown, James Smith, shopkeeper

Brown, Robert, bricklayer

Cannell, Henry, market gardener

Cunningham, William, butcher

Davy, Barnard, blacksmith

Dye, John, parish clerk and vermin destroyer

Fairman, Samuel, bricklayer

Hall, James, jun., farmer, the Common

Hall, James, sen., wheelwright

Hemnell, Paul, postmaster, and boot and shoe maker

Hubbard, John, farmer

King, Robert, butcher and farmer

Parr, Ezra, relieving officer

Raven, Benjamin, farmer, Mangreen

Smith, Isaac, market gardener

Thrower, Mrs. Mary, schoolmistress

Turner, Edward, Dog inn

Twiss, Christopher, farmer, the Hall

Whittaker, Charles, market gardener


THORPE, next Norwich, or Thorpe St. Andrew, is 2 miles from Norwich, in Blofield hundred, and has about 1000 inhabitants.  The Norfolk County Lunatic Asylum is situated here.  The living is a rectory, in the gift of the Rev. Armine Herring, who is the incumbent.  There is an Independent chapel in connection with the Rev. J. Alexander’s, Norwich.


Allen, Joseph Howes, Esq.

Bacon, Miss

Batley, Mrs. Susan

Birkbeck, William, Esq.

Blackiston, Mrs.

Bolingbroke, Frederick A., Esq.

Brightwen, John, Esq.

Browne, David

Clabburn, Thomas, Esq.

Clabburn, William, Esq.

Clarke, Mrs.

Clayton, Miss

Clear, James, Esq.

Davey, Joseph, Esq.

Foster, Charles, Esq.

Frost, Rev. William, M.A.

Gurney, Charles, Esq.

Gurney, Francis Hay, Esq.

Herring, Rev. Armine, M.A.

Jecks, Charles, Esq.

Jecks, William, Esq.

Johnson, The Misses

Kendle, The Misses

King, Capt. Robert

Postle, The Misses

p. 206Rowling, Nathan S., Esq.

Savage, Mr. John

Upcroft, Mrs.

Wells, Robert, Esq.

Weston, Charles, Esq.


Albin, Daniel, farmer

Albin, Samuel, farmer

Bracey, Frederick, boot and shoe maker

Bracey, Robert, baker, grocer, butcher, and lime burner

Bright, John, Red Lion, and farmer

Bright, Zachariah, Hero of the Redan

Burton, T., grocer and corn chandler

Casson, Edward, surgeon at the Asylum

Cattermole, Mrs., Three Tuns tavern

Dabson, Miss J., mistress of Free school

Dale, James, market gardener

Dowland, John, King’s Head tavern

Drew, John, bowl turner

Fearnley, Joseph, grocer

Firman, Robert, carpenter

Gaff, Robert, master of Free school

Hardy, John, bricklayer

Lacey, John, commercial traveller

Martin, William, blacksmith

Owen, Ebenezer, superintendent of County Lunatic Asylum

Owen, Mrs. E., matron of County Lunatic Asylum

Rayner, John, gardener

Rodwell, E., lodging-house keeper

Rose, Miss Ann, grocer

Sabberton, Thomas, engineer, general smith, and coal merchant

Shardelow, Benjamin, plumber, glazier, and painter

Smith, John, The Buck

Southgate, Henry, The Griffin

Starling, Samuel, farmer

Todd, Daniel, sub-postmaster

Weeds, F., parish clerk and shoemaker

Whitaker, S., farmer and brick maker

White, William, gardener


TROWSE NEWTON, one mile from Norwich, contained in 1851, a population of 639; but the entire parish, which extends into the county of the city of Norwich, had as many as 1363 inhabitants.  The principal owners of the land are the Rev. F. Money, the Great Hospital, and the Dean and Chapter of Norwich; the last of whom are lords of the manor, impropriators of the great tithes, and patrons of the vicarage.  The Rev. George Carter, M.A., of Norwich, is the incumbent.


Money, Rev. Frederick, Crown Point

Sparks, Alfred, the Lodge


Aldis, Jonathan, shoemaker

Alborough, Thomas, farmer

Betts, Samuel, butcher

Browne, Thomas, Trowse Eye inn

Bullard, Maria, shopkeeper

Cannel, James, market gardener

Daniels, Robert, blacksmith

Denny, Thomas, butcher

Digby, Robert, the White House inn

Finch, John, wheelwright

Fox, Henry, the Lime Kiln inn

Gowing, George, farmer

Grief, James, the White Horse inn

Grief, Jonathan, butcher

Harris, Robert, market gardener

Howlett, Robert, bricklayer

Jacobs, William, butcher

Middleton, Alfred, carpenter

Murrell, George, Crown Point tavern

Newman, George, manure manufacturer

Plant, James, farmer

Proudfoot, E. and Ann, shopkeepers

Read, T. W. and Co., merchants and millers

Spence, Jonathan, carpenter

Stageman, Susanna, National school

Thurlow, John, shopkeeper

Tomkins, Emma Jane, British school

Turner, John, farmer

Varvel, James, lime burner

Youngs, William, Carpenters’ Arms inn


WHITLINGHAM is a small parish, 3 miles from Norwich.  The land, 535 acres, belongs to Charles Lombe, Esq., lord of the manor, impropriator of the tithes, and patron of the sinecure curacy.  Whitlingham White House, which is situate in Trowse Newton, is a favorite resort of pleasure parties.

Taylor, Samuel, farmer

Ward, William, farm bailiff


The following articles adapted for Presents, or for the Library and Office, in most instances manufactured expressly for Jarrold and Sons, are displayed in Show Rooms, and will be found much under the charges of the London Advertizing houses.

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With Steel and Wood EngravingsPrice 1s.




1.  A General View of the City, taken from Mousehold (Silver Hill, St. James’).

2.  A Picturesque View of the City, taken from Mr. Jarrold’s Garden, Thorpe Road.

3.  The Cathedral, North-west View.

4.  The Castle.

5.  The Castle and part of the Market-place, from the Guildhall.

6.  The Railway Station and Foundry Bridge.

7.  Sandling’s Ferry, Lower Close.

8.  Gate-House to the Bishop’s Palace, from St. Martin’s Palace Plain.

9.  A View of Thorpe, Norwich.

10.  A View of the Market-Place, from the Gaslight Corner.




Twenty-Eight beautifully Engraved Views in Norwich
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Have constructed a large, comfortable, and well-lighted studio, in which Portraits are taken daily, from 10 till dusk, in all the best and most approved styles, on glass, leather, paper, &c., at reasonable prices.  For beauty and durability these pictures are no where excelled.

