Title: A Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle
Author: Juliana Berners
Author of introduction, etc.: M. G. Watkins
Release date: September 21, 2018 [eBook #57943]
Language: English
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Transcriber's Note is here.
This facsimile is faithfully reproduced by photography; it is being printed on rough hand-made paper similar to that of the original, and will be bound in handsome contemporary binding. The interest and value of this reproduction will be greatly enhanced by Mr. BLADES’ Preface, which treats at length, in separate chapters, of the AUTHORSHIP, TYPOGRAPHY, BIBLIOGRAPHY, SUBJECT-MATTER, and PHILOLOGY of the Work.
As THE BOOK OF SAINT ALBANS is the Work in which THE TREATYSE OF FYSSHYNGE WYTH AN ANGLE was incorporated on its first publication, its possession by the Subscribers to the latter should be secured, in order to complete the set of “dyuerse bokys concernynge to gentyll and noble men.”
A full Prospectus concerning the publication of “The Book of Saint Albans” will be sent on application to
HE scholarly angler is here presented with an exact facsimile of the first English treatise on fishing. The book is of extreme interest for several reasons, not the least curious being that it has served as a literary quarry to so many succeeding writers on fishing, who have not disdained to adapt the authoress’s sentiments to their own use, and even to borrow them word for word without acknowledgment. Walton himself was evidently familiar with it, and has clearly taken his “jury of flies” from its “xij flyes wyth whyche ye shall angle to ye trought & grayllyng;” while Burton, that universal plunderer, has extracted her eloquent eulogy on the secondary pleasures of angling for incorporation with the patchwork structure of his “Anatomy of Melancholy.” Besides giving the earliest account of the art of fishing, the estimate which the authoress forms of the moral value of the craft is not only very high, but has served to strike the keynote for all subsequent followers of the art both in their praises and their practice of it. To this little treatise more than to any other belongs the credit of having assigned in popular estimation to the angler his meditative and gentle nature. Many pure and noble intellects have kindled into lasting devotion to angling on reading her eloquent commendation of it. Such men as Donne, Wotton, and Herbert, Paley, Bell, and Davy, together with many another excellent and simple disposition, have caught enthusiasm from her lofty sentiments, and found that not their bodily health only, but also their morals, were improved by angling. It became a school of virtues, a quiet pastime in which, while looking into their own hearts, they learnt lessons of the highest wisdom, reverence, resignation, and love—love of their fellow-men, of the lower creatures, and of their Creator.
Nothing definite is known of the reputed authoress, Dame Juliana Barnes or Berners. She is said to have been a daughter of Sir James Berners of Roding Berners in the county of Essex, a favourite of King Richard the Second, who was beheaded in 1388 as an evil counsellor to the king and an enemy to the public weal. She was celebrated for her extreme beauty and great learning, and is reported to have held the office of prioress of the Benedictine Nunnery of Sopwell in Hertfordshire, a cell to the Abbey of St. Alban, but of this no documentary evidence exists. The first edition of her “Book of St. Alban’s,” printed by the schoolmaster-printer of St. Alban’s in 1486, treats of hawking, hunting, and coat-armour. In the next edition, “Enprynted at Westmestre by Wynkyn the Worde the yere of thyncarnacōn of our lorde. M . CCCC . lxxxxvi,” among the other “treatyfes perteynynge to hawkynge & huntynge with other dyuers playsaunt materes belongynge vnto noblesse,” appeared the present treatise on angling. The aristocratic instincts of the authoress prompted this mode of publication, as she herself explains in the concluding paragraph—“by cause that this present treatyse sholde not come to the hondys of eche ydle persone whyche wolde desire it yf it were enprynted allone by itself & put in a lytyll plaunflet, therfore I haue compylyd it in a greter volume of dyuerse bokys concernynge to gentyll & noble men to the entent that the forsayd ydle persones whyche sholde haue but lytyll mesure in the sayd dysporte of fysshyng sholde not by this meane vtterly dystroye it.” The present publication is the “little pamphlet” which was enclosed in this “greater volume.” An edition of it as a distinct treatise appears to have been issued by Wynkyn de Worde soon after that of 1496, with the title, “Here begynnyth a treatyse of fysshynge wyth an Angle” over the curious woodcut of the man fishing which is on the first page of the present facsimile, but only one copy of it is known to be in existence. At least ten more editions appeared before the year 1600. This shows the great popularity of the book at the time of its publication, and considering how human nature remains the same, and the charms of angling are equally grateful to every fresh generation of anglers, affords a sufficient reason for the strong antiquarian delight which all literary anglers of the present century have felt in the book. It is worth while briefly to trace the bibliography of angling onwards until the appearance in 1653 of Walton’s Compleat Angler, when the reader will be on familiar ground. In the interval of more than a hundred and fifty years between these two names of Berners and Walton, so deeply reverenced by every true scholar of the craft, there occur but four books on angling, though each one of these possesses a fame peculiar to itself. First came Leonard Mascall’s Booke of Fishing with Hooke and Line, published in 1590. Taverner’s Certaine Experiments concerning Fish and Fruite followed in 1600. Then came in 1613 the Secrets of Angling of the celebrated angling poet, J. D. [John Dennys], whose verses have perhaps never yet been surpassed; and finally, in 1651, appeared Barker’s Art of Angling. With this fisherman and “ambassador’s cook,” as he calls himself, Walton must often have conversed.
It is a further testimony to the attractions which angling has always possessed for contemplative natures that the art appears here systematised, so to speak, as early as the middle of the fifteenth century in England, where it has been practised ever since with more enthusiasm and skill than in other countries. There is a sad gap in angling literature from the days of Ausonius, at the commencement of the fourth century, to those of Dame Juliana Berners. Fly-fishing, indeed, is not named between the time of Ælian and that of the Treatyse. It is clearly described by the former writer, who alone among the ancients mentions it, but in the present book it is spoken of under the term “angling with a dubbe,” as if it were well-known and practised. Not only so, but it is clear that the writer had books of angling lore before her, perhaps monkish manuscripts, as Hawkins suggests, which would be of inestimable interest could they now be recovered. Thus in speaking of the carp, the reader will find she writes—“as touchynge his baytes I haue but lytyll knowlege of it. And me were loth to wryte more than I knowe & haue prouyd. But well I wote that the redde worme & the menow ben good baytys for hym at all tymes as I haue herde saye of persones credyble & also founde wryten in bokes of credence.” No better rules can be given for fly-fishing at present than the two which she prescribes for angling—“for the fyrste and pryncypall poynt in anglynge : kepe ye euer fro the water fro the sighte of the fysshe,” and “also loke that ye shadow not the water as moche as ye may.” The “troughte” is to be angled for “wyth a dubbe” [artificial fly] “in lepynge time;” but as for the salmon, “ye may take hym : but it is seldom seen with a dubbe at suche tyme as whan he lepith in lyke fourme & manere as ye doo take a troughte or a gryalynge.” With the imperfect tackle and clumsy rod of those days, it is no wonder that the capture of salmon with a fly, which is still the crowning achievement of the craft, could seldom be effected.
After the eloquent pleading for angling with which the treatise opens, the lady at once proceeds to teach the making of the “harnays” of it. The rod she orders to be constructed somewhat resembles, save in its larger size, the modern walking-stick rod. A hazel wand, or failing it, one of willow or mountain ash, is to be procured, as thick as the arm and nine feet in length. This is to form the butt, and is to be hollowed out by means of divers red-hot irons into a tapering hole, which is to receive the “croppe,” or top, as we now call it, when not in use. This “croppe” is to be made of a yard of hazel, joined to a length of blackthorn, crab, medlar, or “jenypre.” All these are to be cut between Michaelmas and Candlemas, the lady giving very particular directions as to their drying and the like. When the two portions of the “crop” are “fretted together,” the whole rod is to be shaved into a shapely taper form; the staff encircled with long hoops of iron or latten at both ends, and finished with a “pyke in the nether ende fastnyd wyth a rennynge vyce : to take in & oute youre croppe.” The line is then to be wound round the crop and tied fast with a bow at the top. The reader will note that there is no mention of a reel; it was only used, seemingly until the beginning of this century, for large salmon and pike. An angler who hooked a fish when armed with this ponderous rod (which must from its description have been nearly eighteen feet long, as large as a modern salmon rod), would act as Izaak Walton would have done in the like predicament,—throw the rod in to the fish and recover it when he could. But the lady is wonderfully pleased with this mighty rod, and thus concludes—“Thus shall ye make you a rodde soo preuy that ye maye walke therwyth : and there shall noo man wyte where abowte ye goo. It woll be lyghte & full nymbyll to fysshe wyth at your luste. And for the more redynesse loo here a fygure,” and she adds the curious woodcut which the reader may see reproduced at page 5.
