Ali Baba
See: Hubbard, Elbert, 1856-1915
Allan, Frederick William
See: Leo, Alan
Ameno, Ludovicis Maria de
See: Sinistrari, Ludovico Maria, 1632?-1701
Andreä, Johann Valentin
See: Rosencreutz, Christian, 1586-1654
Anglicus, Merlinus
See: Lilly, William, 1602-1681
- Bashfulness Cured: Ease and Elegance of Manner Quickly Gained (English) (as Author)
- Discours prodigieux et espouventable de trois Espaignols et une Espagnolle,
Magiciens et sorciers qui se faisoient porter par les diables, de ville en ville, avec leurs déclarations d'avoir fait mourir plusieurs personnes et bestail par leurs sorcillèges, et aussi d'avoir fait plusieurs dégats aux biens de la terre : Ensemble l'arrest prononcé contre eux par la Cour de Parlement de Bourdeaux, le Samedy 10. jour de Mars, 1610 (French) (as Author)
- Do the Dead Return? A True Story of Startling Seances in San Francisco (English) (as Author)
- Everybody's Book of Luck (English) (as Author)
- Guide to Fortune-Telling by Dreams (English) (as Author)
- The Hand Phrenologically Considered
Being a Glimpse at the Relation of the Mind with the Organisation of the Body (English) (as Author)
- How to hypnotize : The science of controlling the minds of others (English) (as Author)
- The interpretation of dreams and moles, with other curious matters, relating to love and courtship (English) (as Author)
- Magic, Pretended Miracles, and Remarkable Natural Phenomena (English) (as Author)
- Mysteries of the Rosie Cross
Or, the History of that Curious Sect of the Middle Ages, Known as the Rosicrucians; with Examples of their Pretensions and Claims as Set Forth in the Writings of Their Leaders and Disciples (English) (as Author)
- Prophecies of Robert Nixon, Mother Shipton, and Martha, the Gypsy (English) (as Author)
- The Seaside Sibyl; Or Leaves of Destiny: A Fortune Teller in Verse (English) (as Author)
- The secrets of black arts! : A key note to witchcraft, devination [sic], omens, forwarnings, apparitions, sorcery, dæmonology, dreams, predictions, visions, and the Devil's legacy to earth mortals, compacts with the Devil! With the most authentic history of Salem witchcraft (English) (as Author)
- The Senses and the Mind (English) (as Author)
Antony, Father
See: McCabe, Joseph, 1867-1955
- Clairvoyance and Occult Powers (English) (as Author)
- Dynamic Thought; Or, The Law of Vibrant Energy (English) (as Author)
- Genuine Mediumship; or, The Invisible Powers (English) (as Author)
- The Hindu-Yogi Science of Breath (English) (as Author)
- How to Read Human Nature: Its Inner States and Outer Forms (English) (as Author)
- The Human Aura: Astral Colors and Thought Forms (English) (as Author)
- Memory: How to Develop, Train, and Use It (English) (as Author)
- Mind and Body; or, Mental States and Physical Conditions (English) (as Author)
- Mystic Christianity; Or, The Inner Teachings of the Master (English) (as Author)
- Nuggets of the New Thought: Several Things That Have Helped People (English) (as Author)
- Practical Mind-Reading
A Course of Lessons on Thought-Transference, Telepathy, Mental-Currents, Mental Rapport, &c. (English) (as Author)
- Practical Psychomancy and Crystal Gazing (English) (as Author)
- A Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga: The Yoga of Wisdom (English) (as Author)
- A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga (English) (as Author)
- Thought-Culture; Or, Practical Mental Training (English) (as Author)
- Your Mind and How to Use It: A Manual of Practical Psychology (English) (as Author)
Baldwin, Edward
See: Godwin, William, 1756-1836
Bogle, Lockhart
See: Bogle, W. Lockhart (William Lockhart), 1857-1900
Bojan, Willy
See: Stekel, Wilhelm, 1868-1940
Bon, Gustave Le
See: Le Bon, Gustave, 1841-1931
Botha, Joannes Patricus, marchio
See: Bute, John Patrick Crichton-Stuart, Marquess of, 1847-1900
Bourneville, Désiré Magloire
See: Bourneville, 1840-1909
Brahan Seer
See: Coinneach Odhar
- Buchanan's Journal of Man, April 1887
Volume 1, Number 3 (English) (as Editor)
- Buchanan's Journal of Man, August 1887
Volume 1, Number 7 (English) (as Editor)
- Buchanan's Journal of Man, December 1887
Volume 1, Number 11 (English) (as Editor)
- Buchanan's Journal of Man, February 1887
Volume 1, Number 1 (English) (as Editor)
- Buchanan's Journal of Man, January 1888
Volume 1, Number 12 (English) (as Editor)
- Buchanan's Journal of Man, July 1887
Volume 1, Number 6 (English) (as Editor)
- Buchanan's Journal of Man, June 1887
Volume 1, Number 5 (English) (as Editor)
- Buchanan's Journal of Man, March 1887
Volume 1, Number 2 (English) (as Editor)
- Buchanan's Journal of Man, May 1887
Volume 1, Number 4 (English) (as Editor)
- Buchanan's Journal of Man, November 1887
Volume 1, Number 10 (English) (as Editor)
- Buchanan's Journal of Man, October 1887
Volume 1, Number 9 (English) (as Editor)
- Buchanan's Journal of Man, September 1887
Volume 1, Number 8 (English) (as Editor)
Carington, Whately
See: Smith, W. Whately (Walter Whately), 1892-1947
Carr, Christopher
See: Benson, Arthur Christopher, 1862-1925
Chung, Ling Soo
See: Soo, Chung Ling, 1861-1918
Church, Ross, Mrs.
