Title: The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 5, May, 1882
Author: Various
Release date: September 7, 2018 [eBook #57859]
Language: English
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Page. | |
Paragraphs | 129 |
Benefactions | 130 |
Concerning Endowments | 131 |
Death of Rev. J. M. Williams | 133 |
General Notes——Africa, Indians, Chinese | 133 |
Cut of Modoc Funeral | 135 |
Anniversary Announcements | 136 |
Revival News——From Tougaloo, Chattanooga, Macon, Atlanta, Hampton, Paris and McIntosh | 137 |
Our Youngest, the Tillotson | 140 |
Teacher’s Institute at Talladega | 140 |
Hon. Wm. E. Dodge and Atlanta Univ. | 141 |
atlanta Teacher at Macon | 141 |
Mr. Ladd’s Journal | 142 |
Elephant Hunting (cut) | 143 |
Statistics for February——Chinese New-Year | 147 |
Japanese Pleasure Party | 149 |
The Grasshopper Teacher | 150 |
RECEIPTS | 151 |
American Missionary Association,
President, Hon. WM. B. WASHBURN, Mass.
Rev. M. E. STRIEBY. D.D., 56 Reade Street, N.Y.
H. W. HUBBARD, Esq., 56 Reade Street, N.Y.
Rev. C. L. WOODWORTH, Boston. Rev. G. D. PIKE, D.D., New York.
Rev. JAMES POWELL, Chicago.
relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary; those relating to the collecting fields, to the District Secretaries; letters for the Editor of the “American Missionary,” to Rev. G. D. Pike, D.D., at the New York Office.
may be sent to H. W. Hubbard, Treasurer, 56 Reade Street, New York, or, when more convenient, to either of the Branch Offices, Rev. C. L. Woodworth, Dist. Sec., 21 Congregational House, Boston, Mass., or Rev. James Powell, Dist. Sec., 112 West Washington Street, Chicago, Ill. A payment of thirty dollars at one time constitutes a Life Member. Letters relating to boxes and barrels of clothing may be addressed to the persons above named.
“I bequeath to my executor (or executors) the sum of ———— dollars, in trust, to pay the same in ———— days after my decease to the person who, when the same is payable, shall act as Treasurer of the ‘American Missionary Association’ of New York City, to be applied, under the direction of the Executive Committee of the Association, to its charitable uses and purposes.” The Will should be attested by three witnesses.
The Annual Report of the A. M. A. contains the Constitution of the Association and the By-Laws of the Executive Committee. A copy will be sent free on application.
American Missionary.
The friends of the A. M. A. who examine the receipts acknowledged in this number of the Missionary will be gratified to see a total of $31,976.58 for March, thus making up in some measure for the falling off in February. But too much encouragement must not be taken from this single item. Let it only stimulate our friends to a steady effort to round out the year with the $300,000 called for by the annual meeting and by the imperative needs of the work. To reach that sum $168,000 will be required for the remaining six months of the year, or $28,000 per month.
The most infamous enactments of the Congress of the United States have been made in response to the demands of caste prejudice; as for example in the Fugitive Slave Law. A parallel to this is found in the recent bill prohibiting Chinese immigration——an enactment injurious to this country, a wrong to China and a violation of the fundamental principles of the Declaration of Independence, and of the law of God. It is a shameful repudiation of our boast that this land is an asylum for the oppressed of all nations, and it is a cowardly acknowledgment that a hundred thousand inoffensive Chinamen can so excite and alarm a nation of fifty millions of people. It is with great gratification that we chronicle the veto of this bill by President Arthur. We only regret that he has not put the veto more squarely against the principle of such prohibition.
Popular virtue is spasmodic. It was a spasm of public righteousness that overthrew Wm. M. Tweed in New York. But the spasm soon passed and New York was again misgoverned. Sudden uprisings of enthusiasm in the temperance cause have given us prohibitory and other stringent laws, but soon again the tides of intemperance have swept onward. In missionary as well as reformatory work is the evil of these spasms felt. Some new developments of special need or of special encouragement arouse the churches, and unwonted streams of contributions[130] pour into the treasuries of the Mission Boards. On the strength of these gifts the mission work is enlarged and new responsibilities are assumed, but ere long the decay of the special impulse leaves the Boards to face their newly-created obligations with an empty treasury.
This has been specially true in regard to the work among the Freedmen. On the proclamation of Emancipation, and the enactment of laws giving the ballot to the blacks, the popular enthusiasm knew no bounds. Liberal benefactions called into life the Freedmen’s Aid Societies and filled the treasury of this Association. At length, however, the Freedmen fell into the hands of the politicians, and the nation lost interest in the conflicts of parties and factions over them. The Aid Societies were abandoned and the A. M. A. with its vast machinery was left in debt. Now, again, within the last few years has the public attention been aroused to the education of the colored people as their only hope and the nation’s only safety. Presidents Hayes and Garfield have voiced the feelings of the North, and Senator Brown and Dr. Haygood have re-echoed the sentiment for the South. During these late years the treasury of the A. M. A. has felt the new impulse, and again it has ventured upon enlargement. Shall it once more be left on the sands of a retreating tide and the work for the Freedmen be again crippled? Nothing will avert such a result but conscience and Christian principle on the part of the friends of the colored race. If this work ought to be done, and what patriot or Christian doubts it, then the patriot and the Christian must give it their steady and generous support.
Mr. Garry Brooks has given $30,000 to found a Brooks Professorship at Oberlin College.
The medical department of Dartmouth College receives $2,000 from the will of the late E. W. Stoughton, of New York.
Hon. Frederick Billings, of Woodstock, Vt., has given $5,000 to the fund now being raised for an additional gymnasium building at Amherst College.
Gen. James M. Coale, of Maryland, bequeathed $10,000 each to Georgetown College, D.C., and St. Mary’s Industrial School for Boys, Baltimore.
The Marquis of Bute offers to add £10,000 to the fund to the proposed University College of Wales, provided the institution be established at Cardiff.
Ex-Gov. Morgan, of New York, has given $100,000 to Williams College for a new dormitory building. The gifts of Gov. Morgan to Wells College amount in all to $275,000.
Miss Sarah Burr, of New York, bequeathed $95,000 for educational purposes[131] in connection with institutions already established and $60,000 towards founding new ones.
During the past twelve months we have recorded under the head of “Benefactions” $9,118,500 to different educational institutions in the United States. The greater part of this was given for endowments and permanent educational facilities——a portion of it had been provided by donors during previous years, and a part still remains unpaid. Of the grand total only $66,500 was for Freedmen——the money for their support having for the most part come through the contribution boxes.
The success already achieved by the institutions of this Association and the favor already won by them among all classes of the Southern people, amply justify the work hitherto carried on. It is believed that the time has fully come when this work should be put upon a more substantial basis. Permanent endowments are needed that these institutions may achieve that larger success which is rightly expected of them.
Certain phases of our work, sometimes overlooked, greatly emphasize this need. Careful attention is invited to the following points:
1. The unusual difficulties attending the successful prosecution of our work. It is no ordinary school teaching that we have undertaken to carry on in the South. Our pupils bring to the class-room absolutely no inheritance of scholarly mind. Only two or three generations separate them from the heathenism of the most uncivilized continent in the world. Some of them come with the most meagre vocabulary——a few hundred tattered and torn remnants of English words. Many of them have no equipment of general information, such as other children absorb from their parents. But worse than all is the evil inheritance which many of our pupils bring from centuries of heathenism and slavery. Let us be frank and add that even the great boon of freedom, so righteously conferred, has, by the very suddenness of its bestowal, unavoidably brought peculiar peril and damage to many of the freedmen.
It is not a light task to deal with such material as this. Moral character must be developed at the outset and carefully nurtured all along. The rubbish of incorrect speech must be cleared away, and a correct and copious vocabulary formed. The commonest facts of general information must be imparted. Of course, in our higher institutions there is less of such work to be done; but a still more responsible and difficult task takes its place——that of preparing college and normal students to perform this same arduous primary work as teachers and leaders of their own people. Never was such a mass of ignorance thrown so suddenly upon the educational resources of a civilized people. But there is a brighter side.
2. The unprecedented facilities now available for the prosecution of our[132] work. Never was a civilized people so well prepared as our nation now is to meet this great emergency. The progress made in the science of education was never so great as it has been in recent years. The adaptation of methods of teaching to the varying necessities of pupils was never so well understood as now. Text-books and school apparatus, juvenile literature and helps for Biblical study were never so excellent as at present. The value of industrial training, even as an element in the most liberal culture, is receiving unwonted emphasis. In short, the accumulated wisdom of the latest and best century stands ready to serve us, if we only summon its aid. Much of it is in service already; but far more is needed than our present financial resources can command.
3. The necessity of a high order of talent in the teachers and managers of our work. To understand thoroughly the needs of such pupils as crowd our schools, and to apply successfully the most approved educational methods, requires something more than an ordinary teacher. An eminent advocate of popular education has stated it as his belief that the most interesting and valuable improvements yet to be made in pedagogical science will be made in connection with the education of the colored people. But tyros and bunglers in teaching will never give us much that is interesting or valuable. The very best teaching ability must continually be employed in our schools and colleges, and be properly remunerated.
4. The relation of our work to the future of education in the South. The justification of all Northern missionary teaching in the South has been that it was designed to accomplish what the Southern people were not prepared to do themselves. To whatever extent they may in the future take up our work, it will still be our mission to maintain that helpful leadership which it has been our privilege to exercise from the beginning. Our institutions should be the best and do the best work of any in the South. We should be the first to discern the peculiar needs of Southern pupils and the first to introduce whatever is new and excellent in educational appliances. We ought, for instance, to have at once industrial departments connected with all our larger institutions. Every normal and college graduate should be able to use intelligently either the wood-working or the iron-working tools; and the same expenditure of time and money which the Harvard and Yale boys make in learning to wield the oar and the bat would accomplish this much desired end. Already our institutions are being visited by Southern teachers eager to witness the advanced methods of teaching already introduced. We should always be able to reward such visitors by showing them something which they have not seen before. Above all, we should send out from our institutions such noble specimens of young manhood and womanhood as shall prove a stimulus to the whole educational work in the South.
The destiny of the colored race is to be largely determined by the character of the young men and women now crowding forward into active life.[133] The immediate future will demand all our resources, and more, to save these young people. In the more distant future, our success as influential leaders in education will depend largely upon the promptness with which our institutions are now put upon a substantial basis. Every consideration of past success and of present and future need enforces our plea that these endowments should be provided at once.
Rev. J. M. Williams, of the Mendi Mission, died at Freetown, February 21. Mr. Williams was a native of British Guiana, and born in 1828. He was early impressed with a love to the Saviour and to Africa by his grandmother Christina, a native of the interior of Congo. He was educated in Ebenezer Chapel School, and studied theology with the pastor of the church; became assistant minister, then tutor in training school at Clarkson. But in his own words: “The promise of my childhood made to my grandmother that I would carry the word of God to Africa for her, when a man; this promise made with no other object than to soothe her in her tears for Africa, grew up with me, till I felt I would rather travel from town to town with my Bible, reading and publishing Christ the Saviour to my benighted brethren in Africa, than fill the most exalted and lucrative position in British Guiana or anywhere else.” In 1861 he went to Africa, and with the exception of three years spent in England remained there till the time of his death. Mr. Chase, who visited him in 1880 at Kaw Mendi, where the last five years of his life were spent, says: “For Africa Mr. Williams’ effort may be considered a success. Very few missionaries could accomplish so much in so short a time in any field in Africa.”
——West Central Africa is to receive four missionaries from Oberlin, who will go out under appointment of the A. B. C. F. M.
——The London Standard has received from Durban a dispatch announcing the return of Mr. Richards, a missionary, who has been well received by Oumzila. The King has permitted him to establish a mission in his possessions.
——Of forty physicians who offered themselves to accompany to the Gold Coast Mr. Praetorius, sub-inspector of the Basle Missions, the committee has chosen Dr. Ernest Maehli, of Swiss origin.
——A survey is to be made for a light railway from the West African Gold Coast through the mining regions of the Wassan. If this road is constructed it will open up a country rich in palm oil, India rubber and precious metals.
——John Smith Moffat has been sent to Lessouto as British representative. Born at Kourouman and brought up in England, he has still passed[134] nearly 25 years in Africa, and exercised in the Transvaal a civil magistracy among the natives, whose interests, material and moral, he has always protected.
——Capt. Foot, commander of the ship Ruby, has accepted a call of the Sultan of Zanzibar, with a view to the suppression of the slave trade, which appeared concentrated at Bemba. The Arab bark with which Capt. Brownrigg joined combat has been captured. The French and English governments have taken up the matter.
——The Arab influence is said by the missionaries of the C. M. S. to be destroyed in Mtesa’s kingdom. “No fear of starving now,” writes Mr. O’Flaherty. “We can water our garden, which bears fruit twice a year. We live like lords on native food, have flesh meat twice a day. The climate is lovely, country beautiful, people affable and kind, and we are happy. Our work is so increasing daily that we do not know where to begin or what to do first.”
——A section of the Geographical Society, of Lisbon, has been formed at Horta, chief town of Fayal, one of the Azores, and has commenced to seek means for establishing a help station for shipwrecks, a measure desired for a long time in this latitude where violent tempests so frequently surprise one.