Then follow directions how to dye and make lines and hooks. There were evidently no manufacturers of hooks in the fifteenth century: each angler made his own. The casting of plummets and forming of floats succeed. The six methods of angling and the mode of playing a fish are next treated, and the latter alone shows that Dame Juliana must herself have been a proficient in the craft. No one but a thoroughly good fisher could have summed up the art of playing a fish in the words—“kepe hym euer vnder the rodde, and euermore holde hym streyghte : soo that your lyne may susteyne and beere his lepys and his plungys wyth the helpe of your croppe & of your honde.” The place, the time of day, and the weather in which to fish, are next particularly described after the exactitude peculiar to fishing manuals of the olden time. These paragraphs are well worth the consideration of a modern angler, especially the charge, “yf the wynde be in the Eest, that is worste For comynly neyther wynter nor somer ye fysshe woll not byte thenne.”
The following part of the treatise, with what baits and how to angle for each kind of fish, together with a brief description of each, certainly furnished Walton with a model for some of his chapters. This portion of her book is regarded by the authoress as most necessary to be known and proficiency in carrying out her rules “is all the effecte of the crafte.” She adds amusingly, “for ye can not brynge an hoke in to a fyssh mouth wythout a bayte.” A few of the quaint receipts of her age succeed; how to keep live baits, to make pastes and the like, ending with a rule which is often given to flyfishers for trout at the present day: “Whan ye haue take a grete fysshe : vndo the mawe, & what ye fynde therin make that your bayte : for it is beste.”
Just as the authoress rises to eloquence at the beginning of the treatise when comparing the fisher’s happy life with the toils and troubles which too often fall to the lot of the hunter, hawker, and fowler, so the end of these rules once more recalls her enthusiasm. The last two pages of the book give us a portrait of her conception of the perfect angler, and it is no presumption to say that a nobler and truer picture has never been limned. Simplicity of disposition, forbearance to our neighbours’ rights, and consideration for the poor, are strongly inculcated. All covetousness in fishing or employment of its gentle art to increase worldly gain and fill the larder is equally condemned. She holds the highest view of angling; that it is to serve a man for solace, and to cause the health of his body, but especially of his soul. So she would have him pursue his craft alone for the most part, when his mind can rise to high and holy things, and he may serve God devoutly by saying from his heart his customary prayer. Nor should a man ever carry his amusement to excess, and catch too much at one time; this is to destroy his future pleasure and to interfere with that of his neighbours. A good sportsman too, she adds, will busy himself in nourishing the game and destroying all vermin. So will what Walton calls “the civil, well-governed angler” escape the vices which spring from idleness, and enjoy the full delights of an elevating and noble recreation. “And all those that done after this rule shall haue the blessynge of god & saynt Petyr, whyche he theym graunte that wyth his precyous blood vs boughte.”
“And therefore to al you that ben vertuous : gentyll : and free borne I wryte & make this symple treatyse folowynge : by whyche ye may haue the full crafte of anglynge to dysport you at your luste : to the entent that your aege maye the more floure and the more lenger to endure.”
M. G. W.
Alamon in
his parablys sayth that a good spyryte makyth a flourynge
aege / that is a fayre aege & a
longe. And syth it is soo : I aske this
questyon / . whi | che
ben the meanes & the causes that enduce a man in
to a mery spyryte. : Truly to my beste
dyscrecōn it semeth good dysportes & honest gamys
in whom a man Ioy | eth wythout ony
repentannce after. Thenne folowyth it yt gode
dysportes & honest games ben cause of mannys fayr
aege & longe life. And therfore now woll I chose
of foure good dispor | tes & honeste
gamys / that is to wyte : of
huntynge : hawkynge : fysshynge : &
foulynge. The beste to my symple dyscrecōn
why | che is fysshynge : callyd
Anglynge wyth a rodde : and a lyne
{2} and an
hoke / And therof to treate as my symple
wytte may suffyce : both for the sayd
reason of Salamon and also for the reason that phisyk
makyth in this wyse (¶ Si tibi deficiant medici medici
tibi fiant : hec tria mens leta labor
& moderata dieta.
¶ Ye shall vnderstonde that
this is for to saye / Yf a man lacke
leche or medicyne he shall make thre thynges his leche
& medycyne : and he shall nede neuer
no moo. The fyrste of theym is a mery thought. The
seconde is labour not outrageo. The thyr | de
is dyete mesurable. Fyrste that yf a man wyll
euer more be in mery thoughtes and haue a gladde
spyryte : he must eschewe all contraryous
company & all places of debate where he myghte
haue ony occasyons of malencoly. And yf he woll haue a
labour not outrageous he must thenne ordeyne him to his
her | tys ease and pleasaunce wythout studye
pensyfnesse or trauey | le a mery occupacyon
whyche maye reioyce his herte : & in
why | che his spyrytes may haue a mery
delyte. And yf he woll be dy | etyd mesurably
he must eschewe all places of ryotte whyche is cause of
surfette and of syknesse / And he must
drawe him to pla | ces of swete ayre and
hungry : And ete nourishable meetes and
dyffyable also.
Ow thenne woll I dyscryue the
sayd dysportes and ga | mys to fynde the
beste of theym as veryly as I ca
/ alle
be it that the ryght noble and full worthy prynce the
du | ke of Yorke late callid mayster of
game hath discryued the myr | thes of
huntynge lyke as I thynke to dyscryue of it and of
alle the other. For huntynge as to myn entent is to
laboryous / For the hunter must alwaye renne
& folowe his houndes : traueyllynge &
swetynge full sore. He blowyth tyll his lyppes blyster And
whan he wenyth it be an hare full oft it is an hegge hogge
Thus he chasyth and wote not what. He comyth home at euyn
rayn beten pryckyd : and his clothes torne
wete shode all myry Some hounde loste : some
surbat. Suche greues & many other hapyth vnto the
hunter / whyche for dyspleysaunce of theym
yt loue it I dare not reporte. Thus truly me
semyth that this is not the beste dysporte and game of
the sayd foure. The dyspor | te and game of
hawkynge is laboryous & noyouse also as me semyth.
For often the fawkener leseth his hawkes as the {3} hunter his hoūdes.
Thenne is his game & his dysporte goon. Full often
cryeth he & whystelyth tyll that he be ryght euyll
a thur | ste. His hawke taketh a bowe and
lyste not ones on hym rewar | de. whan he
wolde haue her for to flee : thenne woll
she bathe.
with mys fedynge she shall haue the
Fronse : the Rye : the Cray and
many other syknesses that brynge theym to the Sowse.
Thus by prouff this is not the beste dysporte &
game of the sa | yd foure. The dysporte
& game of fowlynge me semyth moost symple For in the
wynter season the fowler spedyth not but in the moost
hardest and coldest weder : whyche is
greuous. For whan he wolde goo to his gynnes he maye not
for colde. Many a gynne & many a snare he makyth.
Yet soryly dooth he fare. At morn tyde in the dewe he is
weete shode vnto his taylle. Many other suche I cowde
tell : but drede of magre makith me for to
leue. Thus me semyth that huntynge & hawkynge &
also fowlynge ben so laborous and greuous that none of
theym maye perfourme nor bi very meane that enduce a man to
a me | ry spyryte : whyche is
cause of his longe lyfe acordynge vnto yt sayd
parable of Salamon. ¶ Dowteles thee folowyth it that it
must nedes be the dysporte of fysshynge wyth an angle.