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On comparing their prices with those of Wine Merchants in general, it will be observed that a much lower scale is adopted; this advantage to buyers is effected by Norgate and Co.’s direct importation of Wines and Spirits from the country of their growth, (preventing an intermediate profit and enabling them to select the very choicest Wines); and by their immense saving in the non-employment of Travelling Salesmen.


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Thorley’s Food for Cattle.


Agricultural Engineers, Millwrights,


Would invite attention to the position they have taken for superiority in Seed Drills, Manure Distributors, &c., &c. at the Royal, the Bath and West of England, and the Norfolk Agricultural Societies’ Meetings, where they had awarded them the THREE FIRST PRIZES for the best Corn and Seed Drill; the THREE PRIZES for Manure Distributor; PRIZE for Seed and Manure Drill; and HIGH COMMENDATIONS for their General Purpose Drills, Ridge Drill, Horse Hoes, Circular Saw Bench, &c.

Holmes and Sons’ Salisbury first prize drill SALISBURY

H. & SONS have been engaged in the manufacture of Drills for the past 32 years, during which time every useful and practical improvement which has suggested itself has been introduced into their manufacture, adapting them to every description of soil, simplifying the different parts, decreasing the cost both in first price, and also in those parts subject to wear or derangement.

Royal Agricultural Society of EnglandSalisbury Meeting, 1857.  The following Prizes were awarded to Holmes & Sons at the last competition for Prizes

For the best Corn and Seed Drill

First Prize of £7

For their best Manure Distributor

Prize of £5

Also at the Bath & West of England Agricultural Society’s Meeting, at Newton, June, 1857

For the best Manure Distributor

The First Prize

For the best Corn and Seed Drill

The First Prize

For the best Corn and Seed Drill in Hilly Districts

The First Prize

For their Seed and Manure Drill

The First Prize

Being the fifth year this Drill has taken the Prize of this Society.

Also at the Norfolk Agricultural Show, Swaffham, June, 1857, H. & Sons’ Improved Manure Distributor proved the best Machine for that purpose, and had the Society’s Prize.

Their improved STEAM ENGINES, Portable and Fixed, for durability, efficiency, strength, and small consumption of coal, are not equalled by any other manufacturers.

Fixed Engines of all sizes, and Steam Mills fitted up complete, of the most approved arrangement and best construction, whereby considerable saving of fuel is effected, and durability and efficiency increased.  Twelve-Horse Engines doing full duty, with from six to seven cwts. of Coal per day.

The COMBINED PORTABLE THRASHING MACHINE has had much of their attention since being awarded the First Prize Medal for Thrashing Machines at the Great Exhibition, 1851, and they can confidently guarantee them to be the simplest and most expeditious, making the most perfect separation of Corn, Chaff, Colder, and Straw, each being delivered at the most convenient places to take away.  They are extremely portable and durable; and are mounted on high wooden carriage wheels.

They would also call attention to their PRIZE CLOVER SHELLER, also adapted for Trefoil; and their WINNOWING and DRESSING MACHINES, of which more than 3,000 have been sent out; their CIRCULAR SAW TABLES, of improved construction; and other improved implements, which, with prices, will be found in Catalogues, sent free by post on application.

H. & SONS, in soliciting a continuance of an extended patronage, beg to state that they have now every facility for executing orders with dispatch, and by the use of the best mechanical tools, in the very best style of workmanship.  The greatest care and attention will continue to be used by them in the selection of the very best description of material, and they feel confident their present success is attributable to their attention to this most important point.


p. 3 Mechanical sawing machine

At the Norfolk Agricultural Society’s Meeting at Swaffham, June, 1857;
Improved Self-Acting Circular Saw Table was the only one Commended by the Judges.
At Norwich, 1858, it was also Highly Commended.


These Portable Machines consist of a strong iron frame capable of taking a 48-inch saw, firmly fixed to strong timber rails; can be unloaded and put to work as quickly as a Portable Thrashing Machine; require no fixing, the whole being placed on one frame with timber carriages, &c. attached.  The motion for drawing the timber to or from the saw is by gear wheels, and can be varied as required; this arrangement is exceedingly simple, very strong and durable, and can be relied upon better than when driven by a strap and cone pulleys; it has an improved parallel fence which cannot move otherwise than parallel with the saw.

These will be found the most simple and complete saw tables manufactured, and of the very best workmanship.  Can be driven by the portable engines of 7 or 8-horse power.

Illustrated Catalogues, with Prices, &c. sent Free by Post on application at the Works.


p. 4LLOYD & CO.,
20 & 21,


A Genuine Assortment of Ladies’, Gentlemen’s and Children’s Home-made Boots and Shoes of the most approved kind always in Stock.


India Rubber Overshoes






Business & Estate Agency Offices,

(Opposite the Norfolk & Norwich Hospital)



Rents and Debts Collected.  House Property Managed either on Commission or otherwise.  Repairs Superintended or Executed if required.  Books Posted, Balanced, and Arranged.  States of Affairs Prepared.  Meetings of Creditors called and attended.  Settlements with Creditors carried through, and parties instructed as to the State of their Affairs.


Terms for Collecting Small Debts, 10 per cent.

Special agreements made for Debts exceeding Five Pounds.




Loans on real or personal security, re-payable by monthly or quarterly instalments, from one to five years, may readily be obtained on application.

£80,000 has been afforded in Loans of from £30 to £1000, in less than five years, in connection with the St. George Advance Fund Association




The portable American grist mill

Now for the first time introduced to the notice of British Agriculturists, is the most SIMPLE and EFFICIENT Grinding Mill ever brought out for Farmers’ Purposes; its extreme SIMPLICITY, portability, and cheapness, gives it a decided advantage over the ponderous machines now used for similar purposes.  It will grind all kinds of Grain nearly THREE TIMES as fast with the SAME power that ordinary mill-stones will.  The Grinding Surfaces are very durable; being made of COLD BLAST WHITE IRON (a material harder than cast steel), they are easily and cheaply re-placed when worn or broken.


No. 2 Mill, with 2 to 3-Horse Power, will grind 6 to 10 Bushels per hour

No. 3 „ „ 4 to 6 „ „ 20 to 25 „ „

Full particulars, with prices (free) on application to

Howard, Riches, and Watts,




p. 7 Decorative graphic with text—The Palma Christi hair wash is now selling largely throughout England, being preferred to all others.  It removes scurf, keeps the head cool, & prevents greyness.  Pomade or oil is not required when the wash is used as it does not suffer the hair to become dry.  Manufactured only by Harper & Sutton Norwich.  Sold by all chemists & perfumers

in bottles, 1s. 6d., 3s. 6d., and 10s. 6d. each.

Numerous Testimonials have already been received by the Proprietors,

As to its efficacy in removing Scurf and preventing the Hair from falling off.