——Messrs. Thornycroft & Co., of England, are constructing a steamer for the use of the Baptist mission on the Upper Congo. The steamer is to be of steel, having twin screws for her more easy control and management amid the currents and sand-banks of the river. Her length will be 70 feet and she will draw only 12 inches of water. The lightness of flotation is secured by a singularly ingenious arrangement of the screws. The contract price of the vessel, complete and packed for transmission to the Congo, with a steel boat and duplicates of the most important portions of the machinery and gear, has been fixed at £1,700. To this will have to be added about £150 for sundry stores, so that the entire cost of the vessel will not exceed £2,000.
——There are 5,500 Indians drawing rations at the Agency of Standing Rock, Dakota.
——During the present session of Congress 140 bills relating to the Indians have been introduced, an average of one to about every 1,700 Indians.
——Thirty descendants of Indians in Delaware have asked to be admitted to the Maryland Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church.
——There are 1,000 Indians in the Everglades of Florida, speaking their own language. They are said to be friendly and honest in their dealing with the whites.
——Among the 275,000 Indians reported in the United States there are[135] 219 churches and 30,000 church members. Out of 70 tribes, 22 are stated to be self-supporting.
——The Choctaw Nation, in the Indian Territory, have long had a law to prevent excessive cruelty to animals; inspired, it seems, not from any example of the whites, but from their own instincts of humanity. The penalty is a fine of thirty lashes.
——A sub-committee appointed by Presbyterians to prepare a memorial for Congress relating to the Indians, adopted the following: “For Indians we want American education, we want American homes, we want American rights——the result, of which is American citizenship.”
——Shanghai, China, has a temperance society with 400 members.
The Chinese pupils at Stockton and Oroville have purchased cabinet organs for their respective schoolrooms.
——In order to introduce telegraphy into China, the authorities grant the free use of the wires to the people for a month.
——A decree has been issued exempting all Chinese converts to Christianity from all levies for idolatrous worship, processions or theatrical performances.
——The Catholic Bishop of Hong Kong says that the Catholic mission there took 400,000 Chinese children last year to bring up in the faith of their church.
——A tract which is being distributed by the Japanese says: “Christianity is spreading like fire on a grassy plain, so that in capital and country there is no place where it is not preached.”
——According to the latest statistics on the subject, there are at the present time 310 Protestant missionary agents in China. Reckoning the population of China at 350,000,000, a ratio is found of one missionary agent to a population of 1,129,032.
Howard University, Washington, D.C.——The anniversary of the Theological Department will be on Friday evening, May 5, when addresses will be made by five young men, who will graduate, and who will be addressed at the close by some person yet to be selected.
Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn.——Friday night, May 20, public exercises of Class A., and the conferring of normal certificates. Sunday, 3 P.M., Baccalaureate sermon by President Cravath. Sunday night, Missionary address by Rev. C. L. Woodworth, of Boston, Mass. May 23, 24 and 25, examination of classes. Thursday, May 26, Commencement Day, Anniversary address by Rev. R. G. Hutchins, of Columbus, Ohio.
Talladega College, Talladega, Ala.——Baccalaureate sermon, Sunday morning, June 11, by President De Forest. Missionary sermon in the evening by Rev. Edward W. Bacon, of New London, Conn. Examinations on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Monday night, exercises of the Literary Societies. Tuesday night, address by Rev. E. W. Bacon. Thursday, Anniversary exercises and graduation of two from the Theological Department. Commencement concert in the evening.
Tougaloo University, Tougaloo, Miss.——Examinations Thursday. Friday and Monday, May 25, 26 and 29. Sabbath-school Convention, Sunday, May 28. Annual sermon by the President, Sunday night. Exhibition, Tuesday night, May 30. Literary exercises of graduating class, Wednesday morning, May 31. Annual address, Wednesday, P.M., by Rev. Truman N. Post, of St. Louis.
Tillotson Collegiate and Normal Institute, Austin, Tex.——Public examinations, June 5 and 6. Closing exercises, June 7.
Wilmington, N.C.——Examinations, June 1. Exhibition in Memorial Hall, June 2.
Charleston, S.C.——Commencement exercises, May 31. Address by Rev. E. J. Meynardy, D.D., of the Bethel M. E. Church.
Beach Institute, Savannah, Ga.——Closing exercises, May 31. Examinations and grading for next year during the week preceding, ending May 26.
Macon, Ga.——Friday, May 26, close of primary school. Saturday, closing exhibition of sewing-school. Sunday, address to the students of the Lewis High School, by J. W. Burke, Esq. Monday and Tuesday, examinations. Wednesday, May 31, closing exhibition, with presentation of certificates of scholarship. Wednesday evening, concert for the benefit of the school.
LeMoyne School, Memphis, Tenn.——May 28, annual sermon. May 29, Junior exhibition. May 31, graduating exercises and the annual address.
Mobile, Ala.——Written examinations, May 23 and 24. Oral examinations, May 25. Closing exhibition on the night of the 26th.
Montgomery, Ala.——Examinations and closing exercises, May 30 and 31.
REV. JOSEPH E. ROY, D.D., Field Superintendent, Atlanta, Ga.
For the past two weeks there has been a great deal of religious interest among the students here. At the meetings, which have been held nearly every night during this time, twenty-nine persons have told us of their determination to serve God for the rest of their lives.
Many of those who have lately begun this new life are young people, who have a good deal of influence over their classmates and associates. We feel glad to know that now they are on the side of Truth and are ready to use whatever influence they may have in the best way. Not only have sinners been converted, but Christians have been stirred up to do better work.
One night, after a sermon upon the subject “Confession,” from the text: “Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me,” an invitation was given to all who felt it to be their duty to confess any sins that were weighing upon them. The first who arose was a young man who was converted a year or two ago, and who has ever since been foremost in every good work. He said that he had been guilty of an act of dishonesty which had caused him much sorrow. In a lesson that he had written upon the board a few days before he had misspelled a word. One letter was wrong, but as it happened to resemble very closely the right letter, he reported it as such when he saw his mistake. For the next three or four days he had no peace. He knew that he ought to confess the act to the teacher whom he had deceived, but he was afraid that she would lose all confidence in his integrity. He also tried to persuade himself that it was a very little thing, hardly worth reporting. Why not keep quiet about it? No one would ever find it out. But these thoughts brought no comfort with them. The more he thought about the matter, the more he felt convinced that his act was not a little thing. He knew that it was a sin, and therefore not a small thing.
After praying about the matter, this suggestion came to him: “Since you have asked the Lord to forgive you, you have done all that is necessary. You need not ask your teacher’s forgiveness.”
He soon saw that he ought not to expect God to pardon his sin until he had done what he could to set the matter right with his teacher. He felt now as[138] if the very salvation of his soul depended upon his making this confession. As soon as possible, after coming to this conclusion, he went to her and acknowledged his sin. With this acknowledgement came peace.
Other confessions followed this. Some told of similar acts of dishonesty, which they had committed. All who spoke expressed a sincere determination to do better for the future. We felt as if these confessions had cleared the moral atmosphere and made it possible for more effectual work to be done for those who did not profess to be Christians.
Among the number recently converted is a middle-aged woman from the neighborhood. For at least thirteen years she has fully realized that she ought to lead a better life, but has been so much under the influence of old superstitions and ignorant associates, who told her that she could not be called a Christian until she would say that she had seen all sorts of impossible visions and had numerous strange experiences, that she has hardly known which way to turn. Now she has come out from under her yoke of bondage and feels as if she had seen a great light, a much clearer and better one than that for which she watched so many years.
We are hoping and praying that the good, work which has been begun here may continue: that those who have started in the right way may have strength of character enough to keep in it, even when the prospect looks dark and they do not feel so full of enthusiasm as now.
Miss F. J. Webster.
It fell out of a clear sky, without foretokening of cloud or of electric display. It was at Chattanooga, in Pastor Joseph E. Smith’s church. At the regular Wednesday evening prayer meeting a young man announces that he has made up his mind to turn and live a Christian life. Good Deacon Morford asks of the pastor: “How would it do to have a meeting to-morrow night?” It is appointed. Two or three more at that time come out on the Lord’s side.
Then a meeting every night is agreed upon, with a sermon from the pastor; and every night souls are hopefully born again. The series continues two weeks. For the last few days Pastor Penney and Superintendent Roy drop in to help glean a little. Over two-score souls are numbered among the believers. Forty are examined and approved by vote for membership in the church.
But there was some preliminary work after all. The lady missionary, Mrs. Almira S. Steele, of Revere, Mass., who is sustained by the ladies of the Congregational churches of Chelsea, besides her general service, has had a Friday afternoon sociable for the women, which not only worked as a preparation but was used all through the revival with marked spiritual results. So her service in the Sunday-school, with the handling of the review intrusted to her, had borne upon the happy issue, and all the people, who are delighted with their lady assistant, trace the work back in part to her influence. The pastor, who had become almost discouraged, becomes a new man. The church is confirmed. This fruitage encourages the patient culturing of the Sabbath-school. It rewards proper teaching. There was no noise, no confusion. None of the inquirers were looking for visions and dreams, for long-drawn agonies, for “the power.” They were just marched up to the question of immediate submission and trust. This work shows how our little churches that are striving for purity and order and character may be spiritually empowered and built up.
It will gratify our friends to know that our A. M. A. mission in Macon has been spiritually refreshed. There was a growing religious interest among the children of our day-school and Sunday-school, and early in February we were enabled to secure the aid of Rev. E. E. Rogers, of Orange, Conn. The neighborhood[139] prayer-meetings and house-to-house visitation by day were followed by powerfully impressive meetings at night. The work spread remarkably among the children, many of whom have started out in the new life. For more than three weeks the scholars of our Lewis High School would voluntarily leave their play and spend the whole half-hour of noon recess in prayer and religious instruction at the parlor of the Mission Home to the number of sixty and upward. At one memorable pray-meeting in the school-house there were twelve or fifteen of the students who gave their hearts to God. It was a Pentecostal season, a time of great rejoicing to the faithful teachers who had so long prayed for their pupils. The clear, decided testimony of one bright little Sunday-school boy, eight years of age, who was converted in one of the Sunday-school prayer-meetings, would put to shame the half-way, timid professions of some older people. “Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings Thou hast perfected praise.” Sixteen members of our Sunday-school have joined our (Congregational) church. Twenty-two in all have united, of whom eight are heads of families, while eight or ten of the students have joined other churches, where their families are connected. The daily meetings continued for six weeks, with the efficient help of Rev. D. Sherrell, of Savannah, for a few days, after Brother Rogers’ departure.
The religious interest in Atlanta University, which was reported to you some time since, has continued for five weeks without any abatement, and a good harvest has already been gathered. The meetings have been well attended, in spite of some sickness and bad weather, and have been marked by an earnest attention to the truth and a fervent spirit of prayer. We have good reason to believe that many more than a score of souls have chosen the service of Christ, and they show a tenderness of devotion and a carefulness of demeanor which promise well for their stability.
Scarcely one is left among those who made their home here who has not been deeply affected, and who has not taken some steps in advance. We do not expect any reaction or falling away from the uplift which the whole school seems to have experienced.
The prayer meetings at Hampton are well sustained, and the religious feeling in the school is good. There has been a marked increase in our prayer meetings this year. We often have 200 in our Sunday morning meeting conducted by the students, where last year there were only thirty or forty. We have kept up two Indian meetings during the week, in which a verse of the Bible is read in English by one of the students, then by all who can read English in concert, then by one in Dakota. Then it is explained. After trying several ways, this seemed to be the most satisfactory. Prayers are offered in Dakota, in Arizona and in English by the students.
A meeting is kept up by the English-speaking students among themselves in order to fit them to take part when they go back to their homes.
We are in the midst of a special work of grace. Nineteen have given evidence of having been born by the Holy Spirit. They all have been added to our church. Besides these, one came by letter from another denomination. Others are anxiously inquiring the way of life. All these converts, with two exceptions, are from the Sunday School. Among these “new-born babes” one is the wife of a minister and one is the wife of a deacon. The two oldest children of the pastor are among those that professed a hope in Christ.
Last Sabbath was a “high day” with us. We have been holding extra meetings about four weeks. The result was[140] the conversion of about fourteen persons, among whom were several of our most promising scholars. Our communion season came off last Sabbath, when nine of these converts came to unite with us.
The Austin branch of the Texas Central, a few miles below the capital, falls into the valley of the Colorado. As you run up that lovely vale, you soon see on the right, just out of the city, the Tillotson, a five-story stone and brick edifice, crowning a ground swell that overlooks the river and town. Its neat fence and the grounds graded by nature are attractive. As we roll up the valley, I see a fine carriage standing at the door; and this, as I come up to the place, I find to be the turnout of Gov. Pease, who has brought his family up to visit the institute and to call upon the family of teachers. An original Connecticut man, 30 years a resident of Texas, her Governor for a term, during which a fund of $2,000,000 was set apart for public schools, and now a trustee of the Tillotson, his interest and influence are worth much to such an institution at the South.