See: Marryat, Florence, 1837-1899
Cleishbotham, Jedediah
See: Scott, Walter, 1771-1832
Conan Doyle, Arthur, Sir
See: Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930
Constant, Alphonse Louis
See: Lévi, Éliphas, 1810-1875
Cook, Keningate, Mrs.
See: Collins, Mabel, 1851-1927
Cook, Mabel Collins
See: Collins, Mabel, 1851-1927
Crichton-Stuart, John Patrick, Marquess of Bute
See: Bute, John Patrick Crichton-Stuart, Marquess of, 1847-1900
Crighton Stuart, John Patrick, Marquess of Bute
See: Bute, John Patrick Crichton-Stuart, Marquess of, 1847-1900
Crowfield, Christopher
See: Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896
D'Ameno, Lodovico Maria
See: Sinistrari, Ludovico Maria, 1632?-1701
Davison, Lawrence H. (Lawrence Herbert)
See: Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert), 1885-1930
Deadota, Giovanni
See: Houdini, Harry, 1874-1926
De Garencières, Theophilus
See: Garencières, Theophilus, 1610-1680
Della Mirandola, Giovanni Francesco Pico
See: Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni Francesco, 1470-1533
Della Porta, Giambattista
See: Porta, Giambattista della, 1535?-1615
De Mattos, Alexander Teixeira
See: Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander, 1865-1921
De Notredame, Michel
See: Nostradamus, 1503-1566
De Plancy, J.-A.-S. Collin (Jacques-Albin-Simon Collin)
See: Collin de Plancy, J.-A.-S. (Jacques-Albin-Simon), 1794-1881
De Staël, Madame (Anne-Louise-Germaine)
See: Staël, Madame de (Anne-Louise-Germaine), 1766-1817
De Vere, M. Schele (Maximilian Schele)
See: Schele de Vere, M. (Maximilian), 1820-1898
Dufour, Pierre
See: Jacob, P. L., 1806-1884
Dyer, T. F. Thiselton (Thomas Firminger Thiselton)
See: Thiselton-Dyer, T. F. (Thomas Firminger), 1848-1923
Ekellos, of Lucania
See: Okellos, ho Leukanos, active 6th century B.C.
Elbertus, Fra
See: Hubbard, Elbert, 1856-1915
Filamaryon, Kamil
See: Flammarion, Camille, 1842-1925
Fitch, Clarke
See: Sinclair, Upton, 1878-1968
- The Golden Wheel Dream-book and Fortune-teller
Being the most complete work on fortune-telling and interpreting dreams ever printed, containing an alphabetical list of dreams, with their interpretation, and the lucky numbers they signify. Also explaining how to tell fortunes by the mysterious golden wheel, with cards, dice, and dominoes. How to tell future events by the lines of the hands, by moles on the body, by the face, nails of the fingers, hair and shape of the head. How to find where to dig for water, coal, and all kinds of metals, by means of the celebrated divining or luck rod. How to tell the temper and disposition of anybody, how to tell fortunes with tea leaves and coffee grounds, signs of the Moon's age, lucky and unlucky days, together with charms to make your sweetheart love you, and to make a lover pop the question, with twenty ways of telling fortunes on New Year's eve, and a complete language and signification of the flowers. (English) (as Author)
- Demonologia : or, natural knowledge revealed; being an exposé of ancient and modern superstitions, credulity, fanaticism, enthusiasm, & imposture, as connected with the doctrine, caballa, and jargon, of amulets, apparitions, astrology, charms, demonology, devils, divination, dreams, deuteroscopia, effluvia, fatalism, fate, friars, ghosts, gipsies, hell, hypocrites, incantations, inquisition, jugglers, legends, magic, magicians, miracles, monks, nymphs, oracles, physiognomy, purgatory, predestination, predictions, quackery, relics, saints, second sight, signs before death, sorcery, spirits, salamanders, spells, talismans, traditions, trials, &c. witches, witchcraft, &c. &c. the whole unfolding many singular phenomena in the page of nature (English) (as Author)
Fox, Ann Leah
See: Underhill, A. Leah (Ann Leah), 1814-1890
Freer, Ada Goodrich