Sold in Yarmouth by Mr. J. S. Cobb—Lowestoft, Mr. Dennes—Beccles,
Mr. J. B. Corbyn—Dereham, Mr. F. J. Smith—Ely, Mr. N. Lincolne.

Sold in London by Messrs. Barclay, Edwards, Sanger, Sutton, and Newbery; Liverpool,
Aspinall & Son: and can be obtained by order of any Druggist or Perfumer.


(Harper & Sutton, Bank Plain, Norwich)


Analysis of Manures, Soils, Oil Cakes, Coprolite,

And the Miscellaneous Articles used in Agriculture, the Arts, &c.


Having for many years studied Practical Chemistry, and received instruction in the Laboratory of Dr. Richardson, from Professor Liebig’s, he solicits the confidence of the Agricultural and Commercial Public, assuring them that a conscientious regard to accuracy, coupled with reasonable charges, shall always be maintained in all matters committed to him.


List of Fees may be had on application to HARPER AND SUTTON,
Chemists, Gurney’s Bank Plain, Norwich.


p. 8T. DIXON,
6, Bridewell Alley, Norwich,

Wishes to direct public attention to his large Stock of Gold and Silver Watches, which he is enabled to offer at the Lowest Prices, consistent with good quality; observing that each Watch before being placed in the purchaser’s hands, is skilfully examined and timed, so that its accurate performance is warranted.

Gold Watches, elegant in appearance, and such as can be warranted
to perform correctly, from £5 5s.

The same in Silver Cases, from £2 10s.

Gold Lever Watches, from £10 10s.  Silver Levers, from £4 4s.

English and Geneva Watches and Clocks of every description Cleaned and Repaired: on this point remarking that the skill with which a watch is cleaned or repaired is almost of as much importance as its quality; the best watch cleaned by a clumsy workman will never go well.  There are more watches spoiled by incompetent persons, than are actually worn out by ordinary use.  T. Dixon solicits the patronage of all who are desirous of having their WATCHES MADE TIMEKEEPERS, which, from the fact of employing none but skilful workmen, he is in a position to guarantee.  All Watches repaired at the above Establishment are warranted for Twelve Months, and no charge is made for any alteration that may be required during that period.

Plate & Jewellery Carefully Repaired at Reasonable Prices.


Pair of glasses with Dixon Optician on the lenses


From extensive experience, is enabled in all cases of impaired vision, arising from premature decay, or excessive use of the visual organs, to suit, upon correct principles, at a moderate cost, every description of sight with Spectacles and Eye Glasses, upon the most improved Structure.






In Blue Steel Frames






„ „ Pebbles






Silver ditto






Gold ditto






Spectacles purchased at this Establishment exchanged if not approved.






Engineer, Millwright, Boiler Maker,
Iron and Brass Founder.

Steam engine

Manufacturer of all kinds of Stream Engines on the most improved principles, Hydraulic Presses adapted for all purposes, Cranes and Crabs, Railway Work of all kinds; also Machinery suitable for Wind, Water, Gas, Sawing, Grinding, and all other Works, Breweries, etc.


Planing, Boring, Turning, Screw Cutting, and Smith’s Forging
Work of every description.

N.B. All kinds of Engines, Boilers, and General Machinery Repaired on the Shortest Notice, by first-class workmen, and on reasonable terms.


p. 10Removed from the Back of the Inns.




Ladies & Gentlemen’s Fashionable




Cheese, Butter, and Bacon Factor,





Corn Dressing and Blowing Machine Maker,



All sorts of Wire Screens, Sieves, Fire and Window Guards.


The Trade supplied with every article either complete or in parts.





Returns his most sincere thanks to his numerous Patrons and Friends, for their liberal support during the last two years, and begs to inform them that he has REMOVED to more Commodious Premises,

No. 2, White Lion Street,

Next door to Harvard and Co., late Black and Raynes, where he hopes to have a continuance of their kind support.

No. 2, White Lion Street, Market-Place.


All who value a Beautiful Set of Teeth
should use the

Hall Plain, Saint Andrew’s,

Which imparts delicious fragrance to the breath, and confers the most signal benefit upon Spongy and Tender Gums, arising from whatever cause, producing a healthy firmness; and not only cleansing the teeth but preventing them from decay to the latest period of life, removing all discolouration, and entirely eradicating all appearance of Tartar, renders them of the most beautiful pearly whiteness.  Sold in Jars, 1s. each.

Teeth filled with a New Succedaneum, which preserves the Colour.  Extracting and Scaling and every operation connected with Dental Surgery.


Horse & Cattle MedicinesPerfumery of every kindGenuine Patent MedicinesLeeches, &c.


p. 126 Shirts for One Guinea.





Begs most respectfully to inform the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Norwich and Norfolk, that he has taken the premises late in the occupation of Mr. Smith, Bookseller, Stationer, &c., Briggs’ Street, where he hopes, by strict personal attention and supplying a first-rate article, to merit a share of that patronage which he so earnestly solicits.

One dozen Shirt Collars for 6s. 6d.


Alterative and Restorative
Horse Powders.

The flattering accounts which have been received from parties who have tested the properties of these Powders, induce the Proprietor to call the attention of Agriculturists and all who employ Horses, to this Medicine, which has been found eminently successful in removing all diseases of the skin, want of condition, hide-bound, surfeit, mange, &c. for improving the coat and giving it a fine glossy appearance; also for Horses that are heavy and incapable of work, or off their food, from indigestion or other causes, or that have a tendency to grease, swelling, and humours of the legs, or cracked heels; in all which cases this preparation will gradually but certainly remove the disease.  When Horses are weakly, and it would be an inconvenience to spare them from their regular work, these Powders will be found eminently useful, as they may with great advantage, be frequently substituted for purgative medicines.



Cough Balls for Horses.

These Balls are a most valuable remedy for Coughs, Colds, Difficulty of Breathing, &c. whether of recent or long standing.  They are effectual in their operation, require no alteration of diet, and do not interfere with the horse’s regular work.  One Ball, given every other night, for three or four times, is generally found sufficient to remove the most obstinate Cough.


Prepared only by JAMES ORISSA PEGGS,







Boot, Shoe, and Last Manufacturer,






St. George’s Bridge Street, Norwich.

Ladies’ Shawls and Dresses of every description Cleaned, and the
Colours of Printed ones warranted to be preserved.




Bridge Street, St. George’s,













Millwrights, Engineers, Stone Builders,




Having commenced Business in the above Trades, beg respectfully to inform their Friends that all Orders entrusted to their care will be thankfully received and promptly executed on the most reasonable terms.





Grocer, Tea Dealer, Tobacconist



Every article of First-rate Quality, and charged at the Lowest Price.




Ale Brewer and Porter Merchant,



Families supplied with Small Casks.  Scotch, Burton, and other Ales, in Bottles.