But, so soon, the house is full to overflowing, in its assembly-rooms, in its dining-hall and in its dormitories. So that already the call is for another building. I find 140 scholars, of whom 65 are boarders. I find enthusiasm and spring in these freshly gathered students. In this State the colored people are getting land faster than in any other: partly, for the reason that, from the beginning, there was here the least opposition to their doing so; and, partly, from the fact that Texas is a new and largely a Western State; and so, these more well-to-do parents are ready to avail themselves of the advantage of such a school. The father of one of these young men was a slave, but now owns 500 acres of land, on which he has paid $6,000 of the $7,000 purchase money.
The President, Rev. W. E. Brooks, who left his pastorate in West Haven, Conn., to take this position, is supported by Prof. J. J. Anderson, a graduate of Beloit College, with a dozen years of experience, and by Misses Hunt and Topping, graduates of Olivet, who are born teachers and disciplinarians. The President, besides teaching several classes, preaches on the Sabbath in the chapel, and also conducts a Sunday-school. He is welcomed to the pulpits of the city, and is on the friendliest terms with the first citizens. Rev. Dr. E. B. Wright, pastor of the Northern Presbyterian Church, is one of the trustees, and is greatly attentive to the interests of the Institute. Mrs. Brooks, an accomplished pianist, has twenty-eight colored pupils in piano music, which shows the zest for cultivation. Once a week a lecture is delivered before the students by teachers or prominent citizens. The wife of Judge Garland, who has had an A. M. A. school in Austin for fifteen years, continues in a primary school near at hand; and the Judge himself, for the present stress, is volunteering a half-a-day of teaching for a month. A New Hampshire schoolmaster, he became a lawyer, then a judge in Texas, under appointment of Gov. Davis.
A grand future is apparent for the Tillotson in this Empire of a Commonwealth. The only question is whether it can keep up with its opportunity and its demand. It gives us no time to rest. No sooner is it opened than it calls for more room. The growing brain makes room for itself, and so must this educational enterprise.
President, Henry S. DeForest.
Of late it has been the custom to end the spring term at Talladega College with a teachers’ institute, giving special training to those who are so soon to go out and teach. The one just held at the last of March has been very pleasant and helpful. Prof. A. J. Steele, of the Le Moyne Institute, Memphis, Tenn., was present, bearing a large part in its instruction,[141] and giving it the choicest fruits of his own training and experience. The Hon. H. Clay Armstrong, State Superintendent of Education, had a place on the programme, and Rev. Daniel Duncan, the County Superintendent, was present at every session from beginning to end. Three years ago, at the beginning of the series, he said, that was “the first institute ever held in Talladega County, from the creation of the world.” This one, especially, roused all his enthusiasm, and again and again he gave his testimony to the good that was effected.
The need of such institutes and of the steady, persistent work of a college to train teachers and preachers is most apparent, when it is considered that probably not more than one in ten of the blacks, in a State where they make about half of the population, can read so as to make the sense, and half of the voters of all colors are unable to read either God’s Law or the amendments to the Constitution. Some are teaching who have never been at school themselves. School-houses are few, and often without floor, or window, or fireplace; desks and school-books are scarce; the school-year averages only 67 days, and the appropriation per capita for the year is 97 cents.
Mrs. T. N. Chase.
Some of you doubtless remember seeing a recent account of a very cordial welcome given Gov. Colquitt, of Georgia, at a handsome reception in the home of Hon. William E. Dodge, of New York. The courtesy was soon reciprocated, and a few days ago the Atlanta Constitution——a democratic daily which stands at the head of Southern journals——announced the expected arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Dodge in Atlanta.
This good man and his noble wife have made frequent trips to Georgia and Florida during the past ten years, always stopping to say a cheering word to Atlanta University and shake hands with two or three needy students, who each year for all this time have been supported by the generosity of these good people. To-day they visited the school, accompanied by Mrs. Gov. Colquitt and one of her lady friends.
Mr. Dodge said he remembered well the first time he addressed the students. He wondered how many had a purpose to go out and gather forty and fifty about them to do for those in the dark places what had been done for them by their teachers on this hill. He begged them to remember that unless they sought first the kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness all other knowledge would be vain. He said he must add a word about temperance, in which he knew they were so much interested. He could not believe any before him would ever reel through the streets a staggering drunkard, but their only safety lay in total abstinence.
His words were so instructive and his benign face so inspiring that the very instant he took his seat the entire school burst spontaneously into the plantation melody:
I might as easily describe an exquisite fragrance as these choruses of young voices from our 250 students, especially when singing this “spiritual,” whose words so touchingly portray the mingled hopes and fears of those deep, emotional natures. But, when in verses second and third they triumphantly sing:
our hopes with theirs conquer our fears, and we sympathize with Mrs. Colquitt when she remarks: “I feel like making a speech to the school myself.”
Miss Julia A. Goodwin.
Everything here is new to us, and we enjoy the country-like city in its irregularity, broad streets, steep ascents and descents, its profusion of flowers, especially its roses. Then it is a real pleasure[142] to compare the workings of the school and church with our own. We think we could not accomplish what these teachers do who are obliged to teach some of the time——two of them in one room, each conducting a recitation at one and the same time; but they work admirably together, without a particle of friction, and are a very happy family. Mrs. Lathrop’s sewing-school is also very interesting. As we walked into the room last Saturday morning, two old ladies, who were sewing just as busily as the children, arose from their seats and came across the room to greet us. One of them, whose sprightly manner and unwrinkled face would never have betokened her great age, said to us: “I am ninety-two years old if I live till Monday. I can’t do much, my hands are so stiff; but I thank the Lord that I can come here and sew a little;” and she showed us her patch-work squares with as evident satisfaction as any of the younger pupils. Ninety-two years old and learning to sew! Ah, thought I, most old ladies are through with their needle at that age. These sewing-schools must bring some comfort into many homes.
Saturday, Dec. 3.——We started from Assiout at five o’clock this morning on our voyage up the Nile. The air to-day has been wonderfully fine. The landscape, too, has presented a constantly varying panorama full of novelty, full of interest, full of beauty. We have called for a few moments at a number of villages to leave the mail. We have been peering through our glasses, as we sat under the awning on deck, at the natives along the banks in their varied costumes, and in almost no costume at all, at the high bluffs, which in some places rise abruptly from the river, and at the wonderful tombs with their hieroglyphic inscriptions cut out high up in the rocks. The river is full of boats of one kind or another coming and going.
Sunday, Dec. 4.——One misfortune of travel on the Nile is that any discussion of the weather becomes monotonous and trite. Every day is like every other day, beautiful, bright and balmy. No church bells ring for us to-day, so our thoughts naturally turn homeward. The views, as we slowly steam up the river are charming. We pass some bold headlands, call, as yesterday, at many villages by the way, and witness many interesting and peculiar scenes. A fringe of “shadoofs,” with half naked men hard at work at them watering the crops, keep up a constant creaking. We notice also great numbers of birds of every size and shape. We tie up for the night at Keneh, celebrated for its porous jugs, its dates, and once on a time, its dancing girls, whom the march of civilization has driven higher up the river.
Monday, Dec. 5.——We have seen something of what is left of the great city of Thebes, its magnificent temples, its stupendous halls, its wonderful colossi, its interesting tombs——Karnak and Luxor, on one side, Gourna on the other. It is hard to realize what pomp and splendor were once displayed among these ruins, still so grand in their desolation. The strong current of the river got the best of us to-day. The steamer in rounding a point could not be made to obey her helm, and before we knew what was going to happen, with full steam on we ran bunt up against and on to the steep bank. The men pushed and grunted, and finally we got clear and righted up again. We have witnessed a nearly total eclipse of the moon this evening, soon after it rose, which for the manner in which it came on and went off was very remarkable. We could hear the natives in their villages[Pg 143] trying to frighten away the dragon which was supposed to be swallowing the moon. We tied up at Esneh for the night. Here we went ashore with torches and lights to visit a portion of a temple, which is in an excellent state of preservation. I first went to see the Mudir to get him to telegraph for us to Korosko for camels. He had retired for the night, but as our business could not be transacted at any other time, I sent in our orders from Cairo, and he soon appeared. Coffee was served, our papers made out, viz.: An order to the governors of places where we might call within his mudirieh to show us proper attention, and a telegram signed by the Mudir to provide camels for us at Korosko. Then joining the rest of the party we visited the temple. The top of it is only a little above the successive deposits of ages, and one has to descend a long flight of steps to reach its floor. It is completely covered with sculptured work, which is finely preserved. This, however, is only the portico of the real temple, the entrance to which is walled up.
Tuesday, Dec. 6.——Our steamer made a long stop at Edfou to-day, as is customary, to let passengers see its splendid temple. This is the most complete, and the best preserved in Egypt, and gives one the best idea of ancient Egyptian architecture. Its massive pylons had long been in sight as we steamed up the river. As soon as the steamer stopped we took donkeys and started toward them through the winding mud-walled streets of the little town. What a temple! A book would fail to do it justice! Every inch of it is covered with the most beautiful carving. I have not space nor time to tell of how we climbed the pylons and wandered through the dark mysterious chambers, and stood in admiration before those beautiful and ever varied pillars, and explored dark winding passages built in the walls themselves. One has an overwhelming sense of sublimity and awe as he stands under the shadow and in the profound hush of these sacred monuments of a departed glory. We tied up for the night at Gebel Silsileh, a narrow, rocky passage, through which the river seems to have burst its way. Here we went on shore and with the help of torches examined the tombs and chapels and noted quarries. The perfect silence here was almost painful. There was not even the usual gentle murmur of “backsheesh.” Returning to our steamer we took a moonlight row up the river, and over to the opposite shore. Ruins and moonlight, and a boat ride on the Nile! Could anything be more romantic? Here is a picture hung upon the walls of memory never to be forgotten.
Wednesday, Dec. 7.——We have run aground twice to-day. We passed the ruins of Comombo early this morning, and now we are at Assouan, with another stage of our journey accomplished. We have visited the bazaars, where all sorts of curiosities from Nubia and the Soudan are sold, and had crowds of wild-looking, long-haired, grease-smeared and more than half naked desert Arabs thronging around us, and have been besieged with strange looking people with stranger looking things to sell, of which we bought none. In fact, our novel experiences in and about the town would, if all told, be a tale too lengthy for these brief pages. We also visited the island of Elephantine, with its ruins of pottery, human skeletons, and interesting Nile meter. Ibrahim was dispatched the first thing on our arrival, to secure a dahabeyeh for us. He has returned, and reports that he has found one, such as it is, which will take us and our baggage from here to Korosko for £5. We have agreed to take two men, Mousa and Ibrahim Cohen, with us to Khartoum to lighten our expenses. Then we have Mongades, the Bible Society’s man with us, so that we shall really have to pay for the dahabeyeh only about £3. We have been invited to see a “fantasia,” but our taste not being cultivated in that direction we declined.
Thursday, Dec. 8.——Some one was sick in the night. Thinking it might be the Doctor I jumped out of bed to go to him, and landed in cold water! The ship had[145] sprung a leak. All the rooms on one side were found to be flooded, and the engine-room was a pond. The pumps were put to work, but it was some hours before the water was where it belonged. Some things in my room were spoiled. We started early for Philæ, where our dahabeyeh lay, at the other end of the cataract. It was five miles, and we took camels so as to gain a little experience in riding preparatory to the long desert journey. Our route lay through the ancient bed of a river. On the way we visited the famous granite quarries, and saw the huge obelisk left partially cut out of its bed. We all went on board our dahabeyeh for lunch. The stars and stripes had been raised, and we also ordered up the English flag in honor of our guests. After lunch, while Ibrahim and Mourgan were getting our baggage on board, we, the party, took a small boat and rowed out to the interesting island of Philæ. First we rowed around it to get a comprehensive view of its beautiful temples. Then we landed, and examined them all in detail. We also visited the ruins of a little Christian church, which an American has discovered.
Friday, Dec. 9.——For some reason I did not sleep well, and was up early and over the side of the dahabeyeh for a good swim in the Nile. A light breeze soon sprang up, the sail was set, and at 8.30 A.M. we were off, the Englishmen still in the cataract. We passed an island to the right of Philæ, stopped for a few moments at a little village where some of our sailors lived and then we were off again, slowly passing immense granite boulders, between narrow banks fringed with dom-palms and very black Nubians, creeping along pretty fast for the light wind that just fills our big sail. We pass Debod, and then towards evening the wind goes down, and we have to make the bank and tie up. We do not remain here long, however. Our Reis, who is a fine fellow, ever on the alert, hears a rustling in the trees, a gale is upon us; the big sail is quickly flung out, and we start almost with a bound and strike a rock! The captain reports “no leak,” and off we go again, fairly flying before the wind. After a while it dies down and once more we have to make the bank and tie up just this side of Gebel Kalabshe. Here we go ashore and wander about, but are quickly recalled by the Reis. A good steady breeze has followed the lull after the gale, and off we go. Now we enter scenery that in the deep shadows of the moonlight is grand and sublime in the extreme. The granite mountains tower up from the water’s edge close to us on either side. There are deep gorges and overhanging cliffs, and huge boulders around which the pent up river swirls and eddies. I have named this wild spot “The Gates of the Tropics,” for now we pass the invisible line and enter the tropics. The southern cross is clearly visible in the heavens near the horizon, and toward it we are flying on the wings of the wind. In the witchery of such an evening, in such a place, we sit on deck till long past the midnight hour.