For all other manere of fysshyng is also laborous and
greuous : often makynge folkes ful wete
& colde / whyche many tymes hath be
seen cause of grete Infirmytees. But the angler maye haue
no colde nor no dysease nor angre / but
yf he be causer hymself. For he maye not lese at
the moost but a lyne or an hoke : of
whyche he maye haue store plentee of his owne
makynge / as this sym | ple
treatyse shall teche hym. Soo thenne his losse is not
greuo | us. and other greyffes maye he not
haue / sauynge but yf ony fisshe breke away
after that he is take on the hoke / or
elles that he catche nought : whyche
ben not greuous. For yf he faylle of one he maye not
faylle of a nother / yf he dooth as
this treatyse techyth : but yf there
be nonght in the water. And yet atte the leest he
hath his holsom walke and mery at his ease. a swete
ay | re of the swete sauoure of the meede
floures : that makyth hym hungry. He hereth
the melodyous armony of fowles. He seeth the yonge
swannes : heerons : duckes : cotes
and many other fou | les wyth theyr
brodes. / whyche me semyth better than
alle the {4} noyse
of honndys : the blastes of hornys and the
scrye of foulis that hunters : fawkeners
& foulers can make. And yf the angler take
fysshe : surely thenne is there noo
man merier than he is in his spyryte. ¶ Also who soo
woll vse the game of anglynge : he must
ryse erly. whiche thyng is prouffytable to man in
this wy | se / That is to
wyte : moost to the heele of his soule.
For it shall cause hym to be holy. and to the heele of
his body / For it shall cause hym to be
hole. Also to the encrease of his goodys. For it shall
make hym ryche. As the olde englysshe prouerbe sayth
in this wyse. ¶ who soo woll ryse erly shall be holy
helthy & zely.
¶ Thus haue I prouyd in myn
entent that the dysporte & game of anglynge is the
very meane & cause that enducith a man in to a mery
spyryte : Whyche after the sayde parable
of Salomon & the sayd doctryne of phisyk makyth a
flourynge aege & a longe. And therfore to al you that
ben vertuous : gentyll : and
free borne I wryte & make this symple treatyse
folowynge : by whyche ye may haue
the full crafte of anglynge to dysport you at your
luste : to the entent that your aege maye
the more flou | re and the more lenger to
F ye woll be
crafty in anglynge : ye must fyrste
lerne to make your harnays / That is
to wyte your rodde : your lynes of
dyuers colours. After that ye must know how ye shall
angle in what place of the water : how
depe : and what ti | me
of day. For what manere of fysshe : in
what wedyr How ma | ny impedymentes there
ben in fysshynge yt is callyd anglynge And
in specyall wyth what baytys to euery dyuers fysshe
in e | che moneth of the yere. How ye
shall make your baytes brede where ye shall fynde
theym : and how ye shall kepe theym. And
for the moost crafty thynge how ye shall make youre
hokes of stele & of osmonde / Some
for the dubbe : and some for the
flote : & the grounde. as ye shall here
after al thyse fynde expressed o | penly
vnto your knowlege.
¶ And how ye shall make your
rodde craftly here I shall teche you. Ye shall kytte
betwene Myghelmas & Candylmas a fayr staffe of a fadom
and an halfe longe : & arme grete of
hasyll : wy | lowe : or
aspe. And bethe hym in an hote ouyn : &
sette hym euyn Thenne lete hym cole & drye
a moneth. Take thenne & frette {5} hym faste wyth a
cockeshotecorde : and bynde hym to a fourme
or an euyn square grete tree. Take thenne a plūmers wire
that is euyn and streyte & sharpe at the one ende. And
hete the shar | pe end in a charcole fyre
tyll it be whyte : and brenne the staffe
therwyth thorugh : euer streyte in the pythe
at bothe endes tyll they mete. And after that brenne hym in
the nether ende wyth a byrde broche / &
wyth other broches eche gretter than other. & euer
the grettest the laste : so that ye make
your hole aye tapre wexe. Thenne lete hym lye styll and
kele two dayes. Unfrette hym thee and lete hym drye in
an hous roof in the smoke tyll he be thrugh drye ¶ In the
same season take a fayr yerde of gre | ne
hasyll & beth hym euyn & streyghte. and lete it
drye with the staffe. And whan they ben drye make the yerde
mete vnto the hole in the staffe : vnto halfe
the length of the staffe. And to per | fourme
that other halfe of the croppe. Take a fayr shote of
blac | ke thor
: crabbe
tree : medeler. or of Ienypre kytte in
the same se | ason : and
well bethyd & streyghte. And frette theym togyder
fe | tely : soo that the
croppe maye iustly entre all in to the sayd hole. Thenne
shaue your staffe & make hym tapre wexe. Thenne
vyrell the staffe at bothe endes wyth longe hopis of
yren or la | ton in the clennest wise
wyth a pyke in the nether ende fastnyd wyth a rennynge
vyce : to take in & oute youre croppe.
Thenne set your croppe an handfull within the ouer
ende of your staffe in suche wise that it be as bigge
there as in ony other place abo | ue.
e arme your croppe at thouer ende
downe to ye frette wyth a lyne of .vj. heeres.
And dubbe the lyne and frette it fast in ye
toppe wyth a bowe to fasten on your lyne. And thus
shall ye make you a rodde soo preuy that ye maye walke
therwyth : and there shall noo man wyte where
abowte ye goo. It woll be lyghte & full nymbyll to
fysshe wyth at your luste. And for the more redynesse loo
here a fygure therof in example. :
Fter that ye haue made thus
your rodde : ye must lerne to coloure
your lynes of here in this wyse. ¶ Fyrste ye must take
of a whyte horse taylle the lengest heere and {6} fayrest that ye can
fynde. And euer the rounder it be the better it is.
Departe it in to .vj. partes : and euery
parte ye shall colour by hymselfe in dyuers colours. As
yelowe : grene : browne : tawney : russet.
and duske colours. And for to make a good grene
co | lour on your heer ye shall doo
thus. ¶ Take smalle ale a quar | te
and put it in a lytyll panne : and put
therto halfe a pounde of alym. And put therto your
heer : and lete it boylle softly half an
houre. Thenne take out your heer and lete it drye. Thenne
ta | ke a potell of water and put it in a
panne. And put therin two handfull of ooldys or of wyxen.
And presse it wyth a tyle stone : and lete
it boylle softly half an houre. And whan it is yelow on
the scume put therin your heer wyth halfe a pounde of
copo | rose betyn in powdre and lete it
boylle halfe a myle waye : and thenne sette
it downe : and lete it kele fyue or syxe
houres. The
take out the heer and drye it. And
it is thenne the fynest grene that is for the water. And
euer the more ye put therto of copo | rose
the better it is. or elles in stede of it vertgrees.
¶ A nother wyse ye maye make more brighter
grene / as thus Lete woode your heer in an
woodefatte a lyght plunket colour And thenne sethe hym in
olde or wyxin lyke as I haue sayd : sauynge
ye shall not put therto neyther coporose ue vertgrees.
¶ For to make your heer yelow dyght it wyth alym
as I haue sayd before. And after that wyth oldys or
wyxin wythout copo | rose or vertgrees. ¶ A nother
yelow ye shal make thns. Ta | ke smalle
ale a potell : and stampe thre handful of
walnot leues and put togider : And put in
your heer tyll that it be as depe as ye woll haue it. ¶ For to make russet
heer. Take stronge lye a pynt and halfe a pounde of sote
and a lytyll iuce of walnot le | uys & a
quarte of alym : and put theym alle togyder
in a panne and boylle theym well. And whan it is colde
put in youre heer tyll it be as derke as ye woll haue
it. ¶ For to make a
brow | ne colour. Take a pounde of sote and
a quarte of ale : and seth it wyth as many
walnot leuys as ye maye. And whan they wexe blacke sette
it from the fire. And put therin your heer and lete it lye
styll tyll it be as browne as ye woll haue it.