Importer of Foreign Wines and Spirits, Wholesale and Retail.

Packages and Bottles to be paid for, unless returned within Three Months.



A Gentleman’s
Card Plate
Engraved and
50 Cards Printed
for 2s. 3d.

Printing machine


Show Cards,
Show Bills,
Fancy Labels, &c.
Circulars and
Fac Similes.


Engravers, Chromo-Lithographers, & Copper-plate Printers,









Impart to the Teeth a pearly whiteness, to the Gums a beautiful appearance, and to the Mouth a pleasant taste.  They prevent decay in good Teeth, stop its progress in unsound ones, and strengthen and preserve the Gums.

Teeth Extracted Gratis for the Poor every Morning,

From Nine till Ten o’clock, by





House and Decorative Painter,




Imitator of Woods & Marbles.  Bronzing, Gilding, Japanning.

Crown, Sheet, Patent Plate, Rough, Cast, and Boiled Plate, Ornamental and Coloured Glass of every description.

Water Closets, Engine Pumps, Steam Apparatus, Baths, etc.  Fixed and Repaired.


p. 16SMITH’S



These powders are strongly recommended to general attention as being a most appropriate Medicine for Children whilst cutting their teeth, and for the relief of those derangements of the system to which during the period of Infancy they are peculiarly the subjects, they also possess this great advantage, that Children of all ages, and even Adults, may take them with the same beneficial results.  Perhaps better testimony as to their utility cannot be adduced, than the fact of their having been extensively used for more than fifty years.  Directions for using the Powders contained in each packet.

Sold in Boxes, at One Shilling each.




Fashionable Boot & Shoe Maker

In returning his sincere thanks to his Friends and the Public, for the liberal patronage hitherto received, begs to inform them that he has removed FROM THE UPPER MARKET to more convenient premises in St. Giles’, where he trusts to receive an increased share of their patronage and support.



All Sorts of Wire Sieves, Screens, Riddles, Meat Safes, Wire Window Blinds, Fire and Window Guards, Flower Stands, and every Article of Wire Work Made to Order.






POWERS No. 20, 4-inch Barrels.
For Tanks, Cesspools, Wells, &c.,

Will draw water through any length of Suction Pipes, if not exceeding 28 feet high.


16th Scale.

AIR Regulator, A.R.

The Discovery of and method of adapting this Vessel by W. Shalders, is of indispensible service in causing a continuous stream in long, high, or contracted Suction Pipes.


Copper-rivetted Leather Hose PipesSpiral Rivetted Suction dittoMachinery Bands—Rounded Leather, Lathe, Sash, etc., Pulley Bands, any length without jointCupped Pump Bucket Leathers, Flanch Ditto, etc.  Metal, Wood, Gutta Percha, etc., PipesCocks, Joints, Valves, Retaining Valves, in easily accessible Screw Boxes; Swivel Nut Brass Screw Couplings, Jet Pipes, Jets, and other Hydraulic, etc., Fittings.


SHALDERS’ FOUNTAIN PUMPS are matchless, as fully TESTIFIED by being adopted by other Pump Makers and Engineers for their own special use.

Shalders’ Patent Norwich Pumps work without Friction
or Leakage, and do not Choke.


Thirty-four years’ practice has proved these ne plus ultra Hydraulic Machines, in their average results, to be cent per cent the most effective and durable, the best and cheapest of any in the world; they are made to discharge from half a pint to a ton weight of water, at a single clip or stroke, and are readily applied to any motive power to draw or force water, air, or any not rapidly injurious fluids, in any quantity, or to any height or distance, for any purpose, by John Shalders, Manufacturer, and Sole Proprietor.

Descriptive Sizes.  Powers.  Number





Sizes of the working Cone Barrels, Inches




Prices Net Jacks





„ Engine or Lift Forcers on Planks





„ If with Air Regulator, extra





,, Connector & Valve Leathers, pr. set

1s. 8d.

2s. 3d.

3s. 0d.


,, Lead or Gutta Percha Suction & Rising Main Pipes & Flanch Joints from per foot


1s. 4d.

2s. 2d.


Discharge at regular work, per min. gallons




A Variety in Stock and made for all purposes.







If you like Strong Tea and Fresh Roasted
Coffee, at Low Prices, try

A Good Supply of Fine Fruits and Fancy Biscuits.


(From Sheffield)


Razors, Scissors, Knives, and Surgical Instruments carefully ground and setTable and Dessert Knives Re-Bladed.

Home-made Blades fitted into Penknives, 6d. each.  Trusses and Cutlery of every description made to order.  Shoe-Kit made and re-cut.



Sole Agents in Norfolk for Brown & Colson’s Patent
Indian Corn Flour.


p. 19124, Bedford Street, Saint Andrew’s,



A. P. begs to inform his friends and the public that he has removed to more commodious premises, which enables him to keep a larger assortment of every description of Gas Fittings, Glasses, &c., of the newest designs, for public and private buildings.



Sign & Decorative Painters,

Heraldry, Altar Tablets, Scrolls, Banners, Gilding, Enamelling.
Plain and Ornamental Japanning, etc.


Back of the Inns, Norwich.



Presents his thanks to those Ladies and Gentlemen who have favoured him with their patronage for so many years, and begs to assure all who may give him their support, that he personally superintends all orders, and warrants all goods supplied by him to be strictly home made.




N.B.  Any Orders conferred will be thankfully received and neatly executed on the most reasonable terms.


Gas Fitter, by Appointment to
the Company,




(Opposite St. John’s Maddermarket Church, Norwich,)

Begs respectfully to acknowledge the liberal support he has received of his friends and the public generally during the period he has been in business, and takes this opportunity of announcing that in consequence of the Gas Company’s laying services free of expense, he is fitting up either public or private premises with fittings cheaper than any other house in Norwich, following up the principle of small profits and quick returns.

Hydraulic, Cork Slide, and other Pendants, Lustres, Pillars, Brackets and other Fittings, Gas Globes, Chimney, and Bell Glasses, etc., of the Newest Designs, always in Stock.

The Trade Supplied.  Old Brass Work Repaired, Re-lacquered, and Bronzed.







Builders and Contractors,



N.B.  Hot and Green Houses erected on the Shortest Notice and most Reasonable Terms.





The most simple and yet efficient Water Closet yet manufactured, and not liable to get out of order; the whole of the working parts can be re-placed in after years for a few shillings.

G. C. G. would recommend to visitors, invalids, and lodging-house keepers his Model Portable Water Closet.  It is perfectly seated, and cannot possibly smell.  The cheapest and most complete yet brought before the public.

Estimates given for fixing Water Closets, and all necessary alterations






Messrs. Baldwin & Co.