Saturday, Dec. 10.——The captain has been up all night and we have made a good run of it. It is very hot, and the wind dying down. Over we go for a swim. We have passed a rock-temple, and another very good temple at Dakkeh. The flies are getting to be a perfect pest.
Sunday, Dec. 11.——The wind is lighter and our progress has been slower. However, we have gradually drawn away from the grand rocky mountains that rose up abruptly from the water’s edge on our left this morning, and now around us are the volcanic peaks that indicate the vicinity of Korosko. We reached Korosko at 4 P.M., having made remarkably good time from Assouan. We noticed a queer peak just before reaching the town. There is a sacred mountain with a tomb upon it just at the rear of the village. Soon after our arrival the governor and various other officials came on board. The old governor was delighted when he found that we could talk together in Turkish. The usual formality of salaams, and coffee, etc., were duly exchanged. Our camels were ready for us.
Monday, Dec, 12.——We had a pleasant visit this morning from a merchant who arrived by caravan during the night from Darfur. We talked together in Greek. We have moved our boat higher up stream. Have received a number of visits from officials and sore-eyed men. The Doctor is having quite a practice. We have climbed the road that weary pilgrims tread to the top of the sacred mountain Gebel Aboo-Gowenah, whence we have had a fine, extensive view of the winding river, and the billowing ocean of volcanic peaks, and our own desert route that winds in and out among them. We send off a batch of letters for home, pack and get ready for our long journey. The bread is all made and properly dried.
Tuesday, Dec, 13.——Up about 5 A.M., roused the crowd, and pushed things as fast as possible. We expected to find the camels waiting on the bank, but not a living being was in sight. Hours went by and nobody appeared; we sent two men in different directions after the sheik of the camel-drivers, but he was not! Finally patience was exhausted. We went to the Governor’s house to see if we couldn’t start things up a little. He was pretending to hold court, but dismissed the case when he saw us. Then it being the proper thing to do we raised a row with His Majesty over our delay. It had the desired effect. The sheik was speedily produced, and we rode back to the boat on donkeys, with the whole crowd at our heels. Here we soon discovered that the governor, the sheik, and every other man in the crowd was determined to have a finger in the pie, and make us pay double the proper prices for all our camels. We talked and reasoned till 1 P.M. without avail. Then we grew righteously indignant. We laid down our terms——refused to listen to another word——gave orders to have everything put back on board the boat if they were not accepted, and threatened to go on to Wady Halfa and denounce the whole crowd of them as miserable rascals. Our terms were then accepted, and they thought a good deal more of us for standing for our rights instead of yielding to their exorbitant demands. Part of the money was paid and part held in reserve; the papers were made out, the baggage weighed and loaded, and at 1.30 P.M. we started out. We went about a mile or two into the desert, and camped in a rocky ravine, and here we got everything into good shape, looked to everything connected with our water supply, and made ready for the real business of the long desert before us; and here begins our tent life.
Wednesday, Dec. 14.——Broke camp, and started the caravan at 8.30 A.M. Now for the great desert journey! All the morning we pass peak after peak of a volcanic nature. At 2 P.M. we stopped, took a hasty bite of lunch in a sort of cave in a mountain called Elemnasir. Then on and on we go, swaying back and forth on our camels, and trying to “bone down” to the regular business before us. At 5.15 P.M. we went into camp for the night, considering it wiser not to make too long a day of the first one, as camels and men were both fresh, but to reserve our forces for the great strain toward the last. The spot chosen for our camp is a wild place under the shelter of a volcanic peak called Diakazarkha. Up goes the tent, all hands taking hold with a will. Mourgan starts a fire; now then, in the words of the “old folks’” song, “Jerusha, put the kettle on and we’ll all take tea.” Mourgan produces a marvel of a meal for such a place, and we fall to at once to do it ample justice. Our caravan consists of 19 camels and 15 men. The guide is a strong, bold fellow, thoroughly up to his business, and evidently enjoys commanding his men. The camels get only 2½ quarts of dourra a day, carry about 400 lbs. each, and are expected to go without water till we reach Murrat. Our water supply is to last us till we reach the Nile at Aboo-Hamed, as the water at Murrat is not drinkable. How brightly the stars shine out here. The stillness of the desert soon rests upon the camp, broken only by the occasional growl of a camel, and the snoring of the men.
Thursday, Dec. 15.——We are all up early, take a hasty breakfast, pull down the tent, load the camels amid a chorus of roars and growls, and start the whole caravan at 7 A.M. More volcanic peaks. The ground is everywhere covered with balls of iron from the size of a large pea to that of a cannon-ball. The iron is so pure that the natives are able to beat these balls into knives, etc. Now we see our first mirage. It is a beautiful lake, whose surface, scarcely rippled by the gentle breeze, clearly reflects a distant mountain range. The illusion is perfect. We lunch in a cave in a place called Gamoor. We have met one caravan of cattle and another of two or three hundred camels. Our guide stopped to camp about five o’clock, thinking probably that we were exhausted by this time. He looked surprised but pleased when we protested, and informed him that we intended to make forced marches of at least twelve hours every day. On and on we went into the darkness, for it is dark at five. At 7.10 we halted and pitched our camp in a portion of the desert called Nasbelhedoriah. Before we arrived in camp there was a commotion. What’s the matter? Nothing, only the cook has fallen asleep and rolled off from his camel! But the shining, round face comes up with a grin, “All right, kutter herak kattir.” We are not half way to Murrat yet, and the water in our “bootleg” bottles and skins is as black as ink. A whole week more before we reach the river!
Figures may be dry, and yet I am sure that a summary of those contained in the February reports from our schools cannot but interest and gratify all friends of our work. No less than 116 new pupils were enrolled in our schools during that month. Change of location or other causes produced the removal from the schools of 99. But the total number enrolled, 726, is the largest total ever reached, and the average attendance, 354, is also larger than ever before. Among the pupils thus enrolled are 119 who give evidence of Christian life. The total number who have become members of our schools during the fiscal year, thus far (i.e., from Sept. 1st to Feb. 28th) is 1,375.
In the month of February occurs the Chinese New Year Festival——the great holiday period for them of the entire twelvemonth. At my request, our teachers have given me some account of the way in which it was observed by our Christian Chinese in their respective localities.
Rev. Mr. Ostrom, of Oroville, who has served as a missionary in China and whose heart is still there, states the following “general facts”: “Their preparation for the New Year is commenced weeks before the close of the old. One of the first things is to plant the Narcissus——a water lily called by the Chinese ‘the water angel flower’——so that it may be in bloom on New Year’s Day. A beautiful legend connected with this flower is everywhere told and believed in China. In a certain district of the Fo Kien province lived a man who had two wives and a son by each wife. The man died, leaving a farm, which the elder brother seized, allowing to the younger brother only a small, marshy corner, through which ran a sluggish stream. These lilies were found growing in the stream——all that the marsh and stream produced. The gentler younger brother, loving the beautiful flower, cultivated it, and found that it would always bloom on the New Year. Its beauty and fragrance won the admiration of many and the demand for the bulbs increased till finally it came in from all parts of China, and the wealth[148] of the owner of the little stream and marsh soon surpassed that of the avaricious elder brother. Then, through some pretence, the latter took possession of the little stream and marsh, expecting thus to grasp the revenue from the sale of the lilies. But, lo! when New Year came, they refused to bloom. Conscience-stricken by this apparent rebuke of the gods, the marsh and the stream were surrendered to their rightful owner, and then, strange to say, the lilies bloomed forth as before.
“Such is the legend; now for plain facts. At the close of the year the house is cleaned, and dressed on its posts and walls with new red paper containing good words from the sages. On the last day of the old year, every family worships the ancestral tablet, and the idols, with offerings of slain birds and other animals, with vegetable delicacies added. Eight kinds of meat are offered to the ancestral tablets, and only fish, pork and chicken to the idols. Fruit, and a pudding cooked in boiling lard are also used as offerings. These furnish the feasts for the following day; for the spirits only inhale the perfume, leaving the substance for base mortals.
“On the last day of the old year, the married daughters must be at their husbands’ homes, and must not revisit the paternal roof till the New Year’s festival is over. The devotee rising very early on New Year’s morning, worships, first of all, the ancestors, burning incense, and red paper representing money, before the tablet, on each side of which candles have been lighted, and before which the offerings have been placed. Then the idols of the household are worshipped, and, next, those of the temple. Fire-crackers are snapped by the priests in the temple, and by all the people at their homes and their places of business. If any one has married, or is successful in gambling or in business, he expresses his gratitude by these explosives. Breakfast comes next, composed of vegetables only, for no blood must be shed or be used on New Year’s Day. Liquor distilled from rice is sipped from tiny cups. Now, calling and the exchange of cards follow. Only good words are to be spoken. It is a violation of etiquette, established by the custom of ages, to speak evil of, or to, any one during the first ten days of the New Year.”
Such of these usages as are purely social are retained by our Christian Chinese: The house-cleaning which brings to our several mission houses a thorough renovation; the trimming upon the walls and elsewhere with evergreen wreaths, with bouquets of artificial flowers and other samples of Chinese art; the cultivation of the fragrant Narcissus, and the interchange of calls and cards and mutual good wishes; the treating with candies, fruits, and tiny cups of tea——guiltless of the American concomitants of sugar and cream——all these you will find our Christian Chinese carrying forward with no less zest than their heathen countrymen. In these cases, this year, they invited the teacher with the whole family to which she belonged, to a banquet after the Chinese style; and in all cases the teachers seem to have been remembered with gifts selected often with exquisite taste and purchased at a considerable cost.
But with our Christian Chinese these days are holy days rather than holidays. The week is a week of prayer. In all their sociality their religion is remembered and their Saviour is recognized. If on their special reception-day, a minister is among the first to call, he will be likely to be asked to open the day’s enjoyment with prayer. Every day there are special religious services; and connected with these, fresh resolves of consecration to Christ and fresh and earnest intercessions for each other and for their still benighted countrymen. One such meeting I attended by appointment at the home of our Oakland brethren. I remained with them an hour and a half. The school there had been in an unsatisfactory condition; running[Pg 150] down in attendance and in spiritual power, while the schools in this city and at most other points were advancing in both respects. We looked the facts in the face; prayed over them; and then took counsel together. The result was a unanimous determination to take up missionary work among their countrymen with more earnestness and more system than ever before, and with God’s help to make their school as large and as efficient for good as possible.
Perhaps the account given by Mrs. Carrington, of the services at Sacramento, presents the week’s work as fairly as any. “A watch meeting closed the old year and opened the new. On Saturday evening there was a union meeting at the Presbyterian Mission House. On Wednesday evening a New Year’s banquet was given at our Mission House. Rev. Dr. Dwinell and Mrs. Dwinell, with the superintendent and teachers in the Chinese Sunday-school and other friends, were present. Other evenings were spent in less formal but more social worship, and on Saturday evening, February 25, a crowning union service was held at our Mission House. The room was filled to overflowing. Twenty or more of the American friends were present, and much interest was manifested. And so this New Year’s festival was closed.”
As between the hurried and meaningless New Year’s calls, with the accessories of unwholesome food in gluttonous quantities, washed down by poisonous wines and fiery liquors, which the old Knickerbocker custom has entailed upon Americans, and these festivities of our Christian Chinese, it does not take me long to judge which ought to be preferred.
By M. K. Smith. Atlanta University, Ga.
A young lad who had found his way from the West coast of Africa to Atlanta University entered my class in entomology last October. Shortly after, when naming the teachers under whose instructions he came daily, he quaintly designated me as his “grasshopper teacher.”
In order to give some idea of the amount of enthusiasm the common grasshopper is capable of rousing in the mind of the average colored student, it may be interesting to give a brief explanation of the method of study pursued.
The pupils had no particular love for the troublesome insect; in fact, they had hitherto entertained for him a sentiment the reverse of friendly, and when I gave each student a pin upon which a grasshopper (it had been killed by immersion in alcohol) was transfixed, a dissatisfied giggle or a contemptuous sniff from each gave evidence that the little world of the class-room was decidedly out of sympathy with the existing state of affairs.
The African boy refused to touch a “specimen,” and regarded me with an expression in which surprise, fear and defiance were blended. The fear was doubtless the result of experience with poisonous insects in his fatherland, while the surprise was that a grasshopper should usurp the place of a book, for which the savage has all the superstitious reverence which characterizes the civilized student, and the defiance probably arose from a resolution that no earthly power should induce him to touch the strange animal. I did not urge him, but quickly called attention to the insect in hand. Without much difficulty they found the principal parts, to which I gave the names, head, thorax and abdomen. By the time these words were written on the board the class was pacified, for the colored student loves new words whose significations are beyond his comprehension just as well as his white brother. When the shape of the head was considered the students realized for the first time the lack of words which is so general among these people. “It’s like a horse’s head,” broke forth a[151] boy, impetuously, while a hum of approval ran along the forms. I accepted the resemblance, and asked them to observe other things in connection with the head, and very soon the eyes were mentioned. I drew on the board a diagram of hexagonal cells, closely connected, and explained that the compound eye of the grasshopper is composed of facets of similar form and each having power of sight.
“Why, he is better off than we are,” exclaimed a wondering youth. “We have only two eyes apiece, while he has thousands of ’em. What’s that for?”
