Accioli, José de Sá Bitaincourt e

See: Bettencourt, José de Sá, -1828

Accyoli, José de Sá Bitaincourt e

See: Bettencourt, José de Sá, -1828

Adams, H. S. (Henry Sherman), 1864-1948

Alderman, W. H. (William Horace), 1885-1985

Alford, George Howard, 1875-1958

Allen, Walter Fox, 1875-1958

Almeida, Avelino Nunes de

See: Nunes d'Almeida, Avelino

Andrews, Henry Charles

See: Andrews, Henry Cranke, active 1799-1828

Andrews, Henry Cranke, active 1799-1828


Arnott, Samuel, 1852-1930

Associação Comercial do Amazonas

Australia. Department of External Affairs

Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626

Bailey, L. H. (Liberty Hyde), 1858-1954


See: Wright, Mabel Osgood, 1859-1934

Bardswell, Frances A.

Barkley, Henry C.

Barnard, E. Wellman

Barnes, William H.

Bartrum, Edward, 1833-1905

Beadle, Delos W. (Delos White), 1823-1905

Beal, F. E. L. (Foster Ellenborough Lascelles), 1840-1917

Beal, W. J. (William James), 1833-1924

Bennett, Ida D. (Ida Dandridge), 1860-1925

Benson, Albert H. (Albert Henry), 1864?-1930

Bensusan, Esther

See: Pissarro, Esther, 1870-1951

Berthollet, Claude-Louis, 1748-1822

Betencourt, José de Sá

See: Bettencourt, José de Sá, -1828

Bettencourt, José de Sá, -1828

B., E. V. (Eleanor Vere Boyle)

See: E. V. B. (Eleanor Vere Boyle), 1825-1916

Biandrate, Ercole Silva, conte di

See: Silva, Ercole, 1756-1840

Biddle, Violet Purton, 1876-

Billings, E. R.

Blot, Pierre, 1818-1874

Bock, K.

Booth, N. O. (Nathaniel Ogden), 1869-1919

Bornemann, Johann Gottfried

Bourke, Kathleen, 1917-1991

Boyle, Eleanor Vere Gordon, Hon.

See: E. V. B. (Eleanor Vere Boyle), 1825-1916

Boyle, Frederick, 1841-1914

Boyle, Richard Cavendish, Mrs.

See: E. V. B. (Eleanor Vere Boyle), 1825-1916

Bradley Fertilizer Company

Brandt, G. N. (Gudmund Nyeland), 1878-1945

Brazil. Commissão, Exposição internacioncal de borracha de New York, 1912

Brennan, William Augustine, 1867-

Bright, Henry Arthur, 1830-1884

Brilmayer, Bernice, -1962

Brookes, R. (Richard), active 1721-1763

Brooks, Sarah Warner, 1822-1906

Brossard, David

Browne, Edith A., 1874-1963

  • Rubber (English) (as Author)

Browne, Gordon, 1858-1932

Buckman, James, 1816-1884

Buist, Robert, 1805-1880

Burr, Fearing, 1815-1897

Burritt, M. C. (Maurice Chase), 1883-1959

Cable, George Washington, 1844-1925

Calthrop, Dion Clayton, 1878-1937

Candolle, Alphonse de, 1806-1893

Cane, Ella Du

See: Du Cane, Ella, 1874-1943

Cane, Florence Du

See: Du Cane, Florence, 1869-1955

Carleton, Will, 1845-1912

Carver, Jonathan, 1710-1780

Castle, Agnes, 1860-1922

Castle, Egerton, 1858-1920

Cayley-Robinson, Mrs.

See: Robinson, Winifred Cayley

Chambers, William, Sir, 1723-1796

Chandler, Charles Frederick, 1836-1925

Chet-qua, Tan

See: Chambers, William, Sir, 1723-1796

Coburn, F. D. (Foster Dwight), 1846-1924

Coe, H. S., 1888-1918

Colorado Forestry and Horticultural Association

Company, Keystone Pecan

See: Keystone Pecan Company

Compton, D. A.

Conceição Velloso, José Mariano da

See: Velloso, José Mariano da Conceição, 1742-1811

Cook, E. T. (Ernest Thomas), 1867-1915

Cooper, Jacob Calvin, 1845-1937

Corbould, H. (Henry), 1787-1844

Correvon, Henry, 1854-1939

Courbould, H. (Henry)

See: Corbould, H. (Henry), 1787-1844


Crawford, Matthew, 1839-1918

Crozier, A. A. (Arthur Alger), 1856-1899

Csörgey, Titusz, 1875-1961

Curtis, Charles H., 1869-1958

Da Conceição Velloso, José Mariano

See: Velloso, José Mariano da Conceição, 1742-1811

Dammer, Udo, 1860-1920

De Candolle, Alphonse

See: Candolle, Alphonse de, 1806-1893

De Lamater, John N.