Respectfully inform the public that they have established a Grist Mill, with powerful and well-fitted machinery, worked by steam power; and assure their patrons that all corn sent to them will be ground with the utmost care and despatch, and that the fullest reliance may be placed in Messrs. B. & Co. for returning precisely the same article as sent to them.


p. 22T. C. R. KING,




House and Church Decorator.


Every description of work executed on the lowest terms.


Hot and Cold Baths, Fountains, Lead, Force, Deep Well and Cast Iron Pumps Fixed and Repaired.







Distemper, Whitewashing, & Colouring done on the most
Reasonable Terms.


Candle Manufacturers,




Begs to return thanks to his Friends and the Public generally for the liberal patronage he has received since commencing the above business, and trusts by attention to all orders, and the quality of goods supplied by him, to merit an increased share of their patronage and support.



Plumber, Glazier, & General Decorator,

Writing, Graining, & GildingPaper-Hanging Neatly Executed.









The cheapest house in the City for Rice, Haricot Beans, Pearl and Scotch Barley, Revalenta, Mustard, and Starch.  Oats of the finest quality.  Barley Meal and other Meals for Pigs.  Pea Flour, Baking Powder, Oswego, Polenta, Carr’s Biscuits, Cumberland Oatmeal, Infant Powder, Linseed Meal, Dog Biscuits, Crushed Oats, Pollards of all kinds; and the best house in the County for Best Whites Flour.



Bell Hanger, Brass Pounder, etc.


All kinds of Brass Work neatly executedLacquering & Bronzing equal to newCastings of every description executed.




Invalid carriage


No. 9, St. John’s Maddermarket, Norwich.

T. B. begs most respectfully to inform his Friends and the Public that he has now on hand an assortment of Children’s Perambulators, Carriages, and Fancy Toys of every description constantly on sale, on the most reasonable terms.



Fixture & Furniture Valuer and
Creditors’ Accountant.

Stocks Bought or SoldBusinesses Transferred and Creditors arranged with.

Office—Methwold, Brandon, Norfolk.


13, Charing Cross, Norwich,
Looking-Glass & Picture Framer Manufacturer,

The Best and Cheapest House for all kinds of Picture and Print Frames, Cornices, Gilt Mouldings, and Re-Gilding.



S. T. T. begs to return his most sincere thanks for all past favours, and hopes by paying every attention, to merit a continuance of public patronage, which will at all times be gratefully received.



On Personal or other Security,
London Monetary Advance Company


£40 TO 1,000.

Repayable by Instalments.

Terms and every required information may be obtained at the Company’s Offices, 14, MANCHESTER SQUARE, LONDON; or of the Agent for Norwich and Norfolk,

Auctioneer and Estate Agent,





Begs to offer the undermentioned, of which he possesses a large stock of strong and healthy Plants, viz.  Rhododendron Ponticum, in varieties 1½ to 3 ft. high, well set with Flower Buds, at 6d. and 1s. each; Pyramidal Pears, of the choicest sorts, from 1s. to 1s. 6d. each; Dwarf-Trained Peaches, Nectarines, Apricots, Cherries, and Plums, 2s. 6d. to 5s. each, and a general assortment of Evergreen Shrubs, also the undernamed Bedding Plants, etc.




Ageratum, blue



Anagallis, sorts



Alonzoa grandiflora



Cupheas, in sorts



Cinerarias, by name



Cineraria Maritima, fine for edging of beds



Calceolarias, bedding varieties



Calceolaria aurea floribunda, fine dwarf yellow, large truss



Calceolaria, Yellow Prince of Orange, very fine dwarf yellow



Calceolaria, Prince of Orange, an excellent bedding variety



Camellias, from 2s. 6d. to 21s. each

Dahlias, sorts, from 3s. to



Delphinum Formosum, very fine



Fuchsias, sorts for bedding



Geraniums, mixed sorts



„ Flower of the Day



Geranium, Golden Chain



Gorteria, rigens



Heliotropes, sorts



Hardy Ferns, sorts 6s. to



Herbaceous Plants, 4s. to



Koniza Variegata, pretty for edging



Lobelias, sorts 4s. to



Lantanias, sorts 4s. to



Œnothera riparia



Pentstemons, sorts



Pinks, sorts



Picotees, for borders



Petunias, of sorts



Scarlet and other Geraniums sorts 3s. to



Salvias, sorts 4s. to



Verbenas, in colours for beds



„ Mixed Sorts, by name



Descriptive Catalogues sent Free on Application.


p. 26Removing from the Castle Meadow, to
Little Orford Street.



In returning thanks to his Friends and the Public generally for their liberal support, begs to inform them that he is removing to more commodious premises, where he trusts to receive an increased share of their patronage.

Every article in the above Trade of the best materials and workmanship made to order on the most reasonable termsContracts taken for repairing Farmer’s harness by the year.





Botolph Street, St. Saviour’s.

ST. BENEDICT’S.                BER STREET.

At the above Shops the Public may obtain the full market value for Rags, and all articles used in the manufacture of Paper, &c.



Sign and Decorative Painters,
Grainers, Writers, etc.



Heraldry, Altar Tablets, Scrolls, Banners, Gilding,
Enamelling, Japanning, etc.



Foreign Cigars of the Finest BrandsSnuffs in every varietySyrian, Turkish, and all the Tobaccos of the Levant and America.



The Best Price Given for Household
Furniture and other Effects.

Innkeepers’ and other Valuations accurately made.

Cash Advanced on Property for immediate sale by
Auction, by


At the Auction Mart, Corner of Upper Goat Lane,
Opposite St. Gregory’s Church, Norwich.





House and Ornamental Painter,


Graining, Writing, Gilding, etc., of every Description.


p. 28To Executors, Shopkeepers, Parties Declining
Housekeeping, etc.


Begs to announce that he purchases every description of Property, giving the utmost value for immediate Cash, thereby saving the delay and uncertainty of an Auction.

Valuations correctly made for Probate Duty, for Outgoing and Incoming Tenants, with DispatchSales effected in City and Comity, on Reasonable Terms.







Avails himself of this opportunity to tender his best thanks for the many favours conferred on him for the last twenty years, and to state that the greatest attention is paid to the BREWING DEPARTMENT, for supplying Families with pure


J. H. begs to state that his WINES AND SPIRITS are of the best quality; also, that he has always ready for immediate use, a large stock of

London Stout Porter, Scotch, East India, and
Home-brewed Ales, in Bottles.


Westminster & General Life Assurance


J. M. HUBBARD, Agent, Magdalen Street, Norwich.

Prospectuses will be forwarded on application by letter.


Opticians and Spectacle Manufacturers.

Crystal Spectacles

From their long and extensive practice in the science of Optics, Messrs. Piggin and Dyball are enabled to keep the largest and best assorted Stock of Spectacles, Eye Preservers, Eye and Reading Glasses, in Norwich, and from their practical knowledge of the science are able to suit, on correct principles, every shade of impaired vision; and being manufacturers of the same, can supply them on the most reasonable terms.