“God made him that way,” returned another, as he handled his “specimen” a little more gently, while the African boy leaned over to get a good look at those queer eyes that were even nicer than his own.
I then called attention to the position of the eyes on the head and secured the statement that by their being placed just as they are the insect can see before, behind and on both sides at the same time. In a moment more than a dozen hands were waving wildly in the air, while two excited youths came to their feet as suddenly as if they had been moved after the manner of a “Jack in the box.” “I know, I know,” shouted one, “they are there so that he can see danger all round him. Many a time I’ve tried to catch him, and I would steal up behind him and ease my hand up soft, soft (the boy illustrated the action) and then just when I thought I had him, he was off!” and the lad’s hands were outspread to imitate the sudden movement of the insect.
I directed attention to the place where the head joins the thorax. “He’s got a collar on,” shouted one. “What is that for?” “To cover the seam nicely, and keep it from harm,” answered another, before I had time to speak, “and it’s made mighty pretty, too,” he continued, admiringly. “I should like to know what this means?” exclaimed another, who had extended his investigations, and now held up to the astonished gazers the under wings, spread out as they had never before seen them. I wish, dear reader, you could have been with us that day, to have felt with me the delight of those people, who for almost the first time were using their eyes as I think God intended they should be used——to give light to the understanding. “Just like a thin lady’s gray veil,” suggested a little girl, as soon as she found a chance to speak, whereupon a quizzical laugh arose, until she explained that the veil was thin, and not the lady.
The African boy at the very next lesson held out his hand for a “specimen,” and throughout the term was as much interested as the others, striving with all his might to announce his discoveries in correct English. The grasshopper became popular. We studied him for more than two weeks and then felt we were only beginning his acquaintance. The students spent their leisure in watching grasshoppers eat, in studying their habits and in finding out their uses. The lessons went on with an eagerness that made the “grasshopper teacher” fear that something must be wrong, for it seemed against all law and order that teacher and taught should have such an uninterruptedly good time.
The pleasure was ever new, while, side by side with the development of power to think and reason, grew a sense of God’s care over and nearness to his creatures.
MAINE, $311.45. | |
Bangor. Rev. I. P. Warren, D.D. ($30 of which to const. Mrs. Sarah L. Warren L. M.) | $50.00 |
Bangor. Miss Haynes, for Student Aid, Straight U. | 2.00 |
Bethel. Second Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 8.00 |
Brownsville. Cong Ch. and Soc. | 17.00 |
Brunswick. Ladies, Bbl. of C. and $1.70, for Freight, for Selma, Ala. | 1.70 |
Calais. J. Barker, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 25.00 |
East Otisfield. Mrs. Susan Lovewell, $5; Joseph Loring, $3; Mrs. Sarah Morton, $2. | 10.00 |
Falmouth. Second Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 9.80 |
Garland. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 6.00 |
Hallowell. “Friends,” for Furnishing Room, Talladega C. | 13.00 |
Hallowell. Mrs. H. K. Baker. | 5.00 |
Kennebunk. Union Ch. and Soc. | 5.20 |
Litchfield Corner. Cong. Ch. | 10.00 |
Lyman. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 6.07 |
Machias. Center Street Cong. Ch., $5.89, and Sab. Sch., $5; E. G. L., $1 | 11.89 |
Orono. Cong. Ch. | 1.04 |
Portland. St. Lawrence Street Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 14.53 |
Scarborough. Cong. Ch., “A Friend” | 50.00 |
Searsport. “A Friend,” $5; M. C. B., 50c | 5.50 |
Union. Ladies, Bbl. of C., for Selma, Ala. | |
Warren. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 10.21 |
Wells. First Cong. Ch and Soc. | 18.51 |
Winterport. Mrs. Dr. E. Manter, for Chinese M., and to const. herself L.M. | 30.00 |
Winthrop. I. N. M. | 1.00[152] |
NEW HAMPSHIRE, $420.72. | |
Amherst. L. and L. R. Melendy, $100, for Mendi M., and $10 for John Brown Steamer | 110.00 |
Auburn. Mrs. Sally Coult, to const. Mrs. Hattie C. Houghton L. M. | 30.00 |
Bennington. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 15.36 |
Boscawen. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 14.00 |
Concord. “P. S. G.,” for John Brown Steamer | 1.00 |
Derry. Rev. B. F. Parsons | 5.00 |
Exeter. First Cong. Ch., Bbl. of C., val. $45 for Kansas Refugees. | |
Farmington. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 9.88 |
Fisherville. “A Friend,” to const. Miss Julia Sargent L. M. | 30.00 |
Groton. Mrs. Parker Blood, $20, and Bundle of C. | 20.00 |
Hampton. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 10.16 |
Hanover. Cong. Ch., 30 copies “Songs of the Sanctuary,” for Athens, Ga. | |
Hollis. Cong. Ch. | 17.71 |
Keene. Miss E. R. | 1.00 |
Lancaster. Mrs. A. M. Amsden. | 5.00 |
Lyme. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 50.91 |
Lyndeborough. Cong. Ch. | 4.45 |
Manchester. “Pillsbury” | 5.00 |
Marlborough. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 16.65 |
Milford. Nathan Jewett. $5; D. S. Burnham, $5 | 10.00 |
Nashua. Pilgrim Ch. and Soc. | 64.60 |
VERMONT, $257.11. | |
Brookfield. Second Cong. Ch. | 14.40 |
Clarendon. “A Friend” | 5.00 |
Corinth. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 20.00 |
East Berkshire. Cong. Ch. | 11.00 |
Fair Haven. Cong. Ch. | 15.00 |
Felchville. M. C. F. | 0.50 |
Grafton. “A Friend” | 10.00 |
Jericho. Second Cong Ch. and Soc. | 11.51 |
Ludlow. Mrs. Luther Martin | 10.00 |
Middlebury. Mrs. H. B. S. | 1.00 |
New Haven. Cong. Sab. Sch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 12.00 |
Newbury. Miss E. D. | 0.50 |
North Bennington. Cong. Ch. | 9.67 |
Northfield. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 14.84 |
Pittsfield. Cong. Ch. | 11.51 |
Pittsford. Thomas D. Hall | 5.00 |
Pittsford. Cong. Ch. and Soc., $46; incorrectly ack. in April number from Pittsfield | |
Quechee. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 26.56 |
Strafford. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 20.00 |
Thetford. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 15.00 |
Vergennes. Mrs. H. S. | 0.53 |
West Newbury. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 18.09 |
———— | |
$232.11 | |
Waterbury. Estate of Harriet F. Russ, by Daniel Russ, Ex. | 25.00 |
———— | |
$257.11 |
MASSACHUSETTS, $5,538.21. | |
Abington. F. P. H., $1; H. F. R., $1 | 2.00 |
Adams. Rev. L. V. Price | 16.00 |
Amherst. Mrs H. D. Fearing, $10; Infant Class First Cong. Sab. Sch., $10; for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 20.00 |
Amherst. Miss Sarah Ensign, for Student Aid | 5.00 |
Andover. South Ch. and Soc., $38.54; J. H. T.,$1 | 39.54 |
Andover. South Cong. Sab. Sch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 30.36 |
Ashburnham. E. L. E. | 0.50 |
Athol. Evan. Cong. Ch. and Soc., to const. Josiah Haven and Moses Hill L. Ms | 60.00 |
Attleborough. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 6.08 |
Auburndale. Box of C. for Macon, Ga. | |
Ayer. Mrs. C. A. Spaulding, $25, for Student Aid, Fisk U., and $45 for Student Aid, Talladega U. | 70.00 |
Bedford. M. E. R. | 0.50 |
Berlin. Mrs. W. A. Houghton | 5.00 |
Beverly. Miss M. E. T. | 0.50 |
Beverly. Ladies of Washington St. Soc., Bbl. of C. for Fisk U. | |
Boston. S. D. Smith, Organs, $300; Old South Ch. and Soc., $293.79; C. F. R., 50c | 594.22 |
Boston. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., package Books for Library, Macon, Ga. | |
Boxford. Cong. Ch. and Soc., to const. Rev. W. S. Coggin L. M. | 30.00 |
Brockton. Mrs. L. C. Sanford, for Freight | 3.00 |
Cambridge. F. C. Swett, $2; E. W. F., $1 | 3.00 |
Cambridgeport. G. B. C., 50c.; I. A. N., 50c | 1.00 |
Charlestown. Winthrop Ch. and Soc., $80.56; A. W. P., 50c | 81.06 |
Chelsea. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. ($55 of which for Lady Missionary, Chattanooga, Tenn.) | 57.60 |
Chelsea. Third Cong. Ch. and Soc., $9.44; I. H. S., $1 | 10.44 |
Chicopee. Mrs. W. L. B. | 1.00 |
Cohasset. “A Friend” | 1.00 |
Deerfield. Mrs. C. E. W. | 0.50 |
Dorchester. Mrs. E. T. | 1.00 |
East Charlemont. P. F. | 1.00 |
East Hampton. Mrs. E. G. Williston, $100; First Cong. Ch. and Soc., $60.71; E. A. C., 50c | 161.21 |
East Medway. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 10.10 |
East Somerville. Woman’s Home Missionary Ass’n, for Lady Missionaries | 204.78 |
East Somerville. Cong. Sab. Sch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 40.00 |
Edgartown. J. W. Coffin | 3.00 |
Enfield. “A Friend” | 100.00 |
Fall River. Central Cong. Ch. | 30.00 |
Framingham. “A Friend,” to const. Mrs. Mary A. W. Davis L. M. | 30.00 |
Framingham. Hymn and Tune Books, for Macon, Ga. | |
Foxborough. Orthodox Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 33.49 |
Gardner. H. B. | 1.00 |
Goshen. Cong. Ch. | 8.00 |
Haverhill. “For work among Colored People.” $1; E. W., 50c | 1.50 |
Hopkinton. Mrs. P. J. Claflin | 25.00 |
Holyoke. Second Cong. Ch. | 20.12 |
Indian Orchard. Evan. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 15.37 |
Ipswich. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 13.00 |
Jamaica Plain. Central Cong. Ch. Sab. Sch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 50.00 |
Jamaica Plain. N. F. R. | 0.50 |
Kingston. L. A. McGlauthlin, Bundle “Youths’ Companion,” for Macon, Ga. | |
Lawrence. Mr. Coit, for Talladega C. | 2.00 |
Lee. Mrs. E. B. | 1.00 |
Lincoln. M. S. R., 50c.; L. C. J., 50c | 1.00 |
Littleton. Dea. Otis Manning, to const. Edward C. Haughton L. M. | 31.00 |
Littleton. Ladies’ Mission Circle, by Mrs. J. C. Houghton, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 8.00 |
Ludlow. Children’s Soc., for Freight | 2.00 |
Lynn. Central Ch. and Soc. | 25.00 |
Malden. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 59.83 |
Mansfield. Orthodox Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 14.22 |
Marblehead. Hon. J. J. H. Gregory, for Church Building | 1,000.00 |
Medford. “A Friend” | 0.25 |
Milford. Cong. Sab. Sch., for John Brown Steamer | 15.25 |
Milford. “Friends,” for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 5.00[153] |
Milton. S. D. Hunt. Bbl. of C., for Macon, Ga. | |
Mt. Auburn. Rev. D. N. S. | 0.50 |
Natick. Mrs. S. E. Hammond | 10.00 |
New Boston. “N. B.” | 50.00 |