De Mattos, Alexander Teixeira

See: Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander, 1865-1921

De Menonville, Nicolas-Joseph Thiéry

See: Thiéry de Menonville, Nicolas-Joseph, 1739-1780

Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Kolonial-Wirtschaftliches Komitee

Doogue, Luke Joseph, 1865-

Dorsey, Maxwell Jay, 1880-1966

Dralet, M. (Etienne François), 1754-1844

Du Cane, Ella, 1874-1943

Du Cane, Florence, 1869-1955

Duhamel du Monceau, M., 1700-1782

Du Monceau, Duhamel, M.

See: Duhamel du Monceau, M., 1700-1782

Earle, Alice Morse, 1851-1911

Earle, F. S. (Franklin Sumner), 1856-1929

Egan, W. C. (William Constantine), 1841-1930

Eisen, Gustavus A., 1847-1940

Elgood, George Samuel, 1851-1943

Ely, Helena Rutherfurd, -1920

E. V. B. (Eleanor Vere Boyle), 1825-1916

Evelyn, John, 1620-1706

Falconer, William

Farrand, Beatrix, 1872-1959

Flemwell, G. (George), 1865-1928

Forrest, George

See: Wood, J. G. (John George), 1827-1889

Foster, Olive Hyde

Frampton, Josiah

See: Gilpin, William, 1724-1804

Francis, E. H. (Edward H.), 1862-

Francis H. Leggett & Co.

Free, Montague, 1885-1965

Fryer, Jane Eayre, 1876-

Fuller, Andrew S. (Andrew Samuel), 1828-1896

Garrett, John, -1910

Gibault, Georges, 1856-1941

Gibbs, Walter M., 1854-

Gibson, W.

Gilpin, William, 1724-1804

Gomes, José Caetano

Good, Frank Mason, 1839-1928

Gray, Arthur, 1859-

Gregory, James John Howard, 1827-1910

Hanson, H. C.

Harding, A. R. (Arthur Robert), 1871-1930

Harward, Simon, active 1572-1614

Havell, Robert, 1793-1878

Hedrick, U. P., 1870-1951

Herman, Ottó, 1835-1914

Herndon, G. Melvin

Hesdörffer, Max, 1863-

Hexamer, F. M. (Fred Maier)

Hoard, W. D. (William Dempster), 1836-1918

Hogg, Robert, 1818-1897

Hood, George, 1869-1949

Hopkins, Cyril G. (Cyril George), 1866-1919

Howe, G. H. (George Henry), 1888-

Hubbard, Theodora Kimball, 1887-1935

Hume, H. Harold (Hardrada Harold), 1875-1965

Hunn, Charles Elias

Hunt, John Dixon, 1936-

Husmann, George, 1827-1902

International rubber and allied trades exhibition. 3d, New York, 1912

Isaacsen, Adolph

Jacob, Edward Henry

Jekyll, Gertrude, 1843-1932

Johnson, Samuel W. (Samuel William), 1830-1909

Jones, Beatrix

See: Farrand, Beatrix, 1872-1959

Jones, B. W.

Kains, M. G. (Maurice Grenville), 1868-1946

Kansas State Horticultural Society

Keane, William, gardener

Keystone Pecan Company

Kimball, Theodora

See: Hubbard, Theodora Kimball, 1887-1935

King, D. R.

Kingsley, Rose Georgina, 1846?-1925

Knapp, Arthur William

Koning, C. J. (Cornelis Johan), 1863-

Lantz, David E. (David Ernest), 1855-1918

Latham, A. W.

Lawless, Emily, 1845-1913

Lawson, William, active 1618

Lettsom, John Coakley, 1744-1815

Levati, Giuseppe, 1739-1828

Lock, Charles G. Warnford (Charles George Warnford), 1853-1909

Long, Harold Cecil, 1876-

Loudon, J. C. (John Claudius), 1783-1843

Loudon, Mrs. (Jane), 1807-1858

Lyall, Sophie

Lyon, William Scrugham, 1852-1916

MacFarlane, J. L. (James Laird), 1836-1913

Maeterlinck, Maurice, 1862-1949

Mariano Velloso, José

See: Velloso, José Mariano da Conceição, 1742-1811

Martin, John N. (John Nathan), 1875-

Maryon, Maud

Matthews, Ike, 1857-1913

Matthews, W. H., 1882-1948

Mattos, Alexander Teixeira de

See: Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander, 1865-1921

McCarter, Henry, 1864-1942

McDaniel, Gary L.

Menonville, Nicolas-Joseph Thiéry de

See: Thiéry de Menonville, Nicolas-Joseph, 1739-1780

Miller, David, 1890-1973

Monceau, Duhamel du, M.