Spectacles from



Best Steel Frames, with best Glasses & Case



Ditto ditto with best Pebbles & Case



Solid Gold Frames, with ditto „



Eye Glasses to suit all sights, in Shell, Steel, and Gold Frames.  A large Stock of Spectacle Cases of every description.  New Glasses to suit the sight cut to old frames.



Near St. John’s Church, Norwich.


Picture frame and Looking Glass Manufacturer,

Begs to call the attention of his Patrons and Friends to his Stock of Chimney & Dressing Glasses of the Newest Patterns, which he is enabled to offer at Prices greatly below those usually charged, at the same time C. R. can warrant them to be of first-class workmanship, as they are of his own manufacture.  Gilt Cornices, Pier Tables, Chairs, Screens, and Brackets made to order.  Pictures Cleaned and Varnished.  Old Prints Bleached.  Needlework carefully Strained and Framed.

Picture Frames of every description Made to Order.


Parties Furnishing, by paying cash, may insure a first-rate article and a saving of 20 per cent. by giving their orders to C. R. Patterns and Samples of every description of Furniture kept.  Old Couches and Chairs Re-Stuffed, Covered, and Polished, at the lowest prices.

The Trade Supplied with Chair and Couch Frames at London Prices.
Best Leaf Gold, 1s. 4d. per BookOld Books Bought.


118, PALL MALL, LONDON, S.W.  CAPITAL £100,000.

Chairman—Henry Pownall, Esq., Ladbroke Sure, Notting Hill.

Deputy Chairman—Henry Haines, Esq., Moorgate Street, City.

The leading features of this Office are

Every description of Life Assurance on the most favourable terms.  Endowments for Husbands, Wives, or Nominees.  Endowments for Children on attaining a certain age.  Annuities of every description granted on terms peculiarly favourable.  Notices of Assignments of Policies Registered.  Medical Referees paid by the Company.  Age of the Life Assured admitted on all Policies, on reasonable proof being given.  Stamp Duties on Life Policies paid by the Company.  Loans on real or personal Security, repayable by Monthly or Quarterly instalments, from one to five years.  For further particulars, Forms of Proposal and Prospectuses, apply to


£80,000 has been afforded in Loans of from £30 to £1,000 in less than five years, in connection with the St. George Advance Fund Association.




Always on hand a large Assortment of Ash and other Planks, Spokes, Coffin Boards, etc., Selling at Low Prices.

Searles door and card plates etc., Trory Street, Unthank’s Road, Norwich




Important to Farmers,
Tradesmen & others.


Sums in Money, varying in amount from £50 to £1,000, are advanced in connection with Life Assurances, on personal or other security, at a rate of Interest not exceeding £5 per cent. per annum.

For Prospectuses and Forms of Application, apply to

MR. O. D. RAY,





O. D. RAY,
Auctioneer, Estate Agent, & Valuer,

Valuations for Probate on reasonable terms.  Drapers’, Grocers’, and General Stocks Valued.


p. 32Wholesale Embroidery Warehouse,



The only Manufacturer in the Eastern Counties, supplies the trade with every description of

Traced and Stamped Muslins


All Orders to the amount of 20s. carriage paid, or 5 per cent for cash.







ResidenceWellington Street, St. Giles’, Norwich.







Begs to intimate that he has always in Stock, Choice Assortments of Agricultural, Vegetable, and Flower Seeds.  Also a Selection of the best Dessert Fruits in the Season.


Desserts for the Country carefully selected, and
packed to travel any distance.


Arranged and Packed for conveyance to any locality.



D. B. begs to say that he has a large collection of Choice Fruit Trees and Shrubs, Greenhouse and Bedding Plants, &c., at his Nursery, Sprowston.

The following Catalogues are published by D. BROWNE, and will
be forwarded on application, viz.A Catalogue of






General Millwright and Engineer,


Begs to thank his Friends and the Public for the very liberal support they have so generously favoured him with, and to inform them that they can be supplied with every description of Mill Stones, etc.

Millwrights’ Work done on the most reasonable terms at the shortest notice.



Desires to express his thanks for the patronage he has received in the various branches of his business, and begs to inform the public that his work continues to give the utmost satisfaction for price and quality to all his customers.  He therefore confidently solicits a further extension of their favours.

Threshing Machines made on the best and newest principles, and repaired at the lowest possible charges.

Iron Tanks, strong and durable, made on the shortest notice.



JOSEPH WRIGHT begs to thank his Friends and the Public for the liberal support he has received for more than 30 years, and to inform them that the business is now conducted by himself and son, and he solicits a continuance of their patronage & support.



p. 35 Drawing of steam train



Goods Removed by Railway or Spring Vans to all
parts of the Kingdom.  GOODS STORED.



(From Smees & Sons, Moorfields, Finsbury, London)


Begs to thank his Friends and the Public for the very liberal support conferred on him for the last fourteen years.

French Cream, for restoring the Lustre of Furniture,
2s. 6d. per Bottle.

Superior Furniture Oil for Dining Table Tops, &c.



Experienced Workmen sent to all parts of the Kingdom on the
Shortest Notice.



Sawing machine



Invite the attention of Agriculturists, Shippers, Contractors, and others, to their

These Benches are fitted with a New Apparatus for drawing timber to and from the Saw, so simple that it can be managed and the speed instantly regulated.  They are also fitted with a draft chain, perfectly free in the delivery, which can only draw parallel to the saw.  They are adapted to cut any description of wood; rough timber merely requiring to have each end chipped with an axe, to give it a steady bearing on the table and carriage.  The carriages are fitted with a lever roll, to enable the man who works the bench to raise the timber on the carriages to carry it beyond the saw; they are also fitted with an improved gauge, to cut either parallel or feather edge boards; for deal cutting a spring roll is sent to press the deals against the gauge, so that a true cut is obtained, however uneven the surface and with as little waste as the common pit saw.

Any of these benches may be worked by power from 4-horse upwards, as the speed for bringing the timber to and from the saw is regulated according to the power used, they are also fitted with a lever so as to stop or reverse the motion of the timber instantaneously (a necessary precaution in case of accident); they are suitable for cutting timber on estates, for timber merchants, contractors, or builders’ purposes, as timber of any length and depth, according to the diameter of the saw, may be cut perfectly true.  (See next Page.)



Sparke & Co.’s vertical saw mill


These Mills are very strong, fitted with 6 saws, and are made to cut two deals at one time; the Saws are worked by a simple motion which considerably lessens the working parts of the mill, and adds to its compactness; it can be readily fixed, as the mill is firmly bolted to a metal base plate.  They are made in two sizes, for cutting 18 inches and 12 inches deep.  A smaller mill on the above principle, for cutting felloes and curves.