Newbury. First Ch. and Soc. | 18.50 |
Newburyport. Philip H. Lunt | 25.00 |
Newton Center. S. A. E. | 0.50 |
Northampton. “A Friend,” $100; H. R. R., $1 | 101.00 |
North Billerica. J. D. Gould, Books, for Freedmen’s Library, Macon, Ga. | |
Northbridge Center. Collected by Edith Putnam (eight years old) | 3.07 |
Norton. Mrs. E. B. Wheeler, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 25.00 |
Palmer. Second Cong. Ch. | 15.26 |
Petersham. Orthodox Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 3.08 |
Phillipston. A. & T. Ward, $5; D. & L. Mixter, $2 | 7.00 |
Plymouth. Pilgrimage Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 65.03 |
Rockport. W. H. Patch | 5.00 |
Salem. Young Ladies’ Miss’y Soc. of South Ch., for John Brown Steamer | 5.00 |
Shelburne Falls. Cong. Ch. and Soc., $12; E. Maynard, $5 | 17.00 |
Somerville. Broadway Ch. and Soc., $10; “A Friend,” $1 | 11.00 |
South Abington. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 56.23 |
South Deerfield. Cong. Ch. | 20.33 |
South Framingham. South Cong. Ch. Sab. Sch., for John Brown Steamer | 10.00 |
South Framingham. G. M. Amsden | 5.00 |
South Royalston. Second Cong. Ch. and Soc., $10.18; Mrs. E. L. R., 50c.; Mrs. S. M. N., 50c | 11.18 |
Springfield. “H. M.” | 1,000.00 |
Springfield. Mrs. Persis Burnham ($1 of which for John Brown Steamer) | 2.00 |
Stoneham. A.R. | 0.50 |
Stoughton. Mrs. B. E. C. | 1.00 |
Templeton. Trinitarian Sab. Sch., for John Brown Steamer | 10.00 |
Townsend. Cong. Sab. Sch. | 5.00 |
Townsend Harbor. S. M. P. | 1.00 |
Ware. C. C. Hitchcock, for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 25.00 |
Watertown. Mrs. S. S. and Mrs. J. H. S. | 1.20 |
Westborough. Evan. Cong. Ch. and Soc., $107.75; Mrs. M. M. Morse, $30, to const. Rev. Lyman Whiting L. M. | 137.75 |
Westfield. First Cong. Ch. | 44.07 |
West Gloucester. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 10.00 |
West Hampton. I. G. Jewett ($1.50 of which for Student Aid, Fisk U.) | 2.00 |
Westport. Cong. Sab. Sch. | 2.17 |
West Somerville. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 4.46 |
West Springfield. Park St. Cong. Ch. | 15.00 |
West Stockbridge. Village Ch. and Soc. | 28.07 |
Wymouth and Braintree. Union Ch. and Soc. | 42.20 |
Worcester. Union Cong. Ch. and Soc., $161.50; Mrs. F. C., 50c. | 162.00 |
Wrentham. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 20.00 |
Yarmouth. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 43.12 |
————— | |
$4,973.21 | |
Beverly. Dane St. Ch., Estate of Mrs. Susan C. Pickett, for 17 Life Memberships | 510.00 |
Boston. Estate of Rev. Dr. Hooker, Books, for Freedmen’s Library, Macon, Ga. | |
Oakham. Estate of Perley Ayres, by Wm. S. Spear, Ex. | 55.00 |
————— | |
$5,538.21 |
RHODE ISLAND, $30.00. | |
Providence. Pilgrim Cong. Sab. Sch., for Rebuilding Emerson Inst. | 20.00 |
Providence. “Baptist.” | 10.00 |
CONNECTICUT, $2,826.67. | |
Ansonia. “A Friend” | 10.00 |
Avon. Mrs. E. L. Robbins | 5.00 |
Black Rock. Cong. Ch. | 24.00 |
Bridgeport. First Cong. Ch. | 117.48 |
Canaan. “M. A. N.,” for Chinese M. | 5.00 |
Canton Center. A. L. S. | 1.00 |
Colchester. Mrs. W. E. Gillette, $5; Mary B. Gillette, $5 | 10.00 |
Collinsville. Ladies Mission Soc., $16, for Student Aid; H. S. Collins, $10, for Theo. Dept., Talladega C. | 26.00 |
East Windsor Hill. E. O. C. | 1.00 |
East Woodstock. James Walker | 2.00 |
Enfield. First Cong. Ch. | 100.00 |
Fairfield. First Cong. Ch. | 30.00 |
Fair Haven. Second Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Tillotson C. & N. Inst. | 41.02 |
Georgetown. E. Gilbert, for Macon, Ga. | 5.00 |
Groton. Cong. Sab. Sch., $16.45; B. A., $1 | 17.45 |
Hartford. South Cong. Ch., $250; Geo. P. Bissell, $50; John S. Wells, $20 | 320.00 |
Hartford. Asylum Hill Cong. Church, $25; “M. J.,” $25; Mrs. G. O. Perkins, $50, for Theo. Dept., Talladega C. | 100.00 |
Hartford. Center Cong. Ch. Sab. Sch., for John Brown Steamer | 66.00 |
Higganum. Selden Gladwin | 6.00 |
Hotchkissville. “Widow’s Mite” | 5.00 |
Kent. Cong. Soc. | 29.25 |
Kent. Cong. Sab. Sch., $10; Miss Mary A. Hopson, $5, for John Brown Steamer | 15.00 |
Litchfield. First Cong. Ch. | 18.57 |
Mansfield. Geo. F. King | 2.00 |
Mansfield Center. Mrs. E. S. Fitch | 3.00 |
Middlefield. Lyman A. Mills, to const. Herbert L. Mills and Charles Rowland Mills L. Ms. | 60.00 |
Milford. Rev. Geo. H. Griffin, for Tillotson C. & N. Inst. | 25.00 |
Milldale. H. H. C. | 1.00 |
New Britain. South Cong. Ch., Mrs. Mary E. House, $30, to const. William A. House L. M.; “A Member,” $5; A. N. Lewis, $10 | 45.00 |
New Haven. Sab. Sch. of Dwight Place Cong. Ch., for John Brown Steamer | 30.00 |
New Haven. Mrs. Mary L. Skinner, for Talladega C. | 100.00 |
New Haven. Ch. of the Redeemer, $244 (of which F. C. Sherman, $100; Wm. E. Chandler, $60, to const. William Woods Chandler and Robert Woods Chandler L. Ms.); “A Friend,” $5; “A Friend,” $5 | 254.00 |
New Hartford. Miss C. Richards, for John Brown Steamer | 2.00 |
New London. “First Church of Christ.” | 39.21 |
New Milford. G. N. | 1.00 |
Norfolk. Robbins Battelle, for Talladega C. | 25.00 |
North Branford. J. A. Palmer | 2.00 |
Northford. G. W. | 1.00 |
North Stamford. “A Friend” | 2.00 |
Norwich. Park Cong. Ch. and Soc. ($20 of which for John Brown Steamer) | 271.67 |
Old Lyme. First Cong. Ch. | 42.50 |
Plymouth. A. S. B. | 1.00 |
Prospect. Cong. Ch. $11; People of Prospect, Bbl. of C. | 11.00 |
Roxbury. “Two Friends,” for John Brown Steamer | 2.00 |
Simsbury. Mrs. Lucy A. A. Hoskins | 2.00 |
Somersville. Cong. Ch. | 45.25 |
South Windsor. First Cong. Ch. | 30.00 |
Stafford. Mrs. T. H. Thresher | 5.00 |
Thomaston. Cong. Ch. | 81.77 |
Wallingford. Cong. Sab. Sch., for Student Aid, Tillotson C. & N. Inst. | 60.00 |
Washington. Cong. Sab. Sch., for John Brown Steamer | 10.00[154] |
Washington. “Z,” for Indian M. | 1.00 |
Waterbury. Dr. John De Forest, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 100.00 |
Watertown. Cong. Ch. and Soc., for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 20.00 |
West Hartford. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 50.00 |
West Hartford. Rev. F. H. Adams, for Freight, for Macon, Ga. | 2.00 |
West Haven. Cong. Ch. and Soc. | 21.50 |
West Suffield. Cong. Ch. | 6.00 |
Wethersfield. Geo. Stillman | 2.00 |
Wethersfield. Sab. Sch. Class, by Jane C. Francis, for John Brown Steamer | 10.00 |
Winthrop. Miss C. Rice, $2: Mrs. M. A. J., $1 | 3.00 |
Woodbridge. Cong. Sab. Sch., Bbl. of C. | |
Woodbury. Mrs. C. P. Churchill, for Indian M. | 2.00 |
Woodstock. E L. Snow | 500.00 |
NEW YORK, $12,895.25. | |
Batavia. Mrs. A. D. L. | 1.10 |
Brighton Heights. S. I. Reformed Ch., for Talladega C. | 20.50 |
Brooklyn. Henry C. Hulbert, $100, for Student Aid; A. J. Newton, $100; Cash, $1, for Talladega C. | 201.00 |
Brooklyn. Central Cong. Sab. Sch., for Lady Missionary, Fernandina, Fla. | 25.00 |
Brooklyn. Freedmen’s Helpers, $18, and Bbl. of C., for Macon, Ga. | 18.00 |
Brooklyn. Park Cong. Ch., $20.52; A. S., $1 | 21.52 |
Buffalo. Mrs. Wm. G. Bancroft, for Tillotson C. & N. Inst. | 50.00 |
Buffalo. “I. M. S.,” for John Brown Steamer | 1.00 |
Cazenovia. Mrs. H. L. W. | 0.51 |
Chestertown. Fish St. Congregation, $2.27; Mill Brook Congregation, $3.27; Chester Wesleyan M. Congregation, $7.55, by Rev. S. H. Foster | 13.09 |
Coxsackie. Mrs. P. H. Silvester, for John Brown Steamer | 10.00 |
Floyd. Welsh Cong. Ch. | 2.12 |
Fredonia. Ladies’ Miss’y Soc. of Presb. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 2.75 |
Greene. Mrs. W. H. B. | 1.00 |
Griffin’s Mills. Mrs. Theo. Olden, $2; Mrs. Theo. Olden, $2 | 4.00 |
Hudson. A. S. P. | 1.00 |
Hughsonville. S. H. S. | 0.50 |
Jewett. Mr. and Mrs. Lucius North | 30.00 |
Le Rey. Miss D. A. Phillips | 15.00 |
Lockport. First Cong. Ch. and Sab. Sch. | 46.83 |
Lockport. Cong. Ch, and Sab. Sch., for John Brown Steamer | 10.00 |
Millville. Cong. Soc. | 4.37 |
New York. “A Friend” | 10,000.00 |
New York. W. H. De Forest, $100; Anson Phelps Stokes, $50; “A Friend,” $1, for Student Aid; Henry G. De Forest, $100; Dr. John Hall, $25 for Memorial Scholarships; Chas. N. Taintor, $50; Ralph Wells, $25, for Talladega C. | 351.00 |
New York. D. I. Carson, for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 50.00 |
New York. Bethany Sab. Sch., Mrs. S. T. Gordon’s Class, for John Brown Steamer | 10.00 |
New York. Rev. A. J. G. | 0.50 |
New York. American Bible Soc.; Grant of Scriptures; val., $76.50. | |
New York. Taintor Bros. Merrill & Co., Package School and Hymn Books, for Macon, Ga. | |
Patchogue. Cong. Sab. Ch., for Freight | 2.46 |
Penn Yan. W. M. Taylor | 3.00 |
Pitcher. Bellany Allen | 5.00 |
Port Leyden. Cong. Ch. | 2.00 |
Salem. B. C. | 1.00 |
Sandy Hill. Mrs. Susan Rogers, for Student Aid, Tougaloo U. | 5.00 |
Schroon Lake. Cong. Ch. | 10.00 |
Sherburne. Chas. A. Fuller, for Talladega C. | 50.00 |
Syracuse. W. E. Abbott | 50.00 |
Union Falls. Francis E. Duncan, $10; Mrs. Fanny D. Duncan, $10; Miss Margaret B. Duncan, $5 | 25.00 |
Walton. “Friends,” for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 25.00 |
Windsor. Rev. J. S. Pattengill, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 5.00 |
Yaphank. “A Friend” | 5.00 |
————— | |
$11,079.25 | |
Bergen. Estate of I. M. Hitchcock, by A. E. Hitchcock, Ex. | 1,000.00 |
Bridgewater. Estate of Jane Turner, by Wm. C. Marsh, Ex. | 500.00 |
Kingsborough. Estate of Mrs. M. S. Judson, by D. B. Judson | 116.00 |
Randolph. Estate of Mrs. D. C. Bush, by Mrs. C. C. Fitch | 200.00 |
————— | |
$12,895.25 |
NEW JERSEY, $141.50. | |
Lakewood. By Rev. G. L. | 0.50 |
Montclair. Mrs A. F. Pratt’s Sab. Sch. Class, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 6.00 |
Newark. C. S. Haines, $30; David Owen, $5 | 35.00 |
Newark. David Ripley, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 25.00 |
Paterson. J. C. Ryle, $50; G. G. Tillotson, $25; for Tillotson C. & N. Inst. | 75.00 |
PENNSYLVANIA, $317.21. | |
Guy’s Mills. Randolph Cong. Ch. for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 16.10 |
Guy’s Mills. S. O. F. | 1.00 |
Le Raysville. Cong. Ch., $9.33; Rev. J. R., 75c. | 10.08 |
Philadelphia. Central Cong. Ch. to const. Barton F. Blake, Harry P. Bower, Harry M. Bowden, James R. Danforth, Jr., Lewis W. H. Giese, Edward P. Hall, George Hobbs and Frank P. Pendleton L. Ms. | 280.03 |
South Bethlehem. Mrs. H. D. Kitchell | 10.00 |
OHIO, $528.87. | |
Austinburg. First Cong. Ch. | 16.00 |
Bellefontaine. Mrs. R. I. Lindsay, for John Brown Steamer | 5.00 |
Brookfield. Welsh Cong. Ch. | 9.00 |
Bryan. S. E. Blakeslee | 6.50 |
Chagrin Falls. “Earnest Workers,” for Student Aid, Tougaloo U. | 10.00 |