See: Duhamel du Monceau, M., 1700-1782

Money, Edward

Moore, Thomas, 1821-1887

Mulford, Furman Lloyd, 1869-

Nicholson, George, 1847-1908

Nixon, Mima, 1861-1939

Northcote, Rosalind, 1873-1950

Northend, Mary Harrod, 1850-1926

Northern Nut Growers Association

Nunes d'Almeida, Avelino

O'Brien, James, 1842-1930

Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1822-1903

Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1870-1957

Owen, J. A. (Jean Allan), 1841-1922

Page-Roberts, F.

Paine, Albert Bigelow, 1861-1937

Parkinson, John, 1567-1650

Parkman, Francis, 1823-1893

Parsons, Samuel Browne, 1819-1906

Paynter, Mrs.

Perry, Edward Wilkin

Pink, Alfred

Pissarro, Esther, 1870-1951

Pissarro, Lucien, 1863-1944

Quaintance, Richard

Quélus, D.

Rançon, A. (André), 1858-1900

Reinhardt, Ludwig, 1864-1921

Rexford, Eben E. (Eben Eugene), 1848-1916

R. M. Kellogg Co.

Roberts, Harry, 1871-1946

Robinson, Charles, 1870-1937

Robinson, Winifred Cayley

Robinson, W. (William), 1838-1935

Rockwell, F. F. (Frederick Frye), 1884-1976

Roe, Edward Payson, 1838-1888

Rosburg, David W.

Roscoe, Margaret, -1840

Roskruge, Ethel

Russell, E. F. (Edward Francis), 1844-1925

Sargent, Charles Sprague, 1841-1927

Saunders, William, 1822-1900

Saylor, Henry H. (Henry Hodgman), 1880-

Schaefer, Fritz

Schlechter, Rudolf, 1872-1925

Sedding, John Dando, 1838-1891

Shaw, Ellen Eddy, 1874-1960

Shaw, Thomas, 1843-1918

Sheehan, James

Shelton, Louise, 1867-

Sidgwick, Alfred, Mrs., 1854-1934

Silberrad, Una L., 1872-1955

Silva, Ercole, 1756-1840

Simmonds, P. L. (Peter Lund), 1814-1897

Simpson, Pinder

Singleton, Esther, 1865-1930

Smith, Robert (Rat-catcher)

Solomon, Steve, 1942-

St. Albans, Francis Bacon, Viscount

See: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626

Sutton & Sons Ltd.

Sweetman, Agnes

See: Castle, Agnes, 1860-1922

Tan Chet-qua

See: Chambers, William, Sir, 1723-1796

Taylor, O. M. (Orrin Morehouse), 1865-1932

Taylor, R. H. (Ralph Hawley), 1884-1979

Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander, 1865-1921

Thiéry de Menonville, Nicolas-Joseph, 1739-1780

Thonger, Charles, 1882-1954

Thoreau, Henry David, 1817-1862

Tracy, W. W. (William Warner), 1845-1922

Trail, J. W. H. (James William Helenus), 1851-1919

Tubergen, C. B. (Charles Burton), 1890-

Tukey, H. B. (Harold Bradford), 1896-1971

Ullmann, Cecily Wilhelmine

See: Sidgwick, Alfred, Mrs., 1854-1934


Velloso, José Mariano da Conceição, 1742-1811

Vermont Maple Sugar Makers Association

Verulam, Francis Bacon

See: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626

Walsh, Joseph M.

Warder, J. A. (John Aston), 1812-1883

Ward, H. Marshall (Harry Marshall), 1854-1906

Warner, Charles Dudley, 1829-1900

Watkins, Thomas

Waugh, F. A. (Frank Albert), 1869-1943

Weathers, John, 1867-

Webb, Jane

See: Loudon, Mrs. (Jane), 1807-1858

Webster, Angus D., 1855-1931

Wellcome, M. D., Mrs.

Wellington, R. (Richard), 1884-1975

Weschcke, Carl, 1894-1973

Westermann, Diedrich, 1875-1956

Whipple, Gurth Adelbert, 1876-1952

Widtsoe, John Andreas, 1872-1952

Wilder, Gerrit Parmile, 1863-1935

Wiley, Harvey Washington, 1844-1930

Williams, S.

Winslow, Helen M. (Helen Maria), 1851-1938

Witte, Eduard Theodoor, 1865-1936

Witte, Henrick

Wolseley, Frances Garnet, Viscountess, 1872-1936

Wood, J. G. (John George), 1827-1889

Woodward, F. W. (Francis W.)

Woodward, George E. (George Evertson), 1829-1905

Work, Paul, 1886-1959

Wright, Mabel Osgood, 1859-1934

Young, Stanley Paul, 1889-1969

Zwirner, William F.