For to make a nother browne. Take strong ale and sote and
tempre them togyder. and put therin your heer two dayes
and two nyghtes and it shall be ryght a good colour.
¶ For to
make a tawney coloure. Take lyme and water & put theym
togyder : and also put your heer therin foure
or fyue hou | res. Thenne take it out and put
it in a Tanners ose a day : and it shall be
also fyne a tawney colour as nedyth to our purpoos
The syxte parte of your heer ye shall kepe styll whyte for
ly | nes for the dubbyd hoke to fysshe for
the trought and graylyn | ge and for smalle
lynes for to rye for the roche and the darse.
Han your heer
is thus colourid : ye must knowe for
whi | che waters and for whyche seasons
they shall serue.
¶ The grene colour in all
clere water from Apryll tyll Septembre. ¶ The yelowe
coloure in euery clere water from Septembre tyll
Nouembre : For it is lyke ye wedys
and other manere grasse whiche growyth in the waters and
ryuers whan they ben broken. ¶ The russet colour seruyth
all the wynter vnto the ende of Apryll as well in ryuers
as in poles or lakys ¶ The browne colour seruyth for that
water that is blacke de | disshe in ryuers or
in other waters. ¶ The tawney colour for those waters that
ben hethy or morysshe.
Ow must ye make youre lynes in
this wyse. Fyrste loke that ye haue an Instrument lyke vnto this
fygure portrayed folowynge. Thenne take your heer & kytte of the
smalle ende an hondfull large or more / For it is neyther stronge
nor yet sure. Thenne torne the toppe to the taylle eue | ryche ylyke
moche. And departe it in to thre partyes. Thenne knytte euery part
at the one ende by hymself. And at the other ende knytte all thre
togyder : and put ye same ende in that other ende of your
Instrument that hath but one clyft. And sett that other ende faste
wyth the wegge foure fyngers in alle shorter than your heer. Thenne
twyne euery warpe one waye & ylyke moche : and fasten theym in
thre clyftes ylyke streyghte. Take thenne out that other ende and
twyne it that waye that it woll desyre ynough. Thenne streyne it a
lytyll : and knytte it for vn | doynge : and that is good. And for
to knowe to make your Instrument : loo here it is in fygure. And it
shall be made of tree sauynge the bolte vnderneth : whiche shall be
of yren. {8}
ye haue as many of the lynkys as ye suppose wol
suffyse for the length of a lyne : thenne must ye knytte
theym togyder wyth a water knotte or elles a duchys
knotte. And whan your knotte is knytte : kytte of ye voyde shor | te
endes a strawe brede for the knotte. Thus shal ye make you | re
lynes fayr & fyne : and also ryght sure for ony manere fysshe.
¶ And by cause that ye sholde knowe bothe the water knotte &
also the duchys knotte : loo theym here in fygure caste vnto the
lyknesse of the draughte.
E shall
vnderstonde that the moost subtyll & hardyste
crafte in makynge of your harnays is for to make your
hokis. For whoos makyng ye must haue fetefyles.
and sharpe & smalle beten : A semy
of yren : a bender : a payr
of longe & smalle tongys : an harde knyfe somdeale thycke : an
anuelde : & a lytyll hamour. ¶ And for smalle fysshe ye shall
make your hokes of the smalest quarell nedlys that ye can fyn | de
of stele / & in this wyse. ¶ Ye shall put the quarell in a redde
charkcole fyre tyll that it be of the same colour that the fyre is.
Thenne take hym out and lete hym kele : and ye shal fynde him
well alayd for to fyle. Thenne reyse the berde wyth your knyfe / and make the poynt sharpe. Thenne alaye hym agayn : for
elles he woll breke in the bendyng. Thenne bende hym lyke to
the bende fyguryd herafter in example. And gretter hokes ye
shall mabe in the same wyse of gretter nedles : as broderers nedlis : or
taylers : or shomakers nedlis spere poyntes / &
of shomakers nalles in especyall the beste for grete fysshe. and
that they bende atte the poynt whan they ben assayed / for elles
they ben not good ¶ Whan the hoke is bendyd bete the hynder
ende abrode : & fyle it smothe for fretynge of thy lyne. Thenne
put it in the fyre agayn : and yeue it an easy redde hete. Thenne
sodaynly quenche it in water : and it woll be harde and
And for to haue knowlege of your Instrumentes : lo theym here
in fygure portrayd.
ye haue made thus your hokis : thenne must ye set
theym on your lynes acordynge in gretnesse & strength
in this wyse. ¶ Ye shall take smalle redde silke. & yf it be
for a grete hoke
e double it : not twynyd. And elles for sma | le
hokys lete it be syngle : & therwyth frette thycke the lyne the | re
as the one ende of your hoke shal sytte a strawe brede.
sette there your hoke : & frette hym wyth the same threde ye two
partes of the lengthe that shall be frette in all. And whan ye co | me
to the thyrde parte thenne torne the ende of your lyne aga | yn
vpon the frette dowble. & frette it so dowble that other thyr | de
parte. Thenne put your threde in at the hose twys or thries
& lete it goo at eche tyme rounde abowte the yerde of your hoke.
Thenne wete the hose & and drawe it tyll that it be faste. And lo | ke
that your lyne lye euermore wythin your hokys : & not with | out.
Thenne kytte of the lynys ende & the threde as nyghe as
ye maye : sauynge the frette.
Ow ye knowe wyth how grete
hokys ye shall angle to euery fysshe : now I woll tell you wyth how
many heeres ye shall to euery manere of fisshe. ¶ For the menow
wyth a lyne of one heere. For the waxyng roche the bleke &
the {10} gogyn & the ruffe
wyt a lyne of two heeris. For the darse & the grete
roche wyth a lyne of thre heeres. For the perche : the floū | der
& bremet with foure heeres. For the cheuen chubbe : the
bre | me : the tenche & the ele wyth .vj. heeres. For the
troughte : gray | lynge : barbyll & the grete cheuyn with .ix.
heeres. For the grete troughte wyth .xij. heeres : For the samon with
.xv. heeres. And for the pyke wyth a chalke lyne made browne with
your brow | ne colour aforsayd : armyd with a wyre. as ye shal here
herafter whan I speke of the pyke.
¶ Your lynes must be plumbid
wyth lede. And ye shall wyte yt the nexte pūbe vnto the
hoke shall be therfro a large fote & mo | re / And euery plumbe
of a quantyte to the gretnes of the lyne. There be thre manere of
plūbis for a grounde lyne rennynge. And for the flote set vpon the
grounde lyne lyenge .x. plumbes Ioynynge all togider. On the grounde
lyne rennynge .ix. or .x. smalle. The flote plūbe shall be so heuy
yt the leest plucke of ony fysshe maye pull it downe in
to ye water. And make your plū | bis rounde & smothe
yt they stycke not on stonys or on wedys. And for the more
vnderstondynge lo theym here in fygure.
shall ye make your flotys in this wyse. Take a
fayr corke that is clene without many holes. and bore it
thrugh wyth a smalle hote yren : And putt therin a penne iuste
and streyghte. Euer the more flote the gretter penne & the gre | ter
hole. Thenne shape it grete in the myddis and smalle at bo | the
endys. and specyally sharpe in the nether ende / and lyke vn | to
the fygures folowynge. And make theym smothe on a gryn | dyng
stone : or on a tyle stone. ¶ And loke that the flote for one
heer be nomore than a pese. For two heeres : as a beene. for twel | ue
heeres : as a walnot. And soo euery lyne after the proporcōn.
¶ All manere lynes that ben not for the groūde must haue flo | tes.
And the rennynge grounde lyne must haue a flote. The ly | enge
grounde lyne wythout flote.