Cleveland. J. S., $1; A. R. B., $1; A. L. P.,50c | 2.50 |
Delaware. By Sarah Evans | 2.50 |
Hudson. Cong. Sab. Sch. | 2.92 |
Huntsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Q. Phelps | 4.00 |
Huntsburgh. Mrs. V. R. P. for Indian M. | 1.00 |
Jefferson. Ladies Miss’y Soc. for Student Aid, Tougaloo U. | 23.00 |
Lenox. A. J. Holman | 10.00 |
Madison. Central Cong. Ch. and Soc., $59.87, and Sab. Sch., $64.59 | 124.46 |
Madison. Ladies, Bbl. of C. and $4.15 for Freight, for Selma, Ala. | 4.15 |
Madison. Mrs. M. P. St. John, for Freight | 2.00 |
Madison. Ladies, Bbl. Books and Papers for Summerfield, Ala. | |
Mechanicsburgh. Mrs. M. K. H. | 1.00 |
Mechanicstown. Mrs. S. M. | 1.00 |
Metamora. Mrs. M. S. | 1.00 |
Newark. Welch Cong. Ch. | 12.80 |
North Ridgeville. Cong. Ch. ($2.80 of which from Rev. J. B. Stocking) | 4.03 |
Oberlin. First Cong. Ch., $90; Mrs. D. H. P., 51c. | 90.51[155] |
Oberlin. Ladies’ Soc. of Second Cong. Ch., for Lady Missionary, Atlanta, Ga. | 75.00 |
Painesville. Rev. S. W. Pierson, $5; E. E.J., $1 | 6.00 |
Peru. “Friends,” by Rev. H. Lawrence, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 55.00 |
Pierpont. Mrs. S. W. | 1.00 |
Springfield. “Friend,” for Student Aid. Tougaloo U. | 5.00 |
Springfield. W. A. F. | 1.00 |
Tallmadge. Miss Josephine Pierce, bal. to const. Miss Josephine M. Wolcott L. M. | 6.00 |
Toledo. Mrs. Eliza H. Weed. $10; J. H. S., 50c. | 10.50 |
Unionville. Mrs. E. F. Burnelle | 5.00 |
Wellington. Edward West ($10 of which for John Brown Steamer) | 30.00 |
Youngstown. “Mahoning” | 1.00 |
MICHIGAN, $467.87. | |
Ada. Mrs. A. A. Morris | 5.00 |
Adrian. Plymouth Ch., $7.03; Benj. S. Allen, $2.97 | 10.00 |
Battle Creek. “J. E. W.” | 5.00 |
Birmingham. Mrs. E. B. A. | 1.00 |
Calumet. Cong. Ch. | 252.61 |
Covert. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. (ad’l), for John Brown Steamer | 10.00 |
Detroit. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch., for Lady Missionary, Memphis, Tenn. | 50.00 |
Detroit. “S. Z.,” 50c.; D. G. P., 50c. | 1.00 |
Eaton Rapids. First Cong. Ch. | 20.45 |
Imlay. Woman’s Miss’y Soc. | 8.00 |
Milford. Mrs. E. G. | 1.00 |
North Lansing. Plymouth Cong Ch. | 37.81 |
Pentwater. First Cong. Sab. Sch., Box of Books, for Macon, Ga. | |
Romeo. Mary A. Dickinson, for John Brown Steamer | 50.00 |
Saint Clair. S. F. H. | 1.00 |
Saint Josephs. Mrs. E. A. H. Grosvenor, for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 10.00 |
Ypsilanti. Cong Ch. | 5.00 |
WISCONSIN, $386.75. | |
Appleton. Mrs. S. R. Page, Box C. and $2.25, for Macon, Ga. | 2.25 |
Beloit. African M. E. Sab. Sch, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 4.00 |
Black Earth. Ladies’ Miss’y Soc., for Lady Missionary, Talladega, Ala. | 3.25 |
Bristol. First Cong. Ch., Bbl. C. and $1.50 for Freight, for Macon, Ga. | 1.50 |
Cumberland. W. B. Hopkins, M.D. | 10.00 |
Delavan. Miss E. E. | 0.50 |
Eau Claire. Cong. Ch. | 38.00 |
Eau Claire. Cong. Sab. Sch., for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 20.00 |
Emerald Grove. Cong. Sab. Sch. for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 8.50 |
Fort Howard. Mrs. D. C. Curtis, Bbl. of C., for Macon Ga. | |
Fox Lake. William Dawes | 200.00 |
Madison. First Cong. Ch., $45, and 50 Vols. “Songs of Christian Praise,” for Talladega C. | 45.00 |
Milwaukee. Young Peoples’ Mission Circle, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 16.00 |
Ripon. First Cong. Ch., 2 Bbls. C., for Macon, Ga. | |
River Falls. Ladies’ Miss’y Soc., for Lady Missionary, Talladega, Ala. | 2.50 |
Rosendale. Ladies’ Miss’y Soc., for Lady Missionary, Talladega, Ala. | 0.25 |
Saint Clair. F. M., for Freight | 1.00 |
Sheboygan. First Cong. Ch., 2 Boxes Books and C. and $10 for Freight, for Macon, Ga. | 10.00 |
West Rosendale. Mrs. A. Martin, $20, for Student Aid, Lewis High Sch.; First Cong. Ch., Bbl. of C., for Macon, Ga. | 20.00 |
Westfield. C. C. | 1.00 |
Whitewater. Ladies’ Miss’y Soc., for Lady Missionary, Talladega, Ala. | 3.00 |
IOWA, $1,694.33. | |
Anamosa. Ladies’ Miss’y Soc., for Lady Missionary, New Orleans, La. | 5.00 |
Anita. $6.50; Eldora. Ladies of Ch., $10.83; Tabor, Ladies’ Miss’y Soc., $15; by Miss Henry L. Chase, for Lady Missionary, New Orleans, La. | 32.33 |
Burlington. Cong. Sab. Sch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 20.00 |
Burlington. Miss M. L. | 1.00 |
Cedar Rapids. Mrs. R. D. Stephens, for Student Aid, Straight U. | 25.00 |
Chester Center. Cong. Ch. | 30.00 |
Chester Center. Cong. Sab. Sch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 15.00 |
Davenport. Ladies of Cong. Ch., for Lady Missionary, New Orleans, La. | 26.00 |
Dubuque. Young People’s Benev. Soc., $50; Mrs. James Beach, $5.30, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 55.30[156] |
Dubuque. W. C. W. | 0.50 |
Des Moines. James Callaman, $1,000; Ex. Gov. Samuel Merrill, $250, for President’s House, Talladega C. | 1,250.00 |
Des Moines. “Ten Young Men,” $50; “Friends” $50, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 100.00 |
Grinnell. S. H. H. | 0.51 |
Keokuk. Mrs. M. W. | 0.50 |
Keokuk. ————, for John Brown Steamer | 5.00 |
Lyons. Ladies’ Circle, for Lady Missionary, New Orleans, La. | 10.00 |
Muscatine. Cong. Sab. Sch., for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 20.00 |
Oldfield. Cong. Sab. Sch. | 9.08 |
Osage. Cong. Ch. | 18.00 |
Quasqueton. Rev. W. S. Potwin, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 5.00 |
Shenandoah. Ladies’ Miss’y Soc., for Student Aid, Tougaloo U. | 8.00 |
Sioux City. Mrs. W. K. S. | 0.51 |
Tabor. Ladies, $12; Mrs. John Todd, $10, for Student Aid, Straight U. | 22.00 |
Waverly. M. H. G. | 0.50 |
Wayne. D. C. S. | 1.00 |
West Liberty. Mrs. L. K. Sisson, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 22.50 |
West Liberty. “Busy Bees,” Package Sewing-School Material, for Macon, Ga. | |
Winthrop. Ladies of Cong. Ch., for Lady Missionary, New Orleans, La. | 6.60 |
Wittemberg. Cong. Sab. Sch. | 5.00 |
KANSAS, $4.50. | |
Anthony. Rev. T. D. C. | 0.75 |
Cora. Cong. Sab. Sch., for John Brown Steamer | 1.25 |
Ridgeway. Cong. Ch. | 2.50 |
MINNESOTA, $128.79. | |
Audubon. Cong. Ch. | 3.50 |
Clear Water. Cong. Ch., $3; C. M. S., 50c. | 3.50 |
Minneapolis. Plymouth Ch., $20.33; Second Cong. Ch., $4. | 24.33 |
Minneapolis. E. D. First Cong. Ch. | 14.38 |
Morris. A. A. S. | 0.50 |
Red Wing. Mrs. Julia B. Nelson. | 10.00 |
Saint Paul. Plymouth Ch. | 72.58 |
NEBRASKA, $2.00. | |
Wayne. G. H. S. | 1.00 |
Wheatland. Cong. Sab. Sch., for John Brown Steamer | 1.00 |
MISSOURI, $9.80. | |
Holden. “Mrs. S. E. H.,” for ed. of Indians, Hampton N. and A. Inst. | 3.00 |
Saint Louis. Francis Whitney. | 6.80 |
OREGON, $9.15. | |
Forest Grove. Cong. Ch., $3.15; Mrs. M. R. W., $1 | 4.15 |
Portland. Mr. H. Williams. | 5.00 |
CALIFORNIA, $10.00. | |
San Bernardino. Mr. Emeline Smith, for Tillotson C. and N. Inst., Austin, Texas | 10.00 |
Washington. Lincoln Memorial Ch. | 2.36 |
NORTH CAROLINA, $214.00. | |
Dudley. Public Fund. | 30.00 |
Raleigh. Cong. Ch., for John Brown Steamer | 2.00 |
Wilmington. Cong. Ch. | 5.00 |
Wilmington. Normal Sch., Tuition | 177.00 |
SOUTH CAROLINA, $289.25. | |
Charleston. Avery Inst., Tuition | 279.25 |
Charleston. Plymouth Cong. Ch. | 10.00 |
TENNESSEE, $468.60. | |
Chattanooga. Rev. J. W. White and Others, for Mag. | 2.50 |
Chattanooga. M. Blanche Curtis, for Student Aid, Tougaloo U. | 2.00 |
Maryville. Rev. T. J. L., for John Brown Steamer | 1.00 |
Memphis. LeMoyne Sch., Tuition | 180.60 |
Nashville. Fisk U., Tuition | 271.95 |
Nashville. Miss’y Soc. of Fisk U., $10; Fisk U. Students, 55c., for John Brown Steamer | 10.55 |
GEORGIA, $836.41. | |
Atlanta. Storrs’ School, Tuition, $245.40; Rent, $3. | 248.40 |
Atlanta. Atlanta U., Tuition | 231.59 |
Atlanta. First Cong. Ch. ($35.20 of which for Student Aid, Storrs’ Sch.), $57; Cong. Sab. Sch., $4.50. | 91.80 |
Macon. Lewis High Sch., Tuition | 83.72 |
Macon. Hon. James H. Blount, 155 Vols. Pub. Doc., for Library, Macon, Ga. | |
McIntosh. Tuition. | 25.75 |
Savannah. Beach Inst., $143.30; Rent, $11.85. | 155.15 |
ALABAMA, $503.87. | |
Alabama Furnace. Cong. Ch., for John Brown Steamer | 3.25 |
Anniston. Tuition. | 5.00 |
Marion. Cong. Ch. | 2.50 |
Mobile. Emerson Inst., Tuition | 152.80 |
Mobile. Cong. Ch., $2; A. E., for Emerson Inst., $1. | 3.00 |
Montgomery. Public Fund. | 175.00 |
Selma. Cong. Ch. | 43.15 |
Selma. Mission Workers, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 11.50 |
Talladega. Talladega C., Tuition | 104.67 |
Talladega. “A Friend,” for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 3.00 |
LOUISIANA, $202.25. | |
New Orleans. Straight University, Tuition | 202.25 |
MISSISSIPPI, $131.94. | |
Jackson. R. F. | 0.24 |
Tougaloo. Tougaloo University, Tuition | 129.70 |
Tougaloo. F. J. Webster, for Student Aid, Tougaloo U. | 2.00 |
TEXAS, $192.20. | |
Austin. Tillotson C. & N. Inst., Tuition | 190.75 |
Corpus Christi. Cong. Ch. and Sab. Sch. | 1.45 |
INCOME FUND, $455. | |
Avery Fund, for Mendi M. | 355.00 |
C. F. Dike Fund, for Straight U. | 50.00 |
General Fund | 50.00 |
CANADA, $9.50. | |
Montreal. Rev. Henry Wilkes, D.D., $4; Charles Alexander, $2.; Theo. Lyman, $2, and “Juv. Miss. Box of the family,” $1.50 | 9.50 |
FRANCE, $30. | |
Paris. Mrs. E. W. Hitchcock, for Talladega C. | 30.00 |
CHINA, $1.50. | |
Pao-ting-fu. Mrs. Isaac Pierson, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 1.50 |
—————— | |
Total | $31,976.58 |
Total from Oct. 1 to March 31. | $132,022.55 |
========== |
From Oct. 1 to March 31. | 2,191.73 |
Conn. Watertown. “A Friend,” for support of President of Talladega College | 5,000.00 |
========== |
H. W. Hubbard, Treas.,
56 Reade St., New York.
Hymns and Tunes for the Service of the Sanctuary.
By JOS. P. HOLBROOK, Mus. Doc.,
Musical Editor of “Songs for the Sanctuary.” “Baptist Praise Book.” “Methodist Hymnal,” Author of “Quartet and Chorus Choir,” etc. etc.
In this work Dr. Holbrook has put the mature results of long, patient and careful study. His excellent judgment and taste, and the great attractiveness of his compositions, and especially
have already been noted and appreciated by all who are familiar with the former works edited by him. In addition to his own more familiar compositions, as well as new tunes which now appear for the first time, the author has drawn upon the store of ENGLISH AND GERMAN TUNES, such as have already become dear to American congregations. Where entirely new tunes appear, or such as are not generally known, the chorister will always find an old “stand-by” upon the same or opposite page. The book is thus adapted to both the precentor and choir.