See: Goodrich-Freer, A. (Ada), 1865-1931
Garrison, Frederick
See: Sinclair, Upton, 1878-1968
Gorn-Old, Walter
See: Sepharial, 1864-1929
Grayson, Eldred
See: Hare, Robert, 1781-1858
Grönstrand, Saima Maria
See: Saima, 1863-1931
G. S. (George Sinclair)
See: Sinclair, George, -1696
Hasolle, James
See: Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692
Hatch, Cora L. V. (Cora Linn Victoria)
See: Richmond, Cora L. V. (Cora Linn Victoria), 1840-1923
- Strange Visitors
A series of original papers, embracing philosophy, science, government, religion, poetry, art, fiction, satire, humor, narrative, and prophecy, by the spirits of Irving, Willis, Thackeray, Brontë, Richter, Byron, Humboldt, Hawthorne, Wesley, Browning, and others now dwelling in the spirit world; dictated through a clairvoyant, while in an abnormal or trance state (English) (as Author)
Jabet, George
See: Warwick, Eden, -1873
James VI, King of Scotland
See: James I, King of England, 1566-1625
John, Gabriel
See: Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731
J. S. F. (J. S. Forsyth)
See: Forsyth, J. S.
Julius Firmicus Maternus
See: Firmicus Maternus, Julius
Kalmetos, Augoustinos
See: Calmet, Augustin, 1672-1757
Keanoch Ower
See: Coinneach Odhar
- Fear (English) (as Translator)
Klivert, Maxwell Alexander, Mrs.
See: Cameron, Margaret, 1867-1947
Kotka, Pietari
See: Ervast, Pekka, 1875-1934
Lacroix, Paul
See: Jacob, P. L., 1806-1884
Lamont, Frances
See: Jourdain, Eleanor F. (Eleanor Frances), 1863-1924
Larrowe, Marcus Dwight
See: Loisette, A. (Alphonse)
Laszowska, Jane Emily Gerard de
See: Gerard, E. (Emily), 1849-1905
Lauaterus, Lewes
See: Lavater, Ludwig, 1527-1586
Laurence, L. W. de (Lauron William)
See: De Laurence, L. W. (Lauron William), 1868-1936
Lean, Florence Marryat Church
See: Marryat, Florence, 1837-1899
- The Other World; or, Glimpses of the Supernatural (Vol. 1 of 2)
Being Facts, Records, and Traditions Relating to Dreams, Omens, Miraculous Occurrences, Apparitions, Wraiths, Warnings, Second-sight, Witchcraft, Necromancy, etc. (English) (as Editor)
- The Other World; or, Glimpses of the Supernatural (Vol. 2 of 2)
Being Facts, Records, and Traditions Relating to Dreams, Omens, Miraculous Occurrences, Apparitions, Wraiths, Warnings, Second-sight, Witchcraft, Necromancy, etc. (English) (as Editor)
Lelly, Willem
See: Lilly, William, 1602-1681
Lillie, William
See: Lilly, William, 1602-1681
See: Stoddart, Jane T., 1863-1944
- Fear (English) (as Translator)
Loyseau, Jacques
See: Collin de Plancy, J.-A.-S. (Jacques-Albin-Simon), 1794-1881
Lucanus, Ocellus
See: Okellos, ho Leukanos, active 6th century B.C.
Lynn, Eliza
See: Linton, E. Lynn (Elizabeth Lynn), 1822-1898
Mackenzie, Kenneth
See: Coinneach Odhar
- On dreams (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
Magnússon, Árni
See: Árni Magnússon, 1663-1730
Maigue, Louis
See: Duportal, Marguerite, 1869-1946
Malagrowther, Malachi
See: Scott, Walter, 1771-1832
Maternus, Julius Firmicus
See: Firmicus Maternus, Julius
Mattos, Alexander Teixeira de
See: Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander, 1865-1921
Mayne, Xavier
See: Prime-Stevenson, Edward, 1858-1942
Merlinus Anglicus
See: Lilly, William, 1602-1681
Mirandola, Giovanni Francesco Pico della
See: Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni Francesco, 1470-1533
Moreton, Andrew
See: Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731
Morison, Elizabeth
See: Moberly, C. A. E. (Charlotte Anne Elizabeth), 1846-1937
- Fear (English) (as Author)
Nilinse, Jacques
See: Collin de Plancy, J.-A.-S. (Jacques-Albin-Simon), 1794-1881
Notredame, Michel de
See: Nostradamus, 1503-1566
Nyswander, Marie
See: Robinson, Marie Nyswander, 1919-1986
Ocellus, Lucanus
See: Okellos, ho Leukanos, active 6th century B.C.