I haue lernyd you to make all your harnays. Here
I woll tell you how ye shall angle. ¶ Ye shall angle : vnderstonde
that there is .vi. manere of anglyng. That
one is at the grounde for the troughte and other fisshe. A nother
is at ye grounde at an arche / or at a stange where it ebbyth
and flowyth : for bleke : roche. and darse. The thyrde is wyth a
flote for all manere of fysshe. The fourth wyth a menow for ye
troughte wythout plumbe or flote. The fyfth is rennynge in yt
same wyse for roche and darse wyth one or two heeres & a flye.
The syxte is wyth a dubbyd hoke for the troughte & graylyng
¶ And for the fyrste and pryncypall poynt in anglynge : kepe ye
euer fro the water fro the sighte of the fysshe : other ferre on the
londe : or ellys behynde a busshe that the fysshe se you not. For
yf they doo they wol not byte. ¶ Also loke that ye shadow not
the water as moche as ye may. For it is that thynge that woll
soone fraye the fysshe. And yf a fysshe be afrayed he woll not bi | te
longe after. For alle manere fysshe that fede by the grounde
ye shall angle for theim to the botom. soo that your hokys shall
renne or lye on the grounde. And for alle other fysshe that fede
{12} aboue ye shall angle to theym in the myddes of the water or
somdeale byneth or somdeale aboue. For euer the gretter fisshe
the nerer he lyeth the botom of the water. And euer the smaller
fysshe the more he smymmyth aboue. ¶ The thyrde good poynt
is whan the fysshe bytyth that ye be not to hasty to smyte
nor to late / For ye must abide tyll ye suppose that the bayte be
ferre in the mouth of the fysshe / and thenne abyde noo longer.
And this is for the groūde. ¶ And for the flote whan ye se it pul | lyd
softly vnder the water : or elles caryed vpon the water softly : thenne
smyte. And loke that ye neuer ouersmyte the strengthe
of your lyne for brekynge. ¶ And yf it fortune you to smyte
a grete fysshe wyth a smalle harnays : thenne ye must lede
hym in the water and labour him there tyll he be drownyd and
ouercome. Thenne take hym as well as ye can or maye. and euer
bewaar that ye holde not ouer the strengthe of your lyne.
And as moche as ye may lete hym not come out of your lynes
ende streyghte from you : But kepe hym euer vnder the rodde / and euermore holde hym streyghte : soo that your lyne may sus | teyne
and beere his lepys and his plungys wyth the helpe of
your croppe & of your honde.
Ere I woll declare vnto you in what
place of the water ye shall angle. Ye shall angle in a pole or in a
stondinge water in euery place where it is ony thynge depe. The | re
is not grete choyse of ony places where it is ony thynge de | pe
in a pole. For it is but a pryson to fysshe. and they lyue for
ye more parte in hungre lyke prisoners : and therfore it
is the lesse maystry to take theym. But in a ryuer ye shall angle in
euery place where it is depe and clere by the grounde : as grauell
or claye wythout mudde or wedys. And in especyall yf that there be
a manere whyrlynge of water or a couert. As an holow ban | ke : or
grete rotys of trees : or longe wedes fletyng aboue in the water
where the fysshe maye couere and hyde theymself at certayn tymes whan
they lyste Also it is good for to angle in depe styffe stremys and
also in fallys of waters and weares : and in floode gatys and mylle
pyttes. And it is good for to angle where as the water restyth by the
banke : and where the streme rennyth nyghe there by : and is depe and
clere by the grounde {13} and
in ony other placys where ye may se ony fyssh houe or ha | ne ony
Ow ye shall
wyte what tyme of the daye ye shall angle
¶ From the begynnynge of May vntyll it be Septem | bre
the bytynge tyme is erly by the morowe from foure
of ye clocke vnto eyghte of the clocke. And at after none from
foure of the clocke vnto eyghte of the clocke : but not soo good
as is in the mornynge. And yf it be a colde whystelyng wynde
and a derke lowrynge daye. For a derke daye is moche better
to angle in than a clere daye. ¶ From the begynnynge of Sep | tembre
vnto the ende of Apryll spare noo tyme of the daye :
¶ Also
many pole fysshes woll byte beste in the none tyde.
¶ And yf ye se ony tyme of the daye the trought or graylynge
lepe : angle to hym wyth a dubbe acordynge to the same month
And where the water ebbyth and flowyth the fysshe woll byte
in some place at the ebbe : and in some place at the flood. After yt
they haue restynge behynde stangnys and archys of brydgys
and other suche manere places.
Ere ye shall wyte
in what weder ye shall angle. as I sa | yd
before in a derke lowrynge daye whanne the wynde
blowyth softly. And in somer season whan it is brennyn | ge
hote thenne it is nought. ¶ From Septembre vnto Apryll
in a fayr sonny daye is ryght good to angle. And yf the wynde
in that season haue ony parte of the Oryent : the wedyr thenne
is nought. And whan it is a grete wynde. And whan it snowith
reynyth or hayllyth. or is a grete tempeste / as thondyr or ligh | tenynge : or
a swoly hote weder : thenne it is noughte for to angle.
Ow shall ye wyte that there
ben twelue manere of ympedymentes whyche cause a man to
take noo fysshe. wt | out other
comyn that maye casuelly happe. ¶ The fyrst is yf your
harnays be not mete nor fetly made. The seconde is yf your
baytes be not good nor fyne. The thyrde is yf that ye angle
not in bytynge tyme. The fourth is yf that the fysshe be
frayed wt the syghte of a man. The fyfth yf the
water be very thycke : whyte or redde of ony
floode late fallen. The syxte yf the fysshe styre not for
colde. The seuenth yf that the wedyr {14} be hote. The eyght yf it rayne. The
nynthe yf it hayll or snow falle. The tenth is yf it be
a tempeste. The enleuenth is yf it be a grete wynde. The
twelfyfth yf the wynde be in the Eest / and
that is worste For comynly neyther wynter nor somer
ye fysshe woll not byte thenne. The weste and
northe wyndes ben good but the south is beste.
Nd now I haue tolde
you how to make your harnays : and
how ye shall fysshe therwyth in al poyntes Reason
woll that ye knowe wyth what baytes ye shall angle to
euery manere of fysshe in euery moneth of the yere / whyche is
all the effecte of the crafte. And wythout whyche baytes know | en
well by you all your other crafte here toforn auayllyth you
not to purpose. For ye can not brynge an hoke in to a fyssh mo | uth
wythout a bayte. Whiche baytes for euery manere of fyssh
and for euery moneth here folowyth in this wyse.
Or by cause
that the Samon is the moost stately fyssh
that ony man maye angle to in fresshe water. Therfore
I purpose to
at hym. ¶ The samon is a gentyll
fysshe : but he is comborous for to take. For comynly he is but
in depe places of grete ryuers. And for the more parte he holdyth
the myddys of it : that a man maye not come at hym. And
he is in season from Marche vnto Myghelmas. ¶ In whyche
season ye shall angle to hym wyth thyse baytes whan ye maye
gete theym. Fyrste wyth a redde worme in the begynnynge &
endynge of the season. And also wyth a bobbe that bredyth in a
dunghyll. And specyally wyth a souerayn bayte that bredyth
on a water docke. ¶ And he bytith not at the grounde : but at ye
flote. Also ye may take hym : but it is seldom seen with a dubbe
at suche tyme as whan he lepith in lyke fourme & manere as ye
doo take a troughte or a gryalynge. And thyse baytes ben well
prouyd baytes for the samon.
He Troughte for
by cause he is a right deyntous fyssh
and also a ryght feruente byter we shall speke nexte of
hym. He is in season fro Marche vnto Myghelmas. He
is on clene grauely groūde & in a streme.
Ye may angle to hym {15}
all tymes wyth a grounde lyne lyenge or rennynge : sauyng in
lepynge tyme. and thenne wyth a dubbe. And erly wyth a rennynge
grounde lyne. and forth in the daye wyth a flote lyne.