The following Noblemen and Gentlemen have been supplied with our Saw Machinery, where it may be seen, at work, by permission.

The Earl of Crawford & Balcarres, Wigan

Lord Hastings, Melton Constable, Norfolk

Lord Sondes, Elmham Hall, Norfolk

Lord Portman, Blandford, Dorset

H. K. Tompson, Witchingham Hall, Norfolk

T. P. Beauchamp, Esq., Langley Park, Norfolk

E. Bulwer, Esq., Heydon Hall, Norfolk

T. Mott, Esq., Barningham Hall, Norfolk

W. C. Hardy, Esq., Letheringsett Hall, Norfolk

C. Newcome, Esq., Feltwell Hall, Norfolk

H. L. Warner, Esq., Walsingham Abbey

Messrs. Hornsby & Sons, Grantham, Lincoln

Messrs. Clayton, Shuttleworth, & Co., Lincoln

Mr. M. Penistan, Engineer, Lincoln

Messrs. Garrett & Sons, Saxmundham, Suffolk

Messrs. Dray & Co., Swan Lane, London

Messrs. Ransomes & Sims, Engineers, Ipswich

Count Edouard Karolyi, Pesth, Hungary

Sir W. Trevalyan Bart., Taunton, Somerset

Henry Hannam, Esq., Burcote Park, Abingdon

J. T. Bouck, Esq., Manchester

Messrs. Cooper & Wallis, Birchfield, Birmingham

Mr. Stephen Leeds, Whitwell, Norfolk

Mr. James Kett, Earlham, Norfolk

Mr. George Salter, Attleborough, Norfolk

Mr. John Martin, Barmer, Norfolk

Mr. Wm. Hubbard, Contractor, East Dereham

Mr. James Clarke, Felbrigg, Norfolk

Mr. J. Bowles, Palgrave, Suffolk

Mr. Samuel Darby, Merchant, Beccles, Suffolk

Mr. Samuel Blaxhill, Walpole, Suffolk

Mr. J. Howard, Saw Mills, Drayton, Norfolk

Messrs. Rushton, Proctor, & Co., Lincoln

Mr. Thomas Wells, Chatham

Illustrated Catalogues and List of Prices forwarded on application.


p. 39CITY



In returning thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon them during the past seven years, beg to say that at the request of a large number of their friends, they have added to their Machinery


With all the latest improvements, by which they are now enabled to supply Mouldings, &c. of superior quality to any pattern, at a very short notice, and on the most reasonable terms.

A Large Stock of Mouldings & Skirtings always on hand.





Drawing of fender





And every article in Furnishing Ironmongery at a trifling per centage above cost price, in order to effect a clearance previous to alterations in premises.






St. Martin’s Palace Plain, Norwich.




House, Sign, and Ornamental Painter,
Writer, Gilder, and Grainer,


Bedford Street, St. Andrew’s,



Water Closets, various descriptions of Pumps, Hot and Cold Water Baths, Fancy Fountains, Beer Engines Fixed and Repaired.  Plumbers’ Brass Work, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, etc.  Crown, Sheet, British Plate, Patent Plate, Coloured and Ornamental Glass, cut in squares to order.



p. 41 C. G. Starling’s shop





No. 2, White Lion Street,



Two Doors from the Market-Place.









His Grace the Duke of Cleveland, K. G.
The Right Hon. the Earl of Rosebery, K. T.


Robt. John Harvey Harvey, Esq.

W. J. Utten Browne, Esq.

John Skipper, Esq.

Roger Kerrison, Esq.


John Wright, Esq., President

George Durrant Esq., Vice-Pres.

John Hilling Barnard, Esq.

C. M. Gibson, Esq., F.R.C.S.

W. R. Clarke, Esq.

W. H. Ranking, Esq., M.D., Cantab.

Frank Noverre, Esq.

Richard Griffin, Esq.

Thomas Beevor, Esq., Vice-President

R. Blake Humfrey, Esq.

Dr. Goodwin

John Barwell, Esq.

Francis Parmeter, Esq.

R. W. Hawkes, Esq.

Geo. Edward Frere, Esq., F.R.S.

Robert John Wright, Esq.

Robert Fitch, Esq.

Rev. S. F. Bignold

W. H. Clabburn, Esq.

Thomas Lucas, Esq.

Rev. William Wayman

Secretary, Sir Samuel Bignold, Surrey Street, Norwich.

Solicitors, Messrs. Field & Bignold.
Auditors, Mr. A. Bailey, Mr. James R. Hardy, & Mr. J. J. Winter.


This Society has been established Fifty-one Years, during which period it has issued 31,500 Policies, and paid to the representatives of 6617 deceased members £5,448,264 sterling.

To meet existing engagements, the Society possesses funds amounting to upwards of Two Million Pounds sterling, almost wholly invested on Real and Government Securities.

The Rates of Premium are lower than those of some offices by nearly 10 per cent., a benefit in itself equivalent to an Annual Bonus.

There is no Proprietary to divide with the Assured the profits of this Institution, which is one of the very few purely Mutual Insurance Offices.  Persons, therefore, now effecting Insurances will receive the full benefit of the system, and will be entitled to participate in the large reserves of the Society, which are applicable for future Bonuses.

One-half of the first five Annual Premiums may remain as a permanent charge upon the Policies granted for the whole duration of life.



Chief Offices, Surrey Street, Norwich;

6, Crescent, Bridge Street, Blackfriars, London; College Green,
Dublin; and Prince’s Street, Edinburgh.


p. 43The benefits to be derived by the Public from Insurance against Loss by Fire are so great and numerous, when compared with its trifling cost, as to render it an imperative duty on every one to avail themselves of the protection afforded by this Institution, against the destructive ravages of Fire, which in a few moments may lay waste the fruits of a whole life of industry.



Established 1821.  Capital, £550,000.



London, 6, Crescent, New Bridge St., Blackfriars.



Birmingham, Bennett’s HillBristol, Corn Street, Exchange,
Exeter, High Street.



Lieut. Gen. SIR R. J. HARVEY, C.B., President.

Chas. Evans, Esq., Chancellor of the Diocese of Norwich, Vice-President

Edward Steward, Esq.

George Durrant, Esq.

R. J. H. Harvey, Esq.

H. S. Patteson, Esq.

John Wright, Esq.

Henry Browne, Esq.

Wales C. Hotson, Esq.

Charles Edward Tuck, Esq.

Donald Dalrymple, Esq.

W. R. Clarke, Esq.

Secretary, Sir Samuel Bignold, Surrey Street, Norwich.