Old, Walter Gorn
See: Sepharial, 1864-1929
Paget, Violet
See: Lee, Vernon, 1856-1935
Panchadasi, Swami
See: Atkinson, William Walker, 1862-1932
Philo-Huff-Lash, Bentivolio
See: Lilly, William, 1602-1681
See: Hutchinson, Thomas, 1711-1780
Plancy, J.-A.-S. Collin de (Jacques-Albin-Simon Collin)
See: Collin de Plancy, J.-A.-S. (Jacques-Albin-Simon), 1794-1881
Ramacharaka, Yogi
See: Atkinson, William Walker, 1862-1932
Robinson, William Ellsworth
See: Soo, Chung Ling, 1861-1918
Sadger, Isidor
See: Sadger, J., 1867-1942
Saint-Albin, J.-S.-C. de (Jacques-Simon-Collin)
See: Collin de Plancy, J.-A.-S. (Jacques-Albin-Simon), 1794-1881
Salomé, Lou
See: Andreas-Salomé, Lou, 1861-1937
Scofield, Anna Bishop
See: Ammyeetis, 1835-1917
Scott, Cora L. V. (Cora Linn Victoria)
See: Richmond, Cora L. V. (Cora Linn Victoria), 1840-1923
Scott, Reginald
See: Scot, Reginald, 1538?-1599
Scovel-Shinn, Florence
See: Shinn, Florence Scovel, 1871-1940
Sears, Julia Seton
See: Seton, Julia, 1862-1950
See: Stekel, Wilhelm, 1868-1940
Seybert Commission for Investigating Modern Spiritualism
See: University of Pennsylvania. Seybert Commission for Investigating Modern Spiritualism
S., G. (George Sinclair)
See: Sinclair, George, -1696
Shelhamer, Mary Theresa
See: Longley, Mary T. (Mary Theresa), 1853-1928
Shepard, Benjamin Henry Jesse Francis
See: Grierson, Francis, 1848-1927
- Satan's Invisible World Discovered
or a choice collection of modern relations, proving evidently, against the atheists of this present age, that there are devils, spirits, witches, and apparitions, from authentic records, and attestations of witnesses of undoubted veracity. To which is now added, that marvellous history of Major Weir and his sister, the witches of Bargarran, Pittenweem, Calder, &c. (English) (as Author)
- Dreams (English) (as Translator)
Spoer, H. H., Mrs.
See: Goodrich-Freer, A. (Ada), 1865-1931
Stanhope, H.
See: Bond, William, -1735
Stevens, Catherine
See: Crowe, Catherine, 1790-1876
Stevenson, Edward Irenaeus
See: Prime-Stevenson, Edward, 1858-1942
Stuart, John Patrick Crichton-, Marquess of Bute
See: Bute, John Patrick Crichton-Stuart, Marquess of, 1847-1900
Tappan, Cora L. V. (Cora Linn Victoria)
See: Richmond, Cora L. V. (Cora Linn Victoria), 1840-1923
Taurus, Lucius Calvenus
See: Tauros, 105?-
Templeton, Laurence
See: Scott, Walter, 1771-1832
Thompson, Mortimer Neal
See: Doesticks, Q. K. Philander, 1831-1875
Van Swieten, Gerhard, Freiherr
See: Swieten, Gerard, Freiherr van, 1700-1772
Vere, M. Schele de (Maximilian Schele)
See: Schele de Vere, M. (Maximilian), 1820-1898
Vishita, Bhakta
See: Atkinson, William Walker, 1862-1932
Von Salomé, Louise
See: Andreas-Salomé, Lou, 1861-1937
Water lily
See: Richmond, Cora L. V. (Cora Linn Victoria), 1840-1923
- The displaying of supposed witchcraft : Wherein is affirmed that there are many sorts of deceivers and impostors, and divers persons under a passive delusion of melancholy and fancy. But that there is a corporeal league made betwixt the devil and the witch, or that he sucks on the witches body, has carnal copulation, or that witches are turned into cats, dogs, raise tempests, or the like, is utterly denied and disproved. Wherein also is handled, the existence of angels and spirits, the truth of apparitions, the nature of astral and sydereal spirits, the force of charms, and philters; with other abstruse matters (English) (as Author)
Weiss, Ehrich
See: Houdini, Harry, 1874-1926
Wheeler, Ella
See: Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, 1850-1919
Wild, George
See: Leo, Alan
Wood, Annie
See: Besant, Annie, 1847-1933
Πρόκλος Διάδοχος
See: Proclus, 412-485
Блаватская, Е. П. (Елена Петровна)
See: Blavatsky, H. P. (Helena Petrovna), 1831-1891