¶ Ye shall angle to hym in Marche wyth a menew hangyd on
your hoke by the nether nesse wythout flote or plumbe : drawynge
vp & downe in the streme tyll ye fele hym taste. ¶ In the
same tyme angle to hym wyth a groūde lyne with a redde wor | me
for the moost sure. ¶ In Aprill take the same baytes : & also
Inneba other wyse namyd .vij. eyes. Also the canker that bredyth
in a grete tree and the redde snayll. ¶ In May take ye sto | ne
flye and the bobbe vnder the cowe torde and the sylke worme : and
the bayte that bredyth on a
fer leyf. ¶ In Iuyn take a
redde worme & nyppe of the heed : and put on thyn hoke a codworme
byforn. ¶ In Iuyll take the grete redde worme and the
codworme togyder. ¶ In August take a flesshe flye & the grete
redde worme and the fatte of the bakon : and bynde abowte thy
hoke. ¶ In Septembre take the redde worme and the menew.
¶ In Octobre take the same : for they ben specyall for the trought
all tymes of the yere. From Aprill tyll Septembre ye trough
lepyth. thenne angle to hym wyth a dubbyd hoke acordyn | ge
to the moneth / whyche dubbyd hokys ye shall fynde in then | de
of this treatyse; and the monethys wyth theym :
He grayllynge by a nother name
callyd vmbre ia a delycyous fysshe to mannys mouthe. And ye maye take
hym lyke as ye doo the trought. And thyse ben his bay | tes. ¶ In
Marche & in Apryll the redde worme. ¶ In May the grene worme : a
lytyll breyled worme : the docke canker. and the hawthorn worme. ¶
In Iune the bayte that bredyth betwene the tree & the barke of
an oke. ¶ In Iuyll a bayte that bredyth on a
leyf : and the
grete redde worme. And nyppe of the he | de : and put on your hoke a
codworme before. ¶ In August the redde worme : and a docke worme. And
al the yere after a reddde worme.
He barbyll is a swete
fysshe / but it is a quasy meete & a peryllous for mannys body.
For comynly he yeuyth an introduxion to ye Febres. And
yf he be eten rawe : he maye be cause of mannys dethe : whyche hath
oft be seen Thyse {16} be his
baytes. ¶ In Marche & in Apryll take fayr fresshe che | se : and
laye it on a borde & kytte it in small square pecys of the
lengthe of your hoke. Take thenne a candyl & brenne it on the
ende at the poynt of your hoke tyll it be yelow. And
e byn | de
it on your hoke with fletchers sylke : and make it rough lyke a
welbede. This bayte is good all the somer season. ¶ In May &
Iune take ye
worme & the grete redde worme.
and nyppe of the heed. And put on your hoke a codworme before.
& that is a good bayte. In Iuyll take the redde worme for cheyf
& the
worme togydr. Also the water docke
leyf wor | me & the hornet worme togyder. ¶ In August &
for all the yere take the talowe of a shepe & softe chese : of
eche ylyke moche : and a lytyll hony & grynde or stampe theym
togydr longe. and tempre it tyll it be tough. And put
therto floure a lytyll & make it on smalle pellettys. And
yt is a good bayte to angle wyth at the grounde And
loke that it synke in the water. or ellys it is not good to this
He carpe is a deyntous
fysshe : but there ben but fewe in Englonde. And therfore I wryte the
lasse of hym. He is an euyll fysshe to take. For he is soo stronge
enarmyd in the mouthe that there maye noo weke harnays holde hym. And
as touchynge his baytes I haue but lytyll knowlege of it And me were
loth to wryte more than I knowe & haue prouyd But well I wote
that the redde worme & the menow ben good baytys for hym at all
tymes as I haue herde saye of persones credyble & also founde
wryten in bokes of credence.
He cheuyn is
a stately fysshe & his heed is a deyty morsell.
There is noo fysshe soo strongly enarmyd wyth
sca | lys on the body. And bi cause he
is a stronge byter he ha | the the more
baytes / whiche ben thyse. ¶ In Marche the
redde worme at the grounde : For comynly
thenne he woll byte there at all tymes of ye
yere yf he be ony thinge hungry. ¶ In Apryll the dyche
canker that bredith in the tree. A worme that bredith
betwene the rynde & the tree of an oke The redde
worme : and the yonge frosshys whan the
fete ben kyt of. Also the stone flye the bobbe vnder the
cowe torde : the redde snaylle. ¶ In May
ye {17}
bayte that bredyth on the osyer leyf & the docke
canker togydr vpon your hoke. Also a bayte that
bredyth on a fer
leyf : ye
cod | worme. and a bayte that bredyth on
an hawthor
. And a bayte that bredyth
on an oke leyf & a sylke worme & a codworme
togyder. ¶ I
Iune take the creket & the
dorre & also a red worme : the heed
kytte of & a codworme before : and put
theym on ye hoke. Also a bayte in the osyer
leyf : yonge frosshys the thre-fete kitte
of by the body : & the fourth by the
knee. The bayte on the hawthor
the codworme togyder & a grubbe that bredyth in a
dunghyll : and a grete greshop. ¶ In Iuyll
the greshop & the humbylbee in the medow. Also yonge
bees & yonge hornettes. Also a grete brended flye
that bredith in pathes of medowes & the flye that
is amonge pysmeers hyllys. ¶ In August take wortwormes
& magotes vnto Myghelmas. ¶ In Septembre the redde
worme : & also take the baytes whan ye
may gete the | ym : that is to
wyte / Cheryes : yonge myce not
heeryd : & the hon | ie
He breeme is a noble fysshe & a deyntous. And ye shall
angle for hym from Marche vnto August wyth a redde
worme : &
e wyth a butter flye & a grene flye. & with
a bayte that bredyth amonge grene rede : and a bayte that bre | dyth
in the barke of a deed tree. ¶ And for bremettis : take mag | gotes.
¶ And fro that tyme forth all the yere after take the red
worme : and in the ryuer browne breede. Moo baytes there ben
but they ben not easy & therfore I lete theym passe ouer.
Tenche is a good fyssh : and heelith all manere of other
fysshe that ben hurte yf they maye come to hym. He is
the most parte of the yere in the mudde. And he styryth
moost in Iune & Iuly : and in other seasons but lytyll. He is an
euyll byter. his baytes ben thyse. For all the yere browne bree | de
tostyd wyth hony in lyknesse of a butteryd loof : and the gre | te
redde worme. And as for cheyf take the blacke blood in ye her | te
of a shepe & floure and hony. And tempre theym all togyder
somdeale softer than paast : & anoynt therwyth the redde worme : bothe
for this fysshe & for other. And they woll byte moche
the better therat at all tymes.
¶ The perche is a daynteuous fysshe & passynge holsom and {18} a free bytyng. Thise ben his
baytes. In Marche the redde wor | me. In Aprill the bobbe vnder the
cowe torde. In May the
slo | thor
worme & the codworme. In Iune
the bayte that bredith in an olde fallen oke & the grete canker.
In Iuyll the bayte that bredyth on the osyer leyf & the bobbe
that bredeth on the dung | hyll : and the
worme & the
codworme. In August the redde worme & maggotes. All the yere
after the red worme as for the beste.
¶ The roche is an easy fysshe to take : And yf he be fatte & pen | nyd
thenne is he good meete. & thyse ben his baytes. In Marche
the most redy bayte is the red worme. In Apryll the bobbe
vnder the cowe torde. In May the bayte yt bredyth on the oke
leyf & the bobbe in the dunghyll. In Iune the bayte that bredith
on the osyer & the codworme. In Iuyll hous flyes. & the
bayte that bredith on an oke. and the notworme & mathewes &
maggotes tyll Myghelmas. And after yt the fatte of bakon.
¶ The dace is a gentyll fysshe to take. & yf it be well refet
is it good meete. In Marche his bayte is a redde worme. In
Apryll the bobbe vnder the cowe torde. In May the docke can | ker
& the bayte on ye
and on the oken leyf. In Iune the
codworme & the bayte on the osyer and the whyte grubbe in ye
dunghyll. In Iuyll take hous flyes & flyes that brede in pysmer
hylles : the codworme & maggotes vnto Mighelmas. And
yf the water be clere ye shall take fysshe whan other take none
And fro that tyme forth doo as ye do for the roche. For comyn | ly
theyr bytynge & theyr baytes ben lyke.