In the selection and arrangement of Hymns he has been efficiently assisted by Rev. Dr. J. GLENTWORTH BUTLER who has been a life-long student of English Hymnology.
The work contains 450 pages, in full cloth and burnished edges.
Correspondence solicited. Returnable examination copies sent to Pastors or Committees. Specimen pages free to any applicant.
Publishers, New York.
Prof. E. N. Horsford, of Cambridge, Mass.
There seems to be no difference of opinion in high medical authority of the value of phosphoric acid, and no preparation has ever been offered to the public which seems to so happily meet the general want as this.
It is not nauseous, but agreeable to the taste.
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Its action will harmonize with such stimulants as are necessary to take.
It makes a delicious drink with water and sugar only.
Prices reasonable. Pamphlet giving further particulars mailed free on application.
Providence, R.I.,
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Has met success at home never accorded to any other proprietary medicine. It has successfully combated the strongest competition, and by its superior merit to-day commands the largest sale and the greatest confidence wherever it has been introduced. It is a skillfully prepared compound, concentrated extract by a process peculiarly our own, of the best remedies of the vegetable kingdom known to medical science as Alternatives, Blood Purifiers, Diuretics, Tonics and Stomachics. These articles have been used for years, and their medicinal value is appreciated by every mother in the land. Time and constant use have proved their efficacy beyond a question. The wonderful results from the use of Hood’s Sarsaparilla prove more than we have ever claimed for it.
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Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Sold by Johnston, Holloway & Co., Philadelphia; Fuller & Fuller, Chicago; Richardson & Co., St. Louis; Redington & Co., San Francisco; Strong, Cobb & Co., Cleveland, and New York and New England druggists. Made by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. $1; 6 for $5.
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It still stands unrivaled after 50 years’ test.
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☞ There will be many important events occurring during the coming year that you will not know about unless you take the Witness. Do you know now, for instance, that a sober and Christian young man, a private soldier of the U.S. Army, has been thrown into prison and subjected to great privations and indignities by his superior officers——treated worse than the miserable wretch Guiteau——for writing a letter to the Witness——a letter which is of great importance to all young men and all parents? There are many things published in the Witness that other papers dare not print, for fear of offending some rich and powerful corporation, and so losing their patronage.
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New York Witness Office,
Case’s School Furniture.——Parties about to purchase School Furniture are invited to correspond with us. Our work is all of the most approved patterns, and is unequaled for strength and durability.
Camp’s Outline Maps.——Set of 9 maps, with key. No. 1, Hemispheres; No. 2, North America; No. 3, United States; No. 4, South America; No. 5, Europe; No. 6, Asia; No. 7, Africa; No. 8, Oceanica; No. 9, Physical World.
Case’s Bible Atlas.——Embracing 16 full-page maps, quarto size, beautifully printed in colors, covering the whole ground of Biblical Geography; also 16 pages of Explanatory Notes on the maps. Sent by mail on receipt of price; bound in boards, $1.; cloth, $1.50. Agents wanted.
Circulars sent on application.
O. D. CASE & CO., Publishers
School Furniture Manufacturers,
202 Greene Street, — New York.
We make a Specialty of
Steam Heating and Ventilating Apparatus,
for Churches, Schools,
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Plans and Specifications of the latest and most approved methods furnished on application.
Our apparatus is in operation in the following buildings:
Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn.; Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia; Third Judicial District Court House, New York City; Museum of Art, New York City; Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Co., New York City; State College, near Bellefonte, Pa.; New York State Reformatory, Elmira, N.Y.; Point St. School, Providence, R.I.; Board of Education (Schools), Pittsburgh, Pa.; Van Wert Co. Court House, Van Wert, Ohio; Mahoning Co. Court House, Youngstown, Ohio; Washington Co. Court House, Washington, Pa.
Life Insurance Company,
NET ASSETS, January 1, 1881 | $47,833,628.70 | ||
RECEIVED IN 1881: | |||
For premiums | $5,238,811.82 | ||
For Interest and Rents | 2,830,328.08 | ||
Profit and Loss | 91,626.11 | ||
—————— | |||
8,160,766.01 | |||
—————— | |||
$55,994,394.71 | |||
———————————— | |||
DISBURSED IN 1881. | |||
For claims by death and matured endowments | $3,718,646.87 | ||
Surplus returned to Policy holders | 1,284,342.53 | ||
Lapsed and surrendered Policies | 1,081,234.81 | ||
————— | |||
TOTAL TO POLICY HOLDERS | $6,084,224.21 | ||
Commissions to Agents | $286,797.05 | ||
Salaries of Officers, Clerks and all others employed on salary | 103,541.93 | ||
Medical Examiners’ fees | 10,540.25 | ||
Printing, Advertising, Legal, Real Estate and all other expenses | 276,607.84 | ||
————— | $677,487.07 | ||
TAXES | 454,590.06 | ||
————— | 7,216,301.34 | ||
—————— | |||
BALANCE NET ASSETS, DEC. 31, 1881 | $48,778,093.37 | ||
———————————— | |||
Loans upon Real Estate, first lien | $18,037,201.12 | ||
Loans upon Stocks and Bonds | 401,303.28 | ||
Premium notes on Policies in force | 3,347,600.47 | ||
Cost of Real Estate owned by the Company | 12,657,974.92 | ||
Cost of United States Registered Bonds | 4,618,853.10 | ||
Cost of State Bonds | 619,900.00 | ||
Cost of City Bonds | 2,572,300.84 | ||
Cost of other Bonds | 3,407,480.00 | ||
Cost of Bank Stock | 122,761.00 | ||
Cost of Railroad Stock | 26,000.00 | ||
Cash in Bank | 2,933,319.50 | ||
Balance due from agents, secured | 33,399.14 | ||
—————— | |||
$48,778,093.37 | |||
ADD | |||
Interest due and accrued | $925,583.50 | ||
Rents accrued | 14,373.88 | ||
Market value of stocks and bonds over cost | 497,676.02 | ||
Net premiums in course of collection——NONE. | |||
Net deferred quarterly and semi-annual premiums | 43,058.08 | ||
————— | 1,480,691.48 | ||
—————— | |||
GROSS ASSETS, December 31, 1881 | $50,258,784.85 | ||
Amount required to re-insure all outstanding policies, net, assuming 4 per cent. interest | $45,810,598.00 | ||
All other liabilities | 1,060,614.87 | ||
—————— | 46,871,212.87 | ||
—————— | |||
SURPLUS, by Connecticut Standard, 4 per cent. | $3,387,571.98 | ||
SURPLUS, by New York Standard, 4-½ per cent., about | 6,500,000.00 | ||
———————————— | |||
Ratio of expense of management to receipts in 1881 | 8.30 per cent. | ||
Policies in force December 31, 1881, 63,913, insuring | $159,039,867.89 | ||
———————————— |
JACOB L. GREENE, President.
JOHN M. TAYLOR, Secretary. | W. G. ABBOT, Ass’t Secretary. | D. H. WELLS, Actuary.[160] |
Physicians have Prescribed over Half a Million Packages of
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In impaired vitality it restores to the system that which has been wasted in excitement, in abuses, in excessive bodily or mental emotions.
It prevents consumption and other diseases of debility.
F. CROSBY CO., 664 and 666 Sixth Ave., N.Y.
For Sale by Druggists; or by mail in P. O. order, bill or postage stamps, $1.00.
By a novel arrangement of fine coiled wire spring, which yield readily to every movement of the wearer, the most Perfect Fitting and comfortable corset ever made is secured.
Is Approved by the Best Physicians. For sale by all leading dealers.
Lady Agents Wanted.
Price by Mail, $1.50.
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Chicago, Ill.,
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For beauty of gloss, for saving of toil.
For freeness from dust and slowness to soil.
And also for cheapness ’tis yet unsurpassed.
And thousands of merchants are selling it fast.
Of all imitations ’tis well to beware;
The half risen sun every package should bear;
For this is the “trade mark” the MORSE BROS. use,
And none are permitted the mark to abuse.
Set Complete in Terry, $58. Set complete in Plush, $64. Parlor, Lodge and Church Furniture. No charge for packing. Send for Illustrated Catalogue.
27 Sudbury St., Boston.
Catalogues Free on Application.
Address the Company either at
BOSTON, MASS., 531 Tremont Street;
LONDON, ENG., 57 Holborn Viaduct;
KANSAS CITY, Mo., 817 Main Street;
ATLANTA, GA., 37 Whitehall Street;
OVER 95,000 SOLD.
As musical culture increases it demands in musical instruments for home, church, or school, excellence in tone, tasteful workmanship, and durability.
The American Missionary.
Special attention is invited to the
With a circulation of 20,000 copies monthly, in the best families in the land, it becomes a valuable medium for the advertisement of standard and reliable articles.
A Sentinel that Never Sleeps.
407 Broadway, N.Y. City.
60,000 TONS USED IN 1881.
One ton will build two miles of staunch three-strand Barb Fence. One strand will make an old wooden fence impassable to large cattle. One strand at bottom will keep out hogs.
Washburn & Moen Man’f’g Co.,
Manufacturers of
Patent Steel Barb Fencing.
A STEEL Thorn Hedge. No other Fencing so cheap or put up so quickly. Never rusts, stains, decays, shrinks nor warps. Unaffected by fire, wind or flood. A complete barrier to the most unruly stock. Impassable by man or beast.
No other Fence Material so easily handled by small proprietors and tenants, or large planters in the South.
Shipped on spools containing 100 pounds, or eighty rods of Fencing. Can be kept on the Reel for transient uses.
Send for Illustrative Pamphlets and Circulars, as above.
To preach the Gospel to the poor. It originated in a sympathy with the almost friendless slaves. Since Emancipation it has devoted its main efforts to preparing the Freedmen for their duties as citizens and Christians in America, and as missionaries in Africa. As closely related to this, it seeks to benefit the caste-persecuted Chinese in America, and to co-operate with the Government in its humane and Christian policy toward the Indians. It has also a mission in Africa.
Churches: In the South——In District of Columbia, 1; Virginia, 1; North Carolina, 6; South Carolina, 2; Georgia, 13; Kentucky, 7; Tennessee, 4; Alabama, 14; Kansas, 1; Arkansas, 1; Louisiana, 18; Mississippi, 4; Texas, 6. Africa, 3. Among the Indians, 1. Total, 82.
Institutions Founded, Fostered or Sustained in the South.——Chartered: Hampton, Va.; Berea, Ky.; Talladega, Ala.; Atlanta, Ga.; Nashville, Tenn.; Tougaloo, Miss.; New Orleans, La., and Austin, Tex.——8. Graded or Normal Schools: Wilmington, N.C.; Charleston, Greenwood, S.C.; Savannah, Macon, Atlanta, Ga.; Montgomery, Mobile, Athens, Selma, Ala.; Memphis, Tenn.——11. Other Schools, 35. Total, 54.
Teachers, Missionaries and Assistants.——Among the Freedmen, 319; among the Chinese, 28; among the Indians, 9; in Africa, 13. Total, 369. Students.——In theology, 104; law, 20; in college course, 91; in other studies, 8,884. Total, 9,108. Scholars taught by former pupils of our schools, estimated at 150,000. Indians under the care of the Association, 13,000.
1. A steady INCREASE of regular income to keep pace with the growing work. This increase can only be reached by regular and larger contributions from the churches, the feeble as well as the strong.
2. Additional Buildings for our higher educational institutions, to accommodate the increasing numbers of students; Meeting Houses for the new churches we are organizing; more Ministers, cultured and pious, for these churches.
3. Help for Young Men, to be educated as ministers here and missionaries to Africa——a pressing want.
Before sending boxes, always correspond with the nearest A. M. A. office as directed on second page cover.
We are anxious to put the American Missionary on a paying basis. We intend to make it worth its price, and we ask our patrons to aid us:
1. More of our readers can take pains to send us either the moderate subscription price (50 cents), or $1.00, naming a friend to whom we may send a second copy.
2. A special friend in each church can secure subscribers at club-rates (12 copies for $5 or 25 copies for $10).
3. Business men can benefit themselves by advertising in a periodical that has a circulation of 20,000 copies monthly and that goes to many of the best men and families in the land. Will not our friends aid us to make this plan a success?
We nevertheless renew the offer hitherto made, that the Missionary will be sent gratuitously, if desired, to the Missionaries of the Association; to Life Members; to all Clergymen who take up collections for the Association; to Superintendents of Sabbath-schools; to College Libraries; to Theological Seminaries; to Societies of Inquiry on Missions; and to every donor who does not prefer to take it as a subscriber, and contributes in a year not less than five dollars.
Subscriptions and advertisements should be sent to H. W. Hubbard, Treasurer, 56 Reade street, New York, N.Y.
Atkin & Prout, Printers, 12 Barclay St., N.Y.
Obvious printer’s punctuation errors and omissions corrected. Inconsistent small caps retained as printed.
Page number for Benefactions corrected in the Contents.
“Pesbyterian” changed to “Presbyterian” on page 150. (Presbyterian Mission House)
“Talladaga” changed to “Talladega” in the Danville entry on page 155. (for Student Aid, Talladega C.)
Full-page illustrations in the articles were moved to sit between paragraphs. Page numbers for these pages have been omitted.