Insurances are granted by this Society, at the same Rates as other Offices, on buildings, goods, merchandise, and effects, ships in port, harbour, or dock, from loss or damage by Fire, in any part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

It is provided by the constitution of the Society, that the insured shall be free from all responsibility; and to guarantee the engagements of the Office, a fund of £550,000 has been subscribed by a numerous and opulent Proprietary.  Returns of Profits are periodically made to parties insuring.






Circulars, Cards, Billheads & Handbills Executed with the
utmost despatch, at the lowest charges,


Contracts for Printing of every description.




E. B. (Son of the late James Boardman, Wharfinger) begs to solicit from the gentry and public generally, orders for works in the ABOVE LINE, and undertakes

Alterations of whatever kind,

The Fittings and Finishings of Houses,

Conservatories, complete

Shop Fronts and Fittings, &c.

General Repairs to Houses, Premises, Furniture, etc.

And guarantees good material, workmanship, despatch, and moderate charges.

E. B. can refer to many Public and Private Buildings he has erected, and others which he has superintended for an eminent London Building Firm, with whom he was many years engaged.

Estimates given for any of the aforesaid Works.


p. 45General Posting House,


The “Maid’s Head,” an Old-Established Hotel, is the nearest to the Cathedral, and from its proximity to the Railway Station, offers special advantages to Commercial Gentlemen and Families visiting the City.

Post Horses, Neat Carriages, Hearse and
Mourning Coaches, etc.


American and other Clocks,


Oil Paintings in great varietyPapier Machie Goods, consisting of Ladies’ Work Boxes, Writing Desks, Tea Caddies, &c.

A Well-assorted Stock of Looking-Glasses, Waiters, Trays, etc.


Spectacles to suit all sights.  Watches & Clocks repaired on the premises

Payments taken Weekly or MonthlyCountry Orders will receive prompt attention.



Has the honour of announcing his Norwich Academies for


In his New Ball and Concert Room, at his Residence, Theatre Square.

Young Ladies and Little Boys, Tuesdays, at Eleven.

Young Ladies and Gentlemen, Tuesdays and Thursdays, at Four.


Yarmouth, Dene Side, Theatre Square; Lynn, Athenæum; Lowestoft, Beccles, Dereham, Fakenham, North Walsham, Aylsham, Thetford, Wymondham, Pulham, Snettisham, Margate, &c.










Exchange Street, Norwich

Near the Post-Office and Market-Place.


The above Establishment has been recently enlarged, and is specially adapted for COMMERCIAL GENTLEMEN.

Show Room, Bath Room

Smoking Room, Luggage Room


Private Rooms for Families.


Omnibus to and from every Train.





Designed as Gifts from Parents to their Children—Teachers to their Scholars—Mistresses to their Servants—and Masters to their Workpeople.


“This is the best Series of Original Tracts for Working Men and their Families that has come under our notice for many years.”—British Workman, Oct. 1857.


Household Tracts






* MY FIRST PLACEFor Young Servants.



* Are YOU THINKING of GETTING MARRIEDWords to the Thoughtless and the Thinking.

WORKING MEN’S HINDRANCESSet Forth by a Working Man.







A SHORT YARNFor Sailors.





Just Ready.

Those with * are also issued in elegant Illuminated Covers, at 3d. each.









Handsomely bound in cloth, 1s. 6d. each.





The Household Tracts in their various forms are peculiarly suitable to the Clergy, School Committees, Sunday School Teachers, and the public generally, as gifts for the Working Classes.



Being the Twelve assorted Household Tracts, in elegant Illuminated Covers, and attractive Embossed Envelope, price 3s., is now ready, and should be on every Bookseller’s Counter.

Six of the above, Assorted, in Embossed Envelope, 1s. 6d.


“It has often been lamented that ‘popular tracts,’ so called, are not really popular in their style, and in their manner of dealing with practical subjects.  Our experience teaches us that the complaint is well founded, and we are happy to have it in our power to point out to our readers a very useful series of Tracts for the People, published by Messrs. Jarrold and Sons, of London and Norwich, which are more really ‘popular’ in their style, and more likely to interest and benefit the ‘working classes,’ and the class immediately above them, than any other tracts which we have met with on the same subject.  There is a strong vein of common sense, and some humour running through them.  The print and paper are very good—their appearance is attractive—and their price very low.”—English Churchman.

Letters in high commendation of these original and popular Tracts have been received from Lord Chief Justice Campbell; the Archbishop of Dublin; Charles Buxton, Esq., M.P.; Canon Hugh Stowell, Manchester; the Earl of Radnor; the Rev. John Robinson, one of the Secretaries of the London City Mission; the Rev. J. C. Miller, Rector of St. Martin’s, Birmingham; the Rev. Samuel Martin, Westminster; the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, London; the Rev. A. Roberts, Rector of Woodrising, Norfolk; from Sir Culling E. Eardley, Bart.: Vice-Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood, Bart., &c.  (For a Selection see Prospectuses.)  They have also been favourably noticed in the “British Mothers’ Magazine,” “Sunday School Teacher’s Magazine,” and by the leading Periodical Press.





Invite special attention to the following DEPARTMENTS of their Business.



By the Introduction of STEAM POWER and a STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY into their Working Plant, J. & SONS are enabled to combine cheapness and expedition, without the slightest sacrifice of superior workmanship.  They have now in operation Machinery suitable for the finest book work, as well as for the ordinary requirements of commercial enterprize, such as HANDBILLS, SHOP BILLHEADS, TEA WRAPPERS, &c.

The very large number of Compositors and Pressmen engaged upon their Printing Staff, enables them to offer especial advantages to Solicitors, Auctioneers, Architects, &c., to whom expedition is mainly essential.

Manuscripts of every kind carefully prepared for the Press.



In this department arrangements have recently been made for conducting the entire business on the Premises; from Folding and Sewing the sheets by female assistants, to the Gilding and Finishing by competent workmen.  In


Jarrold & Sons are enabled to compete with the first London Houses, as the extensive patronage of the leading Merchants in the district satisfactorily attests.

Books Ruled to any Pattern, & Type-paged by Superior Machines.




Commercial, Family, and Law Stationery.

From their extensive purchases for cash, and the peculiar Advantages of Machinery for Cutting, Stamping, &c., Jarrold & Sons supply their friends at prices much lower than the pseudo cheap London advertising houses.




[2]  Hugh Bigod, the grandson, materially promoted the accession of Stephen to the throne, but afterwards espousing the cause of Matilda, gave utterance to the well-known triplet—

“Were I in my castle of Bungay,
Upon the river Waveney,
I would na care for the king of Cockney.”

Two of the family subscribed their names to Magna Charta; another was the spokesman of the barons combined against Henry the Third; while the last earl flatly refused to accompany Edward the First in his French campaign, that king having laid heavy and illegal tollages on the country.