¶ The bleke is but a feble fysshe. yet he is holsom His baytes
from Marche to Myghelmas be the same that I haue wryten
before. For the roche & darse sauynge all the somer season asmo | che
as ye maye angle for hym wyth an house flye : & in wynter
season wt bakon & other bayte made as ye herafter may know.
¶ The ruf is ryght an holsom fysshe : And ye shall angle to him
wyth the same baytes in al seasons of the yere & in the same wi | se
as I haue tolde you of the perche : for they ben lyke in fysshe
& fedinge / sauynge the ruf is lesse. And therfore he must haue ye
smaller bayte.
¶ The flounder is an holsom fisshe & a free. and a subtyll byter
in his manere : For comynly whan he soukyth his meete he {19} fedyth at grounde. & therfore ye must angle to hym wyth a gro | unde
lyne lyenge. And he hath but one manere of bayte. & that
is a red worme. whiche is moost cheyf for all manere of fysshe.
¶ The gogen is a good fisshe of the mochenes : & he byteth wel
at the grounde. And his baytes for all the yere ben thyse. ye red
worme : codworme : & maggotes. And ye must angle to him wt
a flote. & lete your bayte be nere ye botom or
ellis on ye
¶ The menow whan he shynith in the water
the is he byttyr
And though his body be lytyll yet he is a rauenous biter & an
egre. And ye shall angle to hym wyth the same baytes that ye
doo for the gogyn : sauynge they must be smalle.
¶ The ele is a quasy fysshe a rauenour & a deuourer of the bro | de
of fysshe. And for the pyke also is a deuourer of fysshe I put
them bothe behynde all other to angle. For this ele ye shall fyn | de
an hole in the grounde of the water. & it is blewe blackysshe
there put in your hoke tyll that it be a fote wythin ye hole. and
your bayte shall be a grete angyll twytch or a menow.
¶ The pyke is a good fysshe : but for he deuouryth so many as
well of his owne kynde as of other : I loue hym the lesse. & for
to take hym ye shall doo thus. Take a codlynge hoke : & take a
roche or a fresshe heering & a wyre wyth an hole in the ende : &
put it in at the mouth & out at the taylle downe by the ridge of
the fresshe heeryng. And thenne put the lyne of your hoke in af | ter.
& drawe the hoke in to the cheke of ye fresshe heeryng.
put a plumbe of lede vpon your lyne a yerde longe from youre
hoke & a flote in mydwaye betwene : & caste it in a pytte where
the pyke vsyth. And this is the beste & moost surest crafte of ta | kynge
the pyke. ¶ A nother manere takynge of him there is.
Take a frosshe & put it on your hoke at the necke bytwene the
skynne & body on ye backe half : & put on a flote a yerde ther | fro : &
caste it where the pyke hauntyth and ye shall haue hym.
¶ A nother manere. Take the same bayte & put it in Asa fetida
& cast it in the water wyth a corde & a corke : & ye shall not fayll
of hym. And yf ye lyst to haue a good sporte : thenne tye the co | rde
to a gose fote : & ye shall se god halynge whether the gose or
the pyke shall haue the better.
Ow ye wote with what baytes
& how ye shall angle to euery manere fysshe. Now I woll tell
you how ye shall {20} kepe
and fede your quycke baytes. Ye shall fede and kepe them all in
generall : but euery manere by hymself wyth suche
in and on whiche they brede. And as longe as they ben quycke &
newe they ben fyne. But whan they ben in a slough or elles deed
thenne ben they nought. Oute of thyse ben excepted thre brodes : That
is to wyte of hornettys : humbylbees. & waspys. whom ye shall
bake in breede & after dyppe theyr heedes in blo | de & lete
them drye. Also excepte maggotes : whyche whan thei ben bredde grete
wyth theyr naturell fedynge : ye shall fede the | ym ferthermore wyth
shepes talow & wyth a cake made of flou | re & hony. thenne
woll they be more grete. And whan ye haue clensyd theym wyth sonde
in a bagge of blanket kepte hote vn | der your gowne or other
thyng two houres or thre.
ben they beste & redy to angle
wyth. And of the frosshe kytte ye legge by the knee. of
the grasshop the leggys & wynges by the body.
¶ Thyse ben baytes made to laste all the yere. Fyrste been flou | re
& lene flesshe of the hepis of a cony or of a catte : virgyn wexe
& shepys talowe : and braye theym in a morter : And thenne tem | pre
it at the fyre wyth a lytyll puryfyed hony : & soo make it vp
in lytyll ballys & bayte therwyth your hokys after theyr quan | tyte.
& this is a good bayte for all manere fresshe fysshe.
¶ A nother take the sewet of a shepe & chese in lyke quantyte : &
braye theim togider longe in a mortere : And take thenne floure
& tempre it therwyth. and after that alaye it wyth hony & make
ballys therof. and that is for the barbyll in especyall.
¶ A nother for darse. & roche & bleke. take whete & sethe it well
& thenne put it in blood all a daye & a nyghte. and it is a good
¶ For baytes for grete fyssh kepe specyally this rule. Whan ye
haue take a grete fysshe : vndo the mawe. & what ye fynde therin
make that your bayte : for it is beste.
¶ Thyse ben the .xij. flyes wyth whyche ye shall angle to ye tro | ught & grayllyng / and dubbe lyke as ye shall now here me tell.
He donne flye the body
of the donne woll & the wyngis of the pertryche. A nother
doone flye. the body of blacke woll : the wynges of the blackyst
drake : and the Iay vndr the wynge & vnder the tayle. ¶ Apryll.
¶ The stone flye. the body of blacke wull : & yelowe vnder the
wynge. and vnder the tayle & the wynges of the drake. In the
begynnynge of May a good flye. the body of roddyd wull and
lappid abowte wyth blacke sylke : the wynges of the drake & of
the redde capons
hakyll. ¶ May.
¶ The yelow flye. the body of yelow wull : the wynges of the
redde cocke hakyll & of the drake lyttyd yelow. The blacke lou | per.
the body of blacke wull & lappyd abowte wyth the herle of
ye pecok tayle : & the wynges of ye
redde capon wt a blewe heed.
¶ Iune. ¶ The
donne cutte : the body of blacke wull & a yelow
lyste after eyther syde : the wynges of the bosarde bounde
on with barkyd hempe. The maure flye. the body of doske wull
the wynges of the blackest mayle of the wylde drake. The tan | dy
flye at saynt Wyllyams daye. the body of tandy wull & the
wynges contrary eyther ayenst other of the whitest mayle of ye
drake. ¶ Iuyll.
¶ The waspe flye. the body of blacke wull & lappid abowte wt
yelow threde : the winges of the bosarde. The shell flye at saynt
Thomas daye. the body of grene wull & lappyd abowte wyth
the herle of the pecoks tayle : wynges of the bosarde.
¶ August. ¶ The drake
flye. the body of blacke wull & lappyd
abowte wyth blacke sylke : wynges of the mayle of the blac | ke
drake wyth a blacke heed.
¶ Thyse fygures are put here in ensample of your hokes.
¶ Here folowyth the order made to all those whiche shall haue the vnderstondynge of this forsayde treatyse & vse it for theyr pleasures.
E that can angle
& take fysshe to your plesures as this forsayd treatyse
techyth & shewyth you : I charge &
requyre you in the name of alle noble men that ye fysshe
not in noo poore mannes seuerall water : as
his ponde : stewe : or
other necessary thynges to kepe fysshe in wythout his
lycence & good wyll. ¶ Nor that ye vse not to breke
noo mannys gynnys lyenge in theyr weares & in other
places due vnto theym. Ne to take the fysshe awaye
that is taken in theym. For after a fysshe is taken
in a mannys gynne yf the gynne be layed in the comyn
waters : or elles in suche waters as he
hireth / it is his ow | ne
propre goodes. And yf ye take it awaye ye robbe
hym : whyche is a ryght shamfull dede to ony
noble man to do yt that the | uys
& brybours done : whyche are punysshed
for theyr euyll de | des by the necke
& otherwyse whan they maye be aspyed & taken.
And also yf ye doo in lyke manere as this treatise
shewyth you : ye shal haue no nede to take
of other me
ys : whiles ye shal
haue ynough of your owne takyng yf ye lyste to labour
therfo | re. whyche shall be to you a very
pleasure to se the fayr bryght shynynge scalyd fysshes
dysceyued by your crafty meanes and drawen vpon londe. ¶
Also that ye breke noo mannys heggys in goynge abowte your
dysportes : ne opyn noo mannes gates but
that ye shytte theym agayn. ¶ Also ye shall not vse this
for | sayd crafty dysporte for no couetysenes
to thencreasynge & spa | rynge of
your money oonly / but pryncypally for
your solace & to cause the helthe of your body. and
specyally of your soule. For whanne ye purpoos to goo
on your disportes in fysshyng ye woll not desyre gretly
many persones wyth you. whiche my | ghte
lette you of your game. And thenne ye maye serue god
de | uowtly in sayenge affectuously youre
custumable prayer. And thus doynge ye shall eschewe &
voyde many vices. as ydylnes whyche is pryncypall cause
to enduce man to many other vyces. as it is ryght well
knowen. ¶ Also ye shall not be to raueno | us
in takyng of your sayd game as to moche at one
tyme : whi | che ye maye
lyghtly doo yf ye doo in euery poynt as this present
treatyse shewyth you in euery poynt. whyche sholde {23} lyght | ly
be occasyon to dystroye your owne dysportes &
other mennys also. As whan ye haue a suffycyent mese
ye sholde coueyte nomore as at that tyme. ¶ Also ye
shall besye yourselfe to nouryssh the game in all that
ye maye : & to dystroye all suche
thyn | ges as ben deuourers of it. ¶ And all
those that done after this rule shall haue the blessynge
of god & saynt Petyr / whyche he theym
graunte that wyth his precyous blood vs boughte.
¶ And for by cause that this present treatyse sholde not come to the hondys of eche ydle persone whyche wolde desire it yf it were enpryntyd allone by itself & put in a lytyll plaunflet ther | fore I haue compylyd it in a greter volume of dyuerse bokys concernynge to gentyll & noble men to the entent that the for | sayd ydle persones whyche sholde haue but lytyll mesure in the sayd dysporte of fysshyng sholde not by this meane vtterly dys | troye it.
Original spelling and grammar have been generally retained, with some exceptions noted here. Long s (“ſ”, Unicode character u+017f) have been replaced by “s”. Words that were broken at the end of a line using a word continuation mark, either hyphen or double oblique hyphen (u+2e17), have been rejoined. Supposed words that were broken at the end of a line, but without a word continuation mark, have been rejoined by inserting a vertical line (u+7c) with thin spaces between the two parts of the supposed word. For example, the word “whiche” was often broken after the i, and would then be transcribed as “whi | che”. I produced the cover image and hereby assign it to the public domain. In the text edition, italic text is marked with low lines (“_”, u+5f); small capitals text is made uppercase; and superscripted text is marked with “^” (u+5e). Original page images are available from archive.org—search for “treatyseoffysshy00bern”.
The blackletter pages of the original book had no printed page numbers. Page numbers have been inserted into these ebook editions. If a page number would properly lie within a broken word or a supposed broken word, then the whole word was moved just below the page number.
There were throughout the blackletter part of the printed book instances of a symbol that resembled a y with a smudge over it. These are likely variously e over y or t over y, i.e. abbreviations for the and that. These symbols have been transcribed according to context as ye or yt. On page 16 there was what looks like a “d” with a smudge over it, which has been transcribed as “dr”. Other abbreviations that include a smudged small letter include “wyt”, “wt”, “togydr”, etc. In all these instances, the superscripted mark is a guess based on context.
Paragraphs or sections in the blackletter part were variously marked. Sections were indicated by either capitulum or else drop cap. Sparsely supported capitulum (u+2e3f) is replaced by pilcrow (u+b6) in all editions. The text was justified, and sometimes a capitulum would be preceded by white space on the right end of a line of text and a line-break, sometimes by only a single space. Sometimes vertical white space preceded a capitulum or drop cap; sometimes not. There are three instances (see pages 3 and 9) of white space on the right end of a line of text followed by a new sentence on a new line, but without either capitulum or drop cap. In these ebook editions, either printed vertical space or a drop cap is transcribed as the beginning of a new paragraph, i.e. as a new < p > element in the html edition. Drop caps are indicated in the text edition by “++” preceding the letter.
The colon (u+3a) is used liberally throughout the blackletter part of the book. It was usually printed with no space on either side; less often with a space only on the right side; and rarely with a space only on the left side. Examples of the latter occur at page 4 line 4 and at page 8 line 2. In this transcription, the colon spacing has been standardized in the blackletter part of the book to narrow space on both sides.
Likewise, the glyph we would call period or full stop (u+2e) was variously printed with no space on either side, or space on one or both sides. These have been standardized to modern usage: space on right side only. This glyph seems to have been used variously in the ways we would use full stop or comma. In addition, roman numerals are transcribed with the full stop as in, for instance, “wyth .xij. heeres” (example is from page 10). In many places full stops seem to be missing from the end of a sentence; these have not been corrected.
In the following sentence from page 1, “Salamon in his parablys sayth that a good spyryte makyth a flourynge aege / that is a fayre aege & a longe.”, the “ / ” is our transcription of a glyph shaped somewhat like an abundantly distorted “3”, compressed horizontally. This glyph has been interpreted herein as punctuation, similar to our modern comma or virgule. The glyph was variously printed with no space on either side, or with space on both sides, or with space on the right side. In this ebook, the glyph has been transcribed as solidus (u+2f) with thin space on both sides.
There is one exception. On page
20, line 1, the
following sentence appears: “Ye shall fede and kepe
them all in generall : but euery manere
by hymself wyth suche thyng in and on whiche they
brede”. In these html/epub/mobi editions, the mark after
thyng is shown as an image of the original mark. This
mark strongly resembles the glyphs that have been elsewhere
transcribed as solidus, but is bolder and more angular. The
text edition transcribes this instance as “ꝭ”
(u+a76d, Latin small letter IS)
The following sentence appears: “The seconde is labour
not outrageo.” In the text edition, the mark
following outrageo has been transcribed as “ꝰ”
(u+a770, modifier letter US). This character occurs only
once in the text.
Page 7. The phrase “For is is lyke ye wedys” was changed to “For it is lyke ye wedys”. In the phrase rendered herein as “that it woll desyre ynough”, it has been suggested that the penultimate word should perhaps be “befyxe” instead.
Page 8. In “And gretter hokes ye shall mabe in the same wyse”, “mabe” should perhaps be “make”?
In the illustration caption,
“Plbe : Corke” should
perhaps be “Plūbe : Corke”.
Page 12. In “the more he smymmyth aboue”, the word should perhaps be “swymmyth”.
Page 13. In “in ony other placys where ye may se ony fyssh houe or ha | ne ony fedynge”, “ha | ne” should perhaps be “ha | ue”?
Page 17. In the phrase rendered herein “heeryd : & the hon | ie combe.”, “hon | ie” was originally printed as “hou | ie”.
Page 18. A smudge after the ampersand was ignored in the phrase “on the osyer & the codworme”.
In “cast it in the water wyth a corde &
a corke ”, the illegible mark ahead of “cord” has
been transcribed “a ”. Also, the phrase “or ellis on
ye grode” possibly should be “or ellis on
ye groūde”.
Page 20. In “But whan they ben in a slough”, the original print looked like “ben|in”, with a thick black line between “ben” and “in”. In the phrase “¶ A nother take the sewet”, there was a smudge after “nother” that might be taken for a comma, removed from this ebook edition. There were no other commas in the blackletter section